Is it possible to clean shoes with glycerin? Softening leather shoes without harming them

What affects our mood? There may be a thousand answers to this question, but in the top ten there will probably be comfortable shoes. After all, if your shoes rub, no amount of joy in life can distract you from the pain. The reason for such discomfort is very often the rigidity of the material from which the pair is made. But you shouldn’t despair - there are several options to turn the situation in your favor. That is, you can’t rub your feet and show off your beautiful shoes. Let's consider the most effective means soften your shoes.

Causes of the defect

Hard leather and a heel are, in fact, a defect that, unfortunately, cannot always be determined when trying on.

Hard shoes that rub your feet can make you angry for a long time

Sometimes a pair becomes rough after wearing it. There are two reasons for the shortage:

  • low-quality materials;
  • wrong block.

In both cases, the blame falls on the shoulders of the manufacturer. However, you can return hard shoes and hope for a replacement or compensation only if 2 weeks have not passed from the date of purchase.

Legal 14 days

According to current legislation, shoes that do not fit for any reason can be returned to the store within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Within 2 weeks you have the right to return a pair that does not suit you

To issue a return (or exchange), the buyer must provide a cashier's receipt (possibly a copy of it), a coupon for the pair's warranty service and his passport. Only the product must meet a number of requirements:

  • be without signs of being worn on the street (for our situation this is hardly possible, because you can only rub your feet while wearing it);
  • have the proper appearance, that is, without creases, abrasions, etc.;
  • be in the original configuration (with heels, insoles, etc., in a box).

How can you fix the situation with hard shoes?

The problem of shoe stiffness can be solved quite easily: you need to contact a workshop.

The shoe repairman has all the necessary means to soften the material

True, if there are a few “buts”:

  • Not all specialists will take on faux leather shoes;
  • sneakers and sneakers with rubber soles and toes are not the most “desirable” clients;
  • No craftsman can guarantee that leather shoes will not change in size.

In other words, if you have problems with a leather pair and increasing it by 1–1.5 sizes will only make you happy, then feel free to look for a shoe workshop. In other cases, it is better to turn to traditional recipes.

How to soften shoes at home

This is interesting. If the foot does not straighten due to a hard toe, then it is better to change the shoes - the situation cannot be corrected, the pair is simply too small for you.

If a pair of shoes chafes because shoes made of hard material fit too tightly on your feet, you can use special shoe stretchers, which can be purchased at some shoe stores.

In a shoe workshop, a pair will be stretched with special lasts and then treated with softening compounds

This mechanical device expands the pair from the inside, and the screw design has different attachments to solve the problem in a specific area of ​​the boot without affecting other places. This block can be used for leather shoes, leatherette, thick suede, but you shouldn’t experiment with fabric sneakers or moccasins.

The second approach to solving the problem is “grandmother’s” ways to soften shoes that rub.

Genuine Leather

It deforms better than other materials from which shoes are made. Therefore, there are more ways to soften the pair. However, to soften natural leather, you cannot use sunflower oil or glycerin - after drying, in the first case, the steam will become even harder, and in the second, the material will be brittle.

This is interesting. Thin skin should be lubricated with cream before stretching so that the material does not lose its elastic properties.

Chemistry to help

Shoe stores sell special sprays, emulsions or creams that soften hard leather well. These “finds” are produced by almost all brands involved in the production of shoe care products.

All well-known brands that produce shoe care products offer sprays and creams for softening various materials

You need to use sprays, etc., according to the instructions, but, as a rule, it consists of spraying the problem areas with liquid (lubricated with cream), and then wearing them in by the owner of the stubborn shoes.

This is interesting. Replace professional products You can use alcohol or cologne. The effect will be the same, only it will take more time to break in.

How to spread using high temperatures

We are talking about using a hairdryer or boiling water. If you decide to soften your shoes with hot air, then you need to direct the hair dryer to the problem areas, and then put the pair on yourself.

After heat treatment, the pair must be worn

This is interesting. It is better not to use a hairdryer on shoes with taped seams - you can melt the glue and be left without shoes.

An alternative to hot air is boiling water.


  1. Cover the hard area with a cloth napkin.
  2. Slowly pour boiling water over it.
  3. While the pair is still warm, put it on and wear it out.

This is interesting. Genuine leather can withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees, so feel free to fill it with hot water.

Castor oil or linseed oil

This is interesting. The oil base leaves dark spots on the skin, so these products are not suitable for light-colored shoes.

These are the best ways to soften the skin, based on the ratio of time spent and obtaining the desired result.


  1. We saturate a cloth with oil.
  2. Wipe the hard area.
  3. We repeat the procedure.
  4. Leave the skin to soak for 2 days.

