How to make a girl jealous from a distance. Why does a girl intentionally make her jealous?

Read also: What to do if you're jealous?

  1. How to make a girl jealous?

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Attention, TODAY only! Blog

Let’s tell you one thing secretly: if she doesn’t have any feelings for you, then we don’t have an answer to the question of how to make an ex-girlfriend jealous, because it’s almost impossible to do it. She just doesn’t think about you, doesn’t visit your pages on social networks, isn’t interested in who you’re with or where you are now. This is a rather harsh and offensive truth, but it is true. And yet, this does not mean that we will dissuade you from this idea, and here's why.
Sometimes you can get a girl back with jealousy
Getting your ex-girlfriend back by causing jealousy is not a good idea. If there really is a chance to be together again, and you know it, then warm words, care, and even the notorious bouquet of flowers will work much better. But there are exceptions here too. With drama lovers, this approach can be effective, because they need a Brazilian series in reality. She probably left loudly and brightly, and you can return her only by bringing her to hot and passionate emotions. How to make your ex-girlfriend jealous in this case?

What to do if a girl makes you jealous?

It is advisable to catch her eye with a supposedly new passion, but prepare yourself mentally in advance for a possible scandal.

Trying to induce jealousy will help you survive a breakup
Another unpleasant truth: if you are thinking about how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then it seems that she left you, and not vice versa. If you are not going to return this heartless bitch, then trying to cause jealousy is a natural desire to show that everything is fine with you without her, and to prove that she has lost a lot of things. And first of all, you and your ego need this. How to make your ex-girlfriend jealous? Well, it’s not difficult to show that life is beautiful without her: a little more photos on social networks from various events surrounded by a cheerful company and beautiful girls - and the job is done. We cannot guarantee jealousy on her part, but you will definitely feel much better.
Attempts to induce jealousy as a path to development
Inducing jealousy is a move that reveals your weakness. You're either going through a breakup and want to hurt her, or you don't see it in yourself to sit down and talk to try to get her back. But this weakness can be turned to advantage! Sometimes after a breakup, the desire to prove that you are worth something motivates guys to make global changes in their lives. And this applies not only to the new girl, who will definitely be smarter, more beautiful and more interesting than the previous one. How to make your ex-girlfriend even more jealous? This includes a gym membership, a promotion, travel around the world, and new unusual hobbies. And why not self-development, despite the slightly strange root cause!
It turns out that in addition to the question of how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, you should ask yourself another question: why do I need this? Making her crawl to you on her knees with jealousy probably won't help, but the desire to make her jealous can work in your favor if channeled in the right direction. The main thing is not to let this desire become an obsession!


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Jealousy is a feeling that every person experiences, regardless of age and gender. There are not many reasons for jealousy. Firstly, a person may be jealous due to simple lack of self-confidence. Secondly, if the person is the owner. Jealousy can only be experienced by humans; it is not characteristic of animals, because they do not depend on each other.

Read also: What to do if you're jealous?

Everyone imagines jealousy differently. Someone believes that if a person is jealous, then he loves very much. Others are sure that love and jealousy are incompatible. Only one thing is known - jealousy brings great pain.

Before teaching you how to make your girlfriend jealous, it must be said that there are those who are not jealous of their boyfriends at all. They believe that the man will never leave them. Such girls do not have inferiority complexes and self-esteem is at a high level. They never worry that the guy doesn't call, they don't care where he is now.

If you decide to make your girlfriend jealous, then first determine which feelings she has more of: selfishness or pride. There is no need to be afraid of these concepts. In this case, selfishness is considered to be a situation when a girl considers her boyfriend to be property. There's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, it will help to cause jealousy faster. You shouldn’t bother with pride either. You just have to touch it a little and the effect will be achieved.

Psychologists believe that jealousy has no place only when spouses have reached old age, when they already have adult children and grandchildren. And in all other cases, jealousy must be present. A person is inclined to protect what belongs only to him.

How to cause jealousy?

