How to develop your unusual abilities. Adviсe

Not everyone has encountered, but everyone has heard, that there are people who have paranormal abilities. What is considered such? A long list could be made, but generally speaking, these are abilities that cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science.

Whether it is the ability to guess the past or the future, the ability to see through obstacles, to read with closed eyes, all such human abilities can be called hidden, since not everyone knows about them, even if he himself has them.

People with such a gift are called psychics.

However, many do not believe in the veracity of such things, and often try to catch the trick or deception in the actions of such people. Many can be exposed, but there are those who are truly endowed with some higher gift, thanks to which they are able to lift the veil of the universe.

The basis of paranormal abilities

The world in which we live is considered to be three-dimensional, if we speak in the language of simple geometry, we exist in relation to length, width and height. Recently, people have begun to talk about a four-dimensional model, in which time is represented as the fourth dimension. Taking into account official scientific research, become general outline It's clear what we're talking about.

However, it is believed that, having similar, even hidden abilities, a person has the opportunity to look into some “astral” dimension.

This dimension is considered the world of our emotions, experiences, feelings. And if we can measure and feel length, width, height and time, then with the materiality of the astral world it is much more difficult.

Presentation: "Human capabilities

If we take for granted the existence of such a dimension, then it seems quite logical that there are people capable of developing other abilities. And yet, despite the fact that we cannot see what psychics see, we can feel for ourselves what happens if we influence the so-called “subtle world”.

Very often it happens that a person does not know about his psychic abilities, and does not know about the need to develop them and learn to manage them.

The presence of such hidden abilities in a person can pose a certain danger to others. After all, in this case, he does not know how to get rid of unnecessary energy, but at the same time he is able to accumulate it.

And it’s good if his abilities are tied to positive flows.

But if a person is negatively charged, at some point the accumulated energy reaches a critical mass and splashes out on others, this may look like an outburst of anger or aggression.

Presentation: "Bonferroni's Nightmare"

People consider the result of such emissions to be “spoilage.” Perhaps the person did not want to offend you at all, you simply fell under the “hot hand” and, most likely, he will even apologize to you several times for his action, but he will not be able to change anything. And it is you who will feel the consequences of the negative accumulation that was thrown at you.

At the same time, there are people who are clearly aware of their psychic abilities, have spent a lot of time developing them, and know how to manage them.

In that case negative energy can be accumulated on purpose and “hung” on you unnoticed.

Paranormal abilities in the modern world and their signs

It is precisely because of its uncertainty and lack of study that paranormal abilities are so attractive and frightening. However, in our time, more and more researchers are beginning to be interested in these issues and, according to some of the works, every second inhabitant of our planet can develop extrasensory abilities to one degree or another.

Presentation: "Parascience"

According to these studies, you have mental abilities if:
  • you are constantly lucky;
  • as you approach, electronic devices begin to act up or suddenly work better;
  • animals behave strangely in your presence;
  • you don't like open doors;
  • those who offended you are always punished without your direct participation;
  • you have the ability to empathize;
  • able to relieve physical pain through touch;
  • you see prophetic dreams;
  • have highly developed intuition;
  • capable of materializing thoughts.

Presentation: "Extrasenses. Psychics"

Of course, to say that anyone who has unusual luck or who clearly sets goals and achieves them necessarily has the gift of a psychic. And yet, if you are familiar with more than two statements, you should think about the ability to sense the “subtle world”. Perhaps in this case you should try to develop them and use them for good.

What is behind the word “paranormal”?

We can assume that the world of human paranormal abilities is another dimension, a kind of “high matter”. Or is it all just fiction, a scientific theory based on a bunch of unconfirmed facts.

Everyone decides for himself to believe or not to believe fortune-tellers and prophets, but it is precisely by voicing our destiny that any seer dooms us to blindly follow it. Think about it.

