How to choose the right daily routine for a one-year-old child?

Every person knows how important it is to follow a routine. A 1-year-old child also needs to be taught to live “by the hour.” This necessity is explained by the fact that when living according to a daily routine, it is easier for the body to restore strength and maintain health. A growing baby needs this even more than an adult. Therefore, control of timely proper nutrition, sleep and effective implementation leisure time is so important throughout a child's life.

How to organize your daily routine?

There are several points that must be included in a child’s daily routine. 1 year of life is marked by some differences compared to previous months. The baby has reached his first anniversary, and now his day is structured a little differently. So, a baby’s day at the age of 1 year consists of the following: regime moments:

  • Feeding;
  • Wakefulness;
  • Walks;
  • Hygiene procedures;
  • Gymnastics.

The list of routine moments does not include massage, which is replaced by gymnastics. A child at 12 months moves enough to develop muscles without additional external effort. However, massage can be prescribed by a doctor according to indications. Otherwise, you can help your baby develop muscles correctly using a set of exercises.

The changes also affect the baby's sleep pattern. At the age of 1 year, many children begin to sleep once a day instead of the usual two. The diet remains five times a day. Read more about the menu and acceptable products below in the ““ section.

Sweet dreams!

A child's sleep schedule at the age of 1 year begins to change, moving to a pattern of two sleeps: nighttime and daytime. In total, it is about 14 hours per day. At night it takes 10-11 hours, during the day – 2-3 hours. This regime is most typical for children 1 year old, since their nervous system is sufficiently strong and does not require frequent rest to recover.

However, many children at the age of 1 year still sleep 2 times a day. You should not forcefully retrain your child to switch to 1 nap during the day. This must happen gradually. A signal that your baby is comfortable sleeping once a day will be changes in his behavior. For example, if a child has difficulty settling down for the first nap, then sleeps poorly during the second and his nighttime sleep schedule is disrupted, then you should listen to his body and skip the first nap. So the child will switch to 1 nap during the day (13:00-16:00).

Menu for a 1 year old child

The feeding regimen for a 1 year old child remains five times a day. The total amount of food eaten per day is about 1-1.2 kg. Your baby can eat almost all foods. The exceptions are:

  • Citrus;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Sausages, sausages;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Canned food;
  • Candies;
  • Chocolate;
  • Nuts.

Salted, smoked and fried foods are also prohibited.

Otherwise, the baby can eat what his parents eat. Excellent practice of instilling a child good manners Since childhood there will be joint lunches or dinners. The high chair for children is pushed to the dining table and the whole family eats. Manners, table manners and politeness shown by parents are remembered by the little one better than any explanation.

As mentioned above, 5 meals are the basis of a child’s nutrition. 1 year, some babies still continue to eat breast milk. It’s good when mom keeps it for so long. But now only “adult” food is the main food for a growing organism. Therefore, the menu for a 1 year old baby is offered as follows:

  1. Breakfast: porridge with a piece of butter, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: yogurt and cookies.
  3. Lunch: soup, vegetable puree with meat (steam cutlets, meatballs) or fish (fish is eaten no more than 2 times a week), compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, fruit puree, juice.
  5. Dinner: boiled egg/omelet (not fried!), vegetable puree, compote.

Get ready to exercise!

A 1-year-old child's routine requires morning exercises. As a rule, by the age of one year, many children can already walk. If not independently, then with support. They can also squat and bend over. The baby's walking may be accompanied by other movements. For example, he can push a gurney or a toy stroller in front of him.

To further develop your child's muscles and motor skills, do gymnastics with him every morning. The exercises presented in the complex can easily be turned into a game. This will give the baby extra pleasure. A set of possible exercises:

  • Strengthening and improving acquired skills: crawling on all fours, walking (independently or by hand), squats (first with support from the arms, then independently).
  • Crawl: through a hoop, under an obstacle.
  • Bend over with straight legs.
  • Raising your legs from a supine position to a right angle.
  • Raising the body from a lying position.
  • Climbing on and off accessible surfaces - sofa, armchair, chair.
  • Walking along a narrow path.
  • Alternately raising your arms up.
  • Boxing movements with hands.
  • Throwing the ball with both hands.

