How to celebrate the winter solstice of the year. What to do on the winter solstice to make your wish come true

The shortest day of the year and the longest night have always been considered a mystical moment in the life of man and the world. The apogee of cold and darkness foreshadowed the onset of warm days, new sowing, new flowering, new harvest. Winter Solstice is a day that cannot be lived like any other before or after it. How should it be done?

When is the Winter Solstice in 2019?

From an astrological point of view, the moment of solstice is the moment of the transition of the Sun from the sign of Sagittarius to the sign of Capricorn. In 2019 in Novosibirsk it will come on December 22 at 11:19 am. The moment of return is no less important « new » Sun in the morning: in Novosibirsk it will begin to get light at 9:07, and our star will rise completely above the horizon at 9:52.

“Great,” you say, “we have refreshed our basic knowledge of natural history. What should we do with them? Now we'll explain!

What to do before the Winter Solstice

What is Winter Solstice? This is the New Year, only natural, natural, and not tied to the conventional human calendar. To enter the new year, you need to complete all your old affairs; three days are allotted for this before the Solstice.


You need to not only clean the house, but throw away old, broken, annoying things. Ideally, they should be burned on the night of December 21-22, especially since the fire is a traditional part of the Solstice rituals. So if you live in a private house or plan to visit the dacha at the end of the week, feel free to light a fire (not forgetting, of course, about safety measures)!

We clean the apartment, and let the candles symbolize the fire.


If you cleaned the house, start “cleaning” your own body. Avoid alcohol, unhealthy, fatty and simply heavy foods. If you practice health fasting, this is a good time for it.

We distribute and collect debts

It is important before the Winter Solstice to complete all the tasks that you do not want to carry into the new year. This is especially true for financial issues. Pay back the debts, or (if it doesn’t work out) talk to the creditor, discuss when and how you will pay off. At the same time, collect debts if you lent money to someone. If you do not hope to repay the debt, forgive it from the bottom of your heart.

Make a wish

There are many recommendations regarding exactly how to make a wish on the day of the Winter Solstice. Write it down and burn it, burn it and swallow the ashes, whisper it into the water and drink the water, shout it, sing it, say it to yourself a hundred times... In fact, all this is not significant. But three days before the Solstice should be spent carefully thinking through your desire. It should be related to some new project or activity that you will begin immediately after the Winter Solstice, and most importantly, it should be clearly, clearly and unambiguously formulated. It's not as easy as it seems!

For example, the desire “I want to be rich” will not work because it is not specific. Wealth - how much is it? One hundred thousand or one hundred million rubles? “I want a million dollars” is also an inappropriate desire. You must know well why you need this particular amount, and most importantly, the business on which you will spend it must be new, something that you have not done before! In a word, it should be not so much a desire as a plan.

Celebrating the longest night of the year


Yes, yes, exactly a feast, and not some kind of “celebratory dinner”. In many cultures, nature was “revitalized” by abundantly “treating” it with delicious food. The pies were planted on tree branches - there is a version that they became the ancestors of Christmas tree decorations. Today you can donate a couple of pies with porridge to the trees; the birds will happily eat them. Well, in addition to goodies, there should be candles on your table. Previously, it was supposed to burn them all night long, until dawn.

We guess and make talismans

Of course, the night of the Winter Solstice is ideal for any fortune telling. If you've never cast cards, try fortune telling with a candle: pour melted wax into a bowl of cold water and see what shape it solidifies into. Sometimes you can get a direct indication, such as a figurine in the shape of a house or a child. It is believed that a cross portends illness, a flower - falling in love, a wreath (or ring) - marriage, stripes - moving or traveling, stars and crowns - success in business. But in general, when interpreting, you should rely on your intuition.

However, it will be much more useful to spend this time making amulets and talismans. Any object that you make this evening, and most importantly, into which you put your meaning, your wish, will be your magical amulet for the whole year. The stronger your concentration while working, the better the talisman you will get! Therefore, do not plan anything big and labor-intensive if you have not practiced meditation before, focus on small things, for example, make .

We meet the Sun

After we have seen off the Sun with a feast and experienced the longest night of the year, we should thank the luminary for returning to us. This is not difficult to do, fortunately, dawn does not come too early. Try to go outside during sunrise or choose a room in the house whose windows face east and say “thank you.” After this, you can turn to the luminary with your cherished desire. Remember - the main thing is not the form of the statement, but the formulation of the essence of the desire!

