Where to sell your old fur coat for the best profit. Pawnshops of mink coats How to learn to sell mink coats

An old fur coat can still serve its owner well - you can sell it and use the proceeds to buy a fashionable down jacket or, by adding the required amount, get a new fur coat of a modern model. Let's consider the options: where and how to sell a mink coat.

It is worth considering that a buyer, having decided to purchase a used fur coat, is looking for an inexpensive option. And if a fur product costs 10-20% cheaper than in a salon, then there is no point in taking risks and purchasing it second-hand - then it is better to wait for a seasonal sale and purchase a fur product that is guaranteed to be of good quality.

A fur coat worn for several seasons loses its freshness and presentability. Even if outwardly it looks great, there are some changes that it has undergone during wear. Factors influencing the cost of a used fur coat:

  • the white shade of the flesh is valued higher than yellowish and grayish;
  • a fur coat made from sewn skins is valued higher than one made from glued skins;
  • the condition of the fur is assessed: its elasticity, integrity, shine, presence of defects;
  • size of skins: whole, pieces; Thus, fur from skins 10-25 cm is valued higher.

A used mink coat made from whole skins in perfect condition costs 50% of the cost. A fur coat that has been used for several seasons and shows signs of wear will sell for a third of the original cost. You can evaluate your fur coat in more detail by analyzing similar advertisements on the Internet.

Where to put the fur coat?

Having decided on the scene of a worn mink coat, you can begin to search for an option: where to sell it.

Word of mouth

Surely someone you know or their acquaintances needs a mink fur coat at a very low price and perhaps even used. Therefore, first of all, it is worth informing as many friends, colleagues and acquaintances as possible that you intend to sell your used fur coat.

The convenience of this option is obvious: the potential buyer is practically “your” person, it is convenient to arrange a meeting with him, invite him home, etc.

Thrift store

If there is a specialized consignment store in the city that sells used fur products, then you can purchase a fur coat through it. Here experts will evaluate the quality of the product and place it for storage in a special refrigeration chamber. Buyers are attracted by the control of specialists in selecting quality fur coats, so they will quickly buy it here. There are fur consignment stores in Moscow and major Russian cities.

You can also sell your fur coat at a regular second-hand store. However, there are no special conditions for storing expensive fur items, and if it stays in the store for a long time, over time it may lose its presentable appearance.


If you urgently need money, then you can take the fur coat to a pawnshop. Of course, a product made from rabbit or mouton will not be accepted here, but a mink coat in excellent condition can fetch good money.


You can quickly sell a mink coat for decent money via the Internet. Here social networks, city forums, specialized platforms where they sell used things, for example, Avito, Yula, etc., will come to the rescue.

At city forums, for example, in Moscow, you can quickly sell a fur coat to a Muscovite, i.e. It will be more convenient to do this in your city - you won’t have to send the item or worry about scammers. Avito or Yula would also be a good option.

To avoid running into scammers, you should read about the deception schemes they use when buying goods online. It is recommended that fitting appointments be held in shopping centers or other crowded places.

For safety reasons, it is better to take a friend with you to a meeting with a potential buyer, because the deal will involve a lot of money.

How to sell a fur coat quickly?

  • By the winter season there is more demand for fur products - selling a fur coat online will not be difficult.
  • The advertisement should describe the fur coat in detail: style, size, length, color, possible defects, how many seasons it was worn, fur, etc. When describing, it would also be useful to indicate the manufacturer, brand, country, year.
  • An attractive price will help you quickly sell your fur coat.
  • Photos should not be neglected. It’s good if the product is on the model - this way you can clearly imagine what the fur coat looks like. It's better to post several photos from different angles. Photos of the inside of the garment will give you an idea of ​​the quality of the product.

You can create the right ad based on similar descriptions, for example, on Avito. In any case, you should study the condition in which fur coats are sold online, what their price is, what photos and descriptions are attached to the ads. Based on what you see and read, you can make a more tempting offer.

