Length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus. What specific years are included in the mixed experience of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus?

For representatives of some professions they kept it. the site talked to Belarusians who can retire on a preferential pension and found out whether they should be envied.

Ballerina: Pension is eight times less than salary

Ballerina Yulia Dyatko- Honored Artist of Belarus. A year and a half ago, when Yulia already had 23 years of experience under her belt, she retired on a preferential pension. The artist says that she would have continued dancing, but a serious injury prevented her

Photo from personal archive

— If the Bolshoi Theater had more modern choreography in its repertoire, I might still have stayed. But I could no longer play the classical repertoire without painkillers. It sounds sad, but what can you do,” says Yulia. “Leaving turned out to be very difficult mentally, because every performance was a holiday for me.

The pension of the honored artist, although “considered large compared to the national average,” is still noticeably different from her salary, which she received in the theater as a ballerina; it is eight times less.

In retirement, Yulia continues to work as a choreographer-tutor at the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater, as well as a teacher at the Vezhnovets ballet school. Together with her husband, People's Artist Konstantin Kuznetsov, she works on productions as a choreographer. By the way, Yulia’s husband has not yet retired, although they are the same age. According to her, there is gender equality in ballet: regardless of gender, leading soloists can count on retirement after 20 years of experience. And in Russia, for example, after 15 years.

“In Belarus, ballerinas often do not develop experience,” explains Yulia. — Some decide not to renew their contract, others leave due to injury. If it becomes very difficult, they look for a job with less stress.

Colonel: On average, military pensions are half their salary

Colonel Mikhail Ivanovich ( name has been changed. — Approx. ed. ) may retire on a preferential pension this year. He considers it deserved that his military ranks become pensioners at the age of 50.

— At a time when our peers were studying at institutes, we were at a military school. What is student life and what is cadet life? The barracks and boots are like military service, only 2.5 times longer,” explains Mikhail Ivanovich.

At the age of 21, he graduated from military school, after which he was given command of about forty people.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Reuters

— There was a lot of responsibility: for people, for equipment, for completing the tasks that were assigned to you. You’re practically never at home, especially in the first years of service,” says the colonel. — In the army there is no such thing as a standardized working day or a 40-hour work week. My daughters started talking and walking without me. I was in the fields, on exercises.

Mikhail Ivanovich says that he gets upset when he hears indignation about why military personnel retire early.

— Some people argue that a military man has risen to big stars and can do nothing. Before you become a colonel, you have to work hard. And working with big stars is not easy. Believe me, not a single state has ever given benefits to anyone for no reason and will never give them. If there are benefits, they are justified, the colonel is convinced. - In addition, there is such an objective reality as the age limit in order to occupy this or that position, to perform certain duties. There are a number of studies on this topic, including abroad. Therefore, in addition to some personal assessments, judgments and opinions, there is a scientific explanation.

The colonel plans to leave the Armed Forces this year, but will continue to work elsewhere. In his opinion, “seventy percent of his colleagues” do this: they are looking for a quieter job in order to still receive an increase in their pension .

— On average, military personnel have a pension of half their salary: that’s enough for many, but today it’s not such a large amount. Until I didn’t think about what I would do if I couldn’t get a job anywhere. But there are grandchildren, a dacha, a garage, a car - there is always something to do,” the colonel sums up.

Police major: I receive a pension of 450 rubles, but I continue to work

Vladimir Ulsky He retired at the age of 45 with the rank of police major, he had 27 years of work experience. The man worked in Novopolotsk in the Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the detention group.

“The work was intense, you had to immediately respond to alarms that went off in apartments and shops: you got up in the morning and worked until the morning,” says the man.

Vladimir Ulsky now receives a pension of 450 rubles.