There is a belief that our ancient ancestors could sense the approach of an enemy, a dangerous beast from a distance, and predict certain events. Physically, people are weaker than wild animals; the presence of powerful intuition was an important condition for survival in those days. Today, most scientists officially recognize the existence of psychics and even assure that with a strong desire and sufficient effort, anyone can develop a sixth sense. If you dream of reading other people's thoughts and predicting the future, you will be interested in learning how to develop psychic abilities in yourself, and how difficult it is. We'll talk about this later.

How to determine the presence of psychic abilities?

There are many tests posted on various websites that help determine the level of development of abilities. But often these tasks are compiled by amateurs, so the result will be unreliable. It’s easy to understand how strong your psychic abilities are:

  1. Listen to your inner voice. It may suggest that certain events will happen at some point.
  2. When the phone rings, don't rush to answer. Try to guess who wants to talk to you.
  3. Ask questions to your friends and acquaintances and try to predict the answer.

Is it dangerous to develop paranormal abilities?

Some people actively manifest paranormal abilities from early childhood, while others have to spend a lot of time training without tangible results. Here, attitude and self-belief are of paramount importance. However, exercises to develop extrasensory perception can be dangerous for mental health. We are surrounded by many different creatures hidden from view ordinary people. When you start training hard, learn to clearly distinguish auras - be prepared to see them. They are quite scary and disgusting, so before you embark on the path of clairvoyance, think about whether your psyche can withstand it, whether you can maintain your consciousness in a normal state.

How to learn to see the aura?

Learning to see the etheric bodies of animals and people is not difficult; it just requires a little patience. This exercise is suitable for those who are just starting to take their first steps towards developing superpowers.

To complete it you will need a partner. The training is carried out in a dimly lit room, the hands of the second participant should be bare. Ask your partner to stand with their back to the wall. At the same time, you should stand sideways to him at a distance of two meters. Next, you need to take deep breaths ten times and look at the edge of your partner’s hand with peripheral vision. If successful, you will see an aura. If it doesn’t work, repeat the above steps after 5-10 minutes.

How to develop clairvoyance?

The back of the eyelids allows you to see events that have already happened or those that will happen at a certain time. This is your own psychic monitor. If you are a beginner, the following exercise is suitable for you.

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Relax, remain completely still. Look at everything that appears on back side century Imagine that you are in a movie theater waiting to watch a movie. At first you will see blurry lines and outlines. Pay attention to how they change and where they move. A little later you will be in a kind of hypnotic sleep. You can easily get out of it by making any sudden movement. After about 20 minutes, clearer images will appear before your eyes. With persistent daily training, you will be able to see clear pictures and receive answers from your subconscious to any questions.

How to develop telepathy

From birth, few people are endowed with the ability of telepathy or, in other words, the transmission of thoughts at a distance. However, it has been proven that it can be developed by regularly performing certain activities.

For this exercise you will need to involve two or three friends. On a blank piece of paper you need to draw three shapes that are easy to remember - a circle, a square, a rectangle, a star. Choose one of the figures, close your eyes and try to visualize it clearly. After it “pops up” in front of your closed eyes, inform the other participants about this with some code word, for example, “I’m holding.” Next, your friends should say the first word that comes to mind. This is the essence of telepathy. Then you switch places. To prevent deception, the selected figure must be pre-marked and shown after the experiment is completed.

When the guessing result is 90 percent or more, you can move on to other more complex exercises. For example, you go to another room, the others decide what you need to do when you return (sit in a chair, turn off the light, wipe the table, water the flowers, etc.). The moment you enter, participants need to be clear about this action.

Development of telekinesis

Anyone can master the ability to move objects at a distance with the desire and effort. To do this, it is necessary to master the skills of increasing the energy flow and directing it through bodily channels, which are actively used in various Eastern practices. Important: nothing will work until you learn to relax and accumulate energy. Regular meditation can help with this.

Exercise to develop telekinesis: First, rub your palms, feel the energy warmth, mentally direct it to your arms, legs, and head. After mastering this skill, prepare a small sheet of paper and a match. Take a deep plate, pour water, a drop of vegetable oil, and carefully place a match on top. Bring your hands closer to the match, try to feel it from a distance. Try to catch the object with the energy flow and move it in the desired direction.

