Which vowel sound is always stressed. Why Yo is always shock

Stress is the emphasis of a particular word in a word by intonation. Moreover, in Russian the stress can fall on any syllable. Are there vowels that are necessarily stressed?

Stress is a special way of highlighting a syllable in a word, carried out using intonation. In fact, stress serves as an additional means of semantic identification of a word: after all, some words in the Russian language are completely identical when written, and only stress distinguishes them from each other. For example, if the word “flour” is stressed on the first syllable, it will mean a product used for baking, and if on the second, it will mean the suffering experienced by a living being.

Accent options

In some languages ​​of the world, the issue of stress placement is resolved quite simply: there is a certain standard under which all or most words in this language fall. This situation is observed, for example, in French, where in all words the stress is on the last syllable. In the Russian language there is no such standard rule: stress can fall on any syllable in a word, and depending on the form of a particular word, the place of stress may change. So, for example, the stress in the word “take” when conjugated will depend on the gender: in the masculine gender the form “took” will have an emphasis on the letter “I”, and in female uniform“took” requires placing an emphasis on the letter “a”. Therefore, in Russian, before reading an unfamiliar word, you should clarify in authoritative sources, for example, special dictionaries, which syllable in this word is emphasized.

Stressed vowels

Despite all the variety of rules for placing stress in Russian words, there is a vowel letter that is always under stress. We are talking about the letter “e”. Therefore, if you see an unfamiliar word in which this letter is present, you can safely read it, putting the emphasis on “е” - most likely, you will not be mistaken. In addition, this fact is the reason why the accent mark is most often not placed over the letter “е”. However, this rule, like most grammatical rules in Russian, has several important exceptions. The first of these is related to the use foreign words, which at one time were borrowed and introduced into the Russian language. An example of such a word would be “amoebiasis” - here the accent is the second letter “a”, as in most similar constructions in the Russian language denoting diseases. The second exception to this rule is compound words that have two or more roots, for example, “three-tiered”: in this word the letter “I” will be stressed.


  • introduce children to the new letter E;
  • teach to read it in words and syllables;
  • improve children's reading techniques;
  • instill love for native language, its diversity,
  • secrets and features;
  • instill an interest in books;
  • development of oral speech;
  • development of logic and intelligence.


  • image of a hedgehog;
  • image of the letter E;
  • tables and applications for speed reading;
  • book by I.I. Akimushkina “Once upon a time there was a hedgehog” and an encyclopedia about the animal world “All about animals. From A to Z." Translation by I. Gorelik. Ed. "Swallowtail", 2003.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, guys, sit down! Today we have a difficult lesson with you. We will try to discover another secret of the Russian language associated with a letter... And we will find out which one later.

Let's get into a working mood, you have a lot to talk about today, so we need to stretch our necks

II. Physical education minute.

- Sit down, children, keep your back straight. As you count, tilt your head forward, backward, left, right. ( We do this 3-4 times). Try to touch your head to your chest and shoulders, but do not raise your shoulders. Okay, that's enough.

III. Work on speech development.

To learn the secrets of the new letter, we need an assistant, and he will appear if you guess my riddle:

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest;
Lots and lots of needles
And not a single thread.

- Who is this? (Hedgehog). Well done, and here he himself has appeared. (Showing a picture of a hedgehog)

- Let's find related words for the word hedgehog. (hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog,hedgehog, hedgehog...)

- But it seems to me that you forgot another related word - YOLKA. After all, also with needles... (Children's answers)

– In fact, children, these words are not related, since they do not have a common part of the word, but only one letter in common.

- Do you like this hedgehog? Let's describe it, create a verbal portrait. Just an agreement: we will try to compose whole sentences, not individual words. Let's start with the face... (Description of children). Now let's move on to the hedgehog's body, how would you describe it? (Children's answers).

And look at the legs of the hedgehog... (Description of children).

