Casein whey. Casein protein: what it is, how to take it for weight loss and muscle growth

Casein is a protein supplement that provides the athlete’s muscles with building material for long-term growth and prevents catabolism.

It is impossible to imagine adequate nutrition for an athlete without special nutritional supplements. And it is better to give preference to natural preparations of natural origin.

What is casein?

Full-fat cottage cheese contains up to 22% casein

Casein (also known as caseinogen) is a milk protein formed by the curdling of milk by special enzymes. Of all the proteins in dairy products, casein accounts for 80%.

Refers to complex, complete proteins. It contains all types of essential acids vital to the human body. In the stomach, under the influence of enzymes, casein forms a dense clot, which slowly breaks down, releasing calcium and phosphorus.

It comes in the form of a white powder, which is used to make protein shakes. Sold as part of ready-made mixtures for cocktails and protein supplements. Pure casein without a pronounced aroma, cottage cheese taste. Cocktails with casein, as a rule, contain flavorings, sweeteners, and sometimes dyes.

How does it work during training?

Losing weight using casein is quite possible

Casein is a slow-breaking protein, so it makes no sense to take it after training. It will not be absorbed quickly enough to replenish the amino acid levels needed by the muscles. Fast-acting proteins, such as whey, will be more relevant at this time.

Before training, casein is only appropriate during a weight loss diet, so that due to insufficient nutrition, the muscles do not suffer from intense exercise.

Reception when gaining weight

When gaining muscle mass, casein should be taken only at night - to slow down catabolism and provide the muscles with a supply of protein. This will prevent the destructive effects of cortisol.

When burning weight

Due to the fact that casein occupies the stomach for a long time, it has the effect of reducing appetite, which makes life much easier during a weight loss diet. It gives a feeling of fullness for about 7 hours, which saves you from night hunger, while the body is supplied with a sufficient amount of protein. In addition, it allows you to preserve muscle mass and increases the release of heat by your body, which accelerates metabolism and the process of burning subcutaneous and. 10 g of casein contains only 36 kcal, so it does not add excess fat.

Why does an athlete need it?

Taking casein reduces the need to eat tons of foods

To achieve the desired results, be it gaining muscle mass, increasing endurance during training, or quickly burning fat, an athlete’s diet must contain a high amount of protein products, because protein is a necessary building material for muscle tissue.

To avoid having to eat kilograms of meat, eggs and cottage cheese, which, in addition to proteins, also contain fats and carbohydrates, it is wiser to supplement the diet with protein supplements. The diet should contain both fast-acting proteins, which provide high anabolism, and slow ones, which provide long-term muscle nutrition.

Anabolism (from the Greek ἀναβολή, “rise”) or plastic metabolism is a set of chemical processes that constitute one of the aspects of metabolism in the body, aimed at the formation of cells and tissues.

Source Wikipedia

Why is consuming casein beneficial for an athlete?

  • Saturation of the body with essential amino acids
  • Strengthens the skeletal system thanks to the high calcium content
  • Reduced hunger
  • Protection against muscle breakdown (catabolism) at night
  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Replenishes the lack of protein in the diet during a diet.

Types of casein protein

Casein protein comes in three types:

  1. Casein hydrolysate. It is obtained through the process of hydrolysis, during which amino acid bonds are destroyed, and the rate of protein absorption increases.
  2. Micellar casein. It is obtained by ultra- or microfiltration of milk, in which casein is separated from whey, fat and lactose. The natural structure of the protein is preserved. It is absorbed more easily than caseinate, but over a longer period of time (up to 10 hours). Solubility in liquid is low, the cocktail turns out thick and mushy.
  3. Caseinate. It is a mixture of protein and calcium, sodium and potassium salts. The protein content in this mixture is not less than 90%. Caseinate easily dissolves in liquid, so it is very often used in industrial cocktails.

How to take casein protein

Take casein in the form of a cocktail from the required amount of powder dissolved in a glass of milk. For taste, you can add a spoon of cocoa, a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon. It is best to mix using a shaker.

