What does it mean to leak water during pregnancy? How to distinguish amniotic fluid? How to detect leakage of amniotic fluid at home

Amniotic fluid becomes the natural habitat of the fetus for the entire period of its intrauterine development. Under normal conditions, this biologically active liquid medium leaves shortly before birth.

In the presence of various kinds of pathologies and diseases, the amniotic fluid may drain earlier than normal. It is important to be able to timely determine the fact of the discharge of amniotic fluid and know how to behave in such situations.

Functions of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid ensures the vital activity of the fetus as a whole. Among their main functions the following provisions can be distinguished:

1. Nutrition for a developing child. The amniotic fluid contains a number of nutrients necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

2. Maintaining the required pressure and temperature at a stable level.

3. Protecting the child from adverse influences. Thanks to amniotic fluid, the intensity of various external pressures, shocks, etc. is reduced.

4. Protection against infectious processes.

5. Creating conditions for the baby’s free movement.

6. Protection from excessive noise.

Normally, intrauterine waters recede when regular labor is established and the cervix is ​​slightly dilated.

Leakage of amniotic fluid during different periods of pregnancy

The sooner the water breaks, the more dangerous it is for the developing child.

Up to 20 weeks

The main reasons for water breaking in the early stages of pregnancy are:

  • fetal infection;
  • development of the inflammatory process - chorioamnionitis.

There is no single algorithm for actions when water breaks at this stage of pregnancy. In most cases, doctors recommend termination of pregnancy. If the child can be saved, with a high degree of probability he will be born with many pathologies, including:

  • blindness;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • lack of hearing;
  • severe respiratory failure.

In such situations, doctors prescribe a detailed examination, the results of which make a conclusion about the possibility of prolonging pregnancy and the existing risks to the fetus.

At 25-27 weeks

This is also an unfavorable and very dangerous situation. The most common cause of water leakage during this period of pregnancy is urogenital infections.

There is no uniform algorithm of actions. In most situations, there is no need to think about a favorable outcome for the child. Even if such children survive, they grow up deeply disabled. The doctor informs parents individually about possible scenarios based on the examination results.

At 38-40 weeks

The situation is not as dangerous as in earlier stages, but also very unpleasant. Most often, expectant management is used to maintain pregnancy. The doctor’s task is to establish the maximum allowable duration of waiting and find the safest method of delivery.

Thus, the sooner the water begins to break, the higher the likelihood of complications.

Causes of water leakage

Early departure of intrauterine waters is associated with a variety of damaging factors affecting the body of the fetus and woman.

The most common cause is urinary infection. Under its influence, many pathological changes occur.

Liquid leakage may also be due to:

  • inflammatory processes and infections in the area of ​​the uterus, vagina, cervix, and amniotic sac;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • hormonal imbalances, including hyperandrogenism. Because of it, many other pathologies can develop.

Risk factors for leakage of amniotic fluid

Leakage of amniotic fluid can be caused by various factors. Among the most common are the following:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Injuries.
  • Much and little water.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Careless sexual intercourse.
  • Falls and other external injuries to the abdomen.

Why is leakage of amniotic fluid dangerous?

The main thing is to detect the problem in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it.

The danger of fluid leakage directly depends on the period at which it occurred. After 36 weeks, although this phenomenon is not considered normal, it does not pose an excessive danger to the child.

The main thing here is to detect the problem in a timely manner and take the necessary measures. Usually, doctors simply artificially induce labor or use other methods of delivery.

If the patient goes to the hospital on time, and her uterine cavity is not infected, doctors try to prolong the pregnancy as much as possible, using the previously mentioned expectant tactics.

Much more dangerous is fluid leakage in the early stages, around 20-25 weeks. But even under such circumstances, this deviation is not a mandatory indicator for immediate termination of pregnancy.

If you seek medical help in a timely manner, the use of tocolytic therapy, antibiotics and bed rest can significantly improve the situation.

The problem is that many patients do not consult a doctor promptly if they leak fluid in the early stages. They usually arrive at the hospital with already developed infections and other complications, and sometimes even with a dead fetus. In such situations, the pregnancy is terminated, and the woman is prescribed a course of treatment.

