How to bleach white clothes at home. How to properly wash white clothes

Experienced housewives, before bleaching white items, carefully read the instructions for the chemicals they will use when washing. When choosing a bleaching method, you should take into account not only the chemical composition of such products, but also the characteristics of the fabrics, as well as the degree of contamination. With the right approach, grayed, yellowed or faded things acquire pristine purity.

There are many methods that can be used at home. However, they do not require the purchase of expensive bleaches. You can bleach clothes with soda, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, table salt, laundry soap and other methods. Many of them were used by our great-grandmothers before the advent of modern powders and bleaches.

For high-quality washing, you must follow the rules for performing such a process. Before bleaching white items, you need to determine the type of fabric and level of contamination. If there are no stains on the material, then this greatly simplifies the process. Things that have turned gray and faded are, of course, difficult to return to their original appearance. But at home you can achieve the purchase of cleaner white.


One of the best means, which helps restore whiteness to things, is ammonia. This method can only be used for linen and cotton materials.

Ammonia can ruin the fibers of synthetic fabrics and their color. Ammonia is often used to whiten bed linen. To do this, you need to take 10 tablespoons of the product and dilute it in 15 liters of warm water, the temperature of which is about 40 degrees. Soak the laundry in this solution for several hours, then perform the usual washing using washing powder.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

At home, a wonderful and inexpensive bleaching agent is used - a solution of soda and hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tablespoon of peroxide in 3 liters of water, add 1 teaspoon of soda and soak the grayed items for 30 minutes. Every 5 minutes you should stir the container with washing. This method is suitable for various white fabrics - natural and synthetic.

Wool and cashmere should be bleached with peroxide with caution. If you need to bleach woolen items at home, you can use a method that has been proven over the years - a special solution. It consists of the following components:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • 8 tablespoons of table salt.

All components of the solution should be dissolved in warm water and the yellowed laundry should be immersed in it. The whitening process takes about 3 hours. After this, you can continue washing in washing machine. It should be noted that this method is suitable not only for wool. It is safe for a variety of fabrics. But before bleaching expensive items, it is better to check the effect of the solution on small area matter.

Potassium permangantsovka

It helps restore the original whiteness of clothes. This method must be used with extreme caution to prevent your favorite items from being painted a bright crimson color. If you dilute the correct solution, it will not leave marks on the material. The water should take on a light pink tint. It is enough to keep the clothes in this solution for about 20 - 30 minutes. You can combine washing in potassium permanganate and washing powder. This method allows you to “save” even faded things.

Methods for washing various items of clothing and interior decoration

If washing is done taking into account which item of clothing should be bleached, the result will be much more effective. It is most convenient to wash white socks using laundry soap. This product produces an excellent whitening effect. Today there is a special laundry soap on sale that contains whitening components. It is also suitable for quick hand washing of underwear at home.

If the tulle has acquired a gray or yellowish tint, then in the best possible way The solution to the problem is to use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. For 5 liters of water you can add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of peroxide.

But boric acid will help get rid of yellow sweat stains on T-shirts and white shirts at home. When washing, add 2 tablespoons of boric acid to 7 liters of water, soak the item for 2 - 3 hours, and then wash it in the usual way - in a washing machine or by hand with the addition of washing powder.

Kitchen towels can be bleached using homemade methods. If the result does not return to its original whiteness, you can try special bleaches that are designed to remove stains. It is necessary to purchase chemicals specifically for white natural materials. A properly selected product will not damage the fabric or thin its fibers.

White bed linen should always be in perfect condition to ensure homeliness and comfortable rest. If you purchased sheets and duvet covers yellow, whitening at high temperatures will help. You can use the above methods, which are suitable for natural fabrics, and then wash in a washing machine at 80 degrees.

Whitening white clothes is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Today there are many means, both improvised and ready-made, that will help restore the original whiteness of materials. It's no secret that white things show the skills and hard work of the housewife.

White clothes always look elegant, fresh, elegant and are suitable for both holidays and business meetings. But, unfortunately, light-colored fabric gets dirty very quickly, even small stains are clearly visible on it, and in order for your favorite item to remain in perfect condition for a long time, it will be useful to learn how to bleach a white shirt at home.

