Characteristics of a Gemini man.

Gemini rules the zodiac from May 21 to June 21. This sign in astrology is considered a symbol of the opposing mind, the fusion of spirit and matter,

Gemini's element is Air. The essence of air signs is lightness, mobility, variability.

In representatives of this sign, air is responsible for intelligence, communication, and a rich imagination. As a result, Gemini Men are walking brainstormers with excellent organizational skills, effortlessly doing several things at once. They are characterized by an eternal desire for renewal and a love of freedom. No surprise! The air element is the very embodiment of freedom and limitless equality.

The ruling planet is Mercury. Mercury is in charge of the transfer of information, the ability to learn, and logical thinking. And, of course, everything related to exchange operations and trading. Its representatives are the best schemers and schemers of all times.

The ruling planet brings to the character of Gemini men an endless desire to see, recognize and touch everything with their hands. They want to always be in the thick of things and preferably in two places at the same time. The Mercurian's motto is: “I am interested!”

Similar aspects of the influence of the patronizing planet and element give Gemini an amazing ability to quickly convince their interlocutor that they are right.

Favorable colors: purple, gray, silver, green. The mystical and mysterious ultraviolet harmonizes well with the dual nature of Gemini. It balances their changeable essence and creates inner harmony. Talisman stones for Gemini men: garnet, chrysoprase, aventurine, beryl, jadeite, agate. Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 and other “series of fives”.


Typical Geminis have curiosity, artistry, wit, and a variety of interests in their blood. Experienced astrologers note that the sign is quite difficult to correctly interpret. The reason for this is the duality of his nature. In life, Gemini men are characterized by loyalty and inconstancy, strong attachment and a tendency to flirt. Knowledge of its virtues and vices will help you understand the complex nature of this sign.


It's a sin for Gemini to complain about Fortune. She endowed them with such striking advantages as a sharp mind, sociability, and intuition. Helps them become darlings of fate:
  • Ingenuity. The resourcefulness of Gemini men is manifested in the intellectual sphere. They tirelessly generate strategic plans and multi-move combinations.

  • Erudition. Gemini's incredible erudition contributes to their success in life. Their thirst for knowledge remains at any age.

  • Eloquence. Representatives of this sign do not need to learn oratory: it is inherent in them from birth.

  • Diplomacy. Courtesy and tact help you make useful connections and just be a good guy.


Many of the sign’s weaknesses are associated with its inconstancy, which manifests itself both in matters of the heart and at work. Its representatives can be overly fussy, superficial, abandon the work they have started for the sake of a new one, and tend to lie and make fun of their interlocutor. They often get carried away and quickly cool down. The downside of Gemini is:
  • indecision;
  • carelessness;
  • lack of restraint and endurance;
  • excessive suspiciousness;
  • craving for gossip and intrigue;
  • changeability of life orientations;
  • unpunctuality.

What qualities should be developed

The karmic task of Gemini is to overcome the astrological predisposition to duality and doubt. If they manage to cope with the Achilles heel of their sign, Gemini men gain wise calm and balance.

They need to learn to cope with suspiciousness, which can reach cosmic proportions. Very often it takes the form of hypochondria, which causes pain of an unclear nature.

Gemini boys should cultivate self-discipline and purposefulness, trying to overcome the weak points of their Mercurian nature: multidirectional thoughts and actions.

Many Geminis are prone to reflection. They replay missed opportunities and poorly spoken words over and over again in their heads. They need to learn to look not at the past, but at the future, and in the present, to calm their racing mind. Spiritual practices of concentration, contemplation and visualization can provide invaluable assistance in this.

What Gemini men love

For such men, their mood changes faster than the weather at sea. Knowing their preferences will help you avoid misunderstandings in communication. Gemini men love compliments and encouraging statements, while harsh criticism can cause them to react inappropriately. If you need to point out mistakes, use a wise rule: first praise, and then talk about shortcomings.

Unlike many modern young men, they prefer live communication to calls and online correspondence. Appreciate this rare quality in these days, and enjoy the luxury of live communication with Gemini.

As for hobbies, these men love original activities related to creativity. They enjoy writing poetry, performing stage plays, dancing, and making things with their own hands. They prefer doubles sports, for example, tennis, billiards, badminton.

What Gemini men don't like

Refined aesthetes Gemini cannot stand bad taste and vulgarity in clothing and interior design. They do not like rudeness and rudeness in relationships, as they are born diplomats. They do not tolerate imitation and do not create idols for themselves, since they themselves claim this role.

Gemini men don't like to make promises because they don't always keep them on time. To their credit, it must be said that they do not demand obligations from their loved ones. They are not jealous, so they will not tolerate a jealous attitude from their companion.

Monetary prudence is alien to Geminis. Because of this, they do not like stingy, thrifty people.

How to win a Gemini man

To win the heart of a Gemini boy, you need to know which girls he is partial to. Gemini's preferences are not affected by the social status or financial situation of the lady. And they do not make excessive demands on appearance. You don't have to be a beauty queen to please a Gemini.

The main criterion when choosing a companion is similarity of interests and pleasure in communication. If you want to charm such a young man, be on the same wavelength as him.

To arouse initial interest in yourself, be a little mysterious, daring and independent. “Gray mice” (and we are not talking about appearance here) will not be able to attract the attention of this extraordinary artistic nature. A woman should seem to him a worthy object for conquest.

To conquer not only the heart, but also the thoughts of Gemini, you will have to study a lot of smart books. Do not forget about the brilliant erudition of your chosen one and try to match it.

Love and marriage

The inconsistency and inconstancy of Gemini are especially pronounced in the sphere of personal life. The boys of this sign are proud of their victories on the love front. They can have many relationships and even marriages. The other extreme of this flighty man is when he does not marry for a long time, preferring the life of a ladies' man to serious responsibilities.

