How to write beautiful letters for an adult. Letters with a pen in beautiful handwriting: how to learn to write for a child and an adult


For classes, you need to prepare tools: two notebooks in a slanted line, like for first-graders, two regular notebooks, a fountain pen that will fit comfortably in your hand and will not cause discomfort during classes. The paste (ink) should come out from under the ball of the rod easily, but not “smear” the paper. Psychological comfort in such classes is one of the main keys to success. Experts recommend playing your favorite slow music during lessons and spraying pleasant, non-harsh aromatic products into the room. It is important to understand that they should bring pleasure and not cause irritation. Only this approach will provide excellent results in a short time.

At the second stage, it is necessary to analyze exactly what problems there are with handwriting. Rewrite a short text, about half a notebook page. Look carefully at each letter and combination of letters, highlight those that look especially clumsy and sloppy, which will be difficult for another person to understand. Problematic “moments” need to be written down in another notebook - each on a separate page. You need to transfer them not the way you usually write, but the way they should be written, in accordance with the rules of calligraphy. In any library you can find textbooks on calligraphy, but if you are too lazy to visit them, you can find manuals on the Internet. Most of these types of books are provided to users.

Your first calligraphy lessons don't have to be long. It is enough to write a few characters on each page in a prepared notebook. For some, it is easier to first master one letter or a combination of letters, and then proceed to the next page in a prepared one. You need to start classes “in an oblique” line. This kind of ruling disciplines, teaches you to maintain the necessary inclination of the letters and make them the same size. You can move on to the next stage only when you are confident in drawing clear and understandable characters that comply with the rules of calligraphy. As an experiment, you can copy small texts or sentences into a regular-lined notebook or onto a sheet without markings. But there is no need to rush, it is better to be patient, then the result will be as expected and wanted.

During classes to correct handwriting, special gymnastics for the hands and fingers is very important. Its main task is to make the fingers flexible, sensitive and strong. Calligraphy experts recommend the following exercises:
circular rotations with brushes,
flexion of the wrist joint,
rhythmic clenching and unclenching of a fist,
circular movements with fingers,
fan-shaped movements.
It is useful to collect pictures and construction kits from small parts. It is better to choose those models of puzzles and puzzles that consist of a large number of parts. You can set aside a separate corner in the house for working with them, and don’t abandon the task until it’s finished. This disciplines and develops perseverance, helps to get rid of stress.

Learn to evaluate your work, give yourself “marks” like this, but do it objectively, without self-pity and narcissism. Be as strict as possible - if at least one letter in the work turns out to be clumsy or out of order, reduce the grade by one point. And if it doesn’t work out, ask someone close to you to look over the written text and point out errors in calligraphy. It will be just great if you get help from a person who can write beautifully himself, but who will not be afraid to offend you with an objective assessment. There is no need to scold yourself, it is important to find an incentive, learn to perceive criticism as a guide to action, a springboard for achieving new heights. Analysis of errors should be recorded - unsuccessful letters should be moved to the beginning of a new page in the notebook.

After you started to succeed beautiful letters and combinations of letters, you can move on to longer sentences and texts. At the initial stage, you need to write them in a notebook “in an oblique line.” This will allow you to maintain your results when moving to a new level of training. You need to rewrite small texts or individual sentences and phrases. It's useful to start keeping track of the time it takes to write a certain number of lines or words. It is better to take into account lines, since words have different volumes. Another option to increase your writing speed is to set a timer. You can also use your favorite musical composition as a time counter. But haste should not affect the quality, and if the handwriting is distorted, then it is too early to rush. It is necessary to continue to evaluate your work, to do this without concessions or discounts on speed and time.

It is important not only to achieve good results, but also to preserve them. Even if you have learned to write beautifully, this should not be a reason to give up regular calligraphy and hand exercises. Not enough time? Set aside half an hour for this during work, but do not borrow time allotted for rest or lunch - this will be annoying. If your profession involves writing with a fountain pen, perform tasks in such a way as not to cause damage or reduce your efforts to zero. Complete the worksheet slowly, paying attention to each letter and word. This will be another incentive to success, but the most important thing is not to get frustrated with your usual clumsy handwriting. When starting calligraphy, set yourself up for the positive, realize that this is not just for one day, that there is a long road ahead that will definitely give a good result.

