How to choose the right daily routine for a one-year-old child?

A child is a year old - the first significant date in the life of a child, without which no family can do without celebrating. For some babies, this event does not entail any changes regarding the change in the usual daily routine, for others, the transition to a new age category is associated with a restructuring of the daily rest regimen and feeding schedule.

Table with the daily routine for a child at 12 months of age

  • 6:00-6:30 The awakened baby is breast-fed or given milk formula.
  • 6:30-10:00 A series of usual morning procedures: washing, brushing your teeth, taking air baths and a complex of morning exercises.
  • 10:00-10:30 A portion of porridge seasoned with a drop of butter will give the baby strength and cheer up.
  • 10:30-12:00 The first period of daytime sleep.
  • 12:00-14:00 A rested baby goes for a walk.
  • 14:00-14:30 It's time to have lunch.
  • 14:30-15:30 The most opportune moment for intellectual and creative activity: reading children's books, modeling and drawing.
  • 15:30-17:00 The second period of daytime sleep.
  • 17:00-18:00 Time for outdoor games and physical education: a well-rested baby is full of strength and energy.
  • 18:00-18:30 A hearty dinner will restore the supply of calories burned in the process of vigorous physical activity.
  • 18:30-20:30 A refreshed child is going for a walk with the closest people.
  • 20:30-22:00 Communication with family members continues: it's time for educational games, during which the intelligence and motor skills of small muscles are actively developed. Approximately in the middle of this time period, you can carve out a quarter of an hour for bathing the baby.
  • 22:00-22:30 Evening snack before laying down the crumbs.
  • 22:30-6:00 It's time for night dreams.

This daily routine, unchanged preserving the sequence and duration of all regime moments the previous month, is only suitable for those babies who still need two periods of daytime rest.

However, among the yearlings there are babies whose nervous system has become so strong that frequent rest is no longer needed to restore it. For such children, a new regimen is needed, providing for only one period of daytime sleep.


The daily routine that regulates the life of a one-year-old child may contain one of two options for sleep patterns:

  1. The first, which has become familiar to the child who has obeyed him for the past two months, provides for biphasic daytime sleep, consisting of two 1.5-hour periods. Babies who need this sleep pattern are able to stay alert for up to four hours. The time of the evening release for them comes at 22 o'clock. With this variant of daytime rest, two long walks and five meals a day fit perfectly into the daily routine.
  2. The second option, which involves only one long period of daytime sleep, requires a radical restructuring of the entire daily routine. The crumbs, for whom such a rest schedule is comfortable, demonstrate the characteristic features inherent in the temperament of "owls": they wake up no earlier than seven (and sometimes even eight) in the morning. "Quiet time" (lasting at least 2-3 hours) for them will have to arrange closer to 13:00. Since it will end no earlier than 16:00, there can be no question of any five-time feeding: the baby will be able to feed only four times. Such a daily routine has two important advantages: it is close to the conditions for keeping babies in preschool, so the adaptation of the crumbs that went to Kindergarten, will pass without any problems (). The second plus is that the parents of a baby going on a night's rest at 21:00 have the opportunity to devote a little more time to each other.

What sleep schedule suits a baby at 1 year old, parents decide by observing his behavior. An indication for the transition to a one-time daytime sleep is a combination of the following manifestations:

  • Despite the fact that the time has come for the first daytime sleep, the baby continues to be alert and energetic. Without showing the slightest sign of drowsiness, he is ready to play or study with his mother;
  • Attempts to lay in the crib cause a strong protest of the crumbs;
  • The process of daily laying is delayed so much that it leads to a significant shift in time of all regime moments.

If this behavior is repeated day after day, you can gradually change the usual daily routine, giving the baby the opportunity for a single, but longer daytime rest. Of course, there should be no talk of any violence on the part of adults.


The nutrition schedule of a twelve-month-old baby depends entirely on how many times he rests during the day.

  • With a two-phase mode of daytime sleep, the crumbs are fed five times. If mom still has breast milk, it is perfect for both the first breakfast and for the evening feeding of the baby before laying him down for the night (you can feed the artificial with milk formula).

