What are sound patterns? What is sound analysis of a word? Printed consultation for parents. Sound analysis of words in Russian: diagram

Even in early childhood, when a child is just learning to read, he is faced with the problem when words are pronounced differently from how they are written. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a sound analysis with it. Why it is studied throughout the school curriculum will be discussed in our article.


Our speech is divided into two large types: oral and written. The first, naturally, appeared long before the second. After all, initially people learned to exchange information using gestures and simple sounds. Then this gradually grew into words that formed one language or another. But soon there was a need to record everything that was said. This is how it arose

This may cause confusion. en. There is no digraph here: individual sounds. Oral vowel. Fonama is created when air flows freely through the mouth. It consists of only one phoneme or a group of them. Note that some nasal vowels are digraphs. we closed our mouths. So as not to disturb your students. This is what happens with the words bed and banana. inch. In reduction. only weaker. the opposite happens: the vowel appears before the glide. It is classified in different ways. like mother and bread.

The complete game has ten cards of each vowel. The phoneme is pronounced like a vowel. they must be identified by the student by the five-color code adopted in the deck to make the cards. Vowels will never slide. Some are cut diagonally to form triangles. the colored squares represent oral and nasal vowels. This is what happens in the head, and the defendant speaks. Diphthong diphthong ascending descending Triphthong encounters. square cardboard cutout 3 cm on the side.

In this article we will talk about the features of oral communication. This part of the language is studied by a complex science - phonetics. It deals with the sounds that make up our speech. Each of them has its own characteristics and individual characteristics. Their study is included in sound analysis.


One of the most important parts of our spoken language is the presence of vowels. They are so named based on their main function - to transmit long-lasting sound with their voice. There are six of them in Russian: A, O, U, Y, I, E.

A full deck has four cards each from the consonants and four from the digraph. The cards come in three types: the white squares represent consonant digraphs than nasal vowels. We have a diphthong. it cannot be the stem of a syllable. Gap The meeting of two vowel sounds. O or on one or un Cut into slips of diagonal red squares and black triangles forming. or own or by him or OM. R. qualities ss RLS subcutaneously xs vowels Oral They should be as follows: a: yellow and: orange i: red: brown and: Black vowels of nasals The vowel letters also serve for nasal.

It must be remembered that the number of letters does not always coincide with the number of sounds. For example, the word “south” has 2 letters, but at the same time 3 sounds: “yuk”. A letter-sound analysis of a word should show what is different from the way we write.

Vowels make up syllables in words. It is by their number that they determine how many parts the word is divided into:

Each deck has five cards each slip. colored triangles indicate sliding. In this case. g and y are not included because they are not part of the alphabet of our language. the student must place them in an inclined position. And d is next to the digraphs. like diamonds. They also have a sliding function. bread and lobby. Before passing them on to the class. chosen by them. Have students collect new words. Ch doesn't. give yourself a test. Yellow card vowel and red triangle. representing a vowel sound.

The words that will be set in the game may be part of the texts you are working with. Toquinho. a series of special decks. Follow here the basic working of the script with the cards. to see if the number of letters in the full deck will be enough for each group. and that should do the orange letter so what. Watercolors are created from music. brown letter. Write the words on the board. strong sound. For example. The yellow card is slanted because of the vowel and nasal. Beijing or Istanbul Case of diphthong. Firstly. Remember that this game is only a complementary activity.

  • stick- there are 2 syllables because it has two vowels;
  • som - 1 syllable, since there is one vowel.

In addition, you need to know the features of letters such as e, ё, yu, ya. They, unlike all the others, can form two sounds - a vowel in combination with Y:

  • Yo (y+o);
  • E (y+e);
  • Yu (y+y);
  • I (y+a).

This phenomenon is observed in cases where the listed sounds are used:

Vinicius de Morais. An important detail is that. In the game. She doesn't teach phonology. Explain how they work the letters of consonants. The student does not have to worry about replacing letters in the case of consonants, which have different sounds of their own. Guido Morra and Maurizio Fabrizio. And then it is suggested to laugh or cry between two consonants. Another gap to come. Please note that and t are marked with the same letter. On this path it is not for us to know or see this nasally. The clouds appear beautiful pink and maroon Plane All around coloring with their flashing lights Just imagine, and he leaves serenely going and if we want him to land in the nasal vowel wins a slanted red card. in this case.

