Short toasts for a silver wedding. Cool toasts for a silver wedding

I raise a glass to silver,
But not because it glitters on your hand,
For the anniversary, for the family, for happiness,
For the stamp that is in the passport!

To you many years, love and peace,
Harmony, tolerance, kindness,
I wish for more than a century,
The family lived in abundance!

So that you love and take care of each other,
So that children take an example from you,
For the anniversary and for the joy,
And so that there are no problems!

With honorary silver, friends,
Congratulations on your anniversary,
Your family is so strong
You don't need reasons for happiness.

For your wonderful anniversary,
For a quarter of a century of marriage,
Today I'll drink to the bottom,
And I wish you prosperity!

Have wonderful and good days,
I wish you to take the gold,
To make life seem more fun,
Don't just be discouraged!

The silver wedding that brought us together today proves that in our world there are still people who can show a worthy sign of married life. So let's drink to the fact that such a wonderful example will be contagious and there will be as many such wonderful couples as possible!

For a quarter of a century I have been drinking yours,
I hasten to wish you happiness,
So that we never quarrel,
You have a great family!

I wish you not to know grief,
Always help each other
And live in peace for years,
I'll drink to this standing up!

A quarter of a century together is a significant milestone. Congratulations on your silver wedding, live many more years of friendship and happiness. Take care of your feelings and tender relationships. For you!

It is very nice that we have the opportunity to congratulate you on such a wedding anniversary as 25 years. Even though life was not easy, you went through a lot and were left alone. Don't lose trust, take care of your feelings! For you!

25 years of marriage is not a short period. You were able to maintain harmony and love throughout living together. Work on yourself, love each other, protect and protect. Happy anniversary!

The best gift on silver wedding- the presence of people close and dear to you. Their smiles, their happy eyes, warm palms. May your marriage never fall apart, live with each other and breathe by yourself.

True love is in the little things. And no expensive fur coats, cars, diamonds can replace this. Feelings must be preserved and protected. And you, like no one else, understood all this a long time ago. And on your wedding anniversary, on your silver wedding, I wish you to live in harmony, in love and generosity. Let your children be your diamonds and your washing machine. Even if these are small things, they are pleasant!

You've reached silver
I congratulate you on this,
You are an example, you are great,
We've lived for a quarter of a century!

I wish you only the best,
To always live in peace,
I drink to you today
I give my congratulations!

A wedding anniversary of 25 years is called a silver wedding. We hope that in as many years we will be celebrating your second silver wedding, if such a thing is possible in principle. Be happy!

The couple celebrates their silver wedding with silver threads in their hair. A magical silver laughter of joy is heard today festive table. The Silver Jubilee is an indicator of outstanding achievements in family life.
Here's to a precious anniversary!

Silver wedding -
The date is not easy.
Silver wedding
It's a big anniversary.

So let's celebrate, friends,
And let's drink to love.
So that it is “possible” and not “impossible”,
For this couple again.

Let it be silver today
Sparkles in this house.
And let them be filled with goodness
The hearts of those who are with us now.

Here you are standing on the second step of the podium and can say from the height of your experience whether it is difficult or easy to obtain silver medals! I would like to wish your family many years to come, so that you can invite us to golden wedding!

Precious years lived together, uniting your souls, uniting your relationships, gifting your couple with mutual understanding and mutual love. Great feeling, born out of love - the ancestor of your union 25 years ago. All this brought you a silver wedding, your next wedding, a conscious, mature wedding of two, in truth, now close people. Let's drink to your union so that the intensity of the feelings of love, which was 25 years ago and your mature love today, unite together!

Today is your holiday, your wedding anniversary, 25 years of marriage! On this silver anniversary, we wish you to sparkle and shine like silver, in love, affection and mutual understanding! Let the wind of troubles and sorrows never separate you, but make your family strong and strong, which always solves all problems together!

You are an example of what true love knows no time, that it does not weaken or fade over the years. I congratulate you with admiration on your 25th wedding anniversary and wish your union many more happy years without sorrow, grief, illness and troubles.

I want to sincerely congratulate you on the fact that you have been living together for a quarter of a century. I wish that this silver-colored period would be repeated twice more in your life and that despite the years that have flown by, your hearts would always carry within them the flame of sincere love!