During the second breakfast, lunch and dinner, the yearling receives food from the common table. His diet consists of cereals, soups, boiled and stewed vegetables, meat and fish dishes. A child of this age does not need any additional rubbing of food. Fish and meat intended for feeding the baby (if they are not served in the form of meatballs and cutlets) can be cut into small pieces: this is necessary for the development of the chewing reflex and the formation of the correct bite.

List of products contraindicated little child, remains the same: on his table there should not be spicy, spicy and fried foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, smoked meats, canned food, sausages and confectionery. Instead of factory-made sweets (sweets, cakes and fatty cookies), which you so want to pamper your beloved baby, it is better to give him fresh berries and fruits or add them to ready meals.

  • If the sleep regimen provides for a single long rest, the baby's nutrition becomes four times a day. Reducing the number of feedings does not mean that you should increase the amount of food offered to the child. For one feeding, he should eat no more than 250 ml of foods that are healthy for him.

With this feeding regime, the baby starts breakfast not immediately after waking up, but after washing, brushing his teeth and doing morning exercises. This must happen no earlier than 8:30. Four hours later - at 12:30 - the child is fed a lunch consisting of any soups (vegetable, meat or fish), steam cutlets with vegetable puree (from broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes or carrots), juice or compote.

Twice a week the baby is given fish and twice a month - dishes from beef liver. After a long day's sleep - at 16:30 - it's time for an afternoon snack. Since with this diet option the baby will have dinner before four hours are up, during the midday snack he is served lighter dishes: baby cottage cheese, casseroles or cheesecakes, fruit puree and favorite juice.

At 19:00, you can feed the yearling with milk porridge or vegetable puree; occasionally, a steamed omelet or boiled egg is given. You can finish the dinner with weak tea, compote or fruit juice.

Physical exercise

A 12-month-old child needs constant building and strengthening of muscle mass. This can be done during morning exercises and home physical education. Complexes must include:

  • walking on various (straight, inclined, even and bumpy) surfaces;
  • exercises with hanging the baby on the rings or horizontal bar;
  • all kinds of squats (with support for the handles and without it);
  • all kinds of crawling;
  • slopes;
  • exercises with crawling through a hoop and under an obstacle;
  • abdominal strengthening exercises;
  • throwing the ball;
  • circular rotation of the limbs;
  • reinforcing the skills of safely dismounting from a chair, bed or sofa.

Gymnastics should be done only in a well-ventilated room and with an open window (of course, avoiding drafts). To make physical education enjoyable for the baby, they can be carried out to cheerful rhythmic music.

A one-year-old child ceases to need to perform a general strengthening massage: thanks to the active and constant movement, his muscles begin to develop without extraneous external efforts (the only exception is a special prescription from a doctor). Slow walks over fairly long distances are very useful for him. Many mothers enroll with their baby in a developmental school and study under the supervision of qualified specialists.


1 year is the age when the baby begins to understand that brushing your teeth, washing your face and washing your hands before eating are routines that need to be done every day. It is from this age that it is necessary to form hygiene skills in him, which over time will turn into a good habit.

Daily bathing of the crumbs is no longer required; if the mother is not going to refuse the ritual of his nightly bathing, it is necessary to lubricate the delicate baby skin with special oil after taking a bath or. Salts with minerals and herbal extracts added to a baby bath have an excellent moisturizing effect.

Hardened babies are bathed in water, the temperature of which does not exceed twenty-nine degrees (for the rest of the children, this value is at least thirty-four degrees), and they are poured over with cooler (a couple of degrees) water.

Developing classes

The arsenal of educational toys for a one-year-old is quite wide. The baby must have:

  • sets different cubes(wooden, soft or plastic);
  • nesting dolls;
  • all kinds of pyramids (from rings, balls, hollow caps);
  • children's musical instruments (drum, battery-powered piano, glockenspiel);
  • sorter toys (with curly slots on the lid and a set of inserts corresponding to them);
  • sensory mats (the laces, fasteners, buttons, Velcro available on them contribute to the development fine motor skills);
  • game centers;
  • puzzles (from 2-4 parts);
  • rubber toys depicting birds and animals;
  • lotto for little ones;
  • wheelchairs (on a rope or with a long handle);
  • big and small balls.