Thus, even if the water does not begin to break within the prescribed period, the possibility of maintaining the pregnancy is present.

The main thing is to detect the problem in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it.

Symptoms and signs of leakage

It is quite difficult to independently determine fluid leakage. The main signs are as follows:

  • an increase in the volume of fluid released from the vagina when changing body position or making movements;
  • if there is a significant rupture of the amniotic sac, the liquid begins to literally flow. A pregnant woman is unable to control the flow even with strong tension in the pelvic muscles;
  • If the bubble ruptures slightly, water leakage can only be confirmed by passing appropriate tests. There are also home tests.

Familiarize yourself with the available methods for medically and independently determining the presence of amniotic fluid leakage, described below.

Methods for detecting leakage of amniotic fluid

The appropriateness of using a particular medical method is determined by a specialist in accordance with the conditions of a particular situation.

Gynecological examination

An extremely uninformative, but still widely used method. During the examination, the doctor discovers clear liquid in the area of ​​the posterior vaginal vault. The patient is asked to cough. If the detected fluid is amniotic fluid, it will begin to leak from the cervical canal.

The main disadvantage is that during such an examination, amniotic fluid can be confused with sperm, urine, natural secretions and other fluids.

Smear microscopy

Also not the most reliable method. A smear of the liquid is taken and placed on a glass slide. When the liquid dries, it crystallizes and creates a pattern on the glass that resembles fern leaves.

The main disadvantage is that a similar pattern appears in the presence of sperm impurities in the smear.


Used most often. It is considered one of the most effective methods for determining rupture of membranes.

A puncture is made on the surface of the patient's abdomen to inject an indigo-carmine solution. After half an hour, a cotton swab is inserted into the vagina. If it stains, there is leakage.

The method is accurate, but expensive and painful. The main disadvantage is the possibility of developing infection, bleeding and other problems that can affect the normal course of pregnancy and even lead to its termination. Severe complications occur in approximately 1 in 250-300 cases.

Cytological examination

One of the simplest diagnostic methods. A smear is taken from the area of ​​the posterior vaginal vault. If the integrity of the amniotic membranes is damaged, water elements will be detected in the smear.

There are ways to detect intrauterine fluid leakage yourself.

Dry sheet test

The simplest and most common test. Allows you to distinguish amniotic fluid from simple secretions, the volume of which increases closer to the end of pregnancy.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • a pregnant woman goes to the toilet;
  • washed and dried;
  • lies on a dry sheet (a diaper or a piece of other clean and dry cloth will also work);
  • waits about 15 minutes.

If wet marks appear on the sheet within the specified time, there is water leakage.

In such a situation, you must immediately call an ambulance.


A modern method for home detection of intrauterine fluid leakage. This test can distinguish intrauterine fluid from urine and vaginal discharge.

The test is equipped with a special colorimetric indicator, colored yellow. When interacting with a high pH environment, the indicator becomes green-bluish. Under normal conditions, the pH of the vagina does not exceed 4.5. A similar indicator for amniotic fluid is about 7. The indicator changes color upon contact with liquids whose pH exceeds 5.5.

The test is found to be quite accurate. At the same time, it is extremely easy to use. The check is performed as follows:

1. The test is removed from the foil package. It is important to keep your hands clean and dry.

2. The pad is glued to the underwear so that the yellow indicator is located opposite the entrance to the vagina. The test can be left for 12 hours, just like a regular pad. It can also be removed earlier, at the first feeling of water leakage.

3. After a feeling of leakage appears or after 12 hours, the test is removed from the underwear.

4. The color of the indicator is checked. If it changed to bluish green, you need to seek medical help.

The test is not only easy to use and accurate, but also relatively inexpensive. The average cost is about 350-400 rubles. The product is popular, so you can buy it in almost every pharmacy.

How to distinguish intrauterine fluid from urine and secretions

Often, pregnant women mistakenly identify fluid leakage, confusing it with urine and simple vaginal discharge, the volume of which can increase significantly towards the end of pregnancy.

Methods for independently determining leakage were given in the previous section. In general, it is extremely difficult to distinguish amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge and urine without medical assistance. Therefore, if you suspect this problem, go to the hospital immediately and follow your doctor's instructions.

What to do if premature leakage of fetal fluid is detected?

