How to be charming and attractive to men. How to be more attractive to men

A woman wants to be attractive. In her desire to turn the head of her chosen one, she is able to overcome many difficulties. For example, go in for fitness or go on a diet, go to a cosmetologist or sign up for courses on female sexuality. How to become attractive if no methods help you meet your chosen one? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan provides the answer.

What is attractiveness

To become feminine and attractive to a man, you need to understand the essence of the feminine attractiveness. Just as there is no form without content, there is no body without psyche. Each person has his own mental volume, which determines much more in our lives than appearance.

Proof? You are probably familiar with the situation when an outwardly ordinary woman becomes an object of male worship. Sometimes it is not clear what they find in her, what attracts her to them. And at the same time, the opposite picture is observed. When a woman tries her best, takes care of her appearance, but does not receive as much attention from men and remains lonely.

The fact is that we perceive people unconsciously, irrationally, sometimes not understanding why we like one person and dislike another. The role of those sensations that we capture on an unconscious level is much greater than we think.

When a woman feels joyless, but is beautifully dressed and made up, at first she gives the impression of a serious and impeccable seductress. However, you cannot hide the inner content. When a woman is sad, this cannot be compensated for by external attributes. One gesture, one look, one note in the voice - and the man who was interested loses interest. She truly becomes feminine and attractive if she has natural joy and not feigned joy.

So, attractiveness is the inner state of a woman, her psychological comfort, which unconsciously attracts men.

Why can't I become more beautiful and attractive?

By nature, we want pleasure only for ourselves. In other people we see the source of either our pleasure or suffering. Therefore, we do not want to communicate with those who are unpleasant, but with good people We want to build relationships. To achieve this, we are ready to use any means and psychological techniques manipulation.

For example, anyone with a visual vector knows what hysterical tears and emotional blackmail are in relation to the object of their attention. When you want to get from him at any cost, different methods of influence and tricks are used - just to achieve the desired result.

Representatives of other vectors in relationships behave approximately this way. We try to use our partner for self-pleasure... And we are wrong. Because it’s always the return that attracts.

Using the same visual vector as an example, you can see how attractive the return is. At first it seems to us that if we have compassion for another, we will spill our emotions, give them away and will no longer be able to receive them for ourselves. In fact, the opposite is happening. The feeling of compassion given to another, not for show, but from the heart, fills the heart with happiness. Perhaps you have caught yourself with this feeling - flight, love for the world, when you are overwhelmed with feelings. Such conditions allow you to become beautiful and attractive to any man.

A sensual form of giving. What does feminine and attractive mean?

What does a man need to give in a relationship in order to become feminine and attractive to him?

Of course, it is important to be well-groomed and to be able to take care of yourself, but this is not primary. For a man, a woman who is focused on feelings becomes attractive. Feelings are not for oneself, not for show. This is not emotional blackmail, hysteria or pressure, when we try to attract attention at any cost, wanting to get it.

Feeling another person means creating emotional intimacy with him. Sensual connection is about something else, but it starts with yourself.

An amazing and important concept of system-vector psychology sounds like this:

when you are aimed at direct receiving for your own sake, you cannot receive and become more attractive to a man;

Most of all, a man is attracted to a woman who is in a state of “I want to receive from you in order to please you”;

enjoy what? Incredible emotional closeness, sensual return.

It is with her sensuality that a woman excites a man to give back. If a man wants a woman, he wants to give her everything. Giving back is not only penetration into a woman, but also alimony.

A man does not need to be forced to give, or manipulated in any way - he was created to give. A woman’s task is to excite a man to give, to inspire him, to be desirable in order to please him. Then a couple relationship will arise, and he will be faithful to such a woman and will never leave her.

A woman sets the sensual tone in a relationship. How does this happen?

  1. It begins with her sharing her experiences from childhood or adolescence. Finds the right moment and engages the man in conversation.
  2. Her state of frankness resonates sensually in her partner, pushes him towards rapprochement, puts him on the same wavelength, and relieves him of tension.
  3. After this, he will be ready to share his experiences. The man responds to her revelation, and a mutual filling of feelings occurs.
  4. Emotional, sensual intimacy appears. When a man shares his experiences, they are transformed into love, and a woman develops trust and readiness for intercourse.

In a couple relationship, sexual attraction comes from the man, and emotional, sensual connection comes from the woman. If a woman is ready to create an emotional connection with a man, she will be desirable to him.