Educational games with a child of 12 months are becoming more complex and interesting:

  1. Very useful for developing fine motor skills finger games: "Finger-boy", "Magpie-crow", "Okay".
  2. Having taught the baby to fold the matryoshka correctly, the mother will contribute to the development of his eye and logical thinking.
  3. Looking at the pictures in the book with a crumb, you can play the game "Find and show." First you need to show the baby where the eyes of the cat (dolls, dogs) are drawn, and then ask him to find them on his own. This game can be played indefinitely, inventing new tasks.
  4. By turning on rhythmic music and moving along with the child, the mother will help develop his hearing and sense of rhythm.
  5. You can teach the baby to extract sounds from children's musical instruments (drum, tambourine, metallophone, pipe). The simplest tools can be made with your own hands by pouring peas, cereals or buttons into small plastic bottles.
  6. An impromptu "sandbox" made from a basin filled with moistened salt will allow the baby to make beautiful cakes. This game develops motor skills of small muscles, eye and perseverance.
  7. For the development of fine motor skills and aesthetic perception of reality, drawing lessons are very useful. Yearlings are happy to draw with paints, felt-tip pens and wax crayons. Before such an activity, it is necessary to put on clothes for the baby that you do not mind getting dirty and constantly being close to him. The table at which the child sits is better to cover with a newspaper.

According to pediatricians, the rhythm of a baby's life per year should not undergo drastic changes. It continues to correspond to the previously established regimen of the child at 11-12 months. And if parents fully comply with it, there are no issues with sleep, nutrition and walks.

Baby's personality

But it happens that the baby categorically refuses to live by the old rules. How is it shown? Putting the baby on the first daytime sleep becomes very difficult. Yes, and you notice that the child is cheerful, does not show signs of drowsiness, can continue playing without a hint of capriciousness. If, however, it was possible to put the baby to bed (which happens with a significant delay), the time of the afternoon nap shifts, and after it the hour of going to bed at night. All this is accompanied by a change in the schedule of walks, meals. And it negatively affects the mood of parents and the rhythm of family life.

If this is exactly what happens in your case, then the generally accepted daily routine of a child at 12 months is no longer suitable for you. The baby has outgrown him, more comfortable for him and for you will be a routine with one daytime sleep. But it is worth repeating that this should come to this naturally, without pressure from the parents, without tantrums from the child, who is tired and could take a nap, but does not want to part with his favorite toy. The complexity of the child's day regimen at 11-12 months is to find an individual and comfortable schedule, thanks to which the baby will be cheerful and healthy, and the mother, as before, will be able to sleep well and do everything around the house.

Daily schedule options

Thus, there are 2 options for a child's sleep schedule at 1 year old.

  • 2 times a day - usually daytime rest is divided into 2 periods of 1-1.5 hours. The baby is ready to go to bed after about 3 hours of wakefulness. Sometimes in the morning this time comes faster. The baby goes to bed at night at 22.00. Such a daily routine for a 1-year-old child is more consistent with the Dosadikov schedule. It includes 2 walks: the first in the afternoon, the second - after the second sleep.
  • 1 time per day - for babies adhering to this routine, an early rise is not typical. Usually, by the age of one, the “owl” temperament manifests itself in this way: the child wakes up at 7 and even closer to 8 o'clock, begins to show a desire to sleep closer to 12.30-13.00 o'clock. Quiet hour lasts 2-3 hours and ends around 16.00. When switching to such a schedule, the child's diet at 1 year also changes. Complying with the 5 meals a day recommended by pediatricians is not something that is not necessary. It just doesn't work anymore. In this case, the mother receives 2 important advantages: the baby can be accustomed to the kindergarten regime if it is planned to send him to the children's team after a year and a half. And parents get much more time to communicate with each other, as the child easily goes to bed already at 21.00.

The total rest time during the day, which each daily routine of a child of 1 year requires, is 13 hours, as well as. It is important for parents to ensure that the baby gets enough sleep for the time allotted to him, since the stability of his nervous system and general well-being depend on this.