Spillage of liquid indicates damage to the fruit membranes. This, as already noted, can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences.

If a problem is discovered at home, you should immediately consult a doctor, or even better, call an ambulance.

If a doctor detects a problem, he will prescribe treatment and give recommendations in accordance with the characteristics of a particular situation.

Treatment of leakage of amniotic fluid

The treatment order is prescribed in accordance with the duration and characteristics of the situation.

In most situations, pregnancies lasting less than 20-22 weeks cannot be maintained.

If the fluid begins to disappear after 20-22 weeks, doctors make every effort to maintain the pregnancy. The main method, as noted, is it's a wait-and-see approach. It is aimed at prolonging pregnancy so that the child has the maximum chance of being born full-term and healthy.

To prevent premature birth, doctors usually prescribe tocolytics to the patient.

The volume and quality of released water is regularly checked. Every four hours the nurse changes the diaper. Sowing of vaginal discharge is done every 5 days. The condition of the fetus is checked using cardiotocography.

If the problem appears before 34 weeks of pregnancy, additional glucocorticoids may be prescribed. They are used to prevent the development distress syndrome in a child.

If it was not possible to prevent the occurrence of chorianamnionitis, or if a deterioration in the condition of the fetus was detected, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The choice of the method of delivery appropriate in a particular situation will also be made.

In the case of fluid discharge during a full-term pregnancy with no contractions, the doctor may prescribe labor induction or recommend expectant management until natural birth. The most common stimulation is oxytocin. It allows the pregnant woman to enter labor faster.

Prevention of leakage of amniotic fluid

In order to prevent premature rupture of amniotic fluid, doctors recommend:

  • eliminate any foci of infection. These include diseases of the genitourinary system, pyelonephritis, dental diseases, tonsillitis and other problems;
  • treat in a timely manner isthmic-cervical failure;
  • take measures to eliminate the risk of miscarriage. For this purpose, the pregnant woman is prescribed conservation therapy.

In any case, if you suspect a water leak, you should immediately seek medical help.

The sooner you do this, the greater the chances of maintaining the pregnancy and giving birth to a full-term baby.

One of the main fears of pregnant women is leakage of amniotic fluid, the signs of which any expectant mother should know, happens most often in the late stages of pregnancy.

Throughout pregnancy, the baby lives surrounded by an aquatic environment. Starting from the moment of implantation and division of the cells of the embryo into those that will give rise to the formation of its body and those that form extra-embryonic structures (placenta, fetal membranes), a bubble filled with amniotic fluid is formed around the unborn child.

By the third trimester of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby reaches one and a half liters. They give him protection, preventing microorganisms from entering from the outside, thanks to them the child has the opportunity to move in the uterus.

The due date comes and the amniotic sac, no longer needed, ruptures during the next contraction. But this happens normally. In 10-12 cases of full-term births and in almost 40% of cases of premature births, the waters break prematurely, before the onset of labor.

This course of labor is not normal, because despite the fact that the baby was not born, the waters have already broken. If this dry period exceeds 6-12 hours, there is a risk of intrauterine infection of the baby.

When all at once, like Niagara Falls, it’s almost impossible to miss. But sometimes this happens completely unnoticed by the expectant mother, and the water begins to leak. A rupture of the amniotic sac can be very tiny and located high in the uterus; such leakage of water during pregnancy is very difficult to determine.

There are risk factors that contribute to this complication. First of all, this includes inflammation of the vagina, any colpitis. When the infection spreads to the wall of the amniotic bladder adjacent to the cervix, inflammation makes it thin and very fragile. Leakage can also be caused by rough sexual intercourse, significant physical activity, or falling on the stomach.

This can happen at any stage of pregnancy. If we are talking about a period of up to 25-26 weeks, everything will end in abortion, because it is impossible to save the baby, the membranes and uterine cavity will inevitably become infected, the fetus will die, and the mother will face serious complications.

If the period is longer, even if the baby is not fully mature, the pregnancy can be prolonged for 1-2 weeks in a maternity hospital under careful protection - to give him a chance.

The most terrible consequences occur if a woman’s water breaks, there are no contractions - and she is afraid to go to the maternity hospital for fear that the pregnancy will be terminated. Such cases often end in death, do not do this.