The dosage depends on the purpose for which the protein is taken.

  • At the stage of weight gain - 40 g of casein before bed.
  • During the drying period, take 15-20 g at night and between main meals, with water or up to 4 times a day.
  • If you have to skip a meal, the protein dose will be 35-40 g.
  • To enhance anabolism after training, casein can be taken in tandem with whey protein in a 1:2 ratio (one part casein to two parts whey)

These figures are approximate; a more accurate dosage is calculated based on the athlete’s body weight and the amount of protein supplied with food.

What can you combine with?

Casein can be consumed in its pure form. But sometimes the best effect will be from combining it with other, more quickly digestible products, such as whey protein. In this combination, the benefits of these products are mutually enhanced. The deficiency of casein, such as low anabolic effect, is eliminated. A similar result can be achieved by combining casein protein with leucine or (amino acid complex).

What foods contain casein?

Most casein is found in dairy products. Content as a percentage of the total amount of proteins in the product:

  • cow and goat milk – 80%
  • hard cheeses – 30%
  • soft cheeses – 28%
  • pickled cheeses – 26%
  • fat cottage cheese – 22%
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 18%
  • sour cream (fat) – 15%
  • curdled milk, kefir – 15%
  • bio-yogurts and curd cheeses – 9%
  • sweet yoghurts – 6%

What are the differences between casein and other types of protein?

The main “rival” of casein is whey protein. Their “rivalry” begins in a sports nutrition store, when the buyer has a dilemma about what to take. The main differences are in the rate of protein absorption. Casein takes a long time to digest; studies have shown that after taking casein, a high concentration of amino acids remained in the blood of subjects for 5 hours.

Side effects from taking

Side effects with moderate use are quite rare and temporary. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance (allergy) and serious diseases of the digestive system.


Allergy to casein is a common phenomenon. It manifests itself in childhood and goes away during adulthood in 85% of allergy sufferers. And yet, if a person is intolerant to dairy products, then he is allergic to casein.

Allergy symptoms:

  • Skin rashes
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes
  • Breathing becomes difficult

There is no cure for casein allergy; antihistamines and corticosteroids only relieve symptoms. Therefore, an allergy sufferer should refrain from consuming dairy proteins.

Effect on the human body

Casein protein itself does not have a negative effect on the body. Essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, which it is rich in, are beneficial for all people. However, everything is good in moderation. Considering that casein is absorbed slowly, it puts an increased burden on the digestive system. Excessive consumption may result in discomfort in the stomach (feeling of heaviness), bloating, nausea, and vomiting. With prolonged abuse, there is a risk of gastrointestinal tract disease.

Effect on potency

Proteins of animal origin do not have a negative effect on sexual function, unlike protein, which can increase estrogen levels. Therefore, you need to choose pure milk casein, without the admixture of soy protein.

What to look for when buying casein protein? A good product should not contain:

  • No synthetic additives, only natural dairy raw materials
  • Vegetable fats
  • No salt

There should be no mold smell. The consistency of a homogeneous powder, without lumps.

Preference should be given to micellar casein without unnecessary additives, from a reliable manufacturer. The pursuit of a cheap product can lead to the purchase of a counterfeit or a product of poor quality, the benefits of which are very doubtful.

Always remember that a quality product cannot be cheap

Casein protein is an indispensable component of sports nutrition for an athlete. It provides uniform, long-lasting nutrition for muscles and bones, and prevents catabolism at night. It is also very effective in reducing appetite while burning weight; in this regard, it can be useful not only for athletes, but also for people who want to lose weight and have difficulty with hunger.

Which casein protein do you think is the best? Leave your opinion in the comments or take the survey...

Be sure to read about it

Whey protein is a globular protein derived from whey. This type of protein has proven itself to be the best supplement for building muscle mass.

