Give advice on the lifestyle of an elderly person. Healthy lifestyle in old age

Happiness excludes old age. Whoever retains the ability to see beauty does not age.

As people get older, they experience many major life changes, such as retirement, loss of loved ones, and the physical ailments associated with aging.

These changes invade the lives of older people, causing stress and leading to depression. Therefore, it is very important to do everything possible not to let depression into your everyday life or into the lives of people dear to us.

Thomas Hanna said: “To despise the fact of aging is the same as to despise life. If we do not understand that life and aging are a process of growth and progress, then we will not understand the basic principles of life.”

Fighting any change is always difficult, no matter how old a person is.

For older people, the main problem is the huge amount of change that is snowballing. Aging and old age lead not only to physiological changes, but also significantly change his entire “social existence”.

The very fact of retirement is a psychological trauma for a person: his social significance falls, his prestige, self-affirmation suffer, self-esteem decreases.

It is clear that mental (as well as physical) aging is individual, each person has their own characteristics, and everyone grows old in their own way, but at the same time, there are some general patterns of psychological aging of a person. It acquires a number of features inherent in most older people, such as:

Decrease in mental activity and slowing down of mental processes. Mental processes in an elderly person are slower and it takes more time to assess the situation. But sometimes such phenomena occur due to hearing impairment, which an elderly person may try to hide. Actually, mental activity persists for a long time at a later age. Many people retain their creative abilities, clear mind and good memory until old age.

Narrowing the circle of interests and changing attitudes towards phenomena and events. Actual issues of the present, as a rule, excite and interest the old person less. Much, sometimes, seems to him wonderful or even hostile. Hence, the often peculiar conservatism of old people, their opposition to all sorts of innovations.

Emotional change. Irritability, excitability, anger, gloom, emotional instability, mood swings are becoming more and more pronounced. Such a loss of the former emotional flexibility begins to affect the attitude towards oneself and the assessment of one's current opportunities and prospects, in interaction with others, attitudes and directions of the individual.

In behavior in various life situations, there is a tendency to anxiety, anxiety, melancholy, fears. Behavior becomes more aggressive, or vice versa, there is a tendency to sadness, unfortunately, tearfulness.

With aging, the role of the family in the life of an elderly person increases; often occurs during this period, the deterioration of health and reduced mobility; the interests and activities of older people are limited, all attention is switched to family affairs. Family communication at the same time replaces other lost contacts.

Refusal to adapt to new norms, values, manners of behavior can lead to conflicts between an elderly person and others, closure in his own world.

At the same time, an active life position gives older people a chance to take their proper social and role status in society, their most valuable capital is knowledge, experience, life wisdom.

How to stay socially active and happily meet old age? There are several socio-psychological types of happy centenarians:

1. Active creative type. These people participate in social, political, religious life, in the upbringing of young people, therefore, even after retirement, they live a full life.

2.Customized type. Such elderly people are engaged in activities for which there was no time before: self-education, recreation, entertainment, etc.

3. Natural type. They strive to be closer to nature and realize themselves, as a rule, in the garden.

4. Family type. They find the main application of their strength in the family and, as a rule, these are happy mothers who have turned into happy grandmothers. And since homework is inexhaustible, women who do it simply have no time to be sad.

5. Healthy type. These are elderly people whose meaning of life is taking care of their own health. Various forms of activity and moral satisfaction are connected with this.

How to feel young and live life to the fullest

If you don't know where to start your new "autumn" chapter yet, try one of the following, for example:

  • think about your old hobby, for which there was not enough time before, and take your favorite thing seriously;
  • spend more time with your grandchildren or with your pet - sincerely and selflessly loving creatures will infect you with their energy and love of life;
  • learn something new for yourself: playing a musical instrument, a foreign language, learn how to work on a computer;
  • take part in public life: attend city events, become an active member of a public organization;
  • join any club of interest;
  • take a weekend trip to a place you've never been before;
  • spend more time in nature: take a walk in the park, enjoy the picturesque view;
  • join the art: visit a museum, go to a concert or performance.

The possibilities are endless. It is important to choose what will be the most interesting for you and bring joy. If you find time for spiritual growth, there will be no place left in your soul for a aching emptiness, which means that approaching old age will not frighten you with its inevitability. Later life can be full of other exciting events, if you only want it.

To maintain a psychologically comfortable environment in the family, just try to follow a few simple rules of communication:

Avoid disputes, conflicts, harsh criticism in a conversation with an older person.

Treat an elderly person with attention - if he "rebels", then he feels bad, try to find out the true reason for his behavior.

Take the older person's fears and worries seriously. Help him voice his fears, talk about them. This will partially relieve psychological stress and will serve as an impetus for finding a solution to the problem that caused fear.

Often, the anxiety of an elderly person is associated with a deterioration in his health. He is frightened by the thought that medical care will not be provided on time. Arrange a preventive visit to the doctor.

Listen to the older person as far as possible to the end, if this is not possible at the moment, gently stop and promise to resume the conversation as soon as possible.

Never force your fellowship on an elderly person. But don't give up on him either.

Always address a person in years with respect, pronounce words slowly, loudly enough; postpone the conversation if you see that your elderly interlocutor is in a state of irritation, anger, resentment.

An elderly person, due to a lack of communication, can be verbose, constantly distracted from the topic, so as soon as he leaves the topic, try to return him to the mainstream of the conversation.

Don't force an older person to do anything, even if it's in their best interest. You persuade and convince, refer to people who are authoritative for him.

