Lunar days in May June. “Coniferous Phytoumbrella”, “Rakurs”, “Pinocid” - unique preparations for the health and beauty of coniferous plants

Useful tips

May 2018 has a lot in store for us not the best aspects, especially if we are talking about the first half of the month. Negative aspects of Mars, afflicted Mercury, Sun-Jupiter opposition and other aspects at this time may not give you good opportunities for doing anything.

However, if you still need to plan things, let’s try to turn to the Moon, who will tell you when is the best time to start one thing or another. The moon will be waning from 1 to 14 and from 29 to 31 May 2018. These days are more suitable for finishing things than for starting them.

Be careful if you want in the first half of the month draw up some papers, go on trips, conduct negotiations on which, for example, your future may depend. If possible, do not start anything or take impulsive steps: you may regret it in the future!

When the moon grows - from May 15 to 28 things will start much better. During this period there will be more possibilities for paperwork, purchases, marriage and other important events. But bad days May 15 and 16, the peak of the negative aspect of Mars-Uranus. Any risks at this time will not be justified!

In the table presented at the end of the article, you will find a list of all the main tasks and days for them in May 2018.

ATTENTION! The weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

Weakness of the Moon on the burnt path: May 25 11:30 to May 27 19:00 (but especially May 26 20:30 to 22:30).

Periods of the MOON WITHOUT A COURSE, when you cannot start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.05.2018 05:56 - 01.05.2018 18:19

04.05.2018 03:50 - 04.05.2018 05:06

06.05.2018 16:48 - 06.05.2018 17:48

09.05.2018 05:29 - 09.05.2018 06:11

11.05.2018 12:02 - 11.05.2018 15:40

13.05.2018 21:05 - 13.05.2018 21:15

15.05.2018 23:30 - 15.05.2018 23:43

17.05.2018 21:18 - 18.05.2018 00:47

20.05.2018 00:14 - 20.05.2018 02:11

21.05.2018 06:30 - 22.05.2018 05:03

23.05.2018 17:55 - 24.05.2018 09:52

26.05.2018 00:04 - 26.05.2018 16:39

28.05.2018 20:25 - 29.05.2018 01:29

30.05.2018 09:26 - 31.05.2018 12:26

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for May 2018 section:

Good days according to the lunar calendar for shopping and various activities in May 2018


♐ 1 MAY, Tuesday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:32.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 18:20

Moon without course from 05:56 to 18:19

Symbols of the day

Spend this holiday the way you want. It's better not to start anything important, at least before the Moon leaves the sign of Scorpio, because she will be “single” almost all the time, but trips out of town and on vacation at this time will come in handy. What else should you do during the “idle” Moon (that is, the Moon without a course):

  • Continue and finish things started in the past;
  • Starting things that you need to “fail”;
  • Start something whose outcome doesn’t matter to you.

What not to do : before 18:20 - start important things, the result of which is very important, you are waiting for it; start a new job (position), borrow/lend money, move.

Purchases : Better to postpone. You can only buy what you need. The best time to go shopping is after 18:20.

2 MAY, Wednesday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:40.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

The negative aspect of the Moon and Venus on this day advises not to sign up for complex cosmetic procedures, plastic surgeries, and to make purchases with extreme caution. If you still want to do these things, don't schedule them in the morning. After 12:30- a better time. In general, this day may be associated with increased moodiness, anxiety, and mood swings, despite the optimistic sign of Sagittarius. Today there is a risk of wishful thinking. Fraudsters and swindlers are activated. Be careful!

What not to do : contact fortune tellers, healers, psychics; work with household chemicals; sign important papers and draw up contracts; go on trips to the water; swim in open water; abuse alcohol.

Purchases : Today you can shop, but it is better in the afternoon - after 12:30. You can buy educational materials, lectures, seminars, books. But still do them with caution, as there is a risk of monetary loss.

3 MAY, Thursday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:41.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

This day promises to be calm and relaxed. Today is good to go on trips, communicate with foreigners, engage in scientific activities or studies, take exams, as well as go to court and resolve various legal issues. This is one of the few days of the month when you can do plastic surgery. You can also seek advice from doctors and healers. This day is also suitable for investing and obtaining loans. You can borrow/lend money, draw up money documents, transfer or receive money from abroad.