Whey protein benefits:

1. Gives good results for building muscle mass;

2. Promotes weight loss;

3. Easily absorbed and digested;

4. Accelerates the recovery process after intense training;

5. Contains a large amount of organic substances (amino acids);

6. Increases immunity;

7. Reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body;

8. According to research results, this type of protein fights malignant tumors;

9. Lowers blood pressure;

10. Improves liver function, etc.

To the question: which is better, whey protein or casein protein? - you can give several answers, firstly, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, therefore, what is good for one is bad for another, and secondly, if we take into account the results of studies of this or that type of protein, then in this case, The first place can be assigned to whey protein!


Which type of protein is best to consume before/after training, at night and between meals. The difference between them.

Today, athletes have many types of proteins to choose from. But it is not always clear which one is better. For example, the “slow” protein – casein – is very popular. In contrast, experts often recommend taking whey protein. So which option is the most preferable? Let's talk about this in more detail.


Let's look at each type of protein separately:


We have already partially examined the features of each type of sports nutrition. Now let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. Anabolism. It's no secret that an integrated approach to training gives the best results when the rate of anabolism in orgasm is higher than the rate of catabolism. This is the only way an athlete will gain weight. In the case when catabolism is higher in rate, then muscle weight decreases. Whey protein already within one to two hours increases the level of anabolism to almost 70%, and casein - up to 30. Thus, the whey version of sports nutrition is more powerful, but it acts for a shorter period of time. This once again proves that an integrated approach to taking these supplements is more effective.
  2. Catabolism. The results of training largely depend on the rate of catabolism. Thus, casein has shown its best side - it is able to reduce negative effects for several hours, starting from the second hour after administration. In this regard, whey and egg whites, of course, lose. Therefore, if there are long periods of time between meals, then it is better to give preference to casein. It is better to drink egg or whey protein before and after exercise. This comprehensive method of administration is the best option for active athletes.
  3. Features of reception. It is better to take whey protein in the morning (immediately after waking up) and after exercise, when the body needs energy and the necessary amount of protein to recover. We know that the maximum growth of muscle fibers occurs after visiting the gym, so egg or whey protein will come in handy. At the same time, a comprehensive approach is considered more effective.

Casein is a protein of lower quality and, as we have already figured out, it is digested more slowly. Its multi-component composition gives it the best anti-catabolic and restorative properties. Therefore, the optimal time to take it is in the morning or before bed. It is also necessary to drink casein protein in case of a long break in food intake.


As we can see, the additives we are considering are similar in composition, but different in their principle of action. Therefore, the optimal option would be a comprehensive one, when, for example, before and after classes, as well as in the morning, you drink whey (or egg) protein, and before bedtime and during long breaks in food, you drink casein.

Advertising is a word that does not evoke pleasant associations. Today, many of us have a negative attitude towards this kind of information. We are annoyed by advertising after every ten minutes of watching TV and annoying pop-up blocks on the Internet. But in bodybuilding, for those who are serious about their training, nutrition and supplements, watching ads is key to getting useful information.

Think for yourself. You'll never hear a car fan complain about a brand new Porsche ad in Top Gear magazine. Heck, you'll never see a pornography fan complaining about clips of Jenna Jameson's new video being advertised in Hustler magazine. Even for supplement savvy trainers, watching advertisements is a way to stay informed and keep track of what's available.

Many may be confused by the huge variety of protein available on the market today. So which protein is the best? Do you know the difference between whey protein and casein protein? Did you know that despite all the negative criticism, soy is an excellent source of protein for male athletes? And what protein is best for gaining muscle mass?

In the article we looked at the main types of protein supplements. Our guide to protein powders today will help answer the main question - which protein is better, and will also allow you to learn a lot of new things or refresh your existing knowledge about sports supplements, which every athlete should have in their arsenal.

#1 Cow's milk protein

Protein powders derived from cow's milk are the most popular today, and include whole milk, casein and whey.

Whole Milk Protein Powders

Milk protein is separated from lactose and fats through a gentle filtration process that leaves milk's two main protein components intact. Of these two parts, casein is more preferable as it makes up about 80% of the total protein in milk, while whey is only 20%. Dairy proteins are good to use between meals and before bed because casein digests slowly and provides a constant supply of amino acids to the muscles. Since whole milk proteins also contain whey, which is quickly digested, these protein powders can be used pre- and post-workout. But they are not the best option due to their relatively low whey content.

