Lesson “Didactic games with clothespins. Games with clothespins for kids DIY games with clothespins

Why is it so important for children to develop fine motor skills?

The fact is that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thereby activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate neighboring areas responsible for speech. The development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age is especially important.

By performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves good development of fine motor skills of the hands. The hands acquire good mobility and flexibility, and the stiffness of movements disappears.

You can use games with clothespins to develop children's creative imagination, logical thinking, color, and counting.

The games are interesting and exciting. Can be used by teachers in the implementation of educational areas “Socialization”, “Health”, “Communication”, “Labor”, “Cognition”.

To make the game interesting for the child, you can attach clothespins according to the theme (rays to the sun, needles to the hedgehog, petals to the flower, ears to the head of the bunny). To do this, you need to make blanks of the sun, hedgehog, flower, bunny on a cardboard base.

We play with clothespins - we develop not only fine motor skills

When children learn to put on and take off clothespins, you can offer them games and tasks.

There are many game options.

Using clothespins of the same color

Goal: to teach children to select the right clothespins of the same color, to develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

Tools: clothespins of different colors, a tray, a hedgehog blank.

Game option: the teacher invites the child to make spines for the hedgehog. Teaches how to press the clothespin with your fingers so that it opens.

When the child finishes the task, you need to ask him what color clothespins he used.

And then offer to remove the clothespins, making sure that the child presses the clothespin again and opens it.

“Make thorns for the hedgehog”

Alternating clothespins by color

Goal: learn to alternate clothespins of two colors; develop fine motor skills of the hands. Means: yellow and orange clothespins, tray, sun template.

Game option: first, the teacher invites the children to look at the sun, which already has rays with alternating clothespins of two colors, suggests finding a pattern and continuing to make rays in a certain order, this allows not only to develop fine motor skills of the hands, but also perception, attention, memory and thinking .

Then the task becomes more difficult. Children follow the teacher's verbal instructions.

You can invite children to find and correct a mistake made by some character, for example, Dunno.

"Make some rays for the sun"

Correlating the number of clothespins with a number

Goal: to learn to correlate a number with the number of objects within 5; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Tools: clothespins of different colors, a tray, blanks of a horse, bunny, bird, carrot and turnip, plastic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Game option: the teacher invites children to complete the missing parts for animals and vegetables using clothespins.

Guys, you need to take enough clothespins so that their number corresponds to the proposed figure

/you can change the task: when the children finish the animal figures and vegetables, ask them how many clothespins were needed, for example, to make ears, a tail or legs, then ask them to choose a number corresponding to the number of attached clothespins/

“Vegetable tops”, “Make bunny ears”


Expression of creativity

Goal: to learn to use the color scheme of clothespins of your choice, to develop creativity and fine motor skills.

Tools: clothespins of different colors, a tray, butterfly, flower, airplane blanks.

Game option: the teacher offers to complete the missing details of the items. When the children complete the task, ask them which part of the object they completed and what color clothespins they used.

"Butterfly", "Magic Flower", "Airplane"

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

memo for parents "Games with clothespins"

Games with clothespins develop the creative imagination of preschoolers. They teach children to manipulate objects according to a model, to show imagination, choosing the desired one from several proposed figures...

Games with clothespins

*Games with clothespins perfectly train fine motor skills, develop tactile sensations, color perception, imagination and creativity....

Educational games with clothespins

The consultation for parents tells how, in a playful way, with the help of clothespins you can develop a child’s intelligence and motor skills....

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The child lives in the game. While playing, he learns about the world, communicates with it, remembers the rules of behavior... It is important to provide your baby with a continuous series of exciting activities and games so that his activity does not slow down even for a moment. What to do if you are already tired of toys?

Clothespins and buttons, which every mother has in her home, will perfectly help you entertain and at the same time develop your baby well.

You will need:

Clothespins and templates

Clothespins are a wonderful tool for developing a child's fine motor skills. There are so many great games with clothespins that will keep your little one occupied for a long time. One of my favorites is to create different figures from templates using clothespins.

