3 and a half bust size. How to correctly determine your bust size: instructions for action

I have collected a selection of the most popular women's myths that lovely ladies stubbornly believe in.

Myth No. 1: Breast measurements in “sizes”: “first size”, “second size”, “third size”. And 85 A, which is 70 A, is still the first size, because the cup there is “A”.

Why can't you measure your breasts?

In fact: 85 A and 70 A will have different cup volumes, even though they are both "A"! Moreover, the cup capacity of an 85 A bra is equivalent to the capacity of a 70 D bra. If this is true, then why is 85A the first size and 70D the fourth? In fact, this is all a big profanation. In terms of visual “size” - because 60 D will look like a small one, and 85 C will look like a good fifth size. Don't think in terms of "sizes" if you want to choose the right bra size for yourself.

Saying “I have a breast size 4” is incorrect because it doesn’t give you an idea of ​​what bra size will suit you. But to say that “I have size F breasts,” from the point of view of a woman advanced in the topic, is the same as saying, looking at the clock, “it’s half now,” leaving the interlocutor perplexed, “half of what?”

Myth No. 2: DD is a huge size, E is just a bathyscaphe, but F is such a size for those who have not had plastic surgery.

Many people think that breasts larger than F look like this:

Although, it is unlikely to fit even into 100 LL (the latest size in the British sizing range). That's 11 cups larger than a 100 F cup.

In fact: When Lena Miro made silicone breasts, a duck appeared (however, not without the help of Lena herself), which exactly like that breast size looks like F.

I have already explained in the first paragraph that “dimensional thinking” is crippled in itself. And she explained in her posts that in order to correctly determine the bra size, you must first determine the belt size, and only then determine the cup size, because they are interdependent. So, Lena’s breasts are more like 60 H than 80 F. Because she is toned and slender, and her breasts are large. You will be surprised, but there are women with this size naturally. And in general, 75 F is not a super-huge chest, it’s quite an average size. It's just that most women who should be wearing it are not aware of it - because they continue to wear 85 DD and hate their breasts. Of course, my shoulders and back hurt. I don't recommend it. It is much more effective to finally dare to find out your real size, throwing away prejudices.

Myth No. 3: The number in your bra size means a centimeter girth under the bust. If my underbust is 85 cm, then something with the number 85 on the label will suit me.

This is an incorrect way to determine your bra size. If you choose a bra like this, problems cannot be avoided.

In fact: For those who want to see a detailed explanation, I wrote to debunk this myth. In short, the truth here is that in a bra with the number 85 on the label, there are MORE centimeters in the waistband volume than 85 - just few people have reached this point experimentally. Others think that the bra belt in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on the back, pain in the back and neck is normal.

In fact, if you have a girth of 85 cm under the bust, then you will need to choose a bra with the number 75 on the label - because it is this, taking into account the correctly chosen cup size, that will hold your breasts securely, and not just “cover your nipples” ". If you have to constantly adjust your bra, and you think it's a stupid invention, what with it, what without it - then I guarantee you that you chose the wrong size, thinking that "in the 75th volume my ribs will crack ". Many readers of my blog admit that they used to think so, but I convinced them otherwise - and now they are happy because they believed my advice! I wish the same for you.

Myth #4: You can buy lingerie without trying it on. If you buy underwear on the Internet, and every time you are happy that “everything fits,” then, obviously, you simply do not have an understanding of how a properly chosen bra should fit and support.

"Looks like it fit! And the bra is sexy! Let's take it!"

In fact: Just because your breasts fit into the cup does not mean that the bra has “shut down.” A properly selected bra must meet not only this one criterion - but also withstand a lot of tests in order to be more than just a rag that covers the nipples.

In fact, buying underwear without trying it on is a guaranteed loss, and... But do they care about your comfort? No, because they care about your money. And they agree that you will wear mediocre underwear. But it's cheap!

Myth No. 5: I have small breasts, what should I choose? The selection of a bra is appropriate for large breasts, but it is difficult to make a mistake when choosing underwear for small breasts.

She has small breasts, but does that mean she doesn't need good support?

