Summary of nodes “cognitive development” femp (mathematical development) in the senior group “charms” - “a magical journey. Summary of educational activities on cognitive development “Let's help Lukovka find his friends Integrated educational areas

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 90 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg.


Group teacher: Gusarova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna St. Petersburg 2015


  1. Develop interest and love for native nature.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals and plants of their native land.



  1. Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, name adjacent numbers of a given number,
  2. Develop forward and backward counting skills.
  3. Learn to find a certain number of objects corresponding to the number.
  4. Strengthen the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems using logical thinking.
  5. Continue learning to name and distinguish geometric shapes.


  1. Develop cognitive interest;
  2. Develop logical thinking, perception, attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects by properties, generalize;
  3. Develop independence;
  4. Develop independent work skills;
  5. Draw conclusions and conclusions.


  1. Cultivate interest in mathematical and cognitive activities;
  2. Foster a desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situations;
  3. Foster friendly relationships between children and the habit of studying together.

Integrated educational areas:

  1. "Cognitive development (FEMP and Familiarization with the surrounding world)»
  2. "Social and communicative development"
  3. "Speech development"
  4. "Artistic and aesthetic development"
  5. "Physical development"

Technologies used:

  1. Health saving technology
  2. Pedagogical technology based on activation and intensification of students’ activities (gaming technologies)
  3. Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process (cooperative learning)
  4. Technology of using game methods in teaching (business, role-playing and other types of educational games)
  5. Modern pedagogical technologies
  6. Information and communication technologies

Methodical techniques:

  1. Questions,
  2. Problematic situation
  3. Exercises,
  4. Games,
  5. Tasks,
  6. Riddles,
  7. Review of slides.


  1. Slides of wild animals and plants;
  2. Schemes of geometric shapes;
  3. Handouts,
  4. Picture of a bear (split),
  5. Balloon with a letter,
  6. Signs symbols: "Rules of conduct in the forest" ,
  7. Papers measuring 8*8cm for each child, 3 pieces,
  8. Scissors.
  9. Two stripes: 1) long and narrow;
  10. short and wide

Form of implementation: joint activity


Our head remembers important actions and smart words. Children pat themselves on the head.

We listen carefully... They bring their hands to their ears.

We'll definitely watch it. They bring their hands to their eyes.

We don’t interrupt adults... They threaten with their index finger.

We gain a lot of knowledge. Clench and unclench the fingers on both hands.

There is a balloon hanging in the group, and an envelope is tied to a string.


Guys, look, what is this? (the envelope is not signed). It's a strange envelope, nothing written on it.

Let's open the envelope and see what's there (the teacher opens the envelope; in the envelope there is a cut picture and a letter).

Guys, look, there is a cut picture in the envelope, let’s collect it now and then maybe we’ll find out who it’s from (children collect pictures, the picture shows Big Mama Bear).

Everything is clear, which means the letter came to us from Big Mama Bear. Now we can read it with you.

(The teacher reads the letter).

“Hello dear guys! I'm Big Mama Bear. I am in grief, my little son Umka the bear cub decided to feast on honey from Mother Bee, who lives in a magical forest, without asking, and climbed into her hive. She caught him and locked him, and in order to save the bear cub, I ask you to help me. Guys, in order for my son to return to me, you must pass all the tests of Mother Bee and cope with the tasks that she has prepared for you. The tasks will be difficult but interesting; By completing them, you will thereby help the bear cub return home. Are you ready for the test?

Children's answer: Yes

Educator: Let's help Big Mama Bear save her little son Umka the bear.

Children's answer: Yes

Educator: Then we go to save Umka the bear cub in the magical forest. It’s not easy to get to it, so we’ll become geese-swans and fly. Where are your wings? Flap your wings more energetically to reach faster. (children imitate the flight of swans)

Let's scream like swans: "Kurly-kurly-kurly"

(children imitate the cry of swans)

So we flew over a meadow, now over a river, over a field, a small village and, finally, a forest appeared ahead. Finally got there!

