What is facial peeling, who needs it and to solve what problems? How does facial peeling work? Why is it needed?

- a popular procedure in cosmetology. It helps remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, significantly improving its condition. It provides high quality exfoliation.

When asked whether it is worth doing facial peeling, experts give an unequivocal positive answer, however, there are a number of situations when the procedure is contraindicated. It is very important to choose the method of influence.

Let's find out whether peeling helps solve skin problems and how often you can do it.

Action of the procedure

The main essence of the procedure is to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. Cells on this surface can remain viable for up to 30 days, after which they die.

They need to be eliminated on time, otherwise they will provoke clogging of pores.

This can lead to dermatological diseases, nutritional deficiencies and early aging. To prevent these consequences, it is worth doing peeling.

They have a powerful effect, but you can cleanse the skin using products designed for this.

After removing the top layer of dead cells, the skin immediately becomes soft and smooth.

The procedure helps remove pigmentation, helps even out complexion, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate age-related changes, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, you can think about having it.


Facial peels are indicated in the following cases:

  • problematic skin, acne and their consequences;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • aging of the epidermis, deterioration of tone, elasticity;
  • some types are used to prepare for other cosmetic procedures.

The effect of peelings and how they are carried out:

Selection rules

There are many types of exfoliation, and to understand which one is best for you, it is better to consult a cosmetologist.

  • According to the method of influence, it can be mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic, enzymatic, laser, there is also mesopeeling, peeling with fruit acids.
  • By depth of influence Cleansing can be superficial, medium or deep.

Let's take a closer look at who is suitable for certain types of exfoliation:

  • Mechanical peeling. It is usually carried out with a device that sprays abrasive particles. This promotes cleansing, elasticity, and helps eliminate scars. It can get rid of age-related changes - the face will become more elastic, wrinkles will disappear.
  • It involves the influence of various chemicals that cause the correct reaction in the layers of the epidermis.

    Suitable for brightening the face, eliminating wrinkles, scars, rejuvenating.

  • . This procedure is popular because it gives quick results without causing injury. Suitable for almost everyone, helps eliminate imperfections, evens out tone.
  • involves the use of mandelic, malic, grape or lactic acid. The procedure is quick, painless, helps eliminate unevenness, moisturizes and synthesizes collagen and elastin in skin cells.
  • It is considered light and gentle, it is intended to solve simple skin problems. It is carried out with enzymes - enzymatic substances that have a beneficial effect on local immunity, improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the integument.
  • Mesopeeling. Involves the use of one percent glycolic acid. It is very popular because it has almost no contraindications and can be performed at any time of the year. After the procedure there is no redness or peeling left.
  • . In this type, the laser beam enters the skin cells and stimulates collagen synthesis. This technique helps eliminate dark circles, smooth out wrinkles, and gives the face a healthy appearance.
  • Indicated for young skin to solve its current problems.

    It helps eliminate fine wrinkles. During the procedure, the effect is aimed at the upper layers of the epidermis. It can be carried out using mechanical, enzymatic and fruit-acid methods.

  • helps whiten and moisturize the face, smoothes scars, wrinkles, and rejuvenates. The procedure requires serious rehabilitation over several weeks, so cosmetologists recommend combining it with a vacation. This type of impact includes.
  • Acts on the deep layers of the dermis, allowing you to achieve rejuvenation results that can be compared with plastic surgery. The effect lasts for almost several years.

    It can be carried out using hardware or chemical methods, only under the supervision of a specialist, usually under general anesthesia. This cleansing is recommended for aging skin.

Only superficial exfoliation can be done at home. Usually, preparations containing acids are used for this.

About the types, purpose, benefits and harms of peelings in this video:


The frequency of use will be determined by the condition of the skin.

Gentle, they are usually carried out once a week with a break of several days. It may take from 2 to 8 sessions.

The frequency of use of home peeling products depends on the skin type: for oily skin - 1-2 times a week, for combination and normal skin - once a week, and for dry or sensitive skin - once every 14 days.

How often to exfoliate:

Contraindications, precautions

For all types of exfoliation, the following contraindications exist:

  • exacerbation of acne;
  • intolerance to the drugs used;
  • herpes at the acute stage;
  • inflammatory processes, neoplasms;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • Peels are undesirable for cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders.

In the salon, the doctor will help you choose the appropriate procedure, which will depend on your skin type, existing problems and health status.

If you exfoliate at home, be sure to check for allergies on the components of the composition used.

After exfoliation, you also need to follow the recommendations.

Their specific list will depend on the type of impact, but regardless of this for some time you will need to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Therefore, it is better not to do peeling procedures in the summer, when the sun is very active.

Within 24 hours (or more depending on the type of exposure) you will need to abstain from cosmetics and try not to touch your face with your hands.

