Is it possible to give willow from home? Signs and beliefs on Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday - big Orthodox holiday, one of the main attributes of which is the consecrated willow. After the service, many people ask the question: where to put the willow after Palm Sunday and how long can it be stored? In order not to desecrate the symbol of this great day with careless handling, you need to know the basic rules for handling consecrated willow branches.

What to do with consecrated willow on Palm Sunday and after?

According to a centuries-old tradition, willows are plucked on Lazarus Saturday or on the eve of the holiday. They choose the most beautiful branches, with already blossoming gray or light green, even yellow fluffy lumps.

People come to the All-Night Service on the eve of the great holiday - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - with branches of blossoming willow. After the rite of sprinkling with holy water with prayer - consecration - the Orthodox take them home.

A bouquet of willow is the main decoration of the “red” corner where icons are stored. Also, several branches are placed throughout the house, especially in the nursery or in the room of a sick person. They are usually placed in small vases with water. You can tie the branches with a red ribbon. There is no point in making interior decorations: after all, this is a home shrine, and not a simple tree.

Having blessed a bunch of willow in the church, Orthodox Christians divided it into several parts. One was left in the house, the other was taken to the cemetery for deceased relatives. The third and fourth were used for magical purposes.

In the old days, willow twigs were lightly tapped on the back, saying sentences out loud. It was believed that if you put twigs on the window sills, this would protect the house and household from natural disasters (thunderstorm, thunder, hail, rain, ball lightning) and thieves.

At home they kept only an odd number of branches, equal to the number family members. If there were more branches, they were given to the neighbors. Elderly people treasure willow with special care, not throwing it away for several years. According to popular belief, the blessed branches of this tree are placed in a coffin or stuffed into pillows.

Women, in order to get pregnant quickly, ate several buds of consecrated willow on an empty stomach, believing in its miraculous properties. In order for livestock to give birth easily and often produce healthy offspring, bouquets of willow were hung in the corners of stalls and barns.

Old willow twigs were used to sweep the corners. In some areas there was a belief that if you lined wells with them, the water would acquire miraculous power and healing properties. Elderly people advised newlyweds to keep willow in the house to avoid swearing, fighting and anger towards each other. When newborns were bathed, willow branches were added to the water. It was believed that this would bring strength and health to the baby.

Priests consider all these popular beliefs to be absurd and often clarify that willow branches are not a talisman. Faith and heartfelt prayer protect a person and his soul from evil and other misfortunes.

All year long, the willow will delight with its charm and remind you of spring and Easter. But after Lent, Palm Sunday is coming, and the question arises, what to do with the willow branches that were consecrated last year? According to the clergy, there are several ways to deal with last year’s willow:

If for some reason the willow has been lying in the house for more than a year, nothing bad will happen. But it is better to remove it from the house before the holiday itself, preparing a new bouquet for consecration.

Many, not getting to church or simply not wanting to go there on the eve of the holiday, consecrate the willow at home. Here you need to be careful and remember that the priest still needs to sprinkle water on objects with prayer. Therefore, the willow consecrated within the church on the eve of the holiday is considered to be real power and grace.

When preparing for the holiday of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, one should remember that the main task is not to consecrate the willow, but to bring home a state of Divine grace and joy, thinking about the soul and. Having found out where to put the willow after Palm Sunday, you can properly say goodbye to this symbol of the holiday without sinning or disturbing the peace of your home and heart.

Palm Sunday is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem. In the Orthodox Church this holiday is called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. After Christ raised Lazarus, rumors about him spread through many cities of Israel, people believed that he was the king who would save them from slavery. In those days, it was customary for rulers to enter the city on a donkey. Thus, he declared that he came in peace. So Jesus did just that. And the people of Jerusalem, in turn, also, as befits a ruler, greeted the Messiah with palm branches, and some presented their clothes to Jesus’ feet.

Probably everyone Orthodox Christian at least once in your life the question arose about how the willow is connected with the fact that Christ entered Jerusalem and was greeted as a king with palm branches? This is explained by the fact that not all countries where Christianity is practiced have palm trees. Therefore, in countries they are replaced with tree branches that bloom first in the spring. Therefore, our palm branches were replaced by willow. In addition, for us this tree symbolizes virtue, renewal, new life.

Traditions and rituals on Palm Sunday

Even in ancient times, this holiday was celebrated on a special scale; festivities were held in many cities - Moscow, Rostov, Novgorod and others. However, over time, this day began to be celebrated more modestly. But some traditions still exist today.