What not to do : deal with matters related to real estate and construction; make serious promises (without written confirmation).

Purchases : Not a bad day for shopping. You can buy computer equipment, mobile phones and gadgets. It's especially good to shop online. But it is better not to buy real estate and land.

4 MAY, Friday. 19th lunar day from 00:00.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 05:06

Moon without course from 03:50 to 05:05

Symbols of the day : web (spider).

Early in the morning, the Moon will move into the sign of Capricorn, forcing many to take various issues more seriously. Emotions on this day will be somewhat suppressed, people will focus on work more than leisure. If you have important urgent matters, it is better to complete them today and not put them off. But it is better not to start new important things, as they may encounter serious obstacles.

What not to do : starting new important things, especially those requiring a lot of energy and quick completion; risk money; start a journey, start a course of treatment, have an operation.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone important purchases. Buy only the essentials that are important at this particular moment. It's good to save money on this day.

5 MAY, Saturday. 20th lunar day from 00:35.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : eagle.

This day is more successful for various things than the previous one, although it is Saturday. You can demand payment of a debt, ask your boss for a raise, begin repair work. You should not deal with important papers on this day, as Mercury is approaching negative aspects. It is best to continue the paperwork started earlier now. We advise you to schedule all your tasks for the first half of the day, especially before 11:00. It is very good to do some general cleaning in the apartment; there will be enough energy. You can also go on a business trip or go to the mountains in the morning.

What not to do : engage in writing; sign important documents; prepare reports; start some projects related to trading, contracts, securities, communication, training.

Purchases : You can shop until 11:00 as long as the Sun and Moon are in good aspect. At this time, you can buy everything for repairs and cleaning, you can buy furniture. But it’s better not to make large purchases.

Best days for shopping according to the lunar calendar

♑♒ 6 MAY, Sunday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 01:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 17:49

Moon without course from 16:48 to 17:48

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

This day is associated with negative aspects Moons with Mars and Uranus, which does not make it successful and calm. If possible, do not be nervous on this day, do not sort things out with anyone, as it will be quite difficult to make peace later. Better time - after 18:00 when the Moon moves into the sign of Aquarius. At this time, it is good to meet with friends, communicate on forums and social networks, and share different opinions with like-minded people.

What not to do : sign documents; conduct important negotiations; look for a job; start new projects, especially those related to the insurance business or trade.

Purchases : better to postpone - bad day.

7 MAY, Monday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:56.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key).

WEAK MOON as the Moon is approaching a phase change. Today it is important not to do anything important! This day is also associated with a negative aspect Mercury with Pluto, which once again indicates increased anxiety and fussiness. Unpleasant news may come related to someone's death or some kind of crisis. Things on this day will most likely not be the most successful, especially if they relate to important documents, purchases, negotiations or transport. Avoid travel if possible.

What not to do : starting new important things, doing planned operations; overexert yourself physically; sign documents; to marry; go on trips; lend/borrow money; make purchases, especially large ones; make statements to superiors or important institutions; pass exams.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

OLD MOON from 05:09

MAY 8, Tuesday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:26.AQUARIUS

III quarter, fourth phase of the Moon from 05:09

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

Negative aspect Venus and Neptune, which forms at night, can still be felt all day. Illusions and self-deceptions, especially regarding partners and money, can prevent you from achieving what you want. The moon on this day will encourage you to meet friends and like-minded people. You will be drawn to groups; it will be difficult to remain alone on this day. However, we advise you to save your strength: the approach of the negative aspect of the Sun and Jupiter can cause you a surge of strength, which will quickly deplete!

What not to do : make important decisions; go to court; meet; change jobs; repair electrical appliances and equipment; contact higher authorities or authorities.

♒♓ 9 MAY, Wednesday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:51.AQUARIUS , FISH from 06:11

Moon without course from 05:29 to 06:10

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

HAPPY VICTORY DAY! This holiday is not associated with any tense aspects of the Moon, which means it promises to be quite positive. However, the Moon in the sign of Pisces advises to be very careful with alcohol and various chemicals. Sensitivity will now be at a high level, many will become more sentimental. It’s good to spend time outside the city, in nature, on this day. If you have this opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it!