I warn you that you need to be very careful in the forest. We sit down on the edge of the forest and now we can turn into children again. Look, did you lose anyone along the way?

Children's answer? No


But before we go into the forest and start completing Mother Bee's tasks, what do we need to remember?

Children's answers: (rules of behavior in nature)

Educator: And signs - symbols-cards - will help us with this.

Didactic game: "Rules of behavior in nature" or "Take care of the living" (working with signs and symbols - cards)

(the presenter shows the picture to the children, and they must explain what situation is depicted in it and how to avoid it)

  1. picture: Don't destroy birds' nests (1)
  2. card: Don't destroy anthills (2)
  3. card: Don't make noise in the forest (8)
  4. card: Do not leave or bury garbage in the forest. (10)
  5. card: Don't carve messages on trees. (12)
  6. card: Do not offend forest insects. (4)
  7. card: Don't pick rare flowers. (6)
  8. card: Do not uproot mushrooms and berry bushes (14)
  9. card: Do not spoil inedible mushrooms. (13)
  10. card: Do not take animals from the forest. (3)

Child: If you come to the forest for a walk, breathe in the fresh air, run, jump, and play, just don’t forget that you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly. You are just a guest in the forest, here

The owner is the oak and the elk. Take care of their peace, because they are not our enemies.

Educator: But now, you can hit the road.

1 task: "Long - short"

Educator: Guys, look at the two paths in front of us. One path leads into the forest to Mother Bee’s hive, and the other into the swamp to Leshy.

Guys, please look carefully at these paths and tell me what length they are?

Children's answer: A short path and a long path

Educator: How wide are they?

Children's answers: One is wide and the other is narrow.

Educator: - Guys, which path do you think we can use to get to Mother Bee’s hive in the forest?

Children's answer: Along the path, which is short and wide.

Educator: That's right, guys, let's go along the short, wide path. So we entered the forest.

Educator: Guys, how many of you know what the forest is called?

Children's answer: The forest is called the green ocean of the Earth, a priceless gift of nature.

Forests are the real lungs of our planet.

Educator: Well done.

Physical education minute: "Forest Dwellers"

Good forest, old forest (spread your arms wide to the sides)

Full of fabulous wonders! (turns left and right with arms outstretched)

We're going for a walk now (walking)

And we invite you with us!

They are waiting for you at the forest edge (sit down)

Birds, mice and little animals (rise slowly, turns left and right, arms to the sides)

Mouse, mouse (soft springy step, back slightly bent forward)

Gray coat ("paws" in front of the chest)

The mouse walks quietly

He carries a grain into the hole.

And the bear was following the mouse (arms bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist)

How did he start to cry? (feet shoulder-width apart, stepping from foot to foot)

“Uh-oh! Ooh! (swinging the body from side to side)

I’m waddling!”

And the happy bunnies (palms pressed to the head and jump on two legs)

Long-eared guys (moving forward)

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

Through the field beyond the woods.

Birds in nests (flapping their wings)

Woke up, smiled, (chirp and jump lightly)

They perked up: “Chick-chirp,

Hello friends!

We fly higher than everyone else!”

Hello, good old forest (waving hand, turning left and right with arms outstretched)

Full of fabulous wonders!

Task 2: "Natural areas: Forests of Russia"

Educator: Guys, look, the forest is beautiful and diverse. How many of you know what kind of forest we ended up in, what is it called?

Children's answer: This is a mixed forest.

Educator: Correct. Why did you decide that?

Children's answer: Because tall spruce, pine, birch, aspen, rowan, and larch grow in the mixed forest.

Educator: Correct. Well done.

Educator: What else grows in this forest?

Children's answer: Berries - Blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries.

Mushrooms - boletus, boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric...

Educator: Well done and they answered this question correctly

Educator: Guys, when asked what animals live, geometric shapes will help you and me in this forest.

Task 3: "Put the animal out" (working with geometric shapes)

Educator: Guys, who got what animal?

Children's answer: Bear, wolf, squirrel, hare.