It’s nice when a child himself tries to write beautifully, and he succeeds. But sometimes you have to work hard to develop beautiful handwriting. And here the efforts of not only the child, but also the parents are needed.


Haste is the enemy of good handwriting. Some children try to quickly complete written assignments, rushing to return to games. Therefore, you need to set the expectation that the task should not only be completed, but also completed correctly and accurately.

There are three main points:
1) The child should sit upright, in the correct position.

2) The child must hold the pen correctly.

3) The child must learn to coordinate the movements of the fingers and the entire hand.
It is often inconvenient for children to write because the table is too big. Therefore, a table (desk) and chair are needed according to the child’s height. The optimal distance between the chest and the table is about 2 cm. The legs should be kept together, the back should be straight. It is also important that the handle is fixed. It should lie on the middle finger, closer to its tip. The index finger and thumb should hold it on the other side. The outer edge of the palm, the little finger and the wrist serve to support the hand while writing. In this position, the hand will not strain and the child will not get tired. It is also recommended to do exercises to relax your hand.
It is better to immediately develop the correct posture for your child when writing and teach him to hold a pen comfortably. Established incorrect habits are the dangerous enemies of handwriting.

And, of course, an important factor in developing beautiful handwriting is constant practice. You can practice writing texts in special recipes. For the skills to use a pen correctly, they are laid when drawing. The child is taught how to properly grip pencils and brushes, and then the child transfers this habit to the hand.
Previously, fountain pens were used to develop beautiful handwriting. Now you can also use a pen with a thin shaft. The main thing is that the thickness of the handle changes depending on the pressure. This will help the child develop calligraphy.

However, the most important condition- the child's desire. There can be a competitive element for this. And, despite the fact that to obtain good results, exactingness from the outside is necessary, it is imperative to praise the child for his successes. Then he himself will want to write beautifully and learn it faster.

A significant number of English-language news publications that duplicate materials on blogs use a drop cap in their design. The red line is highlighted with a capital letter, i.e. indentation The initial letter is always different from the main blog design. You can get such a drop cap quite easily: the DropCap First Charakter plugin was developed for blogs on the WordPress platform. The work of the plugin is simply to give a special design style to the first letter of the paragraph.

You will need

  • WordPress platform, DropCap First Charakter plugin.


The simplicity of the plugin lies in the fact that it consists of only 2 files. This plugin does not have a graphical shell, which allows you not to burden your blog with frills that affect the overall load. In principle, the contents of 2 files can simply be pasted into the text, the effect will be the same, but each time you copy the contents of these files into new topic- an activity that takes time.

The first file of this plugin automatically logs itself into your blog's admin panel, which can make finding this plugin much easier. And the second file is needed to create the design of our drop cap. In the body of this file you can change the following parameters: , font color, drop cap size, indentation, etc.

To add this plugin to your blog, you need it from the network. It is worth noting that it is in free, was written in, i.e. Don't look for a Russian version. All the necessary settings are contained in the last file, which are included in any plugin for WordPress.

Unpack the archive with this plugin. Use an FTP access program such as FileZilla or Total Commander. Connect to your file storage, upload the folder with the plugin to the address “site name wp-contentplugins”.

Go to the admin panel on your blog (site name/wp-admin). In the left column, find the “Plugins” item, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F, enter DropCap First Charakter in the search window. Next to this plugin, click the “Activate” link. The plugin will appear in the Recently Activated list.

Click "Add Entry" in the left column. In the window that opens, in the visual editor, write a sentence or a few words. Click View. A drop cap should appear instead of the first one.

Video on the topic

Teach a child to write letters not so simple, but nevertheless necessary. Even three year old child You can teach writing, but most teachers believe that this should be done a little later - before school, or even at school. After all, only at this age will a child be able to devote enough time and effort to studying, learning not just to write, but to write correctly and beautifully.