How to wash a white shirt: basic rules

  • Before washing, you need to sort your clothes by fabric type and color. White items are washed separately from colored items, using special detergents.
  • When washing and bleaching fabrics made from cotton, wool, linen, silk, chiffon, and synthetics, different washing modes and temperatures are used.
  • Chlorine bleaches are used only for cotton and linen products.
  • In order to prevent the appearance of new stains and contamination of the laundry during machine washing, it is necessary to ensure that no water from the previous wash remains in the drain.
  • It should be remembered that you need to wash clothes in a timely manner, since long-term storage of worn items leads to the appearance of gray or yellowish tints.
  • When washing white clothes combined with colored inserts, to prevent the fabric from fading, it is recommended to add salt to the detergent.
  • White shirts need to be bleached after 2-3 washes, as frequent use of bleaching agents thins the fabric.
  • When washing, it is recommended to add reagents to the water to reduce its hardness.

How to bleach white things from yellowness or stains

Methods of whitening with hydrogen peroxide

  1. The mixture is prepared in a well-ventilated area. To do this, take: half a bucket of hot water, 45 ml (3 tbsp.) 3% perhydrol solution and 15 ml (1 tbsp.) ammonia (ammonia). A white shirt, washed by hand or in an automatic machine as usual, is placed in the solution for 90–120 minutes. After soaking, the item is rinsed well in warm, then in cold water.
  2. Instead of perhydrol, you can use hydroperite. For half a bucket of water you need to take 4.5 tablets of hydroperite, and then proceed according to point 1.

White things lose their pristine freshness and whiteness over time. The need for frequent washing leads to the appearance of a grayish tint or yellowness. Any woman who cares about her white clothes looking neat and well-groomed will achieve this with the help of simple substances. Let's consider ways that do not harm various fabrics and allow you to bleach white things at home.

Washing white clothes with “Whiteness” in an automatic machine

Carefully sort through the items to be washed. When putting it in the machine, it is enough to look through and put something colored along with the white linen, and instead of the expected whiteness you will get spoiled, faded things. Pour ¼ cup of bleach or powdered bleach into the powder compartment. Choose a long wash cycle with pre-soaking. This method is quite aggressive; before using it, read the instructions for the bleach and the labels on your clothes in advance. It is usually used for washing items made from durable cotton fabrics: tablecloths, napkins, white jeans.

Hand wash with “Whiteness” to whiten whites

You can bleach items that require delicate bleaching without resorting to equipment. Hand washing white cotton items can restore their original color. Wash the items in 6-7 liters of soapy water with two tablespoons of “Whiteness”. Leave them in the water for half an hour, remembering to stir occasionally. Rinse well several times in cool water. Not all types of fabrics tolerate chlorine bleaches. They are suitable for bleaching washed cotton textiles.

Whitening white clothes: ammonia

When bleaching yellowed items, soak them after washing in water with a few drops of ammonia added for 2-3 hours. The water should be very hot, approximately +70 degrees and completely cover the laundry. Rinse it thoroughly in warm, then in cold water. This is an excellent method for processing lace products. For wool and silk, the recommended water temperature is no higher than +30 degrees.

Whitening white clothes: laundry soap

The gray tint of white laundry eliminates laundry soap. Rub it on wet things and place it in plastic bag, tie tightly and leave it like that for a day. The next day, take out shining white clothes from the bag.

Ancient methods of bleaching white clothes

Our grandmothers solved the problem of returning lost white items. Traditional, proven substances recommended for this are found in every home: salt, soda, ammonia, 3% hydrogen peroxide.

  • Among the “grandmother’s” methods, bleaching with hydrogen peroxide comes first. A teaspoon of peroxide is enough for 2 liters of water. Immerse yellowed or grayed items in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Turn them over periodically to achieve even whitening. By mixing peroxide and soda in water, you can achieve dazzling whiteness even in well-used clothing.
  • A good result can be achieved by bleaching things with water and soda ash. The washing solution is prepared as follows: dissolve 5-6 tablespoons of soda in 5-6 liters of heated water, pour in 2 tablespoons of ammonia. Immerse items to be bleached in it. After a few hours, rinse them thoroughly and wash as usual. Some items made from natural fabrics, with the exception of clothing, can be boiled in this solution. For example, bed linen, towels, socks, underwear.
  • Regular table salt will help restore the whiteness of wool and cotton fabrics. Use the following composition without fear of spoiling them: dissolve a handful of salt, 1 spoon of ammonia, 3 spoons of peroxide in 2 liters of water, heated to the temperature indicated on the label of your clothes. A little washing powder in this composition will not harm things.