  1. If you have friends, you can ask them to come up to you on a walk. Everything should be natural. Otherwise, the girl might guess what's going on. Let your friends talk to you as if they like you and miss you. They may invite you somewhere. If you want your girlfriend to believe in your feelings for her, you can persuade one of her friends to give you her phone number. And when she leaves, you need to throw away the number in front of the girl and say that you don’t need it.
  2. You can arrange it so that completely strangers girls pester you at a party or disco. Just don't reciprocate their feelings. This can only ruin the relationship.
  3. If you are walking with your girlfriend, then say hello to all the girls you know, smile at them.
  4. If you have accounts on social networks, then try to make sure that they are filled with various SMS messages from various girls.
  5. Try to ensure that you constantly receive messages on your phone. Do not tell the girl their contents and who they were sent from. Only if the conversation comes up about them, then say that it is your dad or a friend who is sending you jokes. During this period of uncertainty, the girl will have time to become significantly nervous.
  6. Post several photos of yourself on the Internet with different girls or just one.
  7. Get yourself some new activity or hobby. Girls can be jealous of a guy even for his hobbies.
  8. If you have a new employee in your service, then you can use this chance. Tell your significant other about her as often and as much as possible. Just don't get carried away. All women are different.

    Simple ways to make a girl jealous

    Perhaps your significant other is aggressive.

  9. Try to evoke a prick of selfishness in a woman - do not answer her calls, SMS messages, and do not call yourself. Then you can say that you were busy. This method can be repeated twice a week. After this behavior, the girl will begin to think.
  10. It's easy to make a girl jealous if you are the life of the party. Girls don't like it when a young man has too good a sense of humor and pays much attention to the company and not to her.
  11. If you are a risky person, you can try to throw in a shirt with traces of lipstick or trousers with panties in the pocket (new ones, of course). Sometimes it works. But, in some cases it can lead to divorce.
  12. If you come to a company with your girlfriend, then try to pay less attention to her than to the others. And you can just nod your head goodbye. This will give her a reason to be jealous.

If you have tried all imaginable and inconceivable methods, and your girlfriend has not started to be jealous of you, then this is a good reason to think about whether your girlfriend has any feelings for you at all? Only a person who does not feel anything towards you can completely not react to provocations. Don't forget about this. Try to anger your girlfriend as little as possible. Otherwise, you can come to a result that is completely unnecessary for you. A girl may leave you, considering you a cheater and a womanizer. Then it will be difficult to prove that you artificially caused jealousy and you do not have any relationships on the side.

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Attention, TODAY only!

There is an opinion that there is no love without jealousy. And maybe that makes sense. However, there is a big difference between keeping your significant other in a certain “tone”, from time to time delicately reminding that the demand for the girl who has already become familiar is still great, and the desire to make a guy jealous to the point of madness, desperately and recklessly. The first approach, when applied extremely wisely and carefully, can add a little spice to a relationship and bring it back to life when it has become too stale. The second destroys even the strongest and most sincere love.

What to do in such a difficult situation as love at a distance? They say, out of sight, out of mind... So maybe jealousy is the best way to prevent this? How can you make your lover, who is many kilometers away, nervous about your rivals, and most importantly, is it worth it? You will find answers to these questions in the article.
Tip 1

Why do we cause jealousy?

You can try to make your significant other jealous for a variety of reasons. They do not depend on whether the couple lives in the same apartment or in different countries, practicing “remote” love.

It’s just that in the second case, the factors are even more important, since the emotional background of such relationships is more complex and intense.