For example, on the night of Palm Sunday, it is customary to spend time in the church blessing the branches of the Willow, previously plucked near the nearest rivers. In the morning, it was customary to lightly hit your children with willow branches with the words: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” Thus, parents cleansed their children from evil eyes, damage, and evil spirits. The same ritual was performed with adults. Many believed that this would help attract health, be stronger and stronger.

It should be noted that willow branches that were going to be carried to the temple for consecration should be cut only from young trees that do not yet have dried branches or damage. Also, according to popular belief, on Palm Sunday you cannot take branches from trees that have hollows, as well as from those that grow next to the cemetery. It was not recommended to take branches from trees that lean over the water, because at night mermaids and mermaids could rest on them.

Also, so that no ailment or illness would take hold, people swallowed the buds of the consecrated willow. This ritual was also used to attract good luck in new endeavors. Many people in those days ate three kidneys before starting any important business.

Girls who wanted to marry a certain guy thought about this guy all day, from morning until evening. And soon they were preparing for a date.

But in order to increase their income, in ancient times people planted a flower or replanted indoor plants. It was believed that such plants bring wealth to the house. If the flower withers, then there will be no profit; on the contrary, they believed that huge financial losses would soon await them. Therefore, they tried to store and care for this flower especially carefully.

The housewives kept the willow branches brought from the temple for a whole year and placed them in the front corner of the hut near the icon. When spring came into its own, people used this branch to drive out their cattle. According to legends, this can protect livestock from diseases.

When the sowing season began, willow branches were always stuck into the ground in the field. So they believed that this would contribute to a rich harvest and save it from harm.

Many women tried to save the buds of this plant in case of illness. When someone in the house was unwell, the wives baked pies with willow buds, added them to water and tea, and waited for a speedy recovery.

Very often on this day, so-called palm bazaars were held, where lavish festivities were held, a variety of goods were sold and various carousels and games were held. One of the main customs of such fairs is the sale of willow cherubs (willow branches decorated with angels).

Like all the great ones church holidays, and on this day you cannot work or cook hot dishes. Therefore, women cooked for their households in advance. It is worth noting that festive table had to be moderate, since Lent was still ongoing.

Spells and love spells on Palm Sunday

Like any holiday, Palm Sunday has amazing magical powers.

On Palm Sunday, girls cast a love spell on a willow tree. To do this, early in the morning they found a young willow, broke a small twig on it and said love words: “As long as the willow tree lies behind the icon, until then my husband will not stop loving me, he will not forget me. Amen". Afterwards this willow twig was kept in the house behind the icons.

There is another version of a love plot on Palm Sunday. Before sunrise, the girl must break branches from the willow tree and speak them with all faith and love: “Just as Palm Sunday is a joy to the entire Orthodox world, so I would be a joy to my dear servant of God (name). Just as peasant people wait for the ringing of bells for a festive mass, so the servant of God (name) would wait for me, wait for me, look for me in the crowd of people, look out the window, look everywhere. And he would rush and rush on the oncoming path and stretch out his white hands towards me. How it won't Palm holiday forgotten by the church, the servant of God (name) will never forget me. Amen". The girl should keep the enchanted twigs in her bedroom until what she wished comes true.

A similar method of a love spell on willow exists in gypsy magic, known for its extraordinary power. On Palm Sunday, break a few willow branches, bring them home and tie them with red braid, saying: “The willow knot will tie my love. As long as the knot is tied, no one will untie my love. As long as the willow tree lies behind the icon, until then the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will not stop loving me, will not forget. Amen.”
Place the willow branches behind the icon and never throw it away, otherwise you will ruin the life of both yourself and your loved one.

In folk magic there is a very strong conspiracy on Palm Sunday, which helps people suffering from migraines. To get rid of holiday headaches forever, you need to thoroughly comb your hair, remove the hairs from the comb and put them in water. Then you should go to the willow, pour this water under the roots and say the charming words: “ Water, go to the ground along with the headache.”

Signs for Palm Sunday

Our ancestors believed that willow branches had healing properties. The willow was considered a magical talisman for the whole family - they touched loved ones with a twig, wishing them health and happiness, placed it at the head of the sick, applied it to sore spots, whipped children so that they would not get sick during the year and grow up healthy. On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases throughout the year. Men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength to a young man, and girls wore them to help conceive a child.

According to ancient beliefs, on this day no one drove livestock out into the street, as they believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil them. And the girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: “Water, go to the ground along with your headache.” And then they put the comb in water and watered the willow with this water.

