We make the application “Chicken” with the baby. How to make a paper chicken with your own hands? Templates and ideas for “Chicken” applications

We invite you to make it with your children volumetric applique. The result will be a beautiful spring panel that you can give as a gift or decorate your interior.

In order to make a craft you will need:

Paper for printing templates;

Cardboard for the base;


Volumetric double-sided cattle.

Three-dimensional applique “Good morning, chicken!” Step-by-step process for making crafts

1. Print out the applique base and applique details.

Application basis

2. Cut out all the details.

3. To get a beautiful panel on the background, we glued “wooden” strips using double-sided tape. You can glue strips of colored cardboard to the background along the edges.

Our frame is ready

4. Glue the largest part using bulk tape to the base of the panel.

Here you can see the volume that double-sided tape provides.

5. Take the next largest piece and glue it with bulk tape onto the first piece, matching the pictures.

6. Take the part with the chicken and similarly, using bulk tape, glue it to part No. 2.

7. Take the part - the chicken’s face and glue it onto part No. 3 using bulk tape.

8. Take the wings of the chicken and chicken, glue them with reverse side bulk tape and paste them onto the image.

9. Using bulk tape, glue a leaf, a butterfly, ladybug and a snail.

Our panel is ready!

Master class “Applique “Easter chicken” from office colored paper.

The material is intended for teachers working with senior pupils preschool age, and also for teachers primary classes.
I chose office paper for making the applique due to the fact that it is bright and double-sided.
Integration educational areas: « cognitive development"(constructive activity); “artistic and aesthetic development” (application); "socio-communicative development".

Target: acquaintance with Christian traditions; creating conditions for the artistic and aesthetic development of students.

Tasks: continue to get acquainted with the tradition of celebrating Orthodox Easter; learn to assemble an object from different parts; consolidate the ability to accurately cut and glue parts together; cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Materials and equipment: templates, details for applique; glue, scissors, pencils, markers, colored office paper.

Chicken Patterns:

Before performing the application with children, you can carry out conversation.
- Guys, what do you know about Easter?
-What crafts are usually made for this holiday?
-How many of you know what the egg symbolizes? (The egg is a symbol of the continuation of life)
-Why? (Because an egg hatches into a chicken, and from it grows into a chicken, which will lay eggs again...)
-So today we will do a craft - “Easter chicken”
-Remember that my sample is only my vision of the chicken. But for you it may be completely different. I'd love for you to make the chicken your own!

Before working with children, safety instructions must be given.
Rules for working with scissors
1.Scissors should be stored in a case.
2. You cannot walk around the group with scissors.
3. You cannot swing scissors.
4. Pass the scissors to each other, rings first.
5.After finishing work, the scissors must be put into the case.
6.Work together!
Rules for working with glue
1. Prepare a special oilcloth.
2.To open the glue, you need to unscrew the cap a little.
3.Glue must be used carefully.
4.After finishing work, you need to screw the bottom and close the glue with a lid.
5.Wash your hands after class.
6.Work together!

The order of work.

We are preparing templates.
We outline the templates, cut out the details - legs, torso, wings, scallop.

Glue the parts onto a landscape sheet.
The wings are glued on first.

Then the scallop appears.

After this, the paws are glued.

Only now we glue on the body of the chicken.

Now our chicken should be revived. Glue on the eyes.

To make the eyes look alive and shiny, we glue white highlights on them.

Then the nose appears.

Lastly, the mouth is glued on.

As an option, I suggest gluing the parts together, without an album base.

I never “drive” my students into strict limits when doing crafts, so they constantly surprise me with their varied and unique works!

Shortly before completing the Easter Chick craft, the guys and I made an Easter Cockerel from “children’s hands,” and our chickens organically fit into the overall composition that we placed on the wall.

Result: work was carried out to introduce the tradition of celebrating Orthodox Easter, the development of speech and the development of fine motor skills; Children have a positive emotional attitude when doing crafts.