- an excellent procedure that improves the condition of the skin, rejuvenates it, and removes imperfections. If you have no contraindications, you can think about having it.

Among the procedures necessary to preserve beauty and youth, facial peeling is highlighted. According to cosmetologists, it helps smooth out wrinkles, eliminates blemishes, and eliminates problems with rashes. But what needs to be taken into account for the process to live up to expectations?

What is the essence of the peeling procedure?

Whatever type of peeling you choose, the principle is the same: a layer of dead cells is removed from the face, which returns smoothness and health to the skin. Peels also reduce wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. When you remove dead layers, skin regeneration processes accelerate. As a result, its texture improves and the color evens out. The only problem that skin peeling will not solve is the presence of scars.

The first procedures that cosmetologists undertook caused disappointment among the beauties: since the products were aggressive, the result was redness or inflammation. It was necessary to take into account before peeling the face that this would require not leaving the house for a week: the injured skin needed to be protected from environmental influences.

As a result, cosmetologists abandoned deep and aggressive cleansing in favor of a series of gentle exfoliation procedures (the so-called removal of dead cells). But the head of the Australian clinic, Dr. Joseph Hkeik, argues that the powerful effects are not as invasive as before. Facial peeling by a cosmetologist or at home in most cases will not cause irritation or itching, so choose the appropriate procedure.

Chemical Peels: What to Expect

Chemical peels produced using acids are in demand. Hydroxy acids are used in salons:

  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • dairy

In combination with salicylic acid, which is included in the formula of most formulations, they produce gentle exfoliation. Cleansing peeling implies that the cosmetologist treats the skin with a solution that acts on intercellular connections: dead layers are peeled off and the surface is smoothed.

Acids are used in combination and individually. Esthetician Christina Snow, who works at True Solutions International, says: “For clients doing a peel for the first time, we recommend the classic option - glycolic acid.” It eliminates wrinkles and starts the process of collagen production in the skin, which gives a long-lasting rejuvenation effect. You can learn more about the procedure and rules of glycolic peeling by watching the following video:

Salicylic acid is added to glycolic acid: the latter acts on the surface layers, enhancing the effect of other components. What does facial peeling do in this case? It provides comprehensive rejuvenation and eliminates rashes. Cosmetologist James Vivian explains: “Salicylic acid relieves inflammation and destroys harmful bacteria. It also increases the skin's resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Since the component removes cells from the surface layer, the remaining components of the peeling product penetrate deeper.”

Lactic acid is used for exfoliation and hydration. It stimulates the body's production hyaluronic acid, necessary for skin elasticity. Under its influence, the skin produces fats that create a natural barrier on the surface: it allows you to retain moisture in the dermis. The component is recommended for clients with fading and dry skin, and it is used for the entire skin or in certain areas. The facial peeling procedure can be supplemented with injections of vitamin A, which enhances the rejuvenating effect.

For your doctor to create a suitable mix, contact trusted salons: the procedure should be performed by an experienced dermatologist-cosmetologist.

What awaits you: step-by-step description

Although the steps may vary, the process works as follows:

  1. During the preliminary visit, the patient, together with the doctor, chooses the appropriate option.
  2. On the day of the procedure, the skin is treated with a special composition. It is selected taking into account the characteristics of the condition and the goals that the patient wants to achieve. After application, a tingling sensation appears, and the intensity depends on the depth of cleansing.
  3. The active substance is washed off, the doctor applies a sedative and, if necessary, applies cold compresses.

The specialist must explain the specifics of care during the recovery period, and depending on the condition of the skin, schedule a return visit.

Latest trends in cosmetology

The fashion for naturalness has spread to the beauty sector: companies are developing additional formulations with natural extracts. Cosmetology chains offer series that include extracts of the following plants:

  • wheat containing soft enzymes;
  • blueberries, which are gentle on the skin and provide vitamins;
  • papaya, which enhances the exfoliating effect.

This option will cost more, but you will like the result.

Who is the peeling procedure suitable for?

Typically, the effect is better in people with fair skin and hair, and for clients with dark skin, the cosmetologist will select a special exfoliation taking into account the type of problem. Chemical peeling of the skin for beauties with a high content of melanin in the cells can lead to the appearance of spots on the face, so the qualifications of the master remain a prerequisite.

Although exfoliation will get rid of fine wrinkles, it is not effective for deep folds and ptosis. You can get rid of them thanks to fillers and lifting.

At what age can you do facial peeling? The answer depends on the type of problem. Teenagers often complain about acne, but gentle cleansing can remove impurities from the pores, resulting in fewer breakouts. In older age, getting rid of dead cells smoothes out superficial wrinkles and removes age spots. When contacting a trusted salon, the procedure can be performed on both young and old people.