— For the last year and a half, civilians’ pensions have been increased, but the military and police have not. The civilian pension is almost equal to the police pension: my mother, a pensioner at 78 years old, has a pension of 350 rubles. As for the dissatisfaction with the early retirement of police officers, I can give you the following example. They called and said that the captain with whom we worked together in the task force had died. He turned 50 years old. Before this, another colleague, a sergeant, died at the age of 45. Now men in Belarus will retire at 63 years old, but many police officers do not live up to such years. Every day we worked to the limit. Few can stand it.

Vladimir says that he would be glad to retire, “Still, the pension is enough for bread and milk”.

“But there is a son who needs help, because it is almost impossible for him to get a job in the city.” As long as you have health, you have to work, and then whatever happens, sums up Vladimir.

Geologist: I plan to work as long as my health allows

Tatiana Gavina came to Belaruskali in 1994. Now she is a local geologist. According to her, work “not the easiest.”

- At 8.30 - descent into the mine to measure the quality of the mine workings, and at 11.25 you need to leave the mine and process the data obtained. Noise, dust, dirt: working conditions in the mine are considered harmful, says the woman.

This year Tatyana Gavina has developed, as she says, “underground experience.” I could have retired, but chose to stay.

Photo from personal archive

- Of course, I'm working! At 45 years old, sitting at home is boring,” Tatiana laughs. “And I have time to do household chores even after work.” I like my job and our team.

Other geologists at the enterprise do the same, the woman says. Tatyana doesn’t remember any of her colleagues retiring at 45.

“This is all because the difference in money is too significant, the pension is almost four times less than the salary,” says Tatyana. “If my pension were the same as my salary, I would think about doing something else.” And I plan to work as long as my health allows.

Electrician: The difference between salary and pension is about 1,700 rubles

Sergey Pavlin has been working as an electrician at Belaruskali since 1991. He repairs and inspects electrical equipment. “The shift in the mine starts at 6.35 and ends at 13.35. Every year you have to undergo a medical examination: if something is wrong, you won’t be allowed to work,”- notes the man.

Last year, an electrician could have received a preferential pension, but continued to work - fortunately his health allows it.

“The children need to be weaned, put on their feet.” You can’t really live on your pension, so I’ll work,” says Sergei.

The difference between an electrician’s salary and pension is about 1,700 rubles. Sergei Pavlin explains that most of his colleagues do not retire on a preferential pension, but continue to work. And those who retire do not get jobs “on the surface.” “It’s impossible to find a salary like ours there”, explains Sergei.

The average amount of assigned monthly pensions in February 2017 was 297 rubles 65 kopecks.

Alexander Khristoforov, Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee:

− Pension provision for citizens is carried out in accordance with the Law “On Pension Security” dated April 17, 1992 No. 1596-XII (as amended and supplemented) and other regulations in force on the date of application for a pension.

According to Articles 5 and 11 of the Law, in 2017, an old-age labor pension on a general basis is assigned to men aged 60 years 6 months with at least 25 years of work experience, of which at least 16 years of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the state non-budgetary social protection fund.

The calculation of length of service is carried out in accordance with Article 51 of the law. The concepts of length of service for calculating the amount of pension and length of insurance differ in content.

Periods of work, entrepreneurial, creative and other activities are included in the length of service for calculating the amount of pension, provided that during these periods mandatory insurance contributions were paid to the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund for social protection of the population (part one of Article 51 of the law), as well as other periods activities without paying mandatory insurance contributions specified in paragraphs “a” - “n” of Article 51 of the Law (part two of this article).

In particular, periods of military service in the Armed Forces, border troops and border service agencies, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, state security agencies, the Presidential Security Service and other military formations created in accordance with the legislation of the service are counted as length of service for calculating pensions. in the internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee, the State Forensic Examinations Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee, as well as service in the Armed Forces, state security bodies and internal affairs bodies of the former USSR.

The insurance period includes only periods of work (other activities) provided for in Part 1 of Article 51 of the Law, including periods of work on the territory of the USSR. The periods provided for in part two of Article 51 of the Law (paragraphs “a”, “c” - “n”) are not counted towards the insurance period.