One year old baby food

Baby sleeps twice a day

Depending on the general daily routine, a meal schedule is also formed. In the first case, if a two-time daytime sleep is maintained, the food remains 5 times a day. The baby can still receive breast milk or formula for the first breakfast, he also ends his day before bed at night.

During the day, the baby eats three times. Moreover, his dishes became very similar to the diet of adults. The same soups that the rest of the family eat, the same cereals. The only difference is the absence of fried dishes in the menu. They are replaced by boiled, including meat and fish, steamed meatballs and meatballs, boiled or stewed vegetables. And the inadmissibility of using smoked meats, sausages, spicy dishes, chocolate, factory confectionery, citrus fruits in the diet.

As for sweets, it is worth mentioning separately. The desire of parents to start feeding their children goodies as soon as possible is understandable. But now it is too early to do so. Sweets and cakes contain an extremely large amount of sugar, and factory-made cookies contain fats of unnatural origin, which will only harm the baby's body. Fruits and berries will be more useful and no less tasty for him, with which you can gradually diversify the menu.

Baby sleeps once a day

If the regimen of a child at 1 year old implies a single sleep, it is logical to transfer it to 4 meals a day. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the volume of one feeding should not exceed 250 ml, and it is simply impossible to try to “shove” more so that the baby is full. In this case, the feeding schedule implies:

  • breakfast - not immediately after waking up, but only after hygiene procedures: brushing teeth, washing. It is advisable to do morning exercises. The correct time for breakfast would be 8.30;
  • lunch - at 12.30. Before that, the baby should go for a walk. Many children are already ready to meet their peers, so it is convenient to spend time on the playground;
  • afternoon snack - at 16.30, after a daytime sleep. For an afternoon snack, a child is always offered a less satisfying menu than for breakfast and lunch, since dinner will come earlier than 4 hours later. good choice there will be cottage cheese, cheesecakes or casseroles, fruit puree or fruit;
  • dinner - at 19.00. Before him - time for a walk, after - the baby plays, bathes and goes to sleep.

Such an approximate day regimen for a child at 1 year old will become your companion for the next 4 years. It is important to stick to it as strictly as possible so as not to run into problems of not wanting to sleep or lack of appetite.

Proper organization of the daily routine is an important factor affecting the health of the child. For a child early age mode is the basis of education. During the first three years of life, the performance of the child's nervous system is constantly changing, so it is advisable to change the regimen in various age periods. In the age period from one to three years, the daily regimen changes three times.

    It should be remembered that any information on the organization of the daily routine is advisory nature, some there are no strict rules and standards.

    The regimen is optimal if the time of feeding, going to bed and toileting coincide with the needs of the child at the moment.

    Due to the fact that abrupt changes in the daily regimen are difficult for children to tolerate, the transfer of the child to another age regimen should be gradual, and not cause negative emotions. The correctness of such a translation will be evidenced by good mood baby and smooth behavior.

    When setting the regime of the day, in addition to age, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics of the child and the state of his health.

    Compliance with a certain routine by a child teaches him to be organized, makes life easier for him and his parents. A child who adheres to the regimen will be much easier to adapt to the conditions of kindergarten.

Violations in the health of the baby, which may occur if the regime is not followed:

  • the child becomes whiny, capricious, irritable
  • frequent deterioration in mood, which is associated with overwork, lack of sleep
  • missing normal development neuropsychic activity
  • the difficulty of forming cultural and hygienic skills, neatness.

The daily routine of a child from a year to a year and six months (1.5 years)

In the second year of life, significant changes occur in the development of the baby. In the first half of the year, children are still physically weak enough, they get tired quickly. high physical activity combined with poor coordination of movements. A child at this age walks independently, squats and bends over. Able to fulfill simple requests from an adult, correctly names 4-6 objects when they are shown to him. Begins to actively use light words, while vocabulary expanding rapidly. He begins to use a spoon on his own, but does not yet do it skillfully.