If you are determined to teach your child to write, buy a wide-ruled notebook so that the child can place letters to their full height. Oddly enough, but it’s much easier for children
large - this is how their entire structure is visible. The method works for the child
comparisons, because everything letters are similar and, knowing how to write one, the baby can easily write any
another. Do not use notebooks with a narrow ruler - the child will still have the opportunity to write in them.

Another very effective method learning is artistic cheating.
The idea is that you give your child some kind of postcard with beautifully written
letters, then give him a notebook, pencils and tell him to try to depict what he saw. Here, the main role is played by all kinds of colors and shades, which means that the child will not be interested in drawing with a simple pencil or with a pen. Let him do this with colored pencils or markers. Just don’t give your child gel pens - they are recommended for use only by children who can write.

You can consolidate the material you have covered in different ways, for example, use tracing paper. This translucent paper is needed to circle the printed letter in the copybook, and then substitute it under the letter that is written by hand. If obvious ones are noticeable, you should ask the baby for this letter again.

There are a huge number of different methods for teaching writing, but no matter which one you choose, you should not be faced with the task of turning your child into a “prodigy” of the time. Don't try to put pressure on him by filling his head with large amounts of information. Don’t bring your child to tears - he should be in trouble, because having “set his teeth on edge” from studying before school, it will be difficult to expect outstanding success from him in primary school. educational institution. Be patient, because everything has its time.


  • how to teach children to write with a wide line

Today you don't often have to handwrite - keyboards have replaced pens, and it's much faster and easier to type something than to write it. But when handwriting becomes necessary, a common problem arises: illegible handwriting. If you have repeatedly heard reproaches that you write illegibly, learn to write letters beautifully.


Find calligraphy courses. Lack of free time or money will, of course, prevent you from taking your handwriting seriously. But if possible - even with small restrictions, do not make excuses for yourself. Thanks to calligraphy courses, you will begin to write not just beautifully, but surprisingly accurately, your handwriting can be graded. A few months of training is worth it. Don’t be lazy, if there are similar courses in your city, sign up for them.

Get back to basics. Do you still remember how to write all the letters correctly? If the program of the first one is irretrievably lost for you, buy the copybook. There is nothing stupid or meaningless about this: who said that accurate writing of letters is only necessary? Look at the example letter and, as in school years, print line by line. From one letter, of course. When you master it, move on to the next one. Pay special attention to letter connections.

Take your time. Do you remember how diligently you wrote out the words in the first one? Now you need to do something similar. You may not really like the handwriting suggested in the copybooks. But it is better to imitate him first - he is the most understandable and simple. Master all the letters (really writing them all well), all types of connections, write several simple words and sentences in the copybook.

Find handwriting that you like. You can find examples of writing letters on the same websites of calligraphy courses - they are displayed there as examples. See what you like best. Consider whether you could cope with writing letters this way. Try to imitate. Write an entire alphabet for yourself in the writing style that you like. You may want to add some more elements to the letters, or simplify some things.

Exercise every day. And always try your best when writing. Even regular practice will not give results if, the next time you need to write a text by hand, you again quickly scribble something illegible.

Despite the fact that people are increasingly typing on a computer and writing by hand less and less, beautiful handwriting has not yet lost its value. An elegantly signed postcard, wedding invitation, or congratulation is much nicer to receive than printed text. In addition, beautiful handwriting is a reason to be proud.


Choose a pen that you feel comfortable holding in your hand. Try it first, holding the pen in your fingers, making large, sweeping strokes in the air, as if you were drawing on a blackboard. Thanks to this exercise, the movements of your hands will become clearer and more confident, and more even.

Try a few various options writing letters and choose the one that suits you best. Pay attention to how other people are. Look at examples, poets, philosophers, determine the characteristic outlines of letters, curls, etc. Handwriting often depends on the character of a person and can tell a lot about him. Find your personal writing style and use it.