IV. Introducing the new letter E.

- Well done, guys! The hedgehog really liked your portrait. For this he brought you a new letter on needles. What kind of letter is it (he) if the assistant is a hedgehog? (Yo).

- Let's say it three times and determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant? (vowel)

- How many sounds does it consist of? (Of two [Y’] and [O]).

- Here, look at him! (Showing the letter E). Little E loves to play hide and seek with Yotik; it has a hammer because it can be stressed, and it also has the property of making the preceding consonant soft!

- Now we need to place our letter in the Bukvinsk house. Think about what floor, what letters will we put him on? (To vowels, with iotics “i”, “e”). And under what letter? ("O") Why? (The letter “е” also has a sound [o])

-Fine! Now let’s make gifts for our new home, remember the words with the letter e. (Christmas tree, ruff, gun, honey, ice...).

- And the second gift for our little letter will be a game: I will name the words, and you will clap your hands only when the word begins with the letter E. Get ready! Started:

tree, blackberry, nimble, raccoon, ruff, spruce, hedgehog, bright, spinning top apple.

- Well, I think the little letter was pleased with your work. Now let's practice reading syllables and words with this letter.

V. Warm-up (Work on articulation).

We read the columns written on the board in unison. The first time we read the column slowly, clearly pronounce the sounds and pay attention to the softness of the consonants, the second time - faster, and the third time - quickly, moving along the column first down and then up. Then we move on to the next column


VI. Speed ​​reading.

Now it's time for a minute of speed reading. Take it in your hands application, find the second column. We got ready and started. ( In a minute)Stop! Now calculate your result and write it down on the card. If you cannot count on your own, put a tick next to the word, I will help you with the count during recess.

VII. Physical education minute.

Let's take a little rest. Take your ears with two fingers and, pressing lightly on them, move first up and then down. ( We do this 3-4 times).

VIII. Work on speech development.

We rested a little, now it’s time to get to work. And then the hedgehog was already tired of waiting for you and came up with an idea next task. He very often heard different words from people and always wanted to ask: why do we people say that?

And his first word: shrink. Are we really turning into hedgehogs?

- Let's speculate, when do we shrink? (It’s cold, scary, we’re hiding).

– Try to imitate this pose. (Children show).

– Doesn’t she remind you of anyone? (A hedgehog does this out of fear or cold).

“That's why people say that.”

– Well, you’ve dealt with the first question, listen to the second: why do we call one forest bush a blackberry? What is this, a berry for hedgehogs? (Children's answers that the blackberry bush has needles, like a hedgehog, for this similarity they gave it such a name)

- Well done! And the second question was overcome! Let's move on to the third, most difficult one. People often say: keep a tight rein on things. What kind of mittens are we talking about? Have you, children, heard such an expression? (No)

“Well, then I’ll have to explain to the hedgehog what kind of mittens these are, and at the same time you’ll have to listen.” In fact, there are no tight reins, but we use this expression if we need to call someone to order, to discipline them. Let me give you an example: in our class there are children who do not try very hard to write well and I scold them for this, I monitor their work more closely, I assign additional tasks, i.e. I keep it with a tight rein. Maybe you can give some examples yourself now?

(Children's stories).

Finally, we coped with the hedgehog’s tricky questions, and for this he prepared for us the solution to another secret of the letter ё, the fairy tale “Why is E always stressed.” From this fairy tale you will learn where the two bumps at the top of the letter e came from - oh, no! – two points (text is printed on the board. Read in chorus)

One day the letter E ran into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew, the letter E became scared, and she hid under a spruce tree. The spruce swayed from the wind, and two cones fell on the letter E, which caused cones to form on E’s head. From this it turned into another - the letter E. After this incident, the letter E is always stressed.

– Did you like the hedgehog’s fairy tale? But it’s not for nothing that we often say: a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson did you learn from this fairy tale? (The letter е is always stressed).

