How to get rid of sweat stains on a jacket. How to clean a coat from dirt and dust without washing

Cutting bad smell, ingrained into the fabric of the collar and lining in the armpit area, as well as sweat stains on the jacket, visible even after drying - a problem for most office workers who are forced to adhere to a dress code. Stuffiness and stress, as well as other factors, contribute to excessive sweating.

Causes of sweat stains on a jacket

Typically, sweat is a colorless, transparent liquid without a pungent odor. A yellowish tint that leaves marks on clothing can occur due to poor personal hygiene, which is why fungal bacteria develop on the skin, and constant contact with coloring chemicals can also affect it. It is possible that the cause is congenital dysfunction of the sweat glands in humans.

How to remove traces?

Clothes require careful attitude, especially the jacket. After washing in the washing machine, it may lose its appearance and shape, and it is impossible to wash it after every sweat. You only have to clean the sweaty areas. It is quite possible to remove stains at home, armed with a piece of cloth, a sponge or a cotton pad moistened with one of the solutions listed below or a steam iron.

Dry cleaning is a universal, but expensive method for daily removal of sweat stains. It's better to clean at home.

Steam stain removal

Using an iron with a steam setting can remove stains.

You can remove sweat stains with steam. This effective way both to get rid of sweat marks and odor. If you don’t have a steam generator at hand, you need to pour distilled water into a special container on the iron (you can add a little lemon juice) and treat problem areas: armpits and collar. If your iron does not have this function, you can boil water in a kettle and place the areas that need cleaning under a stream of steam. This method is suitable for cleaning suede and leather jackets.

Universal remedy - “Aspirin”

Used to combat traces of sweat on any fabrics various colors. It helps remove even old stains. To prepare the mixture, you need to crush several Aspirin tablets into a fine powder and stir it in a small amount of water. Then the paste is applied to the armpits of the jacket, after an hour it is rinsed and dried. After this procedure, you can also steam the fabric. The medicine also prevents sweat odor by sprinkling aspirin water on the lining under the arms.

How to remove stains with ammonia?

Ammonia is an effective absorbent. But it is not used undiluted. There are several recipes for preparing mixtures that contain ammonia. All of them help clean sweat-contaminated areas and get rid of persistent odors. These mixtures are easy to prepare yourself:

  • Mix ammonia with the same amount of vodka and treat the areas that need cleaning with the solution. The specific odor of ammonia is easily removed with water.
  • Mix 4 parts of ammonia with 4 parts of denatured alcohol and 1 part of water. Turn the jacket inside out and moisten the lining under the arms with the solution.
  • Dissolve salt in a mixture of ammonia and water (1:1:1). Use a sponge or cotton wool soaked in the solution to remove traces of sweat and rinse with water to avoid the appearance of salt stains.

Sweating – natural process our body. All harmful bacteria come out with sweat. Excessive discharge brings great inconvenience. The sweaty smell causes unpleasant sensations for yourself and others. To avoid such situations, you need to keep an eye on your belongings. Clothes can be soaked, washed thoroughly, but it is already more difficult to effectively remove sweat from a coat or down jacket. Don't throw away a good and expensive thing? People who have found a way to fix the problem share their personal experiences.

Modern methods

The first thing that might come to mind is to hand over outerwear for chemical processing. But dry cleaning services may not be available nearby. Moreover, this method is expensive and time-consuming. Not everyone can afford to use this method constantly.

A quick modern way to remove various odors is sprays.. Any store household chemicals offers similar tools. In a well-ventilated area, spray onto sweat-smelling areas and leave. The composition of the sprays includes harmless proteins that do not mask, but destroy odors. This method is fast and effective, but may not always be at hand at the right time.

Traditional methods

When you need to remove the effects of sweating without washing your outerwear, products that you always have at home will help.

Apple cider vinegar

Activated carbon can save a down jacket or coat. Grind 2-3 tablets into powder, apply to the desired area, leave for several days. Then carefully clean with a special solution of 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 2 glasses of water.

Ammonia with water will help. A glass of water, 1 tablespoon of alcohol, use a sponge to lightly rub the desired part. You can add 1 teaspoon of salt to achieve better results. It is advisable to leave it so that the odors dissipate and the down jacket dries out.

Regular vinegar can remove sweat. Dining room acetic acid, mix water in the proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 glass of warm water. Apply this mixture and let it soak. Baking soda can help with strong odors. After treating with the solution, lightly sprinkle the armpit area, then clean with an outerwear brush.