The child sleeps during the day twice: the first daytime sleep - 2-2.5 hours, the second - 1.5-2 hours. Preparation of the child (cessation of noisy games, washing) for sleep occurs in advance, at least half an hour before he is put to bed. To put to sleep during the day and at night should be at the same hour - the children develop a conditioned reflex for the time and in the following days the child wakes up and falls asleep at the time set according to the regimen. When accustoming a child to a regimen, you need to wake him up, if he himself does not wake up at the appointed time, a deviation from the exact time by 15-20 minutes is allowed. In the future, when the regime has already been set, it is undesirable to wake the child, as this worsens his mood, the baby should be raised after sleep as he wakes up, and taught to dress, showing and naming items of clothing.

In the summer, it is recommended that the child's daytime sleep be carried out in the fresh air - on the street or on the veranda, in extreme cases, in a room with an open window. From May to August, the child can be put to sleep a little later, respectively, prolonging daytime sleep.


Feed should be four times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner), at intervals of 3-4 hours. The regime is built in such a way that the child is awake after feeding, and then sleeps until the next feeding. Such observance of the rules of alternation of processes ensures the optimal condition of the child in each age period. After the child sleeps and eats with appetite, he is calmly and actively awake until the next sleep and perceives the influences of the world around him better.

At this age, the child should be taught to use a spoon on their own. First he learns to eat thick food with a spoon, then liquid. The child eats the first two or three spoons on his own, then the adult feeds him with another spoon, without removing the spoon from the child's hands. At the end of feeding, the baby himself eats another two or three spoons.


The duration of periods of wakefulness at this age should not exceed 4 - 4.5 hours. Lengthening the time of wakefulness or shortening of sleep is undesirable, it can lead to overwork of the nervous system and a violation of the child's behavior.

The period of wakefulness mainly includes games, walks, water procedures. The game mainly uses toys that can be pulled (cars, strollers), cubes, various nested boxes, books with simple bright pictures, figurines of animals, pyramids.

It is very important to organize walks in the fresh air twice a day (after lunch and afternoon tea), the duration of one walk is 1.5 hours, in the summer this time can be increased to 2 hours under good weather conditions.

Water procedures before afternoon tea. At this age, general rubdowns can be used. Wipe first upper limbs, then lower, chest and back. Initial water temperature 33-36 0 . Gradually, once every 5 days, the water temperature is reduced by 1 0 and brought to 24 0. Water procedures are an important element of hardening, including them in the daily routine is an integral part of a healthy upbringing.

Hygienic bathing 2-3 times a week before a night's sleep.

The child's clothing should be appropriate for growth, not restrict movement, have a minimum number of ties and fasteners. Up to 1.5 years, it is advisable for girls, as well as boys, to wear pants and blouses, since the dress makes walking difficult. The child takes part in the process of dressing and undressing, learns to take off simple items of clothing (unbuttoned shoes, T-shirt).

At this age, it is important to cultivate the following cultural and hygienic skills: wash hands before eating, sit on a children's chair, learn to eat carefully with a spoon on your own, and use a napkin after eating. It is necessary to teach the child to sit on the potty and sit on it until the result. For accustoming to neatness, children are regularly planted on the potty after sleep, every 1.5 - 2 hours during wakefulness, before walking and upon returning from it.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1 to 1.5 years old:

Feeding: 7.30, 12, 16.30, 20.

wakefulness: 7 – 10, 12 – 15.30, 16.30 – 20.30.

Dream: first 10 - 12, second 15.30 - 16.30, night sleep 20.30 - 7.

Walk: after lunch and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 19.

The daily routine of a child from one year and six months (1.5 years) to 2 years

Features of the age period

The child steps over an object lying on the floor, runs, rubs his hands under running water while washing. Can name objects, generalizes them according to an essential feature, knows the main parts of the body. Takes off unbuttoned shoes on his own, holds a cup while drinking, uses a spoon more skillfully. He reproduces previously seen or learned actions in the game: feeds the doll, builds a tower of cubes, etc. He can distinguish between 3-4 objects of different shapes (ball, cube, pyramid). Knows well the meaning of the words "can" and "impossible", but is not always able to obey the ban.