Try writing on lined paper. Thanks to this, the lines will become even and will not jump up and down. After practicing, write a few sentences on a blank, unlined sheet of paper, and then draw it out and see if the lines are slipping, or if the distance between them is changing. different parts text. Practice until you succeed and learn to write equally smoothly on both lined and regular paper.

Learn to write the sentence “Eat some more of these soft French rolls and drink some tea.” The secret of this sentence is that it contains all the letters of Russian

Correct calligraphic handwriting characterizes a person from the good side. Such handwritten text is pleasant to look at, thanks to it the written information is easily perceived. Learn to write beautiful handwriting possible at any age. To do this, you need to practice a lot and study some theoretical nuances.

Rules for beautiful writing

There are several simple but important rules, observing which your letter will be beautiful, calligraphic. They will help you master the correct posture, how to hold a pen, and the location of your notebook:

  • Posture for writing. Correct posture is key to learning beautiful handwriting. Sit up straight, fix your head, shoulders, and torso in an even position. You should lean on the back of the chair, keep your legs at a right angle at the knee, feet on the floor or a special stand. You cannot lean on the table with your chest, your hands on the tabletop, your elbows should protrude beyond the edge of the surface.
  • Placement of the sheet on the table. The clarity of handwriting often depends on the position of the notebook. Place the sheet at an angle of 10-15 degrees. This will allow you to sit correctly, while it will be easy to move your hand from the beginning to the end of the line. As you write, the sheet moves upward at an adjusted angle. At first left hand holds it from below, then from above (for left-handed people a similar rule is valid, only for the right hand).
  • Holding the handle. The writing instrument should rest on the left side of the middle finger. At the same time, hold the handle on top with your index finger, and on the left side with your thumb. All three fingers need to be slightly rounded; there is no need to squeeze the handle too much. The index finger should rise easily without the instrument falling out of your hand. The ring and little fingers can be located inside the palm or lie at the base of the thumb. Maintain a distance of approximately 2 cm from the tip of the pen to the index finger. Choose a comfortable tool, preferably one with a special rubber band to prevent your fingers from slipping.

Methods to Improve Handwriting for Adults

There are several scientific methods to improve handwriting. They will allow adults to learn beautiful writing, change an already formed letter into better side:

  1. Copying. A simple way is to completely copy the handwriting that you think is beautiful. It could be the style of writing loved one or a corresponding font from the Internet. Rewrite the text many times in your chosen handwriting until you repeat it accurately.
  2. Autotraining. It is a psychological method that is not suitable for everyone. Before you sit down to write, you need to lie on your back for a long time, several times a day, close your eyes and completely relax. In this position, you need to imagine in detail how you write beautifully. It is important to feel warmth in your body, lightness and calm at these moments. Mentally say the words “my handwriting is perfect.” The disadvantage of this method is that more time is spent on auto-training than on writing itself. Not everyone achieves the desired result this way.

Do it yourself, or ask someone to stretch your hands. While writing, periodically do exercises for your neck, shoulders, back, and hands to stretch your muscles and restore blood circulation.

Correct your child's handwriting step by step; under no circumstances should you scold your child for writing a letter that is not very successful, so as not to discourage him from this activity. Some effective advice for classes to improve a child’s handwriting:

  1. Arrange a dictation for your child, let him write under the dictation of his parents, but do not rush so that he has time to write out the correct and beautiful symbols.
  2. It is important that the child likes the text; this will arouse interest in the letter.
  3. Use the “zebra”, it will help to form a correct understanding of the size of letters, their inclination, and develop the habit of writing smoothly on any sheet, even on unlined sheets.
  4. If a child is not good at writing specific symbols, then you should pay attention to this and devote special time to writing them down.
  5. Focus on those letters and words that are written perfectly; success will delight and motivate your child.
  6. For variety, teach your child to write alphabetic symbols. different languages peace.
  7. You shouldn’t overwork your children with activities; set aside special time for this along with studying, playing and relaxing.

