A beautiful scarf is a lesson to introduce folk decorative art and fabric appliqué in the senior group. Applique in the middle group "Decorating a handkerchief" lesson plan on applique, modeling (middle group) on the topic Applique decoration

Tasks. Continue to introduce children to folk arts and crafts (weaving, embroidery). Explain the dependence of decor on the shape and purpose of the product. Learn to decorate the edge of a napkin (“shore”), create a pattern from ready-made elements on a circle (napkin) according to the “top - bottom - right - left” algorithm. Develop a sense of composition (build a pattern, alternating elements and placing them at equal distances) and color (choose the color of the background and pattern elements).

Preliminary work. Acquaintance with products of folk arts and crafts created for the interior (weaving, embroidery). Looking at patterns on different napkins. Didactic game for the selection of color dyads (harmonious pairs).

Materials, tools, equipment. Decorative napkins for examining patterns, paper circles different colors and ready-made elements cut out by the teacher from colored paper (for example: flowers and leaves, berries and leaves, flowers and buds, circles and triangles) - at least 8-12 for each child. Flannelgraph or composition options to show and explain options for placing elements.

Content educational activities. The teacher shows the children first an ordinary napkin without decoration, and then a beautiful napkin with a woven or embroidered design. Invites you to examine, compare and admire. He asks which napkin do you like best and why? Summarizes the answers to clarify children’s ideas about decor: “We all prefer a napkin with a pattern, because it is elegant, beautiful, unusual, when you look at it, you want to smile, and even a treat served on such a napkin seems more delicious.” Then he asks the children why such elegant napkins are needed, and clarifies that such beautiful things are needed for both benefit and beauty. So, they cover the table with napkins to place dishes on them - cups, a teapot, vases with flowers. On weekdays they often use ordinary things, and on holidays- more beautiful and elegant.

Then the teacher invites the children to make beautiful and elegant napkins for dolls themselves. Reminds me that they have already made dishes for tea drinking: cups, saucers, a sugar bowl, a teapot, a milk jug, a candy dish. There will be a holiday soon for the toys, so it would be nice to prepare beautiful napkins for them to serve on the holiday table.

Then the teacher explains the task: you need to take round “napkins” (cut by the teacher from colored and white paper) and decorate them with patterns. Each child chooses the color of the napkin according to their wishes. And also, at his own request, he selects elements for the pattern, cut out by the teacher in advance: flowers and leaves, butterflies and beetles, berries and leaves, circles and triangles, etc.

Shows a napkin and asks how it can be decorated. Listens to the children's answers and asks them to think about how the napkin will be used and what they will put on it. The children realize that the cups will be placed in the center of the napkin, the middle will not be visible, so there is no need to decorate it. Demonstrates how the napkin will be used (places the cup on the napkin), and with an outlining gesture shows that only the edge (shore) of the napkin will be visible. Repeatedly asks which part of the napkin is best to decorate so that the pattern is visible to the guests during tea drinking. Asks the children to draw a gesture around the edge (shore) of the circle.

On a flannelgraph or compositional diagram, the teacher explains how a pattern is built on a circle: the elements are placed first at the top, bottom, right, left, and then in the spaces between them. Degs repeat the algorithm (top, bottom, right, left). Elements can be the same (all flowers, all circles, all leaves) or alternate; leaf-berry, leaf-berry or flower-berry, flower-berry).

Children choose the color of the circle and a set of ready-made elements as they wish. The teacher asks to attach the elements of the pattern to the background to check whether the colors combine beautifully. If necessary, children choose a different background color or a different coloring of the pattern elements.

Note. The teacher can simplify the way of completing the task by offering the children paper circles, not colored, but white, as a background.

Children lay out the elements on the background according to the diagram (top-bottom, right, left), examine them, show them to the teacher and then carefully glue them. Once the compositional base has been created, they complement the pattern as desired, filling the gaps with identical or alternating elements in color or shape. The teacher can invite children to check the pattern by placing a cup or saucer on a napkin.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to admire each other’s “napkins” and display on them the cups and saucers made from plasticine during the lesson “ Tea service for games."

Olga Rasseikina
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the middle group “Decorating a handkerchief”

Lesson summary on application in the middle group

"Handkerchief Decoration"

Program content:

Develop compositional skills and color perception.

Learn to highlight corners and sides;

Reinforce knowledge of round, square and triangular shapes;

Practice choosing color combinations;

Teach shape transformation by cutting a square into triangles and a circle into semicircles.

Equipment and materials: ready-made circles, squares, glue, tassels, oilcloth, napkins, sample handkerchief.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today when I came to the group, there was a bunny sitting on a chair. He told me that his friend the bunny invited him to his birthday. He decided to give him these handkerchiefs. Are the scarves fancy?

