How to make a puncture under the road. Lip piercing - types, how to do it step by step, caring for the piercing site, photo How to make a piercing under the road with your own hands

To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare the following details:

  • drip. The main thing is to choose the right rod diameter. For ear or eyebrow piercings, a barbell with a smaller diameter is suitable, but for lip or tongue piercings, choose a larger diameter. To be sure of the correct choice, check whether the rod can fit into the catheter.
  • barbell/earring. It is selected depending on what part of the body it is intended for.
  • Sterile cotton wool must be purchased at the pharmacy. You will need a small package.
  • antiseptic. External rinsing is performed with chlorhexine or mirestin (purchased at pharmacies). If there are no such substances, then you can use hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol. When performing a tongue piercing, you should purchase the rinse drug Stomatidin. An excellent antiseptic for the oral cavity is also a pharmaceutical solution of calendula. For rinsing, add about fifteen drops to one hundred gram glass. You can make a solution of soda with iodine. A teaspoon of soda is dissolved in water and 5 drops of iodine are added there.

Direct procedure:

First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe them with an antiseptic. All actions must be performed with clean, disinfected hands. The barbell (earring) should be disinfected in an antiseptic solution. To do this, just pour an antiseptic into the cap and lower the barbell or earring into it. Be sure to wipe the catheter and the area where the puncture will be made with an antiseptic. If the procedure is being performed for the first time, then make sure that there is a knowledgeable consultant nearby who can guide the entire process and provide tips in difficult times.

Important!You need to think about the room in which the whole procedure will take place. You can choose a bathroom, where there is probably a comfortable and large mirror, and you can lay out everything you need on the shelf by the sink. But for this, thorough disinfection is carried out. The procedure can be done in rooms, but cleaning carpets from bloody droplets is quite difficult.

So, the room has been selected, the location has been determined, everything you need is at hand. We put on gloves, which are also purchased at the pharmacy and for work. The needle is inserted exactly at a right angle. For simple option This is enough for piercing, but for complex piercings you need to bring the splint to the selected place and mark it so that all the punctures are strictly in one line.

It is important to know: inserting the needle slowly does not reduce pain. Therefore, everything must be done quickly.

The needle is then pulled out and the earring is inserted into the catheter tube. It would be good to perform the procedure with a special needle for piercing. We put a twist. The process is complete.

Is it possible to get a piercing?

In other words: what problems might arise?

  • The biggest problem is suppuration at the puncture site. Blood is the most pleasant environment for all kinds of microbes and bacteria. Be sure to thoroughly treat the puncture site with an antiseptic, such as peroxide.
  • Do not rush to replace jewelry made of steel of a special surgical composition - be patient.
  • Tongue piercing can result in deterioration of diction, especially in the first days.
  • If pregnancy is planned, then the navel piercing is removed, since the piercing may stretch.
  • An incorrectly selected diameter of the decoration can lead to... that the healing process will be long.
  • Nipple piercings in girls can damage the milk ducts.
  • An incorrectly performed eyebrow piercing can even cause paralysis of the facial nerves and muscles.
  • If many ear piercings are made, hearing problems may occur.

How to make a piercing yourself

  • disinfect the decoration;
  • choose the piercing location. Be sure to carefully inspect it - there should be no capillaries passing through the selected location.


  • The ear can be illuminated with a lamp to see the capillaries.
  • When piercing your nose, you need to take a strong breath until dimples form in the middle of the nostrils.
  • Before the piercing, the eyebrow is pulled down to the eye.
  • When the navel is pierced, the skin should also be pulled back.
  • The tongue is pierced with additional precautions. Firstly, you should not touch the frenulum, and secondly, it is difficult to stop the bleeding of the tongue, so you should not get into the capillaries.
  • It would be good to find a medical marker to mark the puncture site. Ask at the pharmacy along with antiseptics.
  • work only with gloves!
  • The skin is grabbed with forceps so that the puncture sites are exactly along the holes.
  • the needle punctures very quickly, i.e. the needle should go through the forceps and pierce the skin.
  • After the puncture, the forceps are removed, the bar is inserted into the needle and pulled out. Everything is done quickly, there should be no pain.
  • the decoration is fixed. If everything is done correctly, there should be no blood.