Secrets of beautiful writing

The main secret of beautiful writing is practice; the more you write, the better your hand becomes. When writing, consider the following nuances of calligraphic handwriting:

  • all letters (capital and uppercase) must be the same size;
  • write characters and words evenly, maintaining a uniform slant;
  • at first, to learn beautiful handwriting, use notebooks with oblique rulers, at the end of training, switch to unlined sheets;
  • the edges of the characters should not break out to the top of the line or slide down;
  • learn to make equal spaces between words;
  • do not ignore punctuation marks, write them clearly, legibly and in the same size.

How to write numbers beautifully

After you have successfully learned how to write letters beautifully, move on to numbers. Get your notebook in a box and start copying according to the following recommendations:

  1. Unit: learning to write this number is very simple, because it consists of only two sticks. Start writing a small line from a point above the middle of the cell and slightly to the right, moving towards the upper right corner. Then, in one movement, confidently draw a line to the center of the bottom edge of the square.
  2. Deuce: Draw a gooseneck at the top of the cell, ending above the bottom edge. At the bottom, draw a wavy or straight line, both options are acceptable.
  3. Three: resembles a printed “Z”, consists of two semi-ovals that are located on top of each other. Start writing the number from the top half-oval. Make two confident movements with your hand.
  4. Four: an analogue of the printed version of the letter “H”, consists of three sticks. Draw a corner at the top of the cell, then in one motion add a large vertical line going from the right side of the corner.
  5. Five: five has no letter counterparts. Draw an inclined line, then draw a semi-oval from its lower end, at the end it remains to add a small horizontal line at the top.
  6. Six: the number is regarded as an oval with a curved side. It is also often said that the six looks like the letter “C” squeezed on both sides, in the lower part of which a small circle has formed. The writing technique is similar to the letter presented, only you need to close the oval at the bottom.
  7. Seven: a complicated modification of the unit with a wavy line at the top and a short horizontal stroke crossed out at the base.
  8. Eight: Represents an inverted infinity symbol. Consists of two ovals located one above the other.
  9. Nine: An inverted version of the number six. Draw a curl resembling an oval at the top of the cell, then add a rounded tail.
  10. Zero: the letter analogue is the letter “O” flattened on both sides. This is one of the simplest numbers and is extremely easy to learn to write.

Each of us learned a unique handwriting as a child. Why unique, you ask? Because each person has his own technique of writing letters, which is characteristic only of him alone. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find two completely identical handwritings, since some detail will still differ. However, some people have problems learning how to write beautifully, because standard handwriting does not suit them. And there are many reasons for this, since there are many people. Some people want to change their handwriting to a more calligraphic one because they think it is more beautiful. Others strive to get rid of “medical” handwriting and learn to write letters legibly. One way or another, people are trying to find out how to learn to write beautifully and what is needed for this. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article today, where we will talk about ways correct letter and how to learn the art of calligraphy.

What you need to understand how to learn to write beautifully with a pen

To do this, you will need only three items: a pen, paper and special copybooks, which will depict ideal letters and words.

There are several teaching methods. The easiest way to learn to write beautifully is to draw letters on paper until you like them. In this case, you need to write one letter at a time, using the entire alphabet. You can come up with writing them yourself or use so-called stencils. In any case, after you like the spelling of a certain letter, you need to remember it. To do this, write it several times and then, when you write something, follow correct spelling this sign. To learn how to write beautifully, you need to follow our recommendations:

  • First, you must sit up straight in the correct posture.
  • Secondly, you must hold the pen correctly.
  • You need to learn to coordinate the movements of the entire hand and the fingers directly.

The process of learning to write beautiful letters

Prepare your work area. There should be no unnecessary details on the table, just a pen and a few sheets of paper and calligraphy samples. Sit up straight, your back should also be straight, your elbows on the table. Get ready to write, grab the pen with three fingers - index, middle and thumb. Write one letter as beautifully as possible: both uppercase and lowercase. Periodically look at the copybook, strive for the ideal. Repeat until you reach your goal.