Children: No, not fancy.

Educator: What needs to be done to make them bright, elegant, and festive?

Children: Decorate them.

Educator: Do you hear, bunny, we need to decorate the scarves different patterns, then they will immediately become elegant and festive. Guys, let's help the bunny decorate the scarves?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Guys, what shape is this figure?

Children: Square.

Educator: What is it called?

Children: Square.

Educator: And this one?

Children: Circle.

Educator: How are they different from each other?

Children: A square has corners, but a circle does not; The circle rolls, but the square does not.

Educator: That's right, a square has corners and has four sides, but a circle has no corners and only one side. Guys, look carefully at how you can cut a square to make two triangles. You need to cut the square diagonally from corner to corner. And the circle can be cut in half (in diameter) to get two semicircles. Guys, I have a decorated scarf, look how it is decorated. There are triangles at the corners, and half circles at the sides.

Educator: Guys, before we start cutting out and decorating scarves, let's exercise our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

“We will wash the handkerchiefs”

We will wash the handkerchiefs

Let's rub them hard, hard,

And then we squeeze

We'll wring out the handkerchiefs.

And now we are all handkerchiefs

Let's shake it up, let's shake it up.

Now let's iron the scarves,

We will iron it.

Now let's fold the handkerchiefs

And we’ll put everything together in the closet.

Educator: Now, using scissors, cut the circles in half, and the squares from corner to corner - diagonally. Don’t forget to take the scissors correctly and make a slight movement in the air several times: open, close the blade (children cut). Let's try!

Educator: Decorate your handkerchief with triangles, squares, circles and half circles, but do not glue it, otherwise you might want to change something about it. (the teacher approaches the children and examines the patterns).

Educator: Now take the tassels, put a little glue on them and glue the cut out shapes to the handkerchiefs to make a pattern. Glue carefully, carefully, so that the work turns out beautiful and elegant. (children glue).

Educator: Look how we worked together and what wonderful work you did. Bunny, I would like to thank you for your help in decorating the scarves. Now he will happily go to his friend’s birthday party.

Educator: We did a great job with you. Guys, tell me, what did we do in class today? What geometric shapes decorated handkerchiefs? Did you like our lesson?

Educator: Children, I really enjoyed your participation in the lesson. Thank you for your wonderful work.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group “Decoration of a handkerchief” Goal: to identify the creative potential of children and develop their abilities. Objectives: 1. Educational: -develop the ability to create a pattern on a square.

Summary of direct educational activities in fine art “Decoration of a handkerchief” Summary of direct educational activities in fine arts On the topic: “Decorating a handkerchief” (decorative drawing based on the Dymkovo paintings.

Summary of educational activities for visual activities “Decorating a handkerchief” Program content: Artistic and aesthetic development: learn to identify pattern elements (straight and intersecting lines, dots and strokes);

Summary of visual activities in the middle group “Decorating a handkerchief” Notes on visual arts in the middle group on the topic: “Decorating a handkerchief.” (based on Dymkovo painting) Program content:.

Summary of a lesson on fabric appliqué in the preparatory school group “Scarf Decoration” Summary of a lesson on fabric appliqué in a preparatory school group Completed by the teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 27 “Ryabinka” O. L. Ivanova.

Summary of the lesson on the applique “Decoration of the Tatar skullcap” Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction», « Artistic creativity" Types of children's.

MDOBU Irbeysky kindergarten No. 1 “Golden Key” Lesson notes group work“Little craftsmen” Application in the middle group.

Maria Negaychuk
Lesson on applique “Let’s decorate handkerchiefs”

Target: To develop the skill of using the nasal handkerchief. Teach children to

Cover your mouth with your nose when sneezing and coughing handkerchief if anyone is

near - turn away. Continue to improve your glue use skills. Learn to paste finished images onto paper, creating a beautiful pattern.

Progress of the lesson:

-Guys, guess the riddle: the snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life. The day comes when it happens (spring)

That's right, it's spring outside, everything is blooming, the snow is melting, turning into water, forming puddles. We wear shoes in which our feet will not get wet. What kind of shoes are these? (rubber)

Look, the girl Dasha came to visit us. She's sad.

Hello, Dasha. Why are you sad?

Hello guys. Today I went for a walk with my friends, but I didn’t wear rubber boots, and my feet got wet. I have a slight cold, I have a runny nose, and it’s hard for me to breathe through my nose (APCHHI) And I even no handkerchief.