Carefully monitor the “equipment” that is proposed to be used when performing the exercises. There should be no sharp corners, slippery surfaces or instability anywhere. Gymnastics must be safe first and foremost!

Teach your kids to a daily routine from childhood. The day is not far off when the child will go V kindergarten and then to school. The habit of discipline will help him adapt to new conditions more easily, and parents will save precious morning time for getting ready.

The age of 1 year and 3 months is one of the most exciting in your baby's life. The child becomes more curious, interested in the world around him, and needs a lot of attention and care. Parents note that every day becomes a surprise: today the child learned a new sign, tomorrow he started walking, and the next minute he grabbed candy from the table. At this time, you need to control the regime and constantly observe, since the age is difficult and unsafe: the child does not think well enough, but he is already trying to put his hands in the most unexpected places, jump off, climb, grab and play.

Externally, the child has not changed very much, but inside he has undergone colossal changes. The baby is now not ready to sit still - he is actively interested in everything new, grabs any things that are interesting to him

Norms of physical development of children

The World Health Association has developed universal standards for height and weight. They indicate the health and full development of the baby at the age of 1 year and 3 months.


  • height – 76-82 cm;
  • weight – 9-11.5 kg;
  • head circumference – 45-48 cm.
  • height – 74-80 cm;
  • weight – 9.5-11 kg;
  • head circumference – 44-47 cm.

At this age, the baby is already becoming independent. He prefers to do traditional things without adult participation.

Daily routine

At 1 year and 3 months, the child’s daily routine remains unchanged: if your baby prefers to sleep twice during the day, there is nothing wrong with that. True, many babies are already switching to one day's rest, and their sleep patterns are also changing. Sleep at this age should be at least 13 hours, the child rests 11 hours at night, and the rest of the time during the day.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, nutrition should be carried out according to the previous scheme: 4-5 meals. The break between feedings is now from 3 to 4 hours - this is how the baby is most comfortable and comfortable.

Baby's nutritional features

A year and three months is the time when nutrition becomes more and more similar to the adult diet, but we must not forget that porridge, fruit purees, juices, and fermented milk products should be served at the table. It is important to feed your baby carefully and carefully monitor the body's reaction if you introduce a new product: this food can cause a violent allergic reaction, so either refuse experiments or include a small amount of new products in the diet. What dishes to prepare? The recipes you can use to prepare the dishes are quite simple, the main thing is to stick to the measures. Parents choose their own eating schedule, taking into account the daily routine.

Main nuances

Every day the baby should receive nutrients, minerals and vitamins; his diet must include meat and dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals, and flour products. At least twice a week they give fish, three times - cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs. A child should eat about 80-100 grams of meat per day, and up to 100 grams of fish. Special attention is given to drinks: parents make sure that the baby receives a sufficient amount of juices, teas, fruit drinks, compotes from fresh or dried fruits.

Vegetables occupy a very important place in the diet of a child of this age - they provide the baby with the bulk of vitamins and minerals

In addition to the traditional three meals a day, an afternoon snack and a small snack after dinner are required. At this time, you can give a glass of kefir, eat a few cookies or a banana - it is important that the stomach is not overloaded. For a baby, breast milk will not be superfluous on the menu. Drinks should be given at any time, especially in the summer, when the baby is thirsty.

