Shoigu's daughter got married. Children of Russian officials and businessmen holding high positions

The personal life of the top officials of the state is hidden from the eyes of the general public, but this does not make interest in it less, and the family of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is no exception. So who is Sergei Shoigu’s wife and does he have children?

Life partner of the Minister of Defense

Sergei Kuzhugetovich met his future wife Irina Antipina while studying at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic University. Their romance continued throughout their years of study, and in their fifth year they decided to get married, and since then they have been going through life together. Irina Shoigu, like her husband, was also able to achieve a lot in life.

She is a successful businesswoman, managed the travel company Expo-EM, and back in the nineties, together with the wife of Sergei Khetagurov, who was Shoigu’s deputy in those years, she formed the consulting company Albion-AG LLC, and later Irina went into construction business and together with her son Matvienko Sergei she created the company “Barvikha, 4”.

In the photo - Shoigu with his wife and daughter

In addition, the wife of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is the dean of the faculty of the Higher School of Sports Industry at the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov, is a member of the board of trustees of the children's social fund "Republic of Sport" and the public organization "International Humanitarian Dimension", which is engaged in the development of cultural and business relations in different countries of the world. The wife of Sergei Shoigu succeeded not only as a businesswoman, but also as the mother of two daughters - Yulia and Ksenia.

Children of Sergei Shoigu

The daughters of Irina and Sergei Shoigu received an excellent upbringing and education. The eldest daughter, Yulia, is a psychologist by training and heads the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. After graduating from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, she first worked as a simple psychologist, and only after that she took a higher position.

Yulia Sergeevna, as a psychologist, worked with people who were victims of terrorist attacks and man-made disasters not only in Russia. Her personal life has already taken shape - she got married and gave her parents grandchildren - Dasha and Kirill.

In the photo - Sergei Shoigu's eldest daughter Yulia

The youngest daughter of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ksenia, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO, and, according to some reports, currently works at Gazprombank.

In the photo - Sergei Shoigu with his youngest daughter Ksenia

Biography and career of Sergei Shoigu

The future successful politician was born in the small Tuvan town of Chadan, his father was the editor of a local newspaper, and later became an employee of the party and Soviet bodies - by the time of his retirement, Kuzhuget Sereevich was the first deputy of the Council of Ministers of the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Sergei Kuzhugetovich’s mother, Alexandra Yakovlevna, first worked as a livestock specialist, and then was the head of the planning department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tuva, and was elected several times to the Supreme Council of the Republic.

After graduating from high school, Sergei Shoigu left for Krasnoyarsk, where he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in construction engineer. After graduating from university, the future Minister of Defense worked for fifteen years at large Siberian construction sites, where he held leadership positions.

Shoigu's political career began in the late eighties, when he became the second secretary of the Abakan Committee of the CPSU, then was an inspector of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. Sergei Shoigu’s wife accompanied her husband to all construction sites, and when he went to Moscow, she followed him.

Having moved to the Russian capital, Shoigu took the position of deputy chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction, and a year later, on his initiative, the Russian Rescue Corps was created, of which he became the head.

A few years later, this department was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, which Sergei Kuzhugetovich headed from 1991 to 1994. In 1995, he began to actively engage in political activities - he became a member of the “Our Home is Russia” association, and a few years later he headed the political party “Unity,” which was later transformed into the “United Russia” party. In 1994, Shoigu became the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, and in this position he personally led many rescue operations, which gained him enormous popularity among Russian citizens.

Shoigu also had the opportunity to serve as governor of the Moscow region, although he was in this position for only a short time, only about six months, and then he was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation instead of Anatoly Serdyukov, who was dismissed.

Habits and hobbies of Sergei Shoigu

Sergei Kuzhugetovich calls communication with nature the best rest and means of relaxation after hard work.

He loves horse riding, football and fishing. Shoigu loves good cuisine, meat, fresh fish and good wine, and the Minister of Defense is also a heavy smoker, and is not going to give up this bad habit, which, according to him, he enjoys.

“Listen and remember, see the truth and truth of my words, pass on to your son, daughter and grandchildren “About the armor of the hero Shoigu,” who was born between two dragons in the Khemchik Valley, near the Khondergei River.”

