I have a question: is sunbathing in a solarium harmful? The dangers of solariums for women What are the dangers of solariums?

Many people are tormented by the question: is solarium harmful? Like many things in our lives, going to a solarium can be useful, but it can also be not so useful, especially if safety precautions are not followed. Ideally, before going to a solarium, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist, because sometimes tanning is contraindicated and can lead to serious consequences. Also, in a good solarium you should be advised on how to tan correctly.

What should you be afraid of?

  • Ultraviolet rays irritate the upper layers of the skin, partially destroying their structure, which can lead to dehydration and premature aging.
  • Tanning can also cause rough skin and clogged pores.
  • If safety rules are not followed, you can get a thermal burn.
  • Tanning beds can damage your hair if you don't cover it.
  • With frequent sessions, intense melanin synthesis can contribute to the development of benign and malignant tumors.
  • Tanning can also aggravate chronic diseases.

It is important to remember that sunbathing in a solarium is harmful to health if it is abused and the safety rules are violated. If you sunbathe rarely and moderately and protect your body, you can minimize the risks.

Useful properties

A solarium can replace the sun during the cold season, when it is so lacking. What else is its use?

  • During tanning, vitamin D is produced, which strengthens tissues and improves the general condition of the body. Its synthesis can also take place under artificial ultraviolet light.
  • A solarium can improve your skin condition if you suffer from acne and acne, and their appearance is not associated with hormonal imbalance.
  • Ultraviolet light helps strengthen the immune system and helps overcome colds.
  • If you sunbathe in winter, this will contribute to the production of the “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and overall well-being. This is a great way to overcome depression and chronic fatigue, and simply feel joy and lift your spirits during a gloomy and cold period.
  • Artificial tanning is more intense and even than natural tanning.

Preparing for a solarium

  1. Often, just a refreshing shower will not be enough, since for an even tan you need to remove dead skin flakes. It is advisable to do this with a soft scrub one or two days in advance. Otherwise, the tan may peel off in a few days along with the upper keratinized layer of skin. And before the visit you should take a shower 2-3 hours without detergents.
  2. Hydration is essential! To prevent your skin from drying out too much, you should use a moisturizer. And don't forget to moisturize your lips with balm so they don't dry out. In addition, the day before you can make a hair mask.
  3. Tanning activators. Just like before going to the beach, you should use a special cream. It is important to purchase a special tanning cream for a solarium; its composition is slightly different from the usual one. But, most importantly, you need to choose a quality product that will not only help you acquire a more saturated shade, but also prepare your skin!

Tanning in a solarium

So, how to go to the solarium correctly and without harm? To do this without harm, you must follow these steps:

  • When tanning in a solarium, you should pay attention to the safety of your eyes. Since simply closing your eyes will not be enough, ultraviolet rays will easily pass through the skin of the eyelids and can negatively affect the retina. Therefore, it is important to use special sunglasses. It is better to remove contact lenses before the session.
  • Be sure to remove all jewelry.
  • It is also worth taking care of your hair and hiding it under to avoid drying out.
  • And with regular procedures, it is recommended to do moisturizing masks and other strengthening procedures for your hair 2 times a week.
  • You cannot sunbathe in a solarium without removing your makeup.
  • Before the session, you should not use deodorant, perfumed products or other cosmetics.
  • It is not recommended to sunbathe if there are irritations or wounds on the skin
  • It is recommended to undergo the procedure in a swimsuit/underwear and cover birthmarks, moles and tattoos with special protective stickers.

Care after solarium

After the procedure, the skin becomes drier, so it is important to use special moisturizers. Vitamin E products are also recommended to help eliminate unwanted redness and neutralize the effects of free radicals activated by ultraviolet radiation.

Tanning in a solarium can correct your skin color and make you look brighter. But don’t forget that there is also tanning without the sun and solarium, using self-tanning and tinting balms.

To understand how harmful or beneficial a solarium is, you should first find out how it generally affects the skin, and why a tan appears without the sun.

Solariums are special devices equipped with ultraviolet radiation lamps. Under their influence, the pigment melanin, called tanning, is formed on the skin. The radiation is almost identical to that of the sun, the only difference being that there are three types of solar rays (UVA, UVB and UVC), and the devices only use UVA. It is much more intense than natural - almost 15 times. Due to this, the skin quickly darkens and becomes tanned. Twenty minutes in a solarium is equal to several hours under the scorching sun.