Nuances of preparation and recovery period

Before the exfoliation process, tell your dermatologist about chronic diseases and medications you are taking: he may ask you to temporarily stop taking them and prepare the skin by applying medications with glycolic acid or retinoids. Together with your doctor, you will determine the intensity of the upcoming procedure. If your body is prone to the formation of keloid scars, look for another option.

Also observe the following rules:

  • refrain from smoking for several weeks before and after exfoliation;
  • Apply products with SPF filters even in cloudy weather and on days when you do not leave the house.

The features of the recovery period depend on the type of facial peeling you choose: this will be a decisive factor. With the superficial type, you will appreciate the advantages and will do without long-term recovery, and the average degree will get rid of noticeable wrinkles without causing noticeable discomfort. Deep chemical cleansing gives best result, and it lasts for a long time. But the duration of the procedure increases to 2 hours, and the recovery period can take 4 weeks. The sensations and consequences are comparable to the results of a sunburn.

Features of physical impact

Physical peeling involves mechanical removal of a layer of dead cells, which is done using scrubs. They contain particles of substances that act on the skin through light friction. But not all the drugs offered in the store are equally useful: dermatologist Dennis Gross points out that the fraction of inclusions should not be too large. According to him, scrubs do have an effect, but they must be used with caution. In terms of softness of action and effectiveness, they are inferior to the previous option, but they are also available at home.

Having learned what peeling using scrubs is, you will ask the question how gentle it is for the skin. The answer depends on various factors:

  • what products do you use;
  • how you carry out the procedure.

Apply scrubs carefully, rubbing in with massage movements for 1-2 minutes. Do not rely on the intensity of friction, otherwise microtraumas will appear on the skin. You should also not choose products that contain crushed fruit seeds or exotic nut shells - sharp edges will damage the epidermis.

Have you used similar scrubs but had no complaints? If you had the opportunity to look at cleansed skin under a microscope, you would change your mind. Dr. Gross claims that the skin after such peels feels like it has been treated with sandpaper. Rough tears with jagged edges indicate that the product is not applied evenly. True, not all products are harmful, so success depends on the right choice.

How to choose the right product for a home procedure

What is facial peeling performed without microtrauma? This is a treatment for which you have chosen one of the following types of scrub:

  1. A product with plastic abrasive particles will delight you with its availability and gentle effect. Tiny balls are made of safe materials, and their edges do not cause microtrauma. But such scrubs are becoming increasingly difficult to find because they have proven to be harmful to the environment - when you wash off the product, over time the plastic ends up in waterways and becomes available to animals and birds. They eat the balls, and once they are in the body, they release toxins. In the USA, this type of scrub is banned, and many countries are rushing to follow suit.
  2. Products containing sugar in their formula are gaining popularity. When you apply them to a moisturized face, the grains melt, which softens the effect of the scrub. You can make the product yourself, but many cosmetic brands developed ready-made rulers. They also adopted sea salt, because it will supply the skin with useful minerals. Having learned how to do peeling and what it is, it is not difficult to give yourself youth.
  3. Peeling gels and gommages were initially used by Asian women, but the fashion was also picked up by European girls who appreciated the softness of the products. The products are based on cellulose, which removes the layer of dead skin cells from the skin and removes impurities. Apply the product to a moistened face and rub in in a circular motion; gradually it rolls up into lumps, which are washed off with water.

By choosing one of the proposed options, you will be satisfied with the result.

When is it better to stop using scrubs?

When performing physical peeling of the face, there are few contraindications. The reason to refuse it will be the following:

If there are no contraindications for use in your case, use the product 1-2 times a week. Dermatologists say that problems can also be caused by excessive care, so you shouldn’t be overzealous.

Which type is better: physical or chemical?

Finding out how to make different types peeling and what it is, you will wonder which type is better. There is no universal answer, since the choice depends on the characteristics of the skin. Chemical exfoliants act on intercellular connections, so they are indispensable for those who suffer from acne. After all, the application does not involve friction of abrasive particles that irritate already inflamed skin.

Physical methods will appeal to owners of skin prone to excess oiliness. The formula of scrubs may also include acids, which allows you to combine the advantages of both options.

Hardware exfoliation: types, advantages, features

Hardware procedures are performed in special clinics. A dermatologist-cosmetologist will offer the following options:

  1. Vacuum facial peeling is carried out using a device that creates negative pressure. The skin is attracted to the nozzle, and under its action, both the dead layer and dirt are removed.
  2. Brushing is similar in principle to the mechanical version, but the process uses a special apparatus.
  3. The ultrasound type is considered gentle, but this does not affect the result. The integument is smoothed out under the influence of waves, sebaceous plugs disappear, and the skin gets rid of the stratum corneum.
  4. Laser procedures are popular in the West because they are gentle and effective. The abundance of options will allow you to do deep cleansing or get by with superficial cell removal.