If you want to teach your little one new skills, we recommend making a joint “Chicken” applique. Making such works is very interesting for most children. In addition, thematic application is a way early development child. It is not for nothing that the kindergarten program provides for pupils to make various crafts from colored paper, including “Mimosa”, “Willow”, “Clown”, “Butterfly”, “Boat” and others. There are classical techniques that allow you to make such applications.

If you want to spend interesting and useful time with your baby, then create a craft together. You can keep it as a keepsake and then show it to your child when he grows up. The degree of mother's intervention in the process should be determined by the age of the baby. The more complex the application, the more help you will need. To make the "Chicken" work, you will need several colors of construction paper, glue, scissors and a sheet of cardboard.

A simple version of the craft is suitable for the youngest children, who are only 1.5 - 2 years old. Other drawings made from colored paper, including “Mimosa”, “Clown”, “Willow”, “Butterfly”, “Boat”, are more complex. For this reason, we recommend mastering the “Chicken” pattern and then moving on to more complex compositions. We suggest using simple diagram. You will need the following office supplies:

Before starting classes with your baby, you need to prepare the details. Using scissors, you need to cut out all parts of the future drawing. If the little one is already 3 years old, he can cut out all the necessary elements himself. You should start working from the background. You need to glue a light yellow or light blue sheet of colored paper onto the cardboard. Thanks to this, the application will turn out bright. The chicken consists of a head and a body, which are represented in the figure by two yellow circles. They should be glued to the background, and then the beak and legs should be added. If you are making an applique with a small child, small parts can be completed, since it is sometimes very difficult for children to work with small details, because their motor skills are not as well developed as those of an adult.

You can diversify the design with grass or mushrooms. Such elements will look great on crafts “Mimosa”, “Willow”, “Butterfly”, “Boat”, “Clown”. Please note that if you want to create a bird sitting on the grass, the first step is to glue the grass to the background.

And don’t forget to teach his names while working with your little one geometric shapes. The paws are an oval, the beak is a triangle, the head and body are a circle. As you can see, such lessons broaden your child’s horizons.

Template examples

There is another example that can be done with a toddler. To bring it to life, you need to cut out two triangles, two circles and a semicircle from yellow colored paper, and then glue them one by one to the background. It is advisable, as in the first example, to use cardboard with a sheet of colored paper pasted on. You can also find multi-colored cardboard on sale, which will be more convenient to work with.

If you are looking for more complex example, you can depict a composition where the chicken has just hatched from the shell. You can decorate your work with an image of flowers or a forest. The main thing in working with a toddler is to show imagination. Only in this case the application will come out beautiful and interesting. And after you master such a simple figure, you can learn how to make works that depict a mimosa, a clown, a boat, a willow, a butterfly and other interesting fairy-tale elements.

Classes with your child will allow him to quickly gain the necessary knowledge and skills. They develop perfectly creativity and prepare the child for kindergarten and school. We recommend doing this as often as possible beautiful drawings with a toddler, because it is also a very exciting activity.

Applique made of velvet colored paper “Chicken in a Hat”. Master class with step by step photos.

Olga Yuryevna Travneva, primary school teacher, KSU “Secondary school No. 21, village. Saryozek" Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: This master class can be used by educators in their work preparatory groups V kindergarten, primary school teachers and parents. The work is designed for children 7-9 years old. Making appliqué from colored paper develops accuracy, perseverance, and imagination.
Purpose of the master class: gift, work for an exhibition.
Target: making an applique from velvet colored paper “Chicken in a Hat”.
- develop practical skills in working with velvet colored paper, scissors, glue, and the ability to work with templates;
- develop aesthetic taste, creativity, fantasy, imagination, fine motor skills;
- cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, love for the living world of nature.
Materials and tools needed to make the applique:
colored cardboard,
velvet colored paper,
sample work.