Child's menu

The menu may consist of the following dishes:

Eating1st day2nd day3rd day
  • Milk buckwheat porridge
  • Sandwich with butter
  • Beet caviar with apple
  • Steam omelette
  • Tea with milk
  • Sandwich with butter
  • Milk porridge with pumpkin and millet
  • Sandwich with cheese and butter
  • Rice soup with pureed vegetables
  • Fish balls with seafood
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Fruit compote
  • Milk soup with potatoes and carrots
  • Steamed turkey cutlets
  • Vegetable side dish
  • Fruit juice
  • Broth with egg flakes
  • Lazy cabbage rolls with beef
  • Kissel with rosehip decoction
Afternoon snack
  • Cookie
  • Fruits
  • Yogurt
  • Cookie
  • Fruit puree
  • Kefir
  • Pancakes with apple
  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese with tomatoes
  • Potato zrazy
  • Milk
  • Boiled pumpkin with apples
  • Rice with carrot puree
  • Buckwheat dessert with pumpkin
  • Fruit puree
  • Tea with milk

To make your baby eat dishes more willingly, you can come up with simple compositions based on them. Just a couple of minutes spent will significantly increase your baby’s appetite and interest in food.

Child development and skills

At the age of one year and three months, the child becomes very emotional, he is already happy about new toys, the appearance of his parents, and is able to copy facial expressions and adult behavior. He is happy about the arrival of other kids, he is able to quickly get involved in games, become infected with emotions - so, if someone nearby cries, he can do the same.

Emotions at this time are dynamic, they quickly replace each other. If a minute ago the baby was having fun and laughing fervently, now the joy may give way to tears. On the other hand, distracting him is also quite simple; the calming process will take little time.

The child tries to attract the attention of adults, for this he constantly flirts and looks into your eyes, sometimes he is simply capricious. You can already read surprise, joy, interest and other emotions in your gaze.

The attachment to the mother is very strong, the child does not let her go even a step, but he is not afraid to stay with close people, although he treats strangers with obvious fear. At this time, you cannot leave him - he desperately needs parental affection, care and warmth.

Motor skills

Most often, at 1 year and 3 months, babies can already walk and even run freely. They overcome obstacles with ease, make turns, bends, and are able to play consciously without losing their balance. The baby does not forget the direction of movement - distracted by a fallen toy, he will pick it up and then continue moving. Curiosity becomes the main character trait, so he climbs onto sofas, chairs and armchairs to see new and interesting objects.

He is also capable of raising his arms up and moving them to the sides at the request of adults - this is required when you want to lift him. Climbing a few steps up the stairs will not be an obstacle either.

At one year and three months, the child walks and runs perfectly - sometimes parents simply cannot keep up with the baby. However, coordination of movements is not very good yet - it makes sense to keep the baby in your field of vision all the time

Speech development

At 1 year and 3 months, the child still cannot speak well, but must understand the words adults speak to him. The volume of known objects is constantly increasing, and the names are grasped on the fly; it is not even necessary to teach new words - he remembers many things on his own. At this time, he can follow some simple instructions - take the toys, put them in the closet or sit on the high chair.

The child already knows all the names of his toys, relatives and close people with whom he has to constantly communicate. He speaks his own simplified language and can pronounce up to 20 words, although his parents are just learning to understand him.

Household skills

The age of 1 year and 3 months is the time when a helpless baby turns into a real assistant, capable of performing various tasks and participating in household chores. At 15 months, the ability to ask for a potty appears (we recommend reading:) - it’s time to start training. Child at this time:

  • asks to teach him new activities, to show him how to do something himself;
  • he already knows how to hold a spoon in his fist, he drinks from a mug;
  • makes attempts to eat on his own, although this is still difficult;
  • but he can wash himself well and wash his hands, and does it with great pleasure.

The ability to eat independently is mastered gradually, but at this age the baby is already capable of more meaningful logical actions that will ultimately give the desired result

Developmental activities for the baby

Games will help children develop their everyday skills. You can keep your child busy with something very interesting and enjoyable - for example, ask him to feed a doll, rock her crib, bring mom a spoon, or lay out a napkin on the table. The baby should help his parents, because this gives him incredible pleasure, allows him to organize leisure time, play usefully, and develop behavioral skills.