- Let's check it out! Read these words in unison, they contain the letter e

(words printed on the board)


IX. Bottom line.

- The lesson is coming to an end. Let's repeat what letter we met today? ("е")

- How many sounds does it consist of? ([th’],[o])

– What letter is this, vowel or consonant? (vowel)

– What other interesting things did you remember about the letter? (makes the preceding consonant soft, always stressed).

– Who helped us in our work? (hedgehog) Let's thank him!

– Guys, if you are interested in this animal and want to know more about it, I suggest you read these books. (I show I. Akimushkin’s books “Once upon a time there was a hedgehog” and the encyclopedia “Everything about animals. From A to Z”). The first book contains many illustrations and stories about the habits of a hedgehog, and the second book is more serious, there is scientific information about hedgehogs. I hope you will heed my recommendation!

- Oh, yes, I almost forgot! The hedgehog came up with one last riddle to say goodbye:

How does EVERYTHING end? Did you guess it? (letter E)

Once upon a time letter E ran away into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the trees swayed. The letter E became scared and hid under a spruce tree. The spruce tree also swayed from the wind, and two huge cones fell from the spruce branch on the letter E. They hit the letter painfully on the forehead, so much so that two bumps jumped up on her head. And from this it turned into another letter - the letter E. This, it turns out, is why the letter E is always stressed and why it walks around with bumps on its head.

2. Development of auditory attention.

Speech therapist: Listen to the poem and remember the words that contain the letter E.

Ran away from friends Found under a birch tree

Without looking back. Curls - earrings.

Said: I decided to give them

Look! To the boy Seryozhka

The hedgehog took cover. Look.

In clothes. Where is the hedgehog?

Then it rolled. Guessed it?

Balloon Yes, he is in the alphabet!

According to the stitch ABVGDEYOZHZI...

3.Recording words from sti hotvo Rhenia for memory.
Speech therapist: Remember and name the words with the letter E from the poem. Write them down (write on the board). Indicate the consonants that are softened by the vowel Е. In which words,
does the letter E represent two sounds?

4. Enrichment of the action dictionary. Selection of related action words (task 2. p. 14).

Speech therapist: Change the words so that the letter E appears in the resulting action words. Indicate the place and role of the letter E. Example: life - lives, stove - bakes.


5. Physical exercise.

Speech therapist: The hedgehog is so tired! He wants to do his favorite exercise. Let's try to do it together with him.

Children recite a poem and perform movements (improvisation).

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
- Won't you rub my back?

6. Development logical thinking. Development sound analysis and synthesis at the level of phrases.
Speech therapist: Take apples, pears and mushrooms from the hedgehog's needles and read the riddles written on them.
Not caring about the weather, I come with gifts

Walks in a white sundress, Shining with bright lights,

And one day in May, elegant, funny,

May gives her earrings


What is my name, tell me.

I often hide in the rye,

A humble wildflower,

And I'm called I... (cornflower)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself on a bench at the gate

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog) Lena's tears are bitter... (it's pouring)

Speech therapist: What groups can the guess words be divided into? (Words-objects and words-actions.) Make up phrases from the guessed words, indicating in them the presence of the letter E and, where possible, the consonant before it.

7.Development of skills in syllabic analysis and synthesis (task 3. p. 14).

Speech therapist: Do the crossword puzzle. Write down the answer words with the syllable -SE- in the boxes.


Rural settlement

Narrow tape

little pine

Speech therapist: Help the hedgehog. Read the syllables missing from the words. Put them back in place - insert the missing syllables so that you get words (task 4, p. 14).




8.Development of skills in language analysis and synthesis (task 5, pp. 14-15).

Speech therapist: Fill in the missing letters in the words and read the sentences. Restore the order of the sentences and write down the text. Indicate the place and role of the letter E in words.

It was brought by the wind. The boy dug a hole with a knife. Poplar grows between the trunks of pine trees. Mitya decided to replant the poplar. Now the topol_k will grow. Then Mitya watered the tree with water. He was transferred there from the topol.