We welcome a new day and a new year

It is important on the first day after the Winter Solstice to start a new business that you want to do over the coming year. It is not necessary to start in earnest, but at least some step needs to be taken today. Look for a job - write a resume, or better yet, send it to a place that interests you. If you dream of your own home, make a selection of projects you like. If you are planning to lose weight, plan your meals for the day or go to the gym. If you dream of a child... well, you understand what should be done.

This does not mean that you will immediately become pregnant, or that they will immediately call you back and invite you for an interview, or that you will immediately receive a sum sufficient to build a cottage. Perhaps you will achieve success on a completely different day, but definitely within a year!

The spring and autumn equinoxes are astronomical events in which day equals night and mark the change of seasons. We know that the spring and autumn equinoxes occur at the moment when our Sun, in its annual movement along the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator. These points are respectively located in the constellations Pisces and Virgo. The vernal equinox is the beginning of astronomical spring.

On the days of the solstices, our daylight reaches the extreme points of its annual path across the sky - in summer it deviates 23.4 degrees north from the celestial equator, in winter - 23.4 degrees south. Therefore, in June, the Sun illuminates the northern hemisphere of the Earth more - and at the moment of solstice, summer begins here - and at the end of December - the southern hemisphere, and at this time winter begins here (and summer in the southern hemisphere).

Below you can see the exact dates of the spring and autumn equinoxes for the city of Moscow, just like the winter and summer solstices.

Equinox and solstice day in 2017 for Moscow
Spring equinoxMarch 20 at 13:28 Mon
Summer solsticeJune 21 at 07:24 Wed
Autumn equinoxSeptember 22 at 23:01 Fri
Winter solsticeDecember 21 at 19:27 Thu

These dates were among the most revered in the pre-Christian period. Solstice, rotation, equinox, solstice are the names of solar holidays, which are also called the four hypostases of the Slavic Dazhdbog, which is the Sun itself - the son of Svarog.

Kolyada - winter solstice (December 21-22);
- Maslenitsa or Komoeditsa - the day of the vernal equinox (March 21-22);
- Kupailo (Kupala) – summer solstice (June 21-22);
- Radogoshch (Svetovit, Veresen, Tausen) – autumn equinox (September 22-23);

Kolyada is the winter solstice or the longest night of the year. During this period, the young sun Kolyada replaces the old sun Svetovit in his post. That is why the daylight hours begin to increase from this day on. Replaced by the church on Christmas Day.

Maslenitsa or Komoeditsa - the day of the vernal equinox (day and night are equal in time), farewell to winter, burning of the effigy of Madder, welcoming spring and the Slavic New Year. The date March 21-22 is also the beginning of astronomical spring. From this day on, the day becomes longer than the night. Yarilo-Sun replaces Kolyada and drives away Winter-Madder. Traditionally, this bracelet was celebrated for two whole weeks.

Kupailo is the day of the summer solstice. The longest day and shortest night of the year. The last day of Rusal Week or Rusalia. Kupala is one of the oldest holidays, which has kept many traditions and customs unchanged to this day, for example: the funeral of Yarila, who is replaced by the God of the summer sun Kupala, the collection of medicinal herbs, the search for fern flowers, etc. Kupailo is also a great holiday, which is now replaced by the church on the birthday of John the Baptist.

Radogoshch (Svetovit, Veresen, Tausen) - the day of the autumnal equinox (day and night are equal in time). On this day, the Sun-Old Man Svetovit comes into his own. The night becomes longer than the day. It is both a solar holiday and a celebration of the end of the harvest. Replaced by the church for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Equinox and solstice by year:

On this day, at 19:28 Moscow time, the Sun will move from the northern hemisphere of the sky to the southern. The night from December 21 to 22 is the longest of the year, and the day is the shortest. From December 25th, daylight hours will begin to become longer. Our ancestors believed that on the winter solstice, evil spirits come to earth to feed on living energy. To prevent evil spirits from entering the house, fir branches were hung in it to scare away uninvited guests.

Later, on the day of the winter solstice, they began to celebrate Kolyada. In Old Church Slavonic this was the name of the God of the new Sun. Carols were usually held on a special scale - songs and folk dances were organized. It was believed that the more fun the holiday was, the brighter the God of the new Sun would illuminate the lives of his admirers.

The people have formed rituals, traditions and signs associated with the date.