Tuvan epic “O Buga tour Shoigu”.

Ever since tsarist times, from the time when the blessed autocrat of All Russia Alexander I ordered the creation of a cabinet of ministers and handed ministerial portfolios to his dignitaries, there was a legend that not a single tsarist minister, and then even the Soviet People's Commissar, would remain in his position for more than ten years. It is incredibly troublesome to be close to the first person of the state and not once provoke his anger by the fact that in the vast expanses of vast Russia, somewhere in the department entrusted to you, an incredible mess happened. The minister's chair was always shaky; some people simply fell out of it with noise and a crash, while others slid down quietly, without attracting much attention.

The ministers of the new Russia, neither in the 90s nor in the 21st century, violated this ancient pattern. All except one. For the third decade, Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu has been in the cabinet of ministers, holding the position of Minister of Emergency Situations since 1993, and since November 2012 he has been serving as Minister of Defense. Presidents changed, eras changed, the internal and external political course of the state changed. Some of his fellow ministers left their posts to retire, to take positions as ambassadors in distant countries, and some even went to lead street marches of the opposition, leaving their vacant positions to new faces. Only his face remained unchanged in the first cohort of senior federal officials.

The future unsinkable minister was born in 1955 in the small village of Chadan, located among the endless praetors of the Tuvan taiga, numbering at that time no more than four thousand inhabitants. Here he went to the local high school, where he graduated from the tenth grade in 1972.

Sergei Shoigu in his childhood with his father, mother and sisters.

About his father Kuzhuget Sereevich Shoigu in official late Soviet biographies they wrote this: “He went from an illiterate shepherd to the secretary of the Tuvan regional committee of the CPSU and the deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” At the time of the birth of his son, Kuzhuget Sereevich held the position of editor of the district newspaper, combining it with the leadership of the district party committee. Moreover, at birth he was called Kuzhuget Shoigu Seree Oglu, but when issuing a Soviet passport, either the passport officer mixed up his first and last names, or the NKVD officers did this on purpose so as not to confuse the local Kuzhugets, of whom there were many, but such bad luck turned out. In Russian it would sound like this: there is Ivan Kuznetsov, he has a son Stepan. So, his son will not be Stepan Ivanovich Kuznetsov, but Stepan Kuznetsovich Ivan. Accordingly, according to the rules, he should have been called Sergei Shoiguevich Kuzhuget.

The second version is more likely, since the specifics of Tuva, a region included in Russia later than others, should be taken into account. Until 1914, this rugged and sparsely populated forest region belonged to China. In 1914, having formally separated, it became the independent Tuvan People's Republic, which served as a buffer between the USSR and China, and in 1944 became part of the USSR. The indigenous population, who were at the stage of decomposition of the tribal system, lived by hunting and nomadic cattle breeding, were distinguished by a stern disposition and did not strive to make contact with the visiting Russians, who had begun the industrial development of the region. It was on the verge of a direct national uprising of the Tuvans, so loyal and authority-loving natives among their relatives were valued by the central government as worth their weight in gold. Therefore, one should not be surprised why a shepherd from among the family nobility later became the editor of the republican newspaper Pravda and a freelance employee of Izvestia. Well, he then reached the highest positions in Tuva.

In order to make the local population loyal to the central authorities, marriages of the local nobility with representatives of the leading nomenklatura clans were also practiced. In particular, the daughter of a prominent figure in the BUND, and then the RSDLP (b), a participant in the revolutionary movement of 1905 and the civil war in Siberia, Yakov Rivlin, Alexandra Rivlin, married Kuzhuget Shoigu. The current Minister of War was born into this marriage.

After graduating from school in 1972, Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu decided to become a civil engineer. The specialty at that time was necessary and honorable, in some ways even heroic, construction projects on an all-Union scale were booming all over Siberia, the Soviet press wrote about engineers and drummer builders with delight and pathos, there was no reason to worry about where to put your energy.

Since Sergei showed himself to be a capable student at school, he decided to receive higher education at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute. Studying required saying goodbye to my native village, as it turned out, for good. Soon his father received a promotion, and his parents moved to the republican center of Kyzyl.

