For adopted children and their parents

a fascinating and educational fairy tale

Chapter One

Mammoth mother
in the tropical forest
A baby mammoth was born
at twelve o'clock.
They've been waiting for him for so long:
two years eight days,
And finally we waited -
here he is, next to her.
He, barely born,
already on his feet
And when I saw my mother,
"Mom" he said.
Happy mom
loves my son very much -
Feeds him semolina porridge,
caresses and doves.

Hunter leaders ended all these meetings with what they called "strong statements" demanding money from the government. In addition, they often sent instructions to engineers and manufacturers of weapons, ammunition, suits and even hunting dishes. Indeed, they ended their meetings with a very good meal to keep all the hunters happy. It is extremely important that at the end of the hunters' meeting, all hunters leave the house happy. For in ordinary times the hunters were divided into two large categories, ready to fight each other.

Mom crocodile
laid an egg in the sand.
It was lying there
certain period.
And one early morning
the egg began to move,
The shell has cracked,
and Zhenya hatched.
Mom crocodile
he has no soul in him,
Even though he's a big fidget
and a desperate naughty man.
Mom crocodile
he has no soul in him,
Even though he's a big fidget
and a desperate naughty man.
But one of the children is not naughty,
I'll tell you a secret:
There are no such children in the world.

In reality, if they were grouped together, they didn't take much risk, and it was also the best opportunity to easily kill the most idiotic evil wolves, the ones who don't think, and attack in front. On the other hand, woe to the hunter who finds himself alone! He could die, devoured by wolves, even the most idiotic ones, and then the government needs to organize a very beautiful ceremony for his funeral. But if they got together, the hunters at the front would kill many wolves with their two rifles and machine guns on their bellies, and they would make money by selling the skins of the rest of the wolves.

All children love to play pranks
all children love to play -
They have fun in the world
That's why they are children.
This is no laughing matter for adults -
they have worries on their minds,
And they also have work,
poor adults have no time to laugh.

Mammoth mother
with mom crocodile
Lived next door
and have been friends for a long time,
For a walk together
the kids were taken out.
This is how two friends grew up
grew up together
They are not bored together
interesting together.
On the sandy shore
among tall palm trees
They were playing hide and seek
under the supervision of mothers.
Moms on the bench
under the palm tree thick
About my family
We chatted all day long.
Mother mammoth
I knitted a sweater for my son,
So that in the winter cold
It was not by chance that he caught a cold.
Mom crocodile
I sewed a raincoat for my son,
To the water of the Nile
it didn't get wet.
The children were frolicking
on the sandy shore,
We feasted on fruits
tasty and juicy:
Ripe bananas
ripe coconuts
Dima got them
from a palm tree with a long nose.
Having walked to my heart's content
and having eaten to your heart's content,
Dima and Zhenya were walking home
and went to bed:
Dima on the crib
lay down on his side,
Crocodile Zhenya
lay down in a hammock.

Although they were not protected by anyone or even anything due to the technical impossibility of protecting the lower parts of hunting pants. If attacked from behind by wolves, hunters would eat their buttocks, and this was very offensive for them, because even if they did not die, they could not sit down for the rest of their lives. They had to put a lot of pillows on the places where they had to sit. Particularly during hunter meetings, which lasted for a very, very long time. For years and years ahead there were hunters who had better chairs, although they had buttocks in good shape and therefore had no problem sitting in them.

The stars are shining in the sky,
The wide Nile fell asleep.
Baby mammoth Dima is sleeping,
Zhenya the crocodile is sleeping.

Chapter two

Waking up early in the morning,
As soon as the alarm clock rings,
Does exercises
baby mammoth Dima.
Because health
he's fine
That he is always in the morning
does exercises.
Water procedures
everyone needs it.
And then a jog -
back and forth
Even though your legs are tired,
but still nice.
Dima won - that's the news!
Zhenya is apparently tired,

You have to be in good shape.
If you are inclined to be overweight,
Bend over more often
Then luck will come to you too.

Plus, they had better seats thanks to the money they earned by killing the idiot warriors who attacked from the front. This situation has angered rear hunters who really need superior seats to sit on without hurting their buttocks. It took a big revolution for all hunters to have the right to the same chairs, and today it is a very high quality chair for all hunters that encourages them, as they themselves say, to always meet at their headquarters.

It was necessary to equalize the rights of hunters to the best seats, but not enough. In fact, it didn't help to finally find a technical solution against attacks due to the dreaded lint. They had the idea of ​​using a second submachine gun, this time mounted on hats. This machine gun, tightly tied to a feathered hat, was constantly pointed to the rear. It was then sufficient to complete the installation: on the one hand, the addition of an inclined rod with a rear-view mirror on the front of the hat, so that the fighter could be informed, without having to turn his head, of what was happening behind him; and, on the other hand, with the installation of a string, one end of which was attached to the machine-gun mechanism on the hat, while the other end, passing through a ring attached to the point of the hat, came to the eyes of the hunter.

Charging is a must
This is a joy for the body.
After swimming with a towel
You have to rub yourself hard
To warm up quickly.
“Oh, water got into my ear,”
Dima screamed in fear.
Zhenya consoles Dima:
- This matter can be fixed.
Dry with a towel
Wipe your wet ear,
Shake it. No problem -
The water will pour out on its own.
Dima likes to swim crawl -

In the water Zhenya is like a king,
Floats gracefully and beautifully -
The tail plays a big role
In this crocodile style.
But it didn't bring success
He has a kilometer cross.
With Dima to compete,
You need to do charging.
Early in the morning, just like him,
Everyone run to the stadium!
Even every athlete
Definitely need charging!

The hunter, looking in the rearview mirror, only had to pull the end of the rope to shoot the wolf coming from behind. Therefore, he could kill the wolf without turning around, as long as he aimed his head at the correct axis of fire. At the end of this famous congress, engineers and manufacturers set to work, assured that it was well paid by the government, which was caused by the proposal of the hunters. But during testing it was a disaster for many reasons. First, hunters didn't want machine gun mounts to replace the beautiful traditional feathers on their hats.