In fact: Small breasts also need support, care and attention. They are just as susceptible to gravity, Cooper's ligament sprains and vibrations as large breasts.

And - walking in it is no better or more forgivable than with large breasts. You get neither support nor a beautiful shape - and all because you skimp on the conscious choice of this toilet detail.

Myth No. 6: A bra is needed only for aesthetics - in order to please a man, and so that nipples do not stick out under the blouse. Society demands that we wear bras.

Your bra really does affect your posture.

In fact: I really feel sorry for women who buy bras just to “get from the shower to the bedroom.” In addition to the fact that a properly selected bra will make your silhouette more graceful, making both your age and your weight lighter in the eyes of others, it will also save your health. An incorrectly chosen bra can ruin the quality of your life – but you hardly think about it. The fact that pain in the back and neck disappears if the bra is chosen correctly is not a joke, read. The consequences of a mistake with this “frivolous” thing - headaches, scars on the shoulders, stagnation of lymph, which, according to some information, is the cause of breast cancer - you can get such consequences if you do not take the topic seriously enough. The consequences cannot be reversed. Isn't your health worth paying attention to?

Myth #7: There are no comfortable bras. They all dig into the armpits, the straps fall off the shoulders, and the belt creeps up. The desire to throw it off in the middle of the day is a normal desire. And in general, these fiends were invented to oppress women!

Yes, you can definitely choose a better bra

In fact: if you share this point of view, then you have not yet discovered the joy of choosing the right underwear. Believe me, comfortable underwear - the kind that you don’t want to take off even at home - exists, you just haven’t found it for yourself. It will be this way until you


Owners of a third breast size rarely complain about the size of their mammary glands, since this particular bust is considered the most ideal in all respects. A bust of the third size stands out noticeably with its fullness, favorably emphasizing the advantages of the female figure.

As statistics show, almost 80% of men on the planet give preference to female breasts of such volumes, considering them quite lush and at the same time not sagging due to the weight of the mammary glands. The same opinion is shared by experts who are professionally versed in issues related to the mammary glands of women.

Various reasons can prompt a woman to accurately determine her breast size, but most often this question arises when purchasing underwear through online stores. This type of shopping does not involve trying on, so errors in determining bust size can cause a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, through simple and quick measurements, a woman calculates her breast parameters, namely:

  • the girth of the torso under the mammary glands is measured;
  • The measuring tape is used to determine the body circumference at the highest point of the chest.

The girl's breast size 3 in the photo looks very beautiful

From the two parameters obtained, the woman will need to calculate the difference and compare the resulting figure with the size table. When taking such measurements, it is very important to keep your back straight and not slouch. Also, a woman should ensure that the centimeter fits snugly to the body; at the protruding point of the chest, the girth is measured while inhaling, so that in the future the underwear does not interfere with breathing freely. The third bust size in the size chart is indicated by the difference of 16-17 cm between the two body girths.

Visually, the third bust size cannot be called an inconspicuous feature of the female figure. Frankly speaking, this breast size is considered ideal. Girls with ones and twos -

Beautiful breast size 3 in the photo

Often women of medium and large build, with wide bones, have such breasts. But there are still exceptions; sometimes nature rewards fragile petite girls with a third breast size, then size 3 looks almost perfect.

Visually, female mammary glands can be associated with different fruits; when talking about the third size, experts mention two medium-sized grapefruits. If your breasts look more like oranges, it's worth talking about.

Photo of a girl with breast size 3

C grade: all the pros and cons

Speaking about the third breast size, the list of advantages and disadvantages of this breast size is almost the same.

Many women with a smaller bust size desire to increase it to a third size, considering it ideal. But in fact, there are some “side effects” hidden behind large size 3 breasts.

Let's start with the positive qualities of size 3 breasts:

  • curvaceous shapes make it possible to attract the attention of men with a deep neckline;
  • a wide range of underwear is offered for breasts of this size;
  • Almost all styles of clothing will suit such a bust;
  • the breasts are quite sensitive to caresses;
  • the ability to wear a bra without foam inserts;
  • Lush breasts distract attention from any figure flaws.