A fur pawn shop will offer you a good price for your fur product. You can sell it or keep it as collateral. In the first case, you will redeem the item after a certain time. In this case, you will simply need to pay interest for using the money.

If you want to sell a fur coat, you won’t have to waste time looking for a buyer. It's quite difficult to sell such a thing quickly. Our selection of mink coats is exactly what you need. We are absolutely sure of this.

You will be able to find out the real cost of this item. The appraiser will rely on market criteria and tell you the real value of your fur coat.

Our pawnshop issues a loan secured by a mink coat. At the same time, we guarantee perfect safety of your item. The fur product will retain its original splendor.

We will also buy your mink coat at a favorable price for you.

How to donate a mink coat

Initially, you need to decide whether you want to finally sell the furs or return them after some time.

You can take the fur coat to a thrift store. It will assess the condition of the item. You can receive money only after its implementation. It is much more convenient to take the fur coat to a pawnshop. Our purchase of mink coats is a truly profitable option. We accept products for sale or as collateral. In this case, you will receive a fairly significant amount.

You can find out the approximate cost of the item. You don't have to bring it to us to do this. You have the option to send us a photo of the product for online evaluation. If the announced amount suits you, you bring us the item, and our specialist will evaluate it professionally. The cost depends on a number of factors.

The fur coat must have a certificate of conformity with a serial number. If the product is not certified, it will be priced very cheaply or will not be accepted at all. This is why you should only purchase mink with certificates. This will allow you to profitably sell your fur coat in the future, if the need arises.

The color and type of mink is also important. The estimate depends on mink production. It can be Chinese, Canadian Russian, Scandinavian. Russian and Chinese mink will be priced cheaper. The cost also depends on the color of the fur. If a shade is rare, it is valued much more

The specialist also checks the condition of the fur coat. He examines her for bald spots, scuffs, and creases. The condition of the lining and inner layer is important. All this affects the final cost of the fur coat. Be sure to wear your fur coat carefully and care for it properly.

In the evaluation process, the style and quantity of skins used to sew the fur coat are important. If the item is long and designer, you can get more money for it.

Another factor is the age of the fur coat. The older it is, the cheaper it is.

Pledge or sale

You can quickly take your fur coat to our pawnshop and return it back. Just repay the borrowed funds and interest within the prescribed period. If the money is not returned on time or you decide to sell the item, it will be transferred to the store for sale. However, its cost may be significantly higher.

If you want to urgently improve your financial situation, you can sell your mink coat. We will offer a good amount for it. The proceeds should be used to buy another fur coat or valuable item.

We guarantee the legality and transparency of every transaction. In this case, a purchase and sale agreement must be concluded. After signing it, you are immediately paid the specified amount.

We employ real specialists, so you can be completely sure that we will offer you a substantial amount. Our pawnshop, the sale of fur coats is one of our activities, will save you in a difficult financial situation.

After reading our material about, are you ready to change your fur coat to a fashionable jacket? Or are you just tired of your old fur coat and want something new? It’s a completely understandable desire, but with it comes the question of what to do with a boo fur coat: it hangs in the closet, takes up space, and you’ve spent a lot of money on it at one time. Most likely there will be a desire to sell it. How to do this with minimal effort and as efficiently as possible.

Once the decision to sell a fur coat is made, many questions immediately arise: what price to set, where to sell the fur coat, how to do it quickly. Let's try to answer at least some of them.

When selling a fur coat, especially an expensive one, you should take into account the fact that people are very reluctant to buy such expensive clothes second-hand. To find a fashionable mink coat, people are more likely to go to a salon or a specialty store during sales. After all, buying in a salon is at least some kind of guarantee that the fur is of high quality and that hidden defects or other unpleasant surprises will not be found in the fur coat. A buyer who is not very knowledgeable about the quality of fur may be wary of fakes and poor quality. It will probably not be as easy to sell a fur coat as a dress, but it is nevertheless quite possible.

Where to sell a fur coat

The first and most popular question related to the sale of fur coats is: where should one actually sell it? Let's look at all the possible options.