Chapter Three

Dreams under the hot sky

One day in the hot summer,
lying on the hot sand,
Dima and Zhenya were sunbathing.
And above them in the blue sky
the clouds floated quietly by,
The birds flew quickly
Butterflies fluttered quickly,
Only a mammoth with a crocodile
They lay listlessly on the sand.

And he felt so sad -

Even if they dream about it, -
Dima answered with a sigh
And he also became completely sad.
He rose to his strong feet,
he waved his big ears,
He waved them very hard,
but it never flew.
He was just exhausted,
but did not flutter like a butterfly,
He didn't fly like a bird
and did not soar like a cloud.
He waved his ears without rest
already with all his might,
And suddenly from the airplane,
like peas from a pod,
And right above the lumps
the balls blossomed.

And Zhenya and Dima understood -

Then the flurry of ruffled feathers in the slightest breeze hid in the rearview mirror, and the image of a man-eating wolf quickly and slyly approached from behind. Finally, even if they saw the wolf very clearly behind them, the hunters had great difficulty immediately putting their heads in a good firing position. They were mistaken because of the upside-down image in the rear view mirror. So they tended to turn around while shooting, and they came to shoot at each other, which was not the goal.

When the machine gun hat tests were killed, everyone cried, and the government organized a magnificent ceremony, both for the isolated hunters swallowed up by wolves, to bury the dead, comfort the families, and restore the courage of the hunters for further testing. And when, fortunately, no one was killed, he still laughed at the reluctant ones who found the solution to playful gossip funny. But not the government; nor the people who needed, or thought they needed, hunters to go into the nameless forest.

These are parachutists!
When we grow up too,
Let's go to the parachute club -
Zhenya and Dima decided,
Then we'll see from above
your entire region is beloved.

If you really want it,
You can really fly
Elephants and crocodiles,
Mammoths and tigers.
Maybe even a hippopotamus
Go on a big flight
If medical
the commission will pass.
He is a very significant load -
There wouldn't be an overload.
In general, to fly,
You have to really want it
And grow up a little
Because Zhenya and Dima
Everything is ahead, of course!

One day, the wife of a hunter who had eaten his buttocks and was just sitting on a stack of at least seven pillows filled with lyre bird feathers was very annoyed. in urgent medicinal plants of an unnamed forest to treat her daughter who had a very bad stomach attack. The adorable child actually ate too many mushrooms, she said, or euphoric herbs, according to what sweet friends said sweetly. It doesn't matter: in both cases the mother knew that the medicine was the same, but that it had to be done quickly.

Chapter Four

Such a wonderful house

Friendly, fun to play,
The elders help the younger ones,
Dress for a walk.
Eating at the table is cultural:
Don't sniffle or push,
Don't bring the plate,
And lean towards the plate.
Without a “thank you” it’s not nice.
Any work must be appreciated
Give thanks politely.

Quiet time after lunch
According to our schedule.
Sleep is more important than anything in the world -
Children grow faster in their sleep.

You quickly undressed yourself,
Feet washed, pajamas put on
And let's quickly go to sleep,
Because tomorrow morning
IN kindergarten go again
Where will Aunt Zebra wait?
Greet with a smile.

But the plants that were needed had to be collected at dawn, during dew, on a slope exposed to the rising sun. She knew where to find them in the middle of an unnamed forest: in the scree of an old extinct volcano. She had already been there once, before accompanying her husband during the penultimate hunt, which he did in the category of hunters behind his back, before biting the wolf as quickly as fierce, smart and quiet, Now her husband could no longer hunt, and all the other hunters were unavailable, busy with the siege, to think and eat together.

Chapter Five

Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

School is about learning, not playing.

We sing a farewell song
Let's finish our holiday,
A little sad
A little naughty.

Aunt Zebra shed tears.
Her handkerchief
tears to stop the flow.
To ease the flood
from the excess of her tears,
It was decided:
I urgently need a bouquet of roses!

So she decided to go alone to the nameless forest, leaving her daughter in the care of her father, helped by her neighbors. And she had to leave before dark. She didn't have a weapon and didn't want one. She knew all too well the history of the machine gun on the hunter's hat. She wanted to keep her buttocks intact, if only to return her daughter to her time and, if necessary, to start healing plants. She was just wondering if she had anything good in her grocery store that a man-eating wolf would want to try better than a heavily armed hunter's ass, or a brave and unarmed mom.

Chapter Six

Here we are in first grade

Here we are in first grade,
They greet us warmly.
The school bell rang
Calling for a lesson.

Pen, new notebook -
Write exercises.
Lesson one is a class hour.
- You have to sit quietly in class
don't make noise or shout,
When there is noise and commotion in the classroom,
Everything is upside down and in chaos -
It's a mess
You can't do that, guys.
Who interferes with teaching a lesson?
He's doing very badly.
In order to have fun,
Every school is sure to
From lesson to lesson
There are changes.
During breaks you can
Play around, but be careful:
So as not to bother others.
As soon as the bell rings,
Get everyone to class quickly.
But again: don’t push,
Don't pinch or fight.

You can't sleep during class.
Do you remember everything, friends?

She remembered that as a gift her uncles had brought from Siberia huge sausages made of ostriches and mammoth buttocks, which she did not know what to do with because they were too heavy to break her teeth. They were sausages that were very special indeed, because, according to the uncles, it was absolutely necessary that they came from ostriches and mammoths that had quietly died of old age and not been killed. Otherwise the sausages didn't have any "magic" to them. The mother thought that the wolves would like to eat them because they had teeth strong enough for these sausages.

He walked home dejectedly,
Didn't talk to anyone.
He knew that he would be met with gloominess
Dad Crocodile.
And mommy will be upset:
Her favorite son
Not even a C grade -
Got a two!

Zhenya sat down for his lessons,
didn't go for a walk
And for tomorrow for sure
he got five.

His mother caressed him
kissed by father.
They were proud of him again:
“Our Zhenya is great.”
Smart Zhenya the crocodile
So now he told everyone:
“You came to school to study,
So, there is no need to be lazy.
Studying at school is also work,
They give points for it.
To understand the lesson well,
Teach him to five
Then don't you be ashamed
will answer."