Worth keeping your baby busy role-playing games when behavior patterns are formed.

Useful exercises that improve development:

  1. Do simple gymnastics so that your child repeats the exercises and happily performs them to the accompaniment of cheerful music. For example, the songs of the Zheleznovs. It’s worth learning a couple of songs, repeating them for a week, and then adding new compositions.
  2. Try removing and putting rings on a stick - this is an important and necessary skill that will improve the development of dexterity and precision of movements. 5 minutes of exercise a day is enough.
  3. Finding a pair is a developmental activity, just lay out mittens, gloves and socks, asking them to find a similar item.
  4. Roll the ball - first from a small distance, then increase it.
  5. Place toys and other obstacles on the floor so that the child can walk the entire strip, stepping over or around objects. You can take the machine with you, push it or pull it by the string.

After the first year of a child’s life, you need to slightly adjust his daily routine. What is this correction? There is no need to radically change it. The child's body is very sensitive and quickly gets used to the regime. If your little one is accustomed to a certain daily routine, then continue to adhere to it. It will be easier for you and for the baby. But a one-year-old baby requires more time to stay awake and less time to sleep. At this age, the baby requires more attention. We will try to create an optimal daily routine for a one-year-old baby.

Approximate daily routine for a 1 year old child

The best daily routine is considered to be one that meets the natural needs of the child. He will show you through his behavior, mood and state of health whether such a routine is suitable for him or not.

  • 6.30 – 7.30 - awakening from sleep, toilet, water procedures.
  • 7.30 – 8.00 - feeding.
  • 8.00 – 9.30 - wakefulness (walk, game).
  • 9.30 – 11.30 - sleep.
  • 11.30 – 12.00 - lunch.
  • 12.00 – 15.00 - waking time (walk, play).
  • 15.00 – 16.30 - sleep.
  • 16.30 – 17.00 - afternoon tea.
  • 17.00 – 19.30 - waking time (walk, play).
  • 19.30 – 20.00 - dinner.
  • 20.00 – 20.30 - water treatments, massage.
  • 20.30 – 6.30 - sleep.

Of course, this is an approximate daily routine. Parents can create their daily routine, taking into account individual characteristics child.

A one-year-old toddler should be taught order. He can clean up the toys himself and give his mother some objects. You definitely need to praise him for what he does on his own.

Sleep occupies an important place in the daily routine. After a year of life, a child should sleep twice a day: in the morning and in the afternoon. In order for him to fall asleep quickly, you need to stop active games half an hour before bedtime. Excited active games The body is not so easy to calm down, much less put to sleep. If your little one didn't sleep much during the day, try to put him to bed earlier in the evening: sleep at night compensates for lack of sleep during the day.

After sleep, accustom him to dressing independently, but give him prompts and help in doing so. Name the clothes and ask him to repeat after you. This way he will sooner learn to call things by their proper names.

A one-year-old child should eat five times a day. If he refuses dinner or an afternoon snack, transfer him to four meals a day every four hours. The daily food intake should be no more than 1200 grams. With five meals a day, the child should eat 250 grams at a time.

If your baby still uses a pacifier at one year old, then wean him off it. At this age, a pacifier or pacifier can cause harm rather than benefit. Firstly, the child’s taste may deteriorate and he may not be able to pronounce hissing sounds. Secondly, receiving only liquid food, he will refuse. At one year of age, a child can eat independently with the help of a spoon, but with the participation of adults.

The waking period includes games, rest and walks. Play with your baby, do gymnastics, talk, explain. Believe me, your beloved child at this age understands you perfectly. Your little one will love this fun exercise. Place toys on the mat and use a ball. Crawl on all fours, bend over, squat.

During walks, pay attention to the crumbs the world around us: leaves, animals, birds, grass, trees, flowers, rain. Talk to him about everything that happens, that the child sees. Such walks will be educational in nature.