Educator: You have completed this task, but in order for us to leave, we need to complete one more task here.

Task 4: "The Fourth Wheel"

(there are pictures with animals on the board)

Educator: Guys, please name the extra animal and explain why you decided so:

Cow – wolf – fox – bear.

Wolf - fox - rooster - hare.

Fox – bear – wolf – walrus.

Task 5: "Say the number"

Educator: (Psycho-gymnastics)

And now, guys, we are going to a magical clearing, where you and I will have to complete tasks from Mother Bee. The road to it runs through a dark, dark forest.

You walk in a circle, one after another, there is a wide stream in front of you, carefully step over it so as not to get your feet wet;

now you have to go up the hill, lift your legs high, okay;

and now the branches are scratching your face, push the branches apart with your hands;

and the last obstacle - you enter the very thicket, squat lower, lower, so that the branches do not get into your eyes, then the branches become less and less, we rise slowly and here you are in a magical clearing.

Educator: Guys, here we are in a magical clearing where many numbers live, they love to walk around their clearing, but trouble happened, some of them went for a walk and got lost. We need to help them get back - this will be our next task from Mother Bee.

4,5,6, 7, …, 9

1,2, …, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, …, 10

7,6,5,…, 3, …, 1

(children answer questions using cards with numbers)

Educator: Well done! All numbers were returned to their places.

Educator: Guys, I hear the numbers arguing among themselves, everyone thinks that she is the first, let’s put things in order in this clearing and put the numbers in order from 1 to 10. (the numbers on the board are in disarray)

The child completes the task.

Educator: Well done! Let's check it out.

(children count)

Educator: You have completed this task, let’s move on to the next task from Mother Bee, which is located in this clearing.

Task 6: Game: "How many"

Educator: Guys, you will need to lay out the same number of items as indicated on the card with the number. and find and name the previous and next digit to your number on the card, (if the answer is correct, move on to the next task)

(cards with numbers: 2, 7, 5, 9, 3, 6.

Educator: You have completed these tasks, let's move on.

Task 7: "Math Problem" (according to the table at the board)

Educator: Guys, before starting this task, let’s remember what a task is, what it consists of, and the algorithm for solving the problem.

1) The task is a small story with numbers.

2) The task must have a condition and a question.

The condition states what is known and reports data.

And the question tells you what needs to be found, what is not known. (How many)

1. Dad is a wolf and his 2 wolf cubs decided to go for a walk. Count how many animals went for a walk. (3)

(Children at the board make up a simple arithmetic equation and say the answer to the problem).

2. Dad the hedgehog and his hedgehogs collected 2 porcini mushrooms and 3 boletus mushrooms for lunch during a walk. Count how many mushrooms the hedgehogs collected. (5)

3. The wolf has plans for friends

Invite to the anniversary.

I invited two bear cubs,

Three hares and five squirrels.

Count quickly

How many friends does a wolf have? (answer 10).

Educator: You have completed this task, let's move on.

Task 8: Game: "Fold a square"

Educator: Guys, for this game you and I will need three squares of paper measuring 8*8 cm for each child, and scissors.

Now listen carefully to the task itself.

Task: Take the first square, fold it so that you get 2 triangles. Cut along the fold line.

Fold the second square to make 4 triangles. Cut along the fold lines.

The third square is 8 triangles. Cut it.

Lay out the triangles on the table so that you get three squares again.

Make sure that the square is larger than the triangles.

Educator: So we completed all the tasks that Mother Bee prepared for us and thereby saved and returned the little bear Umka to his mother Ursa Major.

Guys, it's time for us to go home.

Close your eyes. 1,2,3!

Well, here we are at home!

Guys, did you enjoy our trip?

Children's answer: Yes

Educator: Who did we save today?

Children's answer: Little Bear Umku

Educator: Well done.

Educator: How did we do it?

Children's answers: We completed the tasks that Mother Bee prepared for us.

Educator: Well done!

The little bear returned to his mother (slide show).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 25"

Summary of GCD on cognitive development

on the topic: “Awakening of Spring”


teacher 1 sq. cat.