She took three huge copies, which she stuffed into her large backpack, and she left. When she arrived around midnight at the edge of the nameless forest, the silence was impressive, but the night was filled with stars and the full moon remained dazzling in the darkness of the trees. From time to time, a bird's call flared up in the silence, followed by noise rather than air. In these conditions, the mother said that it was better to walk along the forest paths without fear of making noise. She told herself that if the wolf attacked her because of her teeth, she would immediately be busy with a large sausage before touching her buttocks, and she could turn around to face her.

Chapter Seven

Dima's birthday

For Dima's birthday
I invited the guys -
He goes to school with them,
I went to kindergarten with them.
Mother mammoth
baked a huge cake,
Which won't fit
and into the biggest mouth.
Five kilograms of flour in it
And twenty-five eggs,
So that no one is offended
From the invited persons.
That's how old Dima is!
Big secret.
So that wish came true,
you can't spill the secret
And you need all the candles at once,
exhale and blow out.
Dima was clever and brave,
I managed to blow out all the candles.
His wish came true
secret fulfilled:
Mom and dad gave it to me
him a bike!
Overtakes all passers-by,
But it doesn't hurt anyone
He waves to everyone.
Dima drives carefully.
Dima is like that!
Dima is driving along the sidewalk,
On the asphalt in the yard,
Because the rule
Children know:
Children are not allowed on the road
Ride a bike.
Cars drive fast there.
The road is a dangerous place
Something terrible could happen.
Don't go, dear children,
On the way by bike.

She started laughing, thinking that the hunters couldn't even do it despite countless meetings and discussions. Trusting, she entered the night of the nameless forest, humming the best songs from her vast repertoire. She made almost no progress for ten minutes in the forest path, illuminated by the moon, which, as she saw, stood in front of her, sitting on her torso, overturned at the edge of the path, a black shadow with a completely recognizable profile: the silhouette of a great wolf being eaten by the butt! She stopped singing immediately. The wolf did not look at her: he was thinking about the moon.

But on the crack of a branch under the mummy's feet he turned his head, and the mother felt her heart beating in her chest as soon as she saw the terrible shine of the red eyes that fixed it. However, she mastered her fear and took a few more steps before stopping, not moving. The wolf didn't move either. Slowly putting the bag off her shoulders, she opened it and pulled out a large sausage, and then, slowly approaching a few steps from the beast, she placed it in front of her, and then walked towards her bag.

Dima is riding in the yard,
He presses the pedals.
Made a circle, stopped,
Where the guys were waiting for him.
Dima didn’t wonder
And almost until sunset
The guys drove around in circles.
All the guys rode
And, satisfied, they parted,
Everyone went to bed.
And Dima his bike
put it to rest.
Bicycle without rest
took the guys for rides.
Although he is iron,
but still tired.
Dima with a cloth
wiped away dirt and dust.
Who worked and was tired,
deserved that rest.
It's time for Dima to sleep too.
Good night, until the morning.

The wolf lowered his neck and head, keeping his red eyes on his mother. He smelled sausage from afar. A few moments later, he jumped out of the chest, walked over to the gift, smelled it again, and finally began to eat. The mother did not move, suspecting that she should wait until the end of the meal. It was then that she saw something “magical”: while he was eating, the wolf’s eyes changed color: from red they became purple, and then blue. Deep blue, then blue blue. Suddenly they turned green, a green shadow, and truly amazing to the eyes of the wolf buttocks.

Chapter Eight

Zhenya is a rescuer

One day Zhenya and Dima
walked along the river.
We sat on the shore
fishermen with fishing line.
They were fishing
looking at the floats
And they caught it with a fishing rod
fish from the river.
Children splashed in the water -
water lovers.
Nothing foretold
the disaster that happened.

Some kid
I decided to dive into the water
But it was too deep
And he began to drown.
He shouted: “Help!”
All the people came running,
But the boy is already drowning
Caught in a whirlpool.

Then tender green turned into nuances that made the mother think of turtles gemstone, called aquamarine, and when the wolf finished the sausage, her eyes were deep gold, a kind of fullness of grey-gold sparkling, filled with sunny joy, colorful morning and sunny mist. He regressed on a tree trunk thrown back while from the blackest of the nameless forest around him sat two large gray owls with silent wings on either side.

Owls also have large gray-gold eyes with invaluable depth. The mother remained for a long delightful moment in front of three motionless shadows with equally magnificent external gazes. Then she realized that the owl-wolf group was telling her in silence: that she could go to the healing plants, provided that she did not make mistakes in the subtle world of the nameless forest. She pulled out the second sausage from the bag and placed it there, in front of the golden wolf. The wolf did not move, but one of the two owls flew down the passage, to the point where the mother could still see it under the moon.

Zhenya didn’t think for a long time
and rushed there -
He knew how to swim well
no matter how deep the water is.
He dived
went headlong
But he quickly found the boy.
He carried it on his back
And he quickly passed it on to his relatives.
Happy parents
thanked Zhenya.
Well deserved
Zhenya respect.
Soon Zhenya’s entire class knew
That Zhenya saved the child.
Because he didn't chicken out
and helped in trouble,
He was awarded a medal
for water rescue.
All around
who knew Zhenya,
They called him the lifeguard.

Listen to Zhenya’s advice:
If you don't know how to swim,
Don't dive in headfirst
Far from the shore
Look, don't swim.
Walk into water up to your neck
And swim to the shore.
And reach the bottom of the river with your foot.
If you swam far,
You don't have enough strength
Reach the sushi
And you might drown.
Until you learn
stay on the water
Put on a life preserver,
so as not to be in trouble.
And you, dear mothers, need
Don't let your child out of sight.

And my most important advice:
Learn to swim from an early age.

Chapter Nine

Dima - firefighter

Dima also distinguished himself,
When suddenly a fire happened.
He was awarded a medal
"For courage in a fire."

