If it's three. Trinity: signs, rituals and traditions

Christianity is a very light religion. In Rus', pagan traditions were woven into it. This is why the Holy Holidays are so joyful and spiritual. If you look thoroughly, there are not so many of them. Among the main holidays, Trinity occupies a special place.

This is the time when the earth has come to annually bestow its first harvests on its caring owners. She oozes with strength and energy. The peasants finished their hard work at Trinity, rested, and gained strength before a new period of agricultural work - the harvest. Everything around was filled with magical anticipation, a kind of joyful anticipation.

Because of this, many rituals and traditions fell during the Trinity period. People believed that the earth was especially favorable to them, “talkative,” so to speak.

Peasant omens for Trinity

It was customary to constantly observe nature. Those who know a lot about her signs were able to learn and foresee a lot (with her help). Signs and traditions were carefully preserved, passed down through the family from mouth to mouth. They determined many things. As they say now, they drew up a plan for harvesting, preparations, repair work, and so on. On this day they determined what it would be like this year. Nowadays, not everyone is interested in such agricultural subtleties. However, many of them can affect our current lives.

It was considered good if it rained on that day. The peasants rejoiced at this “gift from heaven.” If the clouds began to cry, you know that the harvest will be significant, and you won’t have to starve. The rain foreshadowed late frosts, which would make it possible to calmly cope with the harvest and prepare mushrooms, which were also predicted to be abundant.

The hot sun on this day did not particularly please people wise in folk knowledge. Such weather could foretell a drought, which is not very good for crops. It was not customary to irrigate the fields. Nature took care of them. Today one can only rejoice in the Trinity heat. For residents of megacities, this is a sign of a clear, not rainy summer. But for the peasants it is a sign of future troubles.

Love omens

Our ancestors lived not only on their “daily bread”. Of course, they honored labor, but they didn’t only think about the harvest. Brides were waiting for matchmakers on this holiday. It was believed that if you agreed on marriage at a festive feast, then life would be comfortable, good, and joyful. And it was customary to meet people at the festivities that were held in the settlements.

They said that if you notice your soul mate (simply fall in love) on the Trinity, then the Angels will guard such a union especially carefully. So judge by your friends whether this is really so. Naturally, you need to ask those who remember the joyful moments of first love.

Women's concerns for Trinity

Married ladies also did not remain aloof from general “spiritual” labors on this holiday. If girls were supposed to think about marriage and procreation, then older women protected their families from evil. Firstly, before Trinity, they always went to the graves of their ancestors. They were removed and necessarily swept with birch branches. They said that this is how they drive away evil from them.

Birch in general was, as they say now, “the brand of the day.” The old people claimed that this tree gains special power for the holiday. Little is known about this, but it was also necessary to make a wish on Trinity at the snow-white trunk of a birch tree. To the girls, deprived of the attention of boys, this was whispered quietly. They needed to cry secretly near the branches of the tree. If it “makes noise” with the foliage in response, it’s a good omen. Know, will soon meet his fate.

When the “girlfriend” was sullenly silent, without moving, the girl understood that she would not get married this year. He will continue to live on his parents' bread for a long time. It would be good if Trinity Day greeted people with a rainbow. It was believed that happiness would certainly come to a village (or a family, or a person).

Everyday signs for Trinity

Since much of this holiday has been preserved from pagan times, the traditions in the villages were treated very carefully. On the one hand, they went to the Temple for services, on the other hand, they looked closely at those who came along the way. No one could be offended. Marriageable girls (widows) were required to greet all male representatives.

It was a good omen to treat a tramp, traveler, or stranger. In principle, the table was set for any guest, but an unexpected one (even a complete stranger) foreshadowed the arrival of prosperity in the house. Many traditions and rituals are based on this sign. They started inviting such a “random” guest directly. And sometimes on the street they handed out treats to everyone. Kindness and generosity, shown from the heart, were always honored. It was believed that such behavior would definitely open the doors to happiness.

Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, which is why it is also called Pentecost. In this holiday, in addition to directly Orthodox traditions, there are also features of ancient pagan rituals. The official church, of course, has always protested against such heresy, but such dualism is not uncommon among the Russian people.

The peasants celebrated Trinity noisily and cheerfully. It was a special holiday for farmers, a time when the sowing season is already over, preparations are underway for haymaking and the first harvest, and therefore a few free days without hard work should have been celebrated. People associate many signs and rituals with the Trinity.