In a full-term pregnancy, symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage only mean that the time has come to give birth, everything will be fine.

It is very important to promptly suspect leakage of amniotic fluid; how can you determine that this has happened on your own?

They intensify and acquire a rather abundant mucous character. When laughing, sneezing, or physical stress, many women suffer from minor urinary incontinence. As a result, there may be a feeling of constant dampness all the time, and even if water leakage has begun, the symptoms may not be noticed.

Common signs of water leakage are moisture and watery discharge, which worsens with tension and changes in body position. If water leaks in significant quantities, you may even notice a wet spot on the bed, but it happens that water leaks almost drop by drop. In such cases, gynecologists determine the leakage of water using special tests; a smear is taken from the vagina, in which elements of amniotic fluid are detected (desquamated epithelium of the baby, cheese-like lubricant).

Previously, determining the leakage of amniotic fluid independently at home was only possible by assessing the discharge, lying down without underwear on a white sheet, or using a white cloth pad. A wet, odorless spot that appears on the fabric indicates that water is leaking, and you should immediately get ready for the maternity hospital.

Now everything has become much simpler; there is a special test for water leakage.

Test for leakage of amniotic fluid

The FRAUTEST company, known for creating a whole line of tests for women, produces special pads FRAUTEST amnio. At first glance, they are an ordinary sanitary pad that contains reagents that help detect water leakage even in small quantities.

The test to determine water leakage is carried out as follows: you simply need to glue the pad to your underwear. You can wear it for 12 hours as usual.

Thanks to the chemical reagents in its composition, it will react only to amniotic fluid, turning green-blue. If you have urinary incontinence, the test will distinguish this from leakage, and Frautest Amnio will not change color.

You can buy a test for leakage of amniotic fluid at a regular pharmacy or even order it online, the price is not high, a little more than 300 rubles per package. Thanks to the test, you can now make sure for yourself whether everything is fine with you, which is very important.

Remember, if the water is leaking, your baby is in danger and must be born as soon as possible.

Read also

Most often, it is difficult to establish the exact cause that led to the development of this disease (each case is studied and considered individually), although doctors name several of the most common points. Among them:

  • uncontrolled use of various medications, which include dietary supplements and vitamins, consumed by expectant mothers without consulting a specialist;
  • viral diseases (flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;
  • taking illegal drugs, etc.

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Good day, my dear expectant mothers! Do you know what pregnancy complication any of you should be warned about? It causes every fifth premature birth. It is the cause of every fifth fetal death of a child. Even a doctor may not recognize it in time. And at the same time, it is easy to identify at home - you just need to know what to do. Leakage of amniotic fluid: how to determine this terrible condition, what is it even, and what are its signs? Calm down, now we will arm ourselves with the necessary knowledge!

I think any expectant mother has a rough idea of ​​what amniotic fluid is. But I will repeat myself a little to systematize the information. A child lives in the uterine cavity for 9 months before birth. There it is surrounded by its own protective membrane - the amniotic sac. It's something like an egg shell, only soft. The amniotic sac is completely sealed and reliably protects the baby from premature contact with the outside world.

Especially from an encounter with pathogenic bacteria, for which the child is still completely unprepared. Normally, this barrier is not broken until childbirth.

The amniotic sac will rupture with the start of pushing. And some children manage to be born in it - that’s where the expression “born in a shirt” comes from.

The cavity of the amniotic sac is filled with liquid in which the baby floats like an astronaut in zero gravity. It is secreted by the amnion, the inner layer of the membranes. Therefore, another name for amniotic fluid is amniotic fluid.

It has several important functions:

  • She straightens the uterus so that the baby can move freely.
  • Absorbs shocks and shocks.
  • Stabilizes the temperature around the child.
  • Participates in fetal nutrition.
  • Prevents the umbilical cord from becoming pinched during childbirth.

And in the first stage of labor, the fetal bladder filled with amniotic fluid, like a wedge, opens the cervix from the inside...

What does amniotic fluid look like?

The type and amount of amniotic fluid changes as pregnancy progresses. At first they are yellowish, then they lighten, and in the third trimester, at 38, 39, 40 weeks they become whitish and opalescent.