  1. Cut out templates of the sun, clouds, Christmas tree, fish, flower, hedgehog, bunny from thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Teach your little one to attach clothespins to templates to complement the picture (for example, make rays for the sun, rain for a cloud, or thorns for a hedgehog).
  3. At first it will be difficult for your baby to attach the clothespins, but he will be happy to remove them.
  4. Over time, his fingers will get stronger and he will become fully involved in this game.

Choose special clothespins for children: not too tight and in bright colors.

Stringing clothespins

If you have a lot of colorful clothespins at home, this is quite enough for interesting games and activities. Here are a few ideas to keep your child entertained with just some rope and clothespins.

Active and fun games

Clothespins are also good for fun outdoor games. For example, play game "Find the clothespin". Attach several clothespins to your clothes, and your baby must find and remove them within a certain time.

If there are two children in the family, arrange a “clothespin competition”: one child looks for clothespins on mom, the other - on dad.

If there are a lot of kids in the house, entertain them playing tag using clothespins. Attach a rope tail to each child and attach a clothespin to it. The task of the participants is to collect as many clothespins as possible from all participants. The one with the most clothespins wins.

The catalog of games with clothespins doesn't end there. You can come up with other entertainment using these simple devices - it all depends on your imagination.

Playing with button trainers

You can come up with equally interesting games for developing fine motor skills using ordinary buttons. It's harder to play with them than with clothespins, so wait until your baby's fingers become more obedient. Take into account the two ideas for “button” simulators proposed below.

  • Sew several buttons of different colors and different sizes onto thick fabric and give them to your baby. He will twist them, knead them, perhaps test them, study colors and shapes (there are even square and oval buttons), which will contribute to his intensive development. You can place the buttons in the form of a pattern (for example, a flower or a tree).
  • The next simulator is the didactic game “Button Up.” It is more complex, but children are happy to get involved in this difficult work. Sew several bright buttons onto green fabric - it will be a clearing with flowers. Cut out flower templates from colorful pieces and cut a hole in the middle of each one. Give the baby the task of “planting flowers in the clearing,” that is, fastening each flower to the sewn buttons.

Games with button houses

Children enjoy playing games that involve filling different patterns with buttons or pushing them into holes. Examples of such games and activities are given below.

  • Take a plastic or tin jar with a lid, make two or three holes of different sizes (to fit the size of buttons) in the lid.

    Give your child a set of buttons and tell them the rules of the game: push buttons of different sizes into the appropriate holes.

  • Cut out an object or composition from thick cardboard (for example, a train or a flower in a pot). In the design, carefully cut out round holes to fit the buttons.

    Invite your child to decorate the drawing by placing a button of a certain size in each hole.

    For convenience, you can make all the holes the same and select several buttons for them so that the baby can rearrange them, changing colors. Similar educational games with buttons can be created an infinite number of times with different pictures.

  • Ctrl+Enter.

Kids will love new, bright and unusual educational games or “table theater” with colorful clothespins. These manuals for developing fine motor skills are easy to make with your own hands.

Many excellent examples of this can be found on the pages of this section. In principle, the clothespin itself is a ready-made, self-sufficient toy. You just have to play with the opening and closing of a clothespin (a dog barks, a duck quacks, etc.) And in combination with cardboard silhouettes-blanks, you can systematically work with children on the development of all aspects of speech, at the same time developing memory, attention, imagination, fine motor skills. . Look what your colleagues came up with for this.

A clothespin is an indispensable item in the household and necessary in the game!

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All sections | Clothespins. Educational games with clothespins

Didactic play is a valuable means of nurturing children’s sensory activity; it helps the child learn how the world around him works and broaden his horizons; the game contributes to the formation of the child’s personality. Non-standard didactic sensory development games, have...

