What is knitting definition. What is knitting? Mentions in ancient Greek legends



Knitting- the process of making products (usually clothing items) from continuous threads by bending them into loops and connecting the loops to each other using simple tools manually (crochet hook, knitting needles, needle) or on a special machine (mechanical knitting). Knitting as a technique, morphologically refers to the types of weaving.


In central and southern Europe, the art of knitting was revived in the 13th century. In the tombs of the princes of the de la Cerda family in the Abbey of Santa Maria la Real de Las Hulgas, gloves and pillowcases knitted from silk threads were discovered. Moreover, the density of the knitted fabric of the pillowcases is comparable to the density of modern machine-knitted jersey - about twenty loops per inch.

In the 16th century, knitting stockings was widespread in Spain, and at the same time the fashion for knitted gloves came. The first guild uniting knitters was created in Paris in 1527. The knitting machine for making stockings was invented in England by the priest William Lee in 1589.


Tools and materials

Circular knitting needles

Knitting needles made of various materials are used for knitting: metal, plastic, wood. It is advisable that the knitting needle have a limiter at one end to prevent the loops from slipping. To obtain a cylindrical seamless fabric, either ring knitting needles (connected by a flexible connection) or a set of four (five) knitting needles are used, where the loops of the product are distributed between three (four) knitting needles, and another one is used as a working one. Harnesses, braids, and various weaves are made using an auxiliary knitting needle or loop holder.

Flat knitted fabric is made on two knitting needles or on ring knitting needles. It is knitted in forward and reverse directions and has a front and back side. The cylindrical fabric is knitted in the round on the front side only.

The knitting needles should not be too sharp so as not to split the thread and injure your hands, nor too dull so as not to make it difficult to insert the working knitting needle into the loop. To indicate the size of the knitting needles, numbers corresponding to its diameter in millimeters are used (for example, knitting needle No. 4 has a diameter of 4 mm).

Continental (German) way.

English way.

The diameter of the knitting needles is selected according to the thickness of the yarn, usually in a ratio of 2:1. However, depending on the product you intend to receive, variations are possible. When knitting with thin knitting needles from thick yarn, the fabric turns out to be denser, while with large-diameter knitting needles from thin threads, the fabric is loose and openwork.

A wide variety of yarns are used for knitting: linen, cotton, wool, synthetic, mixed, shaped. To avoid distortion knitted fabric, strongly twisted threads should not be used for products made with stockinette stitch.

Main types of loops

The main types of loops are knit, purl, yarn over, and edge stitches. With their help, a wide variety of knitwear patterns are created.

Before you start working on the product, you need to knit a sample measuring about 10x10 cm. With its help, the number of loops and rows per centimeter of knitted fabric is determined, which allows you to achieve accuracy in the size of the product.

Facial surface.

The knitting process begins with casting on the required number of stitches on two folded knitting needles - creating the initial row. After casting on, one of the knitting needles (the working one) is removed, and the loops remain on the knitting needle, which is taken in left hand. There are two methods of knitting: English, when the thread from the ball (working) is held by the right hand and, when a new loop is formed, is picked up by the right knitting needle, and German (continental) - the working thread is in the left hand and is thrown onto the right knitting needle.

Garter stitch.

Knitting a knit stitch- the working thread is located behind the fabric. The right knitting needle is inserted from left to right into the loop on the left knitting needle, the yarn over is grabbed and pulled out. A knit stitch remains on the right needle, but the loop from the left needle (previous row) is discarded. When knitting with knit stitches along the front rows and purl stitches along the purl rows, a smooth fabric (knit stitch) is formed with vertical stripes reminiscent of braids. This knitting is also called stockinette or stockinette stitch. When knitting with knit stitches in both knit and purl rows, a thicker fabric with horizontal stripes is obtained - this knitting is called garter stitch. An elongated knit stitch is obtained if the working needle is not inserted into the loop of the previous row, but one row (two, three, etc.) below.