We've sorted out the letters, now let's move on to sentences. Ask someone to dictate the text to you. He must do this at a fast pace. You must have time to write down everything that is dictated to you. In addition, you need to make sure that you do it as beautifully as possible. After just a few of these dictations, your handwriting will improve. Just remember that you need to write as beautifully and quickly as possible.


If you are wondering how to learn to write beautifully, then we suggest starting with the most basic - look at several types of handwriting and understand what kind of handwriting you want. Don't expect the process of "fixing" your handwriting to take one week. It is quite lengthy and painstaking, but the result will greatly please you. Just as a child in first grade learns to write beautifully with a pen, so you can achieve what you want.

All kids want to learn how to write beautifully and competently; even adults dream about it. If more mature age It is more difficult to achieve this goal due to previously formed skills, but with schoolchildren everything is much simpler.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Unfortunately, at school we do not always immediately learn to write correctly due to the busy nature of teachers: heavy workload, full classes, etc. Parents should take the situation into their own hands here; they can help their child work on handwriting, which he will be proud of in the future.

How to achieve the desired result quickly and efficiently? Unfortunately, it is not possible to teach a child to write beautifully in a short time. To do this, he will need time, patience and practice. However, you can make the task easier with numerous techniques, programs and high-quality office supplies.

What do you need to buy to teach accurate and correct writing?

Before starting writing classes, you need to “arm yourself” with the necessary equipment, that is, office supplies. They must be of high quality and help the child on the path to improvement. The list of required purchases should include:

  • a simple slate pencil. The pencil should be moderately hard and sharpened so that the child can special effort move it across the paper. At the first stage of training, a pencil will be used to draw sticks and dashes, so the hand can quickly get used to such loads. A pencil will help eliminate a lot of stress on the fingers, wrist and other parts of the hand. It is lighter and more flexible than a pen and will help you write letters in the desired font with minimal effort;
  • ballpen. The transition from pencil to pens is very important, since now the child will learn not only to draw straight lines, but also try to do it carefully. It is worth planning the transition from a pencil to a pen for children aged 6-7 years. You should not choose helium or oil pens for practical exercises, as they easily spread and smear on the paper. It is advisable to have silicone finger rings installed on the handle; they will help keep your fingers in the desired position for a long time and prevent slipping;
  • notebook in oblique line. It is better to start learning in notebooks with light-colored sheets and a dense texture. The surface should not be slippery, otherwise the ability to write beautifully will take longer to develop.

In addition to the above-mentioned office supplies, you can purchase an eraser to correct what you have written, but experts strongly do not recommend doing this. Erasing failed first results will not help the child on the path to new achievements, but rather will become obstacles. Only by seeing his progress and success on paper will the child want to continue working on his handwriting.

Separately, we note here the issue of organizing a place for writing classes. It should be ergonomic and consist of a desk and a chair/chair adjusted to the child’s height. This approach will help him position his hand correctly to perform buildings and prevent health problems due to greater stress on the fingers and wrist.

In what ways can you learn to write beautifully in a notebook?

When a student needs to write quickly, he does not pay much attention to the aesthetics of his handwriting, but for a student, compliance with this writing requirement is extremely important. Handwriting, to some extent, can be called business card person, so parents should pay maximum attention to this issue in the first stages of education.

Please note that it does not matter whether a boy or a girl learns to write. Beautiful and clear handwriting is not associated with a specific gender, but the “clumsiness” of letters can immediately indicate a certain level of literacy or lack thereof.

If you decide to teach a first-grader at home in parallel with school, then your methodology should not conflict with the teacher’s approach. They should complement each other and improve the results already obtained. In no case should you retrain a child if he writes with his left hand, since this is a genetically inherent feature. Stress from right arm exercises will not produce the desired results, or they will only be obtained after a significant period of time.

So, how to teach a child to write words and even long texts beautifully in a notebook? Traditionally, it was believed that a feather or fountain pen could help improve the skill of accurate writing. Nowadays this technique is rarely used, since in comparison with modern methods it does not give good results.

