How to make a guy regret breaking up. What to write to a guy to make him regret breaking up

You should not start trying to win a person back immediately after a quarrel; you need time for both him and you to cool down, calm down and think about everything.

If it turns out that you broke up due to your fault or initiative, sooner or later you will have to apologize and admit your mistake. You shouldn't act right away. Wait a little until his anger and resentment pass. Otherwise, it may turn out that your apology will be rejected, and you will hear a lot of unpleasant things addressed to you.

Don’t be shy about taking the first step, because after all, you made a mistake. Confess to him that you regret what happened and admit your guilt, ask for forgiveness. If you feel that he is ready to make peace, offer to meet, and, most likely, the relationship will be restored.

If the proposal to break up came from his side, you need to act differently. Firstly, no matter how hurt or offended you are, you should not be rude, otherwise in a fit of anger you can completely break off the relationship. Secondly, you shouldn’t immediately ask him to return, such a situation will only hurt you more, because he will “keep his mark” and is unlikely to agree.

Pull yourself together, try to show that he has never had and never will have a better girl than you. Start taking care of yourself, dressing nicely, relaxing with your friends. Some people, after a breakup, immerse themselves in work and achieve success in their careers. All this will help you get distracted and make the pain easier to bear. In addition, he will see who he abandoned, and will probably regret the separation.

After a while, he will most likely call or text you, pretending that he just wants to know how you are doing. You shouldn’t be led by your own pride and ignore him or be rude. Chat with him casually, as if he were your close friend and nothing bad happened. Then he will probably apologize and take the first step towards reconciliation.

If he still doesn’t try to contact you, you can try to set up a “random” meeting at work, in a store, or at a party with mutual friends. When faced with him, it is also better to behave at ease, not to push him away, but also not to show that you are in great pain and bad.

In any case, a loving person will take a step forward and try to restore the relationship, no matter who is to blame for what happened. In most cases, he will understand and accept you or be grateful that you forgave him.

And if he doesn't love you, don't despair. Over time, the pain will pass, you will forget about what happened, and someone who really needs you will appear in your life.

Regret after a breakup. Is this possible?

The separation of two people who love each other is a fairly common event. Sometimes it means a complete break in the relationship. But in some cases, parting is just an opportunity to comprehend the situation and make a decision without unnecessary emotions. But what if after parting with a loved one there is still a feeling of regret? Is this not an indication of a mistake being made?

The breakup of a relationship is an important event that usually causes deep feelings and doubts. For some, parting is just liberation from a hateful relationship, marking the beginning of a new stage in life. Others are haunted by a nagging feeling of regret, comparable only to feelings about the loss of a loved one. Regret very often begins in the first days after a breakup and can turn into real torment.

Girls and women are more sensitive to relationship-related issues. It is usually more difficult for them to make a choice, so they can decide to break up only after long deliberation. And this has its own rational grain, because if a decision is made under the influence of emotions, a person may subsequently regret the action taken.

In the first time after a breakup, the girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend experiences remorse. It may seem to her that the reason for her partner’s behavior lies in herself. After a long and disappointing soul-searching, a period of depression begins. Mood decreases, apathy sets in, interest in life disappears. A feeling of self-pity arises, which colors reality in dark tones.

To come out of a prolonged period of depression and free yourself from regret about the breakup, you will need to do a lot of inner work. It is very important to try to realize that the relationship is over. Otherwise, doubts will torment you for months, or even years. The difficulty is that making such a recommendation is much easier than implementing it.

If you're feeling sad about your partner's departure, try throwing a goodbye party. This symbolic step can be taken either alone or in the company of a close friend. Sometimes it is enough to simply speak out loud about your experiences. Saying goodbye to the past will help you better understand the current situation and realize that the past cannot be returned.

You can end a relationship by writing a letter to your ex-partner. Reflect on paper your experiences, doubts and regrets regarding the breakup. Take the letter seriously. The trick of the method is that there is no need at all to send the message to the addressee. It is enough that you free your mind from negative experiences and give vent to your emotions by entrusting them to paper. Sometimes such a symbolic action transforms a person literally before our eyes, and not a trace remains of past regret.

How can I make a man regret letting me go?

He left me himself. For the sake of the stupid little girl. Now I want to prove to him that I am the best! And even though we haven’t communicated for 3 years, he will still come to my page on social media someday. network and will understand that I am a Star!)))

But HOW to achieve this?

For a man to regret leaving you, he must be disappointed in his current relationship, but I don’t think that you can somehow influence this. This is a different man, because... we don’t know exactly how the new passion affects him. If she gives him everything he needs, then even out of curiosity he won’t go to your page - why? - this is more typical for women.

Changing your image to “femme fatale” is stupid and funny, you are already beautiful!

There is no need for revenge, live for yourself, “spread your wings” - You deserve better than seeing your ex bite your elbows.