To find family happiness, Gemini boys must reconsider their attitude towards life. For some, this comprehension occurs under the influence of a strong exciting feeling. The later a Gemini gets married, the more likely it is that it will last a long time, and maybe even a lifetime. A man of this sign is usually not jealous, but his other half has plenty of reasons to be jealous. Having gotten married, Geminis are not inclined to narrow their circle of contacts, including with the opposite sex. This is a given that his chosen one should come to terms with.

Work and career

Career advancement for representatives of this sign is not an end in itself, but only a means to satisfy vain ambitions. Thanks to their education and sociability, they easily move up the career ladder. These same qualities, combined with a commercial spirit, make them successful entrepreneurs. Their niche is medium business. Gemini's talents allow them to make profit practically out of thin air. If the character shows the negative sides of this sign: uncertainty and distrust, the success of business and career can be variable.

Suitable profession

Representatives of this sign harbor a sea of ​​talents in various fields of creativity. It is Gemini men who own many masterpieces from the intangible treasury of humanity. Among them are the poetry of Pushkin, the immortal music of Wagner and Stravinsky, the philosophical research of Leibniz and Pascal. You probably already realized that Geminis are not designed for exhausting physical work. Their destination is professions that require a lively mind or manual dexterity. The areas in which they really have no equal are trade and commerce, because they are patronized by Mercury himself.

Geminis are successful traveling salesmen, managers, intermediaries, sales representatives, dealers, real estate agents, reporters, brokers, politicians.


Most Gemini men cannot boast of good health. Medical astrologers say that a sign consisting of two bodies exposes its owners to two types of illnesses: mental and physical. Physical ailments occur in them most often due to a nervous breakdown or exhaustion.

The most vulnerable place for Gemini is the respiratory system. They should engage in the prevention of ailments such as bronchitis, pneumonia, neuritis, and asthma. Skin diseases are possible due to nervousness: neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. To avoid health problems, such men benefit from physical exercise in the fresh air, hardening and good sleep.

How to raise a Gemini boy

If your child was born under Gemini, consider that fate gave you a lucky ticket from your parents. Raising such a boy is not difficult. He trusts the instructions of adults. Sometimes for this you need to turn to his common sense, and sometimes resort to tenderness and affection. As a rule, his teenage crisis passes mildly. Such a teenager does not protest against caring parents, perceiving them as good old friends.

Gemini's constant colds and respiratory diseases can become a headache for the boy's parents. To avoid this, astrologers advise strengthening the baby’s immune and respiratory system from the cradle.

There is no more complex and contradictory sign than the Gemini man - you can forever learn about his nature.

This man is a mystery, you never understand whether he is joking or speaking seriously, lying or speaking sincerely, where and for how long he suddenly left. Geminis are changeable, mysterious, secretive. At the same time, the Gemini man is charm itself. He is open and has many girlfriends and friends, he is cheerful, positive and sociable.

Geminis have a complex characteristic - their nature is changeable, it is impossible to manipulate, manage, or control them. This man values ​​personal space and will not tolerate any pressure on himself or his loved one for a minute.

What is the pair?

As in all life, the Gemini man is a player in love. He is looking for his soul mate, is always in love with someone, and is romantic to the point of impossibility. When a Gemini man is in love with you, you won’t be bored. He cannot stand loneliness and can slip away from a woman’s hands - he cannot be tamed and made his property.

A fickle man under the sign of Gemini demands attention in his love. He needs to be adored, he must always feel needed. At the same time, he is very selfish, and only a wise woman will be able to make him a homely, faithful and devoted partner.

In the sexual sphere, this zodiac sign is unpredictable. A man of this sign loves pleasure, but he is not at all obsessed with sex itself and does not attach great importance to it.

A Gemini man in his life does not inextricably link the concepts of sex and love, and does not treat the intimate sphere as something exclusive and special. It’s good to be with him, because a man of this sign is attentive and gentle, but passion and ardor are not his strong point.

In order for a Gemini man to propose and get married, he must win his chosen one and fight for her. The representative of this zodiac sign does not like easy prey - he is a player, he should always be interested. In marriage, he values ​​freedom and personal space, and will not be a homebody. You can’t put pressure on him or nag him - the twin needs comfort, understanding, and to be appreciated and accepted.

With other signs

It is important to know the compatibility of zodiac signs in order to soberly assess the prospects of the union. Is it worth starting a relationship and trying to create a harmonious couple?

1. An Aries woman is unlikely to be able to understand a Gemini man. She seeks stability, she needs everything to be straight and very clear, and, besides, she likes to control and subjugate.

If a Gemini man is in love with her, then conflicts will begin quite soon. He will miss valuable freedom and understanding. Here the compatibility, alas, is low.

2. A very interesting description of a couple in which a Gemini man and a leisurely Taurus woman met by fate. They are so different, but everyone around them is surprised at how strong their union sometimes develops.

The Taurus girl is ready to understand him, give him the necessary amount of freedom, she will not push or push. He is comfortable, easy, and if this man is in love with such a young lady, everything can turn out well.

3. The pair of twins resembles a grotesque depiction of a Mexican TV series. They are so emotional and unstable, both of them, that there is a possibility of a real explosion.

In this couple, one will not be able to control and calm the other, conflicts end in broken dishes, and there is no stability and calm in sight. Here compatibility is low, but sometimes such couples are strong, as an exception.

4. Although a Gemini man does not at all look like an ideal gentleman for a Cancer girl, such couples are sometimes successful. There is a complex characteristic here - he is looking for another woman, Cancer is too domestic, affectionate and calm, but if he is truly in love with her, he will not resist her charms.