Black and white things are fashion classics. They will never stop being popular. There are several reasons for this - such an outfit is universal, multifunctional, elegant, but, despite the abundance of these positive qualities, things in black and white have one drawback - they are quite difficult to care for. The light part requires bleaching after several washes, while the dark part retains its original tone. How to proceed in this case so that bleaching does not damage the product? Here are the most effective recommendations from professional housewives.

We use oxygen-based bleaches

One of the most effective products are ready-made oxygen-based household bleaches. They are available in a huge variety on store shelves. The following brands have proven themselves to be excellent: Clorox 2, Purex, OxiClean. In principle, all products of this type have a similar composition, which means they have a similar effect. Therefore, you can also purchase products from other manufacturers.

Use oxygen bleach as follows: Dilute a quarter glass of the product in 5 liters of water. Stir thoroughly until the drug is completely dissolved. Then place the item and leave it for a day, then wash it as usual.

Using dish soap

An alternative method for bleaching black and white items is a mixture of dish detergent and ammonia. To do this, both components are mixed in equal parts and then dissolved in 5 liters of water. Place the item in the composition for literally 15 minutes. Then remove and wash. After such manipulations, the item should acquire its pristine whiteness.

Non-standard solution

Regular green tea and table salt will come to the rescue when whitening black and white things. Dissolve 200 ml of green tea in 5 liters of water, then leave the product for 10 minutes. After this time, take out the outfit and proceed to the next stage of processing. To do this, add a little water to the salt to make a paste. It is applied to the item and left to act for 15 minutes. Then the product is rinsed in cold water. After thoroughly rinsing the item, begin washing. For this, it is best to use mild bleaching powders. It is also recommended to use concentrated detergents.

Bleaching with borax

A non-standard solution for bleaching black and white items is to use borax. Otherwise it is called boric acid. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. This component should be used in this way. A quarter glass of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water, after which the item is placed in the concentrate and left for 10 minutes. Then wash the outfit in the same solution. Finish cleansing by rinsing things in cold water.

Using color stabilizers

Many popular manufacturing companies household chemicals, produce unique products - so-called color stabilizers. In addition to the fact that they wash things perfectly, they also return them to their original color. If you need to return the shade and also bleach the item at the same time, you can use similar ready-made products, for example, Dreft. They are simple and easy to use. Typically, manufacturers recommend pre-soaking the item in the product and then washing it in the usual way.

Whatever method you choose to whiten your product, do not forget to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding product care, which are indicated on the label. This will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes and wear the item for a long period of time.

Has your linen lost its former whiteness and freshness? Has it got stubborn stains? Don't rush to throw away such things, you can still save them. So that you can do this, let's figure out how to bleach laundry at home.

Factory-made bleaches, including chlorine-based products, work well with many stains, as well as yellowness on clothes. For example, white linen made from strong fabrics can be easily tidied up using ordinary “Whiteness”. This tool should be used like this:

  1. First, you will need to prepare a soap solution by taking three liters of water, a spoonful of powder or laundry soap, and a tablespoon of bleach. IN in this case The dosage must be observed very strictly, otherwise the clothes may be damaged during washing.
  2. After this, the resulting solution will need to be mixed very well and things should be put into it. Products should be left in it for 20 minutes. There is no need to soak them longer in such a bleaching agent - it can damage the fabric.
  3. Then you should remove the items from this solution and rinse very well. Usually, after such washing, no dirt remains on the clothes.

Important: this product is absolutely not suitable for thin fabrics such as silk, chiffon, or lace. Do not put products made from such materials in water with whiteness even for a minute - they will be hopelessly damaged.

For delicate items, you can use bleaches that do not contain chlorine (for example, Vanish). They do not damage fabric fibers. Depending on the manufacturer's instructions, such bleaches must be added to the water when soaking the product or to the powder when machine washing.

