DIY fondant cake machine for beginners. A mastic cake is the best gift for any occasion.

Decorating cakes with fondant is an entire art, just like creating the confectionery paste itself. We have already described recipes for preparing mastic dough, but we’ll talk about how to work with it and how to decorate a cake with mastic without any problems in this article.

Mastic is used in different cases- it is used to cover pies; various figures, decorations and various auxiliary parts are made from it.

How to cover a cake with fondant easily and without problems

If you follow enough simple rules and requirements, then this process will not only bring pleasure, but also an excellent result. Decorating confectionery products with mastic does not take much time, and for this we will need the following:

  • the cake itself;
  • mastic;
  • sugar, ground into powder;
  • cream for mastic paste;
  • rolling pin;
  • knife;
  • pastry spatula.

It is better to choose a sponge cake; its layers need to be soaked in syrup, spread with cream and put in the refrigerator so that the cream has time to harden. You can do this several times: once apply cream under the mastic and put it in the cold, then take it out and carry out the manipulations again.

Now we take ready-made purchased mastic or prepared it ourselves in advance and knead it thoroughly.

Now you need to measure the cake to understand what size to roll out the mastic dough. Remember that the pastry dough is rolled out on a table that is first sprinkled with starch or powdered sugar. The thickness of the dough should not be less than 3-4 mm, otherwise it will tear. You need to roll out a good, beautiful canvas so that it completely covers the cake and its sides too.

The next point is to carefully take the mastic, you can roll it onto a rolling pin, and transfer it to the cake, smooth it out and straighten it, but do it very carefully.

To cut off excess dough, place the cake on a stand, this will make it easier to work with.

For the next steps we will need a pastry spatula, with its help we will finally level and smooth the mastic.

Carefully correct the bottom of the cake with a knife and our handsome man is ready. All that remains is to decorate it with mastic figures, flower arrangements or an inscription.

This is how handsome you can turn out if you master decorating cakes with fondant.

By the way, the material with which we cover the cake can be embossed and even openwork. To do this, you will need various tools, embossed rolling pins, stencils and wheels, with which you can create such beauty as in the photo. The textured covering gives the cake even more charm.

Key points when working with mastic

The first time working with this confectionery material will be quite difficult, but this is only the first time. And if you arm yourself with several useful tips, then the first pancake may well turn out not to be lumpy:

  • Do not use mastic on wet confectionery products, as well as on cream, heavily soaked cakes, too wet cakes, etc.;
  • For gluing parts use water or egg white;
  • if the mastic is left on for a long time outdoors, then it will dry out, so it is better to make decorations in advance;
  • It is better to decorate the mastic cake immediately before serving. Otherwise, if the cake is in the refrigerator along with the decorations, they will absorb moisture and fall off;
  • leftover mastic can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, in the freezer for up to two months, first it must be tightly wrapped in film;
  • The mastic should not be rolled out too thin, otherwise it will be difficult to work with: it will tear, and even under a thin layer, all the flaws in the cake are better visible;
  • To make the products shine, cover them with a solution of honey and vodka after decorating your pie;
  • use the finest powdered sugar; if there are grains in the mastic, it will inevitably tear;
  • use special paints for coloring mastic or natural dyes;
  • It is better to create figures from mastic using silicone molds, they are easier to work with;
  • for modeling you will also need stacks - these are the tools that are used when modeling from plasticine.

At the same time, the question: how to decorate a cake with mastic at home combines a lot of other, no less important questions. Let's try to understand each of them.

Is any cake suitable for covering with fondant? Almost any cake is suitable: sponge cake, shortbread, honey. But, for example, cakes made from delicate souffle or bird's milk will not be able to withstand the weight of mastic, so it is better not to use them for these purposes.

Do I need to somehow prepare the cake for covering? It should be as perfectly smooth as possible. The instructions are as follows: to do this, you must first coat the cake with a thin layer of cream and put it in the refrigerator. This will remove excess crumbs from the surface. Then you can apply a thick layer and then put it in the refrigerator again. And the final stage is to smooth out all the unevenness with a hot knife and put it back into the refrigerator.

What cream is suitable for mastic? You need to choose a cream and impregnation that will not cause the mastic paste to flow. It is not necessary and not recommended to use cream based on yogurt, whipped cream, sour cream and others. Mastic loves cream based on butter and condensed milk.