  • Often we strive to make our loved one jealous because of our own self-doubt and complexes. Because when we see a bad sparkle in his eyes or hear copper notes in his voice, we assert ourselves through this, we prove that we are not indifferent to him.
  • The desire to arouse jealousy often results in a retaliatory blow - when a man is not faithful or we simply suspect him of adultery.
  • Jealousy is often revenge for other male actions that women did not like.
  • The desire to show the ex-boyfriend who he lost. Just out of spite or revenge, or in order to encourage him to reconsider his decision and return.
  • This may be a way to prove your independence and “demand” among a male audience.
  • It may be an attempt to attract the attention of a man who, until this moment, was indifferent to our person. It is motivated by the fact that men, conquerors and hunters by nature, always want what interests other members of their tribe.
  • It happens that a girl is no longer satisfied with a platonic relationship with a guy, and her comradely feelings develop into something more. The desire to arouse jealousy is an attempt to make him see himself as a woman, and not as a bosom friend.
  • It's rare, but it also happens that girls tease guys with jealousy without any purpose, consciously or not. For example, if a woman has not learned to set boundaries when communicating with other men, or she has not had an example of a monogamous relationship.
  • It may also happen that a man may mistake ordinary female coquetry or even a specific style of communication inherent in many ladies for the desire to make him nervous.
  • Pathologically jealous men see a reason to be jealous at everything, including a request to validate a ticket on a tram and a welcoming smile from a retired neighbor.

Is the game worth the candle?

When making plans on how to make a guy you care about jealous, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons, honestly answering the question - is it worth doing?

  • In one of the most beautiful texts about love in world history, the biblical Song of Songs, it is rightly said that the arrows of jealousy are arrows of fire, and “it is a very strong flame.” These lines are thousands of years old, but they still have not lost their relevance. Jealousy is a feeling where it is very difficult to feel the line, the point of no return, when the previous relationship can no longer be restored due to lost trust. If we take care of our feelings and value our relationship with a person, it is better to stimulate his interest in a more “humane” way.
  • Games with jealousy at a distance are especially dangerous. When a man is jealous, but he does not have the opportunity to immediately sort out the relationship, he realizes that he is very far from the lady of his heart, and he begins to doubt her honesty... This can lead to anything. Firstly, it is very difficult for him psychologically - to be angry or confused, but not have the physical ability to find out what is happening or influence the situation. Secondly, such suspicions can push many men to rash acts that they had never thought about before - in retaliation. Distance exacerbates negative emotions, and when going down the path of jealousy, you need to think a hundred times: is it worth adding fuel to an already strong fire?

Men are different: some are real Othello, while others are practically not characterized by jealousy.

The effect that this feeling produces on representatives of the stronger half of humanity also varies - from imaginary indifference to an attack of uncontrolled aggression. And it doesn’t depend much on who we are playing such games with - teasing Capricorn or irritating Libra, putting on a performance for a husband after 20 years of marriage or a guy we’ve known for a week and a half.

As for the means that make men nervous at a distance, in the modern world there are several of them: telephone and video (note deleted by the owner) communications, social networks and primitive rumors.
Tip 3

Call me, call me

The telephone is a real Pandora's box for jealous people and their targets. When a couple is nearby, those who like to control their partner are sure to check him for suspicious messages, calls and photographs. When people are at a great distance, this is not possible - so a simple telephone conversation can make you jealous.

Most alarming:

  • Mysterious tone, reluctance to talk about news or plans for the evening.
  • Conversations about how wonderful a friend's older brother looks after returning from Harvard University and how much his neighbor earns at his new job.
  • Extraneous noise - for example, the sounds of a noisy company, men's voices or loud club music.
  • If the communication takes place via video (note deleted by the owner) of the connection, various objects can alert you - a vase of flowers or a short dress on the back of a chair, which the hostess clearly plans to wear that very evening.
  • Of course, endless long beeps or a message that the subscriber’s phone is turned off also make you suffer from doubts.

Today it is not difficult to create the effect of a hectic personal life while your loved one is in another city or even country - if you wish, you can download the sounds of a noisy company on the Internet, or clink empty glasses near the phone. But the question “Why?” still remains relevant.

Imprisoning yourself in a tower because your beloved prince has left to earn money is not an option. Hobbies, communication, parties - everything is permissible if the unspoken code of the couple allows it. But awakening the beast in a guy is behavior that is not very worthy even for today’s independent ladies.
Tip 4

Like me

Social networks are another source of constant quarrels for many couples. The cause of an outburst of rage can be anything - likes and comments from unfamiliar men, compromising photographs, mysterious statuses with ellipses, downloaded dating applications... Men are much more observant than women are accustomed to think.