A poplar grew between the trunks of the pine trees. The wind carried him there. Mitya decided to replant the poplar tree. The boy dug a hole with a knife. He moved the poplar tree there. Then Mitya watered the tree with water. Now the poplar will grow.

Depending on the children's capabilities, the following text may also be used.

The early April sun awakened the forest. The breeze carries spring scents through the forest. He woke up the guy. Under its rays the snow and ice melted. There is green young grass on it. A spring breeze ran through the forest. The prickly little guy got out into the forest clearing. Under the branches there was warm, damp earth. He shook off the dry leaves and looked around. A starling began to sing on a birch tree nearby.

The early April sun awakened the forest. Ice and snow melted under its rays. A cheerful stream ran through the forest. He woke up the hedgehog. A prickly hedgehog climbed out into a forest clearing. He shook off the dry leaves and looked around. There was warm, damp earth under the paws. There is green young grass on it. A starling began to sing on a birch tree nearby. The breeze carries spring scents through the forest.


Introduce children to the new letter E;
- teach to read it in words and syllables;
- improve children's reading techniques;
- instill a love for the native language and its diversity,
secrets and features;
- instill an interest in books;
-development of oral speech;
- development of logic and intelligence.


Image of a hedgehog;
- the image of the letter E;
- tables and applications for speed reading;
- book by I.I. Akimushkina “Once upon a time there was a hedgehog” and an encyclopedia about the animal world “All about animals. From A to Z." Translation by I. Gorelik. Ed. "Swallowtail" 2003

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys, sit down! Today we have a difficult lesson with you. We will try to discover another secret of the Russian language associated with a letter... And we will find out which one later.
Let's get into a working mood, you have a lot to talk about today, so we need to stretch our necks

2. Physical education minute.

Sit down, children, keep your back straight. As you count, tilt your head forward, backward, left, right. (We do this 3-4 times). Try to touch your head to your chest and shoulders, but do not raise your shoulders. Okay, that's enough.

3. Work on speech development.

To learn the secrets of the new letter, we need an assistant, and he will appear if you guess my riddle:

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest;
There are a lot of needles - a lot
And not a single thread.

Who is this? (Hedgehog). Well done, and here he himself has appeared. (Showing a picture of a hedgehog)
- Let's find related words for the word hedgehog. (hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog,
hedgehog, hedgehog...)
- But it seems to me that you forgot another related word - YOLKA.
After all, too, with needles... (Children's answers)
- In fact, children, these words are not related, since they do not have a common part of the word, but only one letter in common.
- Do you like this hedgehog? Let's describe it, create a verbal portrait. Just an agreement: we will try to compose whole sentences, not individual words. Let's start with the face... (Description of children). Now let's move on to the hedgehog's body, how would you describe it? (Children's answers).
And look at the legs of the hedgehog... (Description of children).

4. Introducing the new letter E.

Well done, guys! The hedgehog really liked your portrait. For this he brought you a new letter on needles. What kind of letter is it (he) if the assistant is a hedgehog? (Yo).
- Let's say it three times and determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant?
- How many sounds does it consist of? (Of two [Y’] and [O]).
- Here, look at him! (I show the letter E). Little E loves to play hide and seek with Yotik; it has a hammer because it can be stressed, and it also has the property of making the preceding consonant soft!
- Now we need to place our letter in the Bukvinsk house. Think about what floor, what letters will we put him on? (To vowels, with iotics “i”, “e”).
And under what letter? (“o”) Why? (The letter “е” also has a sound [o])
-Fine! Now let’s make gifts for our new home, remember the words with the letter e. (Christmas tree, ruff, gun, honey, ice...).
- And the second gift for our little letter will be a game: I will name the words, and you will clap your hands only when the word begins with the letter E.
Get ready! Started:

tree, blackberry, nimble, raccoon, ruff, spruce, hedgehog, bright, spinning top apple.