A Cancer girl will be able to calm him down, accept his shortcomings, and give him loyalty, care and the necessary personal space. There is compatibility in this pair, although not ideal, but there is every chance of creating a strong couple.

5. Such a difficult zodiac sign as Leo does not suit this man, compatibility is low and a match is unlikely. Leo is a proud and strong lady, and a Gemini man is a fickle sign, freedom-loving and will not allow himself to be controlled. Conflicts are too likely, and none of them will definitely yield to the other.

6. Virgo is a sign so far from Gemini that it is unlikely that they will meet at all. It’s surprising if a Gemini is in love with a girl - he is looking for other sensations, but she usually avoids such men. They are too different, pursue different goals and will not understand each other, so the characterization of this couple is not encouraging.

7. Libra is a zodiac sign that is as unpredictable and fickle as Libra, and this couple has excellent compatibility, although it will not be easy to accept each other at first. Both of them, these signs, want approximately the same thing, although they often don’t know what exactly.

The closeness of the characters guarantees that they will understand each other and will not try to change each other. Strong families often arise from such couples.

8. A couple in which a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman come together is an explosive cocktail. This is a complex characteristic - they may attract each other, but when they are together, there will be war. Scorpio is a tough sign, this woman is jealous and will not give her twin freedom of action. It’s hardly worth starting a relationship - it’s unlikely.

9. An independent man of this sign loves ladies like the Sagittarius woman. She is fast-paced, bright and courageous, without prejudice. They are different, but they understand each other, do not put pressure and do not pretend to be the leader in the couple. Such unions often become families, and very happy ones - you can build harmonious couple relationships!

10. It is difficult to imagine such a couple as a flighty Gemini man and a conservative, serious Capricorn woman. In principle, she will not pay attention to such a person, and even more so, she will never become closely involved with him.

If a Capricorn girl happens to fall in love with him, most likely it will end in disappointment - a quick romantic period, a bright intrigue - this is still possible, but there cannot be a serious relationship. She will not be able to change this man, and he himself, in principle, will not allow this.

11. But a Gemini man, if his chosen one is an Aquarius woman, will be happy. Although they seem so different, they fit together perfectly and can find happiness in each other. Such couples are not uncommon, and often create strong families.

12. It seems that the girl of the Pisces sign lives in another world, she is too different from the Gemini man, but sometimes they meet and come together. She will charm a man of this sign with her fragile femininity and submissiveness, and he will be able to conquer her - after all, a Gemini is difficult to resist.

A Pisces woman will be able to give him freedom and love, not pressure and respect, this is a godsend for him. Such couples meet often and are very happy!

Plus - eastern horoscope

In order for this zodiac sign to reveal its character more fully, it is worth using the help of the eastern horoscope. For a complete description, you just need to find out what year your lover was born and who he is according to the eastern zodiac circle.

  • The Rat is a great complement to the Gemini's character. This man is smart, talented, an excellent speaker and leader.
  • The Ox is a strong and powerful sign; such a man loves order and clarity in everything. He loves freedom and is not a homebody at all; he loves adventures and various competitions.
  • If it is a tiger, then it is impossible to deceive it. This man is smart, has amazing intuition and flair, he knows and understands people, and therefore can achieve a lot thanks to his qualities.

  • The twin cat is a wonderful companion, lover, husband and family man. Everyone adores him - he is open, kind and positive, although he is very mysterious and does not open up until the end.
  • The dragon man is a leader and winner. He has amazing flair and intuition, he knows how to predict events and feel people. This is a person who always gets his way, he is the first and the best in everything.
  • The snake is a secretive and wise sign; in addition, this person can conquer any heights, he is brave, smart and honest.
  • Gemini loves freedom, and if it is also a horse, the love of freedom increases a hundredfold. He loves freedom and will not allow it to be encroached upon, he is used to doing exclusively what his soul likes, and doing only what he loves.
  • The Goat makes the Gemini a capricious person, he loves himself and needs the love of others. Trusting, open and sometimes vulnerable.
  • The monkey is a sign of self-confidence, intelligence and artistry. It’s hard not to notice this man - he is strong, handsome and very charming, he knows how to negotiate and convince.
  • The Rooster does not accept criticism and will not give in in an argument; conflicting with him or proving anything is useless. He is active, fearless and sometimes gets into trouble.
  • The dog will do everything to protect the honor of itself and its loved ones. This is a protector, a friend, and sometimes believes that attack is the best defense. He can be aggressive and hot-tempered, but needs love.
  • The Gemini Pig is a contradictory sign; he thinks outside the box, breaks boundaries and loves to shock others. You don’t know what to expect from him sometimes, but you won’t get bored with him.

Every person is a mystery, regardless of their zodiac sign. Let the horoscope help you understand and reveal the soul of your chosen one, and help you build happiness with him.
Author: Vasilina Serova

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Gemini man characteristic love compatibility - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Hello, our dear readers! Today in our article we will find out what a Gemini man really is like. Let's get acquainted with the exact characteristics of the sign. Let's find out the compatibility of a Gemini man with other zodiac signs. And we’ll find out which signs a Gemini man goes best with!

The complete horoscope of the Gemini man is revealed to us by an astrologer who has been practicing for more than 9 years! Find out from this article what a Gemini man is really like in love!

Characteristics of a Gemini man

The horoscope sign Gemini is characterized as follows: a charming know-it-all. The Gemini man has a character with feminine qualities. He knows everything, from satin stitch embroidery to quantum field theory. He is aware of all the gossip and will happily discuss someone's personal life. Therefore, both enemies and friends need to give Gemini men information about themselves in very measured doses: in anger, Geminis will publicly reveal all the secrets of their enemy. And in small talk he can easily blab about a friend’s juicy secret without even noticing it.