How to become the most sexually attractive to your husband

A man and a woman should share their experiences with each other. As system-vector psychology explains, it is the woman who is assigned this role - to set the tone in relationships and talk about the sensual and sexual. A modern person, in an effort to reveal his sexuality, needs a psychotherapist. The husband and wife become such psychotherapists for each other.

Through emotional intimacy with his wife, the husband’s sexual fears and restrictions are removed. The wife develops complete trust in her husband. At the same time, she receives protection and security from her man. Becomes desirable and sexually attractive to him.

Husband and wife both need sensual sexual intimacy. When they open up to each other, everyone’s fears about their own sexuality go away, and great love arises.

The best thing that can happen in a couple for both a woman and a man is mutual disclosure through emotional rapprochement. How to learn this amazing art? How to find happiness in a couple relationship? Master system-vector psychology!

Here are just a few

You look at the girls from the cover of women's magazines - chiseled figures, beautifully styled hair, a smile on their face. They don't seem to have any flaws. Or at least that's how it was filmed. And life is not a magazine cover. In life, sometimes we are late for a meeting and arrive disheveled, forget our makeup bag at home, or gain several kilograms and cannot fit into our favorite dress. What to do then? How to become feminine and well-groomed girl in such conditions?

You stand in front of the mirror, choose a dress, everything is wrong... And suddenly you realize that it’s not the dress at all. You just don't like yourself. There's an extra fold here, a wrinkle here, a flaw there. How can you love this?

“I was able to relax and remove my shackles and locks. I was able to believe and trust. I was able to enjoy it. I was able to see how much fun there is! Instead of, as before, constantly thinking about how I look, how good I am in bed and whether my husband will ever leave for someone else.”

“There was a desire to always look good for him. If earlier I could meet him with his nose buried in his laptop and the words “go and eat, everything is ready,” now I try to do all the work before he arrives and still have time to do my hair and put on my makeup) It works out!”

At the very beginning, the skin that had been pressed for years woke up. It was such a crazy breakthrough! I began to feel my body differently. For example, I used to not like heels, but now I just fly in them. I became flexible and soft like water or oil..)) Men just went crazy - they introduced themselves, asked for a phone number, made compliments, let me go forward, offered their hand, gave up their seat, made gifts. The feeling of inner strength and self-confidence as a woman has increased by 100%. When you know that everyone (or almost everyone) wants you, it ceases to be important and you relax and suddenly become yourself, and not a cowardly, angular freak.

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

This publication will be especially interesting to men who have not yet found the lady of their heart. In order for a potential lady to pay attention to you, you need to know some behavioral features. You will also get acquainted with the preferences of women when choosing a gentleman.

1. Notice universal flirting cues.

You will never be denied further acquaintance if you learn to recognize female flirting signals. Psychologists say that women's interest manifests itself in the same way both in a Parisian cafe and in the depths of the Amazon. Women don't learn flirting signals; they absorb these skills with their mother's milk. If a lady smiles at a fan, then quickly raises her eyebrows and opens her eyes wide, it means she is showing genuine sexual interest. Next, the procedure is as follows: the girl lowers her eyelids, tilts her head down and slightly to the side. Very often this behavior is accompanied by nervous giggling. At the same time, your hands may cover your face out of embarrassment.

2. Pay attention to girls from “your league”

Most often, people look for a companion based on their own attractiveness. Researchers from the University of California, Barkley discovered an interesting detail when they observed the behavior of 60 men and women looking for a romantic partner on a dating site. Most people liked the physical beauty of members of the opposite sex.

However, when it came to dating, they sent a request to a person approximately equal to themselves in terms of attractiveness. Psychologists explain this by saying that people intuitively do not want to be rejected. If a person looks much better than you, you feel the fear of being rejected. If it's less beautiful, you're concerned that it's not a good choice.

3. A person with high status

Women are attracted not by the appearance of men, but by their level of wealth. In one recent experiment, women were asked to rate their appearance young man according to photo.
The men photographed next to the silver Bentley Continental looked more preferable in the eyes of the participants than those photographed in front of the Ford Fiesta. The same conclusions can be drawn regarding luxury apartments and an ordinary apartment as the background in the picture. It’s not women’s commercialism that is to blame for this, but evolution.