Today, on the day of this significant anniversary of our heroes of the occasion, I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate them on this significant date, because they say that the main thing in family life is to find that person whom you will infuriate for the rest of your life and this will make you happy!

25 years of marriage is an honorable period. You have been through a lot together and experienced a lot. Of course, you had different moments. After everything you've been through, your marriage can truly be compared to silver. Your precious metal darkens when you have disagreements and quarrels. Therefore, I want to drink to your silver to always be light and sparkle in the sun!

Do you want to congratulate your relatives or friends on their 25th wedding anniversary in a cool and funny way? We have selected extraordinary and funny wedding greetings for you.

Cool congratulations on your silver wedding

You are twenty-five today.
We are celebrating the wedding again.
Oh, so much love and passion!
The guests will again shout “Bitter!”
I can't believe my eyes!
What kind of miracles are these?
The “young” ones are so amazingly beautiful
It’s as if a wedding is being celebrated for the first time.
Look, our groom
I became silent from embarrassment,
And the bride, well,
It blossomed like a bright rose.
Our dear “young people”,
Always remain like this
Like on that day and at that hour,
When fate has bound you.
Love and happiness bright light
May it be with you for many years.
Life will be bright, like dawn,
And we shout to you in unison, “Bitter!”

You have worked for twenty-five years,
Our souls became closely related.
You deserve the silver.
You have given birth to wonderful children.
They were raised to be conscientious
And they became an example for everyone.
We wish you inspiration
And iron patience,
So that the passion does not fade away,
And the love only grew stronger.

You will never forget the day
When Cupid made his shot well.
And now 25 have passed
Since you were the bride and groom.
Let's raise a toast to the cool "lamur".
Today there was a good reason.
Little Cupid laughs quietly -
Let the groom fall in love with the bride again.
Even if life continues to be difficult
Mendelssohn's march plays loudly for you.
Love like this before the golden wedding,
And we, with a smile, shout “Bitter!”

If you want to congratulate your friends on their silver wedding in an original way, then cool poems are perfect for you.

Funny congratulations for the silver wedding in prose

Let your love make you so hot that you can walk barefoot in the snow in winter. May you have as much luck as if you were carrying in your pocket... no, not a horseshoe, but a whole horse. We wish you such passion and fire that your neighbors will call the fire department every night. Well, a little sclerosis so that you can easily and quickly forget all the grievances.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the family marathon at a distance of 25 years. On this long path, you have learned to skillfully smooth out quarrels with kisses, and have comprehended all the mysteries and secrets of angelic patience and swan fidelity. You have honorably earned the silver award. But don't stop there. A gold medal is ahead of you!

They say that it is impossible to judge whether a man and a woman did the right thing when they entered into marriage, even at their silver wedding. So, whether you like it or not, you will have to live to see your 50th anniversary in perfect harmony. draws your attention to the fact that when choosing Merry congratulations With a silver wedding, you need to be sure that the heroes of the occasion will appreciate the joke and will not be offended.

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary with humor

For such a decent amount of time
Have you learned a lesson from life together?
You are no longer afraid of your mother-in-law or mother-in-law,
But, as before, the blood is boiling.
We wish that there are no quarrels in the house,
And the argument ended with kisses.
May your life and worries be only a joy,
And at night, fatigue will not be a hindrance.
May every day be sunny and clear,
And your couple is just as beautiful!

Someone seems to have found
silver airplane.
The twenty-fifth year has passed
in a fabulous flight.
May they continue to carry you
silver wings.
Replace them soon
on golden wings!

Happy anniversary to you.
Don't let the chickens peck at the money.
We wish that not only in the house,
So that there is comfort in your souls.
Everything will be “chocolate” for you.
Enjoy your love.
Let everything continue to be smooth,
So that you want and can.
With your faithful, strong love
You delight us.
Live like this for another hundred years -
Show us a master class.