Shoigu in high school

Life in the taiga village turned out to be a passed stage. Sergei was waiting after Chadan, where everyone knew each other by sight, the capital of Eastern Siberia. Krasnoyarsk seemed truly a metropolis. It was necessary to get used to the customs and life of the big city, but Sergei quickly got used to it and successfully integrated into student life.

A scholarship plus generous parcels from his parents, filled with the deficit that his father received through the party line, did not allow student Sergei Shoigu to remain hungry. On the contrary, life was very generous to him. While studying in his third year, he meets a spectacular brunette Irina. Usually Slavic girls in those days did not pay attention to the national people, especially the Tuvans. Because of their temper and violent temperament, they were feared and tried to be avoided. Stabbing with or without cause was the norm in their circle back then. Sergei stood out favorably from his fellow tribesmen, he did not touch alcohol, he was courteous and polite. Her heart melted a year later; in 1977, a couple of fifth-year civil engineering students got married. In the same year, their daughter Julia is born.

during my student years

The young wife Irina is not afraid of her husband’s graduation from university in 1978. The prospect of going to trample his boots for two years in compulsory military service does not threaten him, fortunately there was a military department at the polytechnic, after which Sergei received the rank of reserve lieutenant.

From the moment he received his diploma until 1986, there was nothing remarkable in Sergei’s career and his family life with Irina. This is the time of life and life of just one of many thousands of families of an ordinary foreman at Siberian construction sites.

Suddenly, in three years, Sergei’s career makes several sharp leaps at once. In 1986, he became the manager of the Abakanvagonstroy trust, two years later - the second secretary of the Abakan city committee, a year later - an inspector of the Krasnoyarsk regional committee, and in 1990 he rose to the rank of deputy chairman of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the RSFSR.

with my wife early 2000s

He owed such dizzying success to his father, who by that time had become the second person in Tuva to have a strong friendship with the leader of the neighboring Krasnoyarsk Territory, Oleg Shein; they often visited hunting lodges together in the Tuvan taiga.

The Abakanvagonstroy trust was created especially for Sergei. Kuzheget Shoigu hoped that with proper patronage, his son could grow into the new leader of Tuva.

However, fortune smiled broadly on his Krasnoyarsk colleague - in 1990 Shein received the post of Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, formally becoming the third person in the republic. He also brought Sergei Shoigu with him to the capital.

In the capital, while in the corridors of the Ministry of Construction of the RSFSR, yesterday's foreman Shoigu found himself involved in the apparatus struggle between the republican and all-Union authorities. At the head of this confrontation on the part of the republican line was Boris Yeltsin, who recruited his personnel primarily from “construction” personnel.

Council of Ministers employee ID

The whole of 1990 passed in the most complex intrigues and behind-the-scenes disputes on the issue of creating a republican rescue corps in the RSFSR. This initiative, which came from Yeltsin, was actually intended to transfer civil defense troops from the Union jurisdiction into the hands of the leadership of the RSFSR, that is, into his hands. And this was a large security agency, control over which made it possible to argue with Gorbachev, who was rapidly losing popularity, on an equal footing.

Civil defense troops were partially transferred under the leadership of the Committee for Emergency Situations under the Presidium of the RSFSR, which was headed by Sergei Shoigu in December 1990.

This structure played a decisive role in the confrontation between the republican and union authorities, which reached its culmination during the speech of the State Emergency Committee.

According to the recollections of active participants in the August 1991 events:

“During the days of the State Emergency Committee, his rescuers defended the Yeltsin White House, and when the democratic masses went to seize the buildings of the Central Committee and the KGB and tear down the monument to Dzerzhinsky, Shoigu’s rescuers showed ingenuity and occupied the building of the Doguzhiev Commission - after the earthquake in Armenia, this state commission for emergency situations was created on Okhotny row near the Morflot building. Doguzhiev’s commission had not only this magnificent building in the center of Moscow, but also unique communication systems that covered the entire country, as well as very powerful strategic reserves throughout the country, reserves that were created in case of emergency situations.”