Yes, it’s easy to say, but still, apparently he needs to go the other way, and it is still unknown whether it will be easy and extremely pleasant. Wish them good luck, and forward to a new life!

At some point in my life I thought like that too. This is a very good incentive for self-development, by the way, why not use it? The more “perfect” you become, the more self-confident and decisive you become (if this trait is provided for by your character), in any case this is a completely good idea. The main thing here is not to overdo it. In the end, you can achieve success in something, become better externally or internally, maybe you won’t care about him or you will find someone else. Or maybe he will really come to apologize. In any case, the developed qualities will remain with you no matter the outcome. Therefore, in any case, the solution is good. What's the main thing here? We need to listen to our inner voice and understand what we really want to become, which will allow us to like ourselves and love ourselves. Truly love yourself, those around you love you, here is a simple scheme.

He may regret it only when he has something to compare it with. Or when he sees that you are happy without him. Men are very offended when their woman is happy with someone else.

One caveat. You will not be happy if you make it an end in itself out of the desire to make your ex feel remorse. For what? Are you going to return to him? It's a shame that he left you, but life didn't end there. Maybe you have freed yourself from the yoke for the rest of your life, and this yoke is now being dragged by your young rival.

Human relationships are not a sport where you have to set records. You just need to live, forget old relationships, build new ones. And if the new ones are successful, you yourself will no longer want to prove anything to anyone. And if he finds out by chance that everything is fine with you, maybe he will envy and regret.

I don’t need to return that relationship, but I just want to know that he bites his elbows for letting me go. I want to know that he regrets his actions. This realization will be enough for me. - more than a year ago

A man may regret missing you only in one case: if you truly forget about him. While thoughts of revenge are wandering in your head, this will not happen. Yes, you can post a lot of gorgeous photos on your page, you can surround yourself with numerous fans, you can start writing great poetry, but as soon as you come face to face with him, you will immediately screw up! Realizing that all this is being done only for his sake, he will immediately laugh and leave, without the slightest regret. He will not be able to leave only if he completely ignores you. Yes and even then. if he doesn't love anyone. Other feelings will completely close you off to him.

It seems to me that everything depends on the type of man; you can’t just randomly point your finger at one of them and say with complete confidence that he will regret the breakup. Someone may really regret the choice they made, while others will simply give up if everything suits them. I can agree with Londrinne that a man can only regret when he is given the opportunity to compare. I know one young man who sometimes looked for, let’s say, “where it’s easier” - he couldn’t stand having his brains taken out, so he preferred to walk to the left, but then after some time he returned back, that is, to where simpler. And why all this? The point is, even if this man might actually regret it? Will you really enjoy this? If so, then it's most likely a waste of time.

But if you still answer the question itself, then I think you shouldn’t get hung up on it, because you should be the best, first of all, only for yourself, it would be even nice if you thought carefully and identified some of your shortcomings and got rid of them, you can change something in yourself externally, (if you want) thereby starting a new, different life. Stand before him in a completely different light, in which he has not yet seen you, let him show with all your appearance what he really lost.

What to write to a guy to make him regret breaking up

If the offense does not go away, you can try to hurt the person, and maybe return him.

It is very difficult to express everything that is boiling over in a personal meeting. Even on the phone, people often forget words, and then replay this moment millions of times in their heads and mentally correct it. It is much easier to pour out your feelings on paper, although it would be more accurate to say - in a message.

We need to think carefully about whether it is necessary to try to return the person who chose to break off a romantic relationship? Perhaps it is better to find a new one who will truly appreciate the girl and accept her for who she is? However, sometimes a “well-aimed” phrase on the fence can interest the ex-chosen one and bring the sparkle back into the relationship.

On the verge of rupture, there are chances to save everything. Let's watch the video!

Happiness without sacrifice. Issue 8. Break up or stay?

The irrefutable fact is that women are much more emotional than men. Guys give importance to actions, not words. You should not lament and press for pity: this is unlikely to lead to the desired effect. The text of the proposed messages should depend on what result needs to be achieved - to return the young man, or to make him really hurt.

If people have been together for a long time, lived alone or spent every day with each other, then they know exactly about all each other’s weak points. If the guy is still jealous, you can thank him for the time spent together, but also mention that support is not required; someone has already been found who can cope with this task. You can interpret such a message in any way you like, because you can get consolation from a friend, mother, sister... A wild fantasy will definitely not allow a jealous ex to sleep peacefully at night. He may even begin to wonder about what he has lost.

Someone prefers to respond with a message to a question that was often raised during heated quarrels. Every couple has this issue. The answer may be a little accusatory, mysterious, or a little bit of disappointment. Such a text will make a person feel guilty. And it’s possible that the guy will try to make it up to her somehow. Is it necessary to take so much risk? Every word must be carefully thought out so that unnecessary thoughts do not arise that can ruin everything irrevocably.