Features of working with mastic when sculpting figurines and other decorations

Very often, various figures are made to decorate a children's cake - these are all kinds of cartoon characters, favorite soft toys and not just soft ones. Often, creating such decorations from mastic does not require special tools or skills, but it would be nice to have in your arsenal various confectionery tools similar to those used when modeling from plasticine, then silicone molds and other lotions would also come in handy.

So, let's figure out how to decorate children's cake? The most ideal thing is to build on the preferences of the birthday person. Children often order a cake in the shape of “cars”, “Luntik”, “Shrek”, “Angry Birds”, “Little Pony”, “Mashenka”, “Pokemon” and other heroes. But if you don’t have any special preferences, then you can imagine it yourself or choose something that won’t make special labor in creation. For example, these may not be voluminous, but flat figures that you simply place on the cake. Use a variety of cookie cutters or templates. Or you can use the paste to immediately lay out the whole design on the cake. This is an option for decorating a cake with fondant for beginners.

Of course, the more difficult point is three-dimensional figures from mastic paste, but there is nothing to be afraid of here either. Especially if you have silicone molds, but if you don’t, then imagine that mastic is ordinary plasticine. Sculpt for your health! You can even follow the instructions for sculpting figures from plasticine; the processes are practically no different.

But when sculpting figures from confectionery “plasticine”, several nuances should be taken into account:

  • It is better to glue parts made of mastic to each other using water or protein;
  • being exposed to air for a long time causes the dough to dry out, so it is better to make the figures in advance;
  • store the remaining mastic dough in film and in the refrigerator;
  • Use tools to make it easier to work with mastic dough.

Some terms you need to know when working with mastic paste

Decorating with mastic still begins with learning the terminology and tools that will be useful in the work.

Stacks set. Stacks are special tools that help you work with mastic. The set includes a small wheel, various knives, sticks and other necessary tools.

Molds for mastic- these are special molds with which you can create stunning, very naturalistic figures.

Punch, cutter, plunger. All these are molds for creating various flower arrangements from mastic and more. Very useful items in the confectionery business.

These are the main points you need to know when working with mastic, everything else comes with experience. Well, we suggest you take a look step by step video master class on covering a cake with fondant:

Mastic will turn even a simple cake into a confectionery masterpiece. You can create any decoration from it. Anyone can learn the basics of working with mastic - it's not difficult. From the article you will learn how easy it is to make mastic with your own hands, how to cover a cake with it, and what is the difference between the types of mastic.

Covering a cake with fondant or creating decorations with it is an easy way to turn ordinary baked goods into a confectionery masterpiece. You can buy mastic or make it yourself. You can gain basic skills in the art of working with mastic paste using master classes with photos and videos.

Ready sugar mastic always available in the online store Supermarket for a pastry chef in this section. You can buy online products made in England, the Netherlands, Turkey and other countries. Both “basic” white mastic and colored ones are available for sale. The price of a package of colored mastic is about 240 rubles.

This mastic for professionals and novice confectioners has all the necessary properties:

  • homogeneous;
  • stretches well, does not crumble;
  • with a neutral sweet taste or with different tastes.

In addition, you can immediately purchase exactly the type of mastic that is best suited for your purposes. There are three categories:

  • universal;
  • for covering;
  • for sculpting.

If you want to try making a plastic mass with your own hands, then this is also possible.

Mastic at home

First, determine for what purpose you need to make mastic. Dairy (based on powdered or condensed milk), chocolate and marshmallow mastic are suitable for covering cakes. To create figures - chocolate, sugar and marshmallow.

Homemade marshmallow mastic is the most popular and simplest recipe. If you follow all the steps step by step, you will get an almost universal mass.

In total you need four components - marshmallows (100 g), powdered sugar (250 g), a little citric acid and water.

  • Place the marshmallows in a bowl, add a pinch of citric acid diluted in a tablespoon of water.
  • Place the bowl in the microwave at maximum power. The marshmallows should melt well.
  • Start mixing powdered sugar into the mixture. Work like you would with dough - the mastic should become smooth and elastic.
  • Roll the finished lump in powdered sugar, wrap in film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this, you can begin the cake decorating process!

This delicious and simple cake fondant can be easily colored with food coloring. There are two ways to add color to the mass:

  • add dye while kneading - this will give you delicate shades;
  • color a ready-made cake or figurine. The color will be brighter, you can combine tones and paint complex decorations. But be sure to let the surface dry!