25 is not a date yet
It's only a third of the way
How many years have you been married?
It's three times longer for you to go through. To make life seem more beautiful
For our newlyweds,
Let's drink 25 glasses.
25 is not that much
This is only part of the road
I drink three glasses and a glass.
Multiply - this is for you. I'm ready to drink 25 glasses for you.
But apparently, this is very, very little for me. 25 is not enough for a century,
For a day - a lot,
And for you - just right! Comic toast-wish
Whether you want to be offended or not,
I don't want to wish you happiness...
May your marriage be a smooth road,
May all bad weather pass you by,
Let them not be touched by troubles and anxiety.
I don't want my desires
Someday they could divide it into parts.
Well, can't you call these wishes
Simple family happiness. A wise man once suggested that young spouses plant a tree every year. They followed his advice, and by their wedding anniversary they had grown a whole garden consisting of 25 trees. The couple decided that the garden was already large enough and stopped planting trees; in addition, they stopped caring about the trees that had already grown. After some time, all the trees died. I want to drink so that your garden, your marriage not only does not fade, but multiplies and blooms stronger and stronger year after year! 25 years is already a solid experience! So let's drink to your never getting a well-deserved pension! The child is 1 year old - they tell him beautiful fairy tales, the marriage is one year old - the young people tell each other beautiful words.
A child is 10 years old - he learns to truly live, 10 years of marriage - the spouses also learn to live.
A child is 15 years old - he begins to reap the fruits of his knowledge, 15 years of marriage - the spouses reap the benefits of living together.
25 years is the right time to enter into an alliance.
Let's drink to yours too family life started again today! This glass of wine is full - let your family budget be the same! This wine is sweet - the same way a wife's kisses should be! But this wine is also strong - let your union be no different from it! My toast on the theme "Mother-in-law, mother-in-law and the silver wedding." There is not the slightest doubt that at a silver wedding we should toast our mother-in-law and mother-in-law with special delight and respect, since this silver contains a lot of their golden heart and golden mind. Needless to say, how many marriages have collapsed due to the fault of mothers-in-law. And if it exists, is strong and lives, then this is their “fault”, their merit, their tact and goodwill. Congratulations. I invite you to raise a glass to the health of your mother-in-law and mother-in-law; for the health of my father-in-law and father-in-law, for their longevity! Our life can be imagined as a rough terrain with holes, hills, forests and other obstacles. And on this rugged terrain, the “young” did not leave the race, did not drop out of the competition, but courageously achieved the coveted ribbon. Today we celebrate, so to speak, we celebrate receiving the silver prize. All of us, fans, joyfully raise our glasses to your outstanding sporting achievements. Long live Prince N and Princess N - the bride and groom! Bitterly! We have gathered today to greet the distinguished heroes of the occasion with the friendly clink of glasses on their silver wedding day. Nature loves the color silver: silvery clouds, silvery streams of rain, silvery surface of a river, silvery snowy frost. In the silver of nature we discern the triumph of life and nature. The silver wedding is also a celebration of nature and a statement of the fullness of its strength, experience, intelligence, understanding of life and active principles. This is the best and most precious period of life, when you know everything, you can do it and you can still do it. For your happiness and well-being! Long live the bride and groom! Bitterly! Real life is a multi-peaked mountain where you climb up, from one peak to another. So I wish the “young” to boldly and decisively move on - to the golden peak, hand in hand, with love, which is the first value of our life. I drain my glass to the “young ones”! Let happiness shine to you in the edges of these crystal glasses!

Are your loved ones celebrating their 25th marriage anniversary and are you invited to this celebration? A silver wedding is a wonderful occasion to say to the celebrants kind words, express your attention.

Our website presents beautiful and heartfelt toasts for the silver wedding anniversary, which can be heard on this day at the festive table.

Toasts in verse for a silver wedding

Happy silver wedding! Good luck to you,
May God protect you from every misfortune,
The look will be enthusiastic and loving,
When you two live fifty!
Harmony to you, prosperity, prosperity,
May your life be carefree and sweet,
Let the children please and the grandchildren entertain,
And the hearts will be forever embraced by passion!

Your love is worthy of admiration,
It’s even difficult to convey in poetry
All the importance and solemnity of the moment,
It’s no joke – changing a quarter of a century!
Glasses are now clinking only in your honor,
And noble wine flows,
After all, your couple is better and more beautiful
There is no one in the world anyway!

Congratulations on your silver wedding
And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Health, success, good luck to you
And always understand each other.
A quarter of a century! After all, this is a lot,
To check your feelings.
We'll fill our glasses today
On this wonderful holiday of love!

What to wish in a toast for a silver wedding?