New Year's author's didactic game with clothespins"Soon, soon the New Year." Have a good winter and creative evening everyone! I hasten to share my latest development with all Maam users. This is a didactic game with clothespins. Everyone's favorite New Year is just around the corner and my...

Publication “Games with...”
Games with clothespins Games with clothespins are well suited for children from one to five years old. These games develop fine motor skills, creativity and logical thinking. For children, this is a fun and interesting activity, as well as an incredibly useful activity. It's training...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Didactic game with clothespins “Radiant Sun” Purpose: development of fine motor skills of the hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial concepts, development of imagination and speech. Equipment: sun template, clothespins Game progress: We give the child hands cut out of yellow...

Didactic game with clothespins “Match by color”. Objectives: To consolidate children's ideas about 9 colors; promote the development of memory, thinking, logic and fine motor skills of the fingers; as well as the development of sensory perception. Educational objectives: -develop the ability to distinguish and...

Really interesting things can be made from wooden clothespins. These crafts will delight children every day or they will come in handy as a beautiful gift. The main thing we need to master is the decor of clothespins, and our imagination will do the rest for us. What do we need...

Clothespins. Educational games with clothespins - Games with clothespins

PURPOSE: Development of fine motor skills of the hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial concepts, development of thinking, imagination, speech. “SUN” GOAL: Development of fine motor skills of the hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial concepts, development of imaginative thinking,...

Using clothespins in sensory education for preschool children In the process of sensory education, all mental processes are formed in children - attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination, which is a prerequisite for the development of all types of children's activities - play, productivity, work, subject matter. Sensory classes...

Hello, dear readers!

How to entertain your one-year-old toddler so that it is fun for him, and also useful. From the age of one year onwards, we persistently train the fine motor skills of children’s hands and develop small fingers. And we select appropriate activities for him to move with these same fingers, develop imagination, logic, and thinking. We also invite the child to dialogue through play, as we constantly ask him about something, for example, is this the sun? and these are the rays of the sun! - look at the rays!

All this can be developed by playing with clothespins.

I honestly admit that I had long ago decided to do similar creativity with my child, but I couldn’t get around to it, the clothespins had been bought a long time ago and were aimlessly attached to one of the children’s boxes, and Danya had already played half of them somewhere. The child did not play with them, was not taught how to use them, clothespins were constantly lying around somewhere, in general...

In general, the muse visited me and I finally took up this matter. I found some more wooden clothespins and the work began to boil, especially since there was such an active and creative assistant nearby! So, first things first:

Educational games with clothespins - you will need ordinary plastic clothespins of different colors, preferably. Ordinary wooden ones, not colored ones, will also work; we will decorate them ourselves.

A good mood is a must, and of course, do everything with your child, let him help you and take part. Instill in him a sense of importance, that he is needed, without him you won’t be able to cope! This is how the child grows responsible for his actions and, as he gets older, will always be your support and support.

Choose clothespins that are not too tight so that they are easy to open and close.

These games can be played by ages one year and older. First, introduce your baby to clothespins, tell him how they can open and close their mouths.

Take the child's hand in yours and show him how to operate the clothespin. Show how you can grab small objects with the mouth of a clothespin.

During the introductory stage, you can play the following mini-games:

1. Attach clothespins to the edge of the box and ask the child to remove the clothespins and put them in another container. This way, the baby will gradually learn to manipulate the clothespin, just make sure that he squeezes and unclenches the clothespin correctly, and does not pull it off, which they like to do at first.

4. It's time to help mom hang the laundry on the line. Stretch a string and invite your baby to hang his clothes or doll clothes on this string and pin it with clothespins.

I didn’t look for easy ways and immediately suggested that my son hang clothes from the high chair on the clothes dryer. We didn’t like it, and my son refuses to complete this task at all.

5. We also develop memory and thinking: we stick a circle with food on a piece of cardboard, and stick a face on each clothespin. Who eats what from us, let's figure it out. I hope the idea is clear.

