Kindergarten graduation cake. A kindergarten graduation cake is a sweet farewell to childhood.

All kids are trying so hard to grow up, they think that adult life will begin at school. I would rather leave the walls of the kindergarten and start studying, and they already know the letters, and are trying to read, but then they force me to play and sleep after lunch. It would be more likely for the first time in the first grade, and then the parents will treat the baby as an adult member of the family. The little ones just don’t understand that this is the best time in their lives, when the kindergarten teachers will both help and regret. There’s plenty of time for games, but once you start studying, you’ll have lessons and compulsory reading and writing classes. And you will have to read not only what you want, but what they ask. Therefore, children should remember a sweet farewell to kindergarten for the rest of their long school life.

Variety of cake decorations

IN kindergarten everyone still watches different cartoons and most of the kids discuss the characters, their actions and actions. You can choose the most famous cartoon characters and put their marzipan figures on the cake.

Edible chickens, hedgehogs, bear cubs and other animals are also good for decorating a cake. We often call our babies chicks, kittens, bunnies and other affectionate names. They are used to this and will be happy to see a graduation cake with these funny animals or birds.

The easiest thing is to make edible chicks using a no-bake cake. There are only two balls rolling, one larger and the other smaller. Accordingly, the torso and head. Next, roll out the yellow marzipan mixture and wrap it around the balls. We make beaks and scallops from a red mass. We glue the parts together using protein mass and glue the scallops and beaks. That's it - the chickens are ready, all that remains is to dry them and place them over the entire surface of the cake.

Decorations for the torus in the form of a playground for children also came into fashion. Fun slides, carousels, swings and sandbox made of marzipan mass different colors. The only inconvenience in such a complex project is that it is very difficult to bring a torus with such decorations to the garden. Most often, the figures are transported in boxes, separately from the cake, and the cake is decorated only in the kindergarten premises. But this must be done discreetly so as not to disturb the anticipation of a sweet graduation gift. Working with such figures is quite difficult, since there are a lot of small parts, so only professionals and home craftswomen who are well-versed in making various marzipan decorations can afford this.

Now many people use the phrase that graduation from kindergarten is the road to life. And this is what many cakes are based on, which look like a railroad with a train of cars on which the names of the children are written. Such trailers are made according to the principle of chickens, only the wheels that roll around are not balls, but bars. The inscription can be made with chocolate or icing.

They also make cakes in the form of an album with a photograph of the entire kindergarten group using special equipment. This photo can be eaten, but how unpleasant it will be for kids to eat their friends, even if they are only part of the cake.

Portioned or shared cake

When you are preparing for graduation in kindergarten and order a cake or one of your parents bakes it, the question arises about the portion size of this culinary delight. Of course, a portioned cake is much better in the sense that you don’t have to cut it in the kindergarten, everything will be prepared in advance. It is also convenient because all the portions are exactly the same and the children in the garden will not be offended that someone got a larger piece.

If you prepare a cake that has been pre-divided into portions, it is more convenient to do it in the form of a sun with rays. The rays will go to the pupils, and the sun itself will go to the teachers and nannies. No one will be offended.

How to bake portions in the garden. The most difficult thing is to find a large cake pan, since you will have to bake one whole cake, and then cut it according to a pattern specially drawn for this.

The diagram is drawn on a sheet of paper using a large compass, and then using simple calculations you need to divide the circle into equal pieces and highlight the middle. You will have to make as many of these blanks as there are layers on the cake, since you will have to cut on paper, and it may get wet or tear during the cutting process.

The design must be cut with scissors along the lines of the petals, then we place the blank on the cake and insert a knife into the slot between the petals. We cut through the cake from the top to the very bottom. Next, cut out the inner circle from the prepared stencil and place it in the middle of the cake. Now we trace this circle with a knife along the cake. The first part is ready, we do the same with the second and subsequent parts.

The second step will be to coat all the petals and the inner circle with cream. Next, we assemble the cake into one whole. On a large tray, first place the inner circle, and then select the petals to it. Only then do we start decorating the top layer using cream and various figures or inscriptions. This is done due to the risk of damaging the jewelry during the assembly process.

With rectangular cakes it is somewhat easier, since you can measure them with a centimeter and draw lines directly on the cake. But a rectangular portioned cake looks like a set of cakes, so they often choose a round shape.

If you decide to make a common cake for graduation, you can put marks with cream, which you will then have to cut along in kindergarten. This way everyone will get the same pieces and there will be no hard feelings. It is also necessary to decorate the graduation cake very carefully, because if someone has half of the decoration, and another has one and a half parts of the decoration, then the entire room of the kindergarten can be flooded with tears.