This is interesting. Castor oil softens even thick skin, but at the same time increases the size of the pair.

Cream for fair skin

In order not to put your fair skin at risk, you can prepare the cream yourself.


  1. Mix baby cream and beeswax-based shoe polish in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Apply the product to hard skin.
  3. Let it dry for 10–12 hours.

This is interesting. For this homemade impregnation, instead of baby cream You can use full fat cow's milk.


The capricious material should not be exposed to oils (stains will remain) or water (it is almost impossible to get rid of stains on suede, especially light shades). So you can either use a hairdryer or go to the workshop. If you choose hot air, then do not forget to wear thick sock shoes after heat treatment.

After blow-drying, suede shoes should be put on with a warm sock.

Video. How to soften leather or suede shoes with glass cleaner

What to do if patent leather shoes rub

Patent leather shoes are very capricious, as cracks easily appear on their surface, which are visible even to the naked eye. But patent leather shoes have to be softened quite often - this is the peculiarity of this material.

Patent leather shoes can be softened with baby cream

Fat cream


  1. Apply a thick cream (suitable for children) to the hard area.
  2. Let it soak overnight.

This is interesting. Instead of cream, you can use Vaseline or rub the steam with lard.

Another way to soften the varnish is to heat the hard material with a hairdryer.

Faux leather

This is interesting. Leatherette and nylon cannot be softened with hot air.

Greenhouse effect

The most in an efficient way soften artificial leather considered...a greenhouse.


  1. Wet the towel with water.
  2. We wrap it around a box of shoes - the environment formed in the box resembles a greenhouse.
  3. Leave until the fabric is dry.
  4. We fill woolen socks with fabric, newspapers, paper and insert them into shoes.
  5. Leave for 12 hours.
  6. If necessary, repeat the procedure 1-2 more times.

Wet towels

This is interesting. This method can also be used to soften shoes made of genuine leather or textiles.

Newspapers or paper - an alternative to towels


  1. Wet the towel with table vinegar and wring it out well. You can use newspapers instead of towels.
  2. Filling up an uncomfortable pair.
  3. Let the towels dry.

This is interesting. You can soften tarpaulin boots in the same way.

Video. How to soften old shoes

Textiles (sneakers and sneakers)

Hard sneakers or moccasins can be softened by exposure to moisture.


  1. Wet a piece of sheet or towel with hot water.
  2. We put it in our shoes.
  3. After 3-4 hours we put on thick socks and the sneakers themselves.
  4. We walk in shoes for about an hour.

This is interesting. This method cannot be used if the back of the moccasin is made of cardboard.

How to soften the backdrop?

Very often the root of the problem of shoe stiffness lies in the heel. There are also several ways to soften this part of the boot.

The skin on the heels is very delicate, so it suffers first from the stiffness of the shoes.

Silicone gaskets

This is interesting. This method does an excellent job of protecting the heel from calluses when wearing sneakers or ballet shoes.

Silicone pads can be of different shapes

Shoe stores sell special heel pads - sliding strips that are glued to inside and reliably protect the heel from chafing. The main disadvantage of this technique is that during active walking the padding can move out, and you will feel the rigidity (and cruelty) of the rough material to the fullest.

Ballet way

For ballet dancers, softening the backdrop on pointe shoes is a vital task. To do this they use a hammer. If we are talking about softening the heel of leather shoes, then you can use the method of the graceful world of ballet.


  1. Place the shoe on the heel on a hard surface (for example, on a table).
  2. Apply a soft cloth.
  3. Gently tap with a hammer on the inside.

This is interesting. For suede and varnish, this method is unacceptable, as creases and microcracks will remain.

Video. How to soften a backdrop in 2 minutes

Paraffin or soap

This method is considered the most accessible and fastest, but at the same time unreliable, since it will not be able to solve the problem of a hard back for a long time.

Rub the backdrop paraffin candle- this is a way out when the situation needs to be resolved very quickly

The essence of the method is that before putting on shoes, the problem area is rubbed from the inside with a paraffin candle or hard soap.

This is interesting. Despite the fact that it is not recommended to lubricate leather shoes with glycerin, you can treat the heel with this product - you can evaluate the effect after 3-4 hours.

Video. Several ways to make the backs of shoes softer

Anyone who has encountered such a problem can easily soften shoes at home. It is only important to apply your efforts wisely so as not to spoil the pair or stretch it. And it’s better, of course, not to let your emotions from how great these shoes fit you overshadow your mind, which tells you that your feet will feel like they’re in torture stocks from the times of the Inquisition.