The characteristic of a Gemini man is this: he can be a leader only if he is immersed in his work with all his soul. And those things that he does not want to do, but is forced to do, a Gemini man can turn into absurdity. Grabs at everything at once and does not achieve results. It starts up quickly due to failures, but it cools down just as quickly.

In general, Geminis need to constantly do something. Little by little, varied, the main thing is to do it continuously. At the same time, the laziness of twins is phenomenal. In a word, two completely different people coexist in it, who are trying to displace each other every second. One person in him is very caring, and the second can call you at two in the morning and tell you how to brew a tea bag correctly.

But the Gemini man is incredibly sweet. He knows this and uses it shamelessly! But he gives such emotions and memories, reveals new facets of life to his loved ones so much that it is impossible not to forgive his impudence.

Characteristics of a Gemini man in love

The restlessness of the Gemini zodiac sign torments a man in love, at work, and in friendship. He wants freedom, and first of all, from himself. Secondly, from social conventions. At the same time, he is romantic, like a character in a melodrama. His ideal: bring 101 roses to his beloved in a snowy park, spend the night by the fireplace in a hunting lodge and disappear from view for a couple of weeks.

The Gemini zodiac sign makes a man look for an explosion of emotions. This often pushes him to be unfaithful in love. It constantly seems to him that another woman will give him what he so lacks. And he himself doesn’t know what he’s missing. But the Gemini man is a passionate lover. He is constantly experimenting. By the way, three things can keep a Gemini man from cheating:

  • Upbringing
  • Fear of getting some kind of disease
  • Sexual satisfaction

Yes, Geminis can passionately lick whipped cream from their beloved's body, but disdain to drink from her mug. But if he is satisfied, then he will turn from a cheater into a jealous person. What if someone wants to take away his goddess, who can do anything in bed? It often seems to him that what he knows, others must also know. And since he is capable of cheating, then so is his wife!

He's also a foodie. Attracting him with good cuisine is as easy as shelling pears. But he will remember and joke about any culinary mistake for a long time. But there is no way to tie him down as a child. He will love the child. But he will cool off towards the mother of his child forever if she tries to manipulate him with the help of children.

Gemini man compatibility

The main thing that the characteristics of the Gemini sign revealed: a man will fall out of love for being intrusive and will fall in love with the love of freedom in a woman. He will prefer an intellectual woman with glasses to a beauty who has not read Tolstoy and Dumas. And if you are interested in what the twins are interested in, that’s it, he’s yours!

  • Aries is one of the best combinations. If only you try to share the responsibilities of housework and childcare, then it will be absolutely perfect!
  • Taurus - don't be afraid of Gemini's temperament. Try to understand your spouse's hobbies and often look to the future rather than to the past. Get ready for the fact that your husband will throw away your souvenirs, deciding that you don’t need them.
  • Gemini: learn to “slow down” both yourself and your spouse in time. Get involved in a common activity, but don’t try to be together around the clock.
  • Cancer - the Gemini man will take advantage of your homeliness and will throw all responsibilities onto you. Even raising children. If you don’t start unobtrusively teaching him responsibility every day, like a little one, then he will go home as if on a visit – for a couple of hours.
  • Leo is an ideal marriage. But these signs often have children very late, which they later regret
  • Virgo - try to speak not in a commanding tone, but softly asking, raising your eyes to the sky. Then the twins will do what you want. And more spontaneity - you will like to eat cutlets at three in the morning or after work go to another city to buy watermelons. Try not to criticize your husband - he is very touchy.
  • Libra - Your relationship will be long and strong. But try to warn your loved one about your intentions - otherwise you both will find yourself in awkward situations.
  • Scorpio - a bright passion that blazes from the first second will warm and burn throughout your life. The main thing is not to do rash acts in revenge or out of spite - Geminis are not intentionally making you angry and will not understand your behavior.
  • Sagittarius is a great combination. Be yourself - and the twins will not exchange you for anyone in the world!
  • Capricorn - a difficult marriage will eventually become ideal. But it will take 10 or more years to get used to each other. A good combination if both partners are already 30 years old.
  • Aquarius - don’t encourage your loved one to do adventures! He will easily fall for them, but will not be able to control them. It's good if you both work at the same job.
  • Pisces - allow yourself to be protected. If you want to achieve something from your loved one, silently walk off into the sunset with a sad look. But it is useless to demand - Gemini will be stubborn on principle.

You must understand that a horoscope in which a man is a Gemini means: either the doors of your house are always open, or he will climb out the window and not return. The characteristics, of course, depend on a lot, and there are twins - real stable family men. But your man should at least have a feeling of freedom.

Gemini man: conclusions

Women's happiness “If only a sweetheart were nearby” is unattainable with twins. But that's the beauty of it. Accept his mobility and eternal lack of composure. Remember that he may forget what he promised. And enjoy the fullness of the spiritual and sensual side of life. But you will have to take care of everyday life.

Enjoy every day! See you again, our dear readers!

Gemini man compatibility with other zodiac signs

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 3.5. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Pisces women in relationships.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 7.8. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Aquarius women in a relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 4.2. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Capricorn women in a relationship.

LOVE MARK: 5.5. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Sagittarius women in a Gemini relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY SCORE: 9.0. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Scorpio women in a relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 8.9. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Libra women in relationships.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 4.5. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Virgo women in relationships.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 7.9. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Leo women in relationships.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 5.2. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Cancer women in relationships.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 6.3. Psychological compatibility of Gemini women and Gemini men in a relationship.

Psychological compatibility of Taurus women and Gemini men in relationships. This is quite complex and together.

Psychological compatibility of Aries women and Gemini men in relationships. This is one of the most rarely built.