Knitting a purl loop- corresponds to knitting a knit stitch, but the working thread is located in front of the fabric, and the working needle is inserted from right to left. By alternating knit and purl with an odd number of stitches in a row, the so-called elastic band is knitted - a very stretchable fabric. An elastic band is usually used to knit the bottom and cuffs of sweaters and cardigans, as well as products that tightly fit the figure.

Yarn over- the working thread is thrown onto the right knitting needle or picked up by it. In the purl row, the yarn over is knitted like an ordinary loop. Yarn overs are used to form an openwork pattern (with holes in the fabric) and to add loops. If holes in the pattern are undesirable when adding loops, then in the purl row the yarn over is knitted with a crossed loop.

A knitted fabric made of crossed loops: on the right side the weave of the loop walls is done to the right, on the left - to the left.

Knitting a crossed loop. A loop whose walls are arranged crosswise is called crossed. The crossed loop is knitted from regular knit and purl stitches. When knitting a row of purl loops behind the front wall, and the next one with knit stitches behind the back wall, the loops of the previous row become crossed. A fabric made from crossed loops is usually denser and has less stretch. They are used to knit things that have special requirements for durability (socks, mittens, etc.). The disadvantage of a knitted fabric made from crossed loops is its skew (this is especially noticeable when knitting with stockinette stitch), since the loops are turned at an angle relative to its surface.

Knitting sample with plaits

Edge loop- loops with which rows begin and end. The first outer loop is removed onto a working needle without knitting. The last loop of each row is knitted purlwise if you need to get an even edge of the knitted fabric or knit stitch, if a serrated edge is required. When knitting with yarn of different colors, the first stitch of the row when switching to a different color should be knitted to secure new thread in the edge.

Removed loop- a loop removed onto a working needle without knitting.

Decrease and increase loops. When decreasing stitches, two stitches are knitted as one. To decrease with a slant to the right, two loops are knitted as one knit stitch, with a slant to the left - the first loop is removed unknitted, the second is knitted and pulled through the first. Loops are added using yarn overs, knitted in the next row as a knit or purl stitch.

Harnesses and braids- are obtained by changing the order of knitting loops: the first loop (loops) is removed onto an auxiliary needle and left behind or before work. The next loop(s) is knitted, followed by the loop(s) from the auxiliary needle.

Knitting with threads of different colors


Crochet in the round

The process of making linen or lace by hand from threads using a crochet hook. It is considered an easier type of needlework compared to knitting. When crocheting, the working thread is held with the thumb and index finger of the left hand. The hook is held in the right hand with the thumb and forefinger supported by the third finger. The thread is thrown onto a hook threaded through a free loop and pulled through it. The main types of loops in crocheting: air, half-double, single crochet, double crochet.

Tools and materials

The knitting tool is a stick of equal thickness along its entire length or with a thickening on the handle with a hook at the end. For Tunisian knitting, there is a hook with a very long handle, onto which loops are threaded during the process. Hooks are made from a variety of materials: steel, wood, plastic. It is important that the hook is well polished and that the handle is comfortable and does not tire your hand.

Types of knitting

  • Knitting
  • Tunisian knitting

See also



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Pam Allen Knitting for dummies. How to learn to knit. Schemes, models, patterns = Knitting For Dummies. - M.: “Dialectics”, 2011. - P. 304. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1732-4
  • Complete encyclopedia of women's handicrafts / Transl. from French. - M.: Ascension, 1992. - 608 p. - 34,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85846-022-4
  • Pam Allen Knitting for dummies = Knitting For Dummies. - M.: “Dialectics”, 2007. - ISBN 0-7645-5395-X
  • Susie Jones Crochet for beginners Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2008

Today we can hardly imagine our life, or rather our wardrobe, without knitted items. Since childhood, we have been surrounded by knitted clothes - socks, sweaters and lace products. But we didn’t think about where knitting came from, and who was the first to make a loop from dense woolen thread using knitting needles or thin twigs. Of course, history has not preserved reliable facts for us, but the approximate date of the first knitted item discovered by archaeologists has been established. Having rummaged through various sources, I found a lot of interesting things, but of course it’s not possible to describe everything, so I will tell the most key moments in the development of knitting to fans of this needlework, fortunately, there is a whole army of them in the Country of Mothers. Therefore, for you, knitters of the Country of Mothers! I hope that someone will like my article, as I wrote it myself.