Signs for Trinity

Trinity always took place at the beginning of summer. For the peasants, this time was very important: good rain guaranteed thick grass, which means excellent haymaking, moist, nutritious soil, which means a good harvest. Therefore, the signs of the Trinity were treated very carefully, passing them on in the family from adults to children.

One of the most ancient signs is the custom of bringing to church for consecration, and then hiding in the house behind a frame or later behind an icon, bunches of “tear” herbs - grass that was specially mourned, since tears symbolized rain. Thus, people begged from nature, and later from God, for a good summer without drought, with rain and a rich harvest from the soil saturated with moisture.

Birch branches inserted behind window frames, platbands, shutters, and green grass scattered throughout the room also symbolized a good, fruitful summer, because this was the case in every village house.

In the village, any peasant labor on Trinity Day was condemned: neither in the field nor in the house was it possible to do anything other than cooking. It was also impossible to swim, because this time is the time of mermaids, when mermaids can lure you to the bottom.

The day before Trinity, on parental Saturday, everyone went to the cemetery - to remember relatives; if someone did not make it on this day, it was believed that he was inviting the dead to come to him, and they, in turn, would take someone away from home (then there is a relative who will die). Therefore, before Trinity, a funeral dinner was left, and the clothes of the dead were hung on the fence - both to remember, and to push away death, to drive away.

On Trinity Sunday, old women went to the cemetery to sweep the graves with birch brooms - it was believed that evil spirits retreated, and the dead rejoiced and promoted peace, harmony and wealth throughout the village.

Matchmaking was a good omen. It was believed that if they woo on Trinity and get married on Intercession, it means that these spouses will have a long, happy life, in love and harmony.

Among the agricultural signs, we can note the well-known “rain” ones: rain on Trinity - for the harvest, for mushrooms, for warm weather, without frost.

And the next day after Trinity is Spiritual Day. The earth was considered the birthday girl, they also did not work on it, but in the morning they went in search of treasures, because on its name day the earth would definitely reveal something valuable to a good person.

Fortune telling for Trinity

The Church rejected all kinds of fortune-telling, but it so happened among the people that between Christmas and Epiphany, the major Christian holidays, there was a long period of Christmastide - the time of fortune-telling, and on Trinity, during the Rusalia, girls told fortunes about fate, about their betrothed, and waited with trepidation for matchmakers .

The most common fortune telling is “curling” a birch tree and weaving wreaths. On the eve of Trinity, the girls went into the forest, bent the tops of young birch trees and wove a wreath from the branches - “curled”, if upon arriving at Trinity the girl saw that it had developed or withered, good things would not be expected. If she remains the same, there will be a wedding, a beloved betrothed, and wealth in the house.

Weaving wreaths is also a custom on Trinity Sunday. Girls weaved in a group; men were not allowed in; if a guy saw someone’s wreath, it was a bad omen, the “evil eye” of the girl. Wreaths were woven directly into Trinity and went with them to the river. There they launched it into the water: wherever it swam, the groom will be from there; if he stayed by the shore, the girl wouldn’t get married, and if she drowned, she would die this year. Moreover, the wreaths were not removed from the head by hand, but bent so that they themselves fell into the water.

To make the betrothed dream, they put birch branches under the pillow.

Trinity conspiracies

The culture of Russian people is rich - in church on Trinity Sunday he prayed to God with his right hand, and at that time he could hold a bunch of grass with his left. Then, leaving the church, bow to the four cardinal directions, weave a wreath from this bunch at home, speak the cherished words on it and put it behind the icon - for a happy and rich year, until the next Trinity. Thus, both the Christian and pagan views of the Russian people merged into one whole. And there was no contradiction here, everything was harmonious and coherent.

Even food for Trinity was sometimes prepared with a conspiracy and in a special way. In the pre-Christian world, everything round was valued - pancakes on Maslenitsa - the same tradition, since the circle is a symbol of the sun. So on Trinity Sunday they baked a round loaf and made fried eggs in a frying pan from two eggs.

A round fried egg is both a symbol of the sun and a friendly married couple, “without corners,” that is, without quarrels and disagreements. While the scrambled eggs were baking, the hostess always said the cherished words over them, salted them with Thursday salt, and did not tear the greens, but laid them out with twigs and onion feathers, which also signified the unity and strong bond between husband and wife. The husband himself did not participate in this, but waited for his wife to perform all the sacraments, put scrambled eggs on a rye loaf and go with her husband to the grove, to the birch tree decorated in advance with bright shreds - to celebrate the Trinity and eat the enchanted dish together - a talisman against all evil.