The devices can be horizontal or vertical (you lie in one, and stand in the other). Horizontal ones work slower, so you will need more time.

Solarium: harm and benefit for women

The benefits of a solarium are greatly exaggerated, and even far-fetched. In addition, this beauty procedure has long been overgrown with myths (but experts have long debunked them).

Myth 1. This is a great way to replenish vitamin D deficiency.

Residents of northern countries, where the sun is a rare guest, especially believe in this (Russia is one of these, here the sun in most of the territory is active only four to five months a year). But almost all tanning salons use lamps that emit UVA spectrum. And to produce vitamin D, type B rays are needed. In addition, it has long been proven that (if it really exists, which only a doctor will confirm based on test results) it is better not to tan, but to have a balanced diet and vitamin complexes.

Myth 2. It will prepare your skin for the sun.

Allegedly, after the procedure the risk of burns is minimized. In fact, it causes even more damage: according to studies, the skin will definitely burn in the sun.

Myth 3. A-spectrum rays have little effect

Indeed, compared to type B rays, they are about a thousand times weaker. But, according to dermatologists and oncologists, they penetrate deeper into the skin, destroying cells, since the free radicals produced by these rays remain in the body for a long time.

For women, this is fraught not only with photoaging (rays destroy elastin fibers - the skin loses its elasticity and ability to regenerate) and (after all, skin protection in the form of melanin is uneven in different areas), but also with cancer. Thus, according to research from Harvard Medical School, the risk of skin cancer after tanning is twice as high as after exposure to the real sun. Therefore, the answer to the question of what is more harmful is the sun or a solarium, unequivocal!

Myth 4. It helps dry out inflammation

Owners of problematic skin types and those who suffer from acne believe this. Unfortunately, this practice, although common, does not work. At first, it may seem like your acne is decreasing and your skin looks clearer. But this effect is achieved only by masking inflammation with tanning. Over time, it disappears, which means that the need for new sessions arises.

In contrast, there is another, more effective - light therapy. Unlike artificial tanning, the cosmetologist uses rays of the visible spectrum - blue and red, they do not destroy skin cells.

How to sunbathe properly in a solarium without harm

No way! Ideally, it’s better to forget the expensive one altogether. More useful. But if you still decide, by all means, to become the owner of tanned skin, be sure to follow these precautions, which will at least slightly minimize the harm from artificial ultraviolet rays.

  • Before visiting, be sure to consult with your doctor. There are diseases and health conditions for which artificial tanning is contraindicated - chronic and acute skin diseases, skin lesions, cancer, allergies, pregnancy, painful menstruation.
  • Sunbathing is strictly forbidden for people who have a large number of moles on their skin, as well as those taking antibiotics, tranquilizers, analgesics and antidepressants.
  • When you come to a salon where there is a solarium, be sure to ask how long ago the lamps were changed. Maximum service life is 540 hours. If they are new, you can sunbathe for only a short time; the risk of getting sunburned increases significantly. If you choose a horizontal device, find out if it is equipped with an emergency shutdown button. It will help if you suddenly feel ill or feel like you are overheating.

How long can you sunbathe in a solarium?

Be sure to consider your skin type. The frequency of sessions and time depend on this. If you are a light-skinned blonde or a girl with red hair, it is better to avoid tanning (no matter what kind!). Your skin will burn instantly, even with strong sunscreen. Remember that even if you really want it, it is almost impossible to get a golden or bronze shade. The best solution is self-tanning.

Representatives of the second skin type (it is as light and freckled as the first type) also find it difficult to achieve a perfectly even and beautiful tan. For the first visit, three minutes will be enough, and then you can only go through several sessions of seven minutes (but not more than twice a week).

If your skin is tanned but you burn easily, try sessions lasting no longer than ten minutes twice a week.

The skin of naturally dark-skinned girls is better protected by melanin from ultraviolet radiation, so they can afford to attend sessions of up to 12 minutes. After just two visits, the skin will become a beautiful bronze shade, like after a vacation.

Visiting rules

In the salon, before the session, you should be given a cap to protect your hair, stikini (nipple covers) and special glasses. In addition, you yourself must carefully prepare for the procedure.