What not to do : contact fortune tellers and psychics; go to the mountains, go mountaineering; abuse alcohol.

Purchases : small purchases, if necessary.

MAY 10, Thursday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 03:12.FISH

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

If you didn't spend your best day yesterday, today you will feel very tired and relaxed. Unpleasant emotions, apathy, and depression may occur. However, everything is not so bad. Positive aspects of the Moon, Jupiter and the Sun will cheer you up and add strength. It's better to do advertising after 20:00, for example, this is a good time to advertise online or create advertisements.

What not to do : sign important documents; sort out relationships with partners; overeat and abuse alcohol4 risk money, give/borrow, invest money; make a will; enter into commercial contracts.

Purchases : It is better to postpone until at least 20:00. After 20:00 it is good to shop online. There are risks of monetary loss.

Lunar shopping calendar 2018: favorable days

♓♈ MAY 11, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:31.FISH , ARIES from 15:41

Moon without course from 12:02 to 15:40

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

The first half of the day will still pass with the Moon in Pisces, which means sensitivity and intuitiveness will remain. Approaching the negative aspect Mars-Mercury advises postponing serious matters related to trade, transport, and study. Today it is good to continue some things that you started in the past: you will have enough strength and energy for them. However, you should not make any sudden movements or make important decisions! In the afternoon, apathy and depressive thoughts may appear. It’s good to finish all your work at least before 15:30; you can also go in for sports in the morning and spend this time more actively. After 15:30 have a good rest and relaxation.

What not to do : make important decisions; do paperwork; conclude important commercial transactions.

Purchases : Bad day for shopping. It is better not to make large purchases. Small purchases of essentials are acceptable.

12 MAY, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:49.ARIES

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

The unfavorable aspect of Mercury and Mars does not promise anything good for those who want to sign important documents, negotiate, or go on trips on this day. Hot temper, impulsiveness, nervousness, which are also fueled by the presence of the Moon in the sign of Aries, can play a cruel joke on you. Do not plan to resolve important business issues on this day, do not risk money - the risks will not be justified! Although on this day you will want to quickly resolve matters, there is no need to rush.

What not to do : work with important documents, negotiate, borrow/lend money; give lectures and conduct seminars; perform operations; move; go on trips.

Purchases : unlucky day for shopping: it is better to postpone shopping trips. There are risks of buying something on impulse and then regretting the money spent!

♈♉ 13 MAY, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:08.ARIES , TAURUS from 21:16

Moon without course from 21:05 to 21:15

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

A stressful day full of negative aspects. The presence of the Moon in the sign of Aries increases tension, so it is better to avoid any showdowns, negotiations, or conflict situations today. Bad timing for important commercial events, transactions and contracts. Complete your business this lunar month, because it is coming to an end, and you should think about new things on Tuesday afternoon!

Event of the day : Mercury moves into Taurus (15:40). During this period, people are more inclined to logical thinking and will no longer make spontaneous and quick decisions. There will be less trust now, so it will be possible to convince someone of something in the next couple of weeks only by presenting clear and logical arguments!

What not to do : starting new businesses, especially those related to commercial activities; sort out relationships with partners, colleagues, friends; conduct important negotiations; draw up important documents.

Purchases : It is better not to make large purchases, especially if you make such a decision quickly. Buy only what you need.

14 MAY, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:29.TAURUS

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya).

29th lunar day does not bring anything good, so remember that this Monday is extremely bad for beginnings. Especially today, you shouldn’t make important decisions or take risks in any way: it could end badly. On this day, it is important to monitor everything that happens to you. If something unpleasant happens, it means that you need to change something in this area, it means that you did something wrong and they point out a problem that needs to be solved. If everything is good for you on this day, it means that you did not have a problem this month, or you easily dealt with it.

What not to do : starting new important things, doing planned operations; overexert yourself physically; sign documents; to marry; risk.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

YOUNG MOON from 14:48

♉♊ 15 MAY, Tuesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 04:53, 1st lunar day from 14:48

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

An unfavorable day, full of surprises, impulsiveness and sudden aggressive outbursts. It will be especially tense first half. Today, try not to get into conflicts and communicate as little as possible with people from your immediate circle. Today it is best to be alone, collect some information that interests you, and engage in self-education.