One of the first known knitted items from antiquity was a baby sock, found in Egyptian tombs during excavations. This sock resembles a modern mitten because the big toe was knitted separately to fit through the sandal strap, which separated the big toe from all the rest in ancient shoes. This knitted sock is believed to be about four thousand years old. Later, other knitted stockings and socks were found, the production of which dates back to the 14th-11th centuries. BC

In ancient Egyptian wall paintings, archaeologists have found images of women wearing clothes similar to knitted cardigans or jackets. And in ancient Nineveh, drawings were discovered depicting warriors in knitted socks. On ancient Greek vases, the same age as the Trojan War, were found drawings of captured Trojan nobles in tight-fitting pants, reminiscent of knitted ones.

First knitted clothes times AD became known, again, in the Far East. Beautiful things were discovered in Cairo knitted dress, created using metal knitting needles, and it dates back to the beginning of our era. Knitted products 3-5 centuries. AD were found in the Old World and in Peru. And if we take into account the distance of these places, it becomes clear that the knitting technique of different peoples developed separately, and was not adopted from representatives different countries. In addition, it becomes possible to guess that knitting originated long before our era, although the products were preserved only in the form of images on the walls and on dishes. This is understandable, because knitted clothes are poorly preserved and there is a high probability that some things were unraveled and new ones were knitted from threads, because in ancient times it was more difficult to produce woolen threads due to the lack of technology and devices.

But knitting was brought to Europe by Egyptian Christians - Copts. On their trips to European countries for missionary purposes, they took knitted items that attracted the attention of Europeans, and the knitting technique was adopted by them. But at first, in Europe, knitting became the prerogative of men; they knitted their own stockings and put them on in several pairs. And in the 13th century. Knitting in France became a very profitable industry, to which women were not allowed. Men knitted different clothes, and stockings, and gloves, even hats and cardigans. Thanks to knitting in Scotland, the traditional beret was created, which has become a symbol of this country.

In 1589, the knitting machine was invented; its creator, William Lee, was an assistant parish priest. Thanks to his invention, knitting clothes turned into an industry with its own enterprises, which supplanted the knitting cooperatives. In addition, products knitted on a machine had a lower cost and a larger scale of production. But not a single thing produced by machine could compare and repeat a pattern similar to one created by hand. This helped knitting not to turn completely into machine production, but to maintain its uniqueness and originality of execution.

In the 16th century Many British exported knitted stockings and socks abroad, and knitting became one of the priority areas of production. People from poorer backgrounds had the opportunity to earn money through knitting, and knitting schools opened throughout England and were a great success. After all, according to the fashion of that time, men wore short pants, and warm knitted stockings were a wonderful and necessary addition to them.

In Scotland in the 17th and 18th centuries. Entire families were engaged in knitting; they developed unique multi-colored patterns that decorated gloves, stockings and sweaters, and the threads were soaked in special oils so that products knitted from them would help Scottish sailors keep warm on sea voyages.

In the 20th century knitting has regained its popularity, because the number of standard and identical things has increased, and knitted clothes are always unique and original. In addition, the variety of yarn produced by modern light industry makes the work of knitters much easier and makes it simply an enjoyable hobby. And the low cost of knitting threads allows you to create truly original and fashionable things. Thanks to this, modern lovers of this type of needlework knit, but the ancient Egyptians and even Icelanders never dreamed of it.

Of course, you can have different attitudes towards knitting, some consider it a pointless pastime, some admire it, and some cannot live without balls and knitting needles. To each his own. This is what you need to remember.