What to do if the piercing festers

Piercing is a conscious injury to the body that can become infected.

When performing piercings at home, young people often do not fully carry out antibacterial and antimicrobial disinfection, or do it incorrectly. Do: disinfect with hydrogen peroxide several times a day.

A moist environment may form at the site of the wound, which promotes the growth of a colony of microbes. It is necessary: ​​disinfect and ensure inaccessibility of moisture.

The metal of the decoration may not be very good good quality. Need to: replace the decoration.

Tight fasteners can also cause inflammation. Do: loosen the clasp or replace it with a piece of jewelry with a different lock.

The release of ichor is another cause of inflammation. It is necessary: ​​treat with levomikolev or tetracycline ointment.

Important! Do not delay and if the process of suppuration continues, go to the doctor!

During the first 24 hours, do not touch the skin around the puncture site.

Wash your hands thoroughly and disinfect during examination.

Learn how the piercing should heal properly.

slight swelling and pain at the puncture site on the first day is normal.

Itchy skin without pus is common.

Rinse the piercing site with a solution later (after a week). sea ​​salt twice a day.Scabs should be carefully removed as they interfere with healing. clean them with a solution of the same salt.

Avoid taking baths for at least a week after your piercing procedure.

Of all the areas of the face, piercings in the area of ​​the upper and lower frenulum are considered the most painful. Lip piercing gives the appearance of elegance and seductiveness, but in addition it can pose a health threat.

Types of lip piercings

The art of body holes came to European countries during the Middle Ages. For the first time, researchers encountered such an unusual approach to decorating themselves while studying African countries.

There are the following types lip piercing:

  • Monroe- perhaps one of the most beautiful and stylish options lip piercing Performed on the right side of the face, similar to Marilyn's birthmark. This is a kind of imitation of the mole of a 50s diva. In rarer versions, it is done on both sides, while maintaining complete symmetry;

  • Madonna. This piercing is similar to the Monroe, but it is usually done on the other side. In some sources it is also called Crawford. In theory, it can also be performed on both sides of the mouth, but this is rarely resorted to;

  • Smile, aka puncture of the upper frenulum. Virtually painless procedure to perform. But that's where its advantages end. The main disadvantages of this piercing are the inconvenience of operation and mechanical damage to the teeth. Despite this, tissue is most often pierced at home in this place;

  • When piercing jellyfish The center of the nasolabial cavity is pierced. For classic style special earrings with a flat clamp are used. In the early 2000s, vertical and horizontal jellyfish became widespread. In them, the puncture is made in a straight line in the chosen direction and a barbell or banana earring is used as an earring;

  • Lowbrett– piercing under the lip. It can be horizontal or vertical and belongs to the flat style. Unlike a regular labrette, the earring is located almost not on the chin;

  • Ashley- a beautiful, but very painful and difficult to heal type of body art. Done exactly in the middle lower lip. One of the rare types of piercings that can be performed on both the external and internal sides. Another feature is that after removing the jewelry, unsightly large scars remain;

  • Estrum characterized by a horizontal arrangement of the earring. Doing it is not only painful, but also dangerous. If the depth of the puncture is chosen incorrectly, the jewelry is rejected by the body, or, conversely, it takes too long to heal and is removed on its own;
  • Labrette– piercing of the lower lip. For the safety of the oral cavity, it is done below the gum level, which minimizes damage to the teeth. It is recommended to use bananas as decoration, although rings, half rings and eyebrow spikes are also suitable.

But that's all the names are female species The lip piercings don't end there. Body art masters often create compositions from individual punctures, creating so-called bites. For example, spider, dog, cyber, snake and shark bites are made. Micro bananas, rings and half rings are used as decoration.