Friends and acquaintances

The easiest and most reliable way to sell a fur coat is to offer it to your friends and acquaintances. And don’t think that no one is interested in your proposal. First of all, tell all your friends that you are planning to sell. Perhaps someone is just looking for a fur coat. This option is the most convenient - you trust each other, you can safely call the buyer home for a comfortable fitting, and both parties to the transaction do not have to worry about the quality of the fur coat sold and the degree of its wear.

Thrift stores

It’s great if somewhere nearby there is a consignment store that will agree to take your fur coat for sale. It is unlikely that you will be offered to buy it back, of course. But this option is also good in its own way. Firstly, consignment shops receive a percentage of sales, which means they are interested in selling expensive items. Such stores actively attract customers, will show your fur coat to everyone to whom it could potentially suit, and will save you from the need to come up with places for meetings and fittings. The second-hand shop will help you evaluate the fur coat correctly. The disadvantage of selling at a second-hand store is, perhaps, that you do not know and will not be able to control how your fur coat will be stored and how carefully it will be handled.

Specialized second-hand shops

I was able to find fur salons on the Internet that had separate offers for resale of used fur coats in excellent condition. The benefits of this option are obvious: those who are already determined to buy a fur coat come here; there will be no problems with storage and correct evaluation. The problem is that such offers are not so frequent anymore, but it’s worth looking for such a salon in your city.

Platforms for selling things

You can always post a fur coat for sale in the appropriate section on a platform like our Shafa. Such advertisements come from search queries by those who are purposefully looking for options for purchasing used fur coats. In such places, everything is “tailored” for the convenience of the buyer and seller: there are a lot of visitors, there is a convenient search, criteria for how to describe an item for sale, there are other advertisements based on which you can evaluate your fur coat.

There is a small catch that many interested buyers may be from other cities, and buyers are afraid to buy an expensive item with postage without feeling it from all sides and trying it on. We have several instructions on how to sell things correctly; they may be useful to you when selling a fur coat.

Social media

Try posting an advertisement for the sale of a fur coat in specialized groups on social networks. It’s worth choosing those that have a lot of participants and are actively bustling with life. The advantage of social networks is that you can post one ad in several different communities at once and reach a large audience. The disadvantage of this option is that the lifespan of an ad on Facebook is not very long, and it is almost impossible to find ads by searching.

City forums

Popular city forums almost always have special sections for any “buy or sell”. And a very live audience gathers there and sells something. The advantage of this option is that here you will find a buyer from your city, which means you don’t have to bother with issues of shipping to other cities, payment procedures and communications.


Not the most standard way to sell a fur coat. Most likely, it will not suit everyone and not every fur coat will be able to be attached in this way. Of course, you can’t sell a rabbit fur coat here, but a mink coat with all the certificates is fine. If your fur coat is of high quality and not cheap, and you urgently need money, then you can go to a pawnshop that accepts fur products as collateral. Pawnshops have a number of restrictions - the quality of the fur, the availability of documents, the condition of the fur coat.

You may get significantly less money this way than if you sold it yourself, but it will be quick and hassle-free. And if you suddenly change your mind about parting with your fur coat, you can get it back before the end of the deposit period.

How much to sell a fur coat for

First of all, we need to soberly assess the desire of buyers to save on buying non-budget items. It is unlikely that anyone will agree to the risk of buying an expensive fur product, if the savings are 10%, then it is better to go to the salon. If you value your fur coat as almost new, then you have every chance of selling it for years. And the quality and “relevance” of a fur coat will not improve at all from being locked in a closet for a long time.

If a fur coat is made of durable fur, is in perfect condition and the style does not look antediluvian, it is quite possible to sell it for 50% of the original cost. If the fur is not durable, the fur coat is already several years old and there are some signs of wear, then it is most realistic to value it no more than a third of the purchase price.

A good way to determine the price of your used fur coat is to look at and analyze similar ads in places where a lot of used fur coats are sold (Shafa, OLX, Kidstaff).