There are a huge number of types of yarn, how to sort through this abundance?
YARN is a textile THREAD that is obtained by twisting individual FIBERS.
Spinning is all the processes that result in yarn being produced from a fibrous mass.
Fibers can be of either natural or artificial origin. Before the fiber is turned into thread, it is pre-treated. This process includes procedures such as cleaning the fiber, combing, steaming, shaping and twisting the thread. Yarn can be made from one type of fiber or a mixture with other fibers. For example, pure wool yarn may have different fibers added to it for elasticity.
There are four main types of fibers: natural, man-made, synthetic and blended.
Natural fibers are divided into animal fibers based on proteins and plant fibers based on cellulose.
Natural fibers are fibers that exist naturally in finished form, they are formed without direct human participation.


WOOL. In the group of natural fibers, the main type in terms of volume of use is, of course, wool. This is a natural material, obtained from the sheared wool of sheep since ancient times. Yarn made from sheep's wool is warm, elastic, durable and dyes very well. Wool has excellent heat-insulating properties - woolen clothes are warm in winter and not hot in summer - which is why the clothes of the Bedouins living in the desert are usually made from woolen fabrics. Wool fibers naturally curl, creating zones of still air that form an insulating barrier that prevents the fibers from matting. Wool can absorb up to one-third of its own weight in water before becoming damp to the touch. Wool's ability to slowly absorb and release moisture enhances its insulating properties and also facilitates the dyeing process. In addition, wool fibers can be bent repeatedly without breaking, and spring back to their original existence, so woolen fabrics are not only very durable, but also almost do not wrinkle.

MERINO WOOL. This type of wool deserves special attention. Merino is a breed of fine-wool sheep, native
which are considered Western Asia. Merino wool is uniform and consists of very fine (14-23 microns) and soft downy fibers. Merino wool is long - 6-8 cm, warm, soft, has excellent thermoregulating properties and, very importantly, does not irritate the skin. Due to natural curls, it is elastic. Merino thread is even, smooth with a slight shine - it fits perfectly into patterns and arans (embossed, voluminous patterns, used mainly for knitting warm things). Merino wool is more expensive than regular wool. The price of the best batches of this wool (14-16 microns - the so-called extra-fine merino) at annual auctions reaches several thousand dollars per kilogram.

CASHMERE. This is the finest fluff (undercoat) of a high-mountain cashmere goat. Cashmere fibers are not sheared, but combed from the underbelly of Kashmir goats living in the mountains of China and Tibet, while one goat brings only 100 - 200 grams of fluff. Cashmere raw material consists of threads with a thickness of only 13-19 microns (fine merino wool 14-13 microns, human hair - 50 microns), which makes it the thinnest and most delicate of all existing species yarn. It is also unusually soft, flexible and very susceptible to dyeing, however, cashmere does not hold its shape as well as sheep's wool, so 100% cashmere items may stretch out under their weight. Because of this, and also because of the high cost of cashmere (a 25 g skein of 100% cashmere costs 600-1300 rubles), it is often mixed with other fibers. Another advantage of cashmere is that it is hypoallergenic. It is no coincidence that it is called “royal yarn”, “wool diamond” or “precious thread”.

MOHAIR. This is a wool yarn with long fluffy fibers. Mohair is the wool of Angora goats that live in Turkey, the Ankara region (formerly Angora), South Africa and the USA (Texas). Mohair is a very thin and warm fiber. This is one of the most durable natural materials, while being exceptionally light and silky. The wool of Angora goats is uniform, usually white, but easily dyed in any color: from soft pastels to the most rich. Dyed mohair looks bright and at the same time natural. Its natural shine does not disappear after painting, and the colors do not fade or fade for many years.
Mohair comes in three main types:
- Kid Mohair - the wool of a young goat up to 6 months old, obtained during the first haircut. This is a thin (23-27 microns) and soft fiber 100-150 mm long.
- Super Kid mohair - kid mohair of the highest selected quality - the thinnest and most delicate fiber, silky and luxurious to the touch.
- Mohair is the wool of adult goats, it is thicker (up to 30 microns) and not as soft as the wool of kids.
It should be noted that modern technologies do not allow the production of yarn with a mohair content of more than 85%. To prevent the yarn from breaking up into individual fibers, mohair is usually mixed with wool, nylon thread or acrylic.