One of the most interesting body arts in the world is considered to be the dahlia bite - here the earrings are located in the corners of the mouth. Particular importance is attached to the shape of bananas. They can be spherical, spiky and others

How to do a lip piercing step by step

You can do a lip piercing in two ways – with a gun or a needle. All masters recommend using a needle. This is due to the fact that when working with a gun, skin particles fall under the working plates, thereby contributing to blood poisoning during further procedures. Reviews claim that even a professional needle can be replaced by a simple pharmaceutical catheter. What you want to work with – decide for yourself.

How to do a frenulum piercing upper lip or smiley:

  1. When piercing the navel, ear, nose or other parts of the body, these manipulations are not necessary. But when piercing this area, the most important thing is to reduce salivation. To do this, before starting the procedure, large glands (they are located under the tongue and near the jaws) need to be covered with cotton wool. In dental offices, special tampons are used for this purpose - they can be bought at the pharmacy;
  2. The future puncture site should be washed with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine. After this, the upper lip is pulled upward so that thin places can be reached;
  3. This piercing is very easy to perform at home due to its painlessness. To pierce a smiley, you need to find a white area on the bridle and point the needle there. If the bridle is large enough, then you can experiment with the height of the earring. With a lower setting it will be noticeable during a conversation, with a higher setting it will be practically invisible;
  4. Afterwards, the tampons are simply removed from the glands and the mouth is rinsed with Miramistin. There is no blood, so further use of cotton balls is not advisable.

To pierce any other area of ​​the lip or perioral space, you will need special clips. They are needed not only for fixation, but also to prevent a beautiful piercing from moving to the side, breaking the symmetry. You can buy these in any specialized stores.

If doing a real lip piercing is scary, then you can temporarily get a fake piercing. This is a deception or a fake “puncture”. Such artificial decor will decorate the image for a while and will be able to show the hidden “informal” side of the personality without external damage.

Earrings and piercing jewelry

Used to create lip piercings various types decorations:

Caring for your lip piercing site

Depending on the chosen puncture site, special care is required. Any piercing can fester if you wash only the outer side. Special attention should be given to rinsing the mouth with various antiseptic and regenerating solutions.

How to treat a lip piercing:


Any body art carries a certain health risk. There are some contraindications for piercing. First of all, these are herpes and other skin diseases. It is not recommended to pierce the skin during colds.

Other contraindications for piercing:

  • Pregnancy. This is not a categorical requirement, but during lactation and during an “interesting” position, interventions in the body are not recommended;
  • Blood diseases. If the piercing should heal, the reason lies in the composition of the blood. If platelet formation time is short or other diseases occur, it is recommended to remove the jewelry;
  • It should not be done with any reduced immunity.

The main consequences that lip piercing owners face are swelling, suppuration or infection. If a girl’s piercing has festered, she needs to remove the jewelry, apply an antiseptic compress to the wound and take more careful care of the hole.

But, sometimes, inflammatory processes begin not because of improper care, but because of the wrong material of the piercing jewelry or the weight of the earring. For example, if the labrette is too heavy, it can pull on the skin and interfere with normal healing. In this case, you need to change the decor to gold or silver, but thinner and lighter.

Video on the topic

All this means that some people did not complete this procedure very well at home. That's why such an “event” with one’s own person can lead to unsafe consequences if one is careless and not serious about this matter.

  1. Purchase a tool that can be used to perform a piercing. It is sold in specialized stores. Under no circumstances use a homemade needle or knitting needle to avoid introducing infection into the blood.
  2. Before the process, wash your hands well with soap, or even better, do this several times with a special antibacterial substance. The towel used to dry your hands should be as sterile and clean as possible.
  3. Carefully open the packaging of the piercing, thoroughly disinfect the accessory and equipment with which you are going to insert the piercing into the lip. Be sure to thoroughly clean the area where the piercing will be pierced and inserted.
  4. The procedure starts with inside lips To begin with, the puncture is made in the muscles, then with slight pressure on the needle a little deeper to pierce through the desired place. It will be good if you worry about this in advance and mark where the final puncture site will be. As soon as the needle goes through, quickly take a sterile piercing and insert it into your lip, tighten the washers, and show off in front of the mirror.