To cast a love spell on a loved one, take grass blessed in the church, weave it into a wreath and place it under the pillow, while saying:

“I go to bed without praying and without crossing myself, Lord, forgive me, Christ. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head. As these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath, so let the servant of God (name) curl and twine around me, as the wreath withers and dry, so let it dry and grieve for me, God’s servant (name), not with food eats, doesn’t drink, doesn’t go on a spree; whether he is at a feast or during a conversation, whether he is in the field or in the house - I would not lose his mind. May my words be strong and sculpted, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words is a confirmation, and a strong fortress, and a strong force in the heights of heaven, and a castle in the depths of the sea. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A spell for good luck, for success in business, was done at dawn, always on the street on the morning of Trinity:

“I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around on all four sides. How on the eastern side a black horse grazes in a green meadow, wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know the stirrups or reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen."

The Christian church calendar is full of Orthodox holidays, and they are all founded for a reason. Radonitsa, Spiritual Day, Easter of the Dead, the Holy Trinity... These celebrations have a deep religious background, and the traditions of their celebration are closely intertwined with a lot of pagan customs and rituals. But the main topic of our article today will not be magical rituals, but time-tested folk signs for the Trinity. Our ancestors used them to find out about the weather, reveal the secret of the future, scout for possible matchmaking, and even get pregnant. Therefore, modern Christians will be able to use them to their advantage.

What kind of church holiday is Trinity (Trinity Day)

"Green Christmastide" This is exactly how in Rus' they colloquially called the famous church holiday with a deep history - Trinity (Trinity Day). The triumph of the Lord's trinity (God the father, God the son and God the spirit) is traditionally celebrated on the 50th day after Easter and is celebrated for three days. In 2018, Trinity falls on May 27, and Spiritual Day falls on the following Monday - May 28. The sacred celebration has other names - God's Day, Green Sunday, Pentecost. There are also numerous customs and traditions that characterize the spring-summer church celebration. A trip to the temple, the blessing of flowers and herbs, a visit to the cemetery, a festive dinner, folk festivals and maiden fortune-telling are just a small part of them. You can understand more about the church holiday Trinity (Trinity Day) by learning about the biblical events preceding it.

Biblical background to the Orthodox church holiday - Holy Trinity

Exactly on the 50th day after his Resurrection, Jesus Christ sent down to the apostles the long-awaited Comforter - the Holy Spirit. On that distant morning, a strong noise sounded in the sky, and it filled the house where Christ’s disciples were sitting. The Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles in the form of tongues of flame and rested over each of them. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples began to praise the Lord in completely different, previously unfamiliar languages. Thus, the Almighty granted the apostles the opportunity to preach Christian teachings throughout the entire earth.

Then the last face of the Lord was revealed to people - God the Holy Spirit. The people saw that the Almighty is one in His three hypostases, which is why the holiday of Pentecost is also called the Holy Trinity. It is believed that it was the descent of the Spirit to the apostles that was final in the salvation of man, for whose sake Jesus was born, died and rose to life again. The apostles went around the world with important sermons, and the Lord helped them by performing numerous miracles. At that moment, the long history of the formation of the Christian church began.

Customs, traditions and signs for Trinity: how many days are celebrated, what not to do

Almost every Orthodox Christian has heard about the religious overtones of the Trinity, but not everyone knows how many days the celebration is celebrated, what cannot be done, and what customs, signs and traditions must be followed. You should know! After all, one of the most important twelve holidays is associated with many important rites and rituals that attract happiness to the family, peace to the home, success to business and strong love to relationships.