Despite the fact that most men consider the third breast size to be the ideal and most attractive, there are many pitfalls hidden behind such a bust.

Disadvantages of C:

  1. At a fairly young age, lush breasts sag downwards under the own weight of the mammary glands, which provokes sagging skin.
  2. The third breast size retains its tone and elasticity for much less time, when compared with a two and even a size two.
  3. A lush bust over time leads to back pain, sometimes even causing the development of a stooped spine.
  4. Tight underwear inhibits blood circulation, which in the future leads to the loss of the original shape of the breast.
  5. After lactation, such a bust often recovers poorly.
  6. Playing sports and active movements lead to pain in the large breasts.

Increase in third breast size

Speaking of size three breasts, enlarging them should not be the primary issue in bust correction. In fact, lush breasts must be supported with the help of the back muscles, so that in the future the woman does not suffer from back pain and stooping.

The muscles will firmly hold the mammary glands, preventing them from sagging and becoming flabby with age. Proper nutrition and drinking regime are responsible for the quality and external appearance of the bust.

  1. , which will definitely include push-ups, arm swings, exercises for the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Detailed instructions for home workouts for breast enlargement were indicated in previous publications. Such activities improve blood circulation, which helps the mammary glands receive oxygen, vitamins and microelements. Strong muscles keep the breasts in the desired shape, preventing age-related changes.
  2. , which should contain protein products, as well as those that contain phytoestrogens that imitate female sex hormones. Protein will help strengthen muscles and give elasticity to ligaments, phytoestrogen will balance a woman’s hormonal background. Orange-colored vegetables and fruits will help the skin maintain its natural color, youth and health.
  3. Drinking regime. To ensure that the skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands does not lose its elasticity and does not allow the mammary glands to sag under their own weight, it is important to drink more than half a liter of clean water daily.
  4. Contrast shower and massage afterwards. Such procedures will help the breasts maintain tone and elasticity.

An integrated approach to caring for size 3 breasts and enlarging them will help you see results within a month.

Features of ideal breast size

Opinions and stereotypes about the attractiveness of a woman's body and breasts change regularly. But the ideal female breast always has several characteristics. If the breasts do not move during active movements and keep their previous shape, it means that they are in excellent tone, and there is no difference what size they are.

A woman's perfect bust is covered with smooth, velvety skin without visible stretch marks or other flaws; it is elastic and located quite high.

Proper care of the mammary glands, including the use of cosmetics, water procedures and various masks, will help preserve the breasts in their original parameters for as long as possible. If you don’t work on your body, after some time, an attractive third breast size will lose its former beauty.

Lingerie is that part of a woman's wardrobe that is most often invisible. However, it must always be beautiful and attractive - this is the law. But it is worth remembering that underwear, namely a bra, you need to be able to choose the right one. And to do this, you definitely need to know the size of your own breasts. How to decide on this and what calculations may be needed - I would like to talk about all this.

Algorithm of actions

So, if a girl doesn’t yet know whether her bust size is first, second or third, she should take small measurements to determine this on her own. There is, of course, another option: go to the store and try on all the bras, choosing the right one. But this is not the most competent solution; it’s better to find out your own size first. And to do this you need to make some fairly simple measurements.

Step 1. Measure your chest

In order for a woman to determine whether she has a bust size 2 or 3 (and possibly 1 or 4), she must first measure her breasts at their most protruding points. You will definitely need it for this (if you don’t have it on hand, you can take regular tape or thick thread, take measurements and find out the numbers using a ruler). In this case, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules:

  • It is necessary to measure the chest circumference with your arms lowered “at the seams” (this is important - if your arms are raised, the numbers will turn out to be incorrect, and the calculations cannot be applied in life);
  • most often the measuring tape passes over the nipples - they are the most protruding point;
  • The measuring tape should fit snugly against the chest, but do not compress it; this is the only way the measurements will be correct.

Step 2. Measure the circumference

The next step for a lady who wants to understand whether she has a bust size 2 or another: you need to measure. To do this, measurements need to be taken under the breasts, in the place where they are “attached” to the body. Again, it is important that the measuring tape fits snugly against the skin, but does not squeeze it. The resulting size will correspond to the size that is written on the bras. However, few people will get a strictly clear figure, so you need to round it to the nearest size. This is done because each bra has several rivets that help adjust the fit of this item of underwear.

