Which language is better to learn Spanish French. Which language to choose: German or Spanish

Please share your thoughts on the topic: what second language should I choose for my child at school, Spanish or German? The child wants the one that is simpler :)))) But with German, at least there is someone to help in case of problems, and she will have to speak Spanish herself... Maybe Spanish is not much simpler than German? ;)


Definitely German. This, of course, is subjective, but I studied at a German special school, and the language was very useful in life. These include tourist trips, where in many countries of Europe and Asia they speak German as well as English, and study and work opportunities. The language is difficult, more difficult than English for sure. I can’t say anything about Spanish, I taught it myself using self-instructions, it seemed that it was much easier than German. But is it necessary for life???

Thank you all very much! :O)

Maybe someone can tell me? Now we are learning English. You need to choose a second language to study from German, French and Chinese. It will have fewer hours than the main course. I heard that after English. It's easier to learn German, but is it really so? Let’s just say that I’m certainly not against learning 2 languages, but I won’t be able to get a tutor in a second language, and although Chinese is probably the most best option, but how realistic is it to study it without help and only 2 hours a week. *** Topic...


French, based on the fact that it is very similar to Spanish, and Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world today (Chinese is first). French people I know easily understand Spanish by ear, although they have never studied it... And French is a beautiful language.
It is impossible for a foreigner to learn Chinese to a decent level. You can figure out the hieroglyphs, but the pronunciation and intonation are very difficult, besides, China is large and there are a great many dialects of Chinese. I have been to China before. I usually learn a few of the most popular words in the local language before traveling, but in this case nothing helped. Even "hello" and "thank you" different parts China sound completely different, there is zero chance that they will understand..

Chinese. No complicated grammar at the first stage, no articles, genders or conjugations. And hieroglyphs are learned quite easily in childhood.

16.08.2016 22:36:48, just passed by from foreign language

Polyglots of Moscow - unite, or how to learn more...

There is great news for linguists and polyglots! In July, a project called "PolyTalky" is launched, within the framework of which 12 language meetings will be held for polyglots and those who want to become them. PolyTalky are language meetings, at each of which 1 language will be studied. It turns out that everyone can become a little polyglot this summer and learn how to conduct simple conversations in more than 6 languages! What is this for? While traveling around the world we meet a lot of interesting people, but not always...

Good afternoon I want to listen to all the arguments in favor of choosing one language or another. My son must choose one of these three in his curriculum next year; there is no option to refuse. The study will be at a fairly serious level, 8-10 hours a week. This is the child’s third foreign language, now English-German. Future profession sees only biology or something related, but not medicine. I am for Spanish, my son does not agree and chooses between Chinese and Latin. Maybe someone has children...


From a practical point of view, the most promising is Chinese. But this depends on where you live and work. Where there are options with Chinese companies, there will be a shortage and demand for a specialist.

Thanks everyone, I read everything. Spanish definitely, I will try my best to persuade you.

Share what guided you when choosing a second language for your child? I see that many children learn French at gatherings, but I don’t know which child to advise. Write what language you chose as your child’s second language and why?


Look what there are interesting programs at the Goethe Institute, our children from them went to study in Germany with an eye to receiving higher education there. Very budget friendly! HE in natural and technical specialties is well developed and it is (relatively) easy to go to these areas. Here, as has already been written, there are many companies and organizations. French is beautiful, no doubt about it, but that’s all.

08/24/2017 12:38:13, Elena-subscriber

In September I asked myself the same question and ended up choosing French. I work at an educational center (I discussed this with 2 young teachers) and they said that it is easier to learn French. after English, their words were decisive in the choice. As a result, the child learns French. 3 times a week, the subject is optional and grades for it are not included in the diary (although they say they will be in the diploma, but we are still in 5th grade, so we don’t know what will happen next). My topic is in the link.

Give me the pros and cons for studying the second foreign language, plz... The choice is between Spanish, French, Italian, German. For now, I am leaning towards French because: 1. In terms of prevalence, it is inferior to Spanish, but in total it exceeds German (if taken into account as a second language) 2. Several European countries speak it 3. France is a worthy country for studying, if such an opportunity exists 4. it’s easy to learn French later (if you have the desire and...


The one the “subject” wants is Italian. I was forced to learn German as a second language, I never used it, even when I worked with the Germans. Although I knew it quite well when I left university.

If a boy, then German (a technical language), if a girl, then French (the language of diplomacy, although if a boy is inclined towards the humanities, then French is also better for him).