Water procedures include washing, taking a bath, washing with water, swimming, and playing in the water. Yes, that’s right, diversify your water treatments with games. Baby taking baths game form it will be much more interesting and fun. A one-year-old toddler should already be accustomed to washing himself. And praise, praise, praise for every independent action.

Massage for a child is not just necessary, but mandatory! After taking water treatments, massage using special oils.

If you decide to stick to a daily routine, do not make exceptions to the rules, do not deviate from it. Following a daily routine disciplines, teaches order, and helps improve the baby’s immunity and health.

1 year and 3 months is another milestone in the baby’s development. Infant roundness begins to disappear, the child, as they say, “stretches out,” and height and weight do not gain as rapidly as in the first year of life. Development is still in full swing. Every day, observant parents notice something new - gestures, movements, words, understanding and comprehension of what is happening around them. But this is also a very difficult age, when the legs are ready to carry their little owner anywhere, and mental activity is not developed enough to first think, and then go, climb, grab. “An eye and an eye” - this rule will have to be followed for up to two years, or even more, by those who always try to keep track of the little one.

Physical development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

Child development data - height and weight standards developed by the World Health Association.


  • Height - 76.6-81.7 cm
  • Weight — 9.2-11.5 kg
  • Head circumference — 45.5-48.1 cm


  • Height — 74.8-80.2 cm
  • Weight - 8.5-10.9 kg
  • Head circumference — 44.3-47.0 cm

At the age of 1 year 3 months, the child becomes more and more independent, and strives to do more and more different things on his own.

There is no need to hinder the baby’s initiatives, especially in those matters that he can handle. Wants to hold a spoon and put food into his mouth on his own - please. You just need patience, a good apron and extra food. Holding a mug and drinking from it is also possible and necessary. It is better to use a plastic mug, it is lighter and will not break if dropped.

At this age, the desire to imitate the adults around us is very strong: when I heard dad cough, he coughs too, mom reads, and we leaf through a book.
Learn simple hand actions - “bye-bye”, “okay” - if you haven’t done it yet.
Walking is becoming more and more improved, the baby can simultaneously walk and carry an object, walk and push or pull a toy. While standing on your feet, you can stretch and take something from the shelf.

Difficulties that may arise
  • The baby is not yet old enough to play together with his peers. He can mind his own business, sitting side by side in the sandbox, watching his neighbor play, but the child is not yet ready for more interaction. The concepts of “mine” and “someone else’s” toy have not been formed, so there are often situations when one little one grabs the other’s toy or begins to “tug” it. It’s useless to explain for now; it’s better to distract, switch attention to something else.
  • Many children are initially not afraid of the dark and other things. But adults, scaring children with various horror stories like: “If you don’t eat, the beech will take you away (byaka, someone else’s aunt, etc.), they themselves give reason for fear. You cannot use fear as a way to achieve educational goals, otherwise you risk getting a frequently frightened child who flinches at the slightest noise. Neurosis may then develop.

Educational activities and games for a child aged 1 year and 3 months

  1. It is very useful to do gymnastics , the child learns to repeat simple movements and develops physically. It is more fun to perform simple actions to some simple music. The Zheleznov songs, for example, are perfect for 3-5 minute “warm-ups”. It is advisable to learn two or three songs and repeat them for 10 days. Then add new ones, repeating the ones you’ve already learned and loved every few days. So, soon you will know and repeat one and a half to two dozen fun movements to the delight of the baby and those around you.
  2. Remove the rings from the stick and put them on it - also a necessary skill at the age of 1 year 3 months. The pyramid could not be more suitable for these purposes. Even if the child is not able to pay long attention to the game, even 5 minutes a day will soon yield results.
  3. Show and tell your baby what hot and cold are , wet and dry, big and small, clean and dirty.
  4. While walking, pay your baby's attention to the objects around him. and their parts: for example, a car - wheels, trees - leaves.