If romance is not alien to the guy, you should come up with a message with a slightly sad overtone. Rhetorical questions will also work. Fortunately, there are a lot of them in modern pop songs: any line can be taken out and played around with, if your imagination is tight. The main thing is no accusations. The whole point is to evoke nostalgia. The person himself will remember the good moments and begin to regret the past.

There is no need to do mean things or take revenge. After all, karma always returns debts, you can pay in full for rash actions, if, of course, you believe in fatalism. Otherwise, only conscience will become the judge. It is much easier to wish happiness, thank you for all the good things and... let go.

how to leave gracefully? what to say to your ex goodbye so that he regrets the breakup?

I recently broke up with my boyfriend because of constant quarrels, arguing and sending each other on the phone, but we still have to see each other at the university and talk. what to say to him goodbye so that he understands who he lost. Maybe I should remember all the good things that happened between us and thank him for all the happy moments, and say that I don’t hold a grudge against him. please advise me something!

Who did he lose?

you rewatched the melodramas

No, it's you who forgive me))))))

Leave silently, this is what all men do, it always works.

Is it absolutely possible without theatrical scenes? If you really are the one that it’s a pity to lose, he will understand this himself over time and will crawl back on his knees. And so you just delay the moment of separation by bringing everything to the point of melodrama snot

psychologists advise leaving silently and cheerfully. Otherwise he will say: ugh, what a bore I lost!

and when someone calls, pick up the phone and remain silent? ignore calls? should I say I’ll call you back and not call back? for example, I don’t know how men do it

The most offensive thing is when you leave silently. You don’t even have to talk to him about it. Just if he asks himself, agree that you broke up. And that’s it. Pretend that you don’t care about it, and it doesn’t interest you much at all

Men do this, they say I’ll call you back and don’t call back, and if I call again, I’m busy, then I’ll call back until the girl understands.

and when someone calls, pick up the phone and remain silent? ignore calls? should I say I’ll call you back and not call back? For example, I don’t know how men do it. Men do it, they say I’ll call you back and they don’t call back, and if you call again, I’m busy, then I’ll call you back until the girl understands.

and ignore SMS? Agree! will flare up like focusima. then it will cool down. The main thing is to remain a beauty at least in your own eyes.

Is it necessary to organize a theater?

So many. a tactic tested on friends in early childhood.

to defiantly fuck another.

If so, write down the consequences

Well, you can say something about the inheritance of several million euros that you received from your recently deceased childless uncle, who doted on you.

Tell him that you will suck the next one better than him

tell him that your nipples have never stood on him

and the orgasm was actually an asthma attack

you can slap him, tell him he doesn't deserve you, then laugh loudly in his face

The surest way to leave gracefully is to leave SILENTLY, mysteriously wishing you good luck. Whether he will regret the breakup or not, time will tell; no parting words will make him doubt it.

Say that your rich uncle died and bequeathed you a million euros and three castles in Europe, now you have so much trouble with this inheritance that you won’t have time for it, so your parting is very opportune.

joke on the topic “what to write goodbye”:

I am writing you this letter to inform you that I am leaving you forever. I was

a good man and a loving husband for seven years, and received nothing in return. The last two weeks have been especially terrible. The last straw was a call from your boss, who informed you that you had quit your job.

Last week you came home and didn’t even notice that I got a new haircut, cooked your favorite dish for dinner and even put on brand new silk panties. You ate in two minutes, watched all your soap operas and went straight to bed. I haven't heard you say that you love me for a long time; you don't want to do anything that brings husband and wife together. Either you're dating someone else, or you've stopped loving me. Whatever it is, I'm leaving.


P.S. And don't even try to find me. Your sister and I moved to Western

Virginia forever! Happy stay

Dear ex-husband!

For a long time nothing made me as happy as your letter. Indeed, we have been married for seven years, although you are so far from being a good man. I watch soap operas to drown out your constant whining. However, lately this has not helped either. I NOTICED your new haircut last week, but all I wanted to say was “You look just like a woman!” Since my mother taught me to say only good things or remain silent, I chose the latter. And when you prepared my favorite dish, you probably confused me with my sister, because I haven’t eaten pork for seven years.

Speaking of the new silk panties, I turned away because they still had the $49.99 price tag on them; maybe it was just a coincidence that my sister borrowed 50 bucks from me that morning. However, I still loved you and thought we could get along. So when I won $10 million in the lottery, I quit my job and bought two tickets to Jamaica. But when I came home, I discovered that you had left. Well, I guess nothing happens for nothing.

I hope you will be happy in your new life. My lawyer said that

thanks to your letter, you won’t be able to extract a penny from me. So

How to make your ex regret breaking up? Read and choose

If a girl is wondering how to make her ex regret breaking up, we can safely say that the situation is critical. It’s hard to argue with the fact that thoughts and desires to “annoy” a person with whom you experienced a range of positive emotions disrupt your psychological state. These feelings completely envelop you, and you don’t want to think about anything else at all. The meaning of life changes dramatically, and in mental imbalance, the first place comes not from one’s own comfort, but from the desire for revenge. Make him feel at least for a moment all the pain that you experience every second.

First steps towards the task

Much depends on the girl’s nature. If she is vulnerable, amorous and receptive, then after breaking up she faces prolonged depression. Such persons must, every time they are overwhelmed by a feeling of resentment, remind themselves that life is not over, they need to move on. Don't expect the guy to realize his mistake sooner or later and come back to you. Make him regret breaking up. And only after that you will understand whether you need such a person, whether you want to go hand in hand with him all your life.

Acting alone is very difficult. Therefore, we offer a summary of rules based on which you will achieve your desired goal.

Follow these rules and you will quickly get what you want.

  • always be in a good mood;

The advice given is also someone’s bitter experience, learn from it.

Carefully! It can hurt

As you move towards your goal, remember:

  • You can’t go on dates with every first man you meet;

When the desire to hurt your ex-lover haunts you, perhaps you shouldn’t deny yourself this. But this must be done very carefully, once, but effectively. The best way is jealousy. Appear in his field of vision along with a new object of adoration. Hug, kiss, act like you're in love, but don't overdo it. It is very important to make everything look natural, otherwise the plan will not succeed.

10 ways to hurt a man

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The main reasons for separation.

So, information on how to hurt a loved one can be obtained from the Internet. The question is not in the question “how”, but in the word “why”? Why would anyone hurt? So, you can hurt in different ways. But the point of this movement? The point is that everything in this life comes back. Is it worth starting to take revenge? Isn't it the best way to forget and switch without wasting precious energy on trifles?

But still, there are situations when the girl likes her partner, she can’t get it out of her head, and the girl thinks a lot about her partner. And then, he cannot forget him. He was hooked by something. There is something about this man that a girl can’t get out of her head. Then it’s still worth thinking about how you can really hurt your man. So, the first thing that will touch him is, of course, the irresistible shine, grooming, neatness, and cleanliness of the girl herself.

The second is, of course, the appearance of an irresistible girl (if she was also irresistible before, then she should buy a new dress, high heels), but she should be overwhelmed by something creatively new.

A girl should appear next to a new guy. Preferably, younger than the previous one, more courteous than the former. . It is desirable that he sincerely experience these emotions or at least play them.

The third way to hook an ex-man is to portray, again, either sincere joy or pretend to be joyful. This will make it clear to the ex-man that the girl is fine without him. It's worth showing it sincerely.

How painful can it be to make a man think about what he has lost? So, the fourth way is to tell the guy through friends that the girl talked with his friends and her new boyfriend and was in a very good mood and condition.

The fifth way is to call him, as if by chance, and play along with everything in such a way that the new boyfriend tells her compliments and words of love, and the ex-lover accidentally hears it. It is advisable to keep your phone near you. This will hurt your ex-man. Namely, that someone else was able to appreciate his girlfriend more than he did.

The sixth way is to get married! Place photos on a social network of cheerful, successful and well-groomed guests and parents, as well as the newlyweds themselves. The seventh way is to go on a trip and post a photo of the trip with your loved one, also on a social network.

You can go where your ex-man likes to come and start dancing. It is advisable to invite someone to dance. You can either leave with a new gentleman.

The ninth way is to send a love SMS, but “mistakenly”, with your partner’s phone number. And thus, remind yourself again.

The tenth way is, in defiance of your ex, to engage in your own self-improvement. Sign up for stripplasty courses and master a certain type of massage. It is worth raising your own self-esteem in any way.

These methods are suitable as an answer to the question of how to hurt your husband. Moreover, his moral pain will overwhelm him.

It is worth understanding that there is no need to take revenge. You just need to assert yourself in your own eyes. Again, not his. Well, why is this necessary? Establish yourself in his eyes? It is worth establishing yourself in your own eyes. This is the most important moment of self-improvement over your own self-confidence. Raise yourself in your own eyes, increase your self-esteem, lift your mood. And of course, become much more confident than before! He must definitely feel it. The main thing is that the girl will feel it, and the man even more so.

At the same time, a girl should find her outlet, namely a certain hobby. Through him, show your success to your ex-man. The man will understand that he has lost not only his soul, body, but also power over the woman. It always hurts to realize that you didn’t consider, didn’t perceive, didn’t realize. And with the help of power, find an approach. Or vice versa, a man will be able to reconsider his attitude towards his ex-lover and dominate her again. You can become interested in yourself not only with your beautiful appearance and quality of makeup, but also with your desire to understand male psychology.

It takes a woman not to be the same as before. She needs to change not only her behavior, but also her attitude. Namely, to be feminine, gentle, pleasant, in demand, seductive. Knowing how to earn good money is the main way to increase your own rating.

Because, a successful girl. will always attract any man. Not only the girl will be hurt if her ex-boyfriend finds himself or becomes better than with her. Perhaps both the guy and she herself are a motivator for further development. But it’s always joyful to realize that a person has risen and began to develop successfully after a certain relationship. It's as if people met at a certain point in time to become what they became.