I propose to speculate on the topic: which language should a child choose to study (first language). I took into account Janet’s statement that we need to start with something more complex, i.e. not English. I generally agree with this, besides, I can learn this English in kindergarten or at school. So, there are the following languages ​​to choose from: 1. Turkish. 2. Armenian 3. Chinese 4. Japanese The first two are personally closer to me, because I studied Turkish myself for a while, I’m just in awe of it, Armenian is somehow also pure...


I would choose Chinese from this list. A very rapidly progressing country with a very interesting history and culture. And it is absolutely not necessary to work as a translator with a good knowledge of Chinese :))
And I want to tell you that I very much support your desire to give your child knowledge of several languages. It is my deep conviction that it is precisely such people - several languages, good education and upbringing + the outlook given by their parents - who have the future :))

07.12.2003 21:24:16, Crab stick

Why do you need these languages? They are of little use! Both the Japanese and especially the Chinese are now intensively studying English. None of the languages ​​you listed will be useful to your child (my personal opinion). ENGLISH, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Arabic, Dutch, Portuguese - these are the languages ​​that are preferred to be taught in English schools.
English basic. And starting from the first grade they add language skills.

The situation is like this. In the 2nd grade, the language begins. There are 2 groups - English and French. They forced parents to draw lots for a signature in the protocol (what they drew was recorded). How legal are such actions? Do I have the right to choose which language my child will study? For example, does it take into account that the child’s older siblings are learning English, but there will be no one to help with French? Can I be forced to learn French? Is it legal? And what to rely on in a conversation with the director, what provisions...


Thanks everyone! I found the law!!! If it's relevant to anyone:
Article 44 Law 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" is new, came into force on September 1, 2013
3. Parents (legal representatives) of minor students have the right:

1) choose, before the child completes basic general education, taking into account the child’s opinion, as well as taking into account the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (if any), forms of education and forms of training, organizations that provide educational activities, language, languages ​​of education, optional and elective subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) from the list offered by the organization carrying out educational activities;

Everything is at the discretion of the director. There are no provisions. But they usually meet halfway.

Good afternoon, dear parents! This year, fortunately, we entered the good Gymnasium 1573 on Pskovskaya! And we are very happy about it! Today we have an urgent question about choosing a second foreign language! We just can’t decide on a choice! Please tell me who is already studying a second foreign language and has experience in studying it: what should we focus on? Which language is more promising and easier to learn? We were offered a choice: -French -German -Japanese -Spanish! I'm probably already leaning towards...


I would choose French or Spanish. Spanish is easier.

In fact, Chinese or Arabic are the most promising in terms of the development of world markets.
And from what was offered, I would choose Japanese. All other languages ​​will not surprise anyone. And having mastered English, you can, if you wish, master French, Spanish, and German.

Who has experience learning a second language? We were offered a choice (in 5th grade) to study in addition to the main English language - either: - Spanish - French - German - Japanese What to choose? Share your experience! Sincerely Elena


My experience - the first was English... it helped me generally understand what a foreign... group of Latin languages ​​is... then from the 5th - Spanish first with a tutor, then at school - easily... (Spanish and Italian are generally the most easy from the German group, especially on the basis of English) ... then German - a year with a professional tutor - very difficult ... in the end I settled in Spanish 7 years of a complete break, I heard in the 3rd year of the institute - I understood everything ... German I began to forget very quickly... and after learning German, in 2(!) months I learned Dutch to a simple conversational level (it is related to German). So, first of all, I would recommend Spanish as the second language...

My son knows 2 languages ​​quite well (German and English). They chose who would help the child study. Dad knows German well - this was the main argument in the choice.

Poll #1590 Foreign language What is the first language a child learns at school? English French Spanish Chinese German Italian None Other: Is your child learning a second language at home or at school, and if so, which one? English French Spanish Chinese German Italian Doesn't teach, and won't teach Not yet, but will Other: Results Who will answer, write in the conference, and why exactly? And another interesting link. On a scientific approach to choosing a second language.

Since today everything is about school. Let's vote? Today I need to choose a second language in 5th grade school (today I saw on TV that a second language is being introduced compulsory in secondary schools). We have 3 to choose from: German, French and Italian. *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


But I studied French as a second language at school. So, if the child has to choose (she is in the 6th grade, I don’t know if this will affect her), then, apparently, it will be French, so that at least somehow I can help her. Although, in my opinion, Italian is the easiest on this list.