Kozlova S.V.

Arzamas 2016

Target : formation of children's ideas about spring.


1) Educational– contribute to the formation of children’s ideas about spring, as a season, about the characteristic signs of spring, about the solid and liquid state of water; contribute to the formation of skills to understand the patterns of natural phenomena.

2) Developmental – promote the development of interest in changes occurring in nature; encourage drawing conclusions through solving logical problems; promote the development of skills to establish relationships, the development of observation, speech, thinking, aesthetic taste; enrich your vocabulary.

3) Educational– encourage children to love their native nature, appreciate the beauty of nature, and take care of it.

Methodical techniques: sketch “Call each other affectionately by name”, a surprise moment - a letter from the forest from Old Lesovichka; motivation – “Help the Old Man-Lesovich wake up the forest, since spring has come”; conversation “Signs of Spring”; teacher's story, “How an icicle is formed”; riddles about spring, icicle, stream; ball game “Describe spring”; reading the poem by A. Pleshcheev “The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing...”; game “What's extra?”, musical accompaniment - A. Vivaldi “Seasons. Spring”, sounds of dripping, chirping of birds; experimental activity “What happens to an icicle in warm conditions”; physical education lesson “Bear”; artistic creativity (drawing with colored pencils) – “Leaves on the trees.”

Means : classical music by A. Vivaldi “The Seasons. Spring”, sounds of dripping and chirping of birds, presentation, laptop, multimedia projector, envelope with a letter; metal tray; easel; album sheet (according to the number of children), colored pencils (according to the number of children), a ball, containers with an icicle (according to the number of children).

Preliminary work:

Observing signs of spring while walking.

Looking at paintings about spring: A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”; I. Levitan “March”, “Spring”, “Spring. Big Water", "Spring Time. The last snow"; I.I. Shishkin “Forest in Spring”; Boris Kustodiev “Spring”; V. Baksheev “Blue Spring”; K. Yuon “March Sun”; Alfred Sisley "Spring".

Reading fiction: F.I. Tyutchev “Spring Waters”, “Spring”; I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring in the Forest”, “Early Spring”; N. Sladkov “Birds brought spring”, “Spring streams”; S. Marshak “All Year Round”, “April Rain”; G. Skrebitsky “April”; S. Yesenin “Bird cherry”, A.A. Fet “The willow is all fluffy”, etc.

Memorization of signs, proverbs, poems about spring: F.I. Tyutchev “Spring Waters”, “Spring”.

Conversations on the topics: “Early spring”, “Mid spring”, “Late spring”, “Signs of spring”, “First spring flowers”, “Animals in spring”, “Migratory birds”.

Progress of educational activities

Guys, when you went to kindergarten, did you notice what morning it is? ( Children's answers)

Yes, today the air is clear, fresh and clean. The sun is gentle and warm. The sky is high and azure. What is your mood on this wonderful morning? ( Children's answers)

Today, dear guys, we will continue our journey into the fabulous natural world. Before we begin our journey, let's get comfortable and look at each other: smile and affectionately call each other by name. I like your faces and I see that you are in a good mood. So, we can go on a trip with you.

So, today we will take a trip and go for a visit. And who will you find out when you solve the riddle?

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (In spring).

That's right, today we are going to visit spring.

Spring is the transition from winter to summer. The sun is shining brightly and hot. Today the old forest man sent us a letter from the forest. Now we'll see what's in it. “Dear guys. There was a disaster. Spring has already arrived, but the forest does not wake up. Please help me wake up the animals, birds, and the earth.”

Guys, what will we use to go to the forest? ( children's answers)

I suggest going into the forest on a magic carpet. Let's fly (children sit on the carpet and listen to music).

An excerpt from A. Vivaldi’s musical work “The Seasons” is played. Spring"(1 minute).

Guys, what emotions did you have when listening to this piece of music?(Children's answers)

The teacher reads a poem

The snow is already melting...

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!
Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's been a long time again...