How to sell a fur coat quickly

In order for a fur coat to sell quickly enough, the right combination of price and quality and a good advertisement are important. It is unlikely that you will be able to sell a fur coat, especially one that is not new (older than one or two seasons), for a little less than what you bought it for. There are so many offers in this segment.

Photos are one of the essential success factors when selling online, especially for expensive items that are bought for more than one year. To sell a fur coat on the Internet, take several high-quality photos that clearly show the style, color, condition of the fur (its length, thickness, smoothness), condition of the seams, lining, and any defects. It makes sense to take several photos of yourself (front, back), lay out the fur coat on a light, plain surface. All photos, even those taken on a phone, must be clear and of good quality with good lighting. Think for yourself, would you buy an item for several thousand hryvnia based on a cloudy, dark, indistinct photograph.

For a quick sale, study ads with fur coats made of the same fur as yours. Look carefully at these advertisements, what descriptions, prices and photographs there are. And make your offer more attractive than your competitors.

And the seasonality factor should not be excluded. The closer the cold weather comes, the more actively the demand grows, which means it will be possible to sell a fur coat faster by creating the right ad and price.

Safety rules when selling fur coats

Fur coats, like other expensive items at online flea markets, can attract increased attention from scammers. Before selling, be sure to read information about possible fraud schemes and the actions of unscrupulous buyers.

During personal meetings for fitting, it is worth taking care of accompaniment and basic safety rules when choosing a place for fitting and sale, because we are talking about considerable sums, even if the fur coat is sold for less than its original cost.

Selling fur coats - personal experience

Some impressions from our sellers about selling fur coats on the Shafa site.

Olga, profile in Shafa
28 positive reviews, 63 items on sale

“The main difficulty in selling fur coats is the limited target audience, which in principle can afford to buy such an expensive product. Considering the cost, not many buyers want to take the risk of buying a “pig in a poke.” Therefore, for online sales, it is extremely important to describe in great detail all the measurements, shortcomings and those moments that may raise questions for the buyer (what parts of the skins are sewn from, country of origin, style, weight, dyed or not, are there any creases or bald spots, what kind of lining, is there additional insulation, etc.).

The established cost of the product is also important; if the product is used, it already loses at least 20% in price, then the price decreases depending on the condition. When sending to another city, if the buyer has doubts, compensation for sending for fitting can be agreed upon at the buyer’s expense. The buyer, for example, makes an advance payment of 100 UAH (depending on the cost of shipping), you send cash on delivery, if the goods are suitable upon receipt, the buyer pays for the purchase in full, if not, he sends it back. The ideal option is to offer the buyer the opportunity to try it on, and not necessarily on your territory, it can be a shopping center.

In any case, for the buyer, purchasing a fur coat online is a great opportunity to save money! The main thing is that the seller is as truthful as possible and correctly determines the pricing policy, and the buyer is more decisive)

Anastasia, profile in Shafe zhovt
11 positive reviews, 11 items on sale

“I put the fur coat up for sale only in Shafu. And it sold quite quickly, in about a week. Probably my price was more or less attractive. I took the price out of the blue, so it’s difficult to talk about pricing, I was interested in a quick sale, so the price indicated 8,500 UAH for a natural mink in good condition. A maximum of a week after I put it up, two girls appeared wanting to buy it. One of them was from another city, we discussed a deal with the possibility of a return. But since the buyer from Kiev came, tried it on and assessed the condition of the fur coat with her own eyes, this became the best option for both. General impressions: I sold easily, and I confidently recommend Shafa for this.”

Perhaps you're tired of your mink coat or just really need some money. There can be many reasons why you would like to sell your mink coat, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly in order to get the maximum benefit.

Having decided to sell your fur coat, you are faced with questions such as:

  • Where can I sell a fur coat?
  • How to sell a used fur coat quickly?
  • Is it possible to sell a fur coat to a consignment store?
  • How much can you sell a fur coat for?
  • Where can you sell a fur coat for money?