It is clear that only obstetricians and gynecologists can appreciate these beauties. They sometimes judge, for example, the approximate duration of pregnancy by the nature of the amniotic fluid during childbirth. A woman is unlikely to be able to collect and examine amniotic fluid.

Just remember that amniotic fluid:

  • Light
  • Liquid
  • Warm
  • Odorless
  • They can be poured out in any quantity.

Amount of amniotic fluid

The amount of amniotic fluid during pregnancy increases with the growth of the fetus. The maximum they can accumulate is 1.5-2 liters. Anything more is already considered a pathology.

But it is not necessary that all this amount will pour out at once. Imagine a balloon filled with water. If you poke a tiny hole in it, water will ooze out drop by drop. A similar situation is possible during pregnancy. A woman may misinterpret this condition. And this is fraught with disaster.

How long does it take for water to leak? Anything. Why this happens is not known exactly. Provoke early rupture of amniotic fluid:

  • infections,
  • a woman has a narrow pelvis,
  • polyhydramnios,
  • multiple pregnancy,
  • malpresentation of the fetus,
  • bad habits and serious illnesses in the mother,
  • injuries.

As a result, large or small tears occur in the membranes, which should reliably protect the child. This situation requires immediate medical intervention. But the problem is that diagnosing such conditions can sometimes be difficult.

How to detect leakage of amniotic fluid

We have come to the main question: how to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. This problem worries not only pregnant women, but also obstetricians and gynecologists. After all, if there is a “depressurization” of the membranes, then an infection can penetrate to the child. And the gap may increase, and then premature rupture of amniotic fluid will occur - and premature birth...

Signs of leakage

It may seem that the symptoms of such a “leak” are obvious. When some foreign liquid leaks out, it is difficult not to notice it. But a woman, when she feels her water leaking, can confuse this with two conditions:

  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Inflammatory discharge.

Wet underwear, stains on pads, heavy liquid discharge - how can you tell that it is amniotic fluid?

It is best if you trust your doctor. But if it’s far away or a long wait, there’s an easy way to test yourself. To do this, take three simple steps:

  1. Go to the toilet and get rid of excess fluid.
  2. Wash yourself and dry yourself.
  3. Lie down naked on a light, dry sheet and lie there for 15-20 minutes.

Are there wet spots on the sheets? In this case, a “leak” can be suspected. Urgently see a gynecologist!

If you were able to detect a problem using this method, that’s good (in the sense that you won’t waste precious time and seek help in time)! But how often does it happen that the liquid oozes out in drops. How to distinguish drip leakage from discharge?

Previously, only gynecologists could answer this question. Now you can find out everything at home. How can a doctor determine that it is amniotic fluid that is leaking, and not urine or vaginal secretions? It has several ways:

  • Examination: The doctor may simply see clear moisture when examining the speculum.
  • Smear: When the amniotic fluid dries, it forms a pattern on the glass slide that resembles frosty patterns—a “fern leaf.”
  • Ultrasound : Ultrasound can be used to judge the level of amniotic fluid, the condition of the fetus and membranes.
  • The nitrazine test is a determination of the pH of secretions. When water leaks, the pH changes from acidic to neutral.
  • Amniocentesis: A safe dye is injected into the uterine cavity through a puncture in the abdomen. If after this the tampon appears stained in the vagina, it means there is a water leak. This method is used only in particularly difficult cases.
  • Immunological tests.

Tests to determine effusion

Immunological tests react to specific substances that are found only in amniotic fluid. There are two types of tests:

  1. To determine PSIFR-1
  2. To determine PAMG-1.

Both of these tests detect specific proteins. I won’t decipher their names - you’ll immediately forget them anyway. What is important for you and me is this: the accuracy of PAMG tests is 1 – 98.8%. On PSIFR-1 – four times lower.

The PAMG-1 Amnishur test is recognized as the gold standard. Its accuracy is almost 99%, it allows you to detect even traces of amniotic fluid.

In addition, there are tests for use at home that are based on pH determination. For example, the well-known Frautest amnio pads. They are much cheaper than immunoenzyme ones. But they give 17% false negative results and 13% false positive results. Whether they are worth using is up to you to decide. In any case, when purchasing diagnostic test strips or pads, ask about their mechanism of action and the accuracy of the results.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

Strictly speaking, everything that we discussed, including drip leakage of water, is considered its premature outpouring. However, in everyday life this is more often referred to as a massive outpouring of water before the start of pushing.