(Alexey Pleshcheev)

Guys, what signs of spring did you hear about in the poem? ( children's answers)

What other signs of spring do you know? ( children's answers)

Guys, let's make spring happy with beautiful words. Let's play the game “Describe Spring.” I will throw you a ball, and you will describe to me what spring is like ( children's answers).

Guys, what spring months do you know? ( children's answers)

We are now at the end of March. Tell me what changes in nature occurred by this period ( children's answers)

So we arrived in the spring forest.

How can you and I help spring? What does it take for the snow to start melting? (let's wake up the sun). Let's wake up the sun, and guess who will help us with this?

Drip sounds are heard.

They grow upside down
And they cry loudly only in the spring.

What is this? (icicles)

That's right, icicles

When the icicles cry
We hear all day long
Cheerful and loud
Spring drops.

Today, when I was going to kindergarten, I saw a lot of icicles and decided to show them to you. (Give each child a container with an icicle. Offers to touch the icicle and tell what it is).

Guys, touch her, what is she like?(children's answers)

Now look at the icicle, what is it like?(Children's answers)

Let's see how an icicle is formed.

When the snow melts, a drop appears, it flows off the roof and freezes, then the next one flows down and freezes again, joining the first drop. This is how icicles are formed. They consist of many droplets.

Children and their teacher conclude that an icicle is frozen droplets of water that turn into ice.

What happens if you lift an icicle above your palm? ( children's answers)

That's right, the icicle starts to drip. Why? ( children's answers)

So, the icicle begins to melt and turn into water, as it is in warm conditions.

If we place an icicle over a metal tray, we will hear the sounds of dripping. (A teacher with children hold icicles over a metal tray)

Icicles are dripping, drops are ringing, the sun has woken up.

The teacher reads a riddle

The sun is shining early in the morning
The snow became dark and wet
And singing songs loudly
Running cheerfully... (stream).

That's right, a trickle. The sun is shining brighter. The spring warmth melted the snow, and streams began to run, gurgle, and awaken.

What types of streams are there? What are they doing? ( Children's answers).

Guys, what animals live in the forest? What happens to them in the spring? (children's answers). Let's wake up the bear and do some physical exercise.

Physical education “Bear” (2 times)
The bear crawled out of the den,
Looked around at the threshold (turns left and right)
He stretched out of sleep (stretching his arms up)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (head rotation)
Leaned back and forth (leans back and forth)
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. (
tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa)
Finally the bear has eaten
And he sat down on a log. (
Children sit down).

Guys, do you know what the first spring flowers appear? ( Children's answers ) Let's wake them up too.

Yes, sure. In spring, a lot of them appear in thawed patches. Flowers of coltsfoot, snowdrop, crow's feet, lilies of the valley. They delight people's eyes in the spring with their flowers.

Now let’s play the familiar game “What’s extra?” (The teacher shows pictures on the slide (coltsfoot, snowdrop, lily of the valley, cactus)).

Guys, what's wrong with this? What do you think and why? ( children's answers)

But we haven’t woken everyone up in the forest yet.

Music sounds and birds chirp.

- Guys, do you hear these sounds?

- Look! The birds have arrived! What birds flew to us from warm countries ( children's answers)

It seems like we woke up everyone, but something is missing in the forest. What do you think? ( children's answers)

That's right, the trees don't have enough leaves. Let's draw them.

(The teacher gives the children a landscape sheet with a drawn tree without leaves. Children draw leaves on trees on a landscape sheet with pencils. Upon completion of work, children place their work on the easel)

So we helped the old man, the forester, wake up the forest and made a fascinating journey into the world of spring. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We sat down on the carpet like an airplane and flew off. And while we are flying, I want to ask you - what did you like most about visiting the old forest man? How did we help the old forest man?(children's answers)

What was more difficult for you to cope with?(children's answers)

We flew back to our kindergarten.

Spring hides in every person,

If you are sad, it means she is sleeping.

If you run, laughing, barefoot through puddles -

This means spring has come out in you!