Do not forget about affection - look into the eyes of a person, touch with your hand, sit next to him. Often the elderly, especially those with poor vision and hearing, need tactile contact.

Encourage the elderly person to self-care, cleanliness and tidiness.

Do not forbid an elderly person to have their own "secrets": secluded places to store money, sweets, memorabilia.

Respond calmly to the accusation of missing money or things and, armed with patience, help find them.

Do not interfere with the communication of an elderly person on the phone, help him go outside for communication, walking, shopping, visiting a medical center.

To establish psychological contact, always be tactful.

Department of coordination and organizational and methodological support of preventive work MBUZ "Center for Medical Prevention" psychologist Emelyanova Anna Alexandrovna general practitioner Krushinova Inna Mikhailovna

6 steps to longevity by Dan Buetner.

7 rules of centenarians from the Yansi Treasure.

Ten commandments of eternal youth.

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle.

Advice for the elderly.

Aging slower.

1.Place the cell phone to the LEFT ear.

2. Do not drink coffee more than once a day.

3. Do not take the tablets with cold water.

4. Do not eat after 5 pm.

5. Minimize fatty foods.

6. Drink more water in the morning and less in the evening.

7. Stay away from cell phone chargers.

8. The best time to sleep is from 10 pm to 6 am.

9. Do not immediately take a horizontal position before going to bed,

if you have taken medicine.

11. Do not use a cell phone,

if charging shows only one division,

because in this case the radiation level

from the phone is 1000 times higher.

Send this message to those you care about.

... Drink water on an empty stomach.

WITHToday it is very popular in Japan to drink water.

right after waking up every morning.

Moreover, scientific tests have confirmed this procedure.

Instructions for this method are included below.

The technique cures with a 100% guarantee

the following diseases:

headache, joint pain, heart disease,

arthritis, palpitations, epilepsy,

obesity, bronchial asthma, meningitis,

kidney disease, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea,

hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, eye diseases,

diseases of the uterus, cancer and diseases of the ear, throat, nose.

Treatment method.

1. In the morning after waking up, drink 4 glasses of water

160 ml each (before brushing your teeth)

2. Brush your teeth, but do not eat or drink for 45 minutes.

3. After 45 minutes, you can have breakfast in the usual way.

4. After breakfast, lunch or dinner, do not drink anything.

And don't eat for 2 hours.

5. For the elderly or sick people who cannot

drink 4 glasses of water at a time, you can start with

lower dose and gradually increase to

number of days for major diseases:

1. High blood pressure - 30 days

2. Gastritis - 10 days

3. Diabetes - 30 days

4. Constipation - 10 days

5. Cancer - 180 days

6.TB - 90 days

7. Patients with arthritis should follow this

Method 3 days in the first week, and starting

Second, every day.

This technique has no side effects

however, at the beginning of treatment, the number of urination

may increase. It will be better if you

continue this procedure after treatment,

and make it the norm.

Drink water and stay healthy and active.

Important detail. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot

tea with meals (rather than cold water).

It's time to adopt this habit from them.

We will only win.

6 Steps to Longevity by Dan Buethner

Forget the Fountain of Youth. "A few simple lifestyle changes can extend life by 8 to 10 years," says Dan Buethner, in his bestselling book The Blue Zones.

With a team of demographers and doctors, the researcher visited 4 corners of the globe: Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), Loma Linda (California, USA), Costa Rica. There is a high percentage of centenarians, people who smile, live and love up to 100 years. Here 6 secrets of their super-health and longevity.

Laugh out loud.

“What stood out in every group of centenarians I met was that there were no sullen faces among them,” says Buetner. “Laughter not only reduces anxiety, but also relaxes blood vessels and lowers the risk of heart attacks,” he cites research from the University of Maryland.

Do simple exercises.

None of the centenarians with whom Butner and his team happened to meet ran marathons, did not swing in the gym. People who lived to 100 years old did little intense exercise: long walks, gardening, playing with children - just lived a normal day. As a result, they were constantly training without even realizing it. Seamlessly integrate exercise into your daily routine: hide the remote control from the TV, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park far away from the entrance to the mall and, if necessary, ride a bike or walk instead of using gas.

Eat wisely.

A Confucian phrase often used in Okinawan culture is "Hara Hachi Bu" which means "eat only 80%". Our stomach needs 20 minutes to tell the brain that we are satisfied, so if you prudently limit yourself in food, you can avoid overeating.

Another trick? Adjust the kitchen for healthy eating: put small plates in the cupboard and put away the TV. "Dinning in front of the TV, listening to music, or just poring over the computer, you are mindlessly consuming food," says Buetner. "Focus on food. Eat slowly, consume less and enjoy the aroma and taste of cooked meals more."

Where is your nutcracker ?

Researchers who studied the Seventh-day Adventist community in Loma Linda, California found that those who ate nuts 5 times a week had half the risk of heart disease and lived 2 years longer than others. "20 - 25 grams of nuts work wonders," says Bütner. Hide a bag of nuts on your desk for a snack. Add nuts to salads and main dishes.

Be selective in your friends.

Choose your friends carefully. "Gather around you people who contribute to the improvement of your lifestyle," says Buetner. Okinawans, the world's longest living people, have a tradition of not only forming strong social bonds (called moais), but also maintaining them. Kamada Nakazato, 102, doesn't go a day without meeting his 4 close childhood friends. Once you have determined your narrow circle, make sure that it does not decrease. Try to maintain relationships with close friends. Meet up and spend more time together.

Live with purpose.