Guys, do you know why Dasha needs a nose? handkerchief? (wipe your nose when you snot, or close your mouth when you cough)

Why do you need to do this? (so as not to infect others)


Small handkerchief

Put it in your pocket.

If you have a runny nose,

Wipe your nose

And put it back.

The teacher shows the children how to use the nasal correctly handkerchief, how to fold it after use and put it in your pocket, demonstrating it on a doll.

Physical education minute.

We clap our hands

Clap-clap-clap. (claps hands)

We stomp our feet,

Top-top-top. (stomp your feet)

Now let's jump

Jump-jump-jump. (jumping in place)

We kick our legs,

Jerky-dragging-dragging. (emphasis on one leg, free movement of the other back and forth)

I'll sit now. (squat down)

Let's look at each other. (turn head left and right)

Children, let's make Dasha and her friends beautiful noses handkerchiefs!

We sit down at the tables and paste applique for handkerchiefs.

The teacher comes up and helps.

Look, Dasha, how beautiful they are we got the scarves!

Guys, you are so great! Very beautiful!

Look, guys, Dasha is cheerful and invites you to play. Everyone come out onto the mat.

p/i "Carousel". Dasha is in the middle.

Guys, what did we do today? Let's all be ours now We'll give Dasha some handkerchiefs.

Thank you guys for teaching me how to use handkerchief. Now I will always wear handkerchief in pocket, and I’ll teach my girlfriends to wipe their noses and don't forget the scarf. I liked it so much, I will definitely come to you again. Goodbye guys!

Goodbye, Dasha!

Publications on the topic:

MDOU kindergarten No. 12 “Alyonka” Project: “Fairy-tale handkerchiefs” Educator: Shvyreva O. M. Duration: Short-term Time:.

It’s still winter outside, but as they say, it’s winter. The breath of spring can already be felt with all its might - the snow is melting, streams are flowing, birds are singing merrily.

Game physical education activity “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree in the forest” Goal: 1. Strengthen walking skills by stepping over objects. 2. Practice balance, crawling under arches. 3. Learn to jump.

The guys and I didn’t waste time, we helped Santa Claus! They decorated the Christmas tree, sang songs, and danced together! We present to your attention...

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on appliqué in the junior group “Let's decorate the Christmas tree” Integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “communication”, “socialization”, “physical education” Types of children’s activities: play, work, etc.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Let's decorate handkerchiefs with daisies for mom” Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 24 of the Ust-Labinsky municipality.

Summary of the direct educational activity “Let's decorate scarves for kids” Goal: development of children's creativity. Tasks: - continue to learn to draw cotton swabs– draw vertical and horizontal lines.

"Handkerchief decoration", applique, middle group.


Development of children's constructive abilities.


Improve knowledge of round, square and triangular shapes.

Exercise children in identifying the corners, sides of a square and a circle.

Learn to transform shapes by cutting a square into triangles, a circle into semicircles.

Teach children to use scissors carefully.

Materials for the lesson: ready-made circles, squares, glue, tassels, oilcloths, napkins, work samples, carrots.
Preliminary work: Examination of decorative items with simple patterns.
Vocabulary work: activation of adjectives - neat, wonderful, beautiful, white, elegant.
Problematic question: How to help a bunny make fancy scarves?

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: - Guys, today I came to the group, and there was a bunny sitting on a chair. And he told me that his bunnie friends invited him to his birthday. He decided to give them these handkerchiefs.
- Are the scarves fancy? (no, not elegant) What needs to be done to make them bright, elegant, and festive? (decorate them).
- Do you hear, bunny, handkerchiefs need to be decorated with different patterns, then they will immediately become elegant and festive. Guys, how can you help the bunny make fancy scarves? (help decorate).
- Please go to the tables (children sit at the tables).
- What shape is this figure? (square). What is it called? (square) And this one? (circle).
- How do they differ from each other? (a square has corners, but a circle does not; the circle rolls, but the square does not).
- Indeed, a square has corners and has four sides, but a circle has no corners and only one side (hand examination).
- Guys, look carefully at how you can cut a square to make two triangles. You need to cut the square diagonally from corner to corner. And the circle can be cut in half (in diameter) to get two semicircles.
- Who will come to the board and show us how to cut a square?
- Who will show you how to cut a circle? (children show)
- Guys, I have decorated scarves, look how different they are. This handkerchief has a circle in the middle, and triangles in the corners, and this handkerchief has a square in the middle, and half circles in the corners.
- Before we start cutting out and decorating scarves, let's train our fingers. FINGER GYMNASTICS.
Visiting the big toe
They came straight to the house
Index and middle
Nameless and last
The little finger itself
Knocked on the doorstep
Fingers together friends
You can't live without each other.
- Now, using scissors, we will cut the circles in half, and the squares from corner to corner - diagonally. Don't forget to take the scissors correctly and make a slight movement in the air several times: open, close the blade (children cut). Let's try!
- Decorate your handkerchief with triangles, squares, circles and half circles, but do not glue them, otherwise you suddenly want to change something in it. (The teacher approaches the children and examines the patterns).
- Now take the tassels, put a little glue on them and glue the cut out shapes to the handkerchiefs to make a pattern. Glue carefully, carefully, so that the work turns out beautiful and elegant (children glue).
- Look how we worked together, what wonderful work you did. Let's look at them together? What an interesting job Arina did. Everything is glued very neatly. Just a wonderful scarf. (consider all works).
- Bunny, I would like to thank you for your help in decorating the scarves. Now he will happily go to the bunnies’ birthday party. What kind of scarves did you make? (elegant, beautiful, wonderful).
- What was difficult for you to do in class today? What about you? What about you?
- Guys, it’s time for the bunny to leave, he really liked our visit and he gives you a carrot.