4. Look a little older

It turns out that young women often prefer to choose an older man as a partner. This is especially true for girls who are financially independent. Evolutionary psychologists tend to believe that the secret lies in women's shorter reproductive cycle. Men, unlike beautiful young ladies, can reproduce at any age.

Part 1

Be an individual

    Be a confident woman. Of course, developing self-confidence in reality is not as easy as it sounds. But feeling confident has a big impact on your outlook and even your skills. There are many ways to improve self-esteem.

    • For example, if you scold yourself for something and your inner voice tells you that you are a failure, immediately begin to mentally praise yourself for something. For example, tell yourself: “I have a great sense of humor” or “I am a good friend.”
    • When you have self-confidence, you won't constantly beat yourself up over small mistakes. Confident people know how to enjoy the success of others without feeling jealous or comparing themselves to others.
  1. Relax and live for today. It may not be so easy to enjoy life if you are constantly worrying about the future or sad about the past. Instead of worrying about what you just said or what might happen now, just enjoy the present moment.

    Be an active listener. If you're talking to a guy you like, just listen to him carefully - that's good way he will like it. Here's what a good listener needs to do:

    • Don't interrupt or judge your interlocutor.
    • From time to time, nod your head and make affirming sounds (“mm”, “uh-huh”, “hmm”, etc.). This is a sign that you are listening to the person and supporting him.
    • Paraphrase what your interlocutor said so that he understands that you are listening carefully and understand what he is saying.
    • Ask questions occasionally to let the person know that you are attentive and interested.
  2. Be honest, but respect the other person's opinion. Don't try to please your interlocutor all the time and say what he wants to hear. If you are going to express your opinion, make sure it is respectful to the other person. There is no need to insult him or his opinions.

    • You want your interlocutor to be comfortable with you as you are, so don’t adapt to him, be yourself. He will appreciate the fact that you have your own opinion and the courage to express it.
    • For example, if a guy asks your opinion about a movie that you clearly didn't like, don't pretend that you liked it just because you think he liked the movie. This will at least lead to an interesting conversation.
  3. Share your interests and talk about your hobbies. When a person talks about his hobbies, he seems to light up from within. This spark is contagious, so those around you find the company of such people pleasant and interesting.

    Do things that will enrich your life. Try yourself as a volunteer, learn to play a musical instrument, take dance classes, start playing some kind of sport. Diversifying your hobbies will make you more attractive to men.

    • Besides, if you and your interlocutor have common hobbies, consider that you are already friends. You could go somewhere together and discuss your joint hobbies. Thanks to your hobby, you can even meet someone.
  4. Show your interlocutor that you care. This can be done completely in different ways. For example, if you are visiting someone, ask if they can get him some snacks or a drink. If your interlocutor recently told you about some exciting upcoming event or something that worries him, ask how it went.

    Be honest when talking about yourself. Do not try to pretend to be someone you are not, because the lie will sooner or later be revealed.

    • If you'd rather spend your evenings at home with pizza and an interesting movie, don't pretend to be a clubber. It will be sad and offensive when your lies are revealed. After all, if your new acquaintance loves clubs and parties, and you just want to spend the evening at home, in the future you will not be very comfortable together.
    • If you like math and want to become a teacher, don't pretend that you can't live a day without adventure and travel, and that your dream job is to be a ski instructor at a winter resort.
  5. Don't try to change for someone else. Of course, sometimes it can be fun and exciting to step out of your comfort zone for a while, try something new and meet new people. But you must be absolutely sure that you are doing this for your own sake. Stay true to your beliefs and goals.

    • The only valid reason for changing yourself is dissatisfaction with certain traits of your personality. If this is your reason, you need to work on yourself.
    • But if you meet someone who tells you that you are too different, don't try to change for them.

Part 2

Become more physically attractive
  1. Appearance is only a small part of your attractiveness. Research shows that physical traits only play an important role in a man's initial attraction to a woman, but then other factors become important. These include humor, beliefs and personality traits.

    Recognize your beauty. Understand, you are beautiful! Every woman has beauty, no matter her body type, skin color or hair length.

    Find your own style. It should reflect your personality, be part of your personality, and not copy something someone else created. Wear things that you like, suit your body type and make you feel confident.