And I want to wish you blue, clear skies, bright, gentle sun and a wonderful spring mood.

Elsa Dzotsieva
Summary of educational activities for cognitive development “Home”

Cognitive development

Subject: "House"

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, musical and artistic, educational and research, perception of fiction.

Goals: summarize and systematize knowledge about various types of human housing. Expand children's knowledge about parts of the house; different construction professions and their professional actions: architect, mason, carpenter, painter, tiler; talk about the national characteristics of housing construction in different countries and here in Ossetia; consider the features designs houses depending on natural conditions; cultivate a culture of communication.

Planned results: knows different types of housing, knows how to share with the teacher and other children various impressions about a person’s home, knows and names parts of the house, construction professions, the ability to express one’s opinion culturally, coordinate one’s actions with partners, express one’s opinion culturally, coordinate one’s actions with partners.

Materials and equipment: demonstration paintings "Who works at a construction site"; pictures depicting homes in different countries, a model of a wooden hut, a set of items for the game “What is necessary for the work of an architect”, d.i. "Fold the pattern" (Nikitin)

1. Organizational moment

Finger gymnastics "House"

The house stands with a chimney and a roof

I went out to the balcony for a walk

2. Creation of problematic situations (A model of a Russian hut without a roof is brought in - unfinished construction, it is impossible for residents to move into a new house).

3. Conversation on the topic:

Who builds houses? (builders)

What are houses made of? (Made of bricks, slabs, wood, clay).

Remember, people, what professions work in construction? (architect, mason, crane operator, plumber, electrician, etc.)

What parts does each house consist of? (Foundation, walls, windows, doors, balconies, floors, entrance, steps (or stairs, roof, porch)

What is the name of the place where houses are built in one line?

Where are tall houses built, where are low ones?

4. Physical exercise "Toy construction"

We received gifts (children pretend to put objects out of a box)

Brick, bars, arches

From the box we take,

We are building a beautiful house.

We build quickly, we build quickly, (Children sit on the cards, gradually straightening up, and

Without cement, without mortar, then standing on your toes. It’s like laying bricks with your hands).

The house is growing higher and higher,

There is a cornice, a chimney and a roof.

5. Teacher's story (presentations) and performing creative tasks "Time Travel" - “What houses did our ancestors live in?”

6. Work in groups Creating a house project.

Assignment for teams: choose from the proposed items necessary for the work of architects. Task for the first teams: create a project for a multi-story building; for the second, a project for a residential apartment, providing it with all the necessary premises (using paper designer)

7. Work in pairs. D.I. “Name the name of the dwelling, and what kind of people live in it?

(pictures provided)

8. D.I. “Repeat the ornament”- imitating the professional actions of a painter and another subgroup "Fold the pattern"– simulating laying tiles

9. Summing up the lesson.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for the cognitive development of children 4–5 years old “Confusion” Goal: Development of a value-based, humane attitude towards wild animals. Objectives: Educational: - consolidate children’s ideas about features.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development “Journey to Autumn” Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development with elements of ecology “JOURNEY INTO AUTUMN” Goal: formation of cognitive interests and abilities.

Abstract of the educational activity on cognitive development "People's Dwelling" Outline of direct educational activities with preschoolers in the senior group. Topic: “People’s Homes” Integration of educational.

Abstract of OOD on cognitive development “Autumn” Goal: to teach children to see the beauty of nature; introduce a painting by a famous artist, means of depiction; teach children to tell stories.

Abstract of OOD on cognitive development “What spring brought us” Objectives: Improve observation skills, highlight the main signs of spring: the sun is shining, the grass and leaves are green, there is no snow; develop.

Summary of a lesson on speech development and cognitive development in the senior group “In the Enchanted Forest” Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the senior group on speech development and cognitive development “In the Enchanted Forest” Program content:.