Most likely, then, rescuers loyal to Yeltsin under the leadership of Shoigu, in the conditions of confusion in the capital, took possession of the government communications center, thereby blocking the transmission to the army columns brought into the capital, ordering the State Emergency Committee to open fire on the rebellious leadership of the RSFSR and its supporters.

Shoigu during the defense of the White House August 1991

After standing on the capital's streets and squares without further instructions for about two days, the army units returned to their permanent locations. This meant Yeltsin's triumph. In gratitude for his support, Sergei Shoigu received the “Defender of Free Russia” medal and the position of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, no longer of the union RSFSR, but of a separate independent state - Russia. At the beginning of 1993, he received the rank of major general, despite the fact that his previous military rank was lieutenant. There is only one more example in the history of our country when a military rank was awarded in a jump through several positions. Gagarin flew into space in 1961 as a lieutenant, and landed as a major.

But Sergei Shoigu made twice as many leaps in ranks as Gagarin. Largely because it was his actions that allowed Yeltsin to gain power in the country and chart a course for market reforms and forced privatization. It was these steps that created the modern model of the social structure of Russia. It is logical that any beneficiary within this system understands whose decisive actions in August 1991 he owes his current privileged position. Therefore, after a quarter of a century, the activities of Shoigu and the departments he heads have never been covered by any major media outlet in a negative light. On the contrary, coverage of his activities has always been conducted in an emphatically positive manner.

main rescuer

Sergei Kuzhegetovich himself rightly reaped his laurels after 1991; it was this year that in September he transported his wife and daughter to Moscow.

It must be said that on the wave of success in his family life, a second youth begins, the year ends with an addition to the family, the now middle-aged Shoigu spouses give birth to their youngest daughter, Ksenia. The family moves to a luxurious country residence, where they live to this day.

Shoigu's luxurious mansion built in the style of classical Chinese architecture

The Ministry of Emergency Situations under the leadership of Shoigu has always stood out favorably against the background of other law enforcement agencies, the army smeared itself with mud after the defeat in Chechnya, and the ineffectiveness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has generally become a byword, against this background the work of rescuers, if not delighting the average person, was certainly annoying.

The wife remained in the shadow of her husband’s figure, but this circumstance did not prevent her from becoming one of the richest women in Russia, managing the largest construction holding company. Fortunately, her specialized education allowed her to be not just a hand to sign, but to truly take on the management of the largest assets in the construction industry. The few reviews about her business style speak of her as a woman with a grip of steel.

with his wife and youngest daughter, early 2000s

Sergei and Irina Shoigu met the mid-nineties in the status of celestial beings: he as a venerable official occupying one of the key positions in the government, she as a successful business owner with billions of dollars in turnover.

In addition to all the tangible advantages, such a status also required constant activity in moving around the country and the world, for her at investment forums and social events, for him at ministerial briefings and meetings. It was simply impossible for them to spend every evening together in view of the constant flights.

At the same time, rumors appeared about Sergei’s young mistress; it was rumored that the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations could not resist the charms of a young flight attendant on the personal flight of the head of the department. Allegedly, returning in 2000 from an emergency meeting on putting out forest fires in the Far East, during a long flight from Vladivostok to Moscow, he succumbed to temptation. Is it true or just speculation, but a few years later the media burst out with reports about Shoigu’s illegitimate son; the little boy smiling from newspaper photographs looked like two peas in a pod to his alleged father.

decorated minister of war at the victory parade

If Irina felt something, she certainly didn’t show it. The wisdom of her past years told her that creating a loud scandal, and even more so starting a divorce from her husband in the conditions of their exclusive status, means casting a shadow on her reputation. The costs of this step will be too great. The husband's rating has always been high; it would be unjustified to undermine it.

Therefore, even now, the Shoigu spouses always demonstrate the warmth of their relationship at infrequent meetings with the press as a family. Those who attended receptions at their mansion also talk about the relaxed, open communication between them as a couple. And who knows, maybe in the next few years we will be able to see Sergei Shoigu as the head of state, and Irina Shoigu as the first lady.