Today, experts recommend using copybooks or more playful versions of activities in the form of thematic coloring books and drawings. In the first option, the child is taught to write correctly, according to established state standards. The student is given examples of filling out lines of sticks with squiggles, alternating printed and capital letters. When the baby begins to learn syllables, he is allowed to write first names, last names and short names.

Please note that it does not matter whether the child learns to write in Russian or English. Written assignments can be completed using different methods, but always with a certain regularity

Copybooks and games: skillfully combining

To practice skills for kids of different ages They offer a solution book that will be of interest to them and will definitely be within their capabilities. At an advanced level of learning to write, it is suggested that writing exercises be done in squares rather than in oblique lines. To fill out, not only the alphabet can be used, but also numbers; sometimes it is recommended to manually rewrite even the multiplication table or short books.

One lesson at home should not last more than 10-15 minutes in 1 day; this time should not be shortened or divided either. In 5 minutes, a child is unlikely to be able to remember the correct pattern for writing even the simplest letter.

An important factor on the path to the ability to write beautifully will be the factor play activity and competitiveness. If your child has extracurricular activities in an educational center, or you go to a school club, then you can ask the teacher to organize a small competition or use thematic coloring books, coloring with dots and special lines as aids. You can distribute samples to fill out, set a certain time for completing tasks, or set other additional requirements: correct completion, literacy, etc.

The most important thing in in this case Remember that the competition is not intended to highlight the success of individual students, but to stimulate their efforts. There is no need to scold or highly praise the child for failures/successes; the adult needs to show that efforts in studying will definitely pay off in the future and reinforce this statement with a small gift.

Calligraphy and handwriting correction

Experts believe that you can improve your handwriting at any age: both at 13 and at 30, you can and should continue to work on yourself. You will need to put in more effort than in the early stages of training, but the result will pay off.

At a more mature age, it is recommended to carry out calligraphy and handwriting correction using a simulator, special programs, work courses, etc. It is also worth considering that calligraphy is an entire art and therefore it will require serious effort and time, even if you have a talent for beautiful handwriting.

In eastern countries, calligraphy occupies an important place in the history of peoples, so there are entire houses of science dedicated to their study and practice. They prepare exercises and basic works on handwriting techniques of various styles and directions. You can take interesting approaches and teaching methods from them, it all depends on your preferences and interests of your child.

Thus, there are many methods on how to teach a child to write beautifully and even quickly in a notebook. The most popular of them were presented in this article, but you can find even more on the Internet or on the advice of familiar teachers. The main thing is that your child sincerely enjoys every lesson!

Beautiful handwriting is a rare phenomenon, especially in our time. It was in the nineteenth century that school had a subject called calligraphy, in which children were taught to write each letter. There was a need for this back then: there were no printers or copiers, all documentation was written and reproduced manually. And in order to be able to understand what was written, the handwriting of those who wrote had to be clear, understandable, even and beautiful. Now, in the age of computer technology, people are gradually losing the ability to write by hand. And even more so - write in beautiful calligraphic handwriting. Even in the education system these days, handwriting is not given the same importance as before.

On the one hand, this is correct: not all kids are good at writing letters, and besides, there are more important and necessary skills. On the other hand, the ability to write beautifully has never bothered anyone, and many people find their own beautiful handwriting a great pleasure.

What to do? How to learn to write beautiful handwriting? This is quite possible if you have the desire and some perseverance. Although some believe that the ability to write beautifully is an innate quality and those who are unlucky enough to have it should not even try. In fact, this is not entirely true. Although there is some natural predisposition to beautiful handwriting, just as there is an ability to draw or compose music, you can develop this predisposition in yourself. To the level of skill or even mastery. Nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence!

Tips for those who write no better than a chicken paw, marking letters with slurred and disordered symbols that are impossible to read.