Most girls and women experience being abandoned by their loved ones. This applies to both very young girls, whose boys leave them after a short relationship, and mature couples, when the woman is left alone, sometimes even with children in her arms. In any case, this is a very difficult situation. Ladies often come to psychologists complaining that their boyfriend has abandoned them. They can advise better than any friends what to do in such a situation so that it doesn’t get worse.

There can be many reasons for a breakup in a relationship. Here everything may depend on how long the couple was inseparable, whether they lived together, whether they had children. In some cases, a man leaves without explanation, sometimes this is due to the fault of a woman if he finds out about her betrayal or if she demands the impossible from him.

Among the common there are reasons why men leave, and similar:

  • fell in love with another;
  • realized that the feelings had passed and he realized that he had only experienced love;
  • cannot get used to everyday little things;
  • cannot support a woman;
  • didn’t love her initially, just wanted to relax;
  • afraid of her family or friends;
  • due to betrayal;
  • following the advice of parents or friends who have great influence on him;
  • can't lie.

These reasons are far from the only ones. Sometimes girls, even if they are abandoned through no fault of their own, blame themselves for what happened, but often both are the culprits, but they themselves do not fully realize it.

Prohibited actions and errors

If a girl had strong feelings for a guy, then breaking up could have a negative impact on her psychological state. Because of this, many people lose control of their actions and do strange and stupid things.

  • to sort things out and disturb the person with questions and calls, trying to find out what exactly happened. This way you can only humiliate yourself in the eyes of a man. It is recommended to abstain from communication for some time;
  • write negative messages or bad things about a man on social networks (especially publicly);
  • offer to remain friends - after a relationship, few people succeed in this;
  • establish relationships with others, no matter who;
  • starting classes with close friends of your ex out of spite - this can only ruin his attitude towards himself;
  • come to places where he often visits - a man will still understand the reason for frequent visits to this or that place. It’s better to take care of yourself and devote time to hobbies;
  • take revenge on your ex by terrorizing his new girlfriend;
  • spreading bad rumors about your ex;
  • abuse alcohol;
  • withdraw into oneself;
  • share a problem with strangers on the Internet - they may recommend something bad.

Such mistakes are typical in these cases, and they can only worsen the girl’s depression. And the ex-man will be completely disappointed in her, and if before that he somehow regretted his decision to separate, now he can be convinced that he did everything right.

Rules of correct behavior

If you do not follow the recommendations of psychologists, you can cause yourself trauma for life, this is especially significant if we are talking about a very young girl who for the first time in her life was faced with the fact that she was abandoned. You should also not behave defiantly and cause additional negativity. It’s best to simply disappear from a person’s life; if he wants to come back, he will let you know.

  • For several days you are allowed not to talk to anyone and sit at home to suppress your negative emotions. But sitting for a long time is prohibited;
  • reconsider your attitude towards yourself. There is no need to scold yourself or feel sorry. It is important to love yourself, only this will allow you to survive the situation with dignity;
  • try not to cry, especially for a long time;
  • speak out in front of the mirror. If you really want to talk about your experiences and feelings, then it is better to do it alone, but it is better not to tell your friends anything;
  • There is no need to provoke pain again. Sadness can be caused by sad music, melodramas, viewing old photos together or correspondence on social networks or by phone;
  • there is no need to make further plans for this person, even if there is a possibility that he will return in the future;
  • you should meet with friends or relatives, you should meet those people who value a person regardless of the circumstances;
  • come up with something to do that you didn’t have time for during the relationship. Often people, absorbed in feelings, forget about themselves and their desires. After separation, it's time to remember them. We can talk about sports, travel, business and more;
  • you can do an extreme act in order to experience new emotions - for example, jump with a parachute;
  • spend more time among people. For this purpose, you can study the list of events that are held in the city. These could be interesting seminars, trainings, courses or concerts. You can go there even alone and meet new people;
  • you can take part in a professional photo shoot or visit a cosmetologist. Some people are able to amaze their friends on social networks with such a session. Who knows, maybe your ex will also pay attention to these photos.

Such advice can be called universal, but they are far from the only ones. Every girl should listen to herself and what could bring her pleasure during this difficult time. One way or another, the main thing is not to get hung up on the subject of passion and reduce communication with it to a minimum.

The opportunity to return a person

Many people ask psychologists whether a man regrets leaving a woman and whether he can return after some time. Everything here is purely individual, there are situations when there is still hope for reunion, but in some cases it is better to accept the fact that everything is over.

About what there will be no future for the relationship, you can understand by:

But sometimes men leave because of temporary weaknesses or because of resentment, which they later greatly regret. Then they offer to restore the relationship, sometimes as unexpectedly as they break it off.