You can choose the appropriate type with a specialist, making adjustments to your skin condition.

Features of laser exfoliation

What is laser facial peeling? This is a procedure based on the effect of its rays on the epidermis and dermis. It allows you to get rid of the following problems:

  • wrinkles;
  • age spots;
  • stretch marks;
  • uneven complexion;
  • scars.

The lasers used are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Ablative (also called cold) are characterized by an aggressive action. They remove the top layer from the epidermis, which can lead to redness. In most cases, after such peelings, recovery time is required - you will have to stay at home for a week.
  2. Non-ablative, or hot, devices are non-invasive devices because they affect the deep layers of the skin. They stimulate the body's production of collagen rather than removing the top cells of the epidermis. In the full sense, the procedure cannot be considered a peeling, since it is a progressive, but also expensive, technique.

Laser treatment can be prescribed even to 18-year-old clients, for whom it will relieve rashes and skin irregularities left after acne. Those who want to reverse age-related changes are prescribed a set of procedures, including lifting and resurfacing.

Facial peeling performed using this method requires special qualifications. If the cosmetologist makes mistakes, a “gauze effect” may form - microscars remain at the site of the laser burn. Clients also complain about hemorrhages and the appearance of blisters, so do not contact a random specialist. The procedure must be carried out in a clinic, because an ordinary cosmetologist will not have the knowledge or equipment to provide proper assistance.

Difference between laser peeling and resurfacing

Laser peeling and resurfacing differ in the depth of impact on the skin. If you choose exfoliation, the beam is directed to the epidermis, while the dermis remains untouched. The method will get rid of wrinkles and age spots, but there will be no dramatic transformation.

Resurfacing involves directing laser energy to the dermis. With its help, even strong age-related changes are removed, but the sensations will be painful and the recovery will be long.

In some cases, instead of separating resurfacing into a separate procedure, dermatologists talk about deep laser peeling.

What is peeling: video


Peels are processes aimed at removing a layer of keratinized cells. Chemical and mechanical types are common, to which hardware effects are also added. The latter includes laser exfoliation, which allows effective rejuvenation. Ultimately, the type of procedure is chosen together with a dermatologist, because only a specialist will be able to take into account all the features of the skin condition.

Facial peeling is the removal of dead cells from the top layer of skin, resulting in:

  • pores are cleaned;
  • the process of saturating cells with nutrients is stimulated by improving blood flow;
  • the mechanisms of their intensive regeneration are launched;
  • wrinkles become less pronounced;
  • complexion is more fresh and even.

Some types of peeling can not only effectively cleanse the skin, improve it appearance, but also cure, solve many problems (see before and after photos).

He is struggling with age spots, acne caused by increased oily skin, blackheads, premature aging, redness, etc.

When is the best time to do a facial peel?

As for home peelings, this procedure can be carried out all year round. However, there are some limitations, depending on the method of exposure to the epidermis. For example, peeling with fruit acids should be avoided in the summer.

In other cases The best time for this procedure is evening, since after such a thorough cleansing of the facial skin it is not recommended to leave the house. The most favorable moment for peeling is on Friday evening, before the weekend, when two free days follow and you can stay at home so as not to expose the facial epidermis to external natural factors and cosmetics.

The maximum effect of well-cleansed skin is achieved if peeling is carried out after a bath or shower, since under the influence of hot water and steam, the pores of the skin open, are washed and become most susceptible to external caring influences.

Facial peeling is best done after a bath or shower.

The best time for peeling in the salon is from October to April. Due to the fact that from autumn to spring there is minimal sun activity, the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the face are not so intense. TO favorable factors the absence of heat at this time also applies.

Thus, salon cleansing procedures can be carried out over a fairly long period of time. This allows you to achieve a long-lasting positive effect and maintain excellent skin condition all year round.

Each season may have its own specific skin care procedures, aimed at solving not only any current problems, but also those that have arisen as a result of unfavorable seasonal factors.

For example, in the fall it is necessary to improve the skin after the summer, when, due to the hot, aggressive sun, signs of its withering appear:

  • pigmentation due to exposure to sunlight;
  • fine wrinkles as a result of photoaging.

After summer, peeling helps fight wrinkles and pigmentation caused by UV rays

The onset of spring is accompanied by such problems as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • dull complexion;
  • the occurrence of microcracks.

In winter, when solar activity is least, unfavorable factors become low temperatures, precipitation and strong wind, resulting in a lack of moisture, peeling, and a feeling of tightness of the skin.

However, if the skin is properly and timely cared for throughout the year, it will withstand any changes in weather conditions, and its condition will not worsen.