Most likely, the guy will notice the stranger’s hand resting possessively on his girlfriend’s waist. She will notice that he liked all her photos in a swimsuit. Will understand the meaning of ambiguous words about outgoing love in status. This is a great way to sow doubt - which will most likely lead to a dead end.

But an avatar with a new haircut or in a stylish dress is a harmless option, and yet effective to remind you of your beauty and the fact that there may be many connoisseurs of it around.

Tip 5

Word of mouth is like a wave

They say that worldly rumor is like a wave of the sea. She quickly leaves. But when it comes to jealousy, it may well take away relationships that people valued. If a loving couple had to separate for some time and they have mutual acquaintances, if the parties behave inappropriately, there may well be informants, people who will be happy to report all the juiciest news.

Well-wishers can tell interesting stories without any reason. Especially if a certain girl also has feelings for a man and is waiting for an opportunity to shake the unwanted relationship.

The less smoke, the less danger that after the return of the other half you will have to prove that there was no fire at all.
It’s another matter if a woman is waiting for this - for a man who cares about her to be told how many guys are hanging around her and how confidently she rejects indecent proposals. It’s just important to understand: no one knows how many details and nuances the storytellers will add on their own. So it’s better to solve your problems together, without letting anyone into your tandem. Conclusion


Of course, it is important for most men to understand that others like a woman. This is a real balm for their self-esteem. However, making someone jealous from a distance is not only insidious, but also unpredictable.

How to make a girl jealous - Top 5 ways

Any guy notices how other men look at his girlfriend and whether they want to communicate with her. This is the most natural and safe way to maintain a spark of interest in someone you care about.

If you make a girl feel jealous, she will definitely pay attention to you. If you want to get a girl to like you through jealousy or to show your ex-girlfriend that you're having a great time without her, then you can make her jealous by simply giving her a little attention and then showing her that you're having a great time with other girls. If you want to know how to make a girl jealous, follow these tips.


1 Give her attention

  1. 1 Work on your body. If you want to make a girl jealous, you first need to show your interest in her to intrigue her, so it makes sense to take it to the next level. Body language is the easiest way to let her know that you are interested in her without saying a word. You only need to spend a few minutes giving her your attention, so make every gesture count.
  2. Catch her eye from across the room. Be a man and hold your gaze, and if she notices you, smile widely.
  3. If you are nearby, then turn your body towards her, stand straight and lean slightly towards the girl, showing that you are giving her your full attention.
  4. Lightly touch her arm or back if you think she's okay with it.
  5. Maintain eye contact during the conversation. She should become the only girl in the whole world for a few minutes.
  6. 2 Give her a compliment. Once you've started the conversation with your body, move on to your words. A few discreet compliments can show that you're paying attention to her and want to get to know her better. If it's someone you know, then a compliment will show that you're still thinking about her. Here's how to do it:
  7. Compliment her appearance, but be subtle. Don't say, "Damn, you look sexy," but say, "The color blue really brings out your eyes."
  8. Compliment her smile or laugh.
  9. Tease her with a compliment. Find a way to playfully laugh at her while complimenting her.
  10. 3 Ask her some questions. This will show that you are interested in getting to know her better. Just a few innocent questions will make a girl interested in you and want to get to know you better.
  11. Ask a flirty question. If she mentions her sister, ask, “Is she as beautiful as you?”
  12. Ask a stupid question, but act like it's very important. Ask her what she thinks about people who love their dogs or wear leather.
  13. Ask her a personal question. Ask about hobbies or what she likes to do in her free time. She must think that you care about her.

2 Talk about other girls

  1. 1 Make her number two. Once you've shown interest in her and flirted enough for her to think she has a chance, it's time to change things up. Start talking about another girl, whether she knows her or not (you can call her your best friend or the girl you've known your whole life).
  2. Find a way to mention a girl every few minutes.

    Effective ways to make a girl jealous

    Don't talk about her too often as it will irritate you, but give the impression that your thoughts are always on someone else.