What not to do : start new important things, especially related to negotiations and papers; look for a new job and start a new position; start any advertising projects, launch advertising.

Purchases : small and insignificant purchases. It is not advisable to buy equipment, computers, expensive software, mobile phones and gadgets. Purchases of casual clothing and shoes are acceptable.

17 MAY, Thursday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:00.TWINS

Moon without course from 21:18

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

Today will be a good time for working with documents and their signing. It is especially good to work with financial documents and enter into small contracts. You can transfer and receive money. Commercial activity promises to be successful; various auctions can be organized. It is better not to plan things that require concentration and perseverance on this day. Not a bad time for dating (personal or business), negotiations, friendly and romantic communication.

What not to do : start some long-term projects.

Purchases : Since the Moon is waxing, this time will be more beneficial for sellers than for buyers. That is, now there is an opportunity to sell something at a higher price. It is better not to make particularly large purchases today, but small purchases will be made more willingly. If you sell something small at retail, today there is a chance to make good money! It is not advisable to buy expensive works of art and jewelry. But you can buy casual clothes, shoes, and inexpensive cosmetics.

♊♋ 18 MAY, Friday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 06:50.TWINS , CANCER from 00:48

Moon without course until 00:47

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

Until 15:00– quite a tense time when sensitivity, sensitivity and vulnerability increase. Today there is a high probability of quarreling with relatives and loved ones. Be careful! Unstable mood and depressive thoughts can interfere with your business. Today, rest as much as possible and don’t overwork yourself. It is not advisable to undergo surgery or begin courses of treatment.

What not to do : start construction; register marriages and arrange weddings; lend/borrow money; meet.

Purchases : It is good to do shopping after 15:00, especially shopping for the home, purchasing food for the week. You can buy furniture, carpets, dishes, etc.

19 MAY, Saturday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:51.CANCER

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

Event of the day : Venus moves into the sign of Cancer (16:11).

On this day it is good to communicate with relatives and friends. Different people will be successful family matters. You can go on trips with your family, organize family holidays and get-togethers, and go out of town with your family. A good day for any water-related wellness treatments.

What not to do : start construction; register marriages and arrange weddings; lend/borrow money; meet; start any very protracted business.

Purchases : You can buy residential premises or land plots for the construction of private real estate.

Lunar calendar, moon phases, favorable days

20 MAY, Sunday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:04.CANCER , LION from 02:11

Moon without course from 00:14 to 02:11

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

Today some problems related to your close circle may emerge. Although the Moon is in the sign of Leo, new acquaintances will not be welcomed today: they either will end in nothing, or they will leave not the most pleasant emotions. However, the day is suitable for visiting various cultural events and banquets.

What not to do : prepare reports; sign documents; edit and correct important texts; move; go on trips.

Purchases : only small and insignificant.

21 MAY, Monday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:23.LION

Moon without course from 06:30

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

Event of the day : transition of the Sun into the sign of Gemini (05:15).

WEAK MOON! This day may turn out to be completely useless: after all, the Moon will not make a single major aspect and will be “single”! This day was created for rest and relaxation, but not for starting new things! Remember that any business started under the Moon without a course will not have a good result or will be completely useless. Today you can continue what was started earlier.

What not to do : starting new important things, doing planned operations; overexert yourself physically; sign documents; get married.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

WALKING MOON from 06:49

♌♍ 22 MAY, Tuesday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 11:43.LION , VIRGO from 05:03

First quarter, second phase of the Moon from 06:49

Moon without course until 05:03

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

In general, this day will not be particularly stressful, since from 7 am the Moon will move away from negative aspects and will move towards favorable. A good day to visit hairdressers, especially before 11:00. Today it is good to plan things that require concentration, patience and accuracy. You can look for a new job, analyze competitors, write a resume, etc. None of your efforts will be in vain. Plan for difficult tasks during this time. But it’s better to put aside legal matters.

It will be difficult to fall asleep today. There may be insomnia, nervous exhaustion and not the most pleasant sensations. You should not abuse alcohol. This is especially dangerous now!

What not to do : go to court; go on trips; invest money; especially large ones; borrow/lend money, apply for loans; sign important documents.