Types of facial peeling in cosmetology

All types of peeling are classified according to two main parameters - the depth of the effect on the skin and the way in which this effect occurs.

Human skin is a complex formation that consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypodermis). The epidermis, in turn, is divided into 5, and the dermis into 2 layers.

Thus, Based on the first parameter, there are three types of peeling(see before and after photos below):

  • Superficial peeling, which affects only the upper layers of the skin. With its help, dead cells are cleansed, it helps fight acne and blackheads and is most suitable for young skin.
  • Medium peeling– this is a more serious effect on the entire epidermis and is carried out when it is necessary to eliminate wrinkles or prepare the skin surface for plastic surgery.
  • Deep peeling should only be performed under anesthesia. Essentially, this is an operation that eliminates quite deep wrinkles, and the skin becomes more youthful and smooth.

Important to remember! Any, and especially more serious and profound effects on the skin of the face must be carried out with the participation or under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist who, being a specialist, will be able to give competent recommendations on how and in what cases to carry out such procedures.

For skin injuries

When carrying out manipulations to rejuvenate the skin, when the upper dead layer of cells is completely removed in order to start the regeneration process, one must keep in mind that such a procedure injures the surface of the face.

Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing the method of exposure to the skin, weighing the pros and cons and familiarizing yourself with the possible consequences.

Mechanical facial peeling

Mechanical peeling is carried out as a result of exposure to the facial skin using various attachments and natural abrasives. During the procedure, the damaged top or even two layers of skin are removed. Thus, small, shallow wrinkles, unevenness, and defects are eliminated along with them.

Mandelic acid is used for almond peeling.

Mechanical peeling can be carried out in a variety of ways. The most popular salon procedures are:

  • Almond peeling, which is carried out using mandelic acid. It delicately penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis and promotes its good, gentle cleansing. Applicable to any skin type, does not depend on the season (can also be done in summer), and does not injure the surface.

Almond peeling is done in salons; depending on the condition of the skin, it is recommended to carry out from 5 to 10 sessions.

You can buy mandelic acid in pharmacies, and products based on it in the form of lotions and creams are sold in cosmetic stores.

Coral peeling allows you to cleanse your skin using crushed coral particles.
  • Coral peeling, the essence of which is that a composition containing highly crushed coral and beneficial herbs is applied to the face.

To achieve a visible result, at least four sessions are required, as a result of which the skin becomes soft and smooth. The product does not cause significant damage to the skin, and due to the fact that it contains sea ​​salt And essential oils, it acts as an antiseptic.

  • Diamond peeling among other methods of mechanical cleansing of the epidermis, it is the most gentle and painless, but at the same time one of the most effective. The secret of its excellent results is that the cleaning substance is microscopically small, so it cleanses dead cells very well without damaging the skin.

This type of peeling is carried out using special attachments. A noticeable result appears after several sessions - the skin becomes fresher and smoother.

All types of mechanical facial peeling lead to skin renewal and rejuvenation(see before and after photos), but this is far from the only way to cleanse your face.

Hardware peeling

Hardware peeling also effective way cleansing effect on the skin. It is carried out, as a rule, in the salon using various devices: nozzles, lasers, brushes, ultrasound, etc., and in some cases with the addition of special drugs.

Types of hardware peeling:

  • Gas-liquid facial peeling.

Under the influence of high pressure, a special composition based on salts, abrasives, and vitamins is sprayed onto the surface of the skin. It not only cleanses the skin, but also introduces useful substances into its micropores.

  • Ultrasonic facial peeling.

IN in this case The skin is exposed to ultrasound, which through vibrations frees the skin from old cells. This is one of the most gentle methods of cleansing, which also includes facial massage. One session of an ultrasound procedure costs 2,500 rubles.

Pay attention! Not everyone benefits from ultrasound! In this regard, before undergoing ultrasound therapy, you need to consult a doctor.

  • Laser (carbon) facial peeling.

With this method, a mask is applied to the face in the form of a carbon-based gel, which penetrates the skin cells, drawing out dirt and harmful substances. The use of a laser, which heats the composition, allows these processes to be significantly accelerated.

Be careful! Before carrying out the procedure, you must make sure that carbon does not cause allergic reactions, otherwise this type of peeling can lead to dire consequences.

Before laser peeling, check if you are allergic to carbon.

Acid (chemical) facial peeling at home

Acid or chemical peeling is quite feasible at home: it does not require large expenses, effort, or a significant time frame.

Types of acid peeling:

  • Fruit peeling. When it is carried out, the acids contained in fruits have an active effect on the skin - they are the ones that cleanse the surface of the face. Classic set of fruits: citrus, pineapple, strawberry.