Baking soda can also help get rid of sweat odor.

You can remove the problem apple cider vinegar. Use a cotton swab or clean cloth soaked in undiluted solution to rub the sweaty area. You can sprinkle citric acid on the areas after slightly wetting them in advance.

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can get rid of the problem. You need to carefully pull off the lining, dip it in the essence, wait 30 seconds, wring it out and hang it out. This method is suitable for outerwear with thick lining fabric.

You can remove sweat using gasoline, then ammonia. The method should be used rarely and carefully. Frequent use may damage the coat.

Vodka can also remove odor. Moisten the problem areas a little and wait a couple of hours. If the material allows, treat with a steam iron; otherwise, hang it in fresh air.

Using cold you can fight the smell of sweat

Before using all traditional methods, it is recommended to first check the reaction of outer clothing by treating an inconspicuous small area.

Long-proven methods will help you get rid of unwanted odors without washing.

The sweaty smell will help remove the cold from your outerwear. When processing a down jacket in winter, it is enough to place it in a cold place. In summer, wrap your down coat tightly in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for half an hour. Then straighten and let dry. Thanks to the cold, the bacteria freeze and the unpleasant odor disappears. Anything can be processed this way.

Newspapers can remove sweat odor. Fasten the coat with buttons or a zipper, stuff it with clean newspapers, and leave it for several days. Special attention pay attention to the sleeves. Then it is advisable to hang the down jacket for airing.

Sweating is a natural process. But sweat has a rather unpleasant odor. This is what causes problems for many people. Athletes and just people who sweat intensely know firsthand how difficult it is to wash clothes from the smell of sweat. From this article you will learn many options for solving this delicate problem, namely: how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes.

Supporters of everything environmentally friendly try to use traditional methods even in the fight against traces of sweat under the arms. We have collected the most common methods that will help you get rid of odor and sweat from clothes.

How to remove armpit sweat odor from clothes without washing

It happens that it is not possible to wash clothes or the fabric from which these clothes are made will not survive such treatment. What to do in this case? How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes? Here are some no-wash cleaning options:

  • On the contaminated area of ​​clothing, in the place where the armpits are located, you need to pour a thick layer of baking soda, rub a little and leave it like that until the morning. The baking soda will absorb the unpleasant odor and all you have to do is shake it off the product.
  • Boil water in a small saucepan and add a few tablespoons of 9% vinegar to it. While the water and vinegar are boiling, hold the item that emits unpleasant odors over the steam.
  • You can wipe problem areas with pure vinegar 9%. No need to rinse. Wait for the clothes to dry. It is best to air dry; the smell of vinegar will disappear quickly.
  • The smell of sweat on clothes can be removed using this method. You need to mix 1 unit of salt, 4 units of water and 4 units of ammonia. Mix thoroughly and apply with a sponge to the stained area. Rub in lightly, and after 10 minutes wipe with a sponge soaked in clean water.

How to remove ingrained sweat odor from clothes

The longer dirty clothes sit unwashed, the more the smell from sweat will be absorbed. And the more difficult it will be to get it out. Therefore, try to clean such products as quickly as possible.

  • Table salt works great for stubborn sweat stains. You need to add 2 tablespoons per glass of water. Rub this solution well into the fabric and leave for half an hour. Then wash. This method is more suitable for natural fabrics.
  • The “smelling” mark can also be washed off using laundry soap. Lather generously on sweaty areas and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash as you are used to.
  • In a salt solution (a tablespoon of salt per glass of water), add one tablespoon of ammonia. Treat contaminated areas and leave for 15 minutes.

How to remove sweat smell from a jacket

There is no need to send your outerwear to the dry cleaner. You can get rid of unpleasant odor on one's own. There are several ways to keep your jacket fresh.

  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate it in the fresh air.
  • You can stuff your jacket with newspapers. They absorb odors and moisture well. To do this, you need to fasten the product and fill it with crumpled newspapers.
  • Places where excessive sweating has left its mark can be treated with ammonia and water. After that, just take the item outside and ventilate well.

How to get rid of sweat odor on a leather jacket

Leather has a special porous structure. Therefore, it absorbs various odors very well, including unpleasant ones, such as from sweat.