At home, you should always take care of your shoes, including those made from genuine or other leather, because without constant proper care There is no way to keep it in proper condition for a long time and it quickly becomes unusable. Read about how it will suit your child.

It needs to be taken care of in winter, spring, summer and autumn, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the optimal result for using shoes in a given season. It is recommended to read practical advice and adopt the useful proven recommendations proposed in the article.

How to care for leather shoes in winter without cream at home

You can replace shoe polish with any vegetable oil or face cream that has expired. The product is applied for a couple of hours, and then the shoes are rubbed with a cloth or soft cloth.

How to properly care for leather shoes with castor and linseed oil

You can take care of leather shoes using linseed or castor oil. Rub the shoes evenly and leave them for several hours so that the oil has time to be absorbed. At the same time, the skin acquires shine and becomes waterproof.

Caring for leather shoes with olive oil and vegetable oil

Olive or vegetable oil can add shine to leather shoes, but it is not suitable for constant use - there is a fear that the oil will corrode the paint. Therefore, to care for leather shoes, it is better to purchase shoe polish.

How to care for white, brown, light, blue, and red leather shoes

A universal product for caring for leather shoes of white, brown, light, blue, and red colors is colorless shoe polish, but it is better to use a cream that matches the color of the shoes. Before applying shoe polish, shoes are cleaned of dirt or dust and dried. After applying the cream, rub it with a brush or cloth.

Caring for leather shoes with folk home remedies

Caring for leather shoes can be done using folk home remedies.
For example:
- worn light-colored shoes will take on a more presentable appearance if rubbed with a mixture of turpentine and milk;
- white leather shoes will be transformed if you wash them with laundry detergent, wipe them dry, dry them, and then grease them with shoe polish and rub them again until shiny;
- shoes made of dark leather can be refreshed by wiping them with lemon juice;
— you can make your shoes waterproof using linseed oil, if you treat the seams with it several times, and especially the junction with the sole;
— patent leather shoes can be periodically wiped with milk.

How to care for nubuck leather shoes

To care for nubuck leather shoes, there is a special impregnation. Read the instructions for its use and act according to the recommendations. If you repeat this treatment three times, the shoes will acquire water-repellent properties. During subsequent wear, you can refresh the nubuck with a rag or brush, and it will be enough to apply the impregnation only once.

Proper care of new leather shoes

Your feet need to get used to new shoes, so before you leave the house wearing new shoes, it is advisable to walk around in them a little at home. Small shoes can be made more spacious by wearing them with thick socks soaked in cologne. To prevent the backdrop from rubbing, you can lubricate it with alcohol or soap. To eliminate or prevent the appearance of odors coming from inside the shoes, their inner surface is treated with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. The outer surface of even new shoes should be well coated with shoe polish. This treatment will make the shoes waterproof and extend their service life.

How to care for shoes with leather soles

Shoes with leather soles wear out faster than those with synthetic or rubber soles. The leather sole is susceptible to dampness and precipitation, so it must be periodically treated with a special protective water-repellent cream or a preventative (rubber pad) installed. Caring for shoes with leather soles also means that such shoes need to be given a “day off” - during this time the shoes dry out naturally and is restored.

Caring for leather shoes after rain, glycerin, spring, autumn

Wet leather shoes, first of all, need to be washed from dirt and wiped with a dry rag. To prevent the leather from drying out and the last losing its shape, the shoes are stuffed with paper, lubricated with glycerin and placed to dry away from a heat source. The skin should dry naturally.

Leather shoe care with Vaseline, goose fat, baby cream, hand cream

Lubricating leather shoes with petroleum jelly, goose fat, baby cream, hand cream or other improvised means is possible, but not advisable. These products can corrode the paint on your shoes and in the future, in order for your shoes to have a uniform color, you will still have to purchase a special shoe polish.

Caring for leather shoes: a reminder before storage and first wear

Before storing leather shoes, you need to wipe them from dust, soak them in cream, put them on wooden blocks (or stuff them with paper) and place them in plastic bag or a box. Before wearing for the first time, you need to make sure that the shoes do not squeeze you. If you experience even the slightest discomfort, use a leather shoe stretcher. New shoes also need care, so they should be well waxed, even if visually this is not necessary.

Care for leather shoes with membrane, wax

Caring for leather shoes with a membrane is the same as caring for any other leather shoes. When they get home, they wipe off dust and wax their shoes. After the wax is absorbed, the shoes are rubbed until shiny with a brush or cloth. Shoes with a membrane are not recommended to be worn every day - the membrane layer must have time to dry well.

Leather clothing and accessories are very comfortable and practical for everyday life. They are not easily soiled, wear-resistant and do not lose their visual appeal over time. But external factors can sometimes lead to hardening of the material. How to soften the skin? Will I have to throw the product away or can it be revived?