In Costa Rica it is called plan de vida, in Okinawa it is called ikigai. "Everyone who lives long had a clear vision of their purpose," Buetner says. "You have to know what you get up for every morning." Take the time to define your values ​​and reassess your desires and your own strengths. Find a job or special courses where you can do things that will make you happier.

7 rules of centenarians from the Yansi Treasure .

Every person has a 90 percent chance of becoming a long-liver, says American cardiologist Clyde Yancey and gives seven simple rules that will help maintain health until old age

Anyone can celebrate their 90th or 100th birthday, says cardiologist Clyde Yancey. According to him, for this it is enough to adhere to seven simple principles. You can achieve optimal health if you:

1) To live an active lifestyle. Physically inactive people are twice as likely to develop heart disease and stroke. In addition, the lack of physical activity takes almost four years from a person's life.

2) Control cholesterol levels. The cardiologist reminds that high cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3) Eat properly. A healthy lifestyle starts with proper nutrition. For future centenarians, it is especially important to consume a large amount of fiber, cereals, fresh vegetables, and fruits.

4) Control blood pressure. High blood pressure is called the "silent killer" by cardiologists around the world. If you keep the pressure under control, you can prevent diseases in time and thereby reduce the risk of stroke by 40%, and the risk of heart attack by 25%.

5) Fight overweight. Being overweight is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, and obesity can reduce life expectancy by up to four years. According to experts from the World Health Organization, in four years there will be 2.3 billion people on the planet suffering from obesity and concomitant diseases, so obesity can already be recognized as an epidemic.

6) Control blood sugar levelsand be aware of the threats associated with diabetes. In particular, diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

7) Don't smoke . Because of this addiction, tens of thousands of people die prematurely every year. By the way, if a person quits smoking, the risk of developing heart disease and stroke begins to decrease.

Putting forward his theory of life extension, Clyde Yancey notes that turning people into centenarians will help the economy save billions of dollars, as the cost of treating cardiovascular diseases will be reduced.

And the people themselves will be able to save money if they use free advice and stop spending money on paid medicine, writes RBC Daily.

Ten commandments of eternal youth .

By According to various estimates of scientists from different countries, a person can live up to 120 years, but for some reason this does not happen in droves. The Japanese on average live up to 79 years, Australians, Greeks, Canadians and Swedes - up to 78, Germans and Americans - up to 76. Russians and Turks - 67 years. Nigerians and Somalis - approximately 47 years.

An international group of doctors, psychologists and nutritionists have developed the Ten Commandments, following which, in their opinion, we will be able, in their opinion, to prolong and make our lives more enjoyable.

1st commandment: don't overeat! Instead of the usual 2500 calories, be content with 1500. Thus, you will unload your cells and keep them active. Cells are renewed faster, and the body becomes less susceptible to diseases. Eat in a balanced way: eat not too much, but not too little.

2nd commandment: the menu should be age appropriate. In 30-year-old women, the first wrinkles will appear later if they regularly eat liver and nuts. People over forty years of age benefit from betacarotene. After 50 years, calcium keeps the bones in shape, and magnesium keeps the heart. Men over forty need selenium, which is found in cheese and kidneys. Selenium helps relieve stress. After fifty, eating fish will protect the heart and blood vessels.

3rd commandment: try to find the right job for you! Work contributes to youthfulness, say the French. The one who does not work looks five years older. Some professions, according to sociologists, help to preserve youth. These include the professions of conductor, philosopher, artist and priest.

4th commandment: find your partner in life! Love and tenderness are the best anti-aging remedies. Having sex twice a week makes you look fourteen years younger. During sexual intercourse, the body produces the hormone endorphin, which is otherwise called the hormone of happiness. It helps to strengthen the immune system.

5th commandment: have your own point of view. A consciously living person is much less likely to become depressed and depressed than someone who is only passively going with the flow.

6th commandment: move! Even eight minutes of exercise a day prolongs life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after thirty years.

7th commandment: sleep in a cool room! It has been proven: who sleeps at a temperature of 17-18 ° C, stays young longer. The reason is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related features also depend on the ambient temperature.

8th commandment: pamper yourself from time to time! Sometimes, contrary to all recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, allow yourself a tidbit. And if you really liked a new dress or bag, you should not immediately think about saving!

9th commandment: you should not always suppress anger in yourself! The one who constantly reproaches only himself, instead of telling what upsets him, and at times even arguing, exchanging opinions with others, is more susceptible to any diseases, including malignant tumors. According to the results of international testing, 64% of respondents with cancer always suppress anger in themselves.

10th commandment: train your brain! From time to time, solve crossword puzzles, play collective games that require mental activity, learn foreign languages. Count in your mind, not just on a calculator. By forcing the brain to work, we slow down the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities; simultaneously activate the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle .

There are 10 tips developed by an international group of doctors, nutritionists and psychologists that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle. By following them, we can prolong and make our lives more enjoyable.

1 tip : solving crossword puzzles, learning foreign languages, making calculations in the mind, we train the brain. Thus, the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities slows down; the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated.

2 tip: work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Find a job that suits you and makes you happy. According to scientists, this will help you look younger.

3 advice: don't eat too much. Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, manage 1,500. This contributes to the maintenance of cell activity, their unloading. Also, do not go to extremes and eat too little.

4 tip: The menu should be age appropriate. Liver and nuts will help 30-year-old women slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. The selenium contained in the kidneys and cheese is useful for men over 40, it helps to relieve stress. After 50, magnesium is needed to keep the heart in shape and bone-healthy calcium, and fish will help protect the heart and blood vessels.