    • If you can't come up with your own style, find someone you'd like to be like. Experiment, change styles. This doesn't mean you're going to be a carbon copy of another woman, you're just trying to find your own style!
    • Experiment with accessories, styles and colors that you wouldn't normally choose. If you like your look, leave it that way; if you feel uncomfortable in a new look, keep experimenting!
  2. Try to highlight the features of your appearance that you like most. What do you like about yourself? Maybe deep brown eyes, gorgeous hair or a beautiful chin? In any case, do not hesitate to highlight what you like, others will also find it attractive.

    • Find ways to highlight your best features by choosing certain clothes, accessories and makeup.
    • For example, if you have very dark eyes, a gold hoop and large earrings will suit you. If you have a narrow, long neck, wear blouses with a V-neck, which will immediately draw attention to your neck.
  3. Apply makeup. Some studies have shown that men find a woman more attractive when she wears makeup. Other studies have shown that men prefer women who wear less makeup (though, to be fair, some men think natural looks equate to no makeup).

    • If you don't wear makeup much but like to experiment with different types makeup, start with natural onions, simply giving your face a healthy glow. Add a little mascara and a natural lip gloss.
    • At the end of the day, you need to do what you are comfortable with. If you don't want to wear makeup, don't.
  4. Use cosmetics to hide some imperfections and look younger and healthier. When a man looks at an attractive woman, his instinct kicks in and he begins to consider this woman as a potential partner. Men are attracted to women by their well-groomed appearance, youthful features, and healthy appearance.

    Be sure to pay enough attention to your lips. Studies have shown that men are generally more attracted to lips than the rest of the body. Wearing lipstick - especially red lipstick - will make your lips even more attractive to most men.

    Pay attention to the tone of voice. Men are attracted to women with higher, more melodious voices than women with deep voices. Most likely, this is due to another association of the voice with femininity and body parameters.

    Dress in red. Red color makes a woman more attractive and desirable in the eyes of men.

    • Red has many shades. Choose the one that best suits your face and your hair.
  5. Give your body an hourglass shape. Most men are attracted to women with this type of figure. They like a thin waist, large hips and breasts. Such a figure is a sign of fertility, youth and health. Unfortunately, a woman with an hourglass figure is rare, so don't be sad if you have a different body type.

    If you're going to an event, take your friends with you. Usually, from a group of girls, men immediately choose one who is more attractive. Compared to other girls, you may seem more beautiful to men than you really are.

Part 3

Take care of yourself

    Be kind to yourself. Self-esteem is strongly linked to feelings of self-confidence. If you want to become more attractive, start by loving yourself! Take care of yourself: exercise, eat right, sleep more. Don't scold yourself in vain and don't try to become like a model.

    Try to exercise regularly. Advice on this is always different, but on average you need to exercise at least 30 minutes a day to maintain good shape. It doesn't have to be any kind of exercise, you can just go for a walk or take the stairs.

    • Fitness will not only help you stay fit, but also improve your well-being and mood!
  1. Drink more water. You need to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, depending on your body weight. If you exercise regularly and a lot or live in a hot climate, try to drink even more water.

    • A woman who weighs 68 kg should drink about 2-4 liters of water per day, depending on her activity level and climate.
  2. Get enough sleep. Rested people always look more attractive than those who are always sleep-deprived.

    • If you haven't gotten enough sleep and it's affecting your face, use a concealer. Find a dark circle corrector that matches your skin color. If your eyes are swollen after sleep, first apply a little cream to your eyelids.
    • If you have trouble sleeping, consult your doctor.
  3. Eat right. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Try to avoid fast food and consume less sugar and salt. This will help you maintain your weight, improve your mood, and make your hair shiny and healthy.

    Monitor the condition of your skin. Wash your face twice a day with a special milk or foam wash that suits your skin type (normal, combination, oily or sensitive). Then apply a mild moisturizer to your face (the packaging should say “SPF”).

    • After getting out of the shower, apply a body moisturizer to your skin to keep your skin soft.
  4. Smile. A beautiful smile, white teeth and plump, well-groomed lips are usually very attractive to men. Drink more water and moisturize your lips with chapstick. Brush your teeth regularly!

    Keep your hair beautiful. Surveys have shown that most men like long, thick and shiny hair. If we compare two women with the same features faces, but different lengths hair, a man will most likely choose the one with longer hair.