Purchases : small purchases of essentials.

23 MAY, Wednesday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:03.VIRGO

Moon without course from 17:55

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

In the morning, we do not recommend doing important business related to foreigners; it is better not to sign any documents! It is now worth making any decisions related to trade, procurement, transport, etc. with caution. It is better to postpone important negotiations until the afternoon. There is a danger of deception and fraud. You can look for a new job from 09:30 to 18:00.

What not to do : borrow/lend money, apply for loans; sign important documents before 10:00.

Purchases : It is better to postpone any purchases until 10:00. Also, do not make purchases during the Moon without a course. Today you can buy any small things, especially those that are useful for home or garden cleaning. In the morning there are risks of spending more money on nonsense.

♍♎ 24 MAY, Thursday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 14:21.VIRGO , SCALES from 09:52

Moon without course until 09:51

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus).

The first half of this day will be quite energetic and active. If you start any business, especially one related to partnership work and cooperation between 10:00 and 15:00 hours, you will be able to cope with any difficulties ahead of schedule quickly and well. But it is better if these are some matters related to a business partnership, and not to a personal one. Unfavorable aspect Venus and Moon in the evening indicates that people become more capricious, there may be quarrels and disagreements. This aspect will especially affect women, so men will have a hard time! This day is not suitable for important matters: there will be many obstacles.

What not to do : getting acquainted with the goal of starting a serious relationship; sort things out; enter into financial transactions; borrow/lend money; apply for loans; begin a course of treatment or health procedures.

Purchases : Not a good day for shopping. If possible, do not buy anything expensive or valuable, as there is a high probability of an unsuccessful purchase.

The best days for beginnings according to the lunar calendar

25 MAY, Friday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:38.SCALES

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth).

Event of the day : Trine Jupiter and Neptune.

This day may be associated with small tasks that need to be completed quickly. Its first half is more successful, intuition will be at its best, you will be able to learn a lot of valuable and useful things for yourself. It’s better not to plan dating to create a serious romantic relationship on this day, and you shouldn’t start important creative projects, because Venus and Saturn approaching the negative aspect. In the coming days there is a big risk of breaking up the relationship!

What not to do : meet and start new relationships; weave intrigues, argue and sort things out; register a marriage.

Purchases : Make small purchases in the morning. Don't buy expensive art or jewelry.

26 MAY, Saturday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:53.SCALES , SCORPION from 16:40

Moon without course from 00:04 to 16:39

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart).

This is not a particularly good day for resolving partnership issues, sorting out relationships, dating, romantic dates and meetings: Venus and Saturn will be tense on this day, which means they may give a hint that relationships and romance on this day they should be relegated to the background. Now you should focus on solving some issues and affairs that you have already started in the past, because for most of the working day the Moon will be without a course. In addition, on this day the Moon will follow the burnt path, which is considered a weak position for it. The approach of a negative aspect between the Moon and Mars hints at increased conflict.

What not to do : start important things; register a marriage; sign partnership agreements; negotiate something; borrow/lend money; enter into open conflicts; sort things out with partners.

Purchases : It is better to postpone purchases, especially the purchase of clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, etc.

27 MAY, Sunday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:07.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

Quite a positive and successful day when many things will work out. Especially today it is good to do research or analytical work. Working in collaboration with someone will be very successful. Can make important decisions, because intuition usually doesn’t let you down when the Moon is in Scorpio! It is also good to study and improve your knowledge. This is not a bad time to deal with legal issues and go to court.

What not to do : start a new position; throw parties; register a marriage; move.

Purchases : You can buy cars, equipment.

28 MAY, Monday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:19.SCORPION

Moon without course from 20:25

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call).

Risk increases today various colds, despite the fact that summer is already very close. It's better not to get too cold. Today you can continue to do things related to research and joint projects. Repair work can begin.

What not to do : draw up and sign important documents; to marry; organize parties and banquets; putting on new clothes or shoes for the first time.

Purchases : with caution; It’s better not to make large purchases, but to buy only the essentials.

Detailed lunar calendar for 2018 (month of May)

WANING MOON from 17:19

29 MAY, Tuesday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:28.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 01:29

FULL MOON at 17:19

Moon without course until 01:28

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings).