In ancient times, they believed that whatever wind blows on Palm Sunday, it will be like that all summer, and if the weather is warm and clear on this day, then the whole village was preparing to harvest a good harvest of fruit. If “it’s frosty on Verbnaya, spring bread will be good.”

Palm Sunday is celebrated exactly one week before the holiday Happy Easter. In 2018 it falls on April 1st. On this day, consecrated willow branches will appear in almost every home - a symbol of the acceptance of Christ and his great sacrifice. Often, in Russia, instead of willow, believers bring willow twigs or willows, small bouquets of flowers to the temple.

When to pick willow?

The branches are plucked on the eve of the holiday or a few days before it. Often, a massive trade in willow takes place near churches and on the central streets of cities.

But, as they say in churches, breaking out young branches and carrying them to the city in bags is not a godly thing. The meaning of the holiday is to consecrate just one branch, but at the same time be in love and humility. Coming to the temple with an armful of willow is not an option.

When to consecrate?

The consecration takes place on Saturday evening, during the festive service - the All-Night Vigil. After reading the prayer, the priest will sprinkle the branches and bouquets with holy water. Those who did not have time to come to the service in the evening can go to the temple on Sunday morning.

What to do with twigs after the holiday?

Parishioners carry blessed willow bouquets home. They will keep them all year - in a vase, near the icons. Owners of private houses place them under the roof, believing that this way the home and its inhabitants will be protected from any adversity.

But you shouldn’t throw away the twigs with household garbage. It is customary to burn dried and spoiled bouquets. You can give them to the church. It is not forbidden to take the twigs to the cemetery, leaving them on the graves of the deceased.

If a twig, after standing in a vase, has given roots, it can be planted in the ground. By the way, in Rus' it was believed that willow branches, if stuck in the field, would provide a rich harvest.

The Christian Church introduced the holiday of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem in the 4th century, and in Rus' it appeared in the 10th century and began to be called Palm Sunday, since the willow had the same meaning as palm branches.

According to the traditions of the holiday on the eve of Palm Sunday, in ancient times, Russian people went to the banks of the river to break willow, and this was a real rite. The willow was always blessed in the church with holy water, however, this tradition has survived to this day.

In warm countries, this day is celebrated with palm branches, but in our country at this time of year the leaves on the trees have not yet bloomed. Evergreen branches coniferous plants traditionally used in burial rites, so they cannot be used.

According to signs and beliefs, it was believed that the consecrated willow has healing properties, so they touched people with twigs, wishing them health, placed them at the head of the sick, applied them to sore spots, whipped children so that they would not get sick during the year and grow up healthy.

Crushed dried willow buds were added to various medicinal decoctions, which were used to treat wounds and skin diseases. Sometimes the buds were added to bread and other baked goods, and some baked bread in the shape of a willow twig. Palm porridge was made from the opening buds. But willow not only heals, it gives physical strength, courage and courage, so many young men made themselves amulets and talismans from willow buds.

It was believed that if you eat a few willow buds before a long journey or some serious undertaking, then only success will await a person on his path and in his business. Icons were decorated with branches and hung in the corners of rooms, which many still do to this day. Also, amulets made from willow buds were worn by women who did not have children. According to legend, you had to eat ten kidneys five days after the end of your period, this was supposed to help in conceiving a child. To ensure that the offspring were healthy, a willow twig was placed under the feather bed, and the newlyweds were showered with buds.

Our ancestors believed that willow could impart sexual power not only to humans, but also to livestock. That is why domestic animals were lashed with a blessed willow branch, the branches were hung in barns, and before the first pasture in the field, these branches were fed to the animals so that they would not be poisoned by poisonous herbs, or become victims of diseases, thieves and predatory animals. Not a single day goes by without weather-related signs. And Palm Sunday is no exception.

If it rains on Palm Sunday, expect a good harvest. This sign is based on many years of observations of our ancestors. They noticed that if it rains on a given day, the harvest will be simply wonderful. If, on the contrary, the weather is dry, then you may not expect a harvest. And, if the sky is cloudy, cloudy, but there is no rain, then the harvest will be quite good, but not as much as we would like.

It was also believed that the willow could protect the house from natural elements. A house in which there is a consecrated willow branch will not be struck by lightning. If during a fire you throw a willow into the fire, it will go out faster and the flame will not spread to another building. And twigs thrown into the water during ice drift will help avoid large floods.

If by the next Palm Sunday there were still unused branches in the house, then under no circumstances should they be thrown away. They must be burned and thrown into a stream or river, and the water should not be stagnant. When choosing new branches, they gave preference to young trees growing near rivers. It was forbidden to take branches from trees growing near the cemetery, or on which there were nests and hollows.