We need to look at this issue very carefully. It’s better if they are removable - then they cut the cake, and then put a figure on a piece for everyone. This is very easy to do with the aforementioned chickens and hedgehogs.

Internal Contents of a Graduation Cake

Most often, the simplest biscuit is used, since these cakes rarely cause an allergic reaction in anyone. Adding nuts, jam and other sweets to the cake should only be done in agreement with all the parents of the children, since someone in the kindergarten may have a reaction to these products.

Graduation is not the day on which you want to call the doctors or urgently run for pills. Don't spoil the kids' holiday. On top of that, the kids in the kindergarten are not at all interested in what’s inside the cake - the main thing for them is the beautiful decoration and gifts for graduation.

Also, on the culinary product that you take to kindergarten, you should put the inscription - Graduation (year), and indicate the number of the kindergarten or its name. It is better to place this inscription on the central part of the cake if it is portioned or make a marzipan sign if the cake is shared.

Recently, parents often order culinary products for kindergarten, but there are so many craftswomen among parents who will bake any embodiment of a culinary dream with love for their kids.

IN childhood You don’t yet understand the cost of all the gifts and treats, so children need the love of their parents, not their wallet. In the 70-80s, children were raised this way and they understood that not all parents could afford something extra. Now they look at wealthier families and envy them. So, you shouldn’t turn goodbye to childhood into a battle of wallets, but prepare your child for adult life There will still be time.

It will be better if several mothers gather in one kitchen and prepare a treat for kindergarten with their own hands. Then all parents can be sure that the ingredients in the cake are fresh and prepared according to all the rules. Nobody takes better care of children than their mothers.

What the children's party no sweets? After all, children simply adore them and look forward to the end in order to begin the main action: eating sweets and cake.

That is why parents and educators organize tea parties in a group or rent a cafe for this purpose. And to make the farewell evening memorable for the kids for many years, adults try to surprise the little ones not only with an incredibly tasty and beautiful cake dedicated to such an important event as a kindergarten graduation.

Features of choosing a cake for graduation in children. garden

Choosing a cake for little gourmets is a responsible matter; not only the ingredients are important here, but also the design. Most often, a kindergarten graduation cake is made to order. At the same time, the weight of the culinary masterpiece, the filling and, of course, the design are agreed upon with the pastry chef. Professionals in their field can offer their own design ideas, but, as a rule, they do not limit the customer’s imagination.

Very beautiful kindergarten graduation cakes are made from mastic, which is prepared from powdered sugar, water, gelatin, lemon juice, oil or glycerin.

The culinary product can be completely covered with mastic or decorated with individual figures.

Most often, the cake is based on sponge cakes; any filling can be chosen: fruit, yoghurt, chocolate, curd - all at the discretion of the parents.

Original ideas for a beautiful kindergarten graduation cake

  1. Nowadays, professional confectioners are capable of any, even the most complex, design. For example, if there are not many people in the group, you can decorate the cake with a train, on the carriages of which the names of the little graduates will be written. And the train itself will move in the direction: kindergarten - school. Symbolic and beautiful.
  2. Another themed design is an open book cake. On one page, on which a farewell poem will be written, and on the other, “tasty” stationery will be placed. The design is definitely beautiful. The main thing is that there are no unnecessary disputes about who will get the “ruler” and who will get the “pencil”.
  3. For a full-staffed kindergarten group, an excellent solution would be a boat cake with farewell words written on the sail.
  4. Often big cakes For graduation, the garden is decorated with “balloons” made of mastic. The names of future first-graders are written on the balloons, and various animals or cartoon characters are added below.
  5. The work is worthy of admiration, where the pastry chef uses mastic and cream to make mini-portraits of the children, and next to them signs each person’s first and last name. In other words, he designs a confectionery masterpiece like a general photograph.
  6. Often among edible decorative elements graduation cake sandboxes are present. The idea could be this: on one side there is a school, on the other there is a sandbox, and between them there is a path leading the children to the land of knowledge.
  7. The design of the cake can be a set of cubes on which names are written and a doll or car is drawn, for girls and boys, respectively.
  8. Many parents refuse thematic design in favor cartoon characters. Of course, this is not a bad option, but only if the group has common favorites.

As you can see, there are plenty of ideas for creating a real tasty work of art, the main thing is to show imagination and initiative. And of course, monitor the quality of the finished product, because in addition to the fact that a baby cake must be fresh, it must be made from exclusively natural ingredients, without artificial preservatives or colorings.