Summary of the lesson "Russian folk scarf" for children of the younger group

The lesson notes are designed for younger children. preschool age, their parents and teachers.
Purpose: can be used as a visual aid, craft for exhibition, gift.

Product Description: lesson notes - colored paper applique, accessible to children junior groups kindergarten.

Making crafts with your own hands.
Development of creative activity, imagination and artistic taste.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers through productive activity(application).
Carrying out simple elements, making patterns from individual elements using the Pavloposad shawl technique.
Cultivate accuracy in work.
Instill interest in creative activities.

colored paper, colored cardboard,
old postcards, candy wrappers
scissors and hole punch,

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! Today I will tell you about the Russian folk scarf, about games with it, and of course we will try to make it with our own hands.

The Russian scarf has traditionally been not only a great gift and a beautiful accessory, but also an irreplaceable thing in harsh climates.

The concept of “Russian shawl” has gained great recognition throughout the world thanks to the long and painstaking work of talented Russian folk craftsmen and artists invested in it.

They all created original artistic images, the origins of which were drawn from the traditions of folk art.

For a long time folk tradition. The scarf was the most desired gift. A scarf is not just a headdress, but a symbol of love and beauty.

Poem about the Pavloposad shawl.
What a wonderful pattern!
What colors are around?
This is a field, flowers,
Like a sunny meadow.
On the townsman's scarf -
A scattering of different flowers,
Scents of spring
Blow of the winds!
This Russian fairy tale
Everyone is happy to see here.
This is a fairy tale with the name Pavlov Posad.
Like bouquets of happiness
On the townsman's scarf.
They are warmer and dearer
We can't find it anywhere!

Practical part:
It is necessary to draw a triangle on double-sided paper of any bright color. This will be a scarf blank.

For older preschoolers, crafts can be decorated satin ribbons, threads, tying knots at the ends. We promote development fine motor skills hands

Using stencils, we cut out decorations for the scarf from colored paper (or old postcards, candy wrappers, etc.): all kinds of flowers, leaves, patterns.

The variety of colors will give children the opportunity to create their own, one-of-a-kind pattern.

For small children, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary parts for making crafts. Well, older guys will cope with all stages of this work themselves.

Using a hole punch, make many holes around the perimeter of the triangle at equal distances from each other.

Thread multi-colored triangle strips into the holes with the sharp end, bend them and seal them.

If the children wish, complete the necessary patterns on the scarf using felt-tip pens.

You can also decorate the craft in other ways:
cereal (millet)
sparkles, etc.

Our scarves turned out to be real Russian, as if from Pavlovsky Posad! A good Russian scarf – there’s a flower in the middle!

Our handkerchief is painted
We want to play with you
You run the scarf in a circle
Choose a friend quickly!
Spin, dance,
And show me the handkerchief!

At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to warm up and play after hard work with real handkerchiefs.

Game "Scarf".
Walking in a circle, the teacher passes the handkerchiefs to two children at once - they run out to the center and say their name. Then the handkerchief is passed on to the next person. The action is repeated.

Here is a painted handkerchief.
It is magical, not simple.
I'll play with the kids
Cover everyone with a handkerchief.

And then we turn on the music and the children run around in the loose. When the music stops, everyone should squat down and close their eyes.

The presenter covers someone with a scarf and says: “One, two, three, who’s hiding inside?” The guys open their eyes and have to guess who is under the scarf. The game is played several times.

This concludes our lesson. We worked hard today. They played and frolicked merrily. All of you are great fellows. Thank you for your attention!