Which language does the child prefer?
I myself, in the 6th grade, when our school introduced a second foreign language compulsory for 5th graders, and everyone else was offered private lessons with the same teachers, I chose French and took it for 3 years. Now sometimes I regret that I don’t speak German: in my field it is the second necessary language after English. I tried to learn German on my own several times, but I didn’t progress beyond the “reading with a dictionary” level. Many features of German grammar cause internal rejection in me precisely because I am more accustomed to Romance languages ​​(in addition to French, I also know Italian and Latin). If I had started learning German as a child, my attitude would have been completely different. Knowledge of English, alas, hardly helps in learning German - so, very little, at the level of some similar words. On the other hand, French opened the way for me to Romance languages.
You can talk a lot about demand and, unfortunately, still make mistakes. Nobody knows what kind of environment the child will end up in when he grows up. For example, in the religious and religious studies environment, especially those associated with Catholicism, knowledge of Polish, Spanish and Italian is in great demand.

Dear audience! I broke my head on the following question: next year my daughter is going to second grade. And if we don’t leave this school, then we are supposed to have a choice: German or English. from the second grade as a first in. language The school is non-linguistic. English according to Vereshagina, German. - I don’t know which textbook. And then I got confused. For English 1) my husband was in favor in September :) 2) I know how much less German is needed. by example, so to speak. Well, if I didn’t know English, my...


Schools that leave a legacy of learning German are committing a crime against society and students. German is not needed, universities are not needed by parents. School should not force learning German language. English required. And if you have to choose, then learn any language other than German. No one needs him. I wasted my time studying it. She graduated with honors and was left unclaimed. I'm learning English on the run.

Thanks for the answers, comrades :). However, I will think and analyze.

not under coercion, but of their own free will, without the help of teachers, while in their own country. How long did it take? With what intensity did you teach, what sources did you use? What advice do you have for an aspiring dreamer? *** Topic moved from the conference “About your own, about your girlish”

Which language is more profitable to learn, Spanish or French, do you think? Which one will practical people choose?

We are still learning English, but we are already thinking about choosing the next language :-)) What do you think is the most common language after English? German? or French? or maybe Spanish? What language would you like to learn? In terms of its prevalence, it seems to me that it is necessary to learn German. And for the beauty of pronunciation, I would like Spanish. How are you?


Teach better second German, or French. This will expand your opportunities to earn money regardless of the country you move to to live and work. For starters, make money with translations. Let's translate from German into English and live off it. And learn the local language. And then, when you learn the local language of the country you are moving to, German/French will be an additional advantage in finding a job in your specialty. In the case of the Czech Republic, for example, German is more in demand, but the Czechs don’t know French, and it can shoot “rarely, but accurately.”
As for the comparative complexity of German/French/IT/Spanish, all this is nonsense, i.e., whatever the child learns, he will learn, and the local will then learn it in any case. This is, of course, if you learn with a good teacher and practice a little in the environment.
IMHO, based on own. experience

12/16/2004 17:46:59, M.

We have a third language - Spanish, the 4th I would choose French, then German, if I have any strength left :)

Help me choose. The question arose of choosing a second language after English. They suggested French or German. Which one is easier to learn? It is interesting from this point of view. Thank you.


IMHO, French is simpler and more beautiful. Because in german words of 20 or more letters, it personally drives me into depression and stupor.

Usually they start from the benefits of a second language. If you don’t see it, maybe it’s better to go to such a school so as not to study the second one in principle?
And if you think about the benefits, then in technology it is more from German (in Germany there are interesting exhibitions of electronics, for example, there are German circuit boards, and the literature for them in German is better than French), and in chemistry too (there are chemical reference books that are in German and nothing without them). And the language of diplomats is rather French. Artists and fashion designers love Paris. Therefore, it makes sense to think about where the child will APPLY this second language. For pure linguists, Paris is also more interesting than Germany, remember Tsvetaeva.

There is a 5th grader in a special mathematics school. There is quite a bit of time left, but the head is good. Therefore, I really want to start learning a second language. 1. So that there is 2. So that in the future there will be an opportunity to “reanimate” it and use it 3. There is no chance of finding free foreign training with English, but I want to try. Based on this, I am looking for a popular language that I can actually learn semi-independently. English is taught at school. We can't handle Chinese. Options - Spanish or German...


German is unambiguous: 1) it is the language of European business, all the money in Europe is concentrated in Germany; 2) Germany is the only European country that teaches foreigners free of charge, provided they speak German fluently.

1. With English, there are chances to find free study abroad - there are a lot of scholarship programs in the USA, and you can also do it in China for symbolic money.

2. If “abroad” is Europe, then German. If Canada is French. Czech education was in vain scolded - it is quite normal. But Czech is still better as a 3rd language - it is not difficult.