Another type of mastic intended for sculpting jewelry and figurines is gelatin. It is snow-white and hardens quickly. It is good for sculpting trees and bridges. You will need:

  • 0.5 tsp gelatin (2 grams),
  • 2 tsp water (10 ml.)
  • 100 gr. powdered sugar
  • a couple drops of lemon juice.

You need to let the gelatin swell in water, then melt it in a water bath. After dissolving, add powder little by little, kneading like dough. Make sure that the mixture does not become too thick - if it starts to crack, add lemon juice.

Working with mastic

Working with mastic is not as complicated a process as it might seem. You just need to take into account a few important rules.

  • If you make your own mastic, use high-quality powdered sugar. It should be free of grains - the sugar crystals will cause the mastic plastic to tear.
  • To glue the fondant decoration onto the cake, moisten the desired area of ​​the surface. Parts of the assembled figures can be glued together with egg white.
  • Large figures must be made in advance and allowed to dry.
  • Complex and voluminous flowers should be stored in the refrigerator after drying, and glued shortly before serving the cake. Otherwise, they will absorb moisture from the air and may lose their shape.
  • To make the surface shiny, brush the cake with vodka 10-20 minutes before serving. The alcohol will quickly disappear and the cake will be shiny.
  • Dry and gel dyes are best suited for coloring.
  • You can easily color the mastic at the kneading stage by rolling it into a ball and making a depression in the center. The dye is applied with a toothpick. Then knead.

Don't take it right away complex shapes and figurines: cover a round cake, make simple flowers or cut out decorations using molds.

The nuances of working with mastic for cakes

If you want to cover the cake with mastic, you need to first prepare the surface of the product. Chocolate ganache, butter or caramel cream, and marzipan are suitable for mastic. This “layer” will help the mastic retain its shape: it “floats” from moisture, so it cannot be applied to impregnated cakes or sour cream.

Sometimes it is recommended to cover the top crust and sides with apricot jam. But in this case, the mastic “wrapper” of the cake will swell from moisture.

A few more tips:

  • Pre-level the surface: apply the cream, smooth it with a spatula, let it harden in the refrigerator, and then check that the layer is even. Mastic will not hide unevenness.
  • It is better not to store the finished cake in the refrigerator for a long time. If you take out a product and it is covered with microdroplets of water, do not wash it, let it evaporate on its own. Otherwise, stains will remain on the mastic.
  • Don't roll out the mixture too thin. The ideal thickness is 3-4 mm. The table or board should be sprinkled with powder or starch. A silicone mat will also work well.

Working with cake fondant is easier if you use a few useful tools. These include:

  • perfectly smooth rolling pin;
  • leveling iron;
  • rotating stand;
  • roller for trimming edges.

All this can be purchased in the section “for mastic and marzipan” on the online store website Supermarket for confectioners.

Decorating a cake with fondant - how to do it

To make a cake with mastic - simple or complex, there is no need to rush. Then even a novice pastry chef will be able to make his own little masterpiece. The algorithm for a simple cake wrap looks like this:

  • roll out a circle of mastic. The diameter of the circle should be approximately equal to twice the height of the cake plus its diameter. Add to this a couple of centimeters “for trimming”;
  • roll the mixture onto a rolling pin and transfer it to the cake;
  • Smooth the top with an iron, being careful not to stretch the mass. Then smooth out the corners;
  • Carefully press down the sides to remove any creases. Walk the iron over the surface;
  • trim off the excess with a roller.

On average, a cake with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 10 will require half a kilo of mastic. And for large ones, with a diameter of 35 cm - two kilograms.

If you didn’t calculate correctly and there are still bubbles on the surface, you can get rid of them by lifting the edge of the layer and laying it down again. If you have leveled the top and moved on to the sides, there is no need to return to it and smooth it further, because the mastic will stretch.

Decorating a cake with fondant can be done using prepared circles exactly along the diameter of the cake and ribbons of a contrasting color for the sides.

A textured surface can be easily created using tongs. Using pastry tongs, like tweezers, “grab” a piece of mastic and pinch it. With this device you can make geometric patterns, leaves, hearts.

Mastic cake decorating ideas

Mastic decorations can be used to decorate cakes of any size. Elements made from this mass go well with sugar beads or pearls, sprinkles and other confectionery decor.