  • Yellow (retinol) peeling faces. A preparation containing a large amount of vitamin A (retinol) is applied to the face. It also contains phytic, ascorbic and other acids. They have a very gentle effect on the skin, cleansing the surface of the face.
  • Milk peeling. It is carried out using lactic acid, which is found in many natural products: yogurt, cheese, wine, beer. A lactic acid-based mask is suitable for all skin types and gives a good cleansing and rejuvenating effect.
  • Glycolic peeling for the face. It uses glycolic acid, which is sold in any pharmacy. It also gently cleanses the skin, and the degree of impact depends on the concentration, which must be selected individually so as not to overdo it.
  • Calcium chloride for facial peeling. A 5% solution of calcium chloride is used, which is diluted in water and applied to the skin in 3-4 layers using a cotton pad in the evening before bed.

Important to know! Calcium chloride is only suitable for oily skin. It is also important not to overdo the concentration and make sure that there is no allergy to it.

  • Hilak Forte as a facial peel. This remedy, used for intestinal disorders, due to the presence of a large number of bacteria and lactic acid, is also used in cosmetology. Its action is very gentle, despite the fact that hilak cleanses the top layer of skin well.

The undeniable advantage of the above methods of applying acids to the skin over hardware and some mechanical types of facial peeling is that their use is possible not only in a salon, but also at home. What is peeling and how it is done - read above. And photos before and after procedures will help you see changes on your facial skin.

Facial peeling in the salon: advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Only a competent specialist is able to correctly assess the condition of the skin, and therefore prescribe those procedures that will truly lead to skin rejuvenation, as well as give comprehensive, qualified advice on skin care.

The main advantages of salon peeling are the professionalism of the specialist and his use of high-quality products

A good salon uses only high-quality professional care products under the supervision of a specialist. Dignity professional means is that, having active components in high concentrations, they can solve a number of skin problems and even have some therapeutic effects.

On the other hand, thoughtless use of professional products without the recommendations of a cosmetologist will have the opposite and often negative effect. In addition, even an experienced specialist cannot 100% predict the skin’s reaction to a particular procedure, therefore, as a rule, he conducts preliminary tests and warns the client about the possible consequences.

Some procedures, for example, hardware ones, cannot be performed anywhere else other than a salon.

To the disadvantages salon procedures The high cost of cosmetology services can be attributed. Also, the procedures themselves, especially those associated with deep effects, create a stressful situation not only for the skin, but also for the body as a whole, and can cause harm.

In addition, it is not uncommon for a specialist to have an insufficient level of qualifications. As a result, not all salons take into account individual intolerance to drugs, allergic reactions to them and the presence of many other factors.

How much does a facial peeling cost from a cosmetologist?

The cost of the procedure directly depends on the condition of the skin, what problems were identified as a result of examination and diagnosis, what and how many procedures will be needed to solve these problems and put the face in order.

The use of ultrasound will cost 800–1500 rubles, chemical peeling – around 1500–2000 rubles. For mechanical types of peeling you will have to pay from 1000 to 1700 rubles. Overall, the amount for various types peeling varies from 700 to 13,000 rubles and above.

For home peeling, use special products

How to do facial peeling at home

If the facial skin cleansing procedure is carried out at home yourself, then only two types of peeling can be used: mechanical and chemical (before and after photos are presented below).

For mechanical action, scrubs and gommages are used. The latter are recommended for dry skin. For chemical cleaning, pharmaceutical products or natural-based products (fruit masks) are used.

Before the peeling procedure, the skin is freed from cosmetics with makeup remover products and cleansed with a gel or foam wash that will wash away dirt and sebaceous secretions. The skin is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in toner to soften it after cleansing products.

Then you can begin the peeling procedure, carrying out it in accordance with the recommendations related to the specific composition.

Peeling cream - how it works

This cream acts on the top layer of skin, cleansing it. The peeling cream contains acids (lactic, salicylic, fruit and others), abrasives (sea salt, very small particles of pumice, seeds), as well as emollients - plant extracts, amino acids, collagens.

This entire complex of substances cleanses, softens the skin, makes it soft and velvety.

You will definitely be interested to know what it is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Peeling roll for the face - what is the secret of its effect?

Peeling roller is another way to effectively clean the surface of the skin with minimal damage to the skin. Such creams act very delicately and are a gel, which, when applied to the skin of the face, rolls off, forming lumps. As a result, dead skin is exfoliated and the pores on the face are cleaned.

It must be remembered that Peeling roller is not suitable for everyone. The ingredients included in its composition can cause skin irritation and inflammatory processes. So you should use it carefully, observing the skin's reaction.

Interesting fact! You don’t have to buy the skating ray, but you can make it at home from baby soap without dyes. Soap foam is applied to the skin, previously lubricated with a 5% solution of calcium chloride, which causes chemical reaction, as a result of which pellets are formed and the skin is cleansed.