After one and a half years, the child is transferred to the mode with one daytime sleep.

The duration of daytime sleep is 3-3.5 hours. The total duration of sleep at this age is from 13 to 14.5 hours, of which night sleep is 10 - 11 hours. When accustoming a child to independence, one should not force him to undress for a long time before going to bed - this leads to fatigue and poor falling asleep.


The baby should be fed four times a day. The intervals between feedings are from 3.5 to 4.5 hours. If the child is awake between feedings, this interval should not exceed 3.5 hours. The night break between dinner and breakfast is about 12 - 13 hours. Breakfast should start no later than an hour after waking up, dinner - at least an hour before the child goes to bed to ensure him a restful sleep.


Periods of continuous wakefulness in this age group increases by 5 - 5.5 hours.

During the game at this age, the child is already actively using the shoulder blades, balls.

Walks in the air are organized twice a day, after breakfast and afternoon tea. The duration of the walks is the same as in the previous age group.

Water procedures are carried out before lunch. From the age of 1.5, a shower can be used as a water treatment, the effect of which is stronger than that of wiping, since in addition to temperature effects, the child also experiences mechanical ones. The water temperature decreases gradually, once every 5 days by 1 0 , from 35-37 0 and is brought to 24 - 28 0 . First, the back is poured, then the chest, stomach, and lastly the arms. The duration of the procedure is 1.5 minutes. Hygienic bathing is carried out 2 times a week before a night's sleep.

By the age of two, the skill of neatness should be practically formed, but after playing, the child may forget to ask for a potty, so they need to be reminded of this and planted on the potty before bedtime and after sleep.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1.5 to 2 years:

Feeding: 8, 12, 15.30, 19.30.

wakefulness: 7.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 20.20.

Dream: 12.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: after breakfast and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 18.30.

The daily routine of a child from 2 to 3 years

Features of the age period

Vocabulary increases significantly compared to the previous period. Speaks in long sentences. The speech of the child begins to approach the speech of an adult. The kid eats carefully, puts on and takes off a T-shirt or shirt, and asks for a potty during the day. Focuses on toys, enthusiastically examines books, pictures. The third year is a period of development of independence and creative activity.


During the third year of life, the child can be on a regimen with a single daytime sleep. If the child categorically refuses daytime sleep, then at this time he should be in a state of calm wakefulness (for example, looking at pictures in a book), this will allow nervous system child to rest and avoid overwork.


Four meals a day with an interval of 3.5 - 4 hours (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner).


Each period of wakefulness takes 6 - 6.5 hours. For children who tire easily, debilitated children, periods of wakefulness can be reduced to 5 to 5.5 hours by lengthening sleep. A child at this age is already able to restrain his actions and desires for a short time, but he is still easily excited and tired from monotonous activity. The kid can do the same thing for no more than 20 - 30 minutes. The periods of wakefulness should consist of a rational alternation different types active activity of the child. The child's game includes children's musical instruments, colored pencils, a rocking horse, dolls, sand molds.

As in previous age periods, children should spend a certain part of the wakefulness period in the air, even in winter time years, but not more than 1.5 hours, as they still cool quite quickly. In the warm season, walks can be extended up to 2 hours, and under appropriate conditions, the entire period of wakefulness can be transferred to the air.

Water procedures include dousing, but for weakened children, rubbing may be used. Recommendations for the temperature regime of water procedures, as in previous age groups. A hygienic bath for a child in the third year is carried out once a week before a night's sleep.

Despite the fact that the child basically already knows how to regulate his physiological functions, you should still put him on the potty before going to bed, walking, and be sure to monitor the accuracy of this process.

At this age, it is important to encourage children to actively independent activity, to develop and consolidate the skills and abilities that have already appeared by their constant repetition.

Approximate daily routine for children from 2 to 3 years:

Feeding: 8, 12.30, 16.30, 19.

wakefulness: 7.30 – 13.30, 15.30 – 20.30.

Dream: 13.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: 2 times a day after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Pouring: after night and daytime sleep (in winter) and before dinner (in summer).

Bathing: before bedtime.