I'm all golden
Soft and fluffy.
I am the chicken's child,
And my name is... (chick)

From an egg, like from a diaper,
The chicken just got out -
And the fluff went on foot
A real cockerel.
(L. Safronov)
I would like to suggest making an applique from velvet colored paper “Chicken in a Hat”. If velvet paper is not available, you can make an applique from plain colored paper.
We will be working with scissors, so we need to remember how to handle scissors while working.
When working with scissors, observe the following rules:
1. Keep your workplace tidy.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not use loose scissors. Use scissors with rounded ends.
4. Work only with serviceable tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only at your workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.
7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
8. Feed the scissors rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.
11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors as intended.

Making the “Chicken in a Hat” applique.

Let's prepare templates for making the application.

Using templates, we will cut out the parts necessary for the applique from velvet colored paper.
For the chicken itself, we will choose yellow color. Cut out the legs (feet) of the chicken from brown or orange paper. For the details of the eye, prepare white and black paper (or brown). Any color you like is suitable for the hat, the main thing is that it matches the color of the overall background of the applique. The bow can be cut out of red, pink or burgundy paper. For grass, stems and leaves of flowers you need to take paper green. Just for grass, choose paper of a slightly different shade. For the flowers, choose orange, blue and yellow paper. We choose cardboard of any color, the main thing is that the application is clearly visible.

So, let's start making our application.
1. Glue the grass cut out from the template onto the bottom of a sheet of cardboard.

2. Now we begin to assemble the chicken. Cut out and glue the chicken's body.

3. Cut out according to the template and glue the legs (feet) of the chicken.

4. Cut out and glue the chicken's head.

5. Glue the bow cut out from the template.

6. Cut out and glue the chicken wing.

7. Let's prepare the details for the eyes. Glue it in the following order:
- glue on white parts;

- glue on the black parts.

8. Cut out the beak according to the template and glue it on.

9. Cut out and glue the eyebrows.

10. Let’s “put” a hat on our chicken. Cut out the parts of the hat and glue them in the following order:
- glue on a large part of the hat;

- Glue on the brim of the hat.

11. Decorate the lawn with flowers. Cut out the parts and glue the orange flower.

12. Cut out the details of the blue bells according to the templates and glue them.
Let's glue the first flower.

Glue the second flower.

Our application “Chicken in a Hat” is ready.

Yellow ball on the grass
It rolled merrily.
They say to the world
He was born yesterday.
He is glad of the sun and warmth
Like any child
Midges, crumbs, worms...
After all, the baby is a chicken.
(R. Aldonina)
Thank you for your attention!

Engaging in creativity with a child is not only interesting, but also useful, since as a result he develops fine motor skills, thinking and imagination. An adult can offer to create various applications from colored paper, for example, animals and birds.

Children can achieve the most accurate work if the chicken applique is made in middle group, when the child already understands the adult’s instructions much better and can create a craft on his own.

Applications from geometric shapes: chicken

Very young children can be asked to create a chicken craft, for example, the “chick hatched” applique is not only easy to make, but will also introduce the child to the simplest geometric shapes (circle, oval, rectangle). It is necessary to prepare materials:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • pattern of geometric shapes;
  • thick cardboard.

Thus, the child will not only do beautiful craft with your own hands, but also get acquainted with simple geometric shapes.

Chicken applique made from colored paper

A paper chicken will be easy to make even for a one-year-old baby with the help of his mother. To do this you need to stock up on materials:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • glue stick.
  1. From yellow paper we cut out two circles of different sizes: one larger, the second smaller. This will be the torso and head.
  2. Cut out a long strip of green paper no more than 3 cm wide. This will be the “grass” for the chicken. On one side, you need to trim the ends with scissors.
  3. From red paper we cut out a small triangle - a beak, from black - a small circle (“eye”).
  4. Then we take a large sheet of white paper and begin gluing the chicken in a certain sequence:
  • grass;
  • torso and head;
  • beak;
  • eye.

The craft is ready. As an addition, you can also take millet and stick millet grains near the chicken, having previously coated this place on the paper with glue.

Using colored paper you can come up with a huge number of variations on the theme of creating a chicken.

The chicken applique can be created in anticipation of