WEAK MOON! A busy day is a full moon day with the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Today it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with loved ones; quarrels and conflicts. However, no aspects striking this full moon will be observed, so there remains a chance that for many, all the disagreements that have arisen will not end in anything serious and will quickly fade away. Try not to stress too much today, spend this day in peace and relaxation, plan the simplest tasks for it.

What not to do : starting new important things, doing planned operations; overexert yourself physically; sign documents; to marry; sort out relationships with partners; risk money; borrow/lend money; start repairs; throw noisy and stormy parties.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

30 MAY, Wednesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:32.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : fire snake (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove).

Event of the day : Mercury moves into Gemini (02:49).

Today you will have a good opportunity to go somewhere. However, it is better to go on trips after 09:30. This is also a good time to study or take exams. With the transition of Mercury into Gemini, the need for communication and new knowledge increases, people exchange news, and activity on social networks increases. If you have your own business that you promote on social networks, now is a great time to new advertising campaigns! A good day for information businessmen. It is good to organize lectures, webinars, seminars, and also attend them. After 09:30 you can borrow money and apply for loans.

What not to do : make promises and go on trips before 09:30.

Purchases : good time for shopping, but better after 09:30. In the morning hours, the risks of financial losses, deception and fraud increase.

31 MAY, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 22:29.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 12:27

Moon without course from 09:26 to 12:26

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

The approaching conjunction of the Moon and Saturn makes this day not very successful for any undertakings, but the mood should not be particularly depressed due to the fact that it is very soon (June 1st) Venus and Jupiter will be in trine! This is a very good aspect that brings joy, good mood, pleasant feelings and, of course, love. Today there may be all sorts of unexpected news, unexpected brilliant ideas, unexpected acquaintances.

What not to do : start important things that relate to real estate, land, construction;

Purchases : It is unfavorable to make purchases during the Moon without a course! After 12:30 you can buy something that should last a long time, for example, furniture.

Various things to do and the most favorable days for them in May 2018

Cleaning:4-6, 22, 23, 31
Wet cleaning:6-8, 16, 17, 24-26
Washing:9-11, 18, 19, 26-28
Washing windows and glass: 2, 3, 6-8, 29-31
Ironing:1-3, 7-14, 29, 30
Dry cleaning:1-3, 7-14, 29, 30
Start of repair:5, 27, 28
Start of house construction: 17, 20
Signing important documents: 9, 17
Looking for a new job: 17, 22, 23
Appeal to the authorities: 2, 3, 5, 30
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 3, 9, 30
Dating, dates, engagements: 17
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 2, 3, 19, 30
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 2, 3, 19, 30
Trips to the mountains:5
Business trips: 5, 30
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 2, 14, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25
Banquets and celebrations: 3, 20, 21, 25, 30
Weddings (valid days): 2 (after 14:00), 3, 9, 16, 20, 27, 28, 30 (before 10:00)
Judicial and legal issues: 2, 3, 27
Solving important financial issues: 23
Investments: 3, 9, 30
Commercial activities: 17, 23
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 20
Exchange operations: No
Preparation of documents: 3, 9, 17, 23, 30
Making wills: 17, 23, 27
Insurance:23, 27
Advertising:3, 9-11, 19, 30
Small purchases:2, 3, 9, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 30
Large purchases: 27
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, jewelry: 16, 17
Real estate purchases: No
Buying a car: 27
Probability of unexpected expenses: 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 19, 24, 26
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 2, 10, 16, 22, 29
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 3, 9, 17, 27, 30
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 7, 4, 11, 13-16, 18, 21, 24, 29

Table: Moon in zodiac signs, phases of the Moon and types of work with plants

May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

May gives us an openwork lace of blooming plums and cherries. The most favorable time for planting most plants, as well as for protecting fruit and berry trees and shrubs from all kinds of pests and diseases.
At the beginning of the month, cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground: carrots, turnips, radishes, spring garlic.
In the middle of the month they plant onion sets, at the end - strawberries, beans, beets, and potatoes. Grow pumpkin seedlings.
Depending on weather conditions, in May, seedlings of various types of cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, celery, leeks, spicy and medicinal plants are planted in open ground, under film or in greenhouses.