  3. Find ways to compliment another girl. Don't make it too obnoxious, say things like "she's the coolest" or "she can get any guy she wants." Make a girl feel inferior.
  4. You can just make this girl up if you're good at lying.
  5. Keep saying, "You should definitely meet her. I think you'll get along." This will drive the girl crazy.
  6. 2 Talk about a lot of girls. Don't talk about the same girl all the time, mention others too. You should be like a man who is constantly in the company of girls.
  7. Talk about a fun weekend at the beach and mention that the girls you were with had the funniest swimsuits.
  8. Just mention girls you've dated. It should feel like you've been on thousands of dates.
  9. Your story should not be rude or create a frivolous impression of you, otherwise the girl will lose interest.
  10. 3 Use your phone to make a girl jealous. Don't just talk about other girls, but also check your phone from time to time and be ready to answer the call.
  11. Check your phone and smile slightly, as if you received a naughty message from a girl. Say “sorry” and pretend you are replying to the message.
  12. Let your phone ring once while you are talking to a girl. Pick up the phone and say, "Hi, how are you? Can I call you back?" Don't overdo it and don't call the other person on the phone honey or baby. Just use your tone to make it clear that you are talking to another girl.
  13. Don't overuse phone tactics. A girl's patience will quickly run out if you pay all your attention to the phone.

3 Let Her See You With Other Girls

  1. 1 Flirt with random girls. Once you've talked to a girl and shown her your affection, it's time to turn on the ignore mode and start chatting with other girls at the bar. You should do this a few minutes after talking to the girl. Here's what you can try:
  2. If you're at a party or in a bar, talk to the girl sitting next to you. Slowly switch to a conversation with a new girl and immerse yourself in it completely. From the outside it should seem like you are having a lot of fun and having a great time.
  3. Ask another girl to dance. Don't pester her. Just dance to one or two songs and act like you're having a great time.
  4. Chat with a group of girls. Make them laugh in front of another girl.
  5. 2 Flirt with your girl's friends. If you want to stay close to her or you are done talking to random girls, then you can make a girl jealous by paying attention to her friends. This way, you can be there and she will be focused on you while you question your intentions.
  6. Get all her friends to like you. Be the most witty, charming and charismatic person.
  7. Ignore a girl in front of her friends. Even if she is standing right in front of you, pretend that she is not there.
  8. Don't single out her friends. Just try to please them all. Paying too much attention to any of her friends could cause drama.
  9. 3 Leave with another girl. This is a bold step. If you're at a bar or party, go home with another girl. You don’t have to go home with her, you need her to be the first to see you leaving with the girl.
  10. As you leave, smile or give a slight nod to the girl you're trying to make jealous. Let her know that you guessed that she was watching you.
  11. 4 Let her see you with other girls throughout the day. You can make her jealous even during the day. If you're going out with another girl (just a friend or someone you're flirting with a little), do it in front of her so she knows you're having a great time with someone else.
  12. Give your full attention to the other girl, and when you eventually notice the girl you're trying to make jealous, say, "I didn't even notice you." Of course, they didn’t notice, because you were so passionate about someone else.
  13. Choose places that the girl you are trying to make jealous likes to visit. Go to her favorite cafe and pretend you're having as good a time as possible.
  14. If you study together, then sit not far from her with another girl with whom you should whisper, correspond in the margins of your notebook, etc.
  15. 5 Don't wait too long if you want her to like you. This is an important point. If you spend too much time courting other girls, she will perceive you as a Casanova and she will stop liking you.
  16. If you're trying to make someone jealous at a bar or during a party, don't spend too much time talking to other girls. After a few minutes, return to the girl you want to make jealous, otherwise she will lose patience.
  17. Once you notice that a girl is really interested in you, stop talking to other girls. The chase was over—for a while.
  • Remember, making someone jealous is a bad idea. There are other ways to find out if a girl likes you or whatever the reason may be that you are trying to make her jealous. Be an adult.
  • Look at other girls when you are with her.
  • Know how to lie if you are going to invent another girl. Don't say that she is a super-model in Moscow if you live in Yekaterinburg.
  • The girl you are using as a source of jealousy may become interested in you. And she will think that she likes you too. Be careful.
  • Many of these tips can cause a girl to completely lose interest in you.
  • If she finds out that you were trying to make her jealous, she will most likely be incredibly angry.
  • She may get the impression that you don't like her and will look for another partner.
  • You may experience complications in your relationship.