ANGORA. This is the fluff of Angora rabbits. Angora rabbits are the most adorable of rabbits. reminiscent of a soft toy come to life. Angora wool is exceptionally soft, very warm and fluffy, with a characteristic delicate pile. Once upon a time, China, in response to Turkey’s inflated prices for the sought-after wool of Angora goats, produced a softer and cheaper yarn called “Angora”. As it turned out, it was the fluff of wild rabbits, called Angora. Then the Turks called the wool of Angora goats “mohair”, which in Arabic means the chosen one.” This is how these names are attached to these types of yarn. Products made from Angora wool create unique comfort and are therefore very popular and in demand. However, Angora wool also has its drawbacks: the weak fixation of the rabbit fiber in the yarn can cause it to come out. fluff, especially in contact with woolen things. In addition, it is necessary to protect the angora from excessive wetting and it can only be cleaned chemically. Despite the listed disadvantages, you can be sure that products made from high-quality angora will serve you for many years.

ALPACA. Alpaca yarn is made from alpaca wool - one of the representatives of the family camel Alpacas are bred in the highlands of South America (Andes), at an altitude of 3500-5000m. Alpaca wool has a wide range of natural colors: 24 different shades from black to white. 5 kg of wool is sheared from one individual; they are sheared once a year. Alpaca wool has exceptional properties: it is light, soft, uniform and silky throughout the life of the product. Living high in the mountains, where the difference between day and night temperatures sometimes reaches 30 degrees, alpaca wool has high thermoregulatory properties (it is warm in the cold and not hot in the warm).

Alpaca wool is three times stronger and seven times warmer than sheep wool. Alpaca fibers have small curls that create air spaces and thus provide excellent thermal insulation. Does not cause allergic reactions. Fat-free wool is also very resistant to dirt, so alpaca products remain clean for a long time.
SILK. This is a soft thread extracted from the cocoon of the silkworm. From the two spinning glands of the silkworm, a protein liquid is secreted, which, when in contact with air, hardens, turning into a thread-like fiber from which the caterpillar builds a cocoon around itself. Length one fiber can reach 1500m. After the caterpillar has made a cocoon, it is unwound, and the caterpillar, unfortunately, dies in the process. The thread has a triangular cross-section, and, like a prism, reflects light, which causes a beautiful iridescence and shine. Domestic silkworms feed exclusively on mulberry leaves and produce very fine, very smooth fibers, unlike wild ones, whose fibers are quite coarse. Silk has excellent heat-insulating properties, high elasticity, wrinkle resistance, shines beautifully and is easy to color, but is prone to fading when exposed to sunlight. Silk thread is very strong (the tensile strength is not inferior to steel of the same diameter), but not elastic, so knitted silk products stretch a little when worn. Due to the difficulty of obtaining it, it is a very expensive raw material. As a rule, this thread is added to other natural fibers, which makes the product more affordable.

QIVIUT. The undercoat of the musk ox or musk ox is the third most expensive type of yarn in the world. It is called by the Eskimo word - qiviut. The fur itself of this animal, which lives in the Arctic and survived the Ice Age along with reindeer), is long (on average 60 cm) and hard, the undercoat is valued - thick and soft. Scientists believe that the musk ox's undercoat is one of the thinnest undercoats of mammals. Qiviut is thinner and stronger than cashmere, 8 times warmer than sheep's wool. In addition, it is softer, more elastic and airier than the undercoat of the Kashmir goat. The most popular yarn in Alaska. Hypoallergenic, suitable for knitting children's clothing and for people with sensitive skin. It does not shrink even when washed at high temperatures, which makes it stand out from other types of wool. Mined annually
only 5-6 tons of this wool. Thus, the annual volume of wool from the Kashmir goat is 350,000 tons. The animals' undercoat is hand-combed and then spun into high-quality yarn. And even in the future, the special properties of musk ox wool will not lose their value. It’s not for nothing that QIVIUT is also called Arctic gold. If you have ever held a product made from musk ox wool in your hands, then even cashmere will not seem soft enough after that.