Proper piercing care

The process does not stop at the puncture procedure, because you need to protect your beauty and properly care for healing. The puncture will hurt, itch and turn red for only about two weeks. It may take you a month, or maybe more, for complete healing.

Do not complain that it will be inconvenient for you to eat, talk, or drink water. If you have bad habits, then you should forget for a few hours that you have cigarettes and it’s time to smoke. And the most patient ones, who held out from food and water after the puncture for about 5 hours, are allowed to eat a huge ice cream!

  • about two weeks you will have to refrain from salty, hard, too sweet, very hot and sour foods;
  • immediately upon completion of the puncture process go to the pharmacy for vitamins To make healing go faster, you will need vitamin B;
  • Chew it while eating several times carefully and not quickly, slowness and proper care are important here, your task is to follow the instructions, because this is your beauty;
  • Until your hands are washed or treated with alcohol, touching the piercing is strictly prohibited, and in general you should not touch the accessory too often, otherwise the healing will not be so fast;
  • the enamel of the teeth suffers greatly from punctures and piercings, so that this does not happen - make less sudden movements with your face and mouth, watch your conversation.

If you notice that the piercing does not heal for quite a long time, then be sure to contact the master who performed the piercing for you. Moreover, noticing yellow spot at the puncture site, you must immediately consult a doctor. This is not a joke - probably an infection was introduced during the procedure, which cannot be delayed; it must be treated urgently.

Piercing is a very delicate matter, as all people passing by will look at it. Although punctures are harmless on the one hand, on the other hand, self-care requires sacrifice. Do not neglect all the ointments, creams and other methods that the specialists will advise you - this is for your own good and speedy healing. Remember that later you will probably want to take the piercing out forever, but while you are young, pierce your lips and don’t feel bad about it. It looks beautiful!

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Not everyone dares to get a piercing at home. But if you don’t want to go to the salon, you can perform the procedure yourself. To do this, you will need a special needle, cotton pads, antiseptic and jewelry that you are going to insert into the puncture. In this article we will explain in detail and step by step what to do with them.

Choosing a needle and decoration

The decoration must be made of high-quality material - for example, surgical steel. Cheap plastic may look stylish on display, but it will make the puncture heal much worse.

For piercing, you should use only a special needle, but not an ordinary sewing needle - it is too thin to then insert jewelry into the hole.

Before making a puncture, we mark two points on the skin with a marker: where the needle will enter and where it will come out. This way the needle will be given a straight trajectory, and the puncture will not have to be redone.

Hygiene comes first

For beginners, it is important to remember: the main thing in piercing is hygiene. The needle should be sterilized, the jewelry and skin around the puncture site should be wiped with alcohol, and medical gloves should be put on your hands. At the pharmacy you can buy antiseptics such as chlorhexidine or miramistin, but you can also get by with regular alcohol. It is better not to use painkillers for two reasons: firstly, sometimes an allergic reaction occurs to them, and secondly, the puncture lasts only a few seconds. You should not drink alcohol before the procedure.

Kolem quickly and confidently

The easiest way is to pierce your lip, nose or eyebrow. Types of piercings such as tongue, navel and intimate areas, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

In order for the pain to last as little as possible, you need to press on the needle quickly and confidently, without prolonging the process of its penetration under the skin. Do not insert a needle into moles, wounds, or rash-covered areas of the skin.

We insert the decoration carefully, without jerking, and securely fix it with a clasp. To understand how best to insert jewelry, you need to watch instructional videos.

Proper care of the puncture site

While the piercing is healing, you should not change jewelry, rub or steam the piercing site, or visit the pool, sauna or solarium. If your tongue or lip is pierced, you will also have to abstain from smoking and switch to liquid nutrition for several days. Do not forget to wipe the puncture site and jewelry with an antiseptic every day until the wound heals completely.