What should I do?

If leather clothing or gloves get dirty, it is easy enough to wipe the product with a damp cloth and the problem will be solved. A small amount of water on the front side of the leather will not harm it, even if you get caught in the rain or accidentally step into a puddle with a leather shoe. But a large amount of water can wet the inner surface of the skin, and then after drying it will become excessively hard and dry.

But don’t rush to get rid of your favorite thing. Today, many ways have been invented to help solve the problem. There are three main options:

  • Folk methods or, in modern terms, “life hacks”.
  • Professional skin care products.
  • Dry cleaning services.

These methods to soften the skin are arranged in ascending order of cost. The cheapest way to deal with the problem using folk remedies at home, but you will have to be responsible for the results yourself. Let's consider each of possible options in terms of efficiency.

Glycerin and sunflower oil

These are quite popular methods that members of online communities often share with each other. Unfortunately, experts do not recommend using these, although affordable, but harmful to products. Softening the skin with glycerin makes it fragile, and sunflower oil has only a temporary effect. Subsequently, the product will harden even more, and the skin from sunflower oil will become unpleasantly shiny.

Goose fat

Our grandparents also knew how to soften the leather on shoes - with the help of goose, you need to cut out the fat, melt it in a frying pan and let it cool. Lard is formed, which needs to be rubbed on the skin until the fat stops being absorbed. If you believe the reviews, then even old people can be revived in this way. Experienced shoemakers also use goose fat.

Unfortunately, the availability of this method can be challenged - you need to have a goose on hand. If you don’t have it at home, you can buy it in a store or market. But the amount of time spent and the cost of the bird is comparable to professional skin care products.

Castor oil

Skin softeners are sold at any pharmacy. One of them is castor oil. They need to soak a cotton swab and blot the surface of gloves, shoes or clothing several times. The product is found to be effective and harmless to the product - the material will again become elastic and soft. At the same time, it is very inexpensive, and to use it, you do not need to spend a lot of time on additional manipulations, as is the case with goose fat.

Hand cream

How to soften the leather of gloves easily and simply? It turns out that any lady will help. Just put on gloves, squeeze a small amount of cream onto your hands and massage them, as in the usual procedure.

Shoe polish

Shoe products can help soften the leather of any product. So, shoe polish can be mixed with ordinary baby cream in equal parts. The resulting mass must be applied to shoes or leather clothing in a thick layer and left for several minutes. If you use shoe polish that is not colorless, but a suitable shade, you can simultaneously update the color of the product.

Homemade ointment

One more thing folk remedy- ointment based on beeswax. It is heated in a water bath, after which it is mixed with castor oil and turpentine. This cream will not only soften the material, but also protect it in bad weather.


How to soften the leather on shoes if they are completely new and threaten the appearance of calluses? To do this, the backdrop is rubbed with paraffin or wax. In addition, you can go over the back with a hammer, but this is a rather dangerous measure - you can damage the integrity of the leather.

Professional products

There are a number of manufacturers that are designed to deal with the problem of hardened skin. Professional shoe products will help - each of them must indicate the type of leather and the manufacturer's recommendations.

What brands should you buy? This question is quite difficult to answer, since the price range in stores is designed to suit any budget. It is worth noting that experts still do not advise saving on skin care, since it is much cheaper to purchase an expensive product than to buy expensive gloves or shoes every year.

Today, such manufacturers as Salton, Ecco, Salamander are famous. They offer a fairly wide range of products for various materials, including leather - natural and artificial. Buyers note the acceptable quality of any of these products. Considering the affordable price and ease of use, it is the professional products of these brands that can be called the “golden mean” in the matter of softening methods leather goods.

How to soften the leather of a product with a larger surface, for example, the “Kozhanka” softening spray is suitable.

Specialist help

If the product does not respond to either traditional methods or professional sprays and foams, then you should contact a specialist. Some owners of leather goods do not even risk affecting the leather with anything on their own, but immediately run to the dry cleaner.

It is worth choosing one whose list of services includes processing of leather accessories and clothing. Professionals will work with the product using proven technologies. Unfortunately, such services are not cheap. Therefore, this method is the most effective and high-quality, but inaccessible.

How to soften new shoes to avoid the formation of calluses? To do this, you can contact a shoemaker's shop. The shoemaker has in his arsenal special means with which he treats shoes in order to then place lasts in them. This method carries some risk - under the influence of the pads, the seams may burst and the product may deteriorate.