How to choose a mentor?

You can develop superpowers in yourself faster by enrolling in special courses or becoming a student of a psychic. Experienced teachers have strong energy, they will share their knowledge and experience, and suggest the most effective methods and practice. Here it is important not to run into a scammer who will cleverly manipulate your mind in order to “pump out” more money.

Recognizing a true psychic is quite easy. He will not talk much, but at the first opportunity he will demonstrate his skills. Charlatans usually talk for a long time about what excellent masters they are, how many people they have helped. As a rule, their services are expensive, but for your money you will get nothing but disappointment.


Extrasensory abilities are a gift given from above, which helps to overcome difficult situations and improve the quality of life. To one degree or another, all people possess it, and if desired, everyone can develop the abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis and even healing. Listen to your intuition, believe in yourself, train daily, and then after a while you will be able to make your dreams come true.

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Psychics are not born, but made. Even if you were born with the gift of a sixth sense, this does not mean that you will not need to work on yourself. There are a number of useful exercises for developing psychic abilities.

The ability of foresight is a consequence of a number of very important conditions. Several factors influence your ability to guess the future: the correct state of mind and body (this is why meditation, yoga and controlled breathing are so important), tuned energy and a developed brain. Based on this, 5 exercises can be distinguished for the development of extrasensory abilities. To find out how strong you currently are, use our article on five ways to find out if you can see the future. This will help you draw conclusions about what you can do and what to focus on in your training.

Useful exercises for beginner psychics

Exercise one: developing intuition. Extrasensory abilities directly depend on intelligence. Many scientists believe that the ancient humans who were our first ancestors had incredibly strong brains. It did not work like ours, but at almost 90% of its total capabilities. This allowed people to communicate contactlessly, at the level of thoughts. Scientific research suggests that intuition and déjà vu are a kind of ancestral heritage that can sooner or later manifest themselves in every person.

The more active your brain is, the more likely you are to be able to see the future. The development of both logic and abstract thinking will help to reveal psychic abilities. To do this, you need to read more and study the exact sciences. An effective activity would be to try to predict what awaits you in the near future. Write down your thoughts and expectations so you can check them later and compare them with reality. The more often you have the deja vu effect, and the more often coincidences appear, the better. Déjà vu is when you feel like you experienced your current life situation in the past.

Exercise two: learn to feel your aura. The fact is that a person is surrounded by an energy field. To predict the future or guess people's moods without words, learn to understand your energy. Almost every person has ever experienced this feeling when unpleasant negativity comes from someone. Here you are sitting next to a person who feels bad and is nervous. You begin to feel negative and become infected too bad mood, since your biofield is reconfigured and synchronized with his biofield.

The exercise is to learn to feel the boundaries of your field and, by letting someone into it, feel the changes. Spread your arms out to the sides as far as possible. These are the approximate boundaries of your biofield. By stretching your arms forward in front of you, you will work like a magnet. Use the same exercise mentally when the other person is sitting in front of you to develop the sensitivity of this magnet. Try to tune in to the person’s wavelength, catching his energy waves.

Exercise three: meditation. Since we have lost our extrasensory abilities given to us by nature at the dawn of civilization, concentration is now very important. The fewer vain thoughts in our head, the easier it is to find answers to questions about the future or what you want to see.

One way or another, you need to relax as much as possible. You can meditate for this. If you want to clear your mind at home or just want to exercise without distractions, sit comfortably or even lie down. Next, everything is very simple - you need to imagine yourself in a special place where there are no people. The most best options: space, the top of a snowy mountain, just darkness or a cloud you are sitting on. The main thing is breathing. Breathe deeply and as little as possible. Clear your mind of everything to feel the energy of the world around you, which permeates you from head to toe. Try it at home, and then you can do it anywhere.