5 tip : have your own opinion on everything. A conscious life will help you get depressed and overwhelmed as little as possible.

7 tip: it is better to sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 17-18 degrees), this helps to preserve youth. The fact is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

8 tip: move more often. Scientists have proven that even eight minutes of exercise a day prolong life.

9 tip: pamper yourself periodically. Despite recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, sometimes allow yourself a tasty treat.

10 tip: Don't always suppress your anger. Various diseases, even malignant tumors, are more susceptible to people who constantly scold themselves, instead of telling what upsets them, and sometimes arguing.

Tips for the Elderly .

There is a milestone in the life of a middle-aged person, the onset of which some expect with anxiety, apprehension and even fear, while others - with joy and impatience. It's about retirement. There are probably people among us who dream of “living until retirement”, and then ... not working, but living long. It's a delusion. Don't forget the wise proverb: “It is not old age that makes you old, but idleness!” All centenarians are working people!

Statistics have proven that without employment, a person in a year or two, a maximum of three, dies from the so-called "pension disease". There is a deterioration in well-being and health, due to a sense of impending social inferiority or limited utility for society and loved ones, which leads to a change in the dynamic stereotype of a person. In this regard, you need to prepare yourself, your psyche five years before retirement, think over and choose a profession according to your health and age. Work for a pensioner is perhaps the most reliable moral and mental support. Medical statistics have established a much higher level of health among working pensioners. Centenarians work almost until the very last days of their lives. Their families are well aware of the benefits of labor and do not prevent the elderly from doing what is pleasant and useful for them. So 118-year-old Tatyana Semyonovna Frolova says: “... When I work, my appetite appears, and I sleep better, feeling joy because I can still benefit people.” A retired person, especially an urban one, simply needs to feel his connection with the earth, at least occasionally experience the joy of knowing that on his family table there are fruits of the earth grown by his own hands.

Yes, our age is urbanization, the industrial and technical revolution, industrial and consumer services, which bring prosperity and inconvenience at the same time. The rhythm of time is tireless - you need to be in time everywhere, do everything, master a huge flow of information. Naturally, at such moments conflict situations arise more often, the nervous system becomes more vulnerable. What "barriers" can be opposed to this, how to amortize unfavorable moments?

It has long been known that negative emotions: resentment, fear, longing, anger, rage, grief, envy, hatred - are "risk factors", bring old age closer and shorten life, and vice versa, positive ones - pleasure, joy - cause an extraordinary rise in the body's vitality. . A rude, angry person is unpleasant to others. He is able to extinguish a smile in people with his very appearance, spoil the mood for the whole day. Rudeness, hysterical antics do not improve a person's relationship with the world around him, they return to him like a boomerang, and are detrimental to the most "discharged". An example given by T. Alexandrova is indicative: “Everyone is shocked by the hell that has come in the house with the retirement of his father. My wife and children are used to the fact that a strong person is nearby, that he is all at work. And suddenly the image crumbled. Now the father wanders restlessly around the house all day long, makes absurd remarks to his wife, absurd instructions to his grandchildren, demands immediate execution ... "Horror! It is clear that such a person, who is not prepared for such serious changes either morally, mentally, or physically, will soon expect serious illnesses: angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke.

All centenarians are good-natured people, great optimists who can see joy even in small things. A smile and laughter transform a person. He will always be desirable in any company, in any society.

Laughter is a sign of joy , cheerful mood and mental health. Doctors have long included "laughter therapy" in the arsenal of therapeutic agents. Laughter has a positive effect on lung function, regulates metabolism. Three minutes of laughter is more beneficial than 15 minutes of gymnastics. W. Shakespeare wrote: “If you didn’t laugh during the day, then you lived this day in vain.”

Optimism is not a natural quality . You need to educate the mood, be able to control yourself. An old Indian proverb says: “Sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; you sow a character, you reap a destiny.”

So be sociable, sensitive, caring and attentive to each other. Try, especially with retirement, to streamline the rhythm of life. A feasible varied work with a reasonably organized rest, careful attitude to the nervous system is the key to health and long life.

Much attention should be paid to sleep. A person sleeps for about a third of his life. What is this inevitability? Yes. Sleep is a vital necessity for a person, without sleep he will not live even a week. How much sleep do you need? The duration of sleep should be such that after waking up, a person notes cheerfulness and a surge of strength. Depending on age, the need for sleep is different: newborns sleep 20 hours a day, a child aged 6 months to a year - about 14 hours, at the age of 10 years 10 hours a day. For senior school age and adults, the norm of sleep is 7-8 hours a day, in old age - sometimes less.

For a healthy and sound sleep, the correct mode of life is necessary: ​​go to bed at the same time, stop mental work an hour and a half before bedtime, have dinner without overeating no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, take a walk for thirty minutes half an hour before bedtime. Eighteen degrees is the ideal temperature for sleep.

It is also advisable to sleep with an open window in winter. If this is not possible, then before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room, turn off the lights, the radio, and, if possible, eliminate noise stimuli. Wash your feet (with insomnia - hot water), change underwear for a nightgown or pajamas. It's even better to sleep completely naked. It is recommended to sleep on the right side without wrapping up the head.

You need to sleep in a separate bed. It is not recommended to sleep with children, grandchildren. High pillows make it difficult to relax the spine and muscles. The bed should not be very soft, the blanket should not overheat the body.