Please note that the presence of an insurance period of a certain duration is a prerequisite for the assignment of one or another type of labor pension. Thus, to assign an old-age pension in 2017, 16 years of insurance work experience is required (annually from January 1, it increases by 6 months until reaching 20 years).

To assign labor pensions for disability and loss of a breadwinner, the fact of payment of insurance premiums is sufficient. Presidential Decree No. 233 of June 29, 2017 “On pension provision for certain categories of citizens” provides for certain benefits based on the length of the insurance period for the assignment of age pensions to certain categories of citizens.

Thus, an old-age labor pension is assigned to citizens who have served in the military and have at least 25 years of work experience for men and 20 years for women, including at least 10 calendar years of military service with at least 10 years of covered work experience.

The circle of people entitled to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions is determined by Articles 12 and 15 of the law. In particular, paragraph "b" of Article 12 grants the right to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions to men with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 5 years and with work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months (in this case at least 6 years 3 months in the period before January 1, 2009) in the jobs provided for in List No. 2. If the man has at least half of the work experience in hazardous and difficult working conditions (at least 6 years 3 months) before January 1, 2009 and at least 25 years of work experience, pensions are assigned with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 1 year - for every 2 years 6 months of such work.

When calculating the special length of service that gives the right to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions, for periods of work before January 1, 1992, the lists of industries, workshops, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to such a pension, Lists No. 1 and No. 2, are used. approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 22, 1956 No. 1173.

For periods of work from January 1 to December 31, 1992, when calculating special length of service, Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10, are used.

Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of May 25, 2005 No. 536, are applied for periods of work after January 1, 1993.

The procedure for applying each of the Lists is regulated by law: Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved in 1956, are compiled on a production principle and the calculation of special experience for periods of work before January 1, 1992 is made without taking into account the results of workplace certification for working conditions. To include periods of work in professions and positions provided for in Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved in 1991 and 2005, into the special experience, a prerequisite is confirmation of special working conditions by the results of workplace certification.

The right to early retirement pension is granted to employees who have been employed directly and permanently, full-time, for a period of time specified by law, in jobs with harmful and difficult working conditions, which must be confirmed by documents of the period of work.

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the BSSR (USSR, Belarus) is not provided for by Lists No. 1 and No. 2. Pensions for this category of citizens are carried out, in particular, in accordance with the law of December 17, 1992 No. 2050-XII “On pensions for military personnel, commanders and privates composition of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies.”

Junior medical personnel are given the right to early retirement benefits according to List No. 2.

Thus, Section XXVI “Health Institutions,” approved in 1956, provides for junior medical personnel working in psychiatric and psychoneurological institutions (directly serving mental patients).

Junior medical personnel in psychiatric (psychoneurological) treatment and preventive institutions, directly serving patients, are also provided for in List No. 2, approved in 1991 (Section XXIV “Health and Social Security Institutions”).

List No. 2, approved in 2005, includes orderlies directly involved in serving patients in psychiatric (psychoneurological) treatment and preventive institutions.

Teaching staff are not included in the circle of people entitled to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions according to List No. 2.

At the same time, in accordance with Article 48 of the Law, certain categories of medical and teaching workers are given the right to a pension for long service with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 5 years. Women are granted this right if they have a special work experience of at least 25 years, and men with a special work experience of at least 30 years.

The special length of service includes work provided for by the List of institutions, organizations and positions, work in which entitles certain categories of medical and teaching workers to a pension for years of service, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 1, 1992 No. 724 and the List of institutions, organizations and positions for the purposes of professional pension insurance for medical and teaching workers, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of October 9, 2008 No. 1490.

These Lists include teachers of primary schools, basic schools, secondary schools and so on.

Are your neighbors flooding you? Did you get shortchanged at the store? Were you fined unreasonably? Do you find it difficult to solve everyday problems in the sphere of housing and communal services, trade, transport? Don't find a common language with the district administration, traffic police, bank or travel agency?

Your questions and complaints.

Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus 480 12/29/2012 On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for organizing work on the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to persons of command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus , military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and members of their families


OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS December 2012 No. 480 On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for organizing work on the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to the commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and members of their families

Based on paragraph 271 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 1993 No. 432 “On the procedure for calculating length of service, assigning and paying pensions and benefits to military officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors undergoing military service contract, persons of command and rank and file of the Investigative Committee, internal affairs bodies, bodies and units for emergency situations, financial investigation bodies and members of their families" The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the attached Instruction on the procedure for organizing work on the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to the commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and their members families

2. This resolution comes into force after its official publication.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the Department of Finance and Logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. Minister Major General of Police I.A. Shunevich AGREED AGREED Chairman of the Committee Chairman of State Control of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus of the Republic of Belarus

A.S.Yakobson V.P.Shaev 12.28.2012.12.2012 APPROVED


Ministry of Internal Affairs

Republic of Belarus.12.2012 No. 480

INSTRUCTIONS on the procedure for organizing work on the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to the commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and members of their families

1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for organizing work on the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to military personnel (except for conscript military servicemen) of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, to persons of command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, financial investigation bodies of the State Committee control of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as employees), family members of deceased employees, as well as family members of deceased pensioners from among employees entitled to the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 17, 1992 “On Pension provision of military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies" (Vedamastsi Vyarkhonaga Saveta Respubliki Belarus, 1992, No. 36, Art. 571) (further, if not otherwise established - family members of an employee, pensioner).

2. The assignment of pensions and benefits to employees, as well as family members of an employee or pensioner, is carried out by the financial and economic department of the Department of Finance and Logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the financial and economic departments of the department of finance and logistics of the main department of internal affairs of the Minsk City Executive Committee and departments of internal affairs regional executive committees (hereinafter referred to as financial divisions of internal affairs bodies).

3. The assignment of pensions to employees, as well as family members of an employee or pensioner, is carried out by the relevant financial unit of the internal affairs body on the basis of the following documents:

3.1. assignment of pensions for long service and disability:

Calculation of length of service for the assignment of a pension in the form in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Instruction (hereinafter referred to as the calculation);

Application for assignment (resumption of payment) of a pension in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Instructions (hereinafter referred to as the application);

Cash certificate;

Certificate of illness - for pensioners who have been examined by a military medical commission;

The conclusion of the medical and rehabilitation expert commission (hereinafter referred to as MREC) sent to the financial division of the internal affairs body - for people with disabilities;

Copies of documents confirming periods of preferential calculation of length of service for granting a pension, obtaining specialized secondary or higher education as students, work experience;

Photo of a pensioner measuring 30 x 40 mm;

Extract from the order of dismissal from military service or from service (exclusion from the lists of personnel);

Copies of documents confirming the right to benefits (if available);

3.2. appointment of pensions in case of loss of a breadwinner:

Calculation – for family members of deceased (deceased) employees;


A copy of the death certificate (a certificate containing information from the death record) of the breadwinner or a copy of the court decision establishing the fact of death or declaring the breadwinner dead;

Extract from the order to exclude an employee from the list of personnel due to death (destruction) - for family members of deceased (deceased) employees;

A copy of the expert opinion on the issue of establishing the causal connection of an injury or disease that led to loss or partial loss of professional ability, disability or death, with the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other radiation accidents - in the event of the death of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other radiation accidents;

Cash certificate – for family members of deceased (deceased) employees;

A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or other identification document;

Documents confirming that a family member, employee, pensioner who applied for a pension is dependent on a deceased employee (retired employee) - for disabled family members of an employee, pensioner;

Certificate of non-receipt of a pension issued by the body assigning and (or) paying a pension at the place of residence;

Certificate of residence and family composition of the deceased employee (retired employee);

3.3. in addition to the documents specified in subclause 3.2 of this clause, when assigning pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner to family members of an employee, pensioner, specified in part three of Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pension provision for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies":

A copy of the birth certificate – for children of a deceased (deceased) employee (retired employee);