Milk protein concentrate (MPC)

The protein content of BMP is about 80%, and the lactose content is approximately 5%. BMP is typically produced by ultrafiltration, which uses varying degrees of pressure to force the liquid (water) portion of the milk through a porous membrane. Proteins cannot pass through the membrane and are screened out for further processing, which usually involves evaporation and drying. The result is BMP powder.

Milk protein isolate (MPI)

MPI is obtained by precipitating the casein and whey proteins from skim milk. This uses diafiltration, a membrane process that uses water to flush out lactose. The result is a milk protein isolate that contains about 90% protein and very little lactose and fat.

Casein is the main protein component of milk, which exists in the form of tiny micelles (globules). They do not dissolve well in liquid and take longer to digest than whey or plant protein. Some forms take up to 7 hours to completely digest. This means that casein protein provides a slow and steady supply of amino acids to the body. Therefore, casein protein is best consumed between meals and before bed. A constant flow of amino acids into the body will help prevent muscle breakdown.

Casein protein in protein powders comes in the following forms:


When calcium, potassium and sodium are added to casein, caseinate is obtained. Caseinate typically contains more than 90% protein and, as the most soluble form of casein, mixes more easily in liquids. Therefore, many protein manufacturers prefer to use this particular form of casein in their products.

Micellar casein (MC)

MK is created by separating the casein portion of milk from lactose, fat and whey using microfiltration. This low-temperature process uses ceramic filters that do not denature (break down) the casein protein and remove large fat globules that ultrafiltration cannot get rid of. Micellar casein can form micelles even after rehydration, making MC difficult to mix in liquids, making it the slowest digesting of the casein proteins. For this reason, many protein manufacturers use MK in protein powders designed specifically for overnight use.

Hydrolyzed Casein Protein (HCP)

HCP is formed as a result of the hydrolysis of casein protein. Hydrolysis breaks down the bonds between amino acids, making protein chains short. Unlike other casein proteins, GC powders are quickly digested and absorbed, making them ideal for use in pre- and post-workout nutrition. Depending on how much protein is hydrolyzed, some powders that contain HCP have a bitter taste due to short protein fragments.

Unlike casein, whey proteins are very soluble in liquid, so they are digested and absorbed by the body very quickly. If you don't know which protein is better To take before and after workouts, your choice should be whey protein, since it is during these periods that it is very important to provide the muscles with enough amino acids. Whey protein includes various protein fractions, including:

1. Beta-lactoglobulin is the largest fraction of whey protein, it is rich in branched chain amino acids ()
2. Alpha-lactalbumin is a small fraction of whey protein that is easily and quickly digested and absorbed by the body
3. Bovine serum albumin - small protein fractions rich in the precursor glutathione, one of the most important antioxidants in the body.
4. Immunoglobulins (protein fractions that strengthen the immune system
5. Lactoferrin and Lactoperoxidase are protein fractions that are antimicrobial and support the immune system.

Whey protein in protein powders comes in the following forms:

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)

WPC is typically produced using ultrafiltration and diafiltration processes. These methods leave most of the protein fractions in the whey intact. Most WPCs contain 70-80% protein and therefore contain small amounts of carbohydrates and fat. While whey proteins are absorbed fairly quickly, WPC is the slowest available.

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)

WPI is purer than WPC because the isolate is further processed through longer filtration and ion exchange chromatography (a technique that uses ionically charged polymers and chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to separate the protein). Most HMB products are more than 90% protein. The downside is that some of the processing methods used to produce WPI remove some of the beneficial protein fractions. Due to its lower carbohydrate and fat content, WPI is absorbed slightly faster than WPC.

Whey Protein Hydrolyzate (WHP)

GSB is produced when WPC and WPI go through an additional hydrolysis step to break the amino acid bond. This makes it the fastest digesting protein in its series. Like hydrolyzed casein protein (HCP), HCP can have a bitter taste depending on the amount of protein that is hydrolyzed. But bitterness is not a minus. On the contrary, it indicates a larger amount of smaller protein fractions and thus makes GSB very quickly digestible. This is the best protein to buy for use immediately after training..