  1. Attendance at a church service. Every year on the day of the Holy Trinity, the clergy hold a delightful service, during which they bless parishioners’ bouquets. As a result, the herbs become a strong amulet for the whole family for the whole year;
  2. Decorating your home with greenery. According to the assurances of our ancestors, for the holiday, housing should be decorated with branches of maple, birch or oak, and it is better not to use willow at all. From flowers and herbs, you can choose cornflowers, ferns, daisies or calamus leaves. After Trinity, greens cannot be thrown away; it is better to collect the branches and burn them in a fire;
  3. Preparing a festive dinner. Most often, housewives cooked meat and fish, cooked dumplings and jelly, baked pies, pies and pancakes. In families with unmarried girls, a piece of holiday baking was saved until the matchmakers arrived, so that the marriage would be long and happy;
  4. Remembering relatives who did not die a natural death. On Trinity Sunday they go to the cemetery and give out alms for those who have gone missing or been killed.
  5. Collecting medicinal plants. They say that on Pentecost, medicinal herbs have the greatest effect, so on this day they are collected for infusions, ointments and other folk medicines;
  6. Fortune telling. Towards the evening of Trinity, young girls went to the river, wove wreaths and floated them on the water to find out which side to wait for their betrothed. Also often on Pentecost they told fortunes, observed signs and appeased nature with various rituals.

If you have already become familiar with the customs, traditions and signs of Trinity, how many days are celebrated and what not to do, read in the next section.

What not to do on Orthodox Trinity (Pentecost)

All Orthodox church celebrations, to one degree or another, limit Christians in actions and deeds. The Holy Trinity is no exception. It's time to find out what you can't do on Pentecost?

  1. Envy, get angry, slander people close to you or strangers. These actions, as well as any negative thoughts, are considered a grave sin on Trinity Day;
  2. Work. On Pentecost you cannot sew, cook, or do housework. The only exception is feeding livestock among the village population. Usually housewives try to complete all their work before the holiday, so that they can dedicate the bright day of Trinity to the family and the Lord;
  3. Celebrate a wedding. A marriage contracted on Pentecost is considered doomed to failure. In this case, matchmaking for Trinity, on the contrary, is the key to success;
  4. Relax by the water and enter open water. Our ancestors believed that on Trinity Day, Mermaids and other water evil spirits came ashore to drag young people into their nets.

Folk signs for the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day

Folk rituals and signs about the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day originate hundreds of years before the adoption of Christianity by our ancestors. The traditions of appeasing nature and observing its characteristic changes are drawn from deep paganism. Since ancient times, smart people have associated all weather changes with the future, and beliefs in these connections have survived to this day. For modern Christians, folk signs for the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day are a kind of hint about what the next season, the future harvest, and the health and well-being of family members will be like.

What the weather will tell you on Spiritual Day and Holy Trinity

  1. If dew falls on Trinity morning, autumn frosts will be early, and the first haymaking will be wet;
  2. A sultry Spiritual day - to a rich and generous harvest;
  3. Heavy rain on Trinity - to summer drought;
  4. If the holiday is damp and cool, September will be warm;
  5. Rainy Trinity leads the mushroom season;
  6. On Spiritual Day, the new month means there will be rains until the next new moon;
  7. The Feast of the Holy Trinity passed without precipitation - farmers will have to fight for their harvest;
  8. On Spiritual Day there is never a cold snap, and the water in the river gets warmer.

Signs for the Orthodox Trinity to get pregnant

In the old days, the festive morning service for Trinity always continued with mass festivities in the village. Young people actively danced, sang songs, had fun and had fun in all possible ways. In the evening, the girls began to dance in circles, and meanwhile the guys looked closely at potential brides. The most loving men sent matchmakers to the house of selected girls (after all, they say whoever wooed on Trinity and gets married on Intercession will be happy in marriage all his life). And married women observed all possible signs of the Orthodox Trinity in order to get pregnant.

What traditions, customs and rituals to perform on Trinity Sunday for women who want to get pregnant?

The most popular signs for the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity, which contribute to the early onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, are associated with nature, the environment and even simple everyday things:

  1. If the thyme and Bogorodsk grass, which were used to decorate the house on Trinity, are dried and tied into a bouquet under the pillow, the likelihood of giving birth will soon increase significantly;
  2. Those who want to get pregnant need to bake pies on Trinity Day and distribute treats to the poor. They say that such a small good will certainly return with great happiness;
  3. Another way to acquire an heir is to read a prayer on the feast of the Holy Trinity. On this day, requests will be heeded by three hypostases of God at once.

“Lord, my God!

How You gave people the Sun and the Moon,

Stars and light clouds are frequent,

So that I, God’s servant (name),

She carried and gave birth to a child.

How are you, the month, born in the sky today?