Gemini Man Compatibility

There are few women in the world who can resist the charm of a Gemini man in love! Even if you barely know him, he can make a lasting impression, and in just an hour of intense communication you will learn more about him than in months of knowing someone else.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Gemini man is able to charm you at first sight: he is a welcome guest in any home, he is cheerful, witty, and charming. He will make your first date truly unforgettable - and then disappear for several days. While you are nervous and tormented, Gemini will have other things to do. Be prepared for the fact that his mood changes every second, so if you need harmony and calm in a relationship, this is not your option.

But if you are ready to be as changeable as your Gemini, if you are able not to completely dissolve in this relationship, but always remain slightly on the sidelines - then an affair with a representative of this zodiac sign will bring joy and a lot of positive emotions.

In general, the inconstancy of Gemini men is legendary, and this applies not only to their changeable mood. There is an opinion that a Gemini must have two jobs, two houses, and at least two wives. To some extent this is true, but, fortunately, not always. So, if you met a Gemini who is already over thirty or forty, you, of course, have a much greater chance of becoming his final (second or twenty-second) wife. However, no one will give you any guarantees here either. And vice versa: even if you meet a young, unfed Gemini, you have every chance of becoming his companion for life - if, of course, you find yourself as close as possible to his ideal.

What does the restless Gemini man expect from you first? The answer is very simple: freedom. You will have to put up with his eternal delays, unfulfilled promises, the inability to find out where he is at the moment and what he is doing. But, according to Gemini, reporting to you means driving himself into strict limits, which will deprive his life of the spontaneity that is necessary like air. In other words, by forcing a Gemini man to be like everyone else, driving him into a corner, you risk quickly finding yourself in the role of his lover with the prefix “ex”.

And vice versa, according to the compatibility of a Gemini man, he is able to fully appreciate your trust and unobtrusiveness. Somebody knows perfectly well how rare these priceless qualities are in women. And if your trust is unfeigned, if, seeing a Gemini almost in an embrace with a pretty stranger, you do not throw hysterics at him, but calmly sit down next to him to chat, then you are the woman of his dreams. Well, as for strangers, the Gemini man is generally sociable by nature. He is not averse to flirting, but if there is real intimacy between you, if he sees in you not only a charming companion, but a true friend and like-minded person, then he will never cheat on you.

And remember: unlike a woman who loves with her ears, a Gemini man prefers to love with his head. He needs you to share his hobbies with him, so that you have something to talk about, and the more intellectual and well-read you can demonstrate, the more Gemini will like it.

Of course, living next to a Gemini man is not easy, especially if you once dreamed of the standard comfort of a quiet family hearth. However, with compatibility in love and marriage, the Gemini man is able to color your life with such bright, unusual colors that Van Gogh never dreamed of; only with a Gemini can you have fun and interest even forty years after your wedding.

Gemini Man with Other Signs

Gemini man and Aries woman– This union is quite rare, and even less often it leads to the creation of a full-fledged family. An ambitious Aries woman is determined to provide her husband with support in marriage and help him pursue a career. But Geminis usually don't need either one or the other! A Gemini man who finds himself in a profession is a rare success, and only such a union is more or less acceptable for an Aries woman. However, even then she may not be happy with too much: Gemini does not intend to report to her where he was and what he did. In his understanding, the family should not limit his freedom, and the Aries woman is not at all happy with this. For this reason, emotional showdowns are common in their home, and if the partners fail to find a compromise, their life together threatens to end in a violent breakup.

Gemini man and Taurus woman– In this contradictory union, many will see the quirks of Fate - the active Gemini man and the leisurely, thorough Taurus woman seem so unsuitable for each other from the outside. But love has its own laws, including the law of attraction of opposites. Unfortunately, it is difficult to expect stability from these relationships - too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof, coming into conflict with each other. It is difficult for a Taurus woman to come to terms with the fact that Gemini is in no hurry to return home from work in the evenings. Unlike him, she does not like noisy parties and does not share many of his other hobbies. Because of this, their relationship can only be strong if Gemini and Taurus find common interests that, at least in some area other than sexual, will unite them into a single whole. Usually, alas, their marriage does not last too long.

Gemini man and Gemini woman– The brightest parody of the Italian family may seem like a pale imitation of reality to someone who sees a pair of emotional Geminis at the wrong moment. A storm of feelings of the entire range, a storm of passion and a storm of mutual claims, and all this - day after day. In their life together, as a rule, there are often heated showdowns with breaking dishes and hours-long “showdowns” in which each of them never tires of proving that they are right. In this regard, the union of sociable, energetic, restless Gemini does not fit into the usual framework. Due to such intensity of feelings, the independence of both partners and their love for unlimited freedom, their marriage usually does not turn out to be strong. The exception is friendship or love affair without any obligations. However, no matter how short-lived their relationship was, they will both be remembered for the rest of their lives.

Gemini man and Cancer woman– This union does not occur often, but it has its own prospects. The restless Gemini man and the thorough Cancer woman do not have too much in common, but they complement each other quite well. As a rule, a Cancer woman takes care of the house and the family budget for two, while a Gemini woman, also for two, lives a rich, fairly free life. In such a situation, the Cancer woman has a lot of grievances, but she, unlike many other signs, usually avoids scandals, preferring to deal with grievances in silence. The independent Gemini is satisfied with this state of affairs. Most of all, he hates being nagged or driven into a corner, so a patient Cancer woman is a real find for him in this sense. Their marriage may last quite a long time (until the Cancer woman runs out of patience or until the Gemini finds a new love), however, no matter how well they complement each other, there will most likely never be real intimacy between them.