  • If the smell is not strong, try gently washing the area of ​​the lining where the armpits. Try not to wet the skin so as not to spoil it.
  • An unpleasant odor is caused by pathogenic bacteria. They can be easily destroyed using a disinfectant such as soda. You need to make a thick paste out of it, adding a little water to it. Treat with the resulting mixture inner part jackets. It must be applied in a thick layer. Wait for the baking soda to dry. After this it should be removed.
  • A leather product can be removed from an unpleasant odor using citric acid. It needs to be diluted in half with water and treated from the underside of the skin. After wiping, leave the jacket in the fresh air.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on a jacket

Some people, due to their profession, have to constantly wear a jacket. In this case, of course, one cannot do without problems such as an unpleasant odor. Then the question arises of how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, namely from a jacket.

  • Take one part rubbing alcohol, one part ammonia and three parts water. The solution must be mixed and treated with problem areas. inside. Next, blot clean cloth napkin. Once the jacket has dried, the odor removed should disappear.
  • If you need to clean your jacket winter period, it will be enough to take it out onto the balcony. In the cold it will be well ventilated and the smell will go away. Or you can use the freezer. Before sending your jacket there, please pack it in plastic bag.
  • If the product can be washed (check the tag on it), then do this by adding grated laundry soap to the water. You need to rinse in water with a small amount of vinegar.

If the smell of sweat remains on clothes after washing

Fabric softeners and fabric softeners will quickly deal with the problem of unpleasant odors.

In the wardrobe of each of us there are many things made of synthetic materials. Namely, they absorb odors remarkably well and do not “let go” of them for a long time. It is enough to wear such clothes once, and you will already need to wash them. But it often happens that even this does not save you from the pungent aroma. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes in such cases?

To avoid such unpleasant surprises after washing, you need to carry out the procedure correctly.

  • Before washing soiled clothes, soak them in warm water for 45 minutes. Pre-soap under your arms with laundry soap. Add a little vinegar or soda to the water. You need to soak it separately, without mixing it with other clothes, otherwise the smell may be absorbed into other things.
  • Before turning on the washing machine, add half a glass of 9% vinegar and 3 tablespoons of soda to it, namely to the drum.
  • The amount of powder needs to be increased slightly.
  • You can use oxygen bleach; you can also wash colored items with it.
  • Use fabric softener.
  • All washing machines have a pre-wash function. Use it, as it will help rid your clothes of unpleasant odors and heavy dirt.
  • Dry washed items only in air.

How to get rid of sweat odor on white clothes

Yellow sweat stains are especially visible on white items. Getting rid of them and the smell will not be easy, but it is possible even at home.

  • Mix water and vodka in equal proportions. Treat the area where your armpits are with the resulting solution. And then wash as usual.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will do an excellent job of removing yellow marks and a strong aroma. You need to add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water. You need to soak the product in this solution for half an hour. After treatment, wash the items in the washing machine. You can add a whitening agent to the powder.
  • Add two aspirin tablets to a glass of lukewarm water. They need to be crushed first. Stir until completely dissolved and treat stained areas. Leave for 2-3 hours. After this, rinse and wash with powder.

Special sweat liners prevent stains on clothes.

Removing the smell of sweat and its traces is a rather difficult process, so try to prevent the problem. Maintain personal hygiene. Wash things more often using high-quality powder. In winter, wear a T-shirt under your sweater. If you still cannot control your sweating, you can purchase special anti-sweat pads. They are very thin and will be invisible to others.

Important! When using any product, do not forget about the possibility of ruining the thing. Therefore, be sure to test before use. Apply a small amount of the selected product to an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If its structure and color do not change, you can safely use this method.

Not really

Leather jackets have not gone out of fashion for several decades. In addition to a stylish look, such clothes are practical. It will last a long time and will have a presentable appearance. But what if this item of clothing “smells” bad? Let's talk about how to remove the smell of sweat from a leather jacket.

Hyperhidrosis is a common problem among all population groups. Although sweating is a normal physiological process, over time, leather products become saturated with various odors much more than clothing made from other fabrics. Eliminating odors is quite difficult and is one of the biggest problems with leather clothing. Indeed, in some cases it is almost impossible to remove the ingrained stench of sweat. In this article, we’ll look at how you can get rid of the smell of sweat on leather products, and also share the secrets of dealing with unpleasant odors emanating from them.

How to remove the smell of sweat from a leather jacket: proven methods

Personal hygiene rules will help minimize the accumulation of sweat secretion on leather clothing. If the problem already exists, then the following methods will help deal with it.

Dry cleaning

The method is quite expensive, but 100% effective. If your leather jacket has unsightly circles under the arms and an unpleasant odor emanates from it that you can’t handle on your own, the best solution will become a dry cleaner. It will help your leather product find a “second” clean life.


