Cream Tractor Cake. Tractor from mastic: a master class on its manufacture with step-by-step photos and video tutorials for beginners.


The blue Tractor is a bright detail of any holiday. In addition, our dessert can be ordered without an important occasion, for example, to encourage or cheer up the child at the end of the school term.

The colorful design of the confectionery delights not only children, but also adults. All decorative details are made using modern food technologies.

Ingredients for the head and neck. To implement the body you will need. Gray body in the form of a robot. And for the hands and feet, you need to get the following ingredients. If the robot cake doesn't inspire you more, you can try to make a small car or train in the image of this with the image above. Decorative, let your imagination run free and dress it up with an explosion of vibrant colors.

birthday cake with a yellow tractor. Here is a tormix cake recipe to make a small yellow tractor. For decoration, please complete the following ingredients. Thermix Recipes Birthday cake "Cars". To create a Cars-inspired culinary treat, we encourage you to take inspiration from the tormix cake recipe below.

Delicate, moderately sweet filling deserves special attention. The composition of the dessert includes only natural, high-quality ingredients that are purchased from reliable suppliers.

Pastries from the section "" are sold with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Memo for eating cake

1. Store the finished cake only in the refrigerator.
2. Before eating the cake, you must first remove all inedible parts, if they are present on the cake (we warn about them before giving the cake and directly when discussing the order).
3. Flower bouquets and arrangements may have inedible stamens and confectionery non-toxic wire. If your children eat decorations, make sure they do so under adult supervision. for flowers and figurines, inedible bamboo sticks, wires, toothpicks are used. Do not give inedible items to children. Be careful not to spoil your holiday!
4. For multi-tiered cakes: the top tiers of the cake must be removed (each tier is attached to its own substrate). Remove the tubes for attaching the tiers (they are not edible).
5. Do not use the remaining cake for the third or more days and, moreover, do not give such a cake to children (Natural products without preservatives were used in the manufacture and have a limited shelf life).
6. sugar mastic to cover the cake - edible beautiful packaging And you can eat it, but you don't have to. It is easily removed from the piece. Appreciate the taste of the filling.
7. For lovers of bright, sometimes acidic colors. To get a bright color, you need to use a lot of dye, you should take this into account and understand, especially when choosing children's cakes. The current level of development of food production provides confectioners with natural and absolutely harmless food dyes, but at the same time they do not cease to be dyes.
8. Do not forget to warn the confectioner about what the child is allergic to (if any). If the cake is planned for a celebration where your child's friends will be, ask the parents of the children who are invited to the celebration if they have allergies or any other problems with certain foods. Unfortunately, an allergy can be to the most common and common product that is often used in the preparation and decoration of cakes: chocolate, citrus fruits, fruits or berries. It is necessary to warn the confectioner about this.

Make white chocolate icing with the following ingredients. For decoration, you only have to abuse the typical colors of Cars cartoon cars. With its associations of blue, brown, green and yellow, this little gem will work wonders on the guest table.

It is up to you to customize it according to your little one's preferences. Are you looking for a chocolate cake recipe? Don't you want to get your head around with an extremely complex tormoxim cake recipe? So, we suggest you make a cake based on good buenos and smarties.

Boys simply adore various equipment: cars, trains and other vehicles make up most of their favorite toys. Therefore, for those who want to make their son's birthday cake memorable and delightful for the child, perhaps best idea will decorate it with a mastic tractor. Making jewelry will seem easy even for beginners if you follow exactly one of the master classes below.

Quick cake for smart people. From smart to fantasy hues to create a layer of sparkling flowers: that's the decorative resource of this birthday cake, which surrounds an enclosure of kinder bueno chocolate bars. Probably the red ribbon adds a touch of freshness to the set.