A certificate stating that a family member of an employee, pensioner, who applied for a pension, is a student (indicating the necessary information available to the educational institution, organization implementing educational programs of postgraduate education, other organization, individual entrepreneur, who, in accordance with the law, are granted the right carry out educational activities) - for students over 18 years of age;

The conclusion of the MREC sent to the financial division of the internal affairs body - for people with disabilities;

Documents confirming non-receipt of alimony from parents in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus - for stepsons and stepdaughters;

A copy of the death certificate (a certificate containing information from the death record) of the parents or a copy of the court decision establishing the fact of death or declaring the parents dead - for brothers, sisters and grandchildren;

A copy of the court decision on adoption or establishment of guardianship - for families who have adopted children;

A copy of the decision of the local executive and administrative body to establish guardianship (trusteeship) - for persons over whom guardianship (trusteeship) has been established;

A copy of the marriage certificate (a certificate containing information from the record of the marriage act) - for the spouse of the deceased;

An extract (copy) from work records or other documents confirming employment - for a spouse or one of the parents or a grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister caring for the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of a deceased employee (retired person) from among employees) under 8 years of age;

Documents confirming family relationships with the deceased (deceased) - for disabled family members of the deceased (deceased);

Documents confirming the upbringing or maintenance of a deceased stepson or stepdaughter for at least 5 years - for the stepfather, stepmother of the deceased.

4. Preparation of documents necessary for the assignment of pensions and benefits to employees and family members of deceased (deceased) employees is entrusted to the personnel departments of internal affairs bodies, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - personnel units) at the last place of military service or service in the internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - the service) of the employee before dismissal.

5. After issuing an order to dismiss an employee from military service or from service (exclusion from the lists of personnel), the personnel department, within ten working days, draws up a calculation, which, together with the employee’s personal file and the documents specified in paragraph 3 of this Instruction, necessary for the appointment (resumption of payment) of pensions and benefits is submitted to the relevant financial unit of the internal affairs body.

In the calculation, after each record of service calculated on preferential terms, the basis for preferential crediting of length of service is indicated (regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, lists of military units and formations that were part of the active army, and other documents).

When assigning a pension in accordance with paragraph “b” of part one of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pension provision for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies” in the calculation Before the length of service, the length of service is indicated on the basis of the work book and other documents confirming the length of service.

6. Calculation of length of service (work experience) for the purpose of pensions in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pensions for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies” is carried out according to the materials of the employee’s personal file, taking into account the norms of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 13, 2006 No. 666 “On preferential calculation of length of service for the purpose of pensions” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 187, 1/8072) and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 1993 No. 432 “On the procedure for calculating length of service, assigning and paying pensions and benefits to military officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors performing military service under a contract, commanding officers and the rank and file of the Investigative Committee, internal affairs bodies, bodies and units for emergency situations, financial investigation bodies and members of their families" (Collected Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, 1994, No. 12, Art. 213; National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 1999, No. 42, 5/866).

Certain periods of work experience, military service or service that are subject to credit for years of service in calendar terms or on preferential terms must be confirmed by information provided by state archival institutions or other documents.

7. The application and other documents for the assignment of pensions are registered by employees of the financial division of the internal affairs body in the book of registration of pension documents in the form in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Instruction.

8. After receipt of all the necessary documents for the assignment of pensions, the financial division of the internal affairs body, within ten working days, draws up conclusions on the assignment of pensions (depending on the type of pension assigned).

If an employee is not familiar with the calculation within one month from the date of dismissal from military service or from service (exclusion from the personnel lists) without good reason, the personnel department submits to the financial department of the internal affairs body a certificate stating the impossibility of processing the calculation in the manner established by this Instruction .

Without a written application from the employee, a corresponding conclusion on the assignment of a pension is not drawn up.

9. After approval of the conclusion on the assignment of a pension, the financial division of the internal affairs body draws up the pension file of the employee, family members of the employee, and pensioner, which is registered in the pension records book in the form according to Appendix 4 to this Instruction.