  • 63-67 cm - size 65;
  • 68-72 cm - size 70;
  • 73-77 cm - size 75;
  • 78-82 cm - size 80;
  • 83-87 cm - size 85.

If necessary, calculations can be continued further (if the woman’s figure is higher than those presented).

Step 3: Determining your cup size

However, the preliminary results obtained are not enough to decide whether a lady has a bust size 2 or another. You also need to find out and To do this, subtract the second from the first digit obtained. That's all the calculations. Next, you just need to use the correspondence table to determine the cup size, and, accordingly, the woman’s breast size.


It is also necessary to provide an example of calculations for women who want to understand whether they have a bust size 2 or another. So, let the following figures be obtained by measurement: first, chest circumference, - 89 cm; the second, the circumference of the body under the chest, is 72 cm. We do simple mathematical calculations: 89 - 72 = 17 cm. This will be the “fullness” of the bust. Next you need to refer to the table.

According to the calculations obtained, our breast fullness was 17 cm, which corresponds to a C bra cup and size 3. That’s all science.

Parallel size

It is definitely worth mentioning that there is such a concept in bras as parallel size (however, this has nothing to do with the breasts, here the size is constant). Knowing her bust size, a woman can use calculations to decide on a bra. However, when trying it on, the situation may turn out to be a little different. Let's say that the lady's size was 75B. However, she can also try on size 80A and 70C underwear and decide what suits her best. The “fit” of the bra is to blame.


It is also worth mentioning that in each country the size of underwear, including bra, is usually determined differently. Above were calculations for the Russian and European systems. However, if you want to purchase foreign underwear, you definitely need to look at exactly what sizes are provided there and compare them with the “native” tables.


If a woman knows exactly whether she has bust size 1, 2 or 3, she will most likely be able to choose the right underwear without any problems. However, if you do it incorrectly, you can end up with a lot of problems. It is worth mentioning that such a detail of a woman’s wardrobe as a bra recently celebrated its centenary. But doctors still often say that the wrong choice can lead to various problems and diseases.

  1. If the bra cup is chosen incorrectly, it can put pressure on the breasts, squeezing them, which in the future can lead to various diseases of the mammary gland, the occurrence of tumors, including cancer.
  2. If a lady incorrectly determines the volume under the breasts, the bra can strongly compress the body and cut into it, which can lead to injury to the skin and other unpleasant situations.

It will also be interesting that doctors do not advise women to wear bras with the effect of breast enlargement, so-called push-ups, press-ups, for more than two hours a day. This bra model compresses the breasts and causes disruption of blood flow in them, which is also fraught with various diseases.


The following classification will be interesting, which will help a man, for example, figure out what bust size 2, third or first looks like. So, for this there is a very funny comparison of a lady's breasts with fruit. Well, let's start imagining. A woman will have a breast size of zero if her “charms” are no larger than a kiwi. The first size corresponds to the well-known apple, the second - a slightly larger orange. The third size of a woman's bust can be easily compared to a grapefruit, and the fourth - to a coconut. More impressive fruits will follow: the fifth size is approximately the size of a pineapple, and the sixth is a whole melon. It is worth saying that this comparison is very arbitrary and should not be taken as a basis when determining the size or choosing a bra. However, there is still some truth here; in some situations this comparison can also be used as a guide.

About men

Very often men are interested in what breast size their lady has. This may be necessary at least in a situation where a guy wants to give his beloved a gift - present beautiful underwear. It's kind of awkward to ask about this. But you can try to figure this out on your own. To do this, a man just needs to know how tightly his chest fits in his palm. And although this may seem like a joke at first glance, this method still works, and store clerks often use this example to independently determine the size of a girl’s underwear. So, if the chest only slightly fills the palm, this is size zero. If it’s a little more, it’s the first one. If the thumb is already sticking out a little to the side, this is a woman’s bust size 3. By the way, many men really like this size; it is neither small nor too big. If a lady’s breasts do not fit into one palm, most likely she has a bust size of 4, or even more.