After the first year of a child's life, you need to slightly adjust his daily routine. What is this correction? There is no need to change it drastically. The child's body is very sensitive and quickly gets used to the regimen. If the little one is used to a certain daily routine, then you continue to adhere to it. And it will be easier for you, and the baby. But a one-year-old baby needs more time to stay awake and less time to sleep. At this age, the baby needs more attention. We will try to create the optimal daily routine for a one-year-old baby.

Approximate daily routine for a child of 1 year

The best is the regime of the day, which corresponds to the natural needs of the child. He will demonstrate to you with his behavior, mood and state of health whether such a routine suits him or not.

  • 6.30 - 7.30 - awakening from sleep, toilet, water procedures.
  • 7.30 - 8.00 - feeding.
  • 8.00 - 9.30 - wakefulness (walk, play).
  • 9.30 - 11.30 - sleep.
  • 11.30 - 12.00 - lunch.
  • 12.00 - 15.00 - waking time (walk, play).
  • 15.00 - 16.30 - sleep.
  • 16.30 - 17.00 - afternoon snack.
  • 17.00 - 19.30 - wakefulness time (walk, play).
  • 19.30 - 20.00 - dinner.
  • 20.00 - 20.30 - water procedures, massage.
  • 20.30 - 6.30 - sleep.

Of course, this is an approximate daily routine. Parents can create their own daily routine, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

A one-year-old peanut should be taught to order. He can clean up toys himself, give mom any items. Be sure to praise him for what he does on his own.

Sleep plays an important role in the daily routine. A child after a year of life should sleep twice a day: in the first half of the day and in the second. In order for him to fall asleep quickly, you need to stop active games half an hour before bedtime. Excited active games the body is not so easy to calm down and even more so to put to sleep. If the baby did not sleep much during the day, then try to put him to bed earlier in the evening: a night's sleep compensates for lack of sleep during the day.

After sleep, teach him to dress himself on his own, but prompt and help with this. Name him clothes and ask him to repeat after you. So he will soon learn to call a spade a spade.

A one-year-old child should eat five times a day. If he refuses dinner or an afternoon snack, transfer him to four meals a day every four hours. Daily food intake should be no more than 1200 grams. With five meals a day, the child should eat 250 grams at a time.

If the baby still uses a nipple a year, then wean him from this. At this age, a nipple or a pacifier may not be beneficial, but harmful. Firstly, the child may lose his taste, he may not pronounce hissing sounds. Secondly, receiving only liquid food, he will refuse. In a year, a child can eat on his own with a spoon, but with the participation of adults.

The wakeful period includes games, rest and walks. Play with the baby, do gymnastics, talk, explain. Believe me, your beloved child at this age understands you perfectly. Cheerful exercise will be pleasant to the kid. Seat toys on the rug, use the ball. Crawl on all fours, bend over, squat.

When walking, pay attention to the crumbs the world: leaves, animals, birds, grass, trees, flowers, rain. Talk to him about everything that happens, what the child sees. Such walks will be educational in nature.

Water procedures include washing, taking a bath, washing with water, swimming, playing in the water. Yes, that's right, diversify water procedures with games. Baby take a bath game form will be much more interesting and fun. A one-year-old toddler should already be accustomed to self-washing. And praise, praise, praise for every independent action.

Massage for a child is not just necessary, but mandatory! After taking water procedures, massage using special oils.

If you decide to stick to the daily routine, do not make exceptions to the rules, do not deviate from it. Compliance with the daily regimen disciplines, accustoms to order, improves the immunity and health of the baby.

It is difficult to designate a certain daily routine if the baby is only a few months old. This is a difficult time of a painful first tooth, intestinal colic, unstable sleep. In the first days of life, it is difficult for parents to accustom a child to any mode, since he is limited to only two actions - sleep and food. When the baby does not sleep, he eats, then sleeps again. The daily routine of a child at 1 year old is very diverse.

A one year old baby is already quite active. He needs more time to stay awake than before. During such a period, young mothers often make a mistake - they allow the child to predominately determine what schedule the family should live on. Sometimes a child can sleep during the day, preventing parents from resting at night.