The reasons for an unexpected return may be::

  • after a man has lived alone for some time, he becomes lonely and begins to miss his woman;
  • sometimes men return to their wives after leaving them for their mistresses. But the question here is whether the abandoned wife is ready to take her husband back after cheating;
  • often a man tries to return an abandoned woman when he finds out that over time she has changed or found a new man. Often the desire to return is dictated by one’s own egoism;
  • returning out of curiosity. A guy might just be wondering how his ex is doing. But in such cases the reunion is usually short-lived;
  • the man realizes that he has done something stupid and continues to love the abandoned girl.

Regardless of the reason for the breakup, if a man has a desire to return, then the woman herself decides whether to accept him back or not. If the reason was a domestic disagreement or a minor quarrel, then everything can be returned, but if it was a matter of betrayal, then that’s a different matter. Many women categorically do not accept this, even if it was a small affair on the side.

You also need to understand that if a girl takes the man back, then their relationship will no longer be the same as it was before the separation. Before deciding to restore the union, psychologists advise answering the following questions:

  • Is it love or just pity;
  • is it worth forgiving the person who used to leave you;
  • is there a willingness to search for compromises and changes;
  • Do you have confidence in this person?

If a man left a woman for the first time because he didn’t like something about her, and he talked about it or hinted at it transparently, then after using it she needs to reconsider her habits and lifestyle.

But the main thing is mutual respect for each other and the ability to treat interests with understanding. At some points, it may be better to be at a distance in order to preserve the relationship.

Whether to renew a relationship that once cracked is up to the woman to decide. It is likely that they will not be happy. If they are over, then there is no need to worry and suffer. Life goes on, and the chances of meeting true love are still very high.

Well, let’s say right away that this is far from a positive question. Thinking, wasting time on hurting someone else with whom you no longer have anything in common.

But I won’t say now that we need to go further. That people on the Path can come and go and that’s normal and everything is in that direction.

Today I will talk about exactly this desire to make you regret or make you suffer without you.

This is an all-consuming desire when you can’t switch and think about something else. You can’t live here for yourself, moving on, enjoying the new and interesting, and living to make someone else feel bad. Even if it’s for a second, but it’s bad.

I will take revenge and my revenge is terrible!

Wow, it takes your breath away when you start to dream how very sad he will be, maybe he’ll even crawl on his knees and ask for forgiveness, or he’ll go and tell all his friends to fuck off and get drunk out of grief until he’s “green snot” for missing out on you like that, and he will never see happiness in his life again. Now NEVER!

And such satisfaction comes. True, mostly in dreams. But even the strength appears and the desire to act for this.

I dreamed of how He would see me by chance on the street. I’m all so “unearthly”, I look perfect, for some reason in a pink business suit (at that time Tom Kleim was still in fashion, it seems, and this brand had a wide variety of suits).

He'll see it and he'll regret it. I didn’t need a “turn everything upside down” relationship. It was clear that this was all, that the roads were different, that there was no prospect, and so on. But I really wanted to feel sorry for the one I lost. I didn’t spend a lot of time on it, but the picture itself regularly came back to me. I am impossibly beautiful, and he is suffering.

But in reality, everything turned out exactly the opposite: I was suffering and he was quite cheerful. And this bothered me most of all: how can he enjoy life without me. And especially when I feel so bad.

That's when I understood the main recipe How to Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up!

I understood this very clearly then!

Nothing hurts the pride of another more than Your Happiness without Him.

Over time, I became convinced that this is just a great recipe: be happy and that's it!!!

You don't need to do anything special anymore. You do everything only for yourself.

To begin with, when it is difficult to switch to something, you can simply acquire the external manifestations of a happy person.

What kind of person is happy? What does he look like?

Well, it’s hardly 120 kg with shortness of breath and a bag that fits in the dress. So I’m going to slimness by all means.

Then, this is hardly a person who has nothing to do. This means I fill my time with everything that I simply need and do it even more efficiently. Quality increases satisfaction.

Let's move on. It is unlikely that a happy person will have sadness and melancholy on his face, or angry and sarcastic jokes on his lips. So I remove all this, and in order to switch to the good, I just watch more kind and cheerful movies and read what resonates with me now.

Sooner or later, I accept funny stories as what is always on the tongue, and not sarcastic barbs that always seemed witty.

There is a lot more that could be listed here, but I think the main direction is already clear.

And I was so passionate about it: sports and proper nutrition to be in better shape. visiting libraries and writing a bunch of works (including for money), I’m free, I have a ton of time now, and I took on two more part-time jobs: I need money for beauty and….

Then somehow the thought came to me that I would never be able to find out whether he suffered, even if he did. He won’t start crying and really crawling on his knees right there right away. And therefore I will not get satisfaction from this). It was both funny and annoying.

It’s funny because I realized that if a man started to behave like that, then I wouldn’t experience anything other than “unpleasant.” Well, what kind of man is this who tears, snots, and calls and persuades on the phone. Where are the actions, dignity, inner strength!!!