First of all, you should know that Selling your used fur coat will not be easy, since this item is not cheap. As a rule, buyers want to minimize the risks associated with purchasing a fur coat and want to have a guarantee that a fur store will be willing to give them. Many people know that you can buy a good fur coat cheaper if you wait. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because the percentage of those who are ready to buy a fur coat second-hand is also quite large.

Where is the best place to sell a fur coat?

First of all, let's look at where to sell mink or other second-hand fur coats.

Commission shop

Most owners of fur coats who want to sell them take them to a consignment store for sale. At the same time, you should know that the second-hand store itself will not buy a fur coat from you, but for the fact that your product will be in the store, you will need to pay this store the agreed amount or a percentage of its sale.

What’s good about this option is that the store itself is interested in reselling your fur coat, which means that consultants will offer your product to a potential buyer, and you won’t have to answer calls and meet with clients.

In addition, if you don’t know how much you can sell a used mink coat for, a consignment store will help you evaluate it adequately.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of selling a fur coat in a second-hand store is the fact that you will not know in what conditions your fur item is stored and how it will be treated.

Fur consignment stores

Such stores specialize directly in the sale of fur products, which is why it is advisable to contact them here with an offer to sell your used fur coat. Since this is a specialized store, everything is in order with the conditions for storing fur coats. Unfortunately, such thrift stores can only be found in big cities. However, there is no need to despair. To sell your fur coat, you can travel to another city.


- this is perhaps not the most original way to implement it, but it does exist and if we list possible ways, we should mention this too.

Since the pawnshop only accepts valuables and real estate as collateral, then here they can only take you a fur coat made from expensive fur. In this case, you will have to present the available documents for it: a certificate, a receipt and a guarantee, if it is still valid. The fur product must be in excellent condition.

As you can see, this method is quite energy-intensive, but it also has its advantages:

  1. Firstly, you can instantly get money as bail for your fur coat.
  2. Secondly, if you change your mind about selling it, you can return the product before the deposit period ends. To do this, you will only have to pay the interest debt for using borrowed funds.

Selling a fur coat to someone close to you

The easiest way to sell your fur coat is to invite your friends or acquaintances to buy it from you. Word of mouth will work here. Even if your friend doesn’t need a fur coat, your friend’s friend probably needs a fur coat. And of course, the more friends you have, the more chances you have to sell your fur beauty.

This option is the most convenient. Since the fur coat will not be bought by a person on the street, but by some acquaintance, you can invite him to your home and informally discuss with him the details of the sale or exchange for another item. For my part, the buyer will be confident that he will not be sold low-quality clothes.

Today there are tens of thousands of different groups on social networks. Try to find one that sells clothes, preferably outerwear. You can post your sales ads in several groups at once. This will increase your chances of making a sale.

The disadvantage of this method is that any news or note, and in this case an announcement, on the group page quickly goes down, giving way to new entries. Therefore, you will have to update your offer regularly.

Notice boards

Where else can you sell your mink coat? It’s on a specialized platform like Avito, if it’s Russia, or OLX in Ukraine. The advantages of these platforms are that they are used by a huge number of people from all regions. As a rule, the buyer gets to the site through a search engine, in the line of which he enters a query that interests him, for example, “buy a fur coat” and already here on the site he is offered many options to choose from.

All advertisements for the sale of fur coats are accompanied by a detailed description and photographs of the product. If the buyer is interested in the offer, he can call the seller of the goods and make an appointment with him.

Well, if it turns out that the buyer is from another city, but wants to see the fur coat in person, then it can be sent to him for fitting by mail or courier. In this case, the buyer must bear all shipping costs. This is done like this: you send the goods by cash on delivery; The buyer tries on the received order on the spot and if everything suits him, he pays the full price. If he is not satisfied with the product, the failed buyer sends it back at his own expense.

If you were unable to independently evaluate your fur coat and do not know how much it can be sold for, look for similar advertisements on the website and, after comparing prices, post yours.