Not all women know their breast size, and even if they are sure that they know, it often turns out to be determined not entirely accurately. Many people rely on in-store fittings, but not everyone has the opportunity to try on dozens of bras.

Moreover, this is simply impossible to do when purchasing from an online store. That is why it is important to know how to take measurements correctly and calculate in advance the ideal size of the belt and bra cups.

How to measure breast size: instructions

To determine the size you will need a soft measuring tape, the one with which dressmakers take measurements. It is best to purchase a special tape rather than use an old one, as the tape will stretch over time and the results will be distorted.

To calculate the size, you need to draw a measuring tape first under the chest and write down the result, then along the most protruding points of the chest through the shoulder blades - also write down the parameters.

Before taking measurements, you should wear the best-fitting bra available. In addition, it should not have a push-up effect. It is recommended to choose a bralette made of thin elastic material.

In order for the measurer to get the most accurate result, you need to know several rules and follow them when determining the size:

Breast size 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – what is this?

To find out the breast size of women, taking measurements according to the instructions, subtract the first from the second result. First of all, they determine what breast size - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 - is obtained, according to Russian labeling.

From the table below it can be seen that Bra sizes are numbered from 1 to 10 in 2 cm increments. And the key parameter that helps determine breast size is the convexity of the mammary gland relative to the chest.

If the difference between the volumes measured at the convex points of the chest and under the chest is 10-11 cm, then the breast size is 0. If the difference is 16-17 cm, then this is the third size.

How to determine your bra size by the circumference under the bust: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 – what is your breast size?

If we are talking about manufacturers in Russia, Belarus, Germany, then the volume under the bust will be indicated on the product. Moreover, it is necessary to round the value to five or zero up or down, depending on which number the measured value is closer to.

Breast sizes: how to determine and find out in women? See this table.

A bra with size 75, for example, will fit perfectly both with a girth of 73 and with a girth of 77, because it usually has several fasteners, with the help of which the size is adjusted with a tolerance of 5 cm.

How to determine your bra cup size: a,b c d e f g – what size is this?

Bra cup sizes are often marked with letters: AA, A, B, C, D, E and so on. To determine the fullness of the cups, you should again take measurements and find out what the breast size is in principle. Then they look at the table (see above) to see which letter is marked 1, 2, 3 or any size of interest. Zero, for example, is designated as AA, the first as A, the second as B, the third as C, etc.

Full breast sizes (how to determine, find out from women by measurements is indicated above) are marked with a combination of a number and a letter (letters).

Those. size 75B means that the bra is suitable for women with an underbust girth of 73 to 77 cm and a size 2 bust. Size 80A should be worn by women with an underbust girth of 78 to 82 cm and breast size 1. In the same way, the compliance of any measurements taken with the size is determined.

S, M, L, XL – what size is this?

With some foreign manufacturers, in particular Chinese, the situation is more complicated, since some of them replace the alphanumeric combination only with a letter designation.

For example, the size of the smallest bra corresponding to an underbust girth of 68 cm will be marked as S (for some manufacturers as XS), the most popular sizes – 75 and 80 – will be marked, respectively, as M and L (or as S/M and L /XL, depending on cup volume). XL corresponds to size 80D.

It is typical that bras marked in this way take into account measurements under the bust and bust volume together. In the following table, which is taken from the Aliexpress website, you can see that, for example, size M simultaneously corresponds to sizes 70D, 75B, 75C, and 80A. This corresponds to some extent to the concept of “parallel dimensions,” which will be discussed in more detail below.

All bra sizes: Italy, France, Spain, Australia, USA, England – table

Having learned to determine breast size (how to determine it, ask women in detail above), according to the Russian system, you can easily find out what the markings on underwear from any manufacturer mean and whether the chosen bra is suitable.

British and American-made linen is marked according to measurements in inches, and since an inch is equal to 2.45 cm, then, accordingly, the size will differ by about the same factor. Size 70, for example, will match 32, 85 will match 38, etc.