In this case, the symptoms are obvious. You suddenly find yourself wet, a warm, clear liquid running down your legs that you can’t hold back. Its pressure increases with coughing, straining, and contractions.

I understand that the situation is exciting. But for doctors, remember two things:

  • discharge color,
  • their number (what size spot or puddle did you see?)

And without delay - to the maternity hospital! It is highly desirable that your baby is born within the next 6 hours.

For those who still do not believe that you need to go to the maternity hospital right away, or are delaying it out of fear of childbirth, I will list the complications that threaten you and your child:

  • Infections, sepsis.
  • Lack of oxygen in the child.
  • Placental abruption and severe bleeding.
  • Anomalies of labor.
  • Intracranial hemorrhage in a child
  • Deformation of the arms and legs of the fetus.

I hope everything is clear. In each case, if water leakage is detected, obstetricians-gynecologists have to decide a difficult question: “to give birth or not to give birth?” Or rather, give birth now or let the baby grow further, despite the depressurization of the amniotic sac.

If the baby is full-term, then the issue, as a rule, is resolved in the direction of childbirth. The main thing is to seek medical help in time, and not to overwhelm yourself with doubts at home!

Let this problem not affect you, my dears! But still. If you are going on a long trip in the third trimester, take the Amnishur test with you. To be fully prepared if something happens. After all, now you know how to detect leakage of amniotic fluid! And if you have pregnant friends around you, share this article with them, maybe it will be useful for them too.

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets

Most pregnant women are very sensitive to their condition at the time of bearing a child. And such a decision is not without meaning, because no matter how wonderful the doctor is, he only sees you once every 7-10 days at an appointment. And if the expectant mother does not talk about her ailments or the sensations that bother her, then you may miss the moment when prompt intervention from a specialist and the provision of qualified assistance are required. Water leakage during pregnancy refers precisely to such conditions when the woman is the first to sound the alarm and, sometimes, forces the gynecologist to prescribe additional tests. What signs should alert an expectant mother? Should we insist on additional tests? We will try to understand this issue in order to help all expectant mothers recognize this condition in time.

Doctors call amniotic fluid the fluid in which the baby is located during development in the mother's womb. They protect the fragile body from pressure from the abdominal wall and internal organs, and also protect the baby from various infections. Amniotic fluid is found in the amniotic sac. Its rupture occurs after the onset of labor and is one of the signs of the onset of labor. But in some cases, a woman notices leakage of water, but there are no other symptoms of impending labor. Why does this happen and what reasons can lead to this?


Experts identify several reasons that can lead to amniotic fluid leakage at different stages of pregnancy:

  • Infectious diseases characteristic of the genital area. Colpitis, endocervicitis.
  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the genital tract.
  • Neoplasms of the uterus. These can be either benign (various types of fibroids) or malignant tumors, regardless of their location.
  • Prenatal diagnostic methods such as chorionic villus biopsy or amniocentesis.
  • Impact of external factors. The most common include falling or the use of physical force. Trying to climb onto a stepladder or stool to change curtains, traveling on crowded public transport during rush hour, when passengers can inadvertently hit you in the stomach...
  • Etc.

Premature leakage of amniotic fluid can be caused by one of the above factors or several. Try to keep their impact to a minimum.

What should an expectant mother be wary of?

Symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage can often be confused with heavy vaginal discharge, which occurs in the last stages of pregnancy. Also, slight urinary incontinence, which is also quite common in late pregnancy, can be misleading.

Many women notice stains appearing on their underwear. They will be colorless and do not have the characteristic urine odor. It is also quite difficult to confuse them with vaginal discharge, since the waters do not have a mucous base.

In order not to miss this pathology, experts advise abandoning dark underwear and switching to lighter cotton models. Be sure to use panty liners. This way, you will not only protect your laundry from getting dirty, but you will also be able to notice the regularity of discharge. Leakage of water does not only occur when laughing or coughing, like urinary incontinence. If you are at rest or lying in bed, you will not be immune from this process. It is on this feature that the test is based, which can be done at home.