What to knit from

When making knitted items, the choice of yarn is of paramount importance. Currently, there are a large number of knitting threads, differing in color, composition, texture, etc.

Below is a description of some types of yarn that can be used to knit slippers.

The most popular yarn for knitting is wool. It is used for both crocheting and knitting. Cotton threads are also very popular.

Acrylic is a synthetic fiber with many properties similar to wool. Products made from yarn with acrylic fall less, they are comfortable and warm, and are not damaged by moths.

Yarn made from a mixture of acrylic with natural fibers combines the best qualities of natural fibers and synthetics - it is soft, warm, fluffy and at the same time durable, the product is well breathable, holds its shape, does not shrink or stretch.

Bamboo (bamboo fiber) is a type of viscose, where the raw material is not pine wood, but bamboo. Bamboo fiber is softer than cotton, has a slight sheen and is similar in quality to silk. It is very durable and has high wear resistance.

Bamboo knits are non-irritating and have natural antimicrobial properties as a component of bamboo fiber. preventing the growth of bacteria.

In addition, bamboo fibers have a porous structure, due to which moisture is instantly absorbed by the canvas and evaporates. Knitted product made of bamboo yarn gives the body coolness and comfort in the hot summer, does not lose its original color and does not change size after washing.

Bamboo yarn can be homogeneous in composition or produced in a mixture with cotton, polyamide, or wool.

Viscose is a soft, pleasant to the touch fiber with high color intensity and soft shine. The composition of viscose is close to natural cotton fiber. Among its positive properties are high air and moisture permeability. Products made from viscose give a feeling of coolness in hot weather.

The disadvantages of viscose include the low elasticity of its fibers, which is why products made from it often stretch quite strongly, especially after washing.

For knitting in pure form Viscose is rare and is usually used in a mixture with cotton or nylon.

Lurex is a shiny thread, which is a thin strip of film, metallized or covered with foil. Lurex is added to yarn to give the product a metallic shine effect. Lurex threads are practically not used on their own due to their rigidity and fragility.

Nylon is a synthetic fiber that is used in various types yarn in order to increase strength, wear resistance, and also to reduce shrinkage after washing.

Polyamide is a synthetic fiber characterized by high tensile strength and excellent wear resistance. Polyamide is resistant to many chemical reagents, resists biochemical influences well, and can be painted with many dyes. The main advantage of polyamide yarn is its high dimensional stability - products made from it do not lose shape during wet and dry use and do not require special care.

The disadvantages of this fiber include its high electrification, instability to light, and low hygienic properties.

Polyester is a synthetic fiber from the polyester group. Products made from polyester yarn are soft and pleasant to the touch, allow air to pass through well, and retain heat.

More often this type fibers are used in a mixture with wool, cotton, linen and viscose. At the same time, the wear resistance and elasticity of knitted products significantly increases and all positive qualities natural fiber.

You can also use 100% polyester yarn for knitting.

Spandex fibers can be stretched to lengths that are four to seven times their original length, and when the stretching force disappears, the fiber springs back to its original state.

Spandex (Lycra) is an artificial fiber with increased elasticity.

Spandex is used only in small quantities in combination with other types of fibers (both natural and synthetic). One or two percent of spandex in a product is enough to change its properties.

Cotton is a natural yarn consisting of thin short soft fluffy fibers.