Today I was walking down the street, and my gaze fell on one young woman. She attracted attention with her bright appearance, short skirt, long boots and luxurious hair. Even if I singled her out from the crowd, what can we say about men? Of course, they simply devoured her with their eyes.

After all, outwardly she looked just great. But, coming closer to her, I saw completely empty eyes and an indifferent, seemingly lifeless face. That is, the wrapper is very beautiful, but there is nothing inside. And I was once again convinced of how today the external prevails over the internal.

How to become attractive to men both externally and internally

Exhausting diets, training in gym, trips to cosmetologists and hairdressers, tons of makeup, high heels and evenings spent indecently expensive places with a glass of champagne. Yes, and also learning various techniques and things you can do in bed. This is a standard hunter's set successful men. But even with such efforts, a woman is often surrounded by lovers of relationships without obligations, gigolos and womanizers.

If you're trying your best to be the best and perfect, then it's time to stop and realize that such methods don't work. Yes, you will attract a man with your bright and beautiful appearance, but then what? If you come across a good and successful man, how will you keep him? Constantly holding yourself in an iron grip in the pursuit of the ideal 90-60-90?

Take a look around. Look reality in the eye. Look at the women sitting in expensive cars. Look at the women your men love, who are pampered and cherished. More often than not, they are simpler and less neat than you. And they don’t disappear to nutritionists and don’t manically count every gram of their weight. And while you're exhausting yourself in the gym, trying to achieve perfection, they meet and build relationships with the men you only dream about. And while you are trying to learn the one hundred and twenty-fifth method of behavior in bed, they drive expensive cars and simply enjoy life.

No one is telling you now that you don’t need to take care of yourself. But grooming is not perfection, but simply cleanliness, freshness and neatness.

The main mistake of every woman who dreams of living with the king is that she thinks only about herself: about her makeup and hairstyle, appearance, figure, posture and self-presentation. But she doesn't think about what a man needs.

A man needs emotions! You can look at perfectly beautiful bodies in a magazine or on the Internet. Just admire, but not experience any emotions. After all, it is not the figure that is conquered, but the temperament. And they conquer not the body, but the soul. And they solve the riddle of character, not the aroma of perfume.

How to become attractive to men?

It is important to find a middle ground. And competently combine both external and internal qualities. And then you can become for a man interesting riddle, which he will want to solve.

And while a man is figuring you out, communicating with you, reaching out to you, it is important to create a special atmosphere next to you. IN beautiful body They don’t fall in love, they just want him. A man falls in love with HIS FEELINGS next to a woman. And it is precisely because of these sensations that he is irresistibly drawn to a woman. When a woman is in a special state, a man always wants to be near her, he cannot get enough of her.

I call this state spiritual harmony. When a woman knows how to create the right positive and calm emotional background. When she can create a vacuum into which a man easily enters and does not want to leave. This state can also be called energy radiation unconditional love. And femininity, and the ability to live from the feminine principle, and the art of combining all four elements.

And, of course, when a woman knows how to smile (and not only externally, but also). Men like cheerful, smiling women who have serenity and peace in their souls. They are pleased to look at a woman who is glowing with happiness, and not squeezed like a lemon and not exhausted by constant diets and workouts. And they are pleased to be next to a woman who makes him want to live (and not hang himself)!

And for the sake of this they are ready not to notice a lot, a lot. And they are always ready to forgive a woman and love her. Even if a woman is not perfectly beautiful, the sun is shining in her soul, she radiates joy and love, her eyes glow, she will attract men to her.

A harmonious internal state gives a large influx feminine energy and vitality! Enjoying yourself and life gives you prosperity and abundance in everything!

A woman is strong precisely because of her inner state. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to have an ideal appearance and be dressed in the most expensive clothes. Just enjoy life and yourself, just smile, just Love Love, filling yourself with it and radiating it, and then men will be drawn to you. Good men, worthy men, successful men!

Spend time working on your inner state. If you don’t know where to start and how to learn to get into the right state, then you can choose a good trainer for yourself and learn. I can recommend people whose training is effective and efficient. Each of them has their own approach. But every woman is individual. At a minimum, listen to their free webinars to choose the person who most appeals to you.

I suggest you listen to the webinars, maybe you will find a lot of useful things for yourself in Eastern practices. You can also read about the topic of arousing interest, falling in love and retaining men.

Live with your soul and always pay attention not only to your own appearance, but also to the internal state!

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