Exercise four: they say that prophetic dreams- this is not the machinations of witches, but also a natural gift given to us in order to see the future. Famous stories about prophetic dreams - good for that example. This is truly one of the best ways predictions, since the brain at this time is deprived of thoughts about work and affairs, and therefore can interact extremely effectively with biofields.

As for the methodology for developing this area of ​​extrasensory perception, try before going to bed to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and think about what you are interested in seeing. If these are issues of betrayal, then think about your loved one. If this is an exam, then imagine that you are already in the process of passing it. This will help you see a prophetic dream, but in the beginning you should not give a similar interpretation to everything you see. Watch yourself, and if there are results, then you are on the right track. Lucid dreaming can also reveal unknown facets of your potential. A significant contribution to this direction was made by the ideas of Stephen LaBerge, which may be useful to you too.

Exercise five: Despite all scientific arguments, scientists have no explanation for how some witches or seers can see the future. They say that reflective surfaces help us see what is hidden from our eyes. In this regard best assistant there will be a mirror, which, according to experts, is the border between the worlds. It shows the future only to a select few. Special classes will help you find out whether you are chosen for this or not.

To check your strength and its presence as such, you will need two mirrors that will create an endless tunnel. Place them around you to try to see what you want in the endless mirror reflections. Do this in complete silence, calm and darkness. But be careful, because if the biofield is not strong enough.

Finally, I would like to say that scientists draw a clear parallel between eye color and extrasensory abilities. Previously, we wrote about what eye color most clearly reflects a person’s predisposition to the sixth sense. Good luck with your learning, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Date: 16.01.2009

Scientific and practical conference
on issues of paraphenomenology.
Saint Petersburg.
NOU "Institute of Biosensory Psychology".

Traditionally, human paranormal abilities include such abilities as telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, clairvoyance, predicting the future, healing and a number of others. Thanks to these abilities, a person can cause phenomena that go beyond the usual life activities. In general, such abilities are inherent in every person, but usually they are in a suppressed latent state. Paranormal abilities in their strong, vivid expression can manifest themselves from birth if parents do not suppress them with upbringing. They can arise as a result of extreme life situations (serious injuries, clinical death, etc.), or they can develop with special training.

Usually, a person does not immediately come to the need to develop paranormal abilities. This can happen as a result of searching for answers to eternal philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about one’s own purpose, about life after death. Or maybe such a need to develop paranormal abilities and rethink one’s life arises in crisis situations, when a person comes to the understanding that his understanding of the world is limited. These could be serious problems with health or in your personal life, or critical stages of your own development, etc. These problems force a person to take a fresh look at his life, actions, situations, rethink values, and make an informed choice in a difficult situation. All this requires a person to have new qualities, new reactions, a new attitude towards himself. Often there is a need to search for the reasons for the current situation. This leads to the understanding that the usual everyday idea of ​​the world around us comes into conflict with the phenomena occurring in it, that knowledge about man is very limited not only in everyday life, but also in the sciences about man in general.

When, solving his problems, a person strives to go beyond the boundaries of his own limitations, he inevitably encounters the fact that paranormal abilities begin to manifest, sensitivity begins to increase, and intuition develops. Each person has his own inclinations and predispositions to certain paranormal abilities. One begins to anticipate future situations, another begins to have clairvoyance, and the third begins to read thoughts. In any case, a person, when such abilities arise and expand, goes through several stages or stages of development.

First stage may last several months. At this time, paranormal abilities appear spontaneously. Life problems begin to be solved. A person experiences genuine childish joy and a great desire for this or that paranormal phenomenon to happen again. Everything is interesting during this period. Life begins to play with different colors. Interest in life increases, optimism appears. At this stage, the paraphenomenon is a fact only for its “performer” himself. A person begins to “collect” facts confirming his new capabilities, makes sure for himself that he can do a lot - feel someone else’s pain, hear someone else’s thought, change his condition through his own targeted efforts, etc. During this period, the environment begins to change. New friends appear, and relationships with old acquaintances either improve greatly, or former friends simply begin to disappear from life. The first stage is a period of “euphoria” from a new understanding of oneself. Gradually the euphoria goes away as the initial problems are resolved.