The Italian marking is the simplest, and resembles the usual first, second, third sizes, since the volume under the bust is determined by numbers from 1 to 12, where a girth of 65 cm corresponds to 1, 70 - 2, 75 - 3, etc.

In Australia, it is customary to determine the size of a product using numbers from 8 to 30. French and Spanish manufacturers use a different system: they mark underwear with numbers from 80 to 135 in increments of 5 units, as in Russia.

In some cases, a double size may be indicated in both centimeters and inches separated by a fraction. Then the size will look like 30/65, 32/70, 34/75, 36/80, etc.
This concerns the volume under the bust.

Regardless of the number specified, the fullness of the cup is also taken into account. It is written in the usual way - in Latin letters. But there are slight differences in the markings of the cups, although they are not so significant.

As can be seen from the table, in Italy and Australia they do not use size AA, but instead of the letter E, which is the next in order, they use a combination of two D. Because of this, there is a discrepancy of one order of magnitude compared to other markings.

Manufacturers in England and the USA also use DD instead of E. In America you can still find the DDD size, which corresponds to Russian and German F or Italian and English E.

Parallel dimensions

It happens that the bra seems to fit in size, but is worn with some discomfort. If the bra is like this, there may be a gap under the breasts between the body and the cup. In general, the bra fits tightly on the chest and the belt is also taut, but the breasts risk falling out of the hole. In this case, a bra with a too wide belt and a small cup is chosen.

Another situation is when the bra belt is not parallel to the floor, but seems to be pulled up on the back. This happens because the cup is too large, you have to press it with the straps, shortening them, because of this the belt rises on the back.

These and other problems associated with discomfort when wearing or an imperfect fit can be solved by selecting alternative or adjacent bra sizes.

Therefore, experts recommend trying on cups and belt sizes that differ by 1 unit instead of your traditional size. Moreover, if the cup size increases, the belt size decreases, and vice versa.

For example, with a native breast size of 85B, both a size 90A bra and a size 80C bra may fit better. A summary table of alternative sizes is provided above.

How to determine breast size visually

Determining breast size by eye (how to determine and find out women's breast size by girth has already been discussed), a visual comparison with sports equipment that has a standardized size will help.


  1. The ping pong ball is the same size as the girl's first breast size.
  2. If your breasts look more like a billiard ball, then they are size 1.
  3. A size three chest is more consistent with a croquet ball.
  4. The fourth size of a woman's breast is the same size as a handball ball.
  5. A size 5 breast is like a football.
  6. And size six breasts are the same volume as volleyballs. They are slightly larger than football ones.

How to determine breast size with your hands

Men who happen to touch the breasts of the woman they love can be guided by the position of their hand(s).

It is enough to remember in what position the palm was at that moment:

Which bra to choose as a gift according to breast size

Having determined your breast size by measurements, alphanumeric designation, visual or tactile sensations, you should choose the type of bra.

How to choose a bra as a gift:

  1. For the smallest breast size, you should definitely choose a bra with a push up effect.
  2. The first breast size can also be adjusted using this bra.
  3. For the second breast size, you can purchase underwear without foam inserts, since this size already looks harmonious.
  4. For size 3 breasts, it is recommended to choose a bra without inserts, but made of thick enough material to support the breasts.
  5. Size 4 is suitable for underwear with elastic inserts.
  6. The fifth size requires a bra with wires in the frame and an additional row of fasteners; wide straps are desirable.
  7. For breast size six, a rigid frame and wide, durable straps are required.

To accurately determine breast size, it is not enough to take correct measurements; you need to have a good understanding of the markings of different manufacturers. Even the same numbers or letters in the markings of bras from different companies can indicate different sizes.

Besides, To choose the perfect bra, you need to try on underwear of parallel sizes, since the landing features differ depending on the brand and collection.

Photo of size zero breasts

Photo of first size breasts

Photo of third size breasts

Photo of size four breasts

Video on how to determine breast size in women

How to correctly determine breast size:

How to find out your bra cup size:

Below is a calculator for calculating the baby's chest circumference.

Enter the child's gender, age and chest circumference value, click the "Show result" button and see a comparison of your child's indicator with the standard encyclopedic normal.