  1. Remove all makeup. It is better to come to the solarium without makeup and not to use perfume before the procedure. The substances included in its composition can cause skin irritation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Remove all jewelry.
  3. The day before and after, do not do procedures with a deep effect on the skin - peelings, cleansing. You can provoke the formation of age spots.
  4. Before the session, do not wash with soap or other products - this is an important rule! Also, before tanning in a solarium, you should not visit a bathhouse or sauna. After cleansing procedures, the skin loses its lipid layer, which protects it from burns.
  5. Before entering the booth, be sure to apply a protective balm to your lips and eyelids. In these areas it is especially thin and sensitive, with virtually no sweat glands, and therefore no protection.
  6. Be sure to use special tools. They are marked “for tanning in a solarium.” You can buy them at the salon where you tan. Such means minimize harm from radiation (as far as possible).
  7. Under no circumstances should you sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium one day - this is extremely harmful.


Special cosmetics for tanning in solariums do not contain UV filters. After all, you came here specifically for a tan! You need a product that will accelerate the formation of melanin in the skin, and therefore the time spent in the solarium. Each skin phototype has its own tanning product, and it is important to use only what is right for you. Before entering the booth, apply it thoroughly to your skin.

After the session, be sure to use a special product. It will soothe the skin, moisturize it, protect it from damage and “fix” the pigment inside.

What to do if you get burned

If, despite all the precautions, you still get burned, be sure to consult a doctor. Even a mild burn can have dire consequences.
In parallel with following the recommendations of a specialist, use anti-burn products (for example, panthenol) to regenerate the skin and drink more clean water to restore the hydrolipid balance.

The fashion for tanning appeared in European countries relatively recently, about 40 years ago. But since the summer season is limited almost everywhere, various artificial methods of obtaining it began to be used. One of the main ones is the solarium. It gives a lasting and beautiful tan all year round, which cannot but attract attention. At the same time, the benefits and harms of solariums have not been fully studied. But facts are already emerging that speak for themselves.

What is a solarium

This is a specially equipped booth for artificial tanning. Most often it is equipped with low-pressure ultraviolet lamps coated with phosphor. This allows you to achieve a tan that is close to natural. The principle of operation is based on the effect of rays on different layers of the skin, under the influence of which the pigment melanin begins to be produced. It gives our skin a bronze tint.

There are 2 varieties:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

The latter are more like large capsules where a person lies down. Each type has its pros and cons, which determines the degree of preference.

Sunbathing in a vertical solarium is liked by those who do not like the contact of their body with a surface where someone has already lay before them. Modern vertical cabins are equipped with cooling systems that prevent the body from overheating. Many beauty salons have music centers and aroma complexes in the solarium.

Preference for vertical options is given to those who like an even tan. Here you can raise your arms and tan equally on all sides. In addition, the door can be kept slightly open. This is suitable for those who do not like to be in a confined space.

Sunbathing in a horizontal solarium is enjoyed by those who want to get a portion of ultraviolet radiation and lie down. This is the main advantage of such a modification. You can relax and forget about your problems, and at the same time get a tan. Anyone who doubts the purity of the capsule can use the vertical option.

What are the benefits of a solarium?

We must not forget that at first the lamps that are used in modern booths began to be produced for health procedures. Such lamps have been indicated for certain diseases of the bones or skin, such as psoriasis. If the rules for visiting a solarium are followed, then you can only get benefits from the procedure. The following advantages can be listed:

  1. Many people note a psychological lift after the sessions. It is used by some as a remedy for seasonal depression. Thanks to the widespread claim that ultraviolet light helps increase serotonin levels, artificial tanning has become popular in countries with low insolation.
  2. It is known that under the influence of ultraviolet rays vitamin D is synthesized faster, long-term deficiency of which can affect health and even cause cancer.
  3. The benefits of solarium for the skin have been proven for a long time. Problems such as psoriasis, fungal skin infections and acne are successfully treated using complex methods. These also include exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. The immune system is strengthened by proper tanning. If you do not overuse the procedure, the person will get sick less. This is especially noticeable during periods of outbreaks of flu and colds.
  5. Useful for chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Ultraviolet rays will heal and strengthen the body, help it fight inflammatory processes.
  6. Small doses of ultraviolet light help improve the absorption of oxygen by cells.
  7. Before traveling to sunny countries and an active tanning period, it is recommended to undergo several procedures to prepare the body for stress.