Let’s tell you one thing secretly: if she doesn’t have any feelings for you, then we don’t have an answer to the question of how to make an ex-girlfriend jealous, because it’s almost impossible to do it. She just doesn’t think about you, doesn’t visit your pages on social networks, isn’t interested in who you’re with or where you are now. This is a rather harsh and offensive truth, but it is true. And yet, this does not mean that we will dissuade you from this idea, and here's why.
Sometimes you can get a girl back with jealousy
causing jealousy is not a good idea. If there really is a chance to be together again, and you know it, then warm words, care, and even the notorious bouquet of flowers will work much better. But there are exceptions here too. With drama lovers, this approach can be effective, because they need a Brazilian series in reality. She probably left loudly and brightly, and you can return her only by bringing her to hot and passionate emotions. How to make your ex-girlfriend jealous in this case? It is advisable to catch her eye with a supposedly new passion, but prepare yourself mentally in advance for a possible scandal.

Trying to induce jealousy will help you survive a breakup
Another unpleasant truth: if you are thinking about how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then it seems that she left you, and not vice versa. If you are not going to return this heartless bitch, then trying to cause jealousy is a natural desire to show that everything is fine with you without her, and to prove that she has lost a lot of things. And first of all, you and your ego need this. How to make your ex-girlfriend jealous? Well, it’s not difficult to show that life is beautiful without her: a little more photos on social networks from various events surrounded by a cheerful company and beautiful girls - and the job is done. We cannot guarantee jealousy on her part, but you will definitely feel much better.
Attempts to induce jealousy as a path to development
Inducing jealousy is a move that reveals your weakness. You are either going through a breakup and want to hurt her, or you don’t see it in yourself to sit down and. But this weakness can be turned to advantage! Sometimes after a breakup, the desire to prove that you are worth something motivates guys to make global changes in their lives. And this applies not only to the new girl, who will definitely be smarter, more beautiful and more interesting than the previous one. How to make your ex-girlfriend even more jealous? This includes a gym membership, a promotion, travel around the world, and new unusual hobbies. And why not, despite the slightly strange root cause!
It turns out that in addition to the question of how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, you should ask yourself another question: why do I need this? Making her crawl to you on her knees with jealousy probably won't help, but the desire to make her jealous can work in your favor if channeled in the right direction. The main thing is not to let this desire become an obsession!

Jealousy is a rather strong feeling that makes people (usually guys) do ridiculous things “in the name of great and pure love.” But the fact that a girl knows how to evoke this feeling does not mean that she herself is not susceptible to it. I will tell you how and why to make a girl jealous in this article.

When should you make a girl jealous?

Besides with A Of all the common strong “closer-further” techniques, there is another one that is not inferior to it in strength and effectiveness, namely: challenge jealousy. Absolutely any girl is pleased when guys like her and it is very unpleasant if one guy prefers another to her. This causes a violent reaction in her, causing feelings to flare up or appear (if they were not there).

But here are the very cases when you can and should use “heavy artillery”:

− Loss of interest on the part of the girl

− The girl wants in you cause this feeling, giving reasons for jealousy.

− If you initially found yourself in the friend zone, and the girl does not perceive you as a sexual partner.

− You have been dating a girl for a long time, but you want to sharpen her feelings for you.

These are the most common cases that occur in life. But no matter your goals, there are ways to suit any situation.

Ways to make a girl jealous

First way - meeting with a friend. Your task: to make the girl find out about your meeting with another girl. As an option: you can “accidentally spill the beans” about this to the person who can tell all this to your girlfriend.

By the way, this is not only a way make a girl jealous, but also a good way to cool your emotions in case of strong attachment to your passion. Meeting any girl (even if it's your friend) will make you realize that the world doesn't revolve around one girl and calm down your feelings for her.