Cotton is highly breathable and absorbs moisture. In terms of strength, cotton yarn is inferior to linen or silk, but superior to wool. Cotton dyes well and practically does not fade, is comfortable and pleasant to wear, soft but durable, resistant to abrasion and tearing, and hygienic. Disadvantages of cotton: wrinkles easily, tends to shrink, gets wet quickly and takes a long time to dry.

Cotton yarn is very dense and inelastic; it is best used for knitting solid or openwork fabrics, but not textured patterns and elastic bands. Cotton is often used in a mixture with viscose, polyester, and acrylic. For knitting summer items, 100% cotton yarn is suitable.

With special treatment with alkali, the shine of cotton thread is achieved. A typical example of such processing is iris yarn.

Wool is the general name for the wool of sheep, goats, camels, llamas, rabbits, dogs, etc. Wool varies in strength, length and thickness of the fiber.

How thinner than hair, the softer, silkier and more delicate the yarn, the higher its quality.

The general properties of wool include high thermal insulation, hygroscopicity, and softness.

The most common wool yarn is made from sheep's wool. The softness of the wool depends on the breed of sheep and what time of year the wool was on the sheep (winter wool, obtained from spring shearing, is usually the softest). The quality of the thread is determined by the level of carding (that is, fiber selection), types of processing and spinning.

According to its characteristics, wool yarn is lighter and more elastic than yarn made from plant fibers; it retains heat better and gets wet much less.

The disadvantages of wool yarn include its matting and the formation of pellets on it during friction. Moreover, the weaker the yarn is twisted, the more pronounced these shortcomings are. In order to get rid of them, and also to give woolen threads for additional strength and dimensional stability, plant or artificial fibers are added to them. Thus, wool is usually mixed with acrylic, nitron, polyester, viscose, silk, linen, cotton, spandex.

There are a large number of varieties of wool and down yarn, which differ from each other in strength, softness and some other properties.

Camel wool is quite difficult to dye, so most often this yarn is a natural sandy brown color.

Angora yarn is made from the down of Angora rabbits; it is very fluffy, soft and warm. In its pure form, angora is practically not used due to the high cost and excessive softness of the fibers. However, it is widely used in mixtures with wool, merino wool or acrylic. A product made from such yarn is light, warm, soft and pleasant to the touch.

Camel wool is produced from the downy undercoat of camels, which is collected during the spring molt.

Camel wool is known for its healing qualities, lightness, hygroscopicity, hypoallergenicity, and high level of thermal insulation.

For knitting, yarn made from 100% camel wool is used, as well as its mixtures with other fibers.

Alpaca wool fibers are hollow inside, thanks to which products knitted from yarn with its addition retain heat very well.

Alpaca is a type of camel wool. The yarn is made from alpaca wool, an animal from the camel family. Wool has most of the same properties as camel wool. It is very tough and is quite expensive, so it is rarely used in its pure form. The most common are mixtures of this wool with regular or merino wool, as well as with artificial fibers (for example, acrylic).

Merino sheep were originally bred in Spain and later began to be bred in Australia and New Zealand.

Cashmere is the down (undercoat) of the mountain goat that is plucked or combed out of the goat's hair by hand during MOLDING. To prevent cashmere yarn from pilling, it is mixed with wool fiber in different proportions.

Cashmere yarn is pleasant to the touch and lies evenly when knitting. Products made from it are much lighter than wool, since the down fibers are very thin and hollow inside.

Merino wool is wool with long, fine fibers obtained from fine-wooled Merino sheep.

Merino wool is thin, light, durable, and elastic. Products made from it hold their shape very well.

Due to its high cost, pure merino yarn is quite rare. Most often it is mixed with other types of fibers.

Mohair is a yarn made from the wool of Angora goats, one of the warmest natural materials.

Due to the excessive softness and smoothness of the fibers, mohair yarn is not found in its pure form. To increase the strength of the thread, mohair is mixed with other fibers (usually acrylic or nylon). When mixed with nylon, mohair gains shine and added strength.

High-quality mohair is obtained from goat kids at the first shearing; to obtain lower-quality mohair, wool from two-year-old goats is used.