10. To issue a pension certificate in the form in accordance with Appendix 5 to these Instructions, the person to whom the pension is assigned submits in accordance with paragraph 3.14 of the list of administrative procedures carried out by government bodies and other organizations upon applications from citizens, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2010 . No. 200 “On administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations upon applications of citizens” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 119, 1/11590), passport or other identification document, and your photograph in size 30 x 40 mm.

11. To increase the amount of pension for length of service in accordance with paragraph “d” of Article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pension provision for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and divisions for emergency situations and financial bodies investigations" documents are submitted to the financial division of the internal affairs body confirming work experience from the date of dismissal from military service or from service until the day of reaching the age entitling to receive an old-age pension on a general basis (hereinafter referred to as the retirement age), calculated in accordance with part the first article 51 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of April 17, 1992 “On Pension Provision” (Vedamastsi Vyarkhonaga Saveta Respubliki Belarus, 1992, No. 17, Art. 275). Copies of these documents are attached to the pension file.

12. To increase pensions in accordance with Article 45 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pensions for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies” to the financial division of the internal affairs body documents are submitted confirming the pensioner’s right to benefits. Copies of these documents are attached to the pension file.

13. Assignment of monthly benefits to family members of deceased (killed) employees in accordance with Article 361 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pensions for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies "(hereinafter referred to as the monthly allowance) is made by the financial division of the internal affairs body on the basis of an application for the assignment (resumption of payment) of a monthly allowance in the form in accordance with Appendix 6 to this Instruction (hereinafter referred to as the application for the assignment of a monthly allowance) and documents provided for by the Regulations on the procedure for assignment and payment of monthly benefits to certain categories of citizens, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 30, 2002 No. 1345 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 112, 5/11223).

14. Based on the application for the assignment of a monthly allowance and the necessary documents, the financial division of the internal affairs body draws up a conclusion on the assignment of a monthly allowance.

15. To receive a one-time benefit in accordance with paragraphs 14 and 15 of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 1993 No. 432, family members of a deceased pensioner from among employees submit the following documents to the financial division of the internal affairs body:

Application for payment of a lump sum benefit;

A copy of the death certificate (a certificate containing information from the death record) of a pensioner from among the employees or a copy of the court decision establishing the fact of death or declaring the pensioner from among the employees deceased;

A copy of the marriage certificate (a certificate containing information from the record of the marriage act) - for the spouse of a deceased employee pensioner;

A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or other identification document of the citizen who applied for a one-time benefit;

Certificate of residence and family composition of the deceased employee pensioner;

A copy of the MREC's conclusion on establishing the disability of a citizen who applied for a one-time benefit - for the parents of a deceased pensioner from among employees who have not reached retirement age.

16. When paying a lump sum benefit to family members of a deceased pensioner from among the employees, a conclusion is drawn up on the payment of the lump sum benefit.

17. In order to ensure the correct payment of pensions and benefits, the financial divisions of the internal affairs bodies:

Explain to pensioners from among employees, as well as family members of an employee, pensioner, the procedure and deadlines for submitting documents, cases of termination of payment of pensions and benefits, as well as other circumstances determining the right to receive pensions and benefits;

Carry out a legal assessment of received documents for the payment of pensions and benefits, as well as the information contained therein;

Send additional requests to the relevant government bodies and other organizations that have the necessary information for the correct payment of pensions and benefits.

“On improving pension provision”, which raised the retirement age of all Belarusians by three years. But people in uniform will still retire much earlier than most workers.

Men - at 63 years old, women - at 58 years old

The presidential decree determined that from January 1, 2017, the retirement age will increase by 6 months annually until it reaches 63 years for men and 58 years for women. This will take six years.

That is, in 2017, men who have reached the age of 60.5 years and women who have reached the age of 55.5 will retire. In 2018 - 61 and 56 years, respectively, in 2019 - 61.5 and 56.5, in 2020 - 62 and 57, in 2021 - 62.5 and 57.5, in 2022 - 63 and 58 years old.