The disadvantage of selling a fur coat is the fact that both the buyer and the seller may be in different cities, and many buyers are afraid to buy a “pig in a poke,” because a fur coat is, first of all, a thing that needs to be inspected and tried on.

City forums

Almost every city in Russia has a city Internet forum where local residents can view current news and information. Each of them has a “buy and sell” section. Such advertisements are viewed by a large number of people.

The option of selling fur coats on the city forum is the most preferable, because if you sell a fur coat in your area or city, you will not have to deal with shipping it to the buyer, and the chances of selling your fur beauty will increase significantly.

Studio for sewing and repairing fur coats

The atelier is another place where they can buy your fur coat. As a rule, workshops buy inexpensive fur coats, which serve as a “donor” for replacing fittings, some parts and parts. Therefore, if your fur coat has any defects, then it is advisable to take it to a fur atelier.

The studio will accept a fur coat from any fur: mink, mouton, astrakhan fur, sable, nutria, raccoon and other types of fur.

How much can you sell your fur coat for?

Now we come to the main question: What price can I set so that the product can be purchased quickly? Since a person who decides to buy a used item wants to save money, it makes sense to sell a fur coat cheaper than in a store.

That is why the price of your mink coat must be attractive, otherwise you will sell it for a long time, and the fact that it will hang in the closet and wait for its buyer will not make it any better. But, you say, she doesn’t ask for food. And you'll be right. The fur coat, indeed, does not ask for food, but moths and other pests really do.

In addition, a fur coat, like any clothing, can lose its “fashionability” and relevance, unless it is of a classic cut. And every day the chances of selling will decrease even more.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the adequate cost of a fur coat is 50-60% of its cost. And this is only if it is in excellent condition and its model is current. That is, the fur coat should be such that you can put it on and go out in it.

If the fur coat is well worn and has abrasions (as a rule, the sleeves and hem of the fur coat are most susceptible to this process), then its cost will be a third of the price you paid for it in the store.

A fur coat is a thing that is worn in winter, therefore, closer to the winter cold, selling a fur coat will be easier and faster.

To sell your fur coat urgently and at a high price and get money for it, you need to create a good ad and set an attractive price. As with everything, there is competition here, so your offer must be tempting.

For this reason, you will need to take several good photos of your fur coat in good quality and in good lighting. They should show how long the fur coat is, what color it is, what condition the fur is in (is it shimmering, is it thick, are there any bald spots on the fur coat). Also offer the potential buyer a view of the inside of the fur coat, namely its lining, pockets, seams, and inner core.

When writing a description, it makes sense to provide additional details, which may interest the buyer. Indicate the country of manufacture, brand, weight of the product, its style.

If there are any defects on the fur coat, you should not keep silent about it, because when examining the fur coat, the buyer will see them himself and then the deal may fall through, since he will no longer trust you.

If you find it difficult to make a correct description, look at how others do it, perhaps this experience will be useful to you. At the same time, if you want to sell your fur product quickly, try to make the ad even more attractive.

Selling Rules You Shouldn't Ignore

Fur coats are needed not only by fashionistas, but also by scammers who make a living from theft. Their role may be played by persons who pose as buyers. To protect yourself from their machinations, inform yourself in advance about fraudulent schemes.

In short, all the actions of scammers come down to taking possession of your property in an illegal way. Therefore, when making an appointment with a buyer, make sure that you are accompanied by someone from your environment. For the meeting place, choose crowded places, not entrances or gateways.

We hope this information was useful to you and now you know how and for how much you can sell your (even old) mink coat. We wish you good luck!


You can sell a fur coat or other fur product at the buying office. Therefore, you will need to bring it to us.


Our appraiser examines the condition of the fur and the product as a whole in your presence. After that we name the price.


If you are satisfied with the price, we are ready to issue the money in full, immediately after completing the paperwork.


The purchase act is also drawn up in the office within 15 – 20 minutes. As a result, selling a fur coat will take you no more than half an hour.