Second stage may last several years. It usually develops in two directions.

In one case, a person, after the first stage, having solved his problems that led him to the paranormal, calms down in his new position, in a new situation - he finds new job, getting divorced or starting a family, improves health. Satisfied with this new state of his, he leaves the pursuit of himself and his paranormal abilities to for many years, as a rule, until a new crisis arises. Until this time, that very first stage of one’s own development is remembered as something magical and extraordinary. A person remains with the experience that paranormal abilities exist, but due to “lack of demand” they fade away slightly, only occasionally reminding themselves of themselves in the form of prophetic dreams or other similar phenomena.

In another case, a person stubbornly continues to develop himself. As a rule, he encounters new difficulties and problems and begins to understand that the path to himself is not only easy and joyful, but often goes through “thorns.” A person goes through mental crises and withdrawals, through health complications. Often he “withdraws” into himself, the circle of his acquaintances and loved ones narrows significantly. Interest in one's own capabilities overshadows everything, connections in the social environment are significantly reduced. Everything social becomes so dull and “unimportant” in comparison with one’s own spiritual development that a person “falls out” of society, while remaining completely satisfied with himself, because his abilities are expanding. There are more and more paranormal phenomena in his life, but he cannot yet use them. As a rule, one does not want to realize oneself in other areas of social life, since it is not interesting compared to the interest in oneself, in one’s development, that one experiences. This stage may last several years until the person comes to a new understanding of himself, or may continue for the rest of his life.

Third stage begins when a person becomes capable of repeated paranormal phenomena. Then they move from the state of “facts for themselves” to “facts for others.” This is usually achieved through considerable effort and serious self-care. At this stage, a person turns to face other people, to face society. If we are talking about healing abilities, then he begins to heal other people. If we are talking about telekinesis, then there is an opportunity to demonstrate such phenomena and study them. If we are talking about clairvoyance, foresight, intuition, these qualities help a person develop in his own business, in business. A person begins to live in society with his paranormal abilities and actively use them, including for his own social development. The circle of acquaintances begins to expand again. Paranormal abilities provide social advantages over other people. It is not possible to stay “forever” at this stage. To ensure that your abilities do not disappear, you must constantly make efforts to develop yourself.

Each of these three stages has its own approaches to developing paranormal abilities. At the first stage, for paraphenomena to arise, it is enough to only slightly push a person’s energy. Even the very first studies of energy centers, channels, meridians provide the opportunity for the appearance of paranormal phenomena. At the next stages, deeper and longer sessions of energy practices are required, as well as the development of the physical structures of the human body - greater physical activity. Biosensory breathing psychotechniques have a serious advantage in terms of developing and maintaining a person’s paranormal abilities.

Paranormal abilities do not simply appear in addition to what a person already has, as happens, for example, when developing abilities in drawing, music or mathematics. Their appearance is associated with deep internal changes occurring in a person. Developing paranormal abilities, any person is faced with the fact that his mental reactions, values ​​and priorities begin to change. In order for abilities to manifest themselves, internal readiness and special human qualities are necessary. At least, I would like to believe that it is humanity that reveals these abilities. It doesn't always happen this way. It happens that abilities appear in far from decent people, however, this leads to serious “kickbacks” in the form of big life problems for such people.
Still, it is true human qualities that allow paranormal abilities not only to manifest themselves occasionally, but to harmoniously intertwine into various aspects of a person’s life, and for paraphenomena to become a real component of the world around us.

In fact, each of us has unusual abilities. Only for some they are more noticeable and improved, and for some people they have not yet revealed themselves. Therefore, you can learn to develop your hidden abilities and skills that will make your life much brighter and more interesting.

Hidden human reserves

It has been known since ancient times that people use only 10 percent of their capabilities. The remaining resources are “sleeping” and persistently waiting for you to “wake them up”. Superpowers include even such a simple concept as intuition. Intuitive abilities can also be developed and improved. Just for a moment, it’s worth imagining how much easier your life will become if you are able to determine what a person is thinking about, his attitude towards you, and so on. There are a large number of rules and exercises that help develop your extraordinary features. The main thing to take the first step is to start believing in the presence of the supernatural.

Absolutely everyone has hidden talents

What abilities are hidden from us?

There are a huge number of superpowers that we don’t even know we have. But some of them are close and familiar to us, but not all of them are sufficiently developed. The most basic ones will be described below.

Psychic abilities

Quite a lot of various specific literature has been published that helps to develop one’s psychic or extrasensory abilities. But, for most of us, such books are written in a very difficult scientific language, but the classes used to improve such skills are quite simple and understandable. You won't need much time to complete these tasks. So, the most effective exercises to train superpowers.

Telepathic message

Agree that many of us have had such unusual situations in our lives when we felt that a specific person would call us or write a message. After some short time this actually happened. This happens on a subconscious level, as one person thinks about another. Through thoughts, he calls on another person to get in touch with him. Mental energy is quite strong. Therefore, people can feel each other at a distance. To train this ability, you can use a technique called “Encouraging a person to call us”:

  • First, choose the person you would like to contact on a telepathic level. It is important to perform the exercise with a person close to you and with someone with whom you have mutual understanding.
  • Do short breathing exercises: inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts and exhale for 8. Repeat 3 times.
  • Close your eyes and imagine this situation: you are sitting in a large green park on a lawn with flowers. In your hands you hold 7 balls of all rainbow colors. Then you release the balls into the sky one by one and watch them disappear into the clouds. Visualization is very important for developing this skill.
  • After you have released all the balls into the sky, imagine a small room in the middle of which there is a stand with a telephone. The person you have chosen as your caller enters the room. You watch from the side as this person starts calling your number. Then you should see yourself talking to this person.
  • Repeat this practice several times. Then your work will give the desired result.

Guessing the time

An exercise in which you have to guess the time on the clock is an excellent way to develop extrasensory or psychic abilities. If you want to know what time it is at a given moment, then you need to close your eyes and ask yourself: “what time is it?” Try to instantly remember the first thought that arose in your mind. Because this answer will be correct. There is also a process of visualizing the situation here. The more practice, the better the result.

there is no limit to self-improvement

The alarm clock is inside you

A rather interesting way to improve your hidden skills is to set your body to wake up at a specific time period. This exercise is best done on weekends, when you don’t have to go to work, so as not to accidentally oversleep.

  • Choose the time to wake up. For example, let it be 8 am.
  • Next, we mentally turn to our own consciousness with a request to wake up at this particular time. To strengthen your request, motivate the purpose of waking up so early.
  • You shouldn't set an alarm.
  • After you wake up, immediately check your watch and calculate how much your thoughts coincide with reality.

You can only develop such skills by practicing hard. Do the exercises several times a week and you will succeed.

Intuitive qualities

Human intuition is a special gift that is present in each of us. This skill definitely needs to be developed, since it is the one that will help you in some incomprehensible situation where standard knowledge will not help. With the help of certain exercises you can improve your intuitive qualities.

Traffic light

This exercise is considered one of the most effective and useful. But, like many other techniques, it requires regular training. Here we will talk about a mental attitude on an intuitive level. Using this method, you can identify the most favorable influences on you:

  • Green light - there are no obstacles for you.
  • Yellow light - be careful and prudent.
  • Red color - a dangerous situation awaits you.

Draw a traffic light on a piece of paper and hang it in a conspicuous place. Imagine that he is real. Sit opposite him and breathe deeply, measuredly. In your imagination, turn on all the colors one by one and compare each of them with a specific life situation. Each time you will fulfill this exercise everything is faster. And in the future, on an intuitive level, you will determine which event is joyful and which promises misfortune.