Test to determine the problem

To avoid unnecessary worries and start treatment on time, doctors advise performing a simple test at home, at the slightest suspicion. It will help diagnose the condition of the expectant mother and consists of several stages:

  • Going to the toilet. You should empty your bladder as much as possible. This is necessary in order to exclude urinary incontinence during the test period.
  • Going to the bathroom. Wash your genitals thoroughly and dry with a soft, clean towel. Not even a drop of moisture should remain. All procedures should be done gently, but quickly enough.
  • Place a clean, light sheet on the bed. And then you undress and lie down. It is necessary to lie in a calm state for at least 15-20 minutes. If during this period transparent or slightly greenish spots appear on the sheet again, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Carrying out such a test will allow you to determine with a high degree of probability that amniotic fluid is leaking. Even if, upon examination by a specialist, it turns out that you were mistaken, it is better to play it safe, because the consequences of such a condition can be very dire. After the woman is taken to a medical facility, doctors will perform several diagnostic procedures aimed at establishing the pathology.

At home, you can also perform a nitrazine test, which is based on changes in the pH of the vaginal environment. As a rule, the environment is acidic, while the amniotic fluid is slightly alkaline.

Medical examination

Doctors will definitely conduct an examination using special diagnostic methods that help to accurately determine the presence of pathology.

The most popular and fastest diagnostic method has become a smear. During the examination, the gynecologist takes a smear, which reveals crystals and particles of amniotic fluid. But it does not allow you to determine the time of leakage of water, and the picture may also be blurred if there are traces of sperm in the vagina. Ultrasound can also help determine the level of amniotic fluid.

Treatment of this pathology

Depending on at what stage of pregnancy you notice water leakage, your doctor may take appropriate measures.

  • In the early stages, water leakage, as a rule, goes completely unnoticed. The amount of liquid is still too small and the woman simply does not notice that water is beginning to be released. In the first trimester, this leads to abortion in 90% of cases.
  • For a longer period, the specialist takes a wait-and-see approach, placing the woman in a hospital for constant monitoring of her condition and the condition of the baby. Every day that doctors manage to win back the baby in the womb plays a huge role in his development. The longer a woman carries a baby and the closer the natural birth date is, the greater the chance that the baby will be born healthier and more viable. If another 6 hours have not passed since the water leaked, then the specialist prescribes antibiotics, which are aimed at preventing infection of the child in the womb, since it is no longer protected by fetal fluid.
  • If the PDR is close enough, then the doctor may decide to stimulate the labor process if the leakage of water accelerates and ultimately leads to rupture of the membranes. If labor does not begin within 3 hours after the start of amniotic fluid leakage, then a course of medications is used to stimulate labor. Changing hormonal levels with the help of drugs accelerates cervical ripening.

The most important thing that the expectant mother should remember is that if amniotic fluid leaks, she will not be able to do anything. All that remains is to listen to the doctor’s orders and follow all his recommendations.

The first pregnancy is like a new life, in which a woman faces unfamiliar and sometimes unexpected phenomena. Once you get used to growing body size and weight, changes in mood and taste preferences, new discoveries begin. Some of them are pleasant and encouraging, brightening up the 9 months of waiting for the baby. It’s better to learn about others early, preferably only in theory, without encountering them in practice. For example, about how amniotic fluid leaks and what needs to be done in this case. For most pregnant women, leakage of amniotic fluid is a nightmare with which they scare themselves and each other.

In fact, amniotic fluid does not leak in everyone and not as often as it might seem if you stress yourself out. But every woman should know what to do in case of leakage of amniotic fluid - at least just in case. This will help determine whether amniotic fluid is actually leaking or not. Moreover, leakage is possible not only during the first pregnancy, and the information will be useful to you or your loved ones in the future. As you know, fear has big eyes, but in everything related to pregnancy and health in general, you cannot rely on intuition and fragmentary information. It is necessary to clearly understand how amniotic fluid leaks and what to do in this case.