6. Also, this option: the mouth of the clothespin opens, and there is a chicken, or a frog and a fly, for example.

7. Draw or print big hedgehog, and stick his supplies on the clothespins. Let the baby collect crops for the hedgehog: a flower, a mushroom, an apple, berries, which are glued to clothespins and fastened on the hedgehog.

If you play such simple games from time to time, your baby will learn a lot of new things and quickly learn how to click a clothespin, then you can complicate the tasks.

I hope the game options will be interesting to you and you will play them with your baby. Train your little fingers, and I'm waiting for you at , where I'll tell you about games with clothespins based on patterns and more! Goodbye!

Games with clothespins are a very interesting, fun and exciting way to spend time with your child. And also, such games are very useful for a child.

Playing with clothespins is a great workout for your fingers. After all, you need to spend enough effort and effort to attach the clothespin. Ordinary clothespins are a simple and affordable material that is found in every home.

What are games with clothespins?

There are many types of games with clothespins. For all these options you will need the clothespins themselves and paper blanks.

To begin with, for the youngest children, you need to introduce the baby to how clothespins open and close, and teach the child how to pin clothespins.

Tell your child that you need to hold the clothespin with three fingers, that when you press the edges of the clothespin with your fingers, it “opens its mouth,” and when you loosen your fingers, the clothespin “closes its mouth.”

For clarity, you can make a Shark.

There are many options, for example:

When the child has already learned to use clothespins, gradually introduce additional elements into the game depending on the child’s age.

What is the benefit of playing with clothespins?

Games with clothespins develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

And fine motor skills are the basis for the development of speech, memory, and thinking.

Such games will introduce the baby to the world around him, help to develop the child intellectually, develop a sense of rhythm and constructive thinking, as well as develop logic, thinking and speech.

With the help of educational games with clothespins, you can learn colors, counting, the alphabet, professions, seasons, transport and anything else.

Regular clothespins are an excellent educational aid for children.

There are ready-made kits

At what age can you play such games?

These educational games can be played from 2 years of age.

In the beginning, you should teach your child how to attach clothespins, then gradually add game elements.

  • At the age of 3-4 years, you can learn colors through play;
  • 4-5 years old, using games with clothespins, you can learn professions, seasons, etc.;
  • 5-6 years old, with the help of such games it is easier to remember counting and the alphabet.

How to play.

For little ones “Find a clothespin.”

You need to ask the child to leave the room and not see what you are doing. Make sure that the child is not watching, hang clothespins in different places in the room, for example on curtains, toys, furniture, etc. (pay attention to the fact that it is convenient for the child to reach the clothespin that he finds).

Then ask your child to find all the clothespins and put them in a box or basket. As soon as the child finds the clothespin, praise him. If it doesn't work out, encourage it.

Collect beads from clothespins.

Just hang clothespins of different colors on a string. And it will make a wonderful decoration for mom. To complicate the task, you can ask to make beads alternating a certain color of clothespins. This way the child will remember the colors.

Attach clothespins to boxes ,and everything you want.

Just, dry your clothes.

Make your own clothespin game.

To do this, you need to print the template, cut out the blank (for long-term use, the blank can be laminated or covered with tape).

And now the baby needs to add rays from clothespins to the sun, needles to the hedgehog, a tail and fins to the fish, and droplets to the cloud.

Decorative clothespins

You can use themed templates for games with clothespins.

Download or print templates from our website:

To make a themed game you will need:

  • Color printer
  • Thick paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue (or double-sided tape)
  • Clothespins.

Print out the templates, cut out the field for the game, as well as ovals with images.

If the paper is not thick enough, you can glue cardboard on the back side. For greater durability of the game, it would be great if you laminate or tape the elements.

Rules of the game depending on the plot of the game. There are a lot of options...

Ordinary clothespins, with a creative approach, become an excellent educational toy for a preschool child. By playing such games, the child performs finger exercises, and therefore strengthens the index and thumb, which in the future will be used when writing.

Select a game template

Game with clothespins “Professions”

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