The situation when a child changes the habits of the family does not have the best effect on all its members. A tired dad, an annoyed mom exhausted during the day will not make a child happier. Therefore, it is very important to adjust your baby's sleep and wake hours.

A one-year-old child who is already 12 months old should definitely sleep at lunchtime and at night. According to Dr. Komarovsky, the daily sleep requirement of a child aged 12-16 months is thirteen and a half hours. But when exactly he will sleep - at lunchtime, in the afternoon or at night - parents decide, taking into account the characteristics of the baby.

The most popular regimen for a one-year-old child is night sleep lasting an average of 12 hours, and daytime sleep lasting 1.5 - 2 hours.

When choosing this mode, start preparing for bed as early as 20:00. Bathing, reading fairy tales, soothing games, relaxing massages contribute to falling asleep quickly. At 21:00, the baby should ideally fall asleep.

A 12-month-old baby's daytime naps may occur once or twice. Each mother herself determines how comfortable it is for her daughter or son to fall asleep during the day once for 1.5 hours or twice for 45-60 minutes. It depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, who is already more than 12 months old. Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises to listen first of all to the wishes of the child, without imposing an uncomfortable sleep schedule on him.

Often a problem in families becomes if the baby wakes up several times at night. If children do not sleep for 10-12 hours without a break, they require attention every night, this is a violation of the daily routine. To deal with this problem, here are a few tips:

Remember that children sleep well, who feel the love of their parents and a state of psychological comfort. Find a common activity with your baby before bed, play with his favorite toys or sing a lullaby.

One year old baby diet

Equally important in comparison with sleep is the time of eating. At the age of one, as Dr. Komarovsky recommends, it's time to transfer the baby to four meals a day.

If at 6 - 11 months he could not do without night feeding, now the priority is sound sleep, and not the fifth meal. If the baby is not in good health, or does not have enough appetite to satisfy the daily need for food during the day, then night feedings are best left.

There are two approaches to taking food - strictly by the hour or when the child wishes. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

Under natural conditions, there is no concept of "regime". Initially, it was laid down that biological individuals should receive food when there is a need to replenish the energy balance. But at present, society imposes a regime in all spheres of life. So from infancy, habits are developed to do vital things at a strictly defined time.

Modern mothers are more likely to choose food by the hour, because it facilitates the process of caring for a baby, accustoms him to a future adult independent life. After a while, the body gets used to getting food at a certain time, and the mother can enjoy the healthy appetite of her son or daughter.

Each baby is different, so only mom and dad can determine the right time for eating. We bring to your attention the most common feeding schedule that most parents adhere to today:

  • breakfast at 8:00;
  • lunch at 12:00;
  • afternoon tea at 16:00;
  • dinner at 19:00.

This schedule is well suited for parents who want to prepare their child in advance for visiting the kindergarten. For successful compliance with it, it is necessary to control that the baby has time to “work up” an appetite and does not interrupt him with fruit or biscuit snacks. Be sure to drink enough water between meals.

Walking outdoors as an important part of the daily routine

The peanut, who is already 12 months old, is very active. Many of the children are already taking their first steps towards the year and are interested in everything they see around them. At this age, there is a huge need for walks in the fresh air in order to learn about the world around.

Ideally, parents need to walk with their child on the street twice a day, provided that the weather is good outside, the child is not sick at this time colds, and mom and dad have enough time, strength and energy to spend two to three hours with a child. Fresh air is good for overall health.

In the warm season - from May to September, mothers can also spend hours of daytime sleep outside, when the child sleeps calmly in the stroller. The optimal time is the first day's walk between breakfast and lunch, and the second - between afternoon tea and dinner.

Long walks contribute to a good appetite and healthy sleep of your little one, introduce them to the outside world, and broaden their horizons. Due to contact with street microorganisms, natural immunity is developed. Invaluable is the communication between parents and the child during a walk.

The daily routine allows you to properly organize the care of the child, his growth and development. Following a sleep, meal, and wake schedule can make life easier for parents and teach a child discipline. For this reason, doctors, child psychologists and experienced moms recommend compliance with the regimen for the baby.