#2 Goat milk protein

The two main proteins in goat's milk, like cow's milk, are casein and whey. Some people are allergic to a specific casein protein in cow's milk. This is what has sparked the recent development of goat milk protein powder. Another benefit is that the casein in goat's milk is much easier and faster to digest than the casein in cow's milk. Goat milk protein powders are good to use before and after workouts. There's just one downside: most are unflavored, so some people don't tolerate goat milk protein powders well without added flavor.

Most goat milk powders are produced in a manner similar to BMP (see above). Therefore, their protein content may vary. Most contain about 65% protein, with the rest being fats and carbohydrates.

Goat milk whey protein

Most goat milk whey powders are made by dehydrating the whey after separating it from the casein. Unlike cow's milk whey protein, this type of whey is only 15% protein, with the rest being carbohydrates. Thus, it is not the best protein supplement for gaining muscle. However, goat milk whey protein has a high mineral content.

Before whey became a thing, egg whites were considered the gold standard for protein powders. Still one of the best protein powders money can buy and provides benefits that whey cannot boast.

Egg White Protein Powder

Egg white remains one of the highest quality available today. It is a virtually carbohydrate- and fat-free supplement that is easily digested and absorbed. This is an excellent pre and post workout protein. It contains large quantities of sulfur-containing amino acids. These amino acids are critical to the body's hormone production pathways. This is an alternative for people who are allergic to cow's milk proteins and for those who do not regularly consume eggs.

Today, many egg white powders contain avidin, a glycoprotein in egg whites that removes biotin from the body (a vitamin that plays a critical role in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which is essential for optimal health). Therefore, when choosing egg white protein powders, you should pay attention to the composition.

#4 Plant protein

Soy Protein Powders

Soy protein is a complete protein that provides all nine essential amino acids. It is made using defatted soy flakes that go through a filtration process to remove the carbohydrates. The flakes are then dried to produce soy protein, which is rich in glutamine and arginine and is quickly absorbed. This makes it a good pre- and post-workout supplement. Soy protein also provides antioxidant benefits and many other health benefits. Many bodybuilders take it because it contains large amounts of isoflavones, which have estrogen-like effects on the body. They fear that isoflavones will compete with the anabolic effects of testosterone. However, research has shown that soy works as well as any other protein supplement and has no effect on testosterone or estrogen levels.

Soy protein in protein powders comes in the following forms:

1. Soy protein concentrate contains about 70% protein, with the rest being fats and carbohydrates. May cause gas in some people due to difficult-to-digest carbohydrates.

2. Soy Protein Isolate is made from soybean concentrate, which is further processed to remove most of the fat, carbohydrates and gas-forming factors to produce a high quality 90% protein.

Hemp Protein Powders

Most hemp protein powders contain about 50% protein, which is complete and consists primarily of edestin (about 65% of hemp protein) and albumin (about 35%). OH from hemp seeds by cold pressing. It is rich in branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), arginine, essential fatty acids (EFA) and fiber. Due to its fat and fiber content, this protein is good to consume before bed and between meals.

What is the best protein?

Since all proteins have individual benefits, your best bet, if you can afford it, is to buy a package of whey, casein, milk, egg, soy, and even hemp protein. Mix whey, egg and soy protein in a 1:1:1 ratio and drink 20-40 grams (1-2 scoops) first thing in the morning to stop the catabolism that has developed overnight. Use the same protein mixture before and after workouts.

Before bed, mix casein or milk protein with hemp protein and take 20-40 g to provide a constant supply of amino acids to the body to prevent muscle protein breakdown while you sleep. You can also use this mixture between meals.

A cheaper option is a blended protein powder, which already contains several different types of proteins. Make sure the protein contains whey protein along with others such as casein, egg or soy. They can be used at any time of the day and will provide you with both quickly digestible and slowly digestible protein.