And it’s a shame because how could he not be hurt like he did to me?

At first, pictures of my revenge still came often, the scenarios of how it would all happen changed. Either I meet him alone, then I’m already with a guy better than him and he sees us and starts biting our elbows... my imagination did not let me down and I came up with a lot of things.

And at the same time, she did not forget to move in the direction of her own irresistibility and employment.

This is what saved me. In pursuit of revenge, I earned money, gained experience and found new interesting acquaintances. There is no love. I haven't found it yet. I wasn’t ready to let anyone in yet.

It is impossible to love when you are busy with revenge.

This is a rule or even a law. Don’t expect love in your life if all your thoughts are focused on “making someone else suffer.”

But, in the end, I became uninterested in doing everything for this goal. The goal has simply become obsolete. But still, it was she who became the reason for my big movement and for pulling myself out, literally by the hair, like Baron Munchausen, from crazy inner pain and suffering.

This is how I got out of that state. I don’t know if he ever regretted our relationship. Or I forgot right away, quickly plunging into others. I don’t know if he remembered me at least sometimes, as I wanted then, or if he had no time for that... But I haven’t cared about that for a very long time.

I learned to be happy. Herself. I attract to myself exactly what is in me. This never happened to me again. I passed my lesson. And she moved on.

I guess you could say it's simple. Everything ingenious is simple. It is we who complicate everything ourselves.

All you need is: be happy!!!

A happy woman is always a mystery. Everyone wants to be around a happy woman. Well, or at least closer to it. And not with a boring sufferer

And her happiness attracts everyone to her like a magnet. What does she know and what does she have that makes her feel so good? And everyone wants it to be just as good for them. That's why he's drawn to happy women.

This same rule, by the way, works great in existing relationships. But there are other nuances and completely different stories. And someday I’ll write about this too.

By the way... I still haven’t bought the pink suit! Although in my dreams he was stunningly handsome and sat so well on me. But, apparently, it was intended only for revenge. That’s why I don’t need it in real life.

All the best to you.

Wisdom and strength to move forward and forward!

I have already started recruiting for free training. “how to get 10 new acquaintances with worthy men”

Learn to attract only the worthy! find out what's wrong and change your life.

and I will be happy to help you

Well, let’s say right away that this is far from a positive question. Thinking, wasting time on hurting someone else with whom you no longer have anything in common. But I won’t say now that we need to go further. That people on the Path can come and go and that’s normal and everything is in that direction.

Today I will talk about exactly this desire, to make you regret it or make you suffer without you. This is an all-consuming desire when you can’t switch and think about something else. You can’t live here for yourself, moving on, enjoying the new and interesting, and living to make someone else feel bad.

Even if it’s for a second, but it’s bad. I will take revenge and my revenge is terrible!

Wow, it takes your breath away when you start to dream how very sad he will be, maybe he’ll even crawl on his knees and ask for forgiveness, or he’ll go and tell all his friends to fuck off and get drunk out of grief until he’s “green snot” for missing out on you like that, and he will never see happiness in his life again. Now NEVER!

And such satisfaction comes. True, mostly in dreams. But even the strength appears and the desire to act for this.

I dreamed of how He would see me by chance on the street. I’m all so “unearthly”, I look perfect, for some reason in a pink business suit (at that time Tom Kleim was still in fashion, it seems, and this brand had a wide variety of suits). He will see it and he will regret it.

I didn’t need a “turn everything upside down” relationship. It was clear that this was all, that the roads were different, that there was no prospect, and so on. But I really wanted to feel sorry for the one I lost. I didn’t spend a lot of time on it, but the picture itself regularly came back to me. I am impossibly beautiful, and he is suffering.

But in reality, everything turned out exactly the opposite: I was suffering and he was quite cheerful. And this bothered me most of all: how can he enjoy life without me. And especially when I feel so bad.

That’s when I understood the main recipe for How to Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up! I understood this very clearly then! Nothing hurts the pride of another more than Your Happiness without Him.

Over time, I became convinced that this is just a great recipe: be happy and that's it!!! You don't need to do anything special anymore. You do everything just for yourself.

To begin with, when it is difficult to switch to something, you can simply acquire the external manifestations of a happy person. What kind of person is happy? What does he look like?

Well, it’s hardly 120 kg with shortness of breath and a bag that fits in the dress. So I’m going to slimness by all means.

Then, this is hardly a person who has nothing to do. This means I fill my time with everything that I simply need and do it even more efficiently. Quality increases satisfaction.

Let's move on. It is unlikely that a happy person will have sadness and melancholy on his face, or angry and sarcastic jokes on his lips. So I remove all this, and in order to switch to the good, I just watch more kind and cheerful movies and read what resonates with me now. Sooner or later I take it funny stories like what is always on the tongue, rather than the sarcastic barbs that always seemed witty.

There is a lot more that could be listed here, but I think the main direction is already clear.