Everyone must answer the question whether there is any benefit from a solarium. Doctors' opinion about the benefits of solariums depends on various factors. If there are no contraindications, and the number and duration of sessions is moderate, then it can be regarded as a health procedure.

The benefits of solarium for women

Solarium is useful for girls and women, but in moderation, like all cosmetic or health procedures. It helps you feel confident thanks to a beautiful and even tan.

Attention! The production of vitamin D helps slow down the aging process, the skin smoothes and becomes matte. This is especially important for those with oily skin.

The danger of tanorexia for women is the risk of tanorexia. This is a person’s painful dependence on ultraviolet rays. Because of this, the number of procedures is not regulated. Everything is done to lift your spirits.

But excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation harms the skin. Recently, doctors have been sounding the alarm about the spread of skin cancer - melanoma. More and more people die from it every year. The annual increase in cases is about 40%. Because of the fashion for tanning, women often do not listen to the recommendations of specialists who recommend carrying out procedures with a certain frequency.

The benefits of solarium for men

Tanning in a solarium is useful not only for women. General health procedures are also beneficial for men. To benefit from ultraviolet rays, it is enough to visit the solarium for at least 2 sessions. An even tan will decorate the male body, which is no less important for some representatives of the stronger half than for women.

Can children go to the solarium?

In 2005, the WHO (World Health Organization) issued a statement highlighting the particular dangers of using artificial tanning for children under 18 years of age. In many northern countries, solariums have become very popular among teenagers. Meanwhile, over the past 40 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased sharply.

For example, in Sweden - 3 times. This jump is associated with uncontrolled visits by young people to artificial tanning places. It is believed that the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the developing child’s body is especially dangerous. Although, most likely, the fact is that it is more difficult to convince children that only short-term procedures are useful.

Many European countries and some American states have banned minors from visiting solariums. In Germany, a fine of 50 thousand euros has been introduced for violating the ban. There are no such restrictions in Russia yet.

Is it possible for pregnant women to visit a solarium?

A pregnant woman can sunbathe in a solarium only on the recommendation of a doctor. Expecting a child leaves its mark on the body of the expectant mother. Many processes are not yet fully understood. There are different opinions, often contradictory, about visiting a solarium during early pregnancy. It is better to trust the advice of a specialist who accompanies pregnancy.

Solarium while breastfeeding

A solarium for a nursing mother is recommended with a lot of “buts”. They concern the protection of the breast and uterine area with foil and creams with a high degree of effectiveness. There is undoubtedly a benefit from the procedure, but it does not outweigh the risk for the lactation process. Therefore, during breastfeeding, it is better to temporarily abandon the procedure.

Solarium during menstruation

It is not recommended to visit the solarium on critical days. The temperature in the capsule can rise to +40 O C. This affects blood circulation and may lead to increased discharge. In addition, often during such periods a woman feels unwell, and receiving such a procedure can increase the discomfort.

The benefits and harms of solariums for psoriasis

During exacerbation of psoriasis, ultraviolet rays are useful. Depending on the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes a time limit. We must not forget that the lamps used today were first created for the treatment of skin diseases. To avoid harm to the body, you should first consult with your doctor.

How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

In order to sunbathe without harming your health, you must follow the following rules:

  • immediately before the procedure you should not wash with alkaline products;
  • Before the session, wash off all decorative cosmetics;
  • protect eyes with special glasses;
  • the hair is covered with a cap or scarf so that it does not become dry and brittle;
  • sensitive areas are covered with a layer of sunscreen;
  • Stikini is used for the chest, and special lipstick is used for tattoos and lips;
  • After the session, a cold shower is not recommended.

Attention! Whether to follow the rules or not is up to each individual to decide. But don’t forget that 10 minutes in a cabin or capsule corresponds to 2.5 hours in the sun.

What to take with you to the solarium

Before visiting you need to prepare and purchase:

  • light cap to protect hair;
  • sandals for standing tanning;
  • sun cream;
  • sunscreen;
  • lipstick;
  • stikini (purchased at the solarium);
  • a towel to remove any remaining cream.

You can add the rest to the list yourself. For example, some people prefer to wipe the horizontal flask before the procedure.