But we know that this is just a comparative characteristic and nothing more. There is no longer any need to look at many tables and look for the required indicator among a huge number of numbers, it still doesn’t mean much, it’s better to spend this time with your loved ones.

If you care about your child’s health and want to find out how his height, weight, and chest circumference correspond to the average values, you can use our other calculators:

Chest circumference is measured in infants in a supine position, and in older children in a standing position. The child should be calm and keep his hands down. A regular, flexible centimeter is suitable for measuring. The measurement is taken at the widest point, approximately in front at the level of the nipples, at the back at the level of the shoulder blades. First, measurements are taken on inhalation, then on exhalation. For comparison, the average chest circumference is taken.

The chest circumference, as well as the child’s weight, indicates his physical development.

Chest circumference table for boys from 0 to 17 years old

Age Very low Short Below average Average Above average High Very tall
Newborn 31,7 32,3 33,5 34,8 36,6 36,8 37,8
1 month 33,3 34,1 35,2 36,5 37,9 38,9 40,2
2 months 35,0 35,7 36,9 38,3 39,8 40,8 42,0
3 months 36,3 36,5 37,2 38,4 39,9 41,6 42,7
4 months 37,9 38,6 39,8 41,4 43,4 44,6 45,9
5 months 39,3 40,1 41,2 42,9 45,0 45,7 47,6
6 months 40,6 41,5 42,5 44,3 46,3 47,6 49,0
7 months 41,7 42,5 43,6 45,5 47,5 48,9 50,1
8 months 42,7 43,5 44,5 46,4 48,5 49,9 51,1
9 months 43,6 44,4 45,4 47,2 49,3 50,8 52,0
10 months 44,3 45,1 46,1 47,9 50,0 51,4 52,8
11 months 44,8 45,6 46,6 48,4 50,6 52,0 53,5
1 year 45,3 46,1 47,0 48,7 51,0 52,5 54,2
1 year 3 months 46,0 46,8 47,9 49,8 51,9 53,4 55,1
1 year 6 months 46,5 47,4 48,6 50,4 52,4 53,9 55,6
1 year 9 months 47,0 47,9 49,1 50,8 52,9 54,3 56,0
2 years 47,6 48,4 49,5 51,4 53,2 54,7 56,4
2 years 3 months 47,9 48,7 49,9 51,7 53,4 55,2 56,8
2 years 6 months 48,2 49,0 50,3 52,0 53,9 55,5 57,3
2 years 9 months 48,4 49,3 50,5 52,3 54,2 55,8 57,7
3 years 48,6 49,7 50,8 52,8 54,6 56,4 58,2
3.5 years 49,2 50,3 51,5 53,1 55,0 57,1 59,0
4 years 50,0 51,2 52,4 53,8 55,8 58,0 59,9
4.5 years 50,8 52,0 53,3 54,7 56,9 59,0 61,2
5 years 51,3 52,8 54,0 55,6 58,0 60,0 62,6
5.5 years 52,2 53,5 55,0 56,6 59,1 61,3 63,7
b years 53,0 54,4 56,0 57,7 60,2 62,5 65,1
6.5 years 53,8 55,2 57,0 58,8 61,3 63,8 66,4
7 years 54,6 56,2 57,9 59,8 62,3 65,1 67,9
8 years 56,2 58,0 60,0 61,9 64,8 67,8 70,8
9 years old 57,7 59,6 61,9 64,1 67,0 70,6 73,6
10 years 59,3 61,4 63,8 66,4 69,8 73,6 76,8
11 years old 61,1 63,0 66,0 68,9 74,9 76,2 79,8
12 years old 62,6 65,0 68,0 71,1 72,1 79,0 82,8
13 years old 64,7 67,3 70,2 73,5 78,2 82,1 87,0
14 years old 67,0 69,9 73,1 76,6 81,7 86,3 91,0
15 years 70,0 72,9 76,3 80,2 85,7 90,1 94,3
16 years old 73,3 76,2 80,0 84,5 89,9 93,6 97,0
17 years old 77,0 80,0 82,9 87,2 92,2 95,5 98,4

How to correctly measure the chest circumference of a child

The head circumference of a newly born child is on average larger than the chest circumference.