The boy was left at home alone.
His mother went to the store.
Strictly ordered
Don't touch anything.
He found matches
And in the middle of the room
Made a big fire.
The game ended in disaster:
Sparks flew from the fire,
The fire ran through the curtains
And soon the whole house was on fire.

Who's with the hook?

Dima took water into his trunk
Having learned that there is a boy,
He rushed into the house.
He risked his life
But I didn't think about it.
He carried the boy out -
The culprit of evil.
She took him away.

The house was put out. Fire brigade

Chapter Ten

Dima and Zhenya decided
Make the jam once.

It was summer.
Grandma's garden
The apples are ripe
Filled up, ripe -
The harvest was good
This year.
Apples hang on the branches
They look down at the guys.

Vacations guys
In the village they carried out:
We went to the forest to pick mushrooms,
We went picking berries.
The village was
Somewhere at the mouth of the Nile.

Grandmother lived in the village
Marry the crocodile.
Zhenya is nowhere without Dima -
Just “do not spill the water.”
You won't find a stronger friendship
At least you'll go around half the world.
The parents decided:
“What should you play at home?
Guys help grandma
Don't mind using your own strength.
They helped her zealously -
The whole garden is overgrown with nettles,
She bit everyone.
Left to fight the nettles
Our squad is undaunted.
Like fearless fighters
Our fellows fought.
Weeded away all the weeds,
They have calluses on their hands,
At least they wore gloves.
Physical labor is not sweet,
But the garden is neat,
Clean and pleasant to walk through.

Watered the beds in the garden,
So that cucumbers will be born.
Grandma seems happy
Praises: “Well done!”

Summer flew by quickly
The grass in the field turned yellow.
It's time to harvest,
Close the compote in jars,
Prepare pickles
Make delicious jam.
Guys help grandma
And here it’s not at all averse.

One day grandma left
To a neighbor, Aunt Liz.
For a long time the guys thought
Give a surprise.
And finally the moment has come.
Great responsibility
But to conduct an experiment
No one will interfere.

Dima apples from an apple tree
Narwhal with his trunk,
Zhenya in a large basin of water
I scooped it up with a ladle.
They washed the apples
Cut into slices
Sugar added
(It is not known how many).
The jam began to boil.
What to do next? –
Remove the foam.
They remove the foam -
It grows instantly.

Remove the foam!
Don't yawn, don't yawn
Remove the foam quickly.

She dusted his eyes.
The smell of jam
A swarm of wasps flew in.
They buzz terribly
And they sting to tears.

Fleeing from wasps, Dima and Zhenya
They threw their jam,
We ran without looking back,
Only the heels sparkled.

Grandma returned home
She cried out quietly:
"My God"!
Driven away a swarm of biting wasps,
I finished cooking the jam,
I put it in jars.

The guys are walking, looking down,
We lowered our eyes.
Zhenya said so.
“Okay, kids, no problem.
Come here quickly.
Here it is - jam,
To everyone's surprise
Delicious, fragrant,
Sweet golden.
From grandma's garden
The jam is just what you need!

It's delicious to eat jam with tea,
We invite everyone to the table.
Just remember guys
Making jam is a little difficult.
Without dexterity and skill
It won't make jam.
And if you do everything in a hurry,

Chapter Eleven

Hippo Rescue

The hippopotamus is stuck - neither here nor there.

Doesn't give peace to his neighbors,

I'll tell you, hippo's tear
This is just something terrible:

Dima and Zhenya became adults

Call 01 and your friends will come!
Call 01 and help will come!

fascinating and educational story
about the baby mammoth Dima and his friend the crocodile Zhenya

Chapter One

The amazing story of the appearance of baby mammoth Dima and crocodile Zhenya

Mammoth mother
in the tropical forest
A baby mammoth was born
at twelve o'clock.
They've been waiting for him for so long:
two years eight days,
And finally we waited -
here he is, next to her.
He, barely born,
already on his feet
And when I saw my mother,
"Mom" he said.
Happy mom
loves my son very much -
Feeds him semolina porridge,
caresses and doves.

Mom crocodile
laid an egg in the sand.
It was lying there
certain period.
And one early morning
the egg began to move,
The shell has cracked,
and Zhenya hatched.
Mom crocodile
he has no soul in him,
Even though he's a big fidget
and a desperate naughty man.
But one of the children is not naughty,
who only sleeps day and night.
I'll tell you a secret:
There are no such children in the world.

All children love to play pranks
all children love to play -
They have fun in the world
That's why they are children.
This is no laughing matter for adults -
they have worries on their minds,
And they also have work,
poor adults have no time to laugh.

Mammoth mother
with mom crocodile
Lived next door
and have been friends for a long time,
For a walk together
the kids were taken out.
This is how two friends grew up
grew up together
They are not bored together
interesting together.
On the sandy shore
among tall palm trees
They were playing hide and seek
under the supervision of mothers.
Moms on the bench
under the palm tree thick
About my family
We chatted all day long.
Mother mammoth
I knitted a sweater for my son,
So that in the winter cold
It was not by chance that he caught a cold.
Mom crocodile
I sewed a raincoat for my son,
To the water of the Nile
it didn't get wet.
The children were frolicking
on the sandy shore,
We feasted on fruits
tasty and juicy:
Ripe bananas
ripe coconuts
Dima got them
from a palm tree with a long nose.
Having walked to my heart's content
and having eaten to your heart's content,
Dima and Zhenya were walking home
and went to bed:
Dima on the crib
lay down on his side,
Crocodile Zhenya
lay down in a hammock.

Although they were not protected by anyone or even anything due to the technical impossibility of protecting the lower parts of hunting pants. If attacked from behind by wolves, hunters would eat their buttocks, and this was very offensive for them, because even if they did not die, they could not sit down for the rest of their lives. They had to put a lot of pillows on the places where they had to sit. Particularly during hunter meetings, which lasted for a very, very long time. For years and years ahead there were hunters who had better chairs, although they had buttocks in good shape and therefore had no problem sitting in them.

The stars are shining in the sky,
The wide Nile fell asleep.
Baby mammoth Dima is sleeping,
Zhenya the crocodile is sleeping.