Well, I think the little letter was pleased with your work. Now let's practice reading syllables and words with this letter.

5. Warm-up (Work on articulation).

We read the columns written on the board in unison. The first time we read the column slowly, clearly pronounce the sounds and pay attention to the softness of the consonants, the second time - faster, and the third time - quickly, moving along the column first down and then up. Then we move on to the next column


6. Speed ​​reading.

Now it's time for a minute of speed reading. Pick up application No. 1, find the second column. We got ready and started. (After a minute) Stop! Now calculate your result and write it down on the card. If you cannot count on your own, put a tick next to the word, I will help you with the count during recess.

7. Physical education minute.

Let's take a little rest. Take your ears with two fingers and, pressing lightly on them, move first up and then down. (We do this 3-4 times).

8. Work on speech development.

We rested a little, now it’s time to get to work. Otherwise, the hedgehog was already waiting for you and came up with the next task. He very often heard different words from people and always wanted to ask: why do we people say that?
And his first word: shrink. Are we really turning into hedgehogs?
- Let's speculate, when are we cringing? (It’s cold, scary, we’re hiding).
- Try to imitate this pose. (Children show).
- Doesn’t she remind you of anyone? (A hedgehog does this out of fear or cold).
- That's why people say that.
- Well, you’ve dealt with the first question, listen to the second: why do we call one forest bush a blackberry? Is this a berry for hedgehogs? (Children’s answers that the blackberry bush has needles like a hedgehog, for this similarity they gave it its name)
- Well done! And the second question was overcome! Let's move on to the third, most difficult one. People often say: keep a tight rein on things. What kind of mittens are we talking about? Have you, children, heard such an expression? (No)
- Well, then I’ll have to explain to the hedgehog what kind of mittens these are, and at the same time you’ll listen. In fact, there are no tight reins, but we use this expression if we need to call someone to order, to discipline them. Let me give you an example: in our class there are children who do not try very hard to write well and I scold them for this, I monitor their work more closely, I assign additional tasks, i.e. I keep it with a tight grip. Maybe you can give examples yourself now?
(Children's stories).
Finally, we coped with the hedgehog’s tricky questions, and for this he prepared for us the solution to another secret of the letter ё, the fairy tale “Why is Ё always stressed.” From this fairy tale you will learn where the two bumps at the top of the letter e came from - oh, no! - two points.
(text is printed on the board. Read in chorus)

One day the letter E ran into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew, the letter E became scared, and she hid under a spruce tree. The spruce swayed from the wind, and two cones fell on the letter E, which caused cones to form on E’s head. From this it turned into another - the letter E. After this incident, the letter E is always stressed.

Did you like the hedgehog's tale? But it’s not for nothing that we often say: a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson did you learn from this fairy tale? (The letter е is always stressed).
- Let's check it out! Read these words in unison, they contain the letter e
(words printed on the board)


So the lesson comes to an end. Let's repeat what letter we met today? ("е")
- How many sounds does it consist of? ([th’],[o])
- What letter is this, vowel or consonant? (vowel)
- What other interesting things did you remember about the letter? (makes the preceding consonant soft, always stressed).
- Who helped us in our work? (hedgehog) Let's thank him!
- Guys, if you are interested in this animal and want to know more about it, I suggest you read these books. (I show I. Akimushkin’s books “Once upon a time there was a hedgehog” and the encyclopedia “All about animals. From A to Z”). The first book contains many illustrations and stories about the habits of a hedgehog, and the second book is more serious, there is scientific information about hedgehogs. I hope you will heed my recommendation!
- Oh, yes, I almost forgot! The hedgehog came up with one last riddle to say goodbye:
How does EVERYTHING end? Did you guess it? (letter E)
For the full text of the material Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic “Vowel letter Yoyo”, grade 1, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.