For prevention

Products made from genuine leather are not only expensive, but also require careful care. It is much easier to prevent troubles than to spend money and effort fighting them. It is impossible to protect shoes or gloves from street dust and dirt, and contact with road reagents in winter is completely inevitable. But no one has yet canceled the basic rules for caring for shoes and other leather products:

  • If the skin does get wet, it needs time to dry completely - a day or two. When it comes to shoes, it is better to have two or three pairs in reserve, and while one pair is “resting”, wear another.
  • Dirt and dust must be removed immediately upon arrival from the street. If you leave this activity “for later,” then within a day the dirt may be absorbed. Then even professional products will be powerless, and all that remains is to mask the stains.
  • Shoes must be put on only with the help of a spoon, the laces must be unlaced, and the zipper must be unzipped all the way. You should not save time and neglect these tips, otherwise the shoes will quickly become deformed and lose their original appearance.
  • If the products require repair, you must contact a specialist immediately.
  • Care products for shoes or other products must be selected carefully. It is important to consider your skin type and manufacturers' recommendations. There are no truly high-quality universal products.

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered a problem - dirty stains on a leather jacket, coat, gloves or shoes. The first thing that comes to a sound mind is to take it to the dry cleaner. This option, of course, is appropriate, but there are times when you need to clean a leather product urgently, literally right this minute, and dry cleaning will not help much. A real man must be able to do everything! Today we will talk about how to clean leather products using traditional methods and more!

When purchasing products made from genuine leather, we hope that it will serve us for many years, and we do not think about the fact that, despite the high quality, leather products require care. Formally, skin cleansing can be divided into 2 methods: skin cleansing traditional methods and special means.

How to clean a leather product

In specialized stores and large supermarkets you can easily find a variety of various means for leather and suede care - special creams, sprays and shampoos, as well as wipes are quite simple and effective. All that is required is to follow the instructions correctly. In addition, such products have a softening and disinfectant effect.

Before using them, experts recommend conducting a small test to determine the effect of the selected drug on the leather product. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the product to a small area (preferably in a place invisible to the naked eye).

Products designed for cleaning leather furniture are easily suitable for cleaning leather clothing, accessories or shoes. But it’s better to read the descriptions on the label before use, in case there are notes of a different nature.

Any leather product requires regular cleaning - it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth 1-2 times a week, and if necessary, you can use a soap solution, which must be applied to the surface with a soft sponge, and then wiped several times with a damp cloth. To add shine and remove excess moisture after cleaning, use a soft cloth.

There are many folk ways cleaning leather products, the most common of which is treating the product with glycerin. You can buy a bottle of glycerin at a regular pharmacy at a very low price.

Folk skin cleansing remedies

Before or clothing, it is necessary to clean them from possible stains of dirt, grease and oil stains. For this, our grandmothers used simple and available funds. So, to remove grease or oil stains, you need to treat the contaminated area with gasoline - moisten a cotton pad or a piece of soft cloth with gasoline and gently wipe the surface in the area of ​​contamination.

The mixture will help remove ink stains acetic acid(table vinegar 70%) and alcohol, which should also be applied to a piece of cloth or a cotton pad and carefully treat the contaminated area with it. Ordinary tape will help remove a fresh stain from ballpoint pen ink.

A damp cotton cloth soaked in a warm soapy solution will help you quickly clean a leather jacket, jacket or coat from dirt. After you have cleaned the product from dirt, wipe it with a dry soft cloth.

Coffee grounds will also help remove dirt and add shine to a leather product. The recipe is simple: 1 teaspoon of used or freshly ground coffee It is necessary to dilute it in 100 grams of warm water, stir until smooth, then apply the resulting slurry to a cotton pad and carefully wipe the product. After you have cleaned your shoes, jacket or jacket with coffee, rinse off the remaining coffee with water and wipe the product with a dry soft cloth (it is best to use flannel for these purposes - soft, velvety cotton fabric).

It should be noted that this cleaning method should not be used for fair skin. In this case, it is recommended to clean the products using a soap solution with the addition of ammonia, for the preparation of which you will need 10 grams of soap, ½ cup of warm water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. The surface must be wiped with a soft cloth or a cotton pad, after which the cleaned surface must be wiped dry.

Leather care

To preserve the structure of the leather, extend the life of the product and give it shine, products such as petroleum jelly, castor oil or glycerin are used. Apply a small amount of one of the products listed and gently rub into the surface. Leave it for several hours so that it completely absorbs the applied product.

If exposed to rain or sleet, the leather item must be thoroughly dried with a dry soft cloth, and then placed for further drying. Do not dry leather products near open flames or heating devices, including radiators.

To store shoes or other leather accessories, use special covers that will help protect them from dust and at the same time provide the necessary air exchange.