  1. Surfaces from which an unpleasant odor emanates (armpits) should be treated with table vinegar. Leave the product for several hours, then wipe the skin with soapy water. Rinse everything off with a cloth in clean water.
  2. Vinegar can be used not only in “direct contact”; its vapors do an excellent job of eliminating the smell of sweat. To clean, fill the tub or tub with water; it should be hot. Add 1 tbsp to it. table vinegar. Place the leather jacket directly above the steaming water. After 3 hours, the smell of sweat will disappear, and the vinegar aroma can be removed by regular ventilation.

Baking soda

Another product loved by housewives because of its ability to remove unpleasant odors. To use baking soda To eliminate the aroma of sweat, you can use the following methods:

  1. Turn the jacket inside out and sprinkle baking soda on the “smelling” areas. Lightly wet with water and rub the powder into the product. When the moisture dries, shake off any remaining baking soda from the fabric.
  2. Place the leather jacket inside out in a container (this could be a basin, carton etc). Cover the product with baking soda and forget about it for 5 days. After pulling out, shake off the remaining powder and ventilate if necessary.

Citric acid

To remove an unpleasant odor from a leather jacket, squeeze out the juice of one lemon and dilute it with the same amount of water. Using a spray bottle, spray the resulting liquid onto the entire product or contaminated areas. Wait 3–5 hours. Wipe the problem areas with a cloth previously soaked in soapy water, then with a clean one.

Flavoring with natural products

Another option for removing the smell of sweat from a leather jacket, which is actively used by modern housewives, is to neutralize the sweat with other pleasant notes. “Aroma treatments” are used exclusively for dark leather jackets, since light-colored items can leave stains.

  1. Orange. Remove the peel from the fruit and wipe the top of the product with it. Particular attention should be paid to the areas under the arms. The orange will add aroma to the skin, while absorbing the unpleasant odor.
  2. Coffee. Dry ground coffee should be applied to contaminated areas. Wait 3–5 hours and shake off the remaining powder.

Hydrogen peroxide

Option for light colored leather jackets. You will need 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use 3-4 tbsp per glass of water. l. peroxide. Use a sponge to treat areas with an unpleasant odor and let dry. Reapply the mixture on top. Continue the procedure up to 3–5 layers.


For a composition that will combat unpleasant aroma, you need 1 tsp. dilute ammonia in 1 tbsp. soapy liquid. Using a sponge, apply the composition to the “smelling” areas and leave for an hour. After the expiration date, wipe the surfaces with clean water and allow to dry. Leather items after this treatment should not be hung in direct sunlight.

A radical approach - home washing

It is known that it is not recommended to wash leather items, since excess moisture causes things to lose their shape and their presentability. But when there is no other choice, washing becomes the last saving solution. To wash a leather jacket yourself, you can resort to two methods:

  1. Manual. The jacket must be washed in warm water, and to eliminate the smell, add 1 tbsp. table vinegar. Soak the item for 8–12 hours. Squeeze and dry. Then wash by hand using liquid powder and baking soda (0.5 cups).
  2. Machine washable. If you don’t want to wash by hand, then it will help washing machine. The mode must be selected “delicate wash” or “hand wash”. The temperature should not be more than 30 C. Liquid powder will best cope with the task of removing unpleasant aroma. Skip the spin cycle.

Drying leather goods carried out in a dark place. To prevent the jacket from losing its shape, place it on a terry towel. Place dry towels inside and also in the sleeves. When most of the moisture has been removed, hang the jacket on a hanger and dry it completely.

How to remove sweat odor from a leather jacket without washing

In addition to the methods described above for eliminating an unpleasant odor, you can use methods that will teach you how to remove the smell of sweat from a leather jacket without washing.

  1. If you just notice an unpleasant odor coming from your jacket, the first correct decision would be to ventilate the product in the fresh air. The minimum that an item should be aired is 24 hours. The main thing is to control the weather conditions and not let your jacket get wet in the rain. The procedure is carried out as follows: turn the jacket inside out, hang it on a hanger and send it outside to a well-ventilated place.
  2. To prevent the smell of sweat from “stretching” onto the skin, you can sew armpit linings on the inside of the jacket, which can be steamed and washed if necessary. This way the item will remain fresh, and the excess moisture released by the armpits will be absorbed into special double linings.
    3. Use of newspapers. This method is quite effective, but it is better to use it after removing the “aroma” using any of the above methods. After cleaning, wrap the product in newspapers and leave for 2–5 days. The newsprint will absorb any remaining moisture as well as any remaining odor.