Photo by Alexander Garmaev

The site's correspondent visited the Ivolginsky datsan together with the world kickboxing champion

At 7.50 am, world kickboxing champion Batu Khasikov arrived in Ulan-Ude on board the plane. The former athlete and current member of the Russian Federation Council flew to Buryatia with his father.

They were met at the airport by a small delegation of athletes, coaches and journalists. Chilled in the wind, the girls-artists treated the guests to milk, gave them khadaks and sang greetings in the Buryat language.

Immediately from the airport, the Khasikovs and the delegation that met them went to the Ivolginsky datsan, where Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev was already waiting for their arrival. The head of Russian Buddhists met the athlete at his residence. According to the already established tradition, over a cup of tea and a couple of buuzes, the Khambo Lama had lengthy conversations with the guests on a variety of topics. Paying tribute to the older generation, Damba Ayusheev talked almost all the time with the father of the world champion Sergei Khasikov.

The fact that the son became the world champion is, first of all, the merit of his parents, father and mother,” Hambo Lama addressed the guests. – When your son, Batu, becomes the world champion, only then will you be able to compare with your father. In the meantime, your championship is the merit of your father.

Also during the conversation the topic of the homeland was touched upon.

“You must pay tribute to your homeland,” Hambo Lama punished the champion. – After all, your victories come from where and by whom you were born. If you weren’t a Kalmyk, maybe you wouldn’t be able to become a winner. Therefore, make sure that everything is fine in your homeland, help the land to which you owe your life.

The fact of the athlete’s bachelor life did not go unnoticed. By the way, in numerous discussions on social networks, Batu Khasikov is considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the country.

“You’re a fool if you don’t want to get married,” Damba Ayusheev remarked to this. – A man cannot be considered a full-fledged man until he gives birth to a son.

To which the athlete replied that everything will happen, but only later.

Hambo Lama also asked Sergei Khasikov to write a book on how to raise a world champion.

This book must be published, this is your duty to the entire Mongolian world, people will give this book to newlyweds at weddings, because only a great man can raise such a son,” Damba Ayusheev noted.

After a conversation with the head of the Buddhists, the Khasikovs took turns visiting the residence of Hambo Lama Itigelov. From there, the cortege with the guests went to the People's Khural of the republic, where the champion met with the chairman of the Buryat parliament, Matvey Gershevich.

6-year-old Daniil was conceived on an Emergencies Ministry plane

Maintaining a second family is not cheap for the minister

© "Express Newspaper", 07/04/2006, Shoigu’s illegitimate son is preparing to save Russia

Rumors that the country's main rescuer has an illegitimate son were at one time actively circulated in the corridors of power and journalistic circles. But since no one saw the boy in person, the conversations somehow imperceptibly faded away. To our freelance correspondent Arthur Horst We managed to find a cute boy and his wonderful mother in one of the elite villages near Moscow.

Happy childhood

Of course, we were unable to obtain direct evidence that 6-year-old Daniil was actually conceived on the plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. However, the minister’s all-knowing neighbors claim that this was exactly what happened.

According to the words of a venerable old man, a neighbor of a noble family in an elite cottage community, Alexander Ivanovich, a certain Elena Sh-va worked as a flight attendant on a plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and accompanied the best minister of Russia on all his difficult business trips. And one day, during his return from a difficult expedition filled with courage and heroism, a dead tired Shoigu (after all, he plows like a red people's commissar) could not resist the charms of a beautiful blonde. Soon a charming baby was born, whom Sergei Kuzhugetovich and Elena named the beautiful name Daniil.

Danya is like two peas in a pod, both in appearance and character. Sergei Kuzhugetovich dotes on his reflection. The minister saved up money and built his son an excellent house on the banks of the Moscow River, surrounding it with a 4-meter brick fence, and assigned personal bodyguards to the heir and his mother. The impregnable fortress is guarded around the clock by armed policemen. This is clearly stated on the bright sign on the gate. People from the Ministry of Emergency Situations say that to celebrate, Sergei Kuzhugetovich even named one of his six bases in Khakassia, where he comes six times a year to hunt, in honor of his son - “Daniil and Co.”