You can care for a leather jacket or coat with a regular shoe sponge. I don’t know how beneficial it is for the skin, but I use a regular sponge to wipe my shoes before each season. Of course, the sponge must be new and not used for its intended purpose. It is important to note that the leather becomes softer and more shiny after the jacket is treated. In addition, after being exposed to rain, it remains significantly fewer divorces from water than before using a sponge. I’ll repeat again, I don’t know if this is good for leather products, but my jacket has been pleasing me for the 4th year with its softness and pleasantness. appearance=) take note.

Cleaning your car's leather seats

Our life is connected not only with clothes. Many men have a car, the seats of which are often covered in leather. Therefore, information on how to clean leather goods in a car yourself will not be superfluous.

To clean the leather interior of your car you will need:

  • atomizer (spray) with pressure pumping;
  • soft cloth (you can purchase a special microfiber cloth);
  • foam sponge;
  • brushes;
  • soap solution or all-purpose cleaner.

You need to add a soap solution or a universal car interior cleaner to the sprayer, and then use a soft brush or microfiber to clean the surface. If the dirt cannot be removed, repeat the procedure several times. If you use a soft cloth, remember that it needs to be changed when it gets wet, this way you will avoid soapy streaks and the accumulation of excess moisture. If there are stains or stains on the surface from a soap solution or cleaning agent, fill the spray bottle with warm water and spray it onto the surface, then wipe it with a dry and clean piece of soft cloth.

Car washes often offer a service such as treating leather interiors with conditioner, which will help preserve and extend the life of the leather. You can purchase such an air conditioner yourself, using the services of online stores or visiting a specialized real car store. It is necessary to apply the conditioner strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.

1. Drying shoes. Stuff the shoes (boots) with newsprint so that it absorbs excess moisture and leave to dry at room temperature. If the shoes are very wet, the newspaper can be changed several times.

2. If your shoes are dry, you can soften them by rubbing castor oil. Then polish the shoes.

3.A scrap of leather torn off from a shoe can be easily "increased". To do this, you need to lubricate the damaged area and back side apply a thin layer of nail polish or BF-2 glue and press firmly on the treated area with your finger for a few minutes.

4. Unpleasant smell Shoe damage can be eliminated by washing it with a solution of potassium permanganate (5-6 crystals per liter of water) and wiping it with hydrogen peroxide.

5. If The metal tips on your shoe laces have come off., dip their ends in nail polish. They will harden and fit easily into the holes.

6. if you lubricate it several times along the seams with linseed oil.

7. If the suede is shiny, try using a paste of potato flour and gasoline. After this, clean water, and then a weak vinegar solution.

8. Drying shoes. If you need to dry your boots urgently, you can use a vacuum cleaner. The air from the pipe is warm enough to dry the boot.

9. If your shoes are dry, you can soften them by rubbing vegetable oil. Then polish the shoes.

10., smoking it over a burning candle.

11. Tight shoes can be stretched, stuffing it with damp newsprint.

12. If shoes squeak, rub a few drops of vegetable or castor oil on the sole and let the shoes dry.

13. Spread the shoe won't fall off from the foot, if a strip of velvet or foam rubber 5 - 6 mm thick is glued to the inner surface of the backdrop.

14. Light-colored shoes that have lost their appearance You can repaint them black by rubbing them with cut raw potatoes, then brushing them with black cream and cleaning them until they shine.

15. To ensure that its top should be wiped from time to time castor oil.

16. Suede shoes can be cleaned rough surface of a matchbox.

17. Breaking in new shoes you can do it in this simple way: to do this, moisten the inside of the shoes with cologne, immediately put them on your feet (preferably with woolen socks, since they are thicker), and then lightly moisten the top with cologne.

18. If your shoes squeak, you can soak the soles with hot natural drying oil.

19. It happens that new shoes start to burn leg. This problem can be solved with 3% vinegar, which is rubbed into the shoes from the inside.

20. New shoes stain stockings, its inner surface must be treated with talc.

21. If the shoes are tight in a particular place, you should drip heated wax on it and pull it on the last for several days. The desired area will stretch noticeably.

22. If patent leather shoes have lost their shine, then it can be cured with Vaseline. After Vaseline, it is recommended to wipe the shoes with velvet cloth.

23. What appears to be removed without any problems using gasoline.

24. For disinfecting shoes Formalin is used: the inside of the shoes is wiped with a cloth soaked in formaldehyde, placed in a plastic bag, tied and left for a day. Then the shoes are taken out and aired.

25. If your shoes are dry, you can soften it by rubbing glycerin. After this, polish the shoes. Caring for your shoes this way will prevent your shoes from cracking.