Mohair yarn has long fluffy fibers, soft, airy, silky to the touch, elastic to tear. Painted in bright and at the same time natural colors. Products made from mohair yarn are very airy and warm.

Whatever yarn you choose for knitting, you should definitely pay attention to its strength.

If the thread springs in your hands, then things knitted from it are practically not deformed. If the thread breaks even from slight stretching (usually wool), then the item knitted from such threads will turn out to be fragile, will not hold its shape well and will quickly stretch. In such cases, it is recommended to add another thread, for example synthetic, to the knitting yarn during the process.

When choosing yarn for knitting, you need to pay attention to its uniformity.

Products made from twisted threads are durable. The more the threads are twisted, the stronger the knitted product will be.

The thread, especially for crocheting, should not have any irregularities - thickening or very thin areas. For uneven wool, the choice of patterns is limited; only relief knitting is suitable.

When talking about knitting yarn, it is worth mentioning its color. Of course, the choice of yarn color is a purely individual matter; each needlewoman selects yarn for knitting in the color scheme that, in her opinion, is most suitable in style and composition for the planned work. However, if the product is supposed to have a colored pattern or a contrasting design, you should check whether the threads of the selected knitting yarn are not shedding. To do this, the tip of the thread should be wetted, wrapped in white cotton fabric and iron with a hot iron. If the fabric remains clean, it means that the selected yarn for knitting is well colored and is quite suitable for knitting multi-colored items. If there is paint left on the fabric, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​combining colors.

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From the book How to Make a Country House Cozy and Comfortable author Kashkarov Andrey Petrovich

From the book Do-it-yourself shoes for home author Zakharenko Olga Viktorovna

1.12. A garage right in the house, or What to make a garage for a car and a gate for it It would seem that there is no point in talking about garage doors - he hired a welder to weld a swing gate from a simple metal sheet and several hinges, and that was the end of it. But like this

From the book The Real Man's Handbook author Kashkarov Andrey Petrovich

How to knit The types of knitting are very diverse: crocheting, knitting, Tunisian knitting, machine knitting. Below is a description of the two most commonly used tools for hand knitting - the crochet hook and

From the author's book

How to tie strong knots? Everything that you need to have with you in the forest can be hung on rings (Fig. 2.36), a hook, a beam or other securely fastened object using the “tricky” knots shown in Fig. 2.37. This option of passing a rope through a ring can withstand

From the author's book

What and how can useful fertilizers be made from? Whatever we use as fertilizer is beneficial if there is no “chemistry” in the fertilizer. It is wise to pay attention not only to what may literally lie under your feet (cow dung), but also to

Knitting - what is it?

Knitting is one of the most interesting and useful types of needlework. Many beautiful ones needed in everyday life products can be made if you know how to knit. Nowadays, not a single woman can imagine herself without fashionable clothes. knitted hat, scarves, sweaters. In this section you will be presented with models of fashionable holiday and casual clothing for any season for you and your children, as well as detailed description each model.

Ruffles, flounces and frills, hats and handbags are in fashion. Accessories in the form of beads, belts, scarves, gloves, etc. will always be good additions to models.

Openwork tops, skirts and sundresses, crocheted, are usually included in the summer wardrobe of our ladies, especially if they are made of natural yarn.

The cold weather has arrived autumn days? How nice it is to put on a warm pullover or jacket knitted by yourself!

Those of you who have not yet managed to knit a warm thing, do not despair. Here you will find charming patterns that can be knitted easily and quickly, a large selection of pullovers from the most fashionable colors, crocheted jackets, sports pullovers for men, as well as a large selection of different fashion items for your children.

Do you love handicrafts? Are you trying to make your home a cozy and pleasant place to relax for family and friends?

All this is not a problem, you just have to master the techniques of embroidery or crocheting, and how many charming little things you can make: napkins and tablecloths, pillows and curtains will decorate your apartment and create a special mood.