Many people, believers and not, even today, on the eve of Palm Sunday, decorate their home with willow branches, because this plant gives joy and awakens spring in the heart.

Signs for Palm Sunday

If you tap a willow twig on your body, you will be healthy for a whole year. Perhaps this is the only sign that people know about today. First, a willow twig is blessed on this day in the church, and after that the twig is tapped on the body and the sentence is said: “Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots and as rich as the earth.” This preference is given to the willow because it is, perhaps, the most tenacious tree that exists in nature. It is believed that even if a willow stick is stuck into the ground upside down, it will still take root and grow. It is for this reason that willow can give health to a person, because it itself is very strong.

Eat a willow bud and an important matter will be resolved. It was customary to keep consecrated willow branches for a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are about to start a very important business for you, and you are not sure of the result, then willow will help you here too. But only the willow that was consecrated in the church on Palm Sunday will help. When going on an important task, you need to tear off three buds from a branch and eat them, washing them down with holy water, while thinking about your business. True, this property of a twig can only be used as a last resort. Constantly, don’t, it’s better not to disturb the willow, it can go sideways.

On Palm Sunday, think about your loved one, he will come. Superstition? More likely. But before, a young girl, if she liked some guy and he didn’t pay any attention to her, would wait for this very day. Starting in the morning, she began to think about who was dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensibly transmitted to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk. In principle, it has long been proven that human thought is material. Everything we think about inevitably happens sooner or later. real life. Perhaps Palm Sunday has such an energy that allows us to bring our thoughts to life much faster than on any other day.

Plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday and you will be rich. Previously, it was believed that if you plant an indoor flower on this day, it would attract money into your life. In cities, of course, they kept indoor plants, but in villages there was no time for that. But those who knew about this sign and planted indoor plants quickly got back on their feet. But this sign has several features that few people know about. Firstly, if the flower withers within a month, then you will have to live your whole life in poverty. And secondly, you only need to plant plants with large and fleshy leaves. By the way, one of these plants is now called the money tree. In order for it not to wither and grow well, you need to know the special rules for planting and caring for it. By the way, it was noticed that in the house where money tree It grows well, there is always prosperity and there is no shortage of money.

Poultry is not allowed outside - the witch will spoil it. Perhaps earlier they were confident in this sign, but not now. It was believed that a week before Easter, witches began to go on a rampage. After all, starting from Easter and all the holidays, their power temporarily decreased. So they tried to cause mischief, so to speak, for the future. It was believed that it was on poultry that witches took revenge. But it’s not known whether to believe this sign or not. But in villages to this day, those who keep the bird try not to let it out into the street on Palm Sunday.

There are holidays that we have heard about and know about, but we do not know about the signs associated with this day. We don't worry too much because we don't know what customs to follow. But when troubles happen in our lives, problems appear, then we begin to think where all this comes from, and why all this is on our heads.

Beliefs on Palm Sunday

Headaches are spoken of on Palm Sunday.

To do this, after combing your hair, remove the hairs from the comb and put them in water.

Pour this water over the willow tree on Palm Sunday and say:

“Water, go to the ground along with your headache.”

On Palm Sunday they cast a love spell on a willow tree.

To do this, break a twig and say:

“As long as the willow lies behind the icon,

Until then, my husband will not stop loving me, he will not forget me. Amen".

Place the willow behind the icon.

Just don’t throw away the enchanted twig under any circumstances!

Remember that the branches from Palm Sunday must be preserved.

They help in the treatment of many diseases!

According to legend, on Palm Sunday it is customary to hit the back of the person you wish health with a willow.

But know that the one who slapped you on the backside wishes you harm.

Since, having lashed willow into this great holiday, they may wish you harm, and it will come true.

They consecrate the willow. And then they keep it in the house all year in a vase or behind icons.

With old willow that has stood for a year, they sweep all the corners, windows, thresholds,

they thank her for her service and burn her. You need to hit all your pets and animals on the back with a new sacred willow, and say out loud: “Whip willow, beat them to tears,” this will increase your health.

Buds and fluff from holy willow help with female infertility and enuresis.

Today you can bake holy willow fluffs into bread

and give to sick pets - they will be healed.

To everyone who helps their loved ones with castings

or another method to remove damage or treat,

this amulet against interception will come in handy: today you need to eat on an empty stomach

3 willow buds and wash down with holy water. Then say:

“St. Paul waved the willow and drove away other people’s illnesses from me.