One of the peeling-roll options is baby soap+ calcium chloride

Peeling scrub: pros and cons

Scrub – quite effective remedy Quickly cleanses the skin due to its abrasive composition. It instantly removes dead cells for smoother skin and stimulates the skin to produce more collagen for firmer skin.

However, scrubs also have their own negative aspects. Some cosmetologists argue that it should not be used at all, since in any case the skin receives microtrauma. This in turn leads to inflammation and ultimately to aging.

Other experts are of the opinion that this statement is only true if the scrub is of poor quality or is used too often. Thus, you need to choose scrubs from reputable manufacturers and not overuse them.

Facial scrub is considered quite effective. What is it, how is it done, types of peeling + before and after photos - in this article

How often can you do a facial peel?

As for salon procedures, the frequency of peeling largely depends on its type and depth of penetration. Until the age of 30, you should abandon the median and deep cleansing skin.

Don't abuse it chemical exposure, remembering that any acid cleanses the skin due to a burn, and this is a certain injury. A series of such procedures is done no more than once a year. Before and after photos show improvement in the skin even after so many sessions.

Hardware exposure is carried out twice a year. The full course takes a month, during which two sessions are held every week.

Deep peeling is carried out once every few years, since it is comparable to an operation, the effect of which is significant, but it is not worth repeating often.

The frequency of facial peeling depends on skin type

At home, it all depends on your skin type:

  • oily skin: 1–2 times a week;
  • dry skin: once every 2 weeks, or even less, depending on how the skin reacts;
  • mixed skin type: once a week;
  • normal skin: every 3 days.

In any case, you should not be too zealous in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, as this will lead to the opposite effect: irritation, inflammation, and premature aging.

Facial care after peeling

Any type of peeling, no matter how soft and delicate it is, is stressful for the skin. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly care for it after cleansing procedures. There are some general rules Facial skin care after peeling that you need to follow:

After peeling, it is necessary to moisturize the skin
  • moisturize the skin with moisturizing gels;
  • apply a special cream after peeling;
  • to restore the epidermis, use creams containing omega fatty acids, shea butter, ceramide, etc.;
  • To speed up regeneration, creams based on retinol and bisabol are recommended.

In other words, after peeling, the skin is most vulnerable, and the essence of caring for it is to nourish, moisturize and protect it from infection.

Red face after peeling - what is the reason

This is a normal skin reaction to the external influence of the drug, which is called “erythema”. The degree of brightness of redness also depends on the depth of peeling and skin sensitivity.

The redness should subside within three hours. With deep exposure, the process may drag on for a longer time.

In what cases are cosmetic gloves needed for facial peeling?

These are special gloves made from natural fabric with a rough surface, due to which the top layer of the epidermis is removed. This is one of the most gentle ways to remove dead skin and at the same time good massage faces.

What is the most effective facial peeling – is there an answer?

The best facial peeling (types of procedures: what they are, how they are done, before and after photos you will find above) is the one that is selected based on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • skin type;
  • sensitivity and tendency to allergies;
  • the nature of the problem to be solved.

The choice of peeling type depends on the characteristics of the skin and the purposes for which it is used: combating rashes and post-acne, skin elasticity and a fresh complexion, combating wrinkles, pigmentation, oiliness, and more.

We invite you to watch a video about facial peeling – what it is, how it’s done, types of peeling + photos before and after the procedure:

From this video you will learn why facial peeling is needed, and the cosmetologist will give useful tips to carry out this procedure:

In fact, there is no need to spend money in salons - peeling may well be yours home procedure. True, if you act strictly according to the rules so as not to spoil the skin.

Before starting the peeling procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Oily skin It can be cleaned with a special gel or foam, while dry hair can be easily cleaned using cosmetic milk or tonic.

The peeling scrub is applied only to cleansed skin. Apply the scrub with light movements of your fingertips. massage lines, and then, without strong pressure, rub the scrub for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off the scrub with warm water and then pat dry with a towel.

After the peeling procedure, you need to apply cream to your face or make a homemade face mask. Well-cleansed skin absorbs beneficial substances from these cosmetics much better.

If you choose ready-made peeling cosmetics, then make sure that they are from the same line as the rest of your cosmetics.

To those who sensitive skin, using scrubs is not recommended. It is better to exfoliate using gommage. Gommage is a gentle exfoliant with a milder effect than a scrub. The gommage is applied, like a scrub, carefully, with your fingertips along the massage lines, rubbed into the skin, and then it is rolled together with the surface cell layer.

You need to use gomage carefully when your skin is aging - there is a danger of stretching it.