You should not engage in intense mental and physical work before going to bed, you should not watch too emotional television programs, read a lot, drink tonic drinks before going to bed - strong tea, coffee, cocoa. An unemptied bladder interferes with sleep.

Doctors advise drinking a glass of warm milk at night . This is especially useful for older people. You can add a dessert spoon of honey to hot milk.

Don't stay in bed. Wake up - immediately get up and by all means do some vigorous exercises.

With various nervous overloads, stresses, various diseases and disorders of the nervous system, insomnia or short sleep may occur. Sometimes the patient, fearing insomnia, thinks about it all the time and, of course, will not fall asleep. The fight against the syndrome of fear of insomnia should begin with a conversation with a psychotherapist, who should suggest that this pathology is completely surmountable.

There are practically no single and familyless people among centenarians . Apparently, it is impossible to live to the age of one hundred without constant and reliable support in the family. There are no quarrels and strife in families of centenarians. The atmosphere there is always calm and friendly. Many cases are described when a husband and wife crossed the 100-year milestone together. This cannot be explained by genetic predisposition alone. Long-livers are extremely rare widows, most often, having lost their spouse, they marry again (sometimes for the fourth and fifth time) and again have children.

So, the aging process is not unambiguous, it is associated not only with the processes of extinction, but also with the emergence of adaptive mechanisms for their suppression and compensation. In old age, the activity of some genes not only fades, but others are stimulated, which provide a high level of vitality for an elderly person. Old age is both an offensive and a victory over extinction. A healthy lifestyle just contributes to the stimulation of these genes.

So already now (no matter how old you are) try to do everything so that your old age is healthy and active.

Aging slower.

1. Buy a bike

2. Fall in love. Nothing disciplines the body like the desire to please.

3. Lose weight. With age, a person faces an inevitable choice - face orbody. It is possible to keep the body in shape, the face is not, at least without

plastic surgery or cosmetology.

4. Don't eat after seven.

5. Do not envy and do not lie!

6. Get at least eight hours of sleep (except as noted in paragraph 13.

7. Spend money easily and fun. Making savings is the same signold age is like hair in the ears..

8. Rest. At least twice a year.

9. Be curious. A person who is interested in himself will soon be able toenthusiastically talk only about their illnesses.

10. Learn to enjoy the nonsense, at least the good weather that has blossomedlilac or nightingale.

11. Do not confuse luxury and comfort with happiness.

12. Never say "I'm afraid"

13. If there is an opportunity to go at night, go. Betteroversleep work than life.

14. Be generous.

15. Don't believe in conspiracy theories. They are wrong.

16. Be light on your feet. No need to weigh, brainstorm andreflect. Take action. "The main thing is to get involved in the battle, and then we'll see," Napoleon said. Yes, he ended badly - no one argues ... But how brightly he lived.

17. Be like birds or live for today - not yesterday and not tomorrow.

18. Don't slouch.

19. Do not try to look younger - you will look funny. Necessarylook good, but for his age.

20. Don't complain about life. Don't complain at all.

You can live longer, or you can live better. Healthy aging will allow you to live better and longer.

It is important not only to live your years, but also to fill them with meaning: to remain active, independent and happy. The desire to travel, dance, date, learn, laugh and have fun doesn't go away as we get older. We want to stay energetic and active.

This article will introduce you to healthy aging habits. Research has shown that certain habits that affect your diet, sleep, exercise, and preventive measures can significantly improve your quality of life in old age. In turn, this will also help you avoid chronic diseases and make your life healthier and happier.

Why healthy aging is so important

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, nearly one in four Americans suffer from chronic conditions such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and respiratory disease.

All these diseases prevent a person from being independent and coping with daily work on their own. Moreover, diseases take a toll not only on your health, but also on your budget, since you need to spend money on hospitals, nurses and medicines.

The good news is that you can reduce your chances of getting a certain disease. The following steps will make your body stronger and your mind clearer.

Fundamentals of healthy aging


Proper and healthy nutrition is essential for your health, especially as you get older. From the age of 60, your body begins to change rapidly. Proper nutrition will provide your body with the energy and nutrients it needs. The effectiveness of these tips has been scientifically proven. By following them, you will be able to choose the right diet to stay healthy throughout your life.

Drink plenty of fluids

As we age, we drink less and less liquid because we lose the feeling of thirst.

To get into the habit of drinking more fluids, drink with meals, drink a glass of water when you take your pills, and before and after exercise, especially on hot days.

Choose drinks that are low in sugar, sodium and fat. Water, skim milk, 100% juices (orange, cranberry, apple) and low-fat soups are great for you.

What to eat

Make sure to include foods rich in nutrients and vitamins in your daily diet.

Your diet should include:
● protein (chicken, pork, lean meat, seafood, eggs, legumes)
● fruits and vegetables
● whole grains (oatmeal, wild rice)
● low-fat dairy products (milk, cheese)

Also, be sure to include foods that contain vitamin D and fiber in your diet, and try to avoid foods that are high in fat and salt.

Right Portions

Nutritionists recommend that people aged 50 and older eat foods in the following amounts daily:
● fruit - 1 ½ - 2 ½ cups
● vegetables - 2 - 3 ½ cups
● cereals - 150 - 280 g
● dairy products - 3 cups skimmed milk
● oils - 5 - 8 teaspoons
● a minimum of products containing sugar and salt

This list will give you a rough idea of ​​how much you should be eating daily.