Gemini man and Leo woman– Gemini is impetuous and fickle, the Leo woman is practical and proud. Alas, it is difficult to say about this couple that they are suitable for each other - they put too different concepts when talking about living together, they allow too different degrees of freedom for their partner and for themselves. However, for love meetings and even for a civil marriage this is quite enough, but not always for creating strong, long-term relationships. That is why such an alliance, as a rule, does not turn out to be strong. Since Gemini is not going to give up their freedom, and the proud Lioness does not intend to forgive betrayals, this often becomes the reason for the gap between them. To prevent this from happening, it doesn’t hurt Gemini to reconsider their views on a “free” life.

Gemini man and Virgo woman– They are from different planets, and these planets are in different galaxies of different Universes. The chances of their paths crossing are usually close to zero. The fickle Gemini man and the responsible Virgo strive for different goals, arrange their lives differently and speak different languages, but sometimes love can unite even such seemingly incompatible creatures. At the beginning of their life together, Gemini and Virgo, as a rule, experience a strong sense of novelty, but when it dulls, they have nothing to even talk about with each other. At the same time, Gemini gives Virgo many reasons for jealousy, which she does not agree to put up with at all. Virgo demands commitment and punctuality from Gemini, which he completely lacks. Because of this, their relationship usually quickly reaches a dead end. If this union is dear to them, Gemini needs to learn to curb their independent nature, and Virgo needs to give up total control and nagging.

Gemini man and Libra woman– The fickle Gemini man can hardly be called a sign striving for family life, but in this union he is closer to this than ever. Although she and Libra are not very similar, they sometimes see their own reflection in each other. Libra, with its frequent mood changes and conflicting feelings, is understandable to Gemini like no other sign, and for both such mutual understanding is rare. Thanks to this, their marriage has a future, but only if the Gemini man and Libra woman do not let events take their course, but work on their relationship. Otherwise, this restless, emotional union will bring partners more grief than joy, and will not last long. In general, it is better for this couple to be friends or lovers than husband and wife: when there are no mutual obligations and claims, their union turns out to be more durable.

Gemini man and Scorpio woman– The Gemini man is independent and fickle, and the Scorpio woman is unusually jealous. In other words, this union is a real explosive mixture. It contains a sea of ​​passion and romance, jealousy and quarrels. As a rule, the relationship between a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman can be reproached for anything, but not for insipidity and banality, because both of them are strong personalities with unusually strong emotions, and in relation to them the expression “found a scythe on a stone” sounds relevant like never before. This vibrant cocktail of feelings is further enhanced by the sexual compatibility of partners. Usually this stormy and vibrant union, full of rivalry, passion and resentment, turns out to be short-lived, but is remembered by the partners for the rest of their lives.

Gemini man and Sagittarius woman– Surprisingly, but true: just as “minus” on “minus” in some cases gives a “plus”, so the independence of the Gemini man in alliance with the pronounced independence of the Sagittarius woman can sometimes ultimately lead to quite strong and long-lasting relationships. Indeed, the similarity of views on life between these signs is striking, and even if it does not imply any generally accepted framework, no fidelity, no family hearth, all this can appear in them over time by itself - simply because Gemini and Sagittarius have finally found each other. True, for many years, the Gemini man and the Sagittarius woman will most likely prefer to simply date, without any obligations. They can be wonderful lovers and friends and are unlikely to think about marriage until it becomes necessary for some reason. Together they have fun and interest, and this is much more important to them than a stamp in their passport or adherence to some traditions.

Gemini man and Capricorn woman– This union is rarely long-lasting and strong: the Capricorn woman, with her thoroughness, is least inclined in the world to forgive her partner for the wind in his head and the lack of clear goals in life. She herself is ready to work hard and make the house cozy, while Gemini, as a rule, is equally alien to both. For some time, the Capricorn woman can put up with this behavior of the Gemini man, giving him time to find another job and get back on his feet. However, having realized that his unsettledness is not temporary difficulties, but his lifestyle, most often he simply goes away. Among other things, the Capricorn woman is proud and not inclined to forgive betrayals, and in life with Gemini this is almost inevitable.

Gemini man and Aquarius woman– This couple does not have as little in common as others, and even themselves, think. And this is by no means only good sexual compatibility and traits common to the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman, such as curiosity, love of travel, and a sharp mind. Even if their views do not imply a desire for a family home, the union of two such independent people often turns out to be stronger than many. Or it doesn’t turn out to be - here a lot depends on Fate and on themselves. In addition to the fact that they are never bored with each other, Gemini and the Aquarius woman also have very similar views on life, love, and family. The exception, perhaps, is fidelity: it is not very characteristic of Gemini, while the Aquarius woman is not capable of betrayal herself and is not inclined to forgive it to others. So they can stay together for a long time only if the Gemini man reconsiders his views on a “free” life. In this case, one can only envy their extravagant, bright union.

Gemini man and Pisces woman– This union is very rare: the Gemini man and the Pisces woman live practically in parallel worlds. However, if they did happen to meet and pay attention to each other, their relationship may turn out to be quite strong. True, Pisces, as a rule, is not in the mood to clean up the house and do housework from morning to evening, but Gemini does not require this from her - he will happily have lunch somewhere on the run, in a cafe or at work. In Pisces, he is touched by her fragility and defenselessness. She is ready to turn a blind eye to all his weaknesses, and in return he infects her with his energy and enthusiasm. This can also be an excellent business union: Gemini is able to help Pisces commercialize her creative talents by becoming her agent or impresario. The only thing that often becomes a stumbling block in their marriage is Gemini’s reluctance to fulfill the functions of the head of the family: making decisions, taking on organizational issues. Both the serene Pisces woman and the optional Gemini man are practically incapable of this, so the best option for them is to live with their parents. Or learn responsibility yourself.

Gemini Man with other Zodiac Signs

Gemini man horoscope

A girl who intends to build a love relationship with a man belonging to the constellation Gemini should first become familiar with his characteristics, understand what exactly attracts and interests him, and what, on the contrary, can immediately repel him.