If you have thin, dry skin, then choose a scrub without sharp abrasive particles - they can damage the skin. In this case best choice is a cream-based peeling product that contains wax as a cleansing and exfoliating agent.

You should not peel if you have a skin disease, irritation, rash, etc. There is a possibility of infection and causing even greater irritation.

If you want to exfoliate your entire body, it is best to do this after a bath or sauna. Apply the body scrub to a sponge or a special mitten and massage the skin well. Then the scrub should be rinsed off with warm water and body cream applied to the skin.

If you still do not risk doing peeling yourself, then you can seek help from a cosmetologist. He will help you choose products that suit your skin type, and also give advice on how to carry out the procedure at home.

We women want to look amazing at any time of the year, in any weather. This is exactly why facial peeling is indispensable. Yes, this is not a cream for you: peeling exfoliates dead cells and literally “grows” new ones in return.

To conduct a session at home, you need to independently prepare everything you need for peeling - and this is not always easy. For complex procedures you need to use professional tools from the arsenal of cosmetologists:

* a) Magnifying lamp; b) Vidal needle; c) Skimmer (Combination spoon); d) Cosmetology loop; e) Vaporizer for steaming.

Facial peeling in a salon, carried out by an experienced cosmetologist, eliminates the risk of amateur experiments, because it implies a professional assessment of facial skin and the choice of an appropriate cleansing method. In each case, the cosmetologist will recommend his own special gels, lotions and creams for restoration and daily care.

Disadvantages of salon methods: a full course costs an average of 100 €.

What to ask from a cosmetologist?

  • Cosmetologist is obliged to adequately assess the person’s condition and choose a treatment method.
  • If necessary prescribes tests (for staphylococcus, demodex, allergies).
  • Specialist instructs the client, .

The frequency of sessions depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Surface treatment can be carried out quite often:


Why else divide facial peeling by type, if not so that everyone can choose the appropriate method:

  • By penetration depth;
  • By method of influence;
  • According to seasonality.

To choose the right option, you need to know everything :)

Types by penetration depth

The skin consists of 3 layers(top layer - epidermis, middle layer - dermis and deep base - hypodermis):

Depending on the depth of penetration, one or another layer is affected.

Home remedies can only act on the epidermis.

For more complex procedures, you should choose salon peeling.

Types by method of exposure

  • Mechanical exfoliation. The easiest way to cleanse your face. It is carried out using various compositions to remove the top layer of skin. Includes: , coral, and other types of mechanical cleaning;
  • Hardware peeling. It is performed using laser devices, various attachments, brushes, ultrasonic waves and other methods. These include: , and other options;
  • Chemical compositions. They give the most effective rejuvenation effect, have the deepest penetration and are suitable for use at home. These include: multi-fruit, and the easiest way to cleanse is gommage.


After deciding to visit a salon or spend time at home, it is worth remembering that in addition to positive qualities, peeling also has disadvantages.

Professional line cosmetics contain elements, the thoughtless use of which can harm the epidermis. Even experienced specialists cannot always foresee all the nuances of the body’s individual reaction.

7 disadvantages of the procedure

  1. Prohibited for use by persons under 14 years of age;
  2. There is a danger of burns if the recommendations are not followed;
  3. Possible individual intolerance;
  4. Careful preparation is necessary;
  5. After the peeling procedure, sunbathing is prohibited and increased UV protection is necessary;
  6. It is impossible to carry out deep chemical cleaning at home;
  7. There are many contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

The facial peeling procedure, like any other manipulation of the body and skin, has its own positive aspects and disadvantages. When choosing the type of cleaning composition, you need to make sure that the product is safe for health.

Typical indications for exfoliation:

  • Uneven skin color;
  • Excess freckles;
  • Ingrown hairs;
  • Comedones and clogged pores;
  • Dryness and peeling of the epidermis;
  • Hyperkeratosis;
  • Post-acne;
  • Small stretch marks (striae) – fractional photothermolysis also helps;
  • Overactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Age-related changes;
  • As an addition to laser or mechanical grinding.

Sometimes cleansing with exfoliation can lead to worsening of the condition or infection.

Contraindications include:

  • Herpes;
  • Fresh tan;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Allergic reactions to the composition of the product;
  • Open damage to the integument;
  • Neoplasms, growths;
  • Viral, bacterial diseases;
  • Recent treatment of cancer with chemical agents;
  • Dark epidermis;
  • Negative reaction to sunlight;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Use of steroid hormones;
  • Courses of retinoid drugs, or vitamin A-containing ones (combined reactions with them cannot be predicted).

Possible complications

Skin peeling is a strong intervention in natural processes inside the body. The peeling effect occurs a few days after the session. Its duration depends on the depth of cleansing (from 2 to 14 days).

What is your favorite peeling? Leave your feedback in the comments.