Folk signs about the weather in May:
There are two cold periods in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms.
If there is a lot of rain in May, then there is little in September.
After wet May there is dry June.
May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compile one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming 2019 gardening season

Thematic calendar tables - selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Lunar calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from May 01, 2019 00:00 (Wed)
to 01 May 2019 13:24 (Wed)

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

This period takes only half a day, so it’s worth choosing those jobs that will bring the greatest benefit:
Watering and foliar feeding of plants with organic fertilizers. A favorable time for sowing carrot seeds, early ripening varieties of radish, radishes in greenhouses, and beets in insulated soil for seedlings. Sowing nigella onion seedlings for growing sets. Possible time for sowing cold-resistant green crops in greenhouses, as well as basil and marjoram for seedlings. Picking, and for short-growing tomatoes transshipment(transplant together with a lump of earth, without disturbing the roots) into separate pots. Loosening the soil, weeding seedlings. Replanting bulbous indoor flowers. In the garden, applying organic fertilizers to the tree trunks of fruit trees and berry bushes, and to strawberry plantations.
Depending on weather conditions, it is possible to plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash in open ground under cover.

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

** On the pages of the lunar calendar, to the monthly list of modern holidays in Russia, ancient traditional holidays have been added, which determined the timing of agricultural work or the upcoming weather (according to weather signs) - these dates are also built into the calendar table, they are in the column with a description of work with plants

Work on the page “Lunar calendar of gardener for May 2019” will be completed by May 1, 2019.

You will have to work hard in April. The May holidays are coming, and you need to have time to do everything to go to them with a calm heart and a clear conscience..

Moon phases in April 2019

  • Waning Moon: April 1–4 and April 20–30
  • Waxing Moon: April 7–19
  • New Moon: April 5
  • Full Moon: April 19
  • Lunar calendar for April 2019

    April 1st. The waning Moon in Aquarius is not the best time for active actions. Put aside important projects and do routine things.

    April 2–3. The moon is waning, and with it your strength. On the waning Moon in Pisces, everything will fall out of your hands, literally and figuratively. On such days, it is better to educate yourself - read books, watch webinars, attend lectures and conferences - than to do anything real.

    April 4. The waning Moon in Aries will make you a little more energetic, but still this energy will not be enough on the last day of the lunar cycle. The risk of conflicts at work and at home is high, so keep quiet more.

    April 5. On the New Moon you will feel a surge of strength. We do not recommend immersing yourself in work. But it doesn’t hurt to make a business plan for the month.

    April 6. The waxing Moon in Aries will make you determined and energetic. Spend your overflowing energy on cleaning or training, otherwise it threatens to result in a huge scandal.

    April 7–8. With the waxing Moon in Taurus, we advise you to do something that you have been planning for a long time, but constantly put off - your budget. If you're living paycheck to paycheck and don't understand where your money is going, it's time to get your finances in order.

    April 9–10. The waxing Moon in Gemini will awaken the spirit of adventure in you. After work, go to the cinema with your friends or loved one. If you want peace and quiet, relax in a restaurant or cafe.

    April 11–12. During the waxing Moon in Cancer, you will be immersed in household chores. These are good days to buy something for the interior.

    April 13–15. The weekend will pass under the sign of the waxing Moon in Leo. Give yourself this time, doing only yourself and no one else. These are beauty days, when you need to go to a salon, hairdresser or Russian bath, and if you don’t want to leave the house, then arrange a spa at home.

    April 16–17. With the waxing Moon in Virgo, put your house in order. Organize a spring cleaning according to all the laws of this genre.

    April 18. The last day before the Full Moon will pass under the sign of the waxing Moon in Libra. This is not the best time to make important decisions, participate in meetings and negotiations.

    April 19. The full moon will color the day in dark tones. We advise you to minimize contact and communication with other people.

    April 20–21. During the waning Moon in Scorpio, you will be full of strength and enthusiasm. Even though it's the weekend, make the most of these days for your career.

    April 22–23. During the waning Moon in Sagittarius, you will be drawn to adventures. It’s up to you to decide whether to indulge in them or not, but remember that “clearing up the mess” is also up to you.

    April 24–26. The waning moon in Capricorn is work time. Try to finish all important things before the May holidays.