If you want to attract a flow of abundance into your life, on the day of the winter solstice, take all the change from your wallet and put it under the threshold of your house or in some opening or crevice at the front door. It won't be long before you feel how money begins to appear in your life literally out of nowhere.

To radically change your life, on the night of December 21-22, you need to turn over as many objects as possible in your home. Place cups and glasses upside down, turn over shoes, turn over chairs. Anything that can be placed backwards or upside down, turn it over and place it. During this ritual, it is important to think that your life is in your hands and it is from this moment that you begin to change it. Then say “The house is upside down, another life will begin with a new day!” Go to bed. In the morning, if necessary, you can return the inverted objects to their usual position.

December 22, 23, 24 are considered magical days. Make wishes, dream, create new plans.

A ritual with the “seed of intention” is associated with the winter solstice. You buy a seed of any plant at a flower shop, bring it home, put it in a cloth moistened with water and whisper the words of an ancient spell:
“One seed at a time, I honestly intend (what do you want to do next year, for example, buy an apartment), so that my intention comes true, germinates, sinks its roots firmly into the ground. It will be the same, and so be it. Amen." After this, transplant the shoot into a pot and water it every day for a week. In the spring, you replant the seed under any tree that has not dried out and wait... The ancient Slavs claimed that in a month the wish should come true.

If you are thinking about how to make a wish so that it comes true for sure, then you will probably like the following ritual. Write your dream on paper, roll the treasured sheet into a tube. Next, light the candle and set fire to the leaf at one end. While it burns, you need to say the words:

“Silent, and in that cherished, what is in the secret corner - what is in my soul, everything is on fire - all that flame will consume, everything that goes into space, everything, will reach the higher powers. And from them it will come back - yes, fulfilled, and such that contentment will come. Yes, such that discontent will go away. Let it go - it will be fulfilled, it will come true, but it will not be forgotten."

Collect the remaining ashes in a bag and spray them outside in a strong wind. After this, the wish should come true.

The solstice is a very important day, and not only from an astronomical point of view. This is an important day in ancient Celtic culture, a special day in bioenergetics.

In 2017, the solstice will be on December 21, as, in principle, in any other year. This is a fixed date. To understand why the solstice always occurs at the same time, we need to remember that our planet always moves along the same trajectory. In a leap year, time shifts by a day, so the solstice occurs on December 22, not the 21st. This is the only time the date changes.

Solstice from an astronomical point of view

This is not a period of time, but only one moment. To better understand this, let's imagine the Earth moving in orbit. The change of seasons and the length of day and night depend on the angle of the Earth in relation to the Sun. The angle of inclination directly depends on the position of the planet. There are only 4 important positions of the Earth, which are separated by an absolutely equal amount of time:

  • winter solstice, when in the northern hemisphere the night has its maximum length and the day has its minimum. This is the peak of the winter astronomical period. After this day the night begins to decrease;
  • spring equinox, when day and night are absolutely equal. After this day, astronomical summer begins;
  • summer solstice, when the day is as long as possible and the night as short as possible;
  • autumnal equinox, when day and night are again of equal length.

These positions of the Earth are just a moment, as if the planet crosses an imaginary line. Many people, not knowing these facts, perceive such an event incorrectly. Globally, December 21 is the border time between the beginning and end of the winter period.

Solstice in Celtic and Slavic culture

The Celts called this day Yule. Historians have no disagreement on this matter. Since ancient times, the Celts were famous for agriculture, so all holidays were associated with the harvest and weather.

Yule was a joyful and truly great holiday. People invited friends home and had a feast. Translated, this word means “to spin,” which is why another name for the holiday is “wheel of the year.” The holiday was celebrated for 13 days, each of which had its own meaning. At this time, everything changes, everything does not flow as it should. The Celts believed that this was a magical time belonging to the goddess of fate called Urd.

The first day of Yule was similar to our Maslenitsa - the Celts and Druids lit a huge fire to drive away evil spirits from their homes and people. Everyone united so that no one was left alone. According to the beliefs of the ancient Celts, on this day a person was more susceptible to curses than usual.

Over time, everything changed. The Scandinavian peoples and the peoples of northern Europe began to celebrate Yule later. When time approached modern times, Yule completely lost its former meaning, uniting with the holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

In Rus', December 21 was a holiday - its name is Kolyada. People dressed up, walked, had fun. Later, this holiday merged with the Nativity of Christ, when Christianity came to Rus'. Now, as you know, the holiday of Kolyada is practically not celebrated separately anywhere, because ancient customs have almost sunk into oblivion.