During the first year, the head circumference increases on average by 11-12 cm. In the first months, the head grows more intensively, and then its growth slows down. In the first months, the newborn’s chest grows faster than the head, so around the 4th month the head and chest circumferences become the same, and per year the chest circumference becomes larger than the head circumference by approximately 2 cm; in the first year it increases by an average of 14 -15 cm.

Subsequently, the baby's head circumference will be smaller than the chest circumference.

Chest circumference table for girls from 0 to 17 years old

Age Very low Short Below average Average Above average High Very tall
Newborn 31,0 32,0 32,8 34,0 35,2 36,0 37,0
1 month 33,0 34,0 34,9 35,9 37,1 38,1 39,0
2 months 34,6 35,6 36,6 37,7 38,8 39,9 40,9
3 months 36,3 37,3 38,3 39,4 40,5 41,4 42,8
4 months 38,0 38,9 39,8 40,9 42,1 43,0 43,3
5 months 39,5 40,3 41,2 42,3 43,5 44,5 45,7
6 months 40,7 41,6 42,4 43,5 44,7 45,8 47,1
7 months 41,8 42,7 43,6 44,6 45,8 47,2 48,5
8 months 42,8 43,7 44,6 45,7 46,9 48,3 49,8
9 months 43,6 44,5 45,5 46,6 47,8 49,3 50,9
10 months 44,3 45,2 46,2 47,2 48,6 50,1 51,7
11 months 45,0 45,8 46,8 47,8 49,3 50,8 52,3
1 year 45,5 46,3 47,2 48,3 49,9 51,4 52,8
1 year 3 months 46,4 47,3 48,0 49,3 50,8 52,3 53,9
1 year 6 months 47,1 47,8 48,7 49,9 51,3 52,9 54,5
1 year 9 months 47,5 48,2 49,1 50,4 51,9 53,5 55,0
2 years 47,8 48,5 49,5 50,2 52,5 54,0 55,6
2 years 3 months 47,9 48,8 49,8 51,3 53,0 54,5 56,2
2 years 6 months 48,0 49,0 50,0 51,5 53,3 54,9 56,8
2 years 9 months 48,1 49,0 50,0 51,8 53,6 55,5 57,2
3 years 48,2 49,1 50,3 51,8 53,9 56,0 57,6
3.5 years 48,6 49,7 50,9 52,5 54,3 56,2 57,8
4 years 49,2 50,4 51,6 53,2 55,1 56,9 58,6
4.5 years 49,6 51,0 52,3 54,0 55,8 57,8 59,7
5 years 50,4 51,6 53,0 54,8 56,8 58,8 61,0
5.5 years 50,8 52,4 53,8 55,7 57,8 60,0 62,2
b years 51,5 53,0 54,7 56,6 58,8 61,2 63,6
6.5 years 52,3 53,8 55,5 57,5 59,8 62,4 64,7
7 years 53,2 54,6 56,4 58,4 61,0 63,8 66,5
8 years 54,7 56,3 58,2 60,8 64,2 67,6 70,5
9 years old 56,3 58,0 60,0 63,4 67,7 71,4 75,1
10 years 58,0 60,0 62,0 66,0 71,3 75,5 78,8
11 years old 59,7 62,2 64,4 68,7 74,5 78,6 82,4
12 years old 61,9 64,5 67,1 71,6 77,6 81,9 86,0
13 years old 643 66,8 69,9 74,6 80,8 85,0 88,6
14 years old 67,0 69,8 73,0 77,8 83,6 87,6 90,9
15 years 70,0 72,9 76,3 80,4 85,6 89,4 92,6
16 years old 73,0 75,8 78,8 82,6 87,1 90,6 93,9
17 years old 75,4 78,0 80,6 83,8 88,0 91,0 94,5

Boys' head circumferences are indicated in centimeters.

These tables are indicative in nature for determining the chest circumference of a child of average height. Parameters between the segments “below average” and “above average” are considered indicators characterizing the normal circumference of the child’s chest