Find a match

Place paired items (socks, mittens, boots) in front of the baby, one piece per pair. Take out the second items of the pair one by one and ask them to find a “friend”.

Rolling the ball

Roll the ball to each other while sitting on the floor, first from a short distance, then moving further away.

Passing the route

Create a “course” with obstacles on the floor by placing boxes and a chair of different heights and invite your child to walk through. He must step over low objects, go around tall objects, and crawl under a chair. You can ask the child to drive around obstacles with a car, which the child will pull or push.

What to cook for a child aged 1 year and 3 months: baby’s diet

Carrot porridge

Semolina - 2 tbsp. l., carrots - 1/2 pcs., milk - 1 glass, sugar - 1 tsp. l., butter - 1/2 tsp., salt.
Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Pour the cereal into boiling, slightly salted milk in a thin stream and add the carrots. Let it boil and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring. Add butter and sugar.

Children's menu for 1 year and 3 months

1st day 2nd day 3rd day
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with milk
Bread and butter
Beet caviar with apple
Steam omelette
Tea with milk
Bread and butter
Millet porridge with pumpkin and milk
Bread with butter and cheese
Dinner Rice soup with vegetables, pureed
Squid and fish balls
Mashed potatoes
Dried fruit compote
Milk soup with potatoes and carrots
Steamed meat dumplings with cottage cheese
Vegetable stew
Carrot-apple drink
Broth with egg flakes
Stuffed cabbage rolls are lazy
Kissel with rosehip decoction
Afternoon snack Waffles
Fruit puree
Pancakes with pureed apple
Dinner Cottage cheese with tomatoes
Potato zrazy with vegetables
Pumpkin with apple
Rice-carrot soufflé
Buckwheat pudding with cottage cheese
Fruit mousse
Tea with milk

Proper organization of the daily routine is an important factor affecting the health of the child. For a child early age The regime is the basis of education. During the first three years of life, the performance of the child’s nervous system is constantly changing, so it is advisable to change the mode to different age periods. During the age period from one to three years, the daily routine changes three times.

    It should be remembered that any information on organizing a daily routine is advisory nature, some there are no strict norms and standards.

    The regimen is designed optimally if the time of feeding, going to bed and toileting coincides with the child's current needs.

    Due to the fact that sudden changes in daily routine are difficult for children to tolerate, the transfer of a child to another age regime should be gradual and not cause negative emotions. The correctness of such a translation will be evidenced by good mood baby and even behavior.

    When establishing a daily routine, in addition to age, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics of the child and his state of health.

    A child's observance of a certain routine teaches him to be organized and makes life easier for him and his parents. A child who follows the regime will have much better health in the future. It is easier to adapt to the conditions of kindergarten.

Violations in the baby’s health that may occur if the regimen is not followed:

  • the child becomes whiny, capricious, irritable
  • frequent deterioration in mood, which is associated with overwork, lack of sleep
  • absent normal development neuropsychic activity
  • difficulty in developing cultural and hygienic skills and neatness.

Daily routine for a child from one year to one year and six months (1.5 years)

In the second year of life, significant changes occur in the baby's development. In the first half of the year, children are still physically quite weak and get tired quickly. High motor activity combined with insufficient coordination of movements. A child at this age walks, squats and bends independently. Able to fulfill simple requests from an adult, correctly names 4-6 objects when shown to him. Begins to actively use lightweight words, while vocabulary is expanding rapidly. He begins to use a spoon independently, but does not do it skillfully yet.


The child sleeps twice during the day: the first nap is 2-2.5 hours, the second is 1.5-2 hours. Preparing the child (stopping noisy games, washing) for bed occurs in advance, at least half an hour before he is put to bed. They should be put to bed during the day and at night at the same hour - children develop a conditioned reflex to time and in the following days the child wakes up and falls asleep at the time set according to the schedule. When accustoming a child to a routine, you need to wake him up; if he does not wake up at the appointed time, a deviation from the exact time of 15-20 minutes is allowed. In the future, when the routine has already been established, it is undesirable to wake the child, as this worsens his mood; the baby should be raised after sleep as he wakes up, and taught to dress by showing and naming items of clothing.