How true that Palm Sunday they honor, it’s true,

that other people’s illnesses don’t bother me. Amen".

If you are an Orthodox person, then before this you need to take communion

  • Also, according to believers, willow can protect a person from various diseases and cleanse him from unclean, evil forces.

Often, people who wanted to ward off various misfortunes from their home used willow trees that were lit before the holiday.

  • But the willow not only protects from evil forces. Its illuminated branches were also credited with the ability to protect a believer’s house from hail and fires, and to stop a storm.
  • It was believed that the willow helped to recognize witches and sorcerers if they entered the house, ward off demons, and also discover various treasures.
  • Some people swallowed the so-called “earrings” of willow in order to drive away illness or protect themselves from any disease.
  • To prevent lightning from striking the house during a thunderstorm, willow branches were simply placed on the windowsill.

IN ancient Rus' the preparation of palm tree twigs actually resembled a whole ritual.

Just before the holiday, people went to trees located next to flowing rivers and broke branches there.

  • Upon arriving home from church, illuminated by the willow tree, the parents lightly whipped their children, during which they said a certain prayer aimed at protecting them from sorrows and troubles.

It was customary to whip themselves, also saying that it was the willow that was beating, and not the man himself. In this way a person could replenish his health, physical strength and energy.

  • Young girls and newlyweds were also often whipped with the blessed willow: this was done so that the couple and the future bride would have healthy babies in the future.
  • There is also an opinion among believers: if an illuminated willow is thrown against the wind, it will drive away the approaching storm, if you throw it into a fire, it will stop it, extinguish it, and if you stick it into a field, the willow will save all the crops.
  • People who were not endowed with special courage, boldness, that is, cowardly, were advised to get rid of their shortcomings with the help of willow. To do this, it was necessary to go to church early in the morning on Palm Sunday, where they would bless the branches, and immediately upon arriving home, drive a small peg of the illuminated willow tree into the wall of their own house.
  • And, of course, based on the weather that stood on this holiday, or rather the entire Palm Week, they judged what the harvest would be like. So, good weather meant that the harvest would definitely be good and rich, but if the weather was bad, one should not count on a good harvest.

What to do with the willow after it is illuminated?

When the branches were taken to the church and consecrated there, after that they can be stored throughout the year and until the next Palm Sunday.

But it is best to store them behind icons or near them. However, you can try and attach them in different places of the house, in each room, thus protecting your home from troubles, from bad events and people.

When you collect willow branches, do not take them all from one tree (even if it is large). Break a few branches from two or more trees, but carefully. Don’t try to break more, one branch is enough for each room and for each family member.

What to do with last year's willow and what not to do with it?

Suppose tomorrow is Palm Sunday, therefore, fresh branches need to be blessed. Where to put the willow from last year and when should you get rid of it?

Please note that the consecrated willow is endowed magical properties, which last a whole year until next spring.

Remember: if a willow is consecrated in a church, from that moment it ceases to be a simple willow - it is now considered a shrine. Therefore, you can’t just take it and throw it in the trash.

The Church believes that such a plant should not be in a dirty place, next to garbage or in a general waste heap - this is an insult to the shrine.

There are several ways to get rid of last year's willow. They can even be called rituals that can be performed before or after the holiday:

  1. Find a river or any other body of water and let last year’s blessed willow flow along the flowing water.
  2. Burn the dried willow, and collect the ashes remaining from the branches and pour them in a place where people or animals will not walk. For example, your own garden will work great if you scatter the ashes under one of its trees. If you don’t have your own garden, then go into the forest and sprinkle the ashes under any tree.
  3. Sometimes it happens that branches stand in water and sprout there. In this case, it is necessary to plant the sprouted branches in the forest or somewhere near a river.
  4. Illuminated willow can be stored for several years, but every year on Palm Sunday it is important to bring home fresh branches.
  5. If a misfortune happens and someone close to you dies during Palm Week, last year's willow is placed in his coffin. By the way, some elderly believers collect twigs after each holiday so that they can be placed in the coffin of that person when the time comes.
  6. You can cleanse your home with a lighted willow twig and consecrate it by walking around the entire apartment or house with it and reading a prayer at the same time.
  7. Many people prefer to take last year’s willow to church - there they will burn it according to the rules, with prayer.
  8. Take it to the forest and leave it there, but only between the willow bushes.
  9. It is also allowed to sweep the corners of the house with old willow, then burn it, thanking the willow for its good service.
  10. If you have a stove in your house, then light it with last year's twigs before you start baking Easter cakes.