How long can you sunbathe in a solarium?

Every day you can increase the duration by 1 minute, bringing the time to a maximum of 10-11 minutes. 10-15 sessions will be enough for the skin to acquire a chocolate-bronze tan. This is an average, let's see what is recommended for each skin type.

Celtic type

It includes those with the lightest skin tone. They most often have light eyes and red or blond hair. Representatives of this skin type burn even in the dimmest sun. They are contraindicated from sunbathing or using the strongest sunscreens in combination with time restrictions. Maximum - 3-4 minutes once a week.

Nordic type

These are fair-skinned, blond-haired Europeans. They are also not subject to strong tanning, but can burn. Therefore, the time is selected individually, approximately 4-5 minutes 2 times a week.

Central European type

The most common type. The skin is a little dark, tans easily, sometimes burns. Hair color is light brown, brown or dark brown. With this type, the duration of artificial tanning procedures starts from 3-4 minutes and is gradually increased to 10-11.

Mediterranean type

People with this skin type tend to have dark hair and dark eyes. The risk of burns is minimized, so they can sunbathe in a solarium for up to 15 minutes per session. By this time you need to prepare your body. It's best to start with 4-5 minutes.

Harm from solarium

Harm from visiting a solarium is most often observed if a person acts on the principle “the more, the better.” For example, with small doses of ultraviolet radiation, the functioning of the adrenal glands improves and the absorption of oxygen by cells increases. With excessive visits to the solarium, the opposite is true.

It is harmful to the body to use old lamps in solariums that have served their purpose. Before you take the bait in an unknown solarium, you should ask what prompted this move and when the equipment was purchased.

Advice! There is no point in saving on such a procedure; it is better to choose reputable, proven offices.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with excessive pigmentation on the skin, as well as an abundance of moles and papillomas;
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • those suffering from liver and kidney diseases;
  • while taking strong medications and antibiotics.

In other difficult cases, you need to decide whether to visit a solarium or not with a doctor who is a specialist in this field.


Scientists have found that the benefits and harms of solariums are a consequence of limited or too frequent visits. To get a beautiful tan and not harm your health, you need to listen to the advice of experts and not break the basic rules.

The principle of how a solarium works on the body is simple. Tanning is a protective reaction of the skin to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet sunlight. The task of a solarium is to simulate such radiation. The only difference is the absence of infrared radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, an excess amount of melanin is produced in the upper layer of the skin, and as a result, darkening of the skin occurs. We should consider in more detail whether a solarium is harmful and what changes occur in the body during a visit to it?

The benefits and harms of visiting a solarium

The benefits of solarium

  • The benefit for women is the production of vitamin D. Its deficiency leads to early skin aging. Numerous wrinkles appear, and menopause occurs earlier than expected. The vitamin also helps absorb calcium and relieve pain in teeth and muscles.
  • Cosmetologists advise people who have capillary mesh on their arms or legs to visit the solarium. The rays improve blood circulation in cells, help normalize the condition of blood vessels and stop the proliferation of bacteria. Tanning also reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.

In a solarium, the percentage of types of radiation is strictly monitored in order to minimize the negative impact on the skin. The resulting tan creates a kind of protection from the negative effects of the sun's merciless rays.

For men, going to a solarium is beneficial because ultraviolet light promotes the production of testosterone, which is responsible for libido.

Harm from solarium

  • Abuse of sunbathing can cause mastopathy, the formation of benign and malignant formations, and the growth of moles is activated.
  • With prolonged and excessive exposure, the skin becomes depleted, dry and dull. Collagen fibers are destroyed, which visually adds several years.

The benefits and harms of tanning in the sun for the skin

Tanning in the sun is available to everyone. Its benefits are undeniable. Inflammations and wounds on the skin dry out and heal faster, vitamin D and serotonin are produced, which help fight the blues and strengthen the body's protective functions. And of course, an even bronze skin tone adds confidence in your own beauty.

The sun both gives pleasant moments and harms our body. If you spend too much time under its rays, there is a risk of age spots, dry skin, rapid aging, and sometimes skin cancer.