The wishes of happiness and prosperity that will be heard in your toast to the heroes of the day at the celebration of their silver wedding will be remembered by the spouses for a long time if they are spoken sincerely, from the bottom of their hearts.

Congratulations on your silver wedding,
We wish you bright joy and good luck!
Let the passion not fade away, burn like a torch,
And nights and days spent in marriage!

For everyone, your couple is an example, a model
The unity of two loving, faithful hearts!
There is no more beautiful couple in the world.
See you at the wedding, now golden!

Already a quarter of a century! And as if only
Yesterday at the wedding we shouted to you: “Bitter!”
And now the family date turns silver,
And there it will imperceptibly reach gold!
Let your children and grandchildren warm you with warmth,
Thoughts and hands do not know fatigue,
And may happiness adorn your destiny,
And difficulties never bother you!

Today is your anniversary
And a wonderful date.
How many months and days
It's been a while since you were married!

And we want to shout
To such a wonderful couple: “Bitter!”
What is “twenty-five”?
You live that long five times!

Today is the silver holiday
And silver is a sacred metal.
Let your head turn silver
And the feelings will remain unchanged!

A toast to the silver wedding in your own words in prose

Silver became the symbol of the 25th wedding anniversary, because the relationship between husband and wife by this time had become similar to this precious metal. They understand each other perfectly, have learned patience and have become wiser than in the first years of marriage.

You can talk about the symbolism of this metal and much more in your toast, which you will make during the festive feast for your silver wedding.

Dear anniversaries! You've been together for a quarter of a century. I wish you happiness - as huge as the starry sky on a July night; mutual understanding - as complete as the glass of wine that I now hold in my hands; love - as hot as the sun's rays; money - as light as feathers, and, of course, health - strong as steel. But that's not all. I wish you that you can celebrate your next anniversary as brightly and cheerfully as this one!

Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - the 25th anniversary of a happy married life! You have gone through a lot, but circumstances did not destroy your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it stays that way for many more decades. May love increase, trust grow, and may you never have doubts about each other. I would like to wish you many positive and bright days, kind and gentle words. Continue to love each other and go through life only together, without opening your hands.

Dear newlyweds! I congratulate you on the fact that in a quarter of a century you have not dropped the high title of the spouses, have not added to it the worthless prefix “ex” and have raised high the banner of the devoted and happy love. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you happiness, health and longevity. Long live our “newlyweds”!

Today we congratulate you on successfully overcoming a difficult distance - twenty-five years. There were many different obstacles on your way: barriers, deep ravines, turbulent rivers and impenetrable jungles. But you successfully overcame all obstacles, because such guides as love and mutual understanding led you along this path. You rightfully deserve a silver medal. And we wish you the same success in completing the next distance and receiving a golden award!

For twenty-five years you have lived together, sharing happiness and adversity. Congratulations on your silver wedding! I wish you to carry your youthful love and friendship throughout your life, wait for your great-grandchildren and pass on to your descendants your great life wisdom, easy-going nature and infectious optimism! Be healthy, happy, cheerful and lucky!

Our dear friends! Over the course of 25 years of marriage, you were able to keep the warm light of love in your souls, and your happy home is full of this love. Live also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy it. May the fire of holy love remain for years to come, and may your star burn until your golden wedding!

Today is exactly 25 years since the day you started your life together! It was not always dotted with flowers, it was not always even and smooth, but you managed to maintain your union. I wish you to preserve your love until old age. Let your loved ones always feel your support. I wish you grateful children and loving grandchildren.

What words are suitable for a toast for the 25th wedding anniversary?

The anniversaries will be pleased to hear congratulations from their parents, children and other relatives, friends and girlfriends. Choose the right words for your silver wedding toast, raise your glasses and congratulate your loved ones on this wonderful date!

Silver color is one of the most beautiful shades that exist in nature. Just imagine: silver clouds, raindrops, the smooth surface of the river and silvery frost on the branches. Nothing less than a silver wedding - a holiday bestowed by nature itself. So let's drink so that the triumph of nature continues!

Once a sage suggested that the young couple plant one tree in the garden every year of their marriage. Twenty-five years later, a beautiful garden of twenty-five plants stretched around their house. At that moment, the couple decided that this was enough for them, they stopped planting new trees - and after a while the entire garden died. I would like to wish your garden to always be in bloom.