Type SquirrelBest time to takeAdvantages
CASEINBefore bed
Between meals
Slowly absorbed
Reduces protein breakdown
WHEYFirst thing in the morning
Immediately before training
Immediately after training
High BCAA content
Quickly absorbed
Increases protein synthesis
Cow's milkBefore bed
Between meals
Benefits of Casein and Whey
Goat milkFirst thing in the morning
Immediately before training
Immediately after training
Relatively quickly digestible
Alternative for those with cow's milk allergies
EggFirst thing in the morning
Immediately before training
Immediately after training
Quickly absorbed
Presence of sulfur-containing amino acids
SoyFirst thing in the morning
Immediately before training
Immediately after training
Rich in glutamine and arginine
Quickly absorbed
Antioxidant effects
HempBefore bed
Between meals
Rich in BCAA, arginine and EFA
High fiber content

Updated: 06/25/2019 19:27:52

Expert: Oleg Katsman

When it comes to bodybuilding - and the right, natural way - it is very important to control your diet and eat more protein. After all, it is the “building material” for muscles. If there is not enough protein, even with the most intense workouts, muscles will not grow.

Since there is not enough protein in regular foods, bodybuilders compensate for its lack with sports nutrition. After all, not every person will be able to eat enough food to build several kilograms of “new” muscles. And the sports nutrition market offers a huge number of varieties of protein products aimed at improving muscle shape.

Even protein comes in many forms and varieties. It can be casein, whey, egg, vegetable, or even derived from goat milk. And therefore, choosing the right one can be very difficult.

In this material we will help novice bodybuilders and look at the two most common types of protein sports nutrition - casein and whey protein - what is the difference and what is better.

Casein is one of the proteins in milk. Actually, it is one of the main components of this liquid. The main feature of casein is its unusual texture - the protein molecules are “packed” into small globules-micelles that do not dissolve in water and take a long time to digest. Some forms take up to 7 hours to absorb!

As a result, casein extremely slowly replenishes protein reserves in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take it in cases where you plan not to eat for a long time. For example, drink a casein-based drink before bed.

In addition, casein is characterized by excellent anti-catabolic properties. Taking it protects muscles from destruction if for some reason it is not possible to replenish the necessary supply of BJU in the body. Not only before bed, of course, but also during trips or at the beginning of the working day, if you can’t take a lunch break.

In general, casein is characterized as follows:

    Slow Digestion. It can remain in the digestive system for up to 7 hours, after which it will break down into the necessary nutrients and begin to participate in the “construction” of muscle tissue;

    Long-term anti-catabolic effect. It is precisely because of its slow metabolism that casein helps to cope with the destruction of muscle tissue that occurs due to lack of nutrients due to prolonged periods without food;

    Low price. Casein is easy to extract and obtain; a lot of it is obtained from milk, and therefore the cost of the finished powder is quite low. If anything, it's cheaper than some other protein brands.

It is worth noting that casein is available in three forms:

    Caseinate. A combination of casein with three simple substances - calcium, potassium and sodium. It is distinguished by its easy solubility, thanks to which it is the easiest to prepare. Dry matter contains up to 90% protein;

    Micellar casein (MC). It is extracted using low-temperature microfiltration technology. Capable of forming micelles even after drying - upon subsequent contact with water - and therefore does not dissolve well. It has the longest absorption time, which is up to 5-7 hours, so it is suitable for preparing drinks consumed before bed;

    Hydrolyzed casein protein (HCP). As the name implies, this is casein that has undergone hydrolysis. Thanks to this, its structure is devoid of micelles, and it becomes easy to digest. GCP metabolizes as quickly as other protein brands, making it ideal for pre- and post-workout use. It has an unpleasant bitter taste.

You should choose the right casein based on your intended use. MK is the basis for drinks consumed before bed, GCP is for taking before and after training, and caseinate is for replenishing the lack of protein in the daily diet.

So, let's summarize.


    Low price for most varieties of casein. Only GKP is somewhat expensive;

    Excellent anti-catabolic effect when eating irregularly or during night sleep.