Method 2 - boiling

This is one of the most radical remedies that allows you to tidy up even colored linen. This method should be used like this:

  1. First you need to take a large container for boiling things, put laundry in it and fill it with water at the rate of 10 liters of water per kilogram of clothes. You can add shavings of laundry soap to the water - it copes very well with various contaminants.
  2. The container must be placed on the fire and brought to a boil. All this time, the contents of the brew must be stirred.
  3. After boiling, things will need to be removed from the boiling water and rinsed well several times.

Important: if you use boiling to bleach things, be sure to put all items in the boiling water before you put it on the fire. If you put things in a pan in which the laundry is already boiling, the stains on them will go deeper into the fabric, and it will be almost impossible to wash them in the future.

To achieve better results when boiling clothes, you can add a little blue or a couple of spoons of soda to the water. This will enhance the effect of boiling and reduce the procedure time to half an hour.

Method 3 - oil

If your favorite item has turned gray, you can bring it back in order with the help of vegetable oil. To prepare a bleaching solution based on it, you will need:

  • a tablespoon of dry bleach;
  • 1/2 cup washing powder;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower oil is suitable);
  • 5 liters of warm water.

All presented components must be mixed until smooth, then put things into the resulting mixture and leave to soak for 3 hours. After this, they will need to be washed and rinsed well.

Important: with the help of sunflower oil, you can get rid of even old and difficult to remove stains. Please pay special attention use this method if you need to put things in order that cannot be boiled.

Method 4 - potassium permanganate

This product will allow you to effectively get rid of yellowness and stubborn stains on fabric. It can be used in two ways. So, if the stain is small, you should take a few crystals of potassium permanganate and add them to a glass of ordinary table vinegar, then you will need to take a cotton pad, soak it well in the resulting solution and wipe the stain with it. This product can be used even when you do not have the opportunity to organize a full wash of laundry.

If you need to eliminate a large stain or remove yellowness from an item, you will need to act differently. You should take a bucket, fill it with water, heat this water on the stove, and then add a small amount of potassium permanganate and washing powder to it. Your solution should turn out to be a soft pink color. After this, you will need to wait until this solution cools down a little, wash the items as usual and rinse them well in this product.

Method 5 - soap

This is one of the most simple ways, which can be used to bleach washed laundry. It is used like this:

  1. Take a bar of ordinary laundry soap without fragrance. Rub it on a coarse grater or chop it with a knife.
  2. After this, put the soap in a basin in which the laundry is soaked, or in the powder compartment if the clothes will be washed in an automatic machine.
  3. After this, the items are washed according to the selected program in a machine or manually.

Important: in order to achieve best result for such washing, you will need to add a little soda to the powder container or to the basin with the laundry along with the soap. This will help refresh even gray laundry. If this step does not give the desired result, try treating stains with hydrogen peroxide.

Method 6 - peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to whiten gray or yellowed lace underwear. It is even suitable for synthetic fabrics that cannot be boiled. Use it like this:

  1. Take two liters of warm water. Add 5 tablespoons of peroxide to it, stir the solution thoroughly.
  2. Items are pre-washed by hand or in a machine. After that, they are placed in this solution and left for half an hour.
  3. After this, the clothes are removed from the solution and rinsed well.

Important: this method can be used not only in cases where white linen has turned gray, but also when colored linen has lost its color intensity. This is one of the few remedies that will not spoil it.

There is another way to bleach things with hydroperite. They use it like this: take two liters of boiled water at a temperature of up to 70 degrees, add a tablespoon of soda ash, as well as a teaspoon of peroxide. Place the item in the resulting mixture for a quarter of an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed in regular cool water.

Important: the presented recipe can be used for those things on which yellow spots appeared quite a long time ago. It is also suitable for various types fabrics.

Method 7 - ammonia

Ammonia can be used on delicate fabrics, including wool. They do it like this:

  1. Take 10 liters of water, put 6 tablespoons of salt, 50 grams of powder, a spoonful of peroxide and a spoonful of ammonia into it. All this is diluted to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Place things in the resulting mixture and leave for 10 hours.
  3. After this, the products are washed by hand or in a machine, choosing a delicate wash cycle.