How marten fur coats are valued when buying

If a marten fur coat is purchased, the model is captured, and the expert pays attention to the quality of the fur. He looks to see if there are any unevenness and abrasions on it, whether it has faded, whether there are rusty spots on the pile, whether the shine has disappeared, and also pays attention to the quality of the inner layer (the subcutaneous part of the skin), if it is too dry - this will significantly reduce the cost of the item.

We try to show the entire purchasing process as transparently as possible, so that our clients would be pleased to cooperate with us.

Egor Malomanov Expert appraiser

How expensive will the item be in our fur purchase?

First, you bring the product to our office and our expert will examine it. He estimates how expensive a fur coat or sheepskin coat is. How expensive an item will cost in our fur purchase depends on the following factors:

  • Fur type: marten, sable or chinchilla.
  • Fur condition: presence or absence of shine, surface integrity and color.
  • Model and brand of the product: whether the cape or fur coat belongs to youth models from modern collections, where and when it was made. Italian brands: MILANFURS, SAP FUR, SARACINO, RINDI, JUNFURS S.R.L., VITO NACCI, PIKENZ, PAOLO MORETTI, FENDI, MATI, DE SCAL, ANNABELLA PELLICCERIA S.p.A. .
  • Fur coat length and product size.
  • A fur coat or cape is made from whole fur or from pieces.

Why is it profitable for us?

High price

The goal of our specialist is to offer you an objective price for the product. At the same time, we do not underestimate its cost.

No hidden commission

You will be able to receive the full amount of money indicated by the appraiser. Taxes and other payments are taken into account during the assessment.

Convenient location

Our fur coat shop is located next to the metro station. There is ample parking nearby for private cars.

Protected area

The protection of personal data and customer safety is ensured by 24/7 office security.

How long does it take to buy a sable fur coat?

The advantage of our company is that the product assessment is carried out within approximately 15-30 minutes right in our office on Leninsky Prospekt. If you are satisfied with the price and you are ready to sell your sable fur coat, then we will prepare all the documents on the spot and you will immediately receive the money in cash.

Reviews about us

Ekaterina Tomina

I wanted to change my chinchilla fur coat, so I started looking for where I could sell my old one. I contacted MosGosSkupka. They assessed the fur quickly and set a good price. I liked that I could immediately receive the entire amount in my hands.


Lyudmila Eremina

I have two marten fur capes left. I don't need them anymore, but money won't hurt. I contacted the buyer and really liked the attitude. They explained why the price was not as high as I expected. In general, I was satisfied with everything. I recommend it.


Irina Satova

After the wedding, I was left with a beautiful sable fur coat. I decided to sell it and tried to contact a buyer. They offered a good price, 50% less than I bought new. I liked it. Everything is fast, honest!


Answers to frequently asked questions

What guarantees do you provide?

We guarantee complete confidentiality, security in our office and objectivity in the assessment of your property. We do not deliberately underestimate the cost of purchased items; you will get a good price for a good item.

Is there any commission charged on your purchase?

No. There is no commission, tax or interest charged to our purchase customers. You receive the full amount in accordance with the assessed value of the metal, product or equipment.

Do you accept products without a passport?

No. We do not accept anything without a passport. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. A driver's license does not replace a passport.

Where is the best place to quickly sell a fur coat in Moscow?

If you need to quickly sell a fur coat in Moscow, then the safest thing to do is turn to a fur buyer, as this will help save time and not give away a good thing for next to nothing. Selling a fur coat profitably and safely is not an easy task, as it might seem at first glance; no one wants to fall into the hands of scammers. By contacting us, you can count on:

  • Security when concluding a transaction:
    • The office is guarded 24/7.
    • We maintain strict confidentiality and under no circumstances disclose any personal data received from the client when concluding a transaction.
  • Polite attitude on the part of the company's employees.
  • Honesty of assessment.
  • Efficiency.
  • High prices.
  • Convenient office location in the city.
  • We work legally.