A man of this sign cannot stand any restrictions or pressure; he constantly strives for everything new, unfamiliar before. His mind and nervous system are in constant action, it is simply impossible to keep up with him, as a result of which the chosen one of a man of this sign sometimes simply does not understand her beloved.

In love, such a man most often turns out to be fickle, a woman building a relationship or family with him should be internally prepared for his possible betrayals, he generally prefers non-binding flirting, which will not force him to change his usual way of life in any way, he does not endures pressure or blackmail.

A man of the Gemini sign is sociable, loves to be the center of attention, willingly entertains any company with jokes and anecdotes, but at the same time he has a very independent and capricious character; it is advisable for a girl not to forget that she, most likely, will not be able to take possession of him completely. It’s also better not to count on the Gemini guy ever becoming a respectable, fully grown man; such people usually remain cheerful young men into old age.

How to understand that he is in love

A man of the Gemini sign is characterized by a certain frivolity and frivolity; it is difficult for him to choose a specific representative of the fair sex and remain faithful to her for a long time, however, if such a man actually seriously falls in love, his behavior quickly changes, and it is difficult for a girl not to notice this.

During the period of falling in love, a person of this zodiac sign begins to carefully follow fashion trends in order to really please his beloved and make the best impression on her. He can also change his hairstyle, this will also indicate that during this period he is seriously not indifferent to some girl.

If a man of the constellation Gemini laughs a lot and contagiously in the presence of a certain woman and tries to cheer her up, this can serve as a sure sign that the person is not indifferent to her, and he strives to achieve her favor and sympathy.

What is he like in bed?

A girl who wants a close relationship with a representative of the constellation Gemini is probably interested in what he will be like in bed. In the sexual sphere, the Gemini man is characterized by speed and variety, but in this area he is not always one hundred percent confident in himself; for a guy of the Gemini sign, the main weapon usually becomes attracting a woman with the help of intellectual entertainment.

You should not be surprised if, in intimate moments, Gemini does not turn out to be such a passionate and frantic lover as a woman may expect from him. The girl can have no doubt that the Gemini guy will be affectionate and gentle in bed, but the process itself most often does not have too much importance for him.

With the help of intimacy, a man of the Gemini sign tries to get to know his new girlfriend better, while he is able to think about something else; his partner absolutely should not be offended by him and become isolated. With the passage of time and the development of a relationship with a woman, the intimate sphere for a person of this constellation becomes less important and interesting; the girl needs to think about how to make the process more varied and unexpected for her partner.

What kind of women does a Gemini man like?

A man born under the sign of Gemini usually does not give preference to a certain type of female appearance and character; he may be interested in the most diverse ladies, because the life of a Gemini is spent in research and experimentation, which also applies to the sphere of love relationships.

A girl should take into account that diversity is extremely important for Gemini men; strong and long-term relationships for such a person can arise on the basis of common intellectual interests, the constant presence of topics for conversation that are not indifferent to both partners.

What kind of women are suitable for him?

A representative of the fair sex who likes a person of this sign will definitely ask herself the question of which women are suitable for a Gemini man. For him, a girl of the sign would be an excellent match Sagittarius, who also loves travel and an easy, bohemian lifestyle without any special obligations.

An alliance with Aquarius or Libra, since these signs belong to the same air element. But with women constellations Dev or Pisces The family life of a Gemini man will most likely not work out in the best way, since Pisces are characterized by some passivity, and Virgos are too harsh and critical. To Gemini they may seem somewhat cold and unemotional.

When a man of this sign is married, he remains just as cheerful and cheerful. Responsibility for the family is unlikely to make a married Gemini guy gloomy and make him really worry; usually he tries not to take anything too seriously.

// Characteristics of a man with the zodiac sign Gemini.

Gemini man. Zodiac sign Gemini is a man. Characteristics of a man with the zodiac sign Gemini. Gemini man - what he is like.

Man of the zodiac sign Gemini He is sociable, he takes life lightly, he is usually a cheerful person - the life of the party. A Gemini man may seem very open at first glance, but in reality this is not entirely true. Mercury, the planet that rules the zodiac sign Gemini, endows people of this sign with a certain cunning, and men of this sign are not so simple. The Gemini man will not miss his benefits.

When it comes to love, the Gemini man is the most fickle sign in the zodiac. Despite the fact that men of this sign are generally courteous with women, they are not capable of deep feelings, and cannot tolerate restrictions and boundaries. A woman who wants a long-term relationship needs to remember that even after marriage, a Gemini man will never limit his contacts. His friends and acquaintances will always be in his first place, and it’s good if his chosen one is on the list of his friends.

If Venus for a man of the sign Gemini in Gemini or Aries- this man is flighty, amorous, it will be difficult for him to decide on marriage, he can live his whole life as a bachelor. Venus in astrology is responsible for the ability to love, and for a man of the Gemini sign it can be in one of the five zodiac signs - Venus in Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Cancer or Leo. Gemini cannot have Venus in other signs.

Venus in Cancer, Leo and Taurus can slightly stabilize the Gemini man, although Venus in Taurus will make him a sensualist.