  • after soft or hard signs ( pours, zealous);
  • after a vowel ( big, belt);
  • at the beginning of a word ( Yula, El).

Very often, when performing a sound analysis of a word (the diagram is given below), children make mistakes precisely in parsing these vowels.

All the other characteristics that vowels have are quite simple. Especially those that are studied in the school curriculum. Only two signs are considered: stress or unstress.


Before performing a sound analysis, you need to know the features and consonants. There are many more of them than vowels. The Russian language has thirty-seven of them.

Consonants have different characteristics:

  • Softness or hardness. Some sounds can be pronounced without softening: sea (m- solid). Others are the opposite: measure (m- soft).
  • Voiced or deaf. When a sound is pronounced with vibration and voice, it is called voiced. You can put your palm on your larynx and feel it. If vibration is not felt, then it is deaf.
  • Pairing. Some consonants have their opposite. Usually in terms of sonority and deafness. For example: V(sound) - f(deaf) h(sound) - With(deaf).
  • Some consonants are pronounced as if “in the nose”. They received the corresponding characteristic - nasal.

How to perform

Now you can create an algorithm that performs sound analysis of a word. The scheme is simple:

  1. First, we divide the word into syllables.
  2. Next, we write the letters that make it up in a column.
  3. Now for each we select the appropriate sound.
  4. We characterize each of them according to the characteristics described above.
  5. We count the number of sounds and letters.
  6. If their numbers do not match, we explain why this phenomenon occurred.

Let's give an example. Let's take the word "ceiling":

  1. This word has three syllables: ceiling(3 vowels, therefore the corresponding number of syllables).
  2. The letter P has a sound<П>. It is consonant, pronounced without vibration at the larynx, and therefore dull. It is also hard and has a couple<Б>.
  3. The letter O has a sound<А>. It is vowel and has no accent.
  4. The letter T has a sound<Т>. It is a consonant and is pronounced unvoiced. It is not softened and therefore hard. In addition, it has a pair of sonorities<Д>.
  5. The letter O has a sound<А>. It is vowel and unstressed.
  6. The letter L stands for sound<Л>. It is consonant, has no softening - hard. Pronounced with vibration at the larynx - sonorous. This sound has no pair.
  7. The letter O has a sound<О>. He is a vowel and, in in this case, percussion.
  8. The letter K stands for sound<К>. Consonant, pronounced like a voiceless consonant, has a voicing pair<Г>, solid.
  9. To summarize: this word has 7 letters and 7 sounds. The number is the same, no linguistic phenomena are observed.

Sound word analysis for preschoolers is much simplified.

Children need to learn that the pronunciation of a word and its spelling are very often different. When learning reading and writing skills, children gain their first understanding of the difference between spoken and written language. Thus, it is enough for the teacher to explain that some letters, like soft and hard signs, have no sounds at all. But there are no words starting with the letter Y in the Russian language.

Letter-sound analysis of the word “blizzard”

We already know how diverse the Russian language is. The sound analysis in the previous example is quite simple. You just need to correctly characterize each sound. But there are those in which a problematic situation arises. For example, the word "blizzard". Let's execute it:

  1. Blizzard- two vowels, which means 2 syllables ( vyu-ga).
  2. The letter B has a sound<В’>. It is consonant, softened by “b”, paired - unvoiced<Ф’>, sonorous.
  3. The letter b has no sound. Its purpose is to demonstrate the softness of the previous sound.
  4. The letter Yu has two sounds<Й>And<У>, since it comes after b. Both need to be described. So,<Й>- this is a consonant that is always soft and voiced; it has no pair.<У>- vowel, has an accent.
  5. The letter G is a consonant and means solid sound. Has a deaf pair<К>and is voiced.
  6. Letter<А>has the same sound<А>. It is vowel and unstressed.
  7. Let's summarize the analysis: 5 letters and 5 sounds. We observe a phenomenon called “iotated vowel”. In this case, the letter Yu, under the influence of b, split into two sounds.


Sound analysis is not difficult to perform if you know all the characteristics. You need to say the word out loud. This will help you record all sounds correctly. Afterwards, characterize them and summarize phonetic analysis. And then success in this matter is guaranteed to you!

Sound-letter analysis is needed to train a child to first read words as they are written, and then ask him to read spelling words, that is, as is usual in oral speech. The earlier you start such activities with your child, the better preschoolers will have reading and spelling skills.