Summary of educational activities for the cognitive development of children in the middle group "Where the vitamins live"

Author: Bobina Irina Sergeevna, teacher of the MBDOO “Kindergarten No. 161” of a general developmental type, Barnaul
This material will be interesting: teachers, parents and children aged 4-7 years. A presentation with a didactic game can be used by teachers as part of a lesson to consolidate knowledge about vegetables, fruits, and to form children’s ideas about healthy eating.

Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic: “Where vitamins live”

Didactic multimedia game for preschool children “What’s superfluous here”
Demo material: squirrel toy; modules of vegetables, fruits, trees, berries; laptop, projector, presentation with the didactic multimedia game “What’s missing here?”
Handout: colored wax crayons in a box for each easel, three easels with attached sheets of whatman paper.
Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about plants in the garden, forest, and vegetable garden.
consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits, berries;
consolidate children's knowledge of where vegetables, fruits and berries grow;
form logical thinking;
develop an idea of ​​healthy eating;
develop speech, develop the ability to explain your choice;
continue to develop the ability to negotiate with each other about joint activities.
Game situation: “Find and collect” Children enter a group where modules of vegetables, fruits, and berries lie throughout the group. The teacher leads the children to the idea that in the group, in the absence of children, someone visited and mixed up everything, put it in the wrong place.
Educator. Guys, what do you think we need to do now? (you need to put the toys in their places) Where did we have the fruit? (in the basket). Children find fruits and collect them in a basket.

Educator. Where were the vegetables? (in the box). Children find vegetables and put them in a box.

Educator. What else is out of place? (berries) . Children collect berries in a cup.

While searching through the group, the children find a frightened squirrel, who admits to the children that it was she who was playing with the toys. The children calm the squirrel and invite it to stay with them.
Educator. Well done guys, how quickly you brought order to our group. I suggest you rest a little and sit on the chairs. (children sit down on chairs) Would you like us to play a game? and the squirrel will play with us. Help her guess which picture is the odd one out. You just need to answer with a complete answer so that the squirrel understands why this picture is unnecessary. After answering, you need to click on the extra picture with the mouse. If it disappears, then you guessed correctly. (The child must explain his choice: there is an extra apple here because it is a fruit, and the rest are vegetables.)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (raspberries, red currants, gooseberries, tomatoes) What’s extra here? (extra tomato because it’s a vegetable, and the rest is all berries)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (red currants, cherries, pears, strawberries) What's extra here? (there's an extra pear here because it's a fruit and the rest is berries)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (potatoes, pears, apples, oranges) What's missing here? (there's an extra potato here because it's a vegetable, and the rest is fruit)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (zucchini, lemon, onion, tomato) What's missing here? (there's an extra lemon because it's a fruit and the rest is vegetables)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (carrots, cabbage, peppers, onions, apples) What is unnecessary here? (there's an extra apple here because it's a fruit and the rest is vegetables)
Educator. What great guys you are. Helped the squirrel figure out the pictures. Let's relax and play a game.
Gymnastics for the eyes “Our bed”
One, two, three, four five
Let's look for vegetables.
(circular movements of the eyes)
What's growing in our garden bed?
(look down)
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
(look up)
There's a radish, there's a salad.
(look left, right)
Our garden bed is a treasure.
(blink your eyes) V.Volina
Educator. And now I suggest working in subgroups. Let's compete with each other. We will guess riddles, and the squirrel will listen to how we can solve them, and for the correct answer he will give your table a picture with the answer.
Game "Guess the riddle"
We grow in the forest, in the garden, in the garden.
Eat us and you'll be fine! (berries)

Don't touch us yet!
Let the sun blush our sides,
And when we’re ripe, you can safely eat them,
There are countless vitamins in us!
Both adults and children love us
What to call all these fruits? (fruits)