To forget about the problem of the smell of sweat emanating from a leather jacket, you need to follow basic rules of personal hygiene, use antiperspirants that will help minimize the release of sweat secretion and mask the trail that appears. Don’t wear your clothes to unpresentable circles under your armpits, change your clothes more often. In addition to the aesthetic component, this will help extend the life of your items.

Many people strive to dress beautifully and elegantly. However, even a perfectly fitting suit or dress will not produce the desired effect if the wearer smells of sweat. Sometimes this persistent amber remains on wardrobe items even after washing. You can get rid of it in various ways effective methods, solving this difficult problem once and for all.

Removing odor and then washing clothes

Sweating is a normal process of a healthy human body. However, traces of sweat that appear on clothing and have a specific aroma can cause inconvenience, attracting unnecessary attention from others. Even adhering to generally accepted rules of hygiene, it is not always possible to protect yourself from their occurrence, especially when playing sports and in hot weather. summer days. Taking a shower, shaving your armpits, using deodorants and antiperspirants, and wearing clothes made from natural fabrics can only reduce the scale of the problem.

If trouble has already happened to you, use several simple tips allowing it to be eliminated in a short time.

Table salt and detergent

An effective remedy is a combination of any dishwashing detergent and table salt:

  1. Combine one tablespoon of dish soap and three tablespoons of salt.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the dirty item, carefully treating the problem areas.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. Wash the product.

Kitchen salt can also help remove the smell of fresh sweat. To achieve the desired effect it is enough:

  1. Sprinkle it on problem areas, turning the product inside out in advance.
  2. Leave things in this state for 2 hours.
  3. Wash them as usual.

However, this method is best used for items made of linen, silk and wool, since synthetic clothing he may be powerless.

If after washing the sweat odor still does not disappear, it makes sense to re-wash the items in a saline solution:

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in one glass of water.
  2. Soak the product in salt water for two hours.
  3. Rinse twice.

Salt and ammonia

A solution of salt and ammonia will return freshness to light-colored items:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in 200 ml of water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of ammonia.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the stain.
  4. Wash the product.

Ammonia, as a rather caustic liquid, is used with caution, avoiding prolonged exposure to fabric, and before using it for its intended purpose, it is tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

Vinegar and citric acid will help get rid of old and persistent odor:

  1. Dissolve two teaspoons of citric acid in a glass of water.
  2. Apply this solution to the stained areas of your clothing and leave it for an hour.
  3. Meanwhile, dilute vinegar in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Immerse items in the solution for at least an hour.
  5. Wash your clothes.

Vinegar and citric acid are universal substitutes for household chemicals

Woolen items do not require the use of vinegar:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of citric acid in one glass of water.
  2. Treat problem areas of clothing with this solution 2 hours before washing.

In addition to citric acid, acetylsalicylic acid can be very effectively used to eliminate old odors.

Crushed aspirin will also remove traces of antiperspirant from fabric, where unpleasant odors often linger.


  1. Crush 2-3 aspirin tablets.
  2. Dissolve the powder in a glass of warm water.
  3. Treat sweat-soaked fabric with the resulting mixture 1–2 hours before washing.

Baking soda

Baking soda will help you cope with the smell of sweat on light-colored clothes:

  1. Apply baking soda to the contaminated area in an even layer. You can lightly rub baking soda powder into the stain.
  2. Leave the item in this state for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Clean off the baking soda and rinse the area to be treated with water.

Baking soda is a natural deodorant

Methods that do not require washing

The methods described above are good for items that can be washed. But what if the scent of sweat appears on things that cannot be washed, or there is simply no time to wash? You can solve this problem using the following tips.

Vodka or denatured alcohol

Using this product you can remove unpleasant odor from shoes:

  1. Apply vodka to sweaty areas.
  2. After two hours, clean the item with a steam iron (if the material of the item allows it) and dry thoroughly.

You can easily remove odor from white silk items with denatured alcohol:

Having thus cleaned the entire contaminated surface, you can use fabric conditioner to remove the smell of these products themselves. For this purpose it is necessary:

  1. Mix 200 ml of water with one teaspoon of conditioner (not concentrate).
  2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  3. Treat the surface with the resulting mixture.
  4. Dry it.