The minister, as a decent person, did not divorce his legal wife Irina, with whom he has two daughters. Moreover, Shoigu’s eldest daughter gave him a grandson last year. Sergei Kuzhugetovich himself took her and the baby from the Family Planning Center on Sevastopolsky Avenue in the capital - he didn’t even trust his son-in-law with his own son upon discharge! He put his daughter and child in his armored jeep and personally drove him home.

By the way, he drives up to his son’s village along narrow concrete paths in the same jeep. The people there, although not mere mortals, are openly afraid of the minister’s tough temperament. Six-year-old Daniil Sergeevich, despite his young age, is already well aware that his dad is a very respected person, and therefore behaves very confidently in public. Moreover, his uncle, a policeman, is always present behind him, accompanying the boy on walks. However, on the day we were able to meet the baby, he was with his grandmother, Elena’s mother. She lives with them constantly and, together with a young governess, is raising her grandson.

Sandhill General

The day was unusually sunny and warm. On the playground, comfortably located on a picturesque hill next to Shoigu Jr.’s mansion, three-year-old children frolicked in a small sandbox. The elderly nanny kept jumping up to the bullies and shaking grains of sand from their panama hats. On a swing, two girls about five years old were arguing passionately about something.

Look, look, Danka is coming! - one of them shouted and pointed her hand towards the overweight woman and boy slowly rising into the clearing.

Galya, will you play with him? - another girl asked her friend.

No, I won’t, he’ll give orders again like a general...

Let's hide!

And both of them skipped into a house painted with flowers with benches inside. But little Shoigu immediately guessed the plans of his insidious friends and immediately rushed to their hiding place. Rushing into the house, he grabbed one of the girls by the hand and began to pull her out. The girls ran out of the house screaming and climbed up the wooden stairs to the roof. Flushed Daniel shouted: “I’ll save you now!” - rushed after them. The rest of the kids joined the game of rescuers:

Well, the quiet life is over, the commander has appeared,” concluded someone’s nanny, politely greeting Daniil’s grandmother. Having caught her breath from walking, the minister’s would-be mother-in-law closely examined everyone present and slowly sank down onto an empty bench. At that moment, Daniel’s scream was heard in the house.

To whom I tell: stop fighting!

Sitting on benches in the house, two three-year-old toddlers beat each other in the faces with their fists and did not listen to the orders of their commander. Daniel ran up to the adults with a frightened face.

Hurry up, look, they are hitting each other!

The women immediately rushed to separate the boxers.

Well done, Danya, he saved the little ones from bruises,” some old man praised the future Emchees member and, turning to our correspondent, said:

He is an athlete and practices wushu at the children's center!

Little superman

The children's center, which was mentioned on the site, is located in a neighboring village and is an elite preschool institution with a set of academic disciplines designed to comprehensively develop a child from a good family. The cost of a subscription, of course, is not affordable for everyone.

Entrance to this village, which is located three kilometers from Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, is strictly by permit. But our correspondent, accompanied by one of the local inhabitants, managed to enter the reserve and communicate with the administration of the center. All the floors in the elite establishment are covered with expensive carpets; guests, as in a hospital, are offered to put shoe covers on their feet. The prices are impressive: general education subjects - 6 thousand rubles. per month, English - 15 thousand, art studio (music, painting) - 9 thousand, acting and choreography (taught by professional artists) - 13.5 thousand and, finally, Wushu - 9 thousand. Total - 52,500 rubles per month.

In the photo albums offered to us for review, Daniil Shoigu is present in all guises: actor, dancer, artist, musician. But the most impressive pictures are those where Danka kills an imaginary enemy with karate kicks and punches.

We were kindly shown around all the premises of the children's supercenter.

In the classroom for classes in general education subjects (mathematics, literature, natural history), there are small tables with chairs, and on the wall hangs a large board from the floor to the middle of the wall. The closet contains numerous board games and school supplies.

The English class looks more like a miniature theater hall with stages, built-in spotlights in the ceiling and complex equipment for creating special effects. Performances are staged here in Russian and English.