Certain benefits for retirement age have been retained. Just like Alexander Lukashenko, communicating on April 7 with representatives of the labor collective of the Minsk Automobile Plant, a benefit remained for workers in hazardous industries. The retirement age for such workers was also raised by three years, but the difference remained.

“We will say “Yes!”

There is also a discrepancy between the retirement ages of ordinary workers and military personnel (as well as categories equivalent to them).

The decree notes that the age limit for military service (service in paramilitary organizations) of military personnel (employees) in military (special) ranks up to and including lieutenant colonel is increased annually from January 1 by 6 months, but not more than 3 years in total.

This increase also applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

As noted in the comment for website Head of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Konstantin Shalkevich, according to the decree, the retirement age of internal affairs officers who previously had the right to retire at 45 years old will gradually increase to 48 years.

Let us remind you that the Minister of Internal Affairs of Belarus Igor Shunevich Regarding the possible increase in the retirement age, he said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is ready for this: “I believe that this process is inevitable. My attitude is this: it is necessary to preserve the pension formula for employees of internal affairs bodies. And to increase the retirement age - as the authorities decide. We will say “Yes!” and we will implement any decision of our state".

At the beginning of 2015, there were 83,972 women aged 54 living in the country, who will turn 55 this year, and 57,700 men aged 59, who were due to retire in 2016. The average size of old-age pensions at the end of 2015 in Belarus amounted to 2 million 897.3 thousand rubles.

If we assume that all 141,672 people (83,972 women and 57,700 men) leave six months later, then the savings per month (assuming that everyone would receive an average pension) would amount to 410 billion 494 million 620 thousand rubles or approximately $21.6 million. And in six months this is already almost $130 million.

Reader of the Vitebsk Courier: “ Nowhere in the world is there such deception»

Recently, the editors of the Vitebsk Courier received a letter from a resident of the regional center, in which he spoke about how, according to the new pension legislation, military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and persons equivalent to them fell into the “insurance trap”.

“There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.” Photo by Svetlana Vasilyeva

The situation arose in connection with the introduction of new pension rules, according to which the period of service in law enforcement agencies is not included in the insurance period if the employee has not served 10 years.

That is, if a person for some reason does not serve the specified period, then he is deprived of the right to a departmental pension. In addition, the entire period of his service is not included in the length of service for the purpose of assigning an old-age pension on a general basis.This means that, for example, an employee, being dismissed after 9 years of service, will have to find a job and have time to develop an insurance record of at least 16 years today,- our reader explained.

According to the man, during the Soviet Union, law enforcement officers did not pay contributions to state social insurance.

This was the case in Belarus until recently. The state itself did not pay contributions to the social protection fund, what does this have to do with the employees? People were guaranteed that they were full-time employees, even with benefits.

And now these people cannot receive either an old-age pension on a general basis or a social pension, our reader noted.

According to the law, having reached retirement age, they do not even have the right to receive unemployment benefits or the right to targeted social assistance. But in fact, it is difficult to find a job to support yourself and your family. There is no such deception anywhere in the world! And failure to include conscript military service in the insurance work experience is the limit of fantasy for Belarusian legislators of our time.

In our country, only the retirement age is consistent, and the minimum insurance period there is lower - 15 years. And the main difference is that conscription military service is included in the insurance period. In addition, maternity leave, caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person aged 80 years or older are taken into account.

By the way, according to the Ministry of Labor, in 2015 there were about 1,000 people who found themselves in such a difficult situation. And their number increases over time. After all, the adoption of new decrees led to the fact that those who for a long period of time carried out socially useful activities that are not included in the insurance period lost their right to a pension.

In 2018, an old-age labor pension on a general basis is assigned to men aged 61 years with at least 25 years of work experience, of which at least 16 years and 6 months of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the state extra-budgetary social protection fund.