Chapter two

Health is good - thanks to exercise

Waking up early in the morning,
As soon as the alarm clock rings,
Does exercises
baby mammoth Dima.
Because health
he's fine
That he is always in the morning
does exercises.
With his trunk, like a watering can, Dima waters -
Water procedures
everyone needs it.
And then a jog -
back and forth
Even though your legs are tired,
but still nice.
And then - a speed swim.
Dima won - that's the news!
Zhenya is apparently tired,
He lagged behind his friend a little.
So that the results are normal,
You have to be in good shape.
If you are inclined to be overweight,
Bend over more often
Jump, jump like a ball,
Then luck will come to you too.

Charging is a must
This is a joy for the body.
After swimming with a towel
You have to rub yourself hard
To warm up quickly.
“Oh, water got into my ear,”
Dima screamed in fear.
Zhenya consoles Dima:
- This matter can be fixed.
Dry with a towel
Wipe your wet ear,
Shake it. No problem -
The water will pour out on its own.
Dima likes to swim crawl -
This is how they teach it in sports school.
Zhenya has her own natural style.
This style is the crocodile style.
In the water Zhenya is like a king,
Floats gracefully and beautifully -
The tail plays a big role
In this crocodile style.
But it didn't bring success
He has a kilometer cross.
With Dima to compete,
You need to do charging.
Early in the morning, just like him,
Everyone run to the stadium!
Even every athlete
Definitely need charging!

Chapter Three

Dreams under the hot sky

One day in the hot summer,
lying on the hot sand,
Dima and Zhenya were sunbathing.
And above them in the blue sky
the clouds floated quietly by,
The birds flew quickly
Butterflies fluttered quickly,
Only a mammoth with a crocodile
They lay listlessly on the sand.
- I wonder why crocodiles don’t fly? –
Zhenya asked Dima thoughtfully.
And he felt so sad -
Without crocodiles, the sky is empty!
- Eh, mammoths don’t fly either,
Even if they dream about it, -
Dima answered with a sigh
And he also became completely sad.
He rose to his strong feet,
he waved his big ears,
He waved them very hard,
but it never flew.
He was just exhausted,
but did not flutter like a butterfly,
He didn't fly like a bird
and did not soar like a cloud.
He waved his ears without rest
already with all his might,
And at this time the airplane was circling in the air.
And suddenly from the airplane,
like peas from a pod,
Lumps fell: skok, skok, skok...
And right above the lumps
the balls blossomed.
Our children's eyes lit up!
They were speechless in delight and their mouths were open -
Never seen such beauty.
The balls landed nearby in a clear field.
And Zhenya and Dima understood -

These are parachutists!
When we grow up too,
Let's go to the parachute club -
Zhenya and Dima decided,
Then we'll see from above
your entire region is beloved.

If you really want it,
You can really fly
Elephants and crocodiles,
Mammoths and tigers.
Maybe even a hippopotamus
Go on a big flight
If medical
the commission will pass.
He is a very significant load -
There wouldn't be an overload.
In general, to fly,
You have to really want it
And grow up a little
Because Zhenya and Dima
Everything is ahead, of course!

One day, the wife of a hunter who had eaten his buttocks and was just sitting on a stack of at least seven pillows filled with lyre bird feathers was very annoyed. in urgent medicinal plants of an unnamed forest to treat her daughter who had a very bad stomach attack. The adorable child actually ate too many mushrooms, she said, or euphoric herbs, according to what sweet friends said sweetly. It doesn't matter: in both cases the mother knew that the medicine was the same, but that it had to be done quickly.

Chapter Four

About how the children were taken to kindergarten

At three years old, children are sent to kindergarten.
What is a kindergarten, where do children go?
I'll tell you honestly, kindergarten -
Such a wonderful house
Where a lot of little kids play in the house.
Parents bring their children here in the morning,
Because it’s time for mom and dad to go to the factory,
It's time to go to the factory, it's time for them to go to the office,
In a word, it’s high time they went to work.
And so that children are not left unattended in the yard,
We built a kindergarten for the joy of the children.
Here, instead of mom, Aunt Zebra is the teacher,
Inventor of funny games and games.
Aunt Zebra teaches children good rules:
How to tie shoelaces, put on galoshes,
Friendly, fun to play,
The elders help the younger ones,
Dress for a walk.
Eating at the table is cultural:
Don't sniffle or push,
Don't bring the plate,
And lean towards the plate.
As I ate - say “thank you”
Without a “thank you” it’s not nice.
Any work must be appreciated
Give thanks politely.
Aunt Zebra doesn't like those who tell lies.
In the kindergarten where Zhenya and Dima are, there are no such children at all.
I don’t think I’ll find these in your garden either.
Quiet time after lunch
According to our schedule.
Sleep is more important than anything in the world -
Children grow faster in their sleep.
After work, mothers rush to kindergarten
Picking up your family children from kindergarten.
Mother crocodile and mother mammoth
They came for Zhenya and Dima and stopped quietly.
Kids play, mothers don't notice.
And when they noticed, they collected all the toys,
“Goodbye” they cheerfully said to Aunt Zebra
And, holding hands together, they ran home.
At home we watched the fairy tale “Good night, kids”
You quickly undressed yourself,
Feet washed, pajamas put on
And let's quickly go to sleep,
Because tomorrow morning
Go to kindergarten again
Where will Aunt Zebra wait?
Greet with a smile.

Chapter Five

Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

We, the children, came to kindergarten for the last time.
Farewell, beloved kindergarten, fun game.
We turned seven years old this year,
We can't be in kindergarten anymore.
We're big guys, it's time for us to go to school,
School is about learning, not playing.
But even when we are adults,
Let's not forget our kindergarten.
We will always love Aunt Zebra,
Then bring your children to her garden.

We sing a farewell song
Let's finish our holiday,
A little sad
A little naughty.

Zhenya and Dima sing in this choir.
The guys are happy and sad in half.
Glad that they will now be at school.
Sadness - they don’t want to leave kindergarten.
The farewell was delayed. Poster on the wall:
“Hello, school! Goodbye kindergarten!
Aunt Zebra will replace the mother for new children,
Will raise them, love and protect them.