26. Suede shoes clean well, if you hold it over steam.

27. To keep your shoes from getting wet, you can treat it with the following solution: dissolve 40 g of fish oil, 10 parts of wax, 3 parts of turpentine in a water bath. Apply the cream in liquid form.

28. Shriveled sports shoes You can keep it in warm water until the skin becomes soft. Then you need to wipe it inside and out, dry it, lubricate it with glycerin and stuff it tightly with newsprint.

29. Suede shoes can be cleaned crust of stale bread.

30. Caught on your suede shoes have a greasy stain can be removed as follows: sprinkle the stain with talcum powder and leave for several hours.

31. White shoes with textile upper refresh with tooth powder and water

32. Shoe brushes are useful rinse with water with the addition of ammonia.

33. If stains appeared on colored shoes, they can be removed with a cloth soaked in lemon juice.

34. Suede shoes can be cleaned sandpaper (carefully)

35. To patent leather shoes are better preserved, its top should be wiped with milk from time to time.

36. Brown leather shoes are easy to clean coffee grounds.

37. To wet leather shoes did not harden, rub them with Vaseline after they dry, and after a few hours, clean them as usual.

38. If spots or streaks have formed on the skin, wipe them with table vinegar.

39. White shoes retain their color, if you clean it regularly with a mixture of milk (half a glass) and one beaten egg white.

40. To prevent patent leather shoes from warping it must sometimes be lubricated with glycerin.

41. The sole and seams will not allow moisture to pass through, if they are coated with a mixture of equal parts wax and lamb fat.

42. Work boots are possible Wipe several times with paraffin dissolved in gasoline.

43. Shoes can be made waterproof, if you lubricate it several times along the seams with castor oil.

44. Patent leather shoes are washed with a cloth moistened with milk, and when they are dry, wipe them with half an onion and polish them with a soft woolen cloth.

45. Black suede shoes are refreshing, wiping with carbon paper.

46. Suede shoes can be cleaned with a regular pencil or ink eraser.

47. “People's Cream” You can grease your boots with a piece of unsalted lard. And forward, in bad weather! Protection from water is very good; in cold weather, lard is also suitable as a softening agent.

48. White shoes with textile on horseback refresh with chalk and water

49. Felt boots and felt boots, if they are very dirty, you can wash them (but they may shrink), and after drying, clean them with pumice or fine-grained sandpaper. After drying, the remaining stains are removed with a slightly damp cloth.

50. Colored boots It is good to clean plastic ones with Vaseline: they shine, do not burst or crack.

51. The boots will grow up" , if you put them in a strong plastic bag with water and place them in the freezer overnight. For 10 parts by volume of water you get 11 parts of ice, which will help increase the size of your shoes.

52. If you lubricate previously wetted shoes with kerosene, they will will become softer.

53. Long top boots It is recommended to store hanging on clothespins.

54. If shoes got very wet, you need to fill it with dry hay

55. Yellow, brown or red leather shoes Clean stains with soap and cold water.

56. Oily stains on leather o bouvie remove with a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water). Rub until foam forms, then remove it with a dry soft cloth.

57. White leather shoes are best washed foam sponge or soft brush dipped in a warm solution washing powder. Rinse off the solution with warm water and dry your shoes.

58. If the suede is shiny, Try removing the shine with a cloth soaked in hot water.

59. If the shoe presses on the heel, then you can soak the rag into the shoe and into the freezer. The rag freezes and stretches the shoes.

60. Wash shoes with textile uppers in soapy water with a small amount of ammonia (a teaspoon per glass of water), then wipe with a cloth soaked in clean water.

61. Ski boots are oiled ointment prepared from a mixture of 3 tbsp. spoons of fish oil and 1 spoon of castor oil. The ointment can be warmed up a little, then it will be better absorbed into the skin.

62. “People's cream” Melt beeswax in a water bath, add turpentine and castor oil. Thoroughly rub the resulting ointment into the shoes - long-term shine and protection from water are guaranteed.

63. If the leather outsole is leaking water, it needs to be lubricated with warm drying oil until the outsole is saturated with it and will no longer absorb it. Drying oil, in addition, extends the service life of outsoles.

64. Before you put it down patent leather shoes for long-term storage, should be lightly rubbed with castor oil or pure glycerin.

65. Grease stains on leather shoes removed with a soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water). Rub until foam forms, then remove it with a dry soft cloth.

66. Wash the insoles and periodically treat the inside of your shoes with a solution of potassium permanganate

67. To prevent shoes from slipping You can apply “Moment” glue from a tube in the form of a snake onto the cleaned and acetone-wiped shoe sole, and sprinkle coarse sand on the freshly applied glue and let the shoes dry for 24 hours. This procedure must be repeated periodically.