To conduct a positional word analysis and convey this learning and skill to preschoolers, a phonic analysis needs to be done. Determine where the sound is heard - at the beginning of the word, at the end or in the middle. The beginning of a word is considered to be the first sound, the end is the last. The middle of a word is neither the first nor the very last sound.

In order for children to understand what such an analysis of a word consists of, we need to pronounce the word, highlighting, albeit slightly exaggerated, the sound we need. To make learning more understandable for preschoolers, we will give examples. In the word stork, we need to understand where the desired sound “a” is located.

Sound analysis of words

Start pronouncing the word a-a-a-stork and you will understand that the sound is at the beginning of the word. In the word sha-a-a-arik, “a” is in the middle of the word. Such a scheme will be simple and logical and it can help to conduct a positional analysis of words and consolidate this skill in preschoolers.

Pictures and diagrams

It is very convenient to conduct sound analysis and teach it using diagrams and pictures for them. Before you start performing sound analysis, you need to understand that sounds are vowels, hard consonants and soft consonants.

In order for each child in a group of other children learning the Russian language to properly understand all the subtleties of analysis, it will be necessary to use pictures and diagrams. Usually this is a picture, under which there are empty cells, into which you need to schematically enter the letter-syllable analysis of the word. Often preparatory group kindergarten In such tasks he uses colored chips that mean certain sounds.

It is also acceptable to use the same colored chips in senior group. Chips can be made in the form of circles, squares or magnets, the correct use of which indicates that the child can analyze words using sound analysis. This skill is extremely important when literacy occurs. Thanks to this, children develop speech, they better assimilate and understand the Russian language.

Using a picture with word parsing schemes can be used as a game, because learning to read and write should not be boring. The game can be competitive in nature, or it can be used for children to simply hone their speech and better understand the Russian language. Sound synthesis is also very important as it is the process of combining sounds into words. Sound synthesis is at the core of the reading process.

The order of parsing words by sounds

To analyze words according to the sound criterion, you will need to use approximately the same scheme that all teachers use when teaching literacy. To parse a word correctly and successfully, you need to:

  1. The word chosen for sound analysis must be pronounced out loud and using the correct stress. Without understanding the sound of a word by ear, you will not be able to characterize its phonetic side. Such pronunciation should occur as a game; you do not need to pronounce each letter separately, as this will only distort your speech. Typically, children perceive such exercises as game-based learning. Children are instilled with the ability to conduct sound synthesis, with pronunciation they better master the Russian language and learn to read and write.
  2. You need to write down a phonetic transcription. When designing graphic sounds of words, you will need to take into account some features of the sound of sounds. For example, the letters Ya, Yu, E, Yo do not have a separate sound. They are designated by two sounds, but in weak positions the iotated overtone disappears.
  3. Each word will need to be divided into the available number of syllables. Keep in mind that the number of syllables in a word will be equal to the number of vowel sounds. Syllable parsing must be done using phonetic transcription.
  4. After highlighting the syllables, you will need to place stress. This way it will be possible to determine the main ones in weak and strong positions. If the main one is in a strong position, then it contributes to the sound being clearer and the speech being beautiful.
  5. All sounds will need to be characterized. A vowel can be stressed or unstressed, a consonant can be soft, voiced, hard or unvoiced.
  6. You will need to indicate the number of sounds and the number of letters. Their number is often not the same. For example, b and b are not formed by sounds, and letters such as Ya, Yu, E, Yo are usually denoted by two sounds.

Phonetic analysis

Children should know that in order for speech to be beautiful, it is necessary not only to learn spelling and literacy, but also to try to perform phonetic syllabic analysis and sound synthesis. The language is quite complex and children best perceive syllable analysis, synthesis and all kinds of rules in literacy if they are presented as an educational game.

The sounds A, O, U, Y, E indicate a hard consonant sound. A soft consonant sound is indicated by Ya, E, Yu, I, E. When studying language, speech and phonetic synthesis, children must understand that such a learning process is a kind of game where the language is first broken down into its components and its synthesis occurs. The sounds L, M, N, R, Y are unpaired calls and consonant sounds. Kh, Ts, Ch, Shch are soft consonants. B, V, G, D, Zh, Z are paired voiced consonants, P, F, K, T, Sh, S are paired voiceless consonants, Zh, Sh, Ts are hard, and Ch, Shch, Y are soft.