Here's what Gemini men themselves say about themselves and about the kind of woman they want to find:

Gemini Man - Whom I want to find:

- I want to go abroad and not with anyone (
- I would like to meet a like-minded person with conservative life values. And we won’t guess further for now. I do not exclude any development of events. Everything can be solved if there is a desire on both sides to maintain and develop the relationship. In general, to summarize, the main thing is that the person is good... and it doesn’t matter what color his Bentley is)
- A loved one. With material claims and other venality" is not for me. The role of a lover does not suit me - only the role of a loved one) The registry office and children - all this later, but not now.
- Just a good friend, if such still exist in nature.
- I’d like to meet a pretty, feminine, underweight, sexy girl! For friendship, communication, flirting, regular sex, a serious relationship is possible with mutual sympathy and interest in each other! It’s impossible to predict what a simple acquaintance will develop into!)
- A well-rounded personality who understands this world enough to not be a doll. Well, if only in appearance... Sometimes. With a classic matrix of values.
- A pretty girl! for an easy, unobtrusive acquaintance...) and if you suddenly have an equally pretty girlfriend, then I will be only happy)
- Acquaintance without mutual claims and obligations... acquaintance on a material basis is possible...
- Well, for those who might be interested, I don’t impose myself on anyone...:) But in general, I’m probably also self-sufficient, adequate, loving nature, easy-going, unbiased, respecting myself and others. An equal person, the word half somehow does not appeal to him, as some kind of inferiority). Without stupid ambitions and pretensions, arrogance (I don’t have this either, and in the end no one owes anything to anyone in advance). First of all, a friend - I definitely believe in friendship between a man and a woman! And then how it will turn out, taking into account the wishes of all parties. I single out people who are deep and strong in spirit, with rational thinking, who are not alien to spirituality, I especially welcome those who have non-trivial interests and hobbies, I like boys more than ladies. I can't stand any glamor. I don’t look at my bust size, but at what’s in my head and soul. The notorious ability to wash, cook, etc. unprincipled. Frankly, I don’t like those who judge by the size of their wallet and something else, I don’t accept possessiveness, consumerism and use, and I won’t do that to others either. I am for modern civilized relations on equal terms, without stupid sacrifices, archaisms and cliched roles.

Here's what men of the Gemini zodiac sign say about themselves:

- A free person in everything!
- It all depends on the mood!
- I don’t accept any complaints, I’m a big one myself)
- There is nothing more permanent than temporary...
- How should I understand you? - You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.
- Do you want to have children? he is 30 years old - yes, perhaps in 5 years
- I’ll get to know each other for friendship, and then we’ll see.
- ... people walk together in one direction only because their cockroaches, in nature, are on the way!
- One-man band! I am free and want love!
- How long can you be without communication? - very little
- Do you want to know why good guys can't be with good girls? Yes, because a good guy doesn’t propose twice, and a good girl doesn’t agree the first time.
- The most beautiful thing on earth is a woman. Love and appreciate our women, men!
- Love is like smoke, today we exist, but tomorrow we don’t smoke

From this we can draw a bold conclusion that men of the Gemini zodiac sign do not want to take responsibility for anyone. Their mood is very changeable and it is unknown what to expect from them tomorrow. Their motto is “We’ll wait and see, nothing lasting, nothing permanent.” The main thing in a relationship is friendship, common interests and to have fun, to have something to talk about. Men of the Gemini zodiac sign, as a rule, have several marriages, or they do not enter into legal relationships at all.

Ruling planet:☿ Mercury. Element: Air.

Gemini man

There are few women in the world who can resist the charm of a Gemini in love! Even if you barely know him, he can make a lasting impression and in just an hour of intense communication you will learn more about him than in months of knowing someone else. True, you will learn not so much about Gemini himself, but about how charming, sociable and witty he can be from time to time. Prepare in advance for the fact that tomorrow yesterday’s soul of the company may turn out to be gloomy and bilious, and the day after tomorrow - thoughtfully absent-minded. But if you patiently wait out the outbursts of his bad mood, you will again be rewarded with a date with the enchanting Mr. Perfect.

In general, the inconstancy of Geminis is legendary, and this applies not only to their changeable moods. There is an opinion that a Gemini must have two jobs, two houses, and at least two wives. To some extent this is true, but, fortunately, not always. So, if you met a Gemini who is already over thirty or forty, you, of course, have a much greater chance of becoming his final (second or twenty-second) wife. However, no one will give you any guarantees here either. And vice versa: even if you meet a young, unfed Gemini, you have every chance of becoming his companion for life - if, of course, you find yourself as close as possible to his ideal.

What does the restless Gemini expect from you first of all? The answer is very simple: freedom. You will have to put up with his eternal delays, unfulfilled promises, the inability to find out where he is at the moment and what he is doing. But, according to Gemini, reporting to you means driving himself into strict limits, which will deprive his life of the spontaneity that is necessary like air. In other words, by forcing a Gemini man to be like everyone else, driving him into a corner, you risk quickly finding yourself in the role of his lover with the prefix “ex”.

Conversely, Gemini is able to fully appreciate your trust and unobtrusiveness. Somebody knows perfectly well how rare these priceless qualities are in women. And if your trust is unfeigned, if, seeing a Gemini almost in an embrace with a pretty stranger, you don’t throw a tantrum at him, but calmly sit down next to him to chat, then you are the woman of his dreams. Well, as for strangers, Gemini is generally sociable by nature. He is not averse to flirting, but if there is real intimacy between you, if he sees in you not only a charming companion, but a true friend and like-minded person, then he will never cheat on you.

And remember: unlike a woman who loves with her ears, Gemini prefers to love with her head. He needs you to share his hobbies with him, so that you have something to talk about, and the more intellectual and well-read you can demonstrate, the more Gemini will like it.

For their children, Gemini is the best friend, cheerful and inventive. He will not read boring lectures to the child, but will prefer noisy fussing on the floor. It is not surprising that children, growing up, do not take his demands to study well, tidy up their toys, and so on, too seriously. But only to him can they always tell about all their secrets and ask for advice.

Of course, living next to a Gemini man is not easy, especially if you once dreamed of the standard comfort of a quiet family hearth. However, only Gemini is able to paint your life with such bright, unusual colors that Van Gogh never dreamed of; only with a Gemini can you have fun and interest even forty years after your wedding.