Aunt Zebra in the presence of grandmothers, fathers and mothers
She said her parting words to kindergarten graduates:
- Everything will be useful in life. To find out more,
Try, guys, to study for fours and fives.

Aunt Zebra shed tears.
Her handkerchief
He was all wet, he couldn't
tears to stop the flow.
To ease the flood
from the excess of her tears,
It was decided:
I urgently need a bouquet of roses!
They brought in a bouquet of roses - there were thirty scarlet roses.
Aunt Zebra's tears dried up with delight.
Aunt Zebra was embarrassed: why does she need to do everything alone?
And according to Zebrin's command, according to everyone's desire
They gave all the kids a live rose.
Goodbye, kindergarten, welcome new kids!
We're going to school, but let's not forget kindergarten!

Chapter Six

Here we are in first grade

Here we are in first grade,
They greet us warmly.
The school bell rang
Calling for a lesson.
Everyone sat down at their desks together,
Everyone has what they need on their desks:
Pen, new notebook -
Write exercises.
Lesson one is a class hour.
Teacher Horse teaches us:
- You have to sit quietly in class
don't make noise or shout,
When the teacher asks, then answer.
When there is noise and commotion in the classroom,
Everything is upside down and in chaos -
It's a mess
You can't do that, guys.
Who interferes with teaching a lesson?
He's doing very badly.
In order to have fun,
Every school is sure to
From lesson to lesson
There are changes.
During breaks you can
Play around, but be careful:
Don't run, don't shout loudly,
So as not to bother others.
As soon as the bell rings,
Get everyone to class quickly.
But again: don’t push,
Don't pinch or fight.
To study well, remember the admonition:
Be active in class and complete the task.
You can't sleep during class.
Do you remember everything, friends?

One day Zhenya the crocodile didn't learn his lesson
And he could not answer the teacher’s question.
He was so ashamed, he almost died.
Teacher Horse gave him two.
He walked home dejectedly,
Didn't talk to anyone.
He knew that he would be met with gloominess
Dad Crocodile.
And mommy will be upset:
Her favorite son
Not even a C grade -
Got a two!

Zhenya sat down for his lessons,
didn't go for a walk
And for tomorrow for sure
he got five.

His mother caressed him
kissed by father.
They were proud of him again:
“Our Zhenya is great.”
Smart Zhenya the crocodile
So now he told everyone:
“You came to school to study,
So, there is no need to be lazy.
Studying at school is also work,
They give points for it.
To understand the lesson well,
Teach him to five
Then don't you be ashamed
will answer."

Chapter Seven

Dima's birthday

For Dima's birthday
I invited the guys -
He goes to school with them,
I went to kindergarten with them.
Mother mammoth
baked a huge cake,
Which won't fit
and into the biggest mouth.
Five kilograms of flour in it
And twenty-five eggs,
So that no one is offended
From the invited persons.
Seven candles were lit on the cake -
That's how old Dima is!
Dima made a wish, but what?
Big secret.
So that the wish comes true,
you can't spill the secret
And you need all the candles at once,
exhale and blow out.
Dima was clever and brave,
I managed to blow out all the candles.
His wish came true
secret fulfilled:
Mom and dad gave it to me
him a bike!
Dima rides a bicycle quickly,
Overtakes all passers-by,
But it doesn't hurt anyone
He waves to everyone.
Dima drives carefully.
Dima is like that!
Dima is driving along the sidewalk,
On the asphalt in the yard,
Because the rule
Children know:
Children are not allowed on the road
Ride a bike.
Cars drive fast there.
The road is not for cyclists.
The road is a dangerous place
Something terrible could happen.
Don't go, dear children,
On the way by bike.

Dima is riding in the yard,
He presses the pedals.
Made a circle, stopped,
Where the guys were waiting for him.
Dima didn’t wonder
I gave all my friends a ride.
And almost until sunset
The guys drove around in circles.
All the guys rode
And, satisfied, they parted,
Everyone went to bed.
And Dima his bike
put it to rest.
Bicycle without rest
took the guys for rides.
Although he is iron,
but still tired.
Dima with a cloth
wiped away dirt and dust.
Who worked and was tired,
deserved that rest.
It's time for Dima to sleep too.
Good night, see you in the morning.

Chapter Eight

Zhenya is a rescuer

One day Zhenya and Dima
walked along the river.
We sat on the shore
fishermen with fishing line.
They were fishing
looking at the floats
And they caught it with a fishing rod
fish from the river.
Children splashed in the water -
water lovers.
Nothing foretold
the disaster that happened.

Some kid
I decided to dive into the water
But it was too deep
And he began to drown.
He shouted: “Help!”
All the people came running,
But the boy is already drowning
Caught in a whirlpool.

Then the gentle green color turned into nuances that made the mother think of the skulls of a precious stone called aquamarine, and when the wolf finished the sausage, her eyes were deep gold, a kind of fullness of grey-gold sparkling, filled with sunny joy, colored morning and sunny mist. He regressed on a tree trunk thrown back while from the blackest of the nameless forest around him sat two large gray owls with silent wings on either side.

Owls also have large gray-gold eyes with invaluable depth. The mother remained for a long delightful moment in front of three motionless shadows with equally magnificent external gazes. Then she realized that the owl-wolf group was telling her in silence: that she could go to the healing plants, provided that she did not make mistakes in the subtle world of the nameless forest. She pulled out the second sausage from the bag and placed it there, in front of the golden wolf. The wolf did not move, but one of the two owls flew down the passage, to the point where the mother could still see it under the moon.

Zhenya didn’t think for a long time
and rushed there -
He knew how to swim well
no matter how deep the water is.
He dived
went headlong
But he quickly found the boy.
He carried it on his back
And he quickly passed it on to his relatives.
Happy parents
thanked Zhenya.
Well deserved
Zhenya respect.
Soon Zhenya’s entire class knew
That Zhenya saved the child.
Because he didn't chicken out
and helped in trouble,
He was awarded a medal
for water rescue.
All around
who knew Zhenya,
They called him the lifeguard.