Pros and cons of tanning in a solarium

Fans of going to solariums put forward strong arguments in favor of the benefits:

  • gentle effect on the skin;
  • preparing skin for summer;
  • treatment of skin diseases. It is often prescribed for psoriasis. After several sessions, the skin is significantly cleansed and the patient’s well-being returns to normal;
  • mood improves. For example, in Scandinavian countries, therapy in a solarium is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of depression, because under ultraviolet rays the hormone of happiness is released.

There are some downsides to tanning in a solarium:

  • formation of dependence. People under 30 years of age are especially exposed to it;
  • skin photoaging;
  • possible genetic mutations;
  • dry skin and hair;
  • high risk of developing melanoma. About 75% of solarium lovers are susceptible to a similar illness;
  • the appearance of acne. At first, the inflammations dry out, and after a while they appear with renewed vigor, because... When visiting a solarium, you sweat again and again, the skin becomes clogged with sebaceous glands and pimples form.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

Solarium can bring both benefits and harm to the body. His visit is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • taking antidepressants and hormonal drugs. Quite often they contain components that increase photosensitivity. When getting a tan, there is a high risk of getting an allergic rash, and sometimes a burn;
  • the presence of a large number of moles, age spots and freckles;
  • increased skin sensitivity - ;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • children and adolescents up to 15 years of age inclusive;
  • fear of closed spaces;
  • the presence of fresh scars and scars on the skin;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • tuberculosis.

An alternative option for a solarium could be.

The opinion of doctors indicates that people with disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, the presence of any neoplasm, or diabetes mellitus will have to refuse cosmetic procedures. It is also necessary to delay tanning after cleansing, chemical peeling, resurfacing, hair removal and surgical interventions.

Rules for visiting a solarium for proper tanning

A solarium can bring incredible benefits to the body. It is necessary to carefully choose a place to visit and follow simple precautions:

  1. Consult your doctor first.
  2. Choose a salon with good reviews, compliance with hygiene standards and lamps with a service life of up to 5 years. The latter, in turn, should be of low pressure. This type of lamp is suitable for people with different skin types. Make sure that I wipe down the solarium before your visit.
  3. Before the session, cover moles and wounds with adhesive tape, remove the piercings and cover the nipples with special pads. It is also recommended to wash off decorative cosmetics and perfume residues.
  4. While in the booth, your hair must be covered with a cap and your eyes must be covered with special glasses. To minimize dry lips, you can lubricate them with balm.
  5. You cannot visit the solarium for several days in a row. The skin needs rest. After the procedure, light creams or gels for moisturizing will not be superfluous.
  6. One session cannot exceed 30 minutes. It is better to start with 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the time. You can go sunbathing no more than once a week. Doctors recommend alternating the cosmetic procedure with self-tanning so as not to expose the skin to excessive stress.
  7. Specialized cosmetics allow you to get a beautiful and even tan in a short time. Don't neglect it.
  8. If you feel worse, interrupt the session immediately.

Is solarium harmful during menstruation?

Every woman's menstruation is different. Menstruation and solarium are two mutually exclusive things. There are several reasons for this:

  • a significant increase in the number of discharges. When the air is hot and hot, blood begins to flow faster through the vessels. Solarium, against the background of low levels of hormones for physiological reasons and high temperature, causes severe bleeding;
  • risk of uterine vasospasm;
  • melanin production is minimized and the tan may become patchy;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • possible dizziness, weakness and poor health in general.

Also, when visiting the salon, you will have to use a tampon. High temperature and an increase in the amount of discharge contribute to the development of inflammatory infections, after which chronic diseases may worsen or new gynecological diseases may appear.

If it is not possible to wait for the end of menstruation, then you can visit the solarium if you follow certain rules. Be sure to use water, drink plenty of clean water (not soda or tea), and immediately after the procedure, physical activity is kept to a minimum. You should not overuse visiting the salon during menstruation.

Is solarium harmful during pregnancy?

During a special period in their lives, expectant mothers want to look beautiful and well-groomed no less than other girls. There are no categorical prohibitions on visiting a solarium while pregnant. But there’s no point in running headlong. First of all, you need to consult with a pregnancy specialist.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which affect the production of melanin. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, there is a high risk of the appearance of age spots, increased production of thyroid and adrenal hormones, which can lead to complications and even miscarriage.

Is tanning in a solarium harmful for women in late pregnancy? Definitely yes. The session can provoke overheating of the baby, who is still sweating, and dehydration of the mother’s body.