    April 27–30. The last weekend of the month, a whole series of May holidays are just around the corner, and even the waning Moon in Aquarius and Pisces - everything suggests that it’s time to quit work and start relaxing.

It is called the growing (young) Moon.

Waxing Moon (young Moon) and its influence

The waxing Moon shows the way, accepts, builds, creates, accumulates energy, prevents the earth from accepting moisture, accumulates strength, has a positive effect on everything that can be saved, and helps to relax.

Growing Moon (young Moon) - health

On the young moon, all activities and procedures to restore and strengthen organs and body parts are favorable.

Everything that you want to introduce into the body, that strengthens and builds it, is doubly effective during these two weeks.

It is easier to eliminate deficiencies during a waxing Moon than during a waning Moon; it is especially useful at this time to make up for the lack of minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, calcium, and iron preparations work much better.

When the Moon is young, the body accumulates energy, gains strength, and it is undesirable to waste it at this time, since even a slight load can lead to exhaustion. At this time, the immune system is weaker, we have a harder time enduring even minor ailments, wounds bleed more and heal worse. As the crescent of the Moon increases, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operation decreases, wounds and injuries begin to heal worse. It leaves a lot of scars. The closer the day of the full moon, the stronger this influence.

With the waxing Moon, more fluid accumulates in the body and, in particular, in the legs; it is difficult to remove it even with diuretics. Any poisoning from a wasp sting to mushroom poisoning turns out to be very strong. But the body also perceives medicinal ointments much better during the young moon.

When the Moon is waxing, the body tries to assimilate the food it receives as much as possible and store as much as possible in reserve. With always the same eating habits, we feel a feeling of heaviness in our stomach much more often, and we gain weight more easily.

Therefore, you need to limit yourself in nutrition if you do not want to gain weight.

Growing Moon (young Moon) – beauty, hair cutting

When the moon is waxing, the body is tuned to absorb energy, to absorb and preserve everything that comes into it. The skin more easily accepts everything that nourishes it, that supplies it with the necessary substances - that is, nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks. Cutting your hair during the waxing Moon is very favorable; hair cut at this time grows faster. Especially and , a and should be skipped.

Waxing Moon calendar for 2019 contains information about the dates and times of the beginning and end of the growing Moons.

Waxing Moon (young Moon) in the zodiac signs

Waxing Moon in Aries

This is a time of excessive emotional stress and overcoming various obstacles. Listen more to common sense and take care of your nerves.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

The motto of this period is “practicality”. You can successfully do any business that requires diligence and patience - from cleaning an apartment to buying a country house. Checking financial statements or inventory will be easier and more fun than usual.

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Favorable time for short trips, business meetings outside. Get a strong impression, notice a lot of interesting things, new ideas will appear.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

During the growing Moon in Cancer, you will especially need the help of other people. Feeding new ideas is necessary, but they all require careful consideration.

Waxing Moon in Leo

If you love jewelry, pay attention to these expensive trinkets. Visit salons and antique stores. During this period, aesthetic impressions from the contemplation of jewelry, as well as works of art, turn into new ideas.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

The time is boring, you may feel some emptiness in your head and soul. In each of us, even the busiest person, lies a vulnerable soul, susceptible to various human weaknesses, and the young Moon in Virgo once again reminds us of this.

Waxing Moon in Libra

These days we strive to distinguish between business and personal. It's time to sort out your relationships, so you just need to put aside your emotions and start with analysis.

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

This is a period of personal experiences. Deal with problems that require emotional stress. You can meet with friends and talk about your personal affairs.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

If you have been planning to travel abroad for a long time, but have not yet gone, then it is time to put everything aside for the sake of this trip. The young Moon in Sagittarius is a good time to combine business with pleasure.

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

At this time, there is clearly a surge in business activity. The main thing is to skillfully manage the resources given to you - an offer of promotion, salary increase, benefits, privilege, etc. The situation can become dramatic if you are not prepared for it.

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Think about charity. We must share with our neighbors, and this requires emotional contact with a person or group in need, and not just a transfer of funds.

Waxing Moon in Pisces

The best thing now is to throw yourself into work and not think about your well-being. Since taking medications during this period is very harmful, you can get poisoned.