And I was so passionate about it: sports and proper nutrition to be in better shape. visiting libraries and writing a bunch of works (including for money), I’m free, I have a ton of time now, and I took on two more part-time jobs: I need money for beauty and….

Then somehow the thought came to me that I would never be able to find out whether he suffered, even if he did. He won’t start crying and really crawling on his knees right there right away. And therefore I will not get satisfaction from this).

It was both funny and annoying. It’s funny because I realized that if a man started to behave like that, then I wouldn’t experience anything other than “unpleasant.” Well, what kind of man is this who tears, snots, and calls and persuades on the phone. Where are the actions, dignity, inner strength!!!

And it’s a shame because how could he not be hurt like he did to me?

At first, pictures of my revenge still came often, the scenarios of how it would all happen changed. Either I meet him alone, then I’m already with a guy better than him and he sees us and starts biting our elbows... my imagination didn’t let me down and I came up with a lot of things.

And at the same time, she did not forget to move in the direction of her own irresistibility and employment. This is what saved me.

In pursuit of revenge, I earned money, gained experience and found new interesting acquaintances. There is no love. I haven't found it yet. I wasn’t ready to let anyone in yet.

It is impossible to love when you are busy with revenge. This is a rule or even a law. Don’t expect love in your life if all your thoughts are focused on “making someone else suffer.”

But, in the end, I became uninterested in doing everything for this goal. The goal has simply become obsolete. But still, it was she who became the reason for my big movement and for pulling myself out, literally by the hair, like Baron Munchausen, from crazy inner pain and suffering.

This is how I got out of that state.

I don’t know if he ever regretted our relationship. Or I forgot right away, quickly plunging into others. I don’t know if he remembered me at least sometimes, as I wanted then, or if he had no time for that... But I haven’t cared about that for a very long time.

I learned to be happy. Herself. I attract to myself exactly what is in me. This never happened to me again. I passed my lesson. And moved on.

I guess you could say it's simple. Everything ingenious is simple. It is we who complicate everything ourselves. All you need to do is be happy!!!

A happy woman is always a mystery. Everyone wants to be around a happy woman. Well, or at least closer to it. And not with a boring sufferer :) And her happiness attracts everyone to her like a magnet. What does she know and what does she have that makes her feel so good? And everyone wants it to be just as good for them. That's why he's drawn to happy women.

This same rule, by the way, works great in existing relationships. But there are other nuances and completely different stories :). And someday I’ll write about this too.

By the way... I still didn’t buy the pink suit! Although in my dreams he was stunningly handsome and sat so well on me. But, apparently, it was intended only for revenge. That’s why I don’t need it in real life.

All the best to you. Wisdom and strength to move forward and forward!

If the offense does not go away, you can try to hurt the person, and maybe return him.

It is very difficult to express everything that is boiling over in a personal meeting. Even on the phone, people often forget words, and then replay this moment millions of times in their heads and mentally correct it. It is much easier to pour out your feelings on paper, although it would be more accurate to say - in a message.

Is it worth writing?

We need to think carefully about whether it is necessary to try to return the person who chose to break off a romantic relationship? Perhaps it is better to find a new one who will truly appreciate the girl and accept her for who she is? However, sometimes a “well-aimed” phrase on the fence can interest the ex-chosen one and bring the sparkle back into the relationship.

On the verge of rupture, there are chances to save everything. Let's watch the video!

The irrefutable fact is that women are much more emotional than men. Guys give importance to actions, not words. You should not lament and press for pity: this is unlikely to lead to the desired effect. The text of the proposed messages should depend on what result needs to be achieved - to return the young man, or to make him really hurt.

Another one appeared

If people have been together for a long time, lived alone or spent every day with each other, then they know exactly about all each other’s weak points. You can thank them for the time spent together, but also mention that support is not required; someone has already been found who can cope with this task. You can interpret such a message in any way you like, because you can get consolation from a friend, mother, sister... A wild fantasy will definitely not allow a jealous ex to sleep peacefully at night. He may even begin to wonder about what he has lost.

Let's continue the conversation

Someone prefers to respond with a message to a question that was often raised during heated quarrels. Every couple has this issue. The answer may be a little accusatory, mysterious, or a little bit of disappointment. Such a text will make a person feel guilty. And it’s possible that the guy will try to make it up to her somehow. Is it necessary to take so much risk? Every word must be carefully thought out so that unnecessary thoughts do not arise that can ruin everything irrevocably.


If romance is not alien to the guy, you should come up with a message with a slightly sad overtone. Rhetorical questions will also work. Fortunately, there are a lot of them in modern pop songs: any line can be taken out and played around with, if your imagination is tight. The main thing is no accusations. The whole point is to evoke nostalgia. The person himself will remember the good moments and begin to regret the past.

After all, karma always returns debts, you can pay in full for rash actions, if, of course, you believe in fatalism. Otherwise, only conscience will become the judge. It is much easier to wish happiness, thank you for all the good things and... let go.