That’s how my child would be born in my womb.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps some traditions, customs and signs on Trinity (Trinity Day, Spiritual Day, Pentecost, Parents' Day) are funny, ridiculous and even similar to absurdity. But we should not forget that behind them there is great folk wisdom, rooted in the depths of centuries. Observing nature and the environment on an Orthodox church holiday often made life easier for our grandparents. Especially those who want to protect their home from evil spirits, get a good harvest, start a strong family and get pregnant after many futile attempts.

One of the great Orthodox holidays is Trinity, which is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. It was introduced by the apostles as a sign of remembrance of the Holy Spirit and the revelation of the truth of the existence of the Triune God - the Holy Trinity. This holiday symbolizes the cleansing of the human soul from evil and everything bad. It is believed that it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, bringing great knowledge.

What signs and customs exist for Trinity?

There are many different signs and customs associated with the Trinity. For a long time people have been preparing for this holiday very carefully. The housewives brought order and perfect cleanliness to the house. Then they decorated their homes with herbs and wildflowers - this is one of the main customs. It is believed that it symbolizes the renewal of nature and a new cycle of life.

Traditionally, the holiday morning begins with a visit to church. Parishioners take with them small bouquets of herbs and flowers to bless them and subsequently place them in the most honorable places in their home. This symbolizes prosperity and wealth. Trinity herbs were dried and then used as medicines for various ailments.

It is worth noting that in addition to the church celebration, people have other customs associated with this holiday. Since ancient times, people have treated the arrival of summer with special honor, which was popularly called the Green Christmastide. It turned out that this coincided with the Orthodox Trinity rite: in the old days, after church services, mass festivities, games, competitions and round dances began. In the evening, the girls wove wreaths of flowers and herbs, then floated them on the water. It was believed that if a wreath floats to the other shore, it means that the girl will definitely be loved and happy. A drowned wreath promised trouble.

Signs and superstitions for Trinity

One of the good signs for Trinity was the matchmaking ritual. It was believed that if they woo on Trinity and get married on Intercession, then the spouses’ life will be in love, harmony and fidelity.

On this holiday, any work is condemned. It is not customary to do any household chores other than cooking.

A popular folk omen for Trinity is rain. It foreshadowed a good harvest, lots of mushrooms and warm weather.

One of the ancient superstitions was forbidden to swim, since the week after Trinity was also called “mermaid”. It was assumed that at this time the mermaids were trying to lure them to the bottom, so it was not recommended to walk alone near bodies of water. However, this is essentially a pagan tradition.

Russian culture, its traditions and customs are a separate phenomenon of the world heritage. Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with the roots of Russian customs, which are passed down from generation to generation. And signs for the Trinity are always carefully preserved and passed on by inheritance.

Descent of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost, Trinity, the Descent of the Holy Spirit or Trinity Day is one of the main Christian holidays, which is celebrated with a particularly solemn service. Trinity Sunday falls on the 50th day after Easter. This day is especially revered among the people. The Orthodox are looking forward to it, preparing for the holiday and waiting for a miracle.

The Trinity has long been revered by our ancestors. It was believed that on this holiday the end of hard work comes and the time comes for harvesting a generous harvest. It is not surprising that from those ancient times, folk signs for the Trinity have reached the present generation. All rituals themselves were considered especially important - in no case could they be neglected or ignored.

So what was the mystery of the celebration? How amazing were the holidays for the ordinary Russian person? It's time to get acquainted with several unique customs, traditions and signs associated with the great Orthodox holiday.

Briefly about the holiday

The Day of the Holy Trinity or Green Christmastide is honored in every Orthodox family. One of the most important Christian holidays is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, which is why it is sometimes also called Pentecost. Trinity Day usually falls in the last days of May or the beginning of June. The first days of summer are associated with the end of hard work and the beginning of a rich harvest.

Trinity has three big holidays - this is Parents' Saturday (the day when deceased ancestors are remembered), Trinity Sunday (the most important day of the holiday) and Spirits Day (the name speaks for itself - the Day of the Holy Spirit).

Church interpretation of the holiday

Where did the signs and customs for Trinity come from? This is connected, first of all, with folk observations and interpretation of the holiday. To understand the essence of each sign and phenomenon, it is worth paying attention to the religious significance of this day.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, those who believed directly in the Lord God himself believed in his power. And in the power of the Spirit only when, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus, the 12 apostles and the Virgin Mary gathered in one room heard loud sounds coming from heaven. After this, each disciple was engulfed in a flame that penetrated inside and filled the entire being - so the Holy Spirit himself entered each of them, who gave the apostles great knowledge and the opportunity to preach the word of God in different languages.