Amniotic fluid and its leakage
Amniotic fluid is the fluid surrounding the embryo. Amniotic fluid, or amniotic fluid, surrounds the child throughout intrauterine development and protects him from all infections, physical and any other dangers. The chemical composition of amniotic fluid is rich in vitamins, salts, hormones, amino acids, and also contains waste products, vellus hairs and particles of fetal skin. This determines the functions and capabilities of amniotic fluid:

  • Fetal nutrition in the early stages of development occurs by absorption of substances from the amniotic fluid directly through the skin. At later stages, the baby takes in amniotic fluid in small sips.
  • Protection from external physical influences based on the principle of shock absorption. Amniotic fluid is protected from chemical threats and infections due to the tightness of the amniotic sac plus active immunoglobulin proteins in the fluid itself.
  • Creating an environment that is comfortable for the embryo: free “swimming” in a liquid, under conditions of constant pressure and constant temperature. In addition, amniotic fluid muffles noise and other harsh sounds coming from outside.
  • Perinatal diagnostics: by analyzing samples of amniotic fluid, diseases (genetic, congenital), possible disorders and the condition of the fetus as a whole are determined. In addition, amniotic fluid allows you to find out the sex and blood type of the embryo.
As you can see, amniotic fluid is necessary for both the child and doctors. And they only cause trouble for a pregnant woman, although, according to nature’s intention, they should not cause trouble. During the normal course of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is released only during childbirth, and before that it is securely held by the amnion (amniotic sac). Amniotic fluid sometimes leaks a little after 37 weeks of pregnancy. But if leakage of amniotic fluid occurs earlier than that, this may indicate pathologies during pregnancy, fetal development, and even cause premature birth.

How and why do amniotic fluid leak?
Normally, amniotic fluid is released at the end of the first stage of labor, when the cervix opens. Premature rupture, which began long before the onset of labor, and especially at less than 37 weeks, is called leakage of amniotic fluid. The reasons for leakage are different:

  • Physical trauma.
  • Weak cervix that cannot withstand the pressure of the weight of the fetus.
  • Incorrect position of the fetus due to the mother's body type or other problems.
  • Infectious disease.
  • Excess amniotic fluid (so-called polyhydramnios).
  • External intervention during diagnostics.
Sometimes leakage of amniotic fluid can be a sign of multiple pregnancy, but in any case this phenomenon cannot be ignored. True, many women, due to excessive suspiciousness, tend to independently diagnose leakage of amniotic fluid and other disorders. This is also strictly prohibited, because it causes stress both for the expectant mother and for the child inside her.

Signs of leakage of amniotic fluid. How amniotic fluid leaks
It is important to promptly notice and identify water leakage, but not to confuse it with other natural body secretions, urination, etc. It's not hard to make a mistake, especially with the excitement associated with pregnancy. Therefore, remember how amniotic fluid leaks:

  1. Premature rupture of amniotic fluid occurs profusely, approximately half a liter in volume. You cannot help but notice the release of clear liquid in such quantities. It indicates rupture of the amniotic sac.
  2. The amniotic sac may not rupture, but only slightly tear, then the leakage of fluid is scanty, but constant. You can distinguish it from other secretions by smell and color, but not always.
  3. If the smell and color of the discharge are clearly expressed, then, without a doubt, this is a sign of a disruption in the progress of pregnancy. Reddish, brown, or green-tinged liquid requires immediate medical attention.
What to do if amniotic fluid leaks
What to do if amniotic fluid leaks? First of all, do not panic and soberly assess the situation. You may need to confirm the diagnosis, but this is best done by a doctor. Leakage of amniotic fluid cannot be ignored or “observed” longer. But what exactly to do depends on the circumstances, your well-being and the duration of your pregnancy. Here is a list of basic actions when detecting leakage of amniotic fluid:
The main thing a pregnant woman needs to do when amniotic fluid leaks is to consult a doctor, in no case waiting for a routine routine examination. If you act quickly and correctly, you will be able to avoid bad consequences. Timely diagnosis and treatment for leakage of amniotic fluid increases the likelihood of normal labor and protection from infections.

The safety of amniotic fluid leakage is directly proportional to the duration of pregnancy. The longer the period, the less risk to health and life. In any case, now you know how amniotic fluid leaks and the strategy for dealing with this. And we sincerely wish you not to encounter this problem and give birth to a healthy, beautiful and happy baby!