Second way - talking on the phone. Make sure that during a meeting with your girlfriend, your friend calls you and talks to you (you can flirt a little). Any girl would be pleased to provide such help to her friend, so you can safely ask your friends for such a favor. Or set up a fake call on your phone and play a pre-learned “dialogue”. Then all you have to do is watch your companion’s eyes burning with passion. 🙂

Third way - show a girl that you are in demand among women. For example, during a conversation with her, you tell how recently some girls have often started adding you as friends on social networks, or some girls have also called and asked to meet. All in all, show that you are not deprived of female attention. Well, so that the girl does not perceive this as bragging, you can talk about it as if “in between” or showing that it is ordinary/strange for you. For example: “Yesterday some girls called me 3 times in a row and asked if it was me who went to volleyball. After that, they offered to meet and hung up. Some strange!”

Fourth way - "concealment". Every time there is a girl next to you (who you want to make jealous), hide something from her. For example, if you receive a text message or someone calls, you need to tilt the phone as if you don’t want her to see. And when asked about who it is, you say: “Yes, an acquaintance (acquaintance)!” Or, for example, if you are on a social network, then close the monitor when a girl comes close to you. The danger of this method is that girls in some cases notice pretense. So to implement it you will need at least a little acting ability. This method works very well if you additionally give the girl “further.”

In most cases, one of the above methods is enough. But be careful! It is impossible to make a girl jealous often, because if she appears frequently, she destroys the relationship. This technique should only be used occasionally.

How to make a girl jealous in order to bring back the former passion in a relationship, win the heart of your beloved or make her afraid of losing you?

The desire to attract the attention of the girl you like

This situation is especially relevant for those who are in the friend zone against their own will. So, she thinks you're a cool guy, talks to you and spends a lot of time with you. But passion and love interest do not flash in her eyes...

Well, you have already done the most important thing - you have become an interesting interlocutor for her.
Now pay attention to yourself: perhaps you need to change your style (clothes, hairstyle) a little, because girls also love with their eyes.

But all this, most likely, will be useless if you do not organize competition around yourself, show that you are interesting not only to her, prove that you are attractive as a man.

A girl's attempts to show herself off to others

Well, when your girlfriend is attractive and other men pay attention to her, then you have made a good choice, sir.

However, some ladies believe that this attention is too little, and try to increase it significantly by flirting with friends, colleagues, acquaintances and other people of the opposite sex.

Of course, your partner doesn’t really like this. And after another remark in her direction, which she simply shrugged off, the whole situation begins to be very annoying. Then it's time to act! Moreover, with her own weapon! Maybe then she will understand how unpleasant it is?

Intensification of feelings, passions

Sometimes it happens that there is love, and ardor, and unbridled interest, but at a certain period all this begins to disappear. This can happen after 3 years of marriage, or after a month of relationship.

How to return old feelings or even make them brighter? Make your other half afraid of losing their partner! And here jealousy can help you.

How to make a girl jealous


To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Quickly find another passion if you recently broke up. This way you will be able to make it clear to her that the light has not fallen on her, and it will not be difficult for you to delve deeper into a new relationship. To do this, do not refuse new acquaintances or think about a friend who has been making eyes at you for a long time. Opinions about this method are contradictory: on the one hand, taking advantage of people is disgusting, but on the other hand, suddenly in this way you will find someone who will finally make you happy.
  2. Send her an SMS, which was supposedly intended for your new girlfriend. This will be especially effective and believable if you recently called your ex and her number in your contact book has not gone far down. The message should be lightly loving, for example: “I miss you very much. I can’t wait for the evening!)).” Avoid vulgarity and enchanting delight - this will not have the desired effect. Wait a minute, then tell her you messaged her by mistake and apologize.
  3. Call her by another name. If you still have to communicate from time to time, then "accidentally" mix up her name when you meet. Then immediately correct yourself or pretend as if you didn’t notice.

At a distance

The following methods may be suitable for you:

  1. Disappear for a while. That is, don’t pick up the phone every time. Or answer the call, but cut it off right away, saying you can’t talk right now. You can also not respond to SMS for a long time and avoid other communication. Then come up with a good “excuse” for yourself so as not to offend your girlfriend, otherwise your relationship may be destroyed, because it is so difficult to maintain it at a distance.
  2. One day also "mix up" the name. You should have a prepared answer to her bewilderment in advance. For example, I was just now talking to a classmate - we met on the street.