  1. Dilute ammonia in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Add a pinch of table salt.
  3. Treat problem areas of the lining of a leather jacket, down jacket, coat or jacket using a cotton swab.

Ammonia - an express method for removing sweaty aroma


Sweaty items can be hung out in the cold or placed in the freezer for two hours, pre-packed in a plastic bag. The cold will help refreshjackets, down jackets and coats.


You can wrap outerwear with newspapers if it is dark, or you can tuck them into the inside of the products. After a few days, the newsprint will completely absorb the unpleasant odors, after which it can be thrown away.

Ironing with vinegar solution

When you need to restore freshness to things as quickly as possible, nine percent vinegar comes to the rescue.

  1. Set the iron to the highest temperature appropriate for the type of fabric being ironed.
  2. Dilute one part vinegar to four parts water.
  3. Soak a piece of gauze in the solution and place it on problem areas with the item turned inside out.
  4. Then iron the product through the gauze.

This method is only suitable for clean fabrics. It is not recommended to iron dirty items, since after such a procedure it will be much more difficult to wash them.
If the product is made of delicate fabrics, instead of ironing, you can use a steam bath, after adding a small amount of vinegar to the water.

Attention! It is better to carry out such a procedure in a well-ventilated area.

Sports question: how to remove sweat odor from boxing gloves

Before using gloves, wrap your hands in boxing bandages. They absorb sweat, after which they can be easily and simply washed.

The boxing bandage effectively absorbs sweat

Other rules of care:

If other means fail, wrap the gloves in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for several hours.

Household chemicals

In addition to improvised means, which are present in almost every home, the problem can be combated with industrial chemicals. The most popular means include:

This simple remedy, available in the arsenal of every housewife, will help get rid of difficult spots and unpleasant odors:

  1. Before washing soiled items, rub problem areas with laundry soap. Pay special attention to the armpit area, because this is where the smell of sweat is strongest.
  2. Then leave the items for 20-30 minutes and then wash.
  3. If you prefer to wash in the washing machine, grate the soap on a fine grater and sprinkle it on the clothes previously loaded in the drum.

Laundry soap is a budget-friendly and hypoallergenic way to neutralize unpleasant odors

This method is perfect for washing T-shirts and sportswear, but when washing colored items, laundry soap should be used with caution, as it can cause them to become slightly discolored.

Washing powder

Sometimes a double portion of the usual dose helps with the smell of sweat. washing powder, in which it is soaked for 20–30 minutes before the main wash.

Hair shampoo

You can remove odors from delicate fabrics using shampoo:

  1. Lightly moisten the stained area.
  2. Apply a little shampoo to it and rub gently.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse in warm water and dry the product.

If the smell is persistent, the procedure will be slightly different:

  1. The shampoo is diluted in warm water and foamed.
  2. Soak the product in it for 2 hours.
  3. Wash as usual.

The shampoo degreases the fabric and removes unpleasant odors.

Oxygen stain removers

Oxygen stain removers have proven themselves to be a good solution to the problem; they not only remove yellow spots, but also neutralize odor at the molecular level, penetrating into the fibers of the fabric. Among them are, for example:

  • Chirton Oxygen;
  • Typhoon Oxy Pro;
  • Vanish Oxi Action;

Ecover is notable for its environmentally friendly composition, thanks to which contact with it is not harmful even to children’s clothing.

Oxygen stain removers are added to washing machine when washing colored items. If problem areas have formed on white items, then they should be removed using stain removers with chlorine.

Odor removal sprays


Dufta equally effectively removes all types of odors of organic and inorganic origin

The only drawback of the product is the rather high price.

Proper drying of things

When removing the smell of sweat from things, drying them deserves special attention. Typically, clothes are hung in a well-ventilated area in partial shade to prevent color fading. However, you can dry your clothes in the sun by turning them inside out in advance. This way the sun's rays can reach the strongest odors and remove them.

Sunlight is a natural stain and odor neutralizer

If it is not possible to dry things in the sun, you can use an iron after drying them. Iron with a cloth soaked in vinegar solution. In this way, microorganisms that are the source of a strong odor are destroyed.

Video: various ways to combat sweat odor

The smell of sweat is a solvable problem. There are many ways to deal with it - from proven home recipes to industrial stain removers. But, as you know, the best treatment is prevention, so follow the rules of hygiene, use deodorants, wear things made from natural fabrics in hot weather and change clothes regularly. Enjoy the aroma of fresh things and feel the ease of communication without the shame of an unpleasant smell.