Eggplant and zucchini
And carrots and onions,
Tomatoes, cucumbers-
Full of vitamins.
Guess it, guys,
What grows in our garden? (vegetables)
Educator. What do berries, vegetables and fruits have in common? (vitamins) That's right, guys. These foods contain a lot of different vitamins, and therefore they need to be eaten every day.
To always be healthy
You need to eat every day:
Very important products!
These are vegetables and fruits!
Finger game "Berries"
One, two, three, four, five,
(the fingers of both hands greet each other, starting with the thumb)
We're going for a walk in the forest.
(fingers walk across the table)
For blueberries
For raspberries
For lingonberries,
Behind the viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
And we'll take it to my brother.
Game for subgroups “Draw together”
Educator. Guys, now you and I will be artists. At one table you guessed a riddle about vegetables, which means you must agree on who will draw what from vegetables. You guessed the riddle about fruits, which means the guys sitting at your table will draw fruits. At the third table they guessed a riddle about berries, which means you will paint berries on your easel. Children at the tables agree on who will draw what, approach the easel in turn and each draw one object. Each table draws at its own easel. After drawing, the guys discuss what happened.
Educator. Each of you drew one object, and the result was a whole picture. Well done! Did you enjoy playing with the squirrel today? What did you like most? (children express their opinions if they wish) Squirrel also liked playing with you. she has prepared a treat for you. (the teacher shows a basket of fruit and gives it to the children)

Contest« Methodical piggy bank for a kindergarten teacher»

GCD purpose: formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of middle preschool age 4-5 years old in joint play activities.

Forms of organization: individual, frontal.

Training tasks:

  • exercise the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, highlighting their properties (shape, color, size);
  • consolidate the concepts of “long - short”;
  • improve in determining spatial directions: up, down, left, right.
  • choose antonym words.

Developmental tasks:

  • develop attention, logical thinking, speech, color perception, fine motor skills;
  • develop the ability to express and justify your judgments.

Educational tasks:

  • to cultivate the ability to work independently and in a team, the desire to help each other, the heroes of fairy tales who find themselves in a difficult situation.

Integration of educational areas:“Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Socio-communicative development”.

Types of activities: gaming, cognitive-research, motor, perception of fiction.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, the game “Say the other way around”, learning the physical exercise “Three Bears Lived in a Fairy Tale”, comparing strips by length, the outdoor game “Find your house” (geometric figures).

Vocabulary work: flying carpet, chest, long - short, top, bottom, right, left.

Planned result: the child is able to negotiate, empathize with failures and enjoy the successes of others, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities. The child is able to rely on his knowledge and skills.

Facilities and equipment: a chest, paths of different lengths, an airplane carpet, a ball, cards for work, simple pencils, houses with geometric shapes, books with fairy tales, visual aids.

GCD move

Introductory part

Let's all stand in a circle together,
We need to say hello.
I tell you “Hello!”
Smile back quickly.
Hello, right hand,
Hello left hand,
Hello friend, hello friend,
Hello, our entire friendly circle!

Educator: So we said hello and conveyed our good mood to each other. Guys, today everything is unusual in our group, guests came to us. And I invite everyone to go on a fabulous journey together, we will open the door to another, extraordinary, amazing world, in which there are a lot of miracles. Do you agree?

How can you go on this journey? ( By car, plane, train). But since this is a fabulous journey, then let's go there on a carpet airplane. But only those children who love fairy tales, who love to fantasize and dream can get into this fairy-tale world. And I will help you with this today, I will be a good Storyteller.

The teacher unrolls the “flying carpet”, and there are holes in the form of geometric shapes.

Educator: Our carpet ended up with holes, who did this? Can we go on it, travel through fairy tales? (Children's answers). Let's repair it.

There are geometric shapes on the tray. Children apply and identify those “patches” that are suitable for carpet repair.

Educator: Name the figures that you needed. Well done guys!! Stand on the magic carpet and repeat the magic words.

Our carpet rushes across the sky:
What will happen to us?
We'll get into a fairy tale on it,
Which one? Where's the clue?

And we will find the clue in my chest.


Chest, chest. Gilded barrel
Painted lid, copper valve.
Whoever opens the chest immediately finds himself in a fairy tale.
Let's see what fairy tale we find ourselves in now...

Compiled by: Skripko Natalya Gennadievna, teacher at MBDOU DS “Rodnichok”, Ozersk, village. Novogorny.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development of FEMP