Tip: You can even wash silk items with ammonia. It will not damage the fabric.

Method 8 - soda

Baking soda can be used to remove stains when washing by hand, and to treat items when washing in an automatic machine. If you are going to wash the items by hand, you will need to take a basin, pour 5 liters of water into it, add 5 tablespoons of soda, and then soak the items in the resulting solution for 2 hours. After this, they can be washed with powder or laundry soap.

Important: if you are dealing with old stains, be sure to add 2 tablespoons of ammonia to this solution. It will cope well even with difficult to remove stains.

How to bleach things if you are going to wash them in a machine? You will need to take 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and pour it into the powder compartment before washing. You can use any washing mode, depending on the type of fabric.

Video: removing stains using regular soda and hydrogen peroxide:

Method 9 - aspirin

Ordinary aspirin copes very well with a grayish or even yellowish tint on clothes. Use this tool like this:

  1. Take two liters of hot water (but not boiling water), add 5 aspirin tablets of 325 grams each. To make the tablets more easily dissolved in water, they can be ground into powder beforehand.
  2. The products are left in the resulting mixture for 8 hours. If yellowness on clothes appeared quite a long time ago, it is better to leave things in this mixture for a day.
  3. After this, things are washed by hand or in a machine.

Important: when soaking things in water with aspirin, you need to make sure that they are completely immersed in water. If necessary, add a little more solution so that the water completely covers the laundry.

Aspirin can also be used for machine washing. To do this, the aspirin tablet itself must first be dissolved in water, and then the resulting water must be poured into the powder compartment. You can wash things on any acceptable mode.

Method 10 - boric acid

How to whiten underwear quickly and easily? Use boric acid for this purpose. To get the best result, you will need to fill a bowl with several liters of warm water and add 2-3 tablespoons of boric acid to it. Things will need to be soaked in it for half an hour and washed as usual.

Important: use this product for children's things: T-shirts, panties, socks. It will not only return the products to their former whiteness, but will also perfectly disinfect them.

Method 11 - mustard

Lacy underwear and light-colored items made from delicate fabrics can be bleached using ordinary mustard powder. Use it like this:

  1. Take a tablespoon of powder, pour a liter of hot boiled water and leave to settle for two hours.
  2. After this, the water is drained and new mustard is added. This step is repeated until the required amount of water is obtained for the upcoming wash.
  3. Then simply use the infused water to wash things with soap or powder.

Important: unlike other presented methods of bleaching things folk remedies, this one can be used quite regularly, since it is least harmful to the tissue itself. You just need to get used to using settled water, and there will be no problems with it.

Method 12 - microwave

Microwave bleaching is most suitable for items made of dense fabrics, for example, kitchen towels. It is used like this:

  1. To begin with, the product is well moistened under running water.
  2. Then the item is thoroughly soaped with laundry soap. You can also use regular washing powder instead.
  3. After this, the product is placed in a plastic bag, put in the microwave and left there for one and a half minutes. If the product is very dirty, you can run the microwave for 1 minute 3 times in a row at short intervals.
  4. After such washing, the product will need to be rinsed additionally to remove traces of soap. This can be done manually or in a washing machine.

Important: you should not do this with things that have difficult to remove stains, for example, blood stains. They can eat into the fabric. If your white linen has simply faded, this option is ideal.

Method 13 - machine wash

If you don't have the opportunity to soak your laundry for a long time before washing, you can try bleaching it in an automatic washing machine. This method can be safely used for items made of dense fabrics, for example, linen or cotton, but it will not work for delicate items, including lace underwear. You will need to act like this:

  1. First, you need to pour the powder itself, as well as special bleach, into the washing powder compartment. Select the dosage of these products according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. After this, you will need to load white items into the clothes compartment and run a wash cycle with a temperature of at least 70 degrees.
  3. Then all you have to do is wait until the wash is finished and hang your laundry out to dry. If you do everything correctly, your white clothes will be in perfect condition after this treatment.

If you have tried all available methods on how to bleach washed laundry at home, but have not achieved the desired result, take the items to the dry cleaner. There they can be put in order in just a few days.

Video: a proven method for whitening laundry and removing stains: