How to understand what type of mind a child has. Interpretation of test results for intelligence, type of thinking and mindset

A humanitarian mindset often becomes an object of ridicule from typical “techies” who sincerely believe that a person who is poorly versed in mathematical calculations is stupid and narrow-minded. Like, for real smart person Easily remembers and analyzes information logically.

Features of a humanitarian mindset

In reality, everything is different. “Humanitarian” may well do calculations and study physics. He's just not interested in it. He is much more interested in social activities, creativity, classical literature, philosophy, and art.

At the same time, a conditional “humanitarian” can choose the appropriate profession for himself, in fact, understanding engineering technologies no worse than the most avid “techie”. A person with a humanitarian mindset, first of all, experiences impulses to realize the spiritual side of his life.

Among the majority of scientists who discovered important chemical elements and physical laws, a craving for creativity was visible. Moreover, hundreds of them became known precisely thanks to the products of their own imagination and reasoning. A striking example is the greatest physicist and chemist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, who was valued more for his odes and poetry than for his invaluable contribution to the development of the exact sciences.

The humanitarian mindset in Wikipedia is interpreted as “mentality”, or the ability to see a world in which thoughts are intertwined with emotions. Indeed, mentality determines the indivisible emotional and intellectual aspects inherent specifically in the “humanities.”

The type of thinking is determined not by a good memory or passion for literature, but by the ability to perceive life in many ways. This is the main essence of the humanitarian mindset - to perceive the world comprehensively, to know that there are two sides to any coin, and that there is always something “other”.

Different meaning, different interpretation, different interpretation, different concepts, different experience, different vision. The mathematical or technical mind perceives all life “according to the rules.” Moreover, the person who possesses it is ready for days to prove to you the “generally accepted” laws of the universe, the results of “ the only true ones» research, unconditional submission of everything and everyone to physical laws.

This perception is alien and opposite to a creative person. He always takes into account that there is “other”. A “humanist” can despise, hate, be at enmity with this “other”, not show the slightest bit of tolerance towards it, but frankly admit that it exists.

It is not difficult to determine what type of mind you have. This often happens at school. Teachers and class teachers They can easily determine whether their students have a mathematical or humanitarian mindset. “Humanities” are distinguished by a high degree of literacy, a desire to study foreign languages, the manifestation of creative abilities (drawing, music, poetry), phenomenal memory, and philosophical judgments on every issue.

To determine these abilities in yourself, you can take a special test. Professions for representatives of a humanitarian mindset are diverse - from a librarian to a politician or philosopher. It all depends on what type of activity you have a real passion for.

How to determine the humanitarian mindset of your child?

The inclinations for this type of activity can be determined in early childhood. At the same time, the essence of the mindset and thinking is revealed for the first time. How can you tell whether your child has a humanitarian or a technical mindset?

The first signs of a “humanitarian” in a child:

  • He has a keen tactile and olfactory sense, reacting violently to smells, visual effects and touch;
  • He is not too interested in basic puzzles that are easy for his peers;
  • He loves to draw, paint, sculpt, and form paper crafts;
  • He demands your opinion about fairy tales and literary works, shows “adult” reasoning about the plot and characters;
  • He prefers role-playing games and strategies like “mother-daughter”, “war”;
  • He is not afraid of the dark;
  • He does not show much interest in natural sciences in the mode real life: does not ask where a cow’s milk comes from, why dew appears on the grass, how many legs a spider has, etc.

If you have determined that your child has these abilities, then it’s time to start organizing his social and professional path. It should be understood that among the humanities there are also exact sciences. For example, foreign languages or psychology.

Professional humanities, unlike mental ones, are not always able to perceive another point of view as something true and having the right to exist.

Another distinctive feature of typical humanities students, which manifests itself even in childhood, is communication skills. These people reach out to others and are adept at making connections throughout their lives. Moreover, this applies to both those who accept someone else’s worldview and those who stubbornly reject it.

If a certain individual manages to easily establish contact with strangers who have fundamentally opposing views and positions, this person is a typical personification of the GSU. People of all religions, professions and temperament types will be drawn to him, life will be easy and interesting with him, he will make an excellent psychologist, speaker, sociologist or politician.

How to determine the mentality of an accomplished adult?

As we have already mentioned, a “humanist” may well engage in mathematical or technical activities by chance. Moreover, such people often succeed in the business that they have chosen for their lives, even if it is at odds with their emotional and mental type.

It is equivalent to how a “techie” can serve in government agencies, engage in psychology or in-depth study of the traditions of other countries. It is hardly possible to get your bearings in determining the mindset by assessing a profession. Moreover, not everyone gets to do what they love in life.

What does the definition mean? humanitarian warehouse mind"?

  1. Sign type of thinking;
  2. Transforming information into a final form using a collective analysis of assumptions and statements;
  3. Abundance of friends and acquaintances;
  4. Excellent communication skills;
  5. Love of society and noisy events;
  6. The need to constantly be in the spotlight;
  7. Great interest in literature, acquiring new skills, studying new theories;
  8. Consistent and accurate presentation of one’s own thoughts, the ability to concentrate on what is important;
  9. Demanding form of presentation of reasoning from others;
  10. Interest in a multicultural environment;
  11. Passion for news, traditions and laws of other countries.

The best professions for “humanities”:

If you still doubt your own path, we recommend that you take tests for a humanitarian mindset. This way you can quickly decide on a career direction, choose a worthy hobby, and be able to start life with clean slate, according to personal needs.

And remember, despite the certain value of “techies” in the field of programming, “humanities” are no less in demand in public life. We wish you creative victories, professional ups and interesting events!

A person, because the work must correspond to him. Only in this case will it become easier to fulfill your responsibilities, your achievements will be more significant, and making a career will become much easier. Let's look at this in more detail.

The mindset can be humanitarian, synthetic and analytical. These types have different contents and their own characteristics of functioning.

It will allow a person to analyze and consider situations in detail, building them in the form of a clear, holistic image. As a rule, the thought processes of such people occur continuously, successfully identifying significant relationships and connections between various elements in any information. The data is close to mathematical or technical.

The humanitarian mindset processes information somewhat differently. A person must first feel and imagine everything. This method is based on the emotional environment.

In addition, a synthetic mindset is often found. It is quite difficult for such people to clearly determine who they are more of, technicians or humanitarians. Their academic successes are the same on polar fronts, both in mathematical disciplines and in literature. Those with a universal mindset are the lucky ones because their abilities are distributed approximately equally, but usually with a bias in one direction or another. In order to determine their prevailing inclinations, such people are recommended to undergo a professional testing procedure.

Psychologists believe that a person’s mentality is determined by the leading hemisphere of the brain. If more developed, then it is predominant emotional sphere. IN in this case mentality - humanitarian. Otherwise, we are talking about analytical.

In order to find out, you need to use the following technique. The main thing is to do the necessary exercises without thinking and obeying habit.

Let's look at these tasks in more detail.

First exercise. It is necessary to interlace your fingers ten to twenty times. In this case, you need to pay attention to which hand’s finger is constantly at the top of the resulting “pyramid”. If in more cases it is the left finger, then the person is more emotional; if right, then rational with a predominance of an analytical mindset.

Second exercise. In order to complete this task, you need to take a simple pencil or a regular pen in your hand, and then stretch it forward. Next, we direct it to some horizontal surface that has a uniform color. It is recommended to hold the pen the same way. Now we close one eye and see if the handle-“line” has shifted to the side. If the right eye is “involved” at the moment, then the person has an aggressive, firm and persistent character (analytical mindset), otherwise - soft and compliant (humanitarian).

Third exercise. You need to close your eyes and interlace your hands over your chest. Next, it is recommended to pay attention to which hand is located at the top. If it is left, then we can talk about the predominance of the right hemisphere, but if it is right, then vice versa.

Fourth exercise. It is necessary to actively clap your hands and pay attention to which hand will do this more intensely, as well as which one is located on top. If we are talking about the right hand, then we can highlight the presence of a decisive character and an analytical mindset; if about the left, then it is difficult for such a person to make a decision, since he constantly hesitates, having a soft humanitarian mindset.

You can often encounter a division of people into humanists and techies. The Internet is filled with endless debates between these two groups. But who are humanities and techies really? And how to determine which group a child belongs to? The answers to these questions must be sought in the inclinations, inclinations, interests and characteristics of the mentality of each person. Today we will look at what characteristics people with a humanitarian and technical (analytical) mind have.

Prerequisites for aptitude for the humanities or technical sciences

The tendency can be noticed already in early childhood.

Almost every person has an inclination towards certain types of sciences, i.e. Some disciplines attract more interest than others. For example, some prefer to carry out calculations (a penchant for mathematics), while others prefer to read books and analyze texts (a penchant for literature and language). This tendency is most pronounced in school years, and in some cases noticeable even more early age. There are several prerequisites for this:

  1. The makings. These are the natural qualities of a person that determine his success in a particular type of activity. These are innate physiological psychological characteristics, features of the nervous system and brain structure. For example, absolute pitch, a strong type of nervous system, excellent memory, etc. Under favorable development conditions, inclinations turn into abilities: musical, mathematical, etc.
  2. Upbringing. Even in the absence of certain inclinations and abilities, you can instill in your child a love for some kind of science. For example, families of hereditary mathematicians, doctors, teachers, etc. are quite common. Growing up in a particular family, a child adopts the ideas, norms and values ​​of his parents. And interest in the humanities or technical sciences will be especially pronounced if adults work with the child and support his passion.
  3. Interest. Can be formed under the influence of parents, teachers, friends, etc. Sometimes interest in a particular science flares up in a child as if spontaneously, i.e. no one is purposefully vaccinating him. In this case, it will be largely determined by inclinations and mentality.
  4. Mindset. This concept means exactly how a person thinks, how he expresses and implements his thoughts and ideas. To a greater extent, it is due to the natural component (i.e., inherent in a person from birth), however, upbringing also plays a significant role in its formation.

Each of these four prerequisites significantly influences the child's inclination towards the humanities or technical sciences. However, the division of people into two categories (humanists and technicians) occurs precisely according to their mentality, which in each case has its own characteristics.

Features of people with a humanitarian mindset

It is believed that this mentality is characteristic of people whose right hemisphere is more developed. Those. people with the so-called artistic personality type. Their features are:

  • An emotional way of understanding the world. Such people are more focused on feelings and emotions; when they learn something, they pass it through themselves. For example, when listening to a fairy tale, such a child will pay more attention to the feelings of the characters and worry about them.
  • Method of action. Humanists are more theorists than practitioners. They are greedily interested in the discoveries of other people, study the history of various phenomena, and at the same time do not particularly strive to create something on their own. They make their own discoveries if the existing knowledge is not enough to explain a particular phenomenon. A child with a humanitarian mindset will act in games according to the existing rules (if they are clear and suit him), without trying to deviate from them and invent something new.
  • Accepting multiple points of view. People with this tendency are able to accept the existence of other points of view, to understand that other people may think differently from them. Children in the humanities will strive to find various explanations for the phenomenon that interests them; for example, they will not be satisfied with one theory of the origin of man, but will try to familiarize themselves with all of them.
  • The predominance of visual-figurative thinking. Such children have a very developed imagination, they can easily imagine some object or phenomenon (but only if they have already seen it once), they do not necessarily have an object in front of them in order to mentally perform some actions with it. However, it is worth noting that the predominance of this type of thinking in a person does not necessarily determine a humanitarian mindset.
  • Love for the humanities. A humanities child would rather prefer literature, language, history, etc., than mathematics, physics and other natural and technical sciences. However, there are cases when people with such a mentality love not only the humanities, but they find them more difficult.

So, a child’s humanitarian mindset can be determined by his increased emotionality and sensitivity, by his ability to understand people and establish contacts with them, by his love of reasoning and thoughts. After reading some interesting book or watching a movie, such children will think about it, try to feel it and imagine it. Humanities students are by no means passive, but they are less active and lively than children with an analytical mindset. They gradually accumulate knowledge, collect it bit by bit, and then can surprise adults with the vastness of their knowledge. At the same time, they are excellent at applying this knowledge in life, in communicating with people, etc.

The most preferred professions for people with this mindset: psychologist, teacher, philologist, historian, archaeologist, lawyer, political scientist, economist, sociologist, etc.

Features of people with a technical (analytical) mind

As a rule, in such people the left hemisphere is more developed and dominant. Children with a technical mindset belong to the thinking type of personality and are characterized by:

  • Understanding the world through logical circuits. When faced with some new situation or phenomenon, the technician will try to analyze it from all possible sides and aspects, and consider every little detail. For example, in fairy tales, such children will pay more attention to the actions of the heroes, asking how they managed to do this or that action. Techniques are not devoid of feelings and emotions, but for them they fade into the background.
  • Active mode of action. Technicians prefer to act rather than reason. At the same time, they strive to think through everything in detail, to make their activities clear and purposeful. Such children are not so much interested in listening to the discoveries of others as in making these discoveries themselves. Even in games, they strive to invent something new, come up with and introduce their own rules.
  • Commitment to one specific point of view. As a rule, technicians tend to have one point of view, one way of acting, etc. They find it difficult to accept the existence of other opinions. For this reason, studying sciences where there are many theories and paradigms that explain one phenomenon is difficult for them.
  • The predominance of the abstract-logical type of thinking. As a rule, such people think in categories that do not exist in nature. They strive to explain everything from a logical point of view: to connect concepts with each other, to draw conclusions, etc. But it is worth remembering that the predominance of this type of thinking will not necessarily determine a technical mindset.
  • Love for natural and technical sciences. Mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, areas in which drawings and diagrams predominate - this is the element of technical people. This does not mean that they do not like to read books and watch films, or are not interested in art. It’s just that analysis, reasoning and discussion are not typical for children with an analytical mindset.

Children with a technical mindset can be briefly described as very active, but at the same time rational and rarely showing their emotions. They strive to learn everything from their own experience, make great discoveries, and go down in history. Their goal is to obtain new knowledge, new ways of acting. At the same time, it does not matter at all that this knowledge and methods of action could have existed earlier. Techies are energetic and self-confident, but at the same time find common language It can be difficult for them with others, and they do not always strive for this. They love technology and are good at it.

The most preferred professions for people with a technical mindset: mathematician, physicist, chemist, engineer, architect, mechanic, programmer, biotechnician, cook (cook), etc.

Math ability is one of the main indicators.

Is it possible to change the tendency?

In most cases, inclination and mentality determine the future profession and type of activity. However, situations often arise when, contrary to these criteria, it is necessary to choose another area of ​​activity. So is it possible to change a child’s inclination towards technical or human sciences? Yes, in some situations this is acceptable:

  1. The child has a synthetic mentality. This means that both the humanities and technical sciences are given to him equally. In this case, it is worth getting him interested in other disciplines and instilling a love for them.
  2. The child shows interest in the opposite area of ​​knowledge. A great desire is an excellent driving force for mastering any field of knowledge. Having the interest, desire and support of loved ones, a child will be able to successfully master any profession, even one that contradicts his mentality.

It is worth remembering that no person is completely deprived of the ability to master certain sciences. He just feels great love for some, and they come much easier to him. Most often, it is precisely on the basis of this inclination that one chooses future profession. However, the human brain is so complex that with great desire and desire, it allows one to achieve success even in those areas that seem infinitely far from his mentality.

From the basics of psychology it is known that the hemispheres of the brain are responsible for the mental function. People with a dominant right hemisphere are more emotional, they are distinguished by imaginative, abstract thinking. Such individuals have a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere dominates, the person is more practical, has analytical thinking and mathematical mind mind.

There are 5 main categories of human thinking:
- practical mindset;
- artistic and figurative;
- humanitarian;
- math();
- universal mindset ().

What type of thinking do you have?

In order to understand your type of thinking, first of all you need to become more familiar with each of them.

Practical mindset. People who have it everyday life give preference to objective thinking. They are consistent in everything and have an inextricable connection between the subject-space-time. A person with such a mentality is inherently not inclined to fantasize and dream.

Artistic and imaginative mindset. With this type of thinking, all information is processed using images. Such people have a developed imagination and vocabulary. It’s easier for them to tell than to show with action. A person with an artistic-imaginative mindset is very easy to recognize, since he reacts sharply to criticism and is emotional in almost all manifestations. Analytical abilities in such a person are much less pronounced.

A person with an artistic and imaginative mindset is ideally suited to the profession of a psychologist, social worker, as well as creative professions.

A humanitarian mindset that can be described as iconic thinking. A person of this type processes information using inference. Such a person does not build a logical chain based on “small details”, but ties it to a specific imaginary goal. In this he is helped by developed intuition and creativity, which is based on imagination and feelings. The emotional method of cognition is the first thing a humanist relies on.

Mathematical (analytical) mindset. In this situation the opposite is true. People with this mindset prefer laws, rules and formulas. Unlike humanists, these individuals are able to more adequately assess the situation and solve serious issues. Cold calculations help to succeed in the commercial field. The analytical mindset is based on the logic of reasoning and is the complete opposite of intuitive thinking. Facts, objective information and figures are what such people prefer to be guided by.

Mathematical (analytical) thinking has great similarities with a practical mindset.

Universal (synthetic) thinking. People who have such a mentality can be called lucky, because they have all the abilities. Both their left and right hemispheres are well developed. They have a fairly clear picture of the world and are well versed in technical disciplines. They are emotional realists. However, these abilities are not divided equally, but with some advantage. And in order to identify the predominant type of thinking, it is necessary to pass a special psychological test.

Based on the above, knowledge about types of thinking and mindset has a huge impact on your future successful future. Develop in the right direction! Good luck to you!