3. My daughter had to learn French in the 5th grade (the second language at school was compulsory and there were no options). I won’t say that I was happy then. But now the child knows 3 languages ​​- English, French and German good level. German on the basis of 2 languages ​​in the 9th grade went without any problems with minimal effort.

And yes, it’s better not to revive the language, but to study it until you graduate from school. It takes very little time.

It is a given - children from the 4th grade begin to learn a second language. The main language is English, the second language can be a choice of French or German for sure, and it may also (not exactly yet) Spanish or Italian. What would you choose and why? you need to write the preferred option and possible replacement

Girls, tell me, you need to choose a second language after English: German or French. What could be easier to follow after English? The child is entering 5th grade and is fully loaded. I wish that learning a second language would not be so painfully difficult. I understand that a lot depends on the teacher (and here and there the teacher is only after college), and on how useful he will be in the future. At the moment, I still want to choose the language that is easier to learn. We learned English ourselves, so...



I would choose a combination of English + French, because if you happen to work or just communicate with foreigners, Germans speak excellent English, but Francophones don’t care...
I myself studied English in a special school and foreign language, German in foreign language, and I recently started French, 2 years ago life forced me. I can say that French is difficult only at first glance, but is quite easy to understand.

A list of cinemas where you can enjoy the original speech of the actors and brush up on your English language skills. 1. Under the Dome (Dome Cinema) American cinema. Watching films in the original language, simultaneous translation via headphones or on-screen subtitles. Ticket price up to 250 rubles For students - 150 rubles (Mon-Fri) Address: Olympiysky Prospekt, 18/1, Renaissance in Moscow Hotel, Art. m. "Prospekt Mira" 2. Illusion For lovers of retro cinema, "Illusion" offers to watch old Soviet, as well as...

What is the best way for children to learn a foreign language?

Learning a foreign language usually begins in childhood. However, not all children manage to master it at the proper level. This may be due to several reasons. But among this list, one of the most common reasons is the wrong approach to learning a language. Currently, most learning takes place in school, but many parents hire tutors for their children. However, even in this case, the desired result may not be achieved. Last time...

Free lessons of Italian, English, Finnish...

Free lessons Italian, English, Finnish, German and Turkish languages ​​You have the opportunity to experience modern technologies training: every week at 18.30 there are free trial lessons in Italian, Finnish, German, Turkish and English with unique language learning methods. Technologies based on communication principles will be used, and these techniques may really surprise you. One of the principles of such training: MAXIMUM knowledge in...

The child studies in language school, the main language is English and a second language will begin this year, you need to decide which of these two. Tell me, who knows which language is easier to learn?

Two richest cultures, two most beautiful languages... What to choose - Spanish or Italian? If you want to learn a new foreign language as a hobby, you may have this question. Let's figure out what advantages this or that language has, as well as what difficulties you may encounter when learning them.

Spanish or Italian

Theoretically, the two languages ​​are very similar. They have the same words, similar grammatical rules and constructions. And all because both of them come from Latin. Therefore, when choosing which language to learn, focus primarily on your own plans and preferences. Since you are unlikely to find a clear answer to the question: “Italian or Spanish – which is easier?” One thing is clear: having studied one of these languages, you will quickly master the second one. In addition, having learned Spanish, you will most likely understand Italian speech, and vice versa.

Today, Spanish and Italian are very popular, and there are many courses, tutorials and resources for learning them. Therefore, it is quite possible to learn any of these languages ​​even on your own. You can find interlocutors via Skype and practice with them colloquial speech, you can download movies and programs in the language you are learning. You can read books and magazines, watch TV series and listen to songs. In addition, Italian or Spanish is easier to learn on the basis of another European language. So, if you already know English, you will find at least a lot of similar words.

So, if you dream of visiting Italy, love Italian cuisine or are planning shopping in Milan, then your choice is Italian. Italian works of art, books, architectural masterpieces - you can get acquainted with all this by studying Italian. Spanish is more universal, because this language is used in almost 60 countries around the world. Therefore, Spanish will be more useful to you when traveling. If you plan to use the language to advance your career, then perhaps Spanish will also be preferable, since many fields today employ Spanish-speaking people.

There are many countries and peoples in Europe. In the north and center the Germanic peoples dominate, in the east the Slavic peoples, and in the south the descendants of the Romans (Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians) dominate. The West of Europe is divided between the Germanic peoples (Dutch and English) and the French, relatives of the Spaniards.
Slavs and Russians, among others, throughout history have been in contact with different peoples of Europe and, accordingly, there has been a need to study different foreign languages, which modern world is becoming increasingly acute.