  1. Practice. Write as much as possible. Moreover, this must be done with full attention: slowly, concentrated, writing out each letter.
  2. Buy a copybook. The same one in which first-graders draw their sticks, circles and hooks. At the same time, remember your childhood. This is a technique that has been tested for decades and really works. Your advantage over a first-grader is that, unlike him, you will study not under pressure, but of your own free will, with enthusiasm and desire. Therefore, your results should be more significant than those of a first grader. At least in comparison with your own results at this age.
  3. Go to your notebook. When you fill out the form, you can buy another one and fill it out again. In the event that you liked it or, conversely, you are not very happy with the result and want to improve it. After the copybook, where you write hooks using special rulers, you can move on to writing them in a regular notebook. It’s better to take a lined school notebook, one that has a regular line, but no auxiliary line. Now write the same thing you wrote in the copybook, only in this notebook. Compare the results. If the result in the notebook is worse, try harder.
  4. Individual letters. In the copybook and in the notebook you wrote sticks, hooks and other squiggles, and only at the end – letters. Now focus on writing individual letters. Take any letter and start writing it. Lowercase, uppercase, lowercase again, uppercase again, etc. Usually you find that some letters turn out better, some worse. Those that turn out well, you are ready to write all day long, and those that don’t turn out well cause you irritation, turning into hatred. Relax. Take a deep breath. Exhale. And continue working on your least favorite letters until you achieve a winning result.
  5. Take your time. It is unlikely that you will be able to write beautiful and impeccable handwriting after a couple of days of classes. Be prepared for a long process. But don't turn it into an unpleasant chore. Have fun. Then the result will come faster, and you will enjoy the process.
  6. Develop fine motor skills fingers. This helps to form beautiful handwriting. Engage in any activities with small objects: weave beads, crochet, sculpt crafts from plasticine and clay, paying attention special attention small details.
  7. Drawings. Drawing, especially drawing small objects and details, also helps improve handwriting. So draw as much as possible, for starters it’s better to draw with a pen. You don’t have to draw, but rather trace the drawings. Find some graphic image with lots of details and start tracing all the lines. You can also do shading, this will also be very useful. Buy a coloring book and shade the pictures with small, even, parallel lines.
  8. Use more than just your wrist. If you only use your wrist when writing and don't use your forearm muscles, you will have a hard time achieving beautiful handwriting. After all, you will not have the required scope, amplitude, and, accordingly, smoothness and roundness.
  9. Watch your posture. Correct posture when writing is important not only for your slimness and spinal health, but also for beautiful handwriting. If you slouch, droop one shoulder, or crane your neck forward, you create unnecessary tightness and tension in your body, which prevents you from writing easily and freely.
  10. Practice in your imagination. You must have a very clear idea of ​​what a particular letter looks like, how the letter connections are drawn, and how the entire word should turn out. You can do these types of imaginary writing skills exercises anytime and anywhere. For example, if you are stuck in traffic or sitting in line at the dentist. Once a letter or word is drawn in your imagination, you can trace its outline with your finger on any surface or in the air. It’s better not to do this while in line at the dentist. Your actions may make the nurses suspicious.
  11. Writing instruments. Once you have more or less mastered a regular ballpoint pen, try writing with other tools: a pencil, colored pencils, a dip pen, a fountain pen, felt-tip pens, and even paints with a brush. Why is this necessary? Firstly, these activities can bring you a lot of pleasure. Perhaps you will even plunge into a state of meditative trance, as happens with Buddhists who paint hieroglyphs with a special brush. This good exercise to relieve stress. Secondly, in this way you will consolidate your acquired skills and, possibly, diversify and decorate your handwriting.
  12. Corporate style. When you begin to get even, quite beautiful and in every sense decent letters and even whole words, you should think about developing your own, original and unlike others, handwriting. After all, the handwriting that is taught in copybook, for all its evenness and clarity, is not very suitable for an adult. And we strive to ensure that handwriting is not only understandable, but also beautiful. Think about how you can decorate it. Perhaps you will lengthen some vertical lines, add dashes above some letters, add some curls and other decorative elements. Your handwriting may be large and round, small and elongated, medium-sized and squat. It is believed that handwriting depends on the character of a person. Perhaps this is true. You can change something in your handwriting and thereby influence your character or simply decorate it.
It is quite possible to improve your handwriting for the better. You just need to be patient and persistent in developing your calligraphy skills.