So as not to drown like this boy,
Listen to Zhenya’s advice:
If you don't know how to swim,
Don't dive in headfirst
Far from the shore
Look, don't swim.
Walk into water up to your neck
And swim to the shore.
Swim where you can stand
And reach the bottom of the river with your foot.
If you swam far,
You don't have enough strength
Reach the sushi
And you might drown.
Until you learn
stay on the water
Put on a life preserver,
so as not to be in trouble.
And you, dear mothers, need
Don't let your child out of sight.
If you came to swim with him,
Try not to get distracted.
And my most important advice:
Learn to swim from an early age.

Chapter Nine

Dima - firefighter

Dima also distinguished himself,
When suddenly a fire happened.
He was awarded a medal
"For courage in a fire."

The boy was left at home alone.
His mother went to the store.
Strictly ordered
Don't touch anything.
But the boy was a big naughty man
He found matches
And in the middle of the room
Made a big fire.
The game ended in disaster:
Sparks flew from the fire,
The fire ran through the curtains
And soon the whole house was on fire.
The boy crawled under the table in fear.
The fire was raging and was already licking the floor.
People came running: some with a bucket,
Who's with the hook?
Who covers the flames of fire with sand.

In horror, mom runs as fast as she can:
“My dear son is still in the house!”
Dima took water into his trunk
And, as if from a hose, the fire poured out.
Having learned that there is a boy,
He rushed into the house.
He risked his life
But I didn't think about it.
He carried the boy out -
The culprit of evil.
She took him away.
Dima also received a burn on his skin -
The doctor applied ointment and bandaged it.

The house was put out. Fire brigade
Congratulated the brave, courageous guys.

Dear children, fire is not a toy!
Any old woman will tell you this.
Every child should know about this -
The sooner the better, right from the cradle.
So that you don't have to start the fire,
It’s better not to pick up matches.

Chapter Ten

How Dima and Zhenya made jam

You are all ready to eat jam,
Did you cook it? I think not even once.

Dima and Zhenya decided
Make the jam once.

It was summer.
Grandma's garden
The apples are ripe
Filled up, ripe -
The harvest was good
This year.
Apples hang on the branches
They look down at the guys.

Vacations guys
In the village they carried out:
We went to the forest to pick mushrooms,
We went picking berries.
The village was
Somewhere at the mouth of the Nile.

Grandmother lived in the village
Marry the crocodile.
Zhenya is nowhere without Dima -
Just “do not spill the water.”
You won't find a stronger friendship
At least you'll go around half the world.
The parents decided:
“What should you play at home?
Go help your grandmother in the village.”
Guys help grandma
Don't mind using your own strength.
They helped her zealously -
They fought against a horde of weeds.
The whole garden is overgrown with nettles,
She bit everyone.
Left to fight the nettles
Our squad is undaunted.
Like fearless fighters
Our fellows fought.
Weeded away all the weeds,
They have calluses on their hands,
At least they wore gloves.
Physical labor is not sweet,
But the garden is neat,
Clean and pleasant to walk through.

Watered the beds in the garden,
So that cucumbers will be born.
Grandma seems happy
Praises: “Well done!”

Summer flew by quickly
The grass in the field turned yellow.
It's time to harvest,
Close the compote in jars,
Prepare pickles
Make delicious jam.
Guys help grandma
And here it’s not at all averse.

One day grandma left
To a neighbor, Aunt Liz.
For a long time the guys thought
Give a surprise.
And finally the moment has come.
Great responsibility
But to conduct an experiment
No one will interfere.

Dima apples from an apple tree
Narwhal with his trunk,
Zhenya in a large basin of water
I scooped it up with a ladle.
They washed the apples
Cut into slices
Sugar added
(It is not known how many).
The jam began to boil.
What to do next? –
Remove the foam.
They remove the foam -
It grows instantly.

The jam is already running over the edge.
Remove the foam!
Don't yawn, don't yawn
Remove the foam quickly.
But the foam creeps and creeps. Guard!
Dima blew with his trunk and the fire blew out.
Ash flew from the stove in response -
She dusted his eyes.
The smell of jam
A swarm of wasps flew in.
They buzz terribly
And they sting to tears.

Fleeing from wasps, Dima and Zhenya
They threw their jam,
We ran without looking back,
Only the heels sparkled.

Grandma returned home
She cried out quietly:
"My God"!
Driven away a swarm of biting wasps,
I finished cooking the jam,
I put it in jars.

The guys are walking, looking down,
We lowered our eyes.
“We wanted to make a surprise,”
Zhenya said so.
“Okay, kids, no problem.
Come here quickly.
Here it is - jam,
To everyone's surprise
Delicious, fragrant,
Sweet golden.
From grandma's garden
The jam is just what you need!

It's delicious to eat jam with tea,
We invite everyone to the table.
Just remember guys
Making jam is a little difficult.
Without dexterity and skill
It won't make jam.
And if you do everything in a hurry,
“Surprise” will backfire on you.

Chapter Eleven

Hippo Rescue

There was trouble in the hippopotamus family:
The hippopotamus is stuck - neither here nor there.
A hippopotamus got stuck in the doorway of his house -
The hippo's huge belly got in the way.
The hippopotamus is stuck - neither here nor there.
He roars and cries, such a disaster.
There are hippos around - children scurrying around
And they roar: they won’t understand how to help.
Evening has already fallen - the hippopotamus is roaring,
Doesn't give peace to his neighbors,
Although the neighbors are four miles away
Through the desert, thorns, bushes.
It's hard to get through to the hippo family -
You can fall, fall, hurt yourself,
You can finally meet a lion!
It takes a brave man to help a hippopotamus!
And then a helicopter takes off,
At the helm, Zhenya is a real pilot.
And Dima put on a huge parachute.
These two guys will save the hippopotamus!
A dragonfly helicopter flies to the rescue,
Rotating the screws, it rattles and rumbles.
Hovered over the hippo's dwelling.
Dima opened the door and boldly rushed downstairs.
A multi-colored parachute opened above him,
Dima landed softly and precisely on target.
He is strong and brave, Dima is an athlete,
He built a lot and broke a lot of walls.
With his trunk he quickly moves log after log
I took it apart and rolled out the house into logs.
The hippopotamus finally breathed a sigh of relief
And in freedom from happiness he cried.
I'll tell you, hippo's tear
This is just something terrible:
A teardrop the size of a bucket! And so
The hippopotamus cried in the swamp!