The National Institutes of Health suggests measuring your servings as follows:

- serving of cooked vegetables, salad, boiled potatoes - the size of a baseball
- 5 grams of cheese - a serving the size of 4 dice
- 100 grams of meat or poultry - a serving the size of a palm

Read labels

It is best to eat freshly prepared food, however, if you buy packaged foods, always pay attention to the label. Avoid foods high in sugar, salt and fat:

● Sugar: Try not to consume more than 6-9 teaspoons of sugar per day (25-36 grams)
● Salt: people over 50 should limit themselves to 1.5 mg per day
● Fats: Eat 18-25 grams of saturated fat, which in turn should not exceed 10% of calories consumed per day


According to the US National Sleep Foundation, people aged 50-65 should sleep 7-9 hours a night, and people over 65 should sleep 7-8 hours.
However, many people in adulthood suffer from insomnia and lack of sleep.
The reason for this is often diseases such as obstructive sleep apnea, arthritis, acid reflux, congestive heart failure and depression. In some cases, restless legs syndrome can make restful sleep impossible. The good news is that by treating the disease itself, you will significantly improve the quality of sleep.

Lack of sleep negatively affects physical and mental health. A lot of studies have been carried out that have proven that lack of sleep is the cause of memory impairment, various diseases and shortens life. Here is a list of the most common consequences:
● obesity
● diabetes
● heart disease and hypertension
● mood disorders
● reduced immunity
● low life expectancy

1. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other stimulants that can affect your sleep.
2. Don't eat big before bed.
3. Don't drink too much liquid before bed to avoid going to the bathroom at night.
4. Refrain from taking a nap in the evening if you did not have time to do so during the day. If you want to take a nap, take it before 3 p.m. Otherwise, your sleep pattern will go astray: you will fall asleep later and not get enough sleep.
5. Try to exercise in the morning rather than in the evening. This will help you sleep better while exercising late will interfere with your sleep.
6. Try to stick to a clear sleep schedule. Going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day will help you get into a rhythm. Waking up at the same time is even more important, because in this way you will train your body to fall asleep easier in the evenings.
7. Don't check your watch or phone first thing you wake up. If you find it difficult to resist, move them away from the bed.
8. Create a sleep-friendly environment in the bedroom. Let it be dark, quiet and cool. Buy a comfortable mattress, pillow, blanket, bedding, blackout curtains, a sleep mask, earplugs, or a white noise generator if needed.
9. Create your own evening routine and stick to it: take a bath before bed, drink a cup of herbal tea, read a book before bed, and try to refrain from watching TV, phone or tablet at least 30 minutes before bedtime.


It's no secret that sports combined with proper nutrition is the perfect combination for your health.
Sport helps people like to stay active at a more mature age and prevent various diseases. What's more, older people who play sports are noted for their ability to make decisions faster, as well as better planning and critical thinking skills than their inactive peers. Sports also help prevent cognitive decline, memory loss and dementia.

You do not need to exhaust yourself with training at all to feel all the positive effects of sports on yourself. A recent study by scientists at Harvard University suggests the following class schedule for older people:
● At least 2.5 hours of walking or aerobic exercise per week
● Strength training 2-3 times a week, but never 2 days in a row
● Stretching exercises every day

daily habits

Trends in what is useful and what is harmful are changing very rapidly. Today wine may be considered healthy, but tomorrow it won't. Yesterday everyone said that eggs are bad, but today they are already considered super food.

I have compiled a list of 5 habits that are considered good for health around the world.
● Get moving. The more you move, the better. Walk, swim, play tennis - no matter what it is. Most importantly, try to do something every day and not sit still. Studies show that in active people, the chance of a healthy old age is increased by 7 times.
● Do things that make you smile more often. People who smile often live longer and are healthier and happier than those who rarely smile. A specially stretched smile will not add a few years to your life, but activities that give you real and sincere joy definitely can.
● Turn off the TV. 1 hour of TV viewing reduces life expectancy by 22 minutes. If you spend 6 hours watching TV every day, you will live 5 years less, according to a study from the University of Queensland. Instead of watching TV, spend time with friends, cook, garden, read a book, go for a walk or draw.
● Spend time with family and friends. A strong bond with family, friends and colleagues makes you healthier and prolongs your life, according to research from Brigham Young University. What's more, according to another study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, having a wide social circle is just as important for maintaining health as exercise and proper nutrition.
● Meditate. Meditation has become very popular in recent years. Even researchers from Harvard University talk about the benefits of meditation for people of mature age. Just 15 minutes of meditation a day will improve your health and mood, as well as help you get rid of stress, pain and depression.


When it comes to your health, it's always better to be one step ahead. If you take good care of your car and take it in for maintenance regularly, why not start treating your health as well?

For the elderly, regular visits to doctors, vaccinations and MRI scans are essential to detect health problems at the first sign and prevent them.

Here is a list of preventive measures recommended by the US Department of Health (please check with your doctor first):
● Single x-ray for abdominal aortic aneurysm for men of a certain age who have ever smoked
● Aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease for men and women of a certain age (check with your doctor)
● Pressure measurement
● Mammography every 2 years for women aged 55-74
● Cholesterol test
● Testing for diabetes (type 2) for people with high blood pressure
● Dietitian's consultation
● Hepatitis C testing for people at risk, as well as a one-time test for those born between 1945 and 1965
● HIV testing for all ages 15-65
● Vaccinations against:
– Hepatitis A
– Hepatitis B
– Shingles
- Human papillomavirus
– Flu
– Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
– Meningitis
– Pneumococcal infection
– Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough
– windmills
● X-ray of the lungs for people aged 55-80 who smoke or have smoked heavily in the past 15 years
● Tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea
● Syphilis test

Social relationships (and sex)

Communication helps older people stay in better physical shape and mental health, and also prolongs life.