In the summer, it is recommended that the child nap during the day in the fresh air - on the street or on the veranda, or, in extreme cases, in a room with an open window. From May to August, the child can be put to bed a little later at night, thus prolonging daytime sleep.


Feeding should be four times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner), at intervals of 3-4 hours. The regimen is structured in such a way that the baby stays awake after feeding and then sleeps until the next feeding. Such observance of the rules of alternation of processes ensures the optimal state of the child in each age period. After the child gets enough sleep and eats with appetite, he remains calmly and actively awake until the next sleep and better perceives the influences of the surrounding world.

At this age, the child should be taught to use a spoon independently. First he learns to eat thick food with a spoon, then liquid food. The child eats the first two or three spoons on his own, then the adult feeds him with another spoon, without removing the spoon from the child’s hands. At the end of feeding, the baby eats another two or three spoons.


The duration of periods of wakefulness at this age should not exceed 4 - 4.5 hours. Extending the time of wakefulness or shortening sleep is undesirable; it can lead to overwork of the nervous system and disruption of the child’s behavior.

The waking period mainly includes play, walks and water procedures. The game mainly uses toys that can be pulled (cars, strollers), cubes, various boxes nested inside one another, books with simple bright pictures, animal figures, pyramids.

It is very important to organize walks in the fresh air twice a day (after lunch and afternoon snack), the duration of one walk is 1.5 hours, in the summer this time can be increased to 2 hours in good weather conditions.

Water treatments before afternoon tea. At this age, general rubdowns can be used. First they wipe upper limbs, then the lower ones, chest and back. The initial water temperature is 33-36 0. Gradually, once every 5 days, the water temperature is reduced by 1 0 and brought to 24 0. Water procedures are an important element of hardening; including them in the daily routine is an integral part of healthy upbringing.

Hygienic bathing 2-3 times a week before bedtime.

The child's clothing should be appropriate for his height, not restrict movement, and have a minimum number of ties and fasteners. Up to 1.5 years old, girls, like boys, should wear pants and blouses, since dresses make walking difficult. The child takes part in the process of dressing and undressing, learns to take off simple items of clothing (unbuttoned shoes, a T-shirt).

At this age, it is important to cultivate the following cultural and hygienic skills: wash your hands before eating, sit on a child’s chair, learn to eat yourself carefully with a spoon, and use a napkin after eating. It is necessary to teach the child to sit on the potty and sit on it until the result is achieved. To teach children to be tidy, they are regularly put on the potty after sleep, every 1.5 - 2 hours while awake, before a walk and upon returning from it.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1 to 1.5 years:

Feeding: 7.30, 12, 16.30, 20.

Wakefulness: 7 – 10, 12 – 15.30, 16.30 – 20.30.

Dream: first 10 – 12, second 15.30 – 16.30, night sleep 20.30 – 7.

Walk: after lunch and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 19.

Daily routine for a child from one year and six months (1.5 years) to 2 years

Features of the age period

The child steps over an object lying on the floor, runs, and rubs his hands under running water when washing. Can name objects, generalizes them according to essential features, knows the main parts of the body. Takes off unfastened shoes independently, holds a cup when drinking, and uses a spoon more skillfully. Reproduces previously seen or learned actions in the game: feeds a doll, builds a tower of cubes, etc. He can distinguish between 3-4 objects of different shapes (ball, cube, pyramid). He knows well the meaning of the words “possible” and “impossible”, but is not always able to obey the prohibition.


After one and a half years, the child is transferred to a regime with one daytime sleep.