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders of the hormonal system and thyroid function;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • hypertension.

If you have the opportunity not to visit a solarium during pregnancy, there is no shame in taking advantage of it. Your own health and the health of your baby is more important than fashion in skin tone.

The harm from tanning in a solarium and its benefits is a controversial issue. With a competent approach to visiting the salon, you can minimize the risk of negative consequences. Everything is good in moderation.

Doctors' opinions on the benefits and harms of solariums.

The tan you get there is, of course, beautiful, but... Let's take a closer look!

Is it dangerous to visit a solarium?

Discussions on this topic have long been ongoing between supporters and opponents of artificial tanning. Some say that tanning is not only beautiful, but also useful. Others say that tanning beds are harmful, and that ultraviolet rays from tanning beds can cause skin cancer more often than sunrays.

In general, the fashion for tanned skin was introduced by the famous Coco Chanel. Yes, we agree with her: tanning is beautiful and stylish, but... it’s also harmful to the skin. The benefits and harms of solariums are one of the most pressing issues of our century. And lately, arguments have been increasingly heard that the harm from visiting solariums is greater than the benefits.

Solarium: benefit or harm?

Ultraviolet radiation– one of the main enemies of youth and skin health. Dermatocosmetologists think so. And this is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. Tanners' skin ages earlier, problems such as hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratosis often arise, atrophic processes in tissues begin, and wrinkles quickly appear. In addition, tanning can provoke excess hair growth. Therefore, for those who have unwanted hair on their face or body, visiting a solarium is not at all advisable. And please note: most cosmetological techniques are aimed precisely at combating such a phenomenon as photoaging. That is, first we go to the salon to tan, and then we fight the consequences of tanning. Therefore, it’s worth thinking again: do you need a tan that ages you?

On the other hand, ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of vitamin. After sunbathing, a person’s mood improves, and life becomes a little easier and brighter. This is simply irreplaceable in our winter! However, you need to know how much to sunbathe (both in the sun and in a solarium): you can only benefit from a moderate tan.

Rules for visiting the solarium

How can you tell if you're tanned enough?

The skin should not darken much, much less burn! Ideally, the tan should be so gentle that it can be completely washed off between visits to the solarium. If you personally have more reasons for using a solarium than “against”, remember: the time spent in a solarium must be calculated based on your phototype. The skin of people with blue and green eyes and blond or red hair is most tender. The darker your hair and eyes, the longer you can be exposed to the sun or tanning lamps. Keep in mind: to drive away depression and stimulate the production of vitamin D, just 5-7 minutes of tanning in a solarium is enough.

The maximum that only people with brown eyes and dark hair can afford is 15, or at most 20 minutes (although dermatologists strongly advise reducing this maximum to 12–15). And not immediately, but only from the third or fourth session. Everyone else should start sunbathing from 5 minutes, carefully and gradually increasing the time to 10–12. The break between the first and repeated visits to the solarium should be at least two days. Remember that you can visit the solarium for no more than three months in a row, and maintenance sessions should not be carried out more than twice a week (ideally, and even less often, once every 7-10 days).

Natalia Gaydash

dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the aesthetic medicine clinic “TriActive”

The younger and more delicate the skin, the more damage intense tanning causes. Ultraviolet, injuring the skin, seems to program it for the development of pathologies in the future. The risk of developing melanoma especially increases. This has been proven by science and is an indisputable fact. Those who have many moles and tumors are most at risk. If you don’t have enough sun and you love the solarium with all your heart, at least cover particularly sensitive areas - chest, genitals, eyes. Don't sunbathe until you get black! This is not only harmful to the skin, but also vulgar. Remember that cosmetics for solariums increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Ideally, before going to the solarium, you should consult a doctor. Tell your therapist, dermatologist or dermatocosmetologist about your desire.

Solarium is contraindicated for people taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers, antibiotics and some other medications - photodermatosis or an allergic reaction may occur. If you have dermatological diseases, it is also better to postpone visiting the solarium. If you like a dark "chocolate tan" - instead of going to the solarium often, use a "self-tanner" in addition to the solarium. Carrot juice with cream, peaches, apricots, and blackberries will help enhance the production of melanin. And tomatoes and olive oil will help protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation: they contain components that to some extent neutralize the oxidative processes in skin cells caused by ultraviolet radiation.