For astrologers, this day is of great importance because the Sun on the 21st is already in the Sign of Capricorn. For the world of esotericism and bioenergy, this date is important because the nature of energy is changing. This time is great for rituals, love spells, charging amulets and talismans. December 21, 2017 will be a great time to start a cycle of physical exercise, spiritual quest, and relaxation.

The solstice in 2017 is no different in nature from previous or future similar days, but this is not a minus. Rather, this is a plus, because it is always nice to know in advance what awaits you and how to spend such time correctly. It will be a beautiful day, the reign of night and winter. This day represents something positive, reflecting hopes for a brighter future. It gives us motivation and treats apathy and depression. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.12.2017 04:42

The Winter Solstice has long been considered an energetically strong period. Our ancestors believed that at this time...


The winter solstice will occur in 2017December 21 at 16:27 GMT or 19:27 Moscow time.


An unusual and full of miracles time has begun - the solstice has begun.

It will continue until December 21, until the Winter Solstice.

The Gates of Heaven are opening, and miracles can happen or begin to happen in everyone’s life.

That is, the period of magical transformations that we can let into our lives becomes even stronger.

We can make the most of this time for ourselves and the world around us.

To do this, you need to focus on your life, analyze your life path, understand what lessons we have learned to date.

Then form intentions for yourself, but they should not be selfish and aimed at fulfilling only personal desires.

It is very important not to waste time on trifles.

And the characteristic of this period is that it is better if we form intentions not only about what will bring us personal benefit, but we think and pray about the global, ask for peace in the whole world.

That we live in a World free from destruction, natural disasters, and diseases.

Now we can really influence the course of events.

Starting today, light a fire every evening.

If it is not possible to light a fire or fireplace, light several candles, their number should be at least three.

After you light the fire, speak all your requests and intentions into the flame.

Place offerings on the altar: it could be some kind of food that you will give to birds or animals in two days. That is, every third day the offerings on the altar need to be changed.

We have entered a very powerful and magical time. A time when miracles can enter our lives.

Please don't waste it, take advantage of what the universe gives us.

Natalia Milagra


Nature lives according to its own special cycles.

Man is unable to change these cycles, for example, to force the lunar days to change places, the moon to wax while it wanes.

But you can adapt to all the changes in nature, to each of the cycles, which will help you start living in harmony with the universe.

Ancient people actively used this knowledge in practice. Each nation developed its own calendar of important events. The key position in this calendar was occupied by the solstice.

Winter Solstice Day: what an event

Solstice refers to the astronomical event in which the sun occupies either its highest or lowest point relative to the earth's horizon. This event affects the length of the day; it lasts either the maximum amount of time in the year or the minimum.

The solstice can be observed twice a year, in winter and summer. The winter solstice is characterized by the minimum length of the day and the maximum length of the night. The summer solstice is exactly the opposite of the winter solstice in terms of the length of day and night.

Winter Solstice Traditions

The winter solstice is traditionally celebrated in many cultures. The ancient Celts equated the birth of a new sun with the Yule holiday.

The decoration of the house on this day had to be special. First of all, these are spruce branches. They were hung everywhere: above the entrance to the house, between interior doors, inserted into windows, laid out on the fireplace. Be sure to place something symbolizing the sun in the center of the largest room of the house, in which it was customary to gather guests. It could have been an orange, a product of golden, sunshine.

On the day when the old sun went to rest, large ritual bonfires were lit. These fires were specially lit so that they would help the new sun to be born and help maintain its strength in its early stages.

At the same time, the Eastern Slavs celebrated Kolyada. Kolyada in Slavic mythology is the god of the new sun. His other names: Kaledi, Cadmus, Kolodiy. This deity symbolized the transition of the year.

Among the people, the day of his veneration came the day after the winter solstice. This day was considered the Slavic New Year.

Kolyada Day was celebrated on a special scale, with songs and folk dances. The traditions of the day especially concerned gifts. On Kolyada, it was customary to give a gift, albeit small, to every loved one.

The Slavs believed that the god of the new sun was not favorable to stingy people and did not illuminate their lives with sunlight. It was believed that a stingy person who did not make a single person happy on New Year's Day would live in darkness all year.

Winter solstice: how to spend it

On December 21, another solar year will end. Already on the 22nd the sun will rise again, and will already be renewed. The countdown to the new solar year will begin. The end of the solar year is a good time for various practices, rites and rituals.