Looking for a thermomix cake recipe that's as delicious as it is quick and easy to make? Here is a recipe that requires no more than 5 minutes to cook, not to mention cooking time with the thermomix and microwave. For these final steps in preparing your cake, you need to plan for another 20 minutes or so.

mastic recipe

Of course you can buy ready-made mastic in specialized stores, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. At least, you definitely won’t have to doubt the naturalness of the composition of the paste.

To make your own mastic, you only need three ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of instant gelatin;
  • 3 cups of powdered sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • food coloring (optional)

First you need to soak the gelatin in cold water for 40 minutes, then put it on the stove and melt until the liquid is completely homogeneous.

Chocolate cake decorated with sweets. And to sublimate your culinary creativity, there is nothing more appropriate than decoration in red fruits! This chocolate cake is topped with carved strawberries. First, you need to choose the main cake. Here we especially like cream cake. It holds up well, doesn't make too many crumbs on the cut, and stays very fluffy.

Creamy oil. First, mix the eggs and sugar until the mixture is frothy and whitens. Add yeast and flour in the rain. Finally, pour in the cream and mix well. Pour into a flattened mold. The first one was used to form the base and the other 2 to form the tractor and trailer. Once the cakes have been cut and assembled, they should now be covered sugar paste or almond paste. Sure, it's a great game of patience, but seeing the blinded eyes of little wolves rewards all your efforts!

Then you should pour powdered sugar into gelatin water and mix everything thoroughly.

The next step is coloring. For the tractor, you will definitely need black, yellow and unpainted white mastic for windows and wheels, but you can choose the color of the skin yourself. Red, green and blue usually look best.

The final touch is kneading the paste, after which it must be placed in a plastic bag or wrapped in cling film and left in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

The mastic is ready! You can start working with her.

Master class number 1: a figure in the form of a tractor made of mastic

The first way to decorate the cake in an original way involves decorating the top of the cake with a small tractor molded from mastic. In addition to the pasta itself four different colors You will need a certain set of tools, namely:

  • confectionery glue;
  • tassel;
  • cutter;
  • rolling pin;
  • a small round mold;
  • piece of wire.

Once all the tools and materials are collected, you can start making jewelry.

First of all, you need to form the main parts of the tractor: a flat cuboid of blue mastic for the stand, a larger red cuboid for the lower part of the tractor, and a cube half the size of the lower part for the cab. All parts must be put on top of each other and glued with confectionery glue.

The next step is to roll out a thin short black mastic sausage. It should be strung on a small piece of wire and stuck on the hood of the tractor so that a pipe is obtained.

Then you need to roll out a piece of white mastic and cut out windows for the tractor in the form of small trapeziums from it with a cutter. After that, you should mix a little white and black mastic to get grey colour, roll out the resulting material, cut a rectangle out of it and draw parallel stripes on it. Got a grid.

The last step is to glue all the small parts to the tractor.

MK No. 2: a cake in the shape of a tractor, covered with mastic

The second lesson involves turning the cake itself into a tractor covered with colored mastic.

There are also two ways here. The first time the cake is flat. To do this, bake one large rectangular cake, one large round and another small round. A printed drawing of the tractor in profile should be attached to a large cake, and the parts of the cake protruding beyond the drawing should be cut off. Round cakes will be voluminous wheels: they should be planted on the cream in those places where the corresponding wheels of the lower tier are located. Next, you need to cover the cake with mastic and glue the parts cut out of it as described in the previous lesson.

Also, a cake in the form of a tractor can be made voluminous: it will turn out to look like a figure from the first master class. For this method, you will need only two cakes: one large and tall rectangle and one cube of the same height. The cakes should be placed on top of each other, covered with mastic and finished with the cake by gluing small parts of headlights, glasses, etc.

Cake from mastic in the form of a tractor is ready! The child will surely be delighted with such an original treat.

Video compilation

Despite the seeming simplicity of working with mastic, beginners often have many questions: how to roll it out? how to stretch properly? how to get the right consistency. All these questions can be easily answered in the video at the end of this article. Happy and useful viewing!

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