Psychological radar

This method is quite simple to implement, but it works great. We extend our hand and use our index finger to mark a specific object. Imagine the approximate distance of this thing from you and its energy field. Close your eyes and turn first to the left and then to the right. Having lost orientation in space, you must determine at what distance and in what place the hidden object is located. If you mentally feel the location of a thing, then open your eyes and make sure how accurate your assumptions are. Repeat this task several times.

Guessing the event

This exercise should be performed daily to consolidate the results. It is based on guessing certain events that occur during the day. If you are about to leave the house, then try to guess who you will meet along the way. If you are standing at a bus stop, try to determine which type of transport will come first, and so on.

you should concentrate on self-development to discover unexpected opportunities in yourself

Memory development

Memory development is very useful for both adults and children. Memory is an integral functional feature of the human brain. Thanks to it, we can read and remember important information every day. But over time, this activity fades a little and needs to be trained. For the correct formation of the child’s psyche, it is important to constantly develop memory. There are universal exercises for all ages:


To complete this exercise, you must enlist the help of another person. You should close your eyes, and your assistant should slowly describe certain images. After which, you must reproduce what you heard in several stages. Then take a piece of paper and draw everything you learned earlier. This exercise is great for training your imagination. You can visualize anything, for example, an elephant with a log, a hippopotamus at a watering hole, flying autumn leaves, and so on.

Learning poems

We start learning poetry back in kindergarten, school, but then we abruptly abandon this activity. To train your memory, you can use such a simple technique as memorizing poems. You can use both short fragments of poetry and long works. You can read poems and quatrains not only in Russian, but also in foreign ones. This technique is very useful for both visual and auditory memory.

Reading aloud

Develop each type of memory in turn. This technique perfectly strengthens auditory memory. Read your favorite books out loud every day. Spend 10-20 minutes reading. After reading, try to retell what you learned from the book.

Learn new words every day

The exercise is very simple. We write down, for example, 15 words on paper. We look at them for 30 seconds and try to remember them. We turn over the sheet of paper and remember what was written. You can write not only words, but also numbers.

Clairvoyance ability

Many people wonder how the ability of clairvoyance actually works. This skill is sometimes called the “third eye.” With its help, you can predict future events and read information hidden from others. Clairvoyance needs to be developed and it is very difficult to do. But it's still worth a try. Suddenly, you will discover the rare gift of predicting the future, and you will be able to help people in difficult situations. The following exercises will be useful for your training.

Exercise “see through the skin”

To complete this task, prepare 2 squares: white and black. Take a comfortable position, relax. Raise your right palm over the squares at a distance of 8 centimeters. First over the white, then over the black square. Slowly move your hand from one figure to another. Listen to your feelings. Maybe you feel cold or warm at this moment, or maybe a tingling sensation in your palm. Remember what color you felt for this or that feeling. With each repetition of this task, you will quickly determine the color of the square located under your palm.

Exercise “border with reality”

Most experienced psychics use a borderline state, in which a person is on the verge of reality, and the other mental part goes into the astral plane. That is, your body is in a two-phase state, namely between sleep and wakefulness. You can enter this space consciously if you learn how to do so. When you lie in bed before going to bed at night, try to catch the moment at which you begin to fall asleep slightly. Try to control two states at the same time. It won't be easy, but you can do it. Do the exercise until you eventually fall asleep.

Learning to see a person's aura

Close your eyes and look through your closed eyelids at the outline of the person standing in front of you. The lesson is conducted for 5 minutes every day for ten days. Then you can move on to the second stage. With your eyelids slightly closed, look at any object and try to see its glow. It is this light that will be his aura. Do the same with a person’s aura, which has several shades, depending on the character. For example, if a violet hue predominates in a person’s biofield, then the person has fairly strong spiritual development. And, if in the outer circle of the aura there is more of a golden color, then this tells us about the character of a great thinker. Red shades indicate that a person is very busy with everyday affairs.

If you decide to learn something new for yourself, then developing unusual abilities is perfect for you. Train as often as possible and then the results will not be long in coming. It is important to remember that each of us is unique and interesting in our own way.