The dance hall is arranged according to all the laws of choreography: with a huge mirror on one side and a barre on the other. It is here that Daniil Shoigu practices Wushu with his personal trainer. Recently, by the way, another championship took place in Moscow, where Danka won his first belt in the preschool age category. His wonderful father, a lover of strength sports, spares no money for this for his son.

Emergency situations and the work of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

According to the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

How do Russians evaluate the work of ministers?

Minister Works Can't cope I don't know how to
Sergei Shoigu,
head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
75% 9% 16%
Sergey Ivanov,
head of the Ministry of Defense
51% 26% 23%
German Gref,
Minister of Economic Development and Trade
45% 32% 23%
Alexey Kudrin,
head of the Ministry of Finance
39% 25% 36%
Dmitry Medvedev,
first deputy prime minister
37% 21% 42%
Mikhail Zurabov,
minister of health
24% 50% 26%

Results of the 2006 VTsIOM survey.

She was born in 1977. Her parents Sergei Kuzhugetovich and Irina Aleksandrovna studied together at the Faculty of Construction of the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic University.

My father was born into the family of the famous party leader of the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, newspaper editor Kuzhuget Shoigu and livestock specialist Alexandra Yakovlevna Kudryavtseva, who was from the Lugansk region. Mother Irina, née Antipina, was the daughter of the head of a construction organization in Krasnoyarsk.

During their student years, Sergei and Irina began a warm relationship, which grew into a strong marriage. From Krasnoyarsk, immediately after graduating from university, the young family moved to Kyzyl, where Sergei began working in his specialty. But a year after the birth of their daughter, due to the appointment of the head of the family to the position of foreman of a large construction organization, they moved to Achinsk, then to Sayanogorsk, and then to Abakan.

In parallel with his main activities, Sergei Kuzhugetovich took the post of second secretary of the regional branch of the party, but almost immediately in 1990 he was transferred to Moscow.

, Julia's father

Due to the frequent moves of the family, Yulia constantly changed her place of study during her childhood. But she finished her tenth year in Moscow. After which the girl entered the psychology department of Moscow State University. Such a desire to study human mental health turned out to be natural for her. It is known that her two paternal aunts, Larisa and Irina, devoted their lives to working as psychiatrists.

Much later than her graduation from the university, in 2003, Yulia defended her PhD thesis on a topic that reveals the problems of selecting cadets for the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Scientific works

Yulia Shoigu - Director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The girl’s rapid career growth is due to her strong character, strong-willed acumen, intuition and a whole store of knowledge, which she successfully applies throughout her entire career. In addition, Yulia is also a co-author of the textbook “Psychology of Extreme Situations.” The book reveals aspects of people's behavioral reactions in emergency conditions. It was created to help rescuers, firefighters, and psychologists.

Personal life

Little is known about Julia’s personal life. Her husband Alexei Zakharov holds the post of chief prosecutor of the Moscow region. Alexey Yuryevich is from the Arkhangelsk region, he is 6 years older than his wife.

The husband received higher education at the Saratov State Academy with a degree in jurisprudence. Before his appointment to his last position, he served as a prosecutor in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow and Kaliningrad.

Yulia Shoigu and her husband Alexey Zakharov

At the moment, Alexey Yuryevich has been awarded the rank of state councilor, 2nd class, which corresponds to the military rank of lieutenant general of justice. Alexey and Yulia have two children - daughter Dasha and son Kirill.

The media do not have much information about the biography of the young, confident head of the psychological service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You won’t find personal photos of Yulia and her family on the Internet or in the press. Basically, the entire review of information comes down to covering her professional activities. It is known that Yulia Sergeevna has awards of honor: medals “For Services to the Fatherland”, “For the Commonwealth in the Name of Salvation”, “For Distinction in Service” and other awards.

Yulia has a younger sister, Ksenia, an ambitious girl who studies at the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO. in 2010, she starred in a family friend’s film “Burnt by the Sun 2,” but did not continue her acting career after that.

Ksenia Shoigu, Yulia's sister

Currently, she is the curator of the Ministry of Defense project to revive the standards of the GTO “Race of Heroes,” which took place in many Russian cities in 2015. It is noteworthy that participation in the competition required a fee, the cost of which in different regions ranged from 1,700 to 3,000 rubles.