An elegant and simple option is to cover the cake with elongated triangles of pearl fondant. The elements need to be layered on top of each other to create a ruched effect on the fabric. You can place several large sugar beads in the center.

Very spectacular decoration fondant cakes - using figures cut out with cookie cutters. Snowflakes, hearts, and leaves look good against a contrasting background.

Delicate and very romantic decor - multi-colored “skirts” made of mastic on the sides of the cake. You need to cut out the ribbons, carefully make “assemblies” using a wooden knitting needle or stick and glue them to the cake. For more reliable fastening, you can use needles or pins - when the decoration dries, they can be easily removed. Additionally, you can cut out mastic bows.

From mastic different colors You can make “marble” or “zebra” decor: contrasting ribbons, thin ribbons should be placed on a mastic circle, and then rolled out until smooth.

Mastic cake secrets for beginners

The best cake layers for a mastic-coated cake are sponge cakes, but there are recipes that allow you to use shortbread and even soufflé. However, if you want to make a soufflé cake, there should be sponge layers on top and bottom. Otherwise, the mastic will flow and the cake will lose its shape.

The basic version for a sponge cake is a dough made from eggs, sugar, flour and butter. Proportions vary depending on the recipe. The cake layered with the selected cream must be placed in the refrigerator for soaking. You can even press it on top with a press so that it takes shape.

Then you need to trim the sides to make it easier to cover with mastic. If the cake is made up of several parts, you need to make the desired shape. For convex elements, you can make a mixture of biscuit crumbs and mastic cream. It’s easy to mask unevenness with it.

A simple cream recipe - made from butter and condensed milk. Beat a stick of butter with a mixer until a white mass is obtained and add half a can of condensed milk. Whisk again. Cover the cake with cream and put it in the refrigerator. Then use a heated dry spatula to smooth out any unevenness.

You can start covering the cake with fondant!

For beginners, you can apply any design or inscription to a mastic cake using a stencil and a special dye or food markers.

Simple flowers are made using cups and other containers of different diameters: circles are cut out, and then the flower is assembled.

Simple mastic cake, basic recipe

If you want to make a cake quickly, the easiest option is to use ready-made cake layers. Next you need to “assemble” the product:

The “inner” cream with which the cakes are layered can be used in almost any way to your taste, for example, creamy, custard, butter.

  • To make the cake tastier, the layers can be additionally layered with dried fruits, fresh fruits that do not get soggy, or alternate between cream and sour jam;
  • The top layer is covered with butter cream.
  • An even simpler option is to use ready-made chocolate spread. You need to heat it slightly so that it spreads better, and then cool the cake in the refrigerator.
  • Cover the finished cake with fondant as usual. If the excess mass is trimmed unevenly, the bottom edge of the cake can be decorated with sides or cut out openwork ribbons.

This is the simplest mastic cake, a basic recipe - you can even make it with your children, who will enjoy sculpting from a pliable mass, like plasticine.

IN Supermarket for the pastry chef You can purchase felt-tip pens for drawing with mastic, equipment for creating flowers and figures, ready-made sweet flowers and much more. You can make your own little confectionery masterpiece in just a few hours.

Mastic cake is the main dish of the sweet table for any holiday. Whether it’s a wedding, an anniversary, February 23 or March 8, such a dessert will definitely decorate the feast and become an unforgettable surprise for the hero of the occasion. Most often, mastic cakes are bought in a store, or ordered in advance from professional confectioners. Since the dish requires not only culinary knowledge, but also artistic talent, the purchase is not cheap. That is why it is better to learn how to create unusual cakes at home and delight your loved ones with a new masterpiece for every significant date.

Almost any kind of mastic cake crust is suitable. The easiest way to prepare this delicacy is from a biscuit. It is with recipes like these that it is recommended that inexperienced cooks begin their acquaintance with mastic. In the future, you can experiment with shortcrust or puff pastry. Cream and filling should also be chosen according to your taste.

Mastic is prepared on the basis of very fine powdered sugar, powdered and condensed milk. Water or lemon juice is also added to the composition. These products are used to knead into a thick and viscous dough, similar in consistency to plasticine. You can roll out a thin layer from it to cover the cake, as well as mold any figures and decorative elements that your imagination suggests. The main ones can be learned through numerous master classes, or you can rely solely on your own artistic taste.