    Not suitable for preparing drinks consumed before or after workouts;

    GKP has an unpleasant bitter taste and is relatively expensive.

It is very important to choose the right type of casein. Only in this case will it reveal its anti-catabolic effect and become useful and practical.

Whey protein is also obtained from cow's milk. More precisely, from one of its fractions - whey (as, however, is clear from the name). This supplement has a rich composition, which includes a huge amount of beneficial nutrients.

Thus, whey protein contains:

    Beta-lactoglobulin. This protein contains a large amount of BCAA - branched chain amino acids. They are responsible for the synthesis of new muscle tissue and - in some cases - are even taken separately as part of sports nutrition;

    Alpha-lactalbumin. Characterized by ease of absorption. It is digested very quickly and begins to metabolize almost immediately after consumption;

    Glutathione precursor. Used as an antioxidant. Slows down catabolic and oxidative processes, preventing sudden muscle destruction due to overwork or simply increased physical activity;

    Immunoglobulins. They have a complex positive effect on the body's defense systems. They strengthen the immune system by stimulating the growth of the number of leukocytes - white blood cells;

    Lactoferrin. It has an antimicrobial effect, thanks to which it further strengthens the body’s immune system and defense systems.

Thus, the effect of whey protein is positive and complex. It not only helps in the “building” of muscles, but also protects against breakdown, and also strengthens the body’s immune system.

In addition, whey protein is very easy to digest. It is quickly digested and metabolized quickly. Thus, drinks based on it are suitable for consumption before and immediately after training. This schedule will help increase the volume of muscle tissue. It is also recommended to drink whey protein in the morning.

In general, whey protein is characterized as follows:

    Fast, almost instantaneous digestion. Whey protein takes less than an hour to begin to be absorbed by the body. That is why drinks based on it can be consumed immediately before the start of classes in the gym and immediately after their completion;

    Short-term effect. This substance is quickly digested, acts quickly and quickly stops working. Within 2-3 hours after consumption, all the whey protein consumed is consumed. As a consequence, it is not suitable for use as a long-term catabolic inhibitor;

    Average price. The cost of whey protein varies depending on the specific type and manufacturer, but it is usually fairly average compared to other types of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements.

It is worth noting that it is advisable to take whey protein not only before training, but also right in the morning. At this time, the body needs protection from catabolism more than ever, but it cannot yet take it from regular nutrition - nutrients from food are absorbed rather slowly.

Whey protein comes in three forms:

    Whey protein concentrate (WPC). There is practically no additional processing after receiving from raw materials. That is why it is absorbed relatively slowly, and the concentration of pure protein in the powder is up to 80%. But the protein fractions remain intact (if this is important to someone for some reason);

    Whey protein isolate (WPI). Contains up to 90% pure protein, which, moreover, is also very quickly and easily absorbed. However, post-processing removes some beneficial substances from the protein;

    Whey protein hydrolyzate (WHP). After being extracted from the whey, it undergoes a hydrolysis procedure. It breaks down protein bonds, making protein easier to digest. It is digested and metabolized very quickly, making it recommended for consumption immediately after training. However, it has an unpleasant bitter taste.

In general, all three varieties are useful. It is better to consume GSB after training, WMB - before, and WPC, which contains the maximum of useful substances, in the morning or 1-2 hours before training in the gym.

So, let's summarize.


    Contains many useful substances that are not limited to proteins and amino acids;

    It is quickly digested and absorbed by the body, making it suitable for use before and after training.


  • Not suitable for long-term inhibition of catabolic processes.

The correct selection of whey protein is not particularly important. Regardless of the specific variety, it will cope perfectly with the task assigned to it.

The main difference between whey protein and casein is that one is “fast” and the other is “slow”. The rest is just details.

Overall, whey protein and casein complement each other. One is taken before bed, the second during the day. However, if you don’t want to bother with calculating BJU and buying a bunch of different cans of sports nutrition, you can completely refuse casein - the damage will not be too significant.