The so-called triumph of the Holy Trinity took place - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit gathered together - which was witnessed by ordinary Christians.

How is Trinity celebrated among the people?

There are quite familiar signs and customs for Trinity, which are revered in every family. To do this, you don’t need to go somewhere at midnight, look for healing herbs and look at the stars. Household rituals are also part of the spiritual celebration of the great Christian holiday.

So, for example, on Parents' Saturday it is worth visiting the graves of deceased relatives, going to church for a service and lighting candles “for the repose of the soul.” On this day you cannot be sad - it is customary to remember deceased ancestors with good words, only joyful moments.

In the evening, on the eve of Trinity Sunday, parishioners go to church with large bouquets of birch branches, freshly cut grass and wildflowers. It is believed that blessed bouquets have healing properties, so the plants are carefully stored throughout the year. In case of illness, you can brew teas and healing infusions from dried flowers and branches.

During Sunday services, parishioners pray to God and ask him to grant the Holy Spirit to their departed ancestors.

Monday - Holy Spirit Day - symbolizes the victory of the Holy Spirit over evil forces. On this day, it is customary to pray for deceased relatives and remember them only with good words. On Holy Spirit Day, it is customary to ask God for the repose of souls. After the service, parishioners, leaving the church, distributed change and treats to the poor, protecting themselves from illness and misfortune.

There are special folk signs for Trinity. The weather on this day can tell you what the harvest will be like and what to expect from the coming winter. For example, it was believed that the earth could reveal its secrets before the celebration of the Day of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, many diligently searched for treasures hidden deep in the bowels of the earth.

Signs for Trinity for unmarried girls

Pentecost for young girls is one of the most important holidays, which can tell their future fate. On this day, they wove beautiful wreaths, put them in water and watched how they behave. If a necklace of flowers floated on the water - a favorable sign, if it spun in place - to a single life in the near future. It is an unfavorable sign if the wreath drowns - this symbolizes the death of close relatives or even the betrothed.

Young girls traditionally celebrated this holiday in the forest near birch trees. Trinity week is a “mermaid” game. At this time, you should not have entered the water - it was believed that the mermaid could be pulled into her pool. It was possible to protect yourself from them only with the help of wormwood.

Among other folk signs for Trinity, the traditional symbolism of this holiday should be noted. Birch is a symbol of rebirth and youth. This tree became especially revered during Christmas time. Birch branches were used to decorate homes and fences, the entrance to the house and the yard, as well as corners in barns where pets lived. The branches were taken out into the field to beg their ancestors for a rich harvest.

Among the traditions and signs of Trinity for unmarried girls, it is worth noting the custom of weaving wreaths from birch branches. It was believed that this is how a girl interweaves her thoughts with the thoughts of a young man.

But the grandmothers went to the graves of their ancestors to sweep the “little eyes” of their parents and other relatives - they swept the graves of the deceased with birch branches.

Traditions and customs

Trinity Day is a special holiday on which people are accustomed to perform a lot of rituals. At the same time, they are interpreted and perceived as customs, and not as superstitions. This is precisely the case when all signs and beliefs have an exclusively justified meaning. Therefore, it can be argued that folk signs for Trinity are distinguished by a deep meaning.

There are things that simply must be done on this holiday. But there are things that are extremely undesirable in the first days of summer. It is worth noting that the celebration of the Trinity itself has pagan roots. Of course, the church is against such beliefs, but it is difficult to convince people of what was passed on to them through their mother’s milk.

Signs for single girls and guys

From a very early age, children are taught to honor Christian holidays and folk traditions. The younger generation closely monitors what they do on Trinity Sunday. Signs help predict the future on the eve of a great holiday. Over time, young girls and boys themselves begin to take part in the rituals.

Wreaths have already been mentioned. All that remains is to repeat the symbolism:

  • If a wreath floats on water, there will be happiness.
  • If you washed ashore - new love.
  • If it stands still, the next year will pass without changes.
  • If you drowned, there will be trouble.

Signs and superstitions for the Trinity are passed down from generation to generation. Thus, grandmothers often put out a new tablecloth for the holiday - it was believed that the fabric absorbs great power, which helps to attract eligible suitors. For the Holy holiday, they baked all kinds of pastries - the remains were not thrown away, but kept for the happiness of the future family.