  • Conduct meditation. A good effect will come from cleansing meditations that help you free yourself from something unnecessary and outdated. It is also recommended that after cleansing, move on to visualizing plans for the new solar year. It’s worth preparing yourself a list of planned things to do in advance. Before meditation, you need to read this list and, closing your eyes, imagine that everything has already happened. If these plans are truly worthwhile and strong vibrations of the energy plan were sent at the moment of visualization, everything planned will be realized in a short time.
  • Make wishes. Traditionally, on the day the calendars change, they make a wish. Asking for something cherished and hidden on the day of the winter solstice is akin to making a wish on a falling star on New Year's Eve.
  • Carry out magical work. Recommended focus: increasing strength, replenishing vital energy, healing from physical and mental illnesses, well-being and prosperity.
  • Conduct fortune telling. You can tell fortunes for love using a mirror, or for the next year.
  • Get out. For something good to come into life, you need to clear the space for it. You should clean the room, throw away all old, broken things. All things that were not useful during the year should be collected in boxes and taken to people in need. It wouldn’t hurt to wash the doorways, thresholds, and most importantly the windows. It is through them that flows of power enter the house. A cluttered space interferes with the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires.
  • Let go of the past that has become obsolete. On December 21, right at sunset, you should go outside or open the window wide. Bring a piece of paper and a pen with you. While the old sun goes below the horizon, you need to try to remember everything bad and everything negative that happened this year. This could be relationships with people, the people themselves, illness, litigation, job changes, loss of money, unpleasant conflict situations. You need to write about all this on paper, and then burn this paper with fire. Leave to burn just before the setting sun. All the bad things will go away along with the old sun. And the next morning, along with the new sun, the long-awaited cleansing and relief will come.


The day of the winter solstice carries special magic, and this magic must certainly be used for your benefit. There are several well-established rituals.

Seed of Intent

The ritual is performed individually. It is not advisable to tell anyone about it. On the day the sun rises, you need to go to the market or flower shop and buy any one seed there. This seed needs to be brought home, placed in a cloth moistened with water and the words of an ancient conspiracy whispered over it:

“One seed at a time, I honestly intend (what do you want to do next year, for example, buy a car), so that my intention comes true, germinates, and sinks its roots firmly into the ground. It will be the same, and so be it.”

The seed must be placed in a glass or pot of soil. The soil needs to be watered for exactly seven days, but not much. Then water it every month on the full moon. The seed must remain in this soil until spring. In the spring, dig a hole in the street under any tree that has not dried up and place the soil together with the seed in this hole. If something grows by then, it will still need to be transplanted under a tree. Within a month after this, the intention will begin to come true.

Healing bath

When the sun changes, a person is renewed. This process is inevitable; a person is subject to the influence of heavenly bodies. Updating can be very painful, especially if a person is not ready for it. Cleansing with healing water can help speed up and smooth out this process.

To do this, you need to fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature. Place candles throughout the bathroom, light them, turn off the main light. Turn on calm, relaxing music. Lie down in the bath and close your eyes. First you need to imagine how the body becomes very heavy. So heavy that the water stops pushing the body onto the water surface.

After this you need to tense up a little. Imagine that dark streams flow from the body into the water. These currents must come out and at the same time bring relief to the body and soul. You need to wait until your body feels completely at ease. Only after this can you drain the water, while you still need to lie down and imagine that everything bad is flowing away along with it.

Heart's desire

This ritual is suitable for those who have a desire that has never been voiced out loud. This is an important rule, since what is said out loud is no longer considered a cherished desire. This desire must be written down on a blank piece of paper without saying it out loud. Then roll this piece of paper into a thin tube.

After this, light a thick candle. You will also need a fireproof container. Set fire to the leaf at one end, and while it burns you need to hold it over this container, saying:

“Silent, and in that cherished, what is in the secret corner - what is in my soul, everything is on fire - all that flame will consume, everything that goes into space, everything, will reach the higher powers. And from them it will come back - yes, fulfilled, and such that contentment will come. Yes, such discontent will go away. Let it go - it will be fulfilled, it will come true, but the forces will not forget.”

After this, let the leaf burn completely in a fireproof container. The ashes will need to be collected in a small bag. As soon as there is a snowstorm or strong wind outside, these ashes need to be shaken out into the street. All rituals must be performed on the day of the winter solstice.