The US National Institute on Aging conducted a study that proved the following:
● strong social relationships are directly related to good biomarkers;
● social well-being contributes to the reduction of inflammatory processes in the body, which in turn can cause diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, arthritis and cardiovascular disease;
● social isolation significantly increases the risk of disease and also increases the mortality rate;
● loneliness contributes to high blood pressure;
● Loneliness increases the risk of depression.

Maintain good relationships with family, friends and colleagues. If you're feeling isolated, try volunteering, signing up for a fitness class, playing cards, meeting friends for coffee, or cooking dinner for your family.

But if you want to spice up your life and improve your health, have more sex! This is what the doctor ordered and here's why:
● Sex improves the quality of sleep. Orgasms trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin and also lower the hormone cortisol, which in turn helps you release stress and anxiety.
● Sex makes you look younger. According to a study by the Royal Hospital of Edinburgh in Scotland, older couples who have sex at least 3 times a week look up to 7 years younger than their peers.
● Sex makes you happier. Everyone knows that happiness is critical to overall health and wellness. According to one study, couples who had sex once a week were 44% happier than those who hadn't had sex in the past year.

Additional Help

Since in some cases, older people are not able to do their daily work (washing, cooking, dressing, going to the toilet, cleaning the house, driving a car, etc.) on their own, they have an urgent need for a solution that will allow them to live stay safe and independent as much as possible.
It's important to start planning and sharing your preferences with family members before you need outside help.

The US National Institute on Aging offers the following options:

● Medical and social assistance at home. These services are usually provided in the home and may include physical, rehabilitation, and speech therapy.
● Nursing services. The services of a nurse include helping the patient with the daily work with which he is no longer able to cope.
● Friendly visits. These services are provided by private agencies or by volunteers who periodically visit older people who are sick or live alone.
● Transport services. These services help older people get to the hospital for doctor's appointments, shopping, and more. This greatly simplifies their lives, since many people have reduced mobility as they age.
● Emergency call systems. This option is especially suitable for those who live alone. With the emergency call system, a person can press a button on a device attached to the arm or neck if they suddenly feel unwell.
● Elderly care centers. Such centers are open during the daytime and offer their visitors various activities, socializing and feeding.
● Residential and nursing centers. Such centers offer single and double rooms, care, feeding and medication, as well as round-the-clock assistance. However, these centers lack medical care.
● Residential complexes for pensioners. Such complexes are suitable for those who need daily assistance in order to go to the toilet, get dressed, wash and prepare meals. In such complexes, various events are also often organized so that their residents can communicate.
● Nursing homes. In nursing homes, patients are provided with nursing care, treatment, 24-hour assistance, physiotherapy, and feeding.

Healthy aging starts with you

Undoubtedly, some people are lucky with heredity. You yourself can increase your chances of a healthy and happy old age.

By following the tips in this article, you will be able to adopt habits regarding your diet, sleep, exercise regimen and preventive measures that will help you not only live longer, but also better.

12 tips for maintaining health in old age

A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important factors that help maintain mental and physical health in the elderly.

What you need to stay healthy

  1. Physical activity - The first factor is physical activity, which is so lacking in modern society. To increase activity, specially selected exercises are used that can provide the desired payload to all muscle groups. This helps counteract the appearance of signs of the aging process. Exercises are selected individually, depending on the age and condition of the body;
  2. Proper nutrition - Diverse, which allows you to get the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body, and also not to overload it with harmful products, leading to the formation of excess weight;
  3. Quit smoking - Many older people believe that they can no longer take care of their health if they have previously smoked, since the harm to the body has already been done. In fact, if at any age, then there will still be noticeable improvements in the state of the body;
  4. Do not drink coffee and alcohol - Limit or completely eliminate the use of coffee and alcohol, as all this affects the cardiovascular system and is harmful at any age;
  5. No stressful situations - You should also try to control your emotions, protect yourself from negative events, listening to bad news that does not have any personal relationship with a person, and so on;
  6. Active brain activity - We recommend reading more and discussing information, learning something new. Even doing crossword puzzles helps keep your mind sharp;
  7. Proper sleep - Rest and sound sleep should become a permanent item of the regime, since without these elements the body will go to exhaustion, and as a result, the degradation of health. After useful loads, it is recommended to have a good rest and get enough sleep every day;
  8. Social and sexual activity - Regular implementation of one's desires, as well as emerging ideas, helps to maintain psychological and physical health;
  9. Pouring and rubbing - Various kinds of hardening promotes health and resistance to emerging negative factors;
  10. Communication - Maintaining good relationships with loved ones and relatives, being more surrounded by people with common interests; *There are weekends where older people can spend the weekend surrounded by people of the same age.
  11. Sanitation - The principles of safety for the elderly are also required to be maintained. This includes living in a dry and warm room, walking in the fresh air and maintaining a good sanitary environment;
  12. Hygiene - Follow all the rules of personal hygiene


The main rule here is that a person has a personal motivation, so that he wants to stay healthy and make the necessary efforts for this. For most people, this means that they will have to change their daily lives and introduce certain regimens.

At the end of the first spring month, a thematic meeting was held in the institution - GKU SO "Name of the TsSON" dedicated to a healthy lifestyle for the elderly with the invitation of a doctor - neurologist and psychiatrist of the GBUZ "Nekhaevskaya CRH" - Tridubova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna.

Indeed, with increasing age, people's ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions decreases - fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, magnetic storms and solar wind.