Weddings cannot be played on Trinity Day - it is believed that the life of the newlyweds will not be enviable. But matchmaking on this day will be favorable - the life of the new family will be long and happy. After matchmaking on Trinity, it was customary to marry Pokrova.

Signs for Trinity: what not to do?

There are some things that are highly discouraged to do on this day. Failure to comply with prohibitions can anger the spirits of deceased relatives who wander among living people on this day. On the Day of the Holy Trinity, under no circumstances should you work, do handicrafts or do housework. Loaves, bread and buns were baked on the eve of the holiday. On Trinity it was forbidden to dig in the garden and plant beds. Also on this day it was strictly forbidden to swim - just remember the story about mermaids. By the way, about them. It is believed that the mermaid is the soul of a baby girl who died before baptism. A young drowned girl who did not have time to get married could also become an inhabitant of the waters.

What are the signs for Trinity? What can't you do on this holiday? According to tradition, on Sunday you should go to the graves of your ancestors. If this prohibition is violated, deceased relatives may become angry and take away someone from the living.

Holiday dinner traditions

As was already mentioned just above, bread and all kinds of pastries were made on the eve of the holiday. Folk signs for Trinity say that on this day only the closest people should gather at the table. You should not invite enemies and unwanted people - this holiday should remain pure and joyful.

Traditionally, the table was covered with a green festive tablecloth, which was then carefully stored to attract eligible suitors. Among the variety of dishes on the table, there must be bread and any other home-made baked goods. The tastier and more varied it is, the brighter and happier life will be in the coming year.

Young families should pay attention to this tradition. Baking loaves and bread on Saturday, the eve of the great Orthodox holiday, can become a good family tradition in which everyone can take part. Folk omens for Trinity say that the festive table should not be complete without chicken eggs. In principle, the festive table on this day should be distinguished by abundance - various vegetables and fruits, sweet pastries, loaves and bread, fish and meat dishes, as well as sweets and drinks - everything should indicate well-being and prosperity.

Holy holiday in modern times

The signs and traditions of Trinity are well known to residents of villages and small towns. Unfortunately, with the growth of urbanization, the townspeople simply began to forget the bright holiday and everything connected with it. But in vain - even the very performance of the rituals itself carries great emotional power, which will allow you to receive a charge of positive energy.

Villagers prepare brooms for the bathhouse on Trinity Sunday. You cannot break young trees and tear off the top branches - only side shoots are allowed, so as not to destroy the tree. It is believed that on this day all plants enhance their healing properties. That is why knowledgeable people collect medicinal herbs, leaves and shoots the day before. Among the many signs and superstitions for Trinity, one more should be noted, which will be of interest to young girls - if you collect thyme on the eve of the holiday, weave a small broom from it and sew it into a pillow, life will be long and happy, and the long-awaited chosen one is about to appear on the horizon .

Fortune telling for Trinity

The Church denies such events in every possible way, but you really want to know your fate and have at least a glimpse into the near future. That is why, among all the diversity of signs, there are certain rituals that help lift the veil of secrecy.

What do they do on Trinity? Signs tell you how to recognize your chosen one and make your life with him long and happy. First of all, it should be understood that all fortune telling should be performed only with pure and bright thoughts. On this day, nature reveals its secrets, shares mystical knowledge and helps people. Grandmothers and mothers put birch branches under the pillows of young girls. It was believed that the image of a man in a dream is the future chosen one.

What else is remarkable about the Trinity? Signs of wealth are what interested many villagers and villagers. There was such a custom - a woman (maybe even a married one) approached a birch tree and, without looking, plucked a branch. If it was smooth and even, the year will be successful and fruitful. Otherwise, expect trouble and disaster.

Weather for the whole year

During the entire Trinity celebration, older people carefully monitored the weather - it is believed that the Green Christmastide was a kind of barometer for the whole year. Signs for Trinity and weather:

  • It was impossible to prepare birch brooms if it was raining.
  • For a better cabbage harvest, you should put its leaves in birch twigs brought from the temple after the service.
  • A good mushroom harvest promises rain on Trinity Sunday.

Trinity is a great and bright Orthodox holiday that has great mystical power. If you behave correctly on this day, observe all traditions and rituals, and also carefully follow the signs, you can feel how happiness is literally knocking on your door. Bright thoughts and good intentions, gratitude for every day you live and generosity - this is the key to a real holiday that will remain in every family.