Russia and most of the former USSR are quite cold countries and the inhabitants of this territory have always been drawn to the south, where it is warm. In addition to Turkey, Egypt and Cyprus, many of our compatriots prefer holidays in Italy and Spain, especially in the Canary Islands.
This is due not only to the warm climate of these countries, but also to the rich cultural heritage of these countries. “There is somewhere to warm up and there is something to see.” Naturally, our citizens have a question: “ How to communicate at the resort?" There are usually no problems within the hotel. The staff there is trained English language and if you studied at school with at least a C in this subject, then you will be able to explain yourself somehow.
It’s more difficult if you need to leave the hotel and go into the city or go beyond it. Here English will no longer help. Need to know native language residents of these countries, that is, either Spanish or Italian. Otherwise, you risk getting lost and not returning to your homeland.

Spanish and Italian are also part of the Romance language. language group, united by a common origin from Latin language- the official language of the ancient Roman Empire.

In addition to Spanish and Italian, the same group includes, for example, French, quite common as a subject in secondary schools.
In terms of the number of speakers of these languages, Spanish and Italian are very different. Spanish is spoken by about 350 million people in the world (most of them in Latin America), and Italian by about 70 million people.
Spanish is an official UN language, but Italian is not. Spanish is recognized as an official language in 20 countries, and Italian only in three. That is, the international prestige and importance of the Spanish language is much higher than that of Italian. The importance of the Spanish language is also evident in the fact that it is much more widespread as a subject in schools than the Italian language. It would seem that it is definitely more useful to teach Spanish, but this is not always the case.

Why do they learn foreign languages ​​at all?

  1. If necessary, they are forced to do so at school or university.
  2. They study a foreign language just like that – as a hobby.
  3. For practical purposes - vacation, study, work or business abroad.
  4. For cultural and educational purposes.

People come to foreign language courses and schools of their own free will, no one forces them, so the motivation of students is described only in points 2-4. Let's look at them separately.

Learning a foreign language as a hobby. It doesn’t matter what language you choose to study, Italian, Spanish or another.

Learning a foreign language for leisure. The choice is determined by the place where you want to relax. If you love the Canary Islands, learn Spanish; if you want to sunbathe in Sicily, learn Italian.

Selecting a foreign language for study. It all depends on the specialty you choose. If you are an artist, then you should definitely learn Italian, because there are simply nowhere as many museums, ancient ruins and other attractions as in Italy. If you decide to become a bullfighter, then you need to go to Spain and, of course, learn Spanish.

As for work. They usually go where they pay more. In this sense, Italy is somewhat more attractive than Spain and Latin America, and from this point of view, it is now more profitable to learn Italian. But everything can change and it’s difficult to say what will happen in the future.

From a business point of view, you don’t have to learn the language at all - it’s easier to take a translator with you. But if your business has some “subtle” aspects that should not reach anyone’s ears, then you will have to learn the language yourself. Which language to learn depends on where you have established business connections. This could be Spain, Latin America, the southern states of the USA - then learn Spanish. If you have connections in Italy, the southern cantons of Switzerland or some of the Mediterranean islands of France, then you should master the Italian language.

Language learning for cultural and educational purposes. What can I say? Spiritual needs are a complex thing and are quite individual for each person. It's difficult to determine exactly what you need. If you are a dance enthusiast and love flamenco, samba, tango or cha-cha, then carry a Spanish textbook with you. If you prefer tarantella, saltarella or quadrilla, immediately take an Italian language course.
Dancing doesn’t appeal to you, but music delights you? If you are a lover of the classics, you should definitely learn Italian. Then you can easily understand what e.g. allegro, staccato, fermata, arpeggio and will not look at the notes to the musical notation as something mysterious and sacred, inaccessible to the average person.

As for songs, Spanish and Italian are in approximately the same position. There are many excellent songs in both languages, performed by wonderful artists. It is enough to mention Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti.

There are a great many pop singers, both in Italy and in Spain and Latin American countries. You can’t list them all. Suffice it to mention Julio Iglesias and Adriano Celentano.

The only thing where Spanish has no competition is in television series. Latin America is churning out these television series at the speed of light, and housewives around the world (or at least a significant part of it) are crying over the suffering of the characters and rejoicing at their happiness. If you are such a housewife or just a lover of Latin American TV series, then you have a direct path to Spanish courses. Satellite television, together with knowledge of this language, will allow you to plunge headlong into the world of hot passions that our TV viewer is not even aware of.

We hope that now it will be easier for you to decide which language to study. Of course, both are better, but don’t rush yet - choose one.