From now on the hippopotamus is always happy:
He lives in a swamp with his family -
There are no doors and no windows needed,
And you don’t need a house, and you don’t need a garden!
A hippopotamus lies in the swamp all day
And he chews swamp mud like chewing gum.

And Dima barely made it out of the swamp -
Zhenya threw a cable to him from a helicopter.
Dima grabbed the cable with his trunk
And, flying like a bird, he returned home.
Dimina's childhood dream came true:
He wanted to fly - and so he flew.
Dima and Zhenya became adults
And we've seen a lot in our lives,
Many animals and people were rescued,
Rescued from floods and fires.
If you suddenly find yourself in trouble,
Call 01 and your friends will come!
A helicopter is buzzing in the sky of Zhenin.
Call 01 and help will come!


It happened on the shore of the distant and cold Arctic Ocean.
One day, angry waves broke a large ice rock. Warmed up
the sun, and the ice began to slowly, slowly melt.
There was a frozen Mammoth in the ice. He warmed up in the sun and came to life.
"Mother!" - Mammoth called, but no one answered him. He waited
a little, and then went to look for my mother.
The Baby Mammoth walked for a long time. Sometimes he stopped and called his mother, but
Mom was nowhere to be found. The baby mammoth is tired and hungry.
"Who are you?" - he heard someone's voice. It was a reindeer.
The baby mammoth had never seen him before and was scared.
"I'm looking for mom!" - he said. “So you’re a cub!” Severny was surprised
deer. “Cub,” said the Mammoth. “I was sleeping, then I woke up, and
Mom’s gone!” And he sighed.
“I’ve never seen your mother!” said Deer. “Maybe he knows her.”
Uncle Walrus?
Uncle Walrus was very surprised to see the Baby Mammoth. "Who are you?" -
he asked. “I’m a cub!” said the Mammoth calf. “I was sleeping, then
I woke up and my mom wasn’t there!” “What’s your mom’s name?” “Mom!” he said
Baby mammoth.
Uncle Walrus remembered that a long time ago, when in the North there was
It was warm, huge animals lived here, similar to the Baby Mammoth.
“But they went to Africa when the Great Cold came!”
“I also want to go to Africa!” said the Mammoth. “I want to find my
"Aren't you afraid?" - the Walrus and the Reindeer asked him.
"I won't be afraid!" - said Mammoth.
Then the Walrus drove a large ice floe to the shore, the Deer brought herbs to
road, and the Baby Mammoth swam to Africa to visit his mother.
"Across the blue sea to the green land
I'm sailing on my white ship.
Neither waves nor wind scare me!
I'm swimming to the only mother in the world!
I want to get to the ground as soon as possible,
"I'm here! I've arrived!" - I'll shout to her.
Let mom hear, let mom come,
May my mother definitely find me!
After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,
For children to be lost?"

And suddenly the ice floe under Baby Mammoth melted and broke! "Mother!" -
he shouted.
And then the Dolphins appeared. They picked up the Baby Mammoth on their backs and
rushed to the ground. The dolphins threw the Baby Mammoth onto the sand and
sailed away. The baby mammoth opened his eyes.
This was Africa.
In front of him was a Deer, but completely different.
"Who are you?" - Baby Mammoth asked him. "I am a Deer from Africa,"
answered the African deer. “Who are you?”
“I don’t know,” said the Baby Mammoth. “I’m looking for mom. Uncle Walrus said she’s here.” - website
“I haven’t seen your mother here!” said the African deer. “Maybe the Wise Cockatoo knows her? He has been in the world for a very long time!”
And the Deer called the Cockatoo. The cockatoo was very surprised to see the Baby Mammoth and said that it was the first time he had seen such an animal. And he and the Deer began to think about where to look for the mother of this strange cub.
“And I know where his mother is!” - suddenly they heard someone's voice. And they saw the Monkey. The Monkey had a banana in his hand. "Catch it!" - she shouted to the Baby Mammoth.
The baby mammoth caught a banana with its trunk. And then everyone shouted: “Yes, this is the Baby Elephant! Only the hairy one!”
“So, that means I am the Baby Elephant!” the Mammoth was delighted. “So my mother is here, and you know her?” - “Of course! Her name is Big Elephant!” - the animals shouted. And they went to the big Elephant.
Soon night fell and the moon rose. But they kept going and going. And finally they came to the clearing. There, all bathed in moonlight, stood the Elephant. She was sleeping.
"Mother!" - Mammoth cried. The Elephant looked at the Baby Mammoth for a long time, and then said: “Who is this?” “It’s me,” said the Mammoth Calf. “I’ve been looking for you for so long! But you didn’t recognize me!” And he began to cry. “Don’t you recognize the baby elephant?” shouted the Deer, Monkey and Cockatoo. “Look, he has a trunk and ears like yours! Only he’s wearing a fur coat, because he’s from the north!”
"Quiet!" - said the Big Elephant and approached the Baby Mammoth. She looked at him carefully and said: “Don’t cry! You’re really not a Baby Elephant, you’re a Baby Mammoth! But still, you’re my son!”
“I don’t understand anything!” said the Baby Mammoth. “Why am I your son if I’m not a baby elephant?”
“Because a long time ago, when the Great Colds came, mammoths came from the North to Africa and became elephants.”
“So I am the Baby Elephant who lived a long time ago!” - Mammoth was delighted.
"Hurray! Finally found him!" - the animals shouted.
The African night was replaced by morning.
When the animals returned back, the Monkey asked: “Do you think it’s true that mammoths became elephants?” “I don’t know,” said the African deer. And the wise Cockatoo said: “What does it matter? He found MOM, and that’s the main thing!”

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