According to general opinion, the female half of humanity is considered to be the main sweet tooth on the planet. However, men enjoy all kinds of desserts with no less, and sometimes even more, delight. With the help of such a simple cake, you can conquer more than one heart and forever remain in the honorary title of an ideal housewife.


  • 650 g powdered sugar;
  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate;
  • 250 g strawberries;
  • 300 g milk powder;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • Dyes (gel).

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Add 100 g of sugar to the yolks and beat.
  3. Beat the whites together with a pinch of salt, gradually adding the remaining 100 g of sugar.
  4. When the whites turn into a strong foam, mix them with the yolks.
  5. Sift flour with baking powder and add to egg mixture.
  6. Transfer the dough into a baking dish and smooth it out.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.
  8. Mix 300 g of powdered sugar and milk powder in a deep bowl.
  9. Mix dry ingredients, pour in condensed milk, knead with a spoon.
  10. Continue kneading with your hands for another 3-4 minutes.
  11. Wash your hands, transfer the mastic to a cutting board and knead for a few more minutes.
  12. Roll the mastic into a ball, put it in a bag and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  13. Beat the remaining powdered sugar with cottage cheese until smooth.
  14. Grate the chocolate and cut the strawberries into thin slices.
  15. Cut the biscuit lengthwise into two halves.
  16. Coat the bottom cake with cream, sprinkle with chocolate and strawberry pieces.
  17. Cover the filling with the second cake layer and also spread cream on top.
  18. Roll out most of the mastic into a layer and cover the cake with it, smoothing it out.
  19. Make patterns for cuffs, a tie and a collar on paper, apply to the mastic and cut along the contour.
  20. Decorate the cake with ready-made parts, mastic buttons and colored stripes.

Interesting from the network

New Year is a time of miracles that should also be present at festive table. Most of all, a mastic cake will delight children, but adults will definitely get another dose of festive mood. Sculpting figures is not at all difficult, the main thing is to add the necessary food coloring to the mastic in advance.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 ½ tsp. soda;
  • 6 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 packet of vanillin;
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil;
  • 2 cups flour;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 1 ½ cups powdered sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 100 g marshmallow candies.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar, flour, vanillin, soda and cocoa in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour milk and vegetable oil into a separate container, beat in the eggs and mix.
  3. Add liquid products to dry ones in several stages, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Add a glass of boiling water to the dough, mix again and pour it into a baking dish.
  5. Bake the cake for 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.
  6. Cut lengthwise into several pieces after cooling.
  7. Grease the cakes with any cream of your choice (you can use condensed milk).
  8. Pour water over Marshmallow and microwave for 30 seconds.
  9. Stirring the mixture constantly, add powdered sugar.
  10. Roll out the mastic into a thin layer, cover the top of the cake, smooth it out and trim off the excess edges.
  11. Add food coloring to the remaining mastic and sculpt decorative elements as if from plasticine.

Make it delicious and beautiful cake Using mastic is quite easy. This delicious “play dough” is prepared in a matter of minutes, and the rest of the process is more like a game than cooking. The cakes and cream in this recipe are simple, made from products that can be eaten by even the smallest children.


  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 2 cups flour;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • 350g sour cream;
  • 1 packet of vanillin;
  • 3 cups powdered sugar;
  • 1 ½ cups milk powder;
  • 150 g condensed milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • Food coloring.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar until slightly foamy, pour in kefir.
  2. Add baking soda and flour, mix well.
  3. Pour the dough into a greased pan and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. Pour vanillin, sugar and sour cream into one container.
  5. When the sugar dissolves, mix the cream well.
  6. Cut the cake into two parts while still hot, coat well with cream.
  7. Cover one cake with the second, cut out the outline of the lion cub.
  8. Grind the biscuit scraps into crumbs using a blender, mix with the remaining cream.
  9. From the resulting mixture make the paws and head of a lion cub.
  10. Soften the butter and cover the cake with it as a base for mastic.
  11. Mix condensed milk and dry milk, add powdered sugar in several stages.
  12. Color 2/3 of the resulting mass with yellow dye and roll it into a layer 2 mm thick.
  13. Smooth the mastic over the cake from bottom to top.
  14. Paint a piece of mastic orange, cut out triangles and form a mane.
  15. Make the muzzle and eyes from white mastic, decorate with other details, as in the photo.