In contact

On social networks it is also easy to find a solution to how to make yourself jealous. So, the following tips may help you:

  1. Post a photo with another girl. A regular selfie with a friend will do for this. But this method is very categorical, as it can destroy your relationship. Therefore, you can come to the help of your own sister, friend, etc. Just put a photo on your avatar. Yes, yes, this will be enough to make your girlfriend tormented with jealousy, because the point is that in the photo you are not with her, but with “some kind of ..!”
  2. Leave a conversation with a recently added girl. Don't flirt with her, but don't refuse to communicate either. This way there will be no compromising evidence against you (you didn’t flirt with her, you didn’t show initiative), but the goal will be achieved.
  3. Add interesting apps. Let it be something like “Flirtomania” or an intermediary for new acquaintances. An app where people rate each other based on photos is also suitable.

By correspondence via SMS

Your phone, or rather SMS correspondence, can become your assistant in this matter:

  1. "Wrong" number. Send her an intriguing SMS, like “Yes, yes, see you soon, as I promised.” Wait for a call in a few seconds. At this time, your beloved will begin a “non-childish” question. You calmly answer that you have the wrong number, after which she will probably become furious. Then reassure her - tell her that this message should have been addressed to a friend, mother or work colleague.
  2. Don't show her messages. When you receive an SMS, try to hide from her what was sent to you, even if it is a regular reminder from the operator.
  3. Be more affectionate. If it’s hard to get a compliment or expressions of affection out of you, then this method is for you! The next time you write an SMS, add a note in the form of “my bunny”, “darling”, “kitten”, etc. Your girlfriend may have suspicions: why is this such affection?! If you do not cause jealousy with such an unexpected turn, then you will definitely ensure yourself a good evening with your beloved, who will be in a great mood after your message.
  1. Shining eyes. The most important thing is that the girl must understand that the reason for this is not her at all. So, you may come home from work or be in this mood after a call from an unidentified number, etc. If she asks what happened, shake your head and answer that nothing unusual happened - everything is as usual.
  2. Admire another girl. For example, during a conversation you can mention how stylish one of her friends looks, or how beautiful her walk is. Most likely, the girl will be offended, but from now on she will avoid meeting that friend in every possible way, and will simply begin to boil when you begin to say her name during the conversation.
  3. Start a hobby or make friends. You can be jealous not only of a woman, but also of a man’s hobbies. Now your significant other thinks that you are all hers, make the most of your time with her. But then everything changes... And, as it turns out, you have something to do without her!
  4. Delete conversations. But in order to achieve the desired effect, you need to communicate in writing in front of her “with someone” before this. Your constantly empty message history will also raise suspicion.

And in the end, I would like to give advice that you should not often resort to these methods in order to cause jealousy if there is no reason for this. And you need to remember that the temperaments of every girl are different: for some ladies it’s easy to tickle their nerves, for others it’s easy to break their hearts.

And try not to take advice from friends who claim that they know exactly “how to make a girl jealous of you.” After all, the wrong advice can destroy what you already have, and you will blame the same adviser for this.

Be happy and try not to resort to malicious jealousy, because there are still many ways to diversify your relationship and bring back your former passion.

Video: How to make a girl chase you

The article helps you understand how best to communicate with women and what you should pay attention to, and also tells you how to get love and understanding from a girl to a guy. Ask your questions in the comments.

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You can make a girl jealous in order to make her fall in love with you and at the same time not be offended by starting a light flirtation with girls you mutually know (but not a close friend!).

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By causing jealousy in an ex-boyfriend or a girl you like, there is a high probability of achieving the completely opposite result and alienating your loved one even more. It is more correct to evoke not jealousy, but love.

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If a woman already has a boyfriend, then you won’t be able to make her jealous of you, since she doesn’t have any feelings for you. To slander her chosen one is dishonest.

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Also, a sure way to arouse jealousy is to call yourself on the phone. At the same time, you need to talk with your imaginary opponent for as long as possible and with the mysterious smile of Gioconda.