68. Suede absorbs water well and after drying retains its previous properties, but repeated wetting can cause it to harden somewhat. In this case, you need to knead it in your hands, in different directions, and it will become soft again.

69. If the suede has become very hard, it must be soaked in a cold soapy solution, folded and left for 6–8 hours. After this, rinse in water to which you need to add a little ammonia.

70. Renew suede gloves can be done as follows: prepare the mixture by adding half a teaspoon of baking soda or the same amount of 10 percent ammonia to half a glass of skim milk. Put gloves on your hands and, moistening a cotton swab with the prepared mixture, wipe the contaminated area with it.

71. To be tough the heels of the new shoes rubbed my feet less, wipe them with a candle.

72. Shoes can save you from smell regular baking soda. You just pour baking soda into your shoes, and then, say, every other night, shake it out or suck it out with a vacuum cleaner. The only problem is that if you do this with black leather shoes, then later whitish stains may appear on them. So it’s best to clean with soda with light-colored sneakers.

73. Shoes can be stretched, pouring vodka into your shoes, and then walking around in it, wearing a wool sock

74. If the shoes are tight in a particular place, you should drip paraffin on it and pull it on the last for several days. The desired area will stretch noticeably.

75. If your shoes are dry, you can soften it by rubbing Vaseline. After this, polish the shoes. Caring for your shoes this way will prevent your shoes from cracking.

76. To remove excess cream, shoes (this does not apply to patent leather shoes) should be cleaned at least once a week with a rag soaked in gasoline.

77. Hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of unpleasant odor – Wipe the inside of your shoes.

78. Store patent leather shoes best in covers made from old stockings.

79. Leather shoes should be washed with a soft cloth and soap.

80. Worn patent leather shoes will shine as good as new if you brush them with egg white

81. Heavily soiled suede shoes Easy to clean with soapy water and a few drops of ammonia

82. Clean and bleach white suede you can use a mixture of a glass of warm water, adding a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to it

83. To get rid of blemishes and unclog pores to remove excess cream, shoes (this does not apply to patent leather shoes) should be cleaned with turpentine at least once a week.

84. Stains on colored shoes clean well with half an onion.

85. If your heel presses- you can gently tap the back of the shoe with a hammer.

86. To hard backs of new shoes rub your feet less, wipe them with damp soap.

87. Stains on white leather shoes can be removed with a soft eraser.

88. Dried cream for shoes can be restored by adding a few drops of turpentine and gently heating it.

89. To yours the boots didn't slip in icy conditions, rub their leather soles with coarse sandpaper or raw potatoes, and apply a relief pattern to the plastic ones with any well-heated metal rod.

90. If shoes stain stockings, you need to wet a piece of cotton wool with alcohol and wipe the lining with this swab several times.

91. Wash sneakers best by hand, in soapy water

92. Faux Leather Shoes Can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

93. Contamination from the sole and heel can be removed with a damp flannel cloth.

94. In rubber shoes It is recommended to put in an insole made of cloth or flannel to keep your feet dry and warm.

95. On soft natural leather grease stains can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid. After this, the area of ​​the former stain is treated with a piece of dry cloth and, if necessary, tinted with the appropriate dye.

96. Washed thoroughly with warm water It is recommended to soak shoes following composition: pure fish oil mixed with lard (in a ratio of 3:1). This potion is boiled until the ingredients are mixed. The cooled mixture is soaked into the raw skin and rubbed in with a cloth. Then prepare the second composition: 1/3 of a piece of laundry soap is heated in 1/3 cup of water until the soap is completely dissolved. The cooled mixture is used to cover shoes lubricated with the first mixture.

97. To give your shoes a brilliant shine You can use a mixture prepared from one egg white, milk in the same volume and a lump of sugar. These ingredients are whipped until foam is obtained, applied to the surface of the skin using a sponge and left to dry. After this, wipe the shoes with cloth or woolen rags.

98. Shoes made of thick rough leather You can lubricate with grease after wiping off the dirt with a damp cloth.

99. Heavily polluted white shoes clean with gasoline, to which a little magnesia powder is added.

100. Heavily soiled suede shoes clean with a brush dipped in warm soapy water. Ammonia is first added to the water in a ratio of 1:5 (one part alcohol to five parts water). Then rinse with cold, slightly acidified water (a teaspoon of vinegar is added per liter of water).

101. If a piece of the shoe came off skin, and there is no glue at hand, you can use nail polish, applying it to a previously dried surface.

and only one thing to forget about it - STROKE!