The birthday girl herself may not remember her first birthday in all its bright colors, but after a few years, she will certainly be pleased with the photos taken. Mastic cake decorated loving parents, will become the highlight of this event and create an amazing atmosphere for a children's party.


  • 8 eggs;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 700 g sugar;
  • 2 tsp. baking powder;
  • 600 g sour cream;
  • ½ can of condensed milk;
  • 200 g milk powder;
  • 4 packs of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs together with 400 g of sugar, add baking powder and stir.
  2. Add flour in small portions, knead the dough and divide it into two equal parts.
  3. Bake the cakes for 30 minutes in the oven or 55 minutes in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode.
  4. Cool the cakes and cut each into two more parts.
  5. Beat the remaining sugar with sour cream, soak the cakes with the resulting cream.
  6. Combine powdered sugar with condensed and dry milk, stir until it reaches the consistency of plasticine.
  7. Cover the cake with mastic on all sides, mix the remainder with dyes of different colors.
  8. Decorate the cake as shown in the photo (or in any other way at your discretion).

A cake in the shape of a car is the dream of every little boy, especially if he himself can participate in the process of “assembling” it. You can safely invite children to help with the design, since working with mastic is no more difficult than working with plasticine. Round cookies will be needed for the wheels. They should be approximately the same as in the photo.


  • 7 eggs;
  • 1 ½ cups sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 1 ½ tsp. soda;
  • 2 ½ cups flour;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon syrup;
  • 3 packs of powdered sugar;
  • 2 packages of marshmallows;
  • ½ pack of starch;
  • 4 round cookies;
  • Cocoa;
  • Dyes.

Cooking method:

  1. Place 1 package of marshmallows in a deep bowl and melt in the microwave (about 1 minute).
  2. Add a spoonful of lemon juice and red coloring to the marshmallow.
  3. Add powdered sugar until the mass thickens, knead with your hands.
  4. Melt the second pack of marshmallows, divide into several parts and make mastic in black, orange, white and blue.
  5. Wrap all the mastic pieces in cling film and put them in the refrigerator.
  6. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites with sugar.
  7. Gradually add the yolks and continue beating.
  8. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and pour into the egg mixture.
  9. Add vegetable oil, honey and cocoa to taste.
  10. Add flour and knead the dough until it has the consistency of thick sour cream.
  11. Grease the pan with oil, pour in the dough and bake for 30 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
  12. Soften the butter, mix with condensed milk and beat.
  13. Using a knife, cut out the outline of the machine from the cake.
  14. Cut the biscuit into two halves (lengthwise), soak the middle with cream.
  15. Use the biscuit pieces to form the rest of the car parts, attaching them with cream.
  16. Grind the remaining pieces into crumbs and mix with the cream.
  17. Carefully coat the cake on all sides with the resulting mixture to even out the contour.
  18. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  19. Cover with cream again and cool for another 30 minutes.
  20. Roll out the red mastic into a layer and transfer it to the cake, stretch it into shape.
  21. Make the remaining details to decorate the car (eyes, number, etc.), moisten them on the underside with water and lightly press them onto the cake in the right place.
  22. Wrap the cookies in black fondant and install the wheels.

If you decide to surprise your loved ones by preparing an unusual mastic cake, it is better to first study a few theoretical points. Recipes can help with decoration, but a video master class will be more visual. From it you can learn how to make mastic and how to decorate the finished dessert with it. The sequence of processes and proportions of products must be followed as precisely as possible:

Now you know how to make a mastic cake according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

A mastic cake is not just a delicious dessert, but also a bright element of any holiday. It is enough to devote time to learning once, and you will get a lot of bright and beautiful cakes for all occasions. For beginner cooks, it is important to be patient and strictly follow the instructions on how to make a mastic cake from experienced confectioners:
  • Elements made from mastic can only be added to cakes with a strong base that will not “float” under the weight of the decorations;
  • The mastic should be applied only to the dry surface of the cake so that it does not melt;
  • Powdered sugar for making mastic should be very fine;
  • While kneading the mastic, you need to sprinkle your hands and the board with powdered sugar;
  • If there is not enough powdered sugar for the desired mastic consistency, you can add starch instead;
  • The finished mastic can be stored in the freezer for 1 month;
  • If the mastic is torn, just drop water on it and stretch it, or seal the gap with another piece of mastic;
  • To create small details, you can use any available means (tubes, glasses, scissors, etc.)