What is the path to longevity?

This is the question that became the occasion for communication between participants and invitees. Here everything becomes of serious importance - clean air, water, plenty of sunlight, movement, rationality in nutrition and deep, refreshing breathing.

Older people should keep in themselves valuable personal qualities - care, mercy, friendliness, patience, endurance, courage, determination, optimism and faith in their own strength and trust in the world and people.

Tridubova N.A. at the thematic meeting spoke in detail and in an accessible form about the significance and influence of natural factors on the human body, about rationality in nutrition and the choice of products to improve health, introduced the participants and invitees to the basics of yoga and qigong exercises. And the most important thing is that Nadezhda Alexandrovna is a practitioner, because not every doctor will be able to tell and show on himself in action exercises, even elementary ones, of qigong and yoga systems.

The first symptoms are bells

The first signs of incipient diseases at any age, and especially in the elderly, can be noise in the head and ears, dizziness, pain in the head with pressing foci in the temples and neck, chest pain, excessive sweating, the appearance of “flies” before the eyes.

And do not worry about the fact that in your youth you could not pay due attention to physical education and sports - even if you start them after 50 years, you can still achieve positive results. Medical research data suggests that those who become healthy after age 50 and increase their physical activity levels live about the same as those who exercise regularly from middle age.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is an important element of a healthy lifestyle at any age, and after the age of 50, its importance is still increasing. Of course, many will have to completely refuse some of their favorite dishes, but what can you do - health will bring greater happiness.

Your diet should be coordinated with your doctor and nutritionist, who can help you choose the most optimal menu based on the state of your body, but in any case, there are also mandatory foods to improve digestion: kefir and natural probiotics. Try to drink more purified water - except, of course, black tea and coffee.

After 50 years, life is just beginning!

The most important thing I want to say is that after fifty years, life actually begins. And if you follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, she will become happy, charming and full of bright, good and wise events.

Let there be no medicine for old age! But it's always possible to slow it down. Life extension begins with the elimination of those things that shorten it.

We are for a healthy lifestyle

Thus, a healthy lifestyle depends, first of all, on the person himself.

Our health is in our hands

The continuation of our today's meeting “Our health is in our hands” can be understood in a purely psychological aspect, because in order to acquire good health and active longevity, you need to internally gather into a single whole, pull yourself together, light up with the desire to become healthy and the way we are. we want to see ourselves. And methodically, resolutely carry out the plan.

And you can interpret this topic in a direct and figurative semantic manner.

Indeed, on the other hand, how many secret phenomena are concealed within themselves by simple human hands, which have almost forgotten for a long time, do not notice them, so close and true to us, behind a swarm of everyday life trifles!

We will not touch on this physiological aspect for now - we will talk about massage of the hands, fingers and biologically active points on the hands in other publications of the site.

State of inspiration...

Perhaps this is the most important thing, inspiration on the way to health and happiness! On such pages of the site as “Overcoming Diseases by People” and “Incredible Cases of Saving People”, like examples of the embodiment of fantastic short stories about Baron Munchausen, who pulled himself and his horse out of the swamp, holding his hair with his own hand, You will see real miracles on examples from the life of people just like us - with two arms, two legs and one head.

Personal mobilization - the starting point

As we know that in any person there are unexpected and amazing abilities. Man is a mystery. The above examples, when people who fell ill with serious ailments or found themselves in critical situations, indicate that a person is able to mobilize, pull himself together and overcome any illness or serious difficult situation when the question of life and death is raised.

It is possible to have a huge arsenal of means of curing the human body or solving any problems, but the question is precisely whether we will be able to mobilize to use all the available means, whether we will be able not to get confused, not to succumb to difficulties.

Therefore, of course, mobilization, the gathering of the individual into a single whole, concentration on the final positive result in solving health and safety problems, the determination to act are at the very beginning of the path, the very first point - the starting point. It's just the ability to pull yourself together.

There is even such a method - emotional-volitional self-coercion. Of all the literature, it is most thoroughly developed and described in theory and practice in the books by Fotina L. and Norbekov M. “The Road to Youth and Health”, “Bring Back Youth and Health”, as well as in collaboration with Khvan Yu. “Lessons of Norbekov” , "Training of the body and spirit", "Energy health", authored by M. Norbekov himself. "The experience of a fool, or the key to insight" and "Where Kuz'kina's mother winters."

Spirit-Consciousness is primary

When we stop psychologically, we turn consciousness inward to ourselves. We clearly formulate the goal of what we want to achieve, or what we want to become. We artificially form a sense of joy from the fact that we have already achieved the final goal. We bring the process of imagination to the state of knowing that this is the way it is! And we pass a similar resonance of accomplishment and victory throughout the body, we impose the created positive image on each part of our body, as if we are recording the implementation of what was conceived in the cells of the body.

And now, being in this state, we can now productively create and realize ourselves - whether in the eradication of health problems or overcoming difficult situations. Any tool in our hands will become a powerful tool for translating positive ideas into reality. Instead of hundreds of repetitions of any healing exercise, with such a winning attitude, 10 to 20 repetitions will be enough to steadily move towards the final, creative result.

The conclusions are obvious. In any business, the beginning of the path is primary, what is necessary is a conscious desire for a clearly set goal - the image of our perfection. And you will attract the really working healing methods and methods like a magnet into your life. Do not think about the means, methods and ways to achieve your goal, concentrate on the fact that the goal has already been achieved by you. The doors to your dream will be found and will open on their own at the right time.