The duration of daytime sleep is 3-3.5 hours. The total duration of sleep at this age is from 13 to 14.5 hours, of which night sleep is 10 - 11 hours. When teaching a child to be independent, you should not force him to undress independently before bed for a long time - this leads to fatigue and poor sleep.


The baby should be fed four times a day. The intervals between feedings are from 3.5 to 4.5 hours. If the baby is awake between feedings, this interval should not exceed 3.5 hours. The night break between dinner and breakfast is about 12 - 13 hours. Breakfast should begin no later than an hour after waking up, dinner - no less than an hour before the child goes to bed to ensure a restful sleep.


Periods of continuous wakefulness in this age group increase to 5 – 5.5 hours.

During play at this age, the child is already actively using shoulder blades and balls.

Outdoor walks are organized twice a day, after breakfast and afternoon tea. The duration of walks is the same as in the previous age group.

Water procedures are carried out before lunch. From 1.5 years of age, you can use a shower as a water treatment, the effect of which is stronger than that of wiping, since in addition to temperature effects, the child also experiences mechanical effects. The water temperature decreases gradually, once every 5 days by 1 0, from 35-37 0 and is brought to 24 - 28 0. First they pour on the back, then the chest, stomach, and lastly the arms. The duration of the procedure is 1.5 minutes. Hygienic bathing is carried out 2 times a week before bedtime.

By the age of two, the skill of neatness should be practically formed, but after playing too much, the child may forget to ask to go to the potty, so they need to be reminded of this and put on the potty before bed and after bed.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1.5 to 2 years:

Feeding: 8, 12, 15.30, 19.30.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 20.20.

Dream: 12.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: after breakfast and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 18.30.

Daily routine for a child aged 2 to 3 years

Features of the age period

Vocabulary increases significantly compared to the previous period. Speaks in long-winded sentences. The child's speech begins to approach the speech of an adult. The baby eats carefully, puts on and takes off a T-shirt or shirt, and asks to go to the potty throughout the day. He concentrates on toys and enthusiastically looks at books and pictures. The third year is a period of development of independence and creative activity.


During the third year of life, the child can be on a regimen with a single daytime nap. If a child categorically refuses daytime sleep, then at this time he should be in a state of calm wakefulness (for example, looking at pictures in a book), this will allow nervous system child to rest and avoid overwork.


Four feedings a day with an interval of 3.5 - 4 hours (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner).


Each period of wakefulness takes 6 - 6.5 hours. For children who tire easily and weakened children, periods of wakefulness can be reduced to 5 - 5.5 hours by lengthening sleep. A child at this age is already able to restrain his actions and desires for a short time, but still gets easily excited and tired of monotonous activities. The baby can do the same thing for no more than 20 - 30 minutes. Periods of wakefulness should consist of a rational alternation different types active activity of the child. Children's play includes children's musical instruments, colored pencils, a rocking horse, dolls, and sand molds.

As in previous age periods, children should spend a certain part of their waking hours outdoors, even in winter time years, but no more than 1.5 hours, since they still cool quite quickly. In the warm season, walks can last up to 2 hours, and under appropriate conditions, the entire waking period can be transferred to the air.

Water procedures include dousing, but for weakened children, wiping may be used. Recommendations for the temperature regime of water procedures, as in previous age groups. A hygienic bath for a child in the third year is carried out once a week before bedtime.

Despite the fact that the child basically already knows how to regulate his physiological functions, he should still be put on the potty before going to bed, before going for a walk, and be sure to monitor the accuracy of this process.

At this age, it is important to encourage children to be active independent activity, develop and consolidate existing skills and abilities by constantly repeating them.

Approximate daily routine for children aged 2 to 3 years:

Feeding: 8, 12.30, 16.30, 19.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 13.30, 15.30 – 20.30.

Dream: 13.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: 2 times a day after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Pouring: after night and daytime sleep (winter) and before lunch (summer).

Bathing: before bedtime.