Vowels that represent 2 sounds are examples. Consolidation of new material. Consolidation of knowledge in practice

In writing, sounds are represented by letters.

We pronounce and hear sounds, and we write and see letters.

When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not meet obstacles: [a], [o], [y], [and], [s], [e].

When pronouncing a consonant sound, the air meets an obstacle: lips, teeth, tongue.

The vowel sound forms a syllable: u -lo v, za -li v.

A consonant sound forms a syllable only together with a vowel sound: Pal-tus, Zu-bat-ka.

The final unbound form is the same as the base letter. Short vowels in Urdu are indicated by a superscript or subscript as given below. Above the consonant is called "zabar". Alif at the beginning of a word or syllable means that the word or syllable begins with a vowel.

The next three letters, although not traditionally listed in the Urdu alphabet, are very important to learn. Except for the vocals it occurs with, it has no phonetic value in Urdu. The following letters of letters stand for the same sound in Urdu.

It usually merges with the sound of a vowel symbol or vowel marker, for example. Wao following x occurs only in a few words of Persian and Arabic where wano is not pronounced. Chrissy has taught secondary English and history and is writing an online curriculum. Publication in the field of social studies.

There are six basic (stressed) vowels in Russian [a], [o], [y], [and], [s], [e]. They stand for ten letters: a, i, o, e, u, u, s, i, e, e.

The letters a, o, y, s, i, e denote vowel sounds. The letters i, e, u, e represent two sounds:

  • at the beginning of a word: I am a measles - [y'akar'], yu nga - [y'unga];
  • after vowels: may to - [may'ak], kayu ta - [kay'uta];
  • after soft and hard separating characters (b, b): view ha - [v’y’uga], obe zd - [aby’est].

The letters i, e, u, e after consonants denote the softness of consonant sounds and the vowel sound: reis - [r'eys], te linen shka [t'el'n'ashka].

First things: what is a vowel? What about vowels makes them so special? Notice how your mouth doesn't have to move to say it out loud. Look at the words "error" and "bugle". How are they similar? Vowels can be used in words to create more than one sound. These sounds are described as "long" and "short". The long vowel sounds like a letter name. So when does a vowel make a "long vowel" sound?

This usually happens in one of two ways. The first way to make a long vowel is to put two vowels next to each other. When vowels appear next to each other, the word usually makes a long first vowel sound. This occurs in words like "ball", "seed", "mail" and "boat".

Theme of the lesson: "Two and I the role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, I."

Lesson goals.

1) Tell about the dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I; learn to distinguish between words in which these letters stand for two from sound and one sound; teach callt sounds denoted letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

2) Develop resilience, productivity,concentration, switching students' attention.

This happens with the words: “bake”, “bike”, “mot”, “turn off the sound”. In many words, vowels do not sound long. Instead, they make a short vowel sound. How can you tell the difference? Finding short vowels is actually pretty easy: if it doesn't sound like any vowel, then you know it's a short vowel! Short vowels usually sound like this.

Using long and short vowels together

Let's take another look at our word examples: "mistake" and "horn". The word "mistake" has a short vowel sound. AT English language so many words that use more than one vowel. There are too many words for words to have more than one long vowel, more than one short vowel, or both long and short vowels together!

3) Learn to see the beauty of the Russian language, its spokesmanness and sonority.

Repetition: punctuation in a complex sentence and, classification of sounds, unstressed vowels in the root, unpronounceable consonants.

Lesson methods: the word y reader, conversation, analysis, distributive dictation, oral work, game, attention exercises.

Examples of words with multiple long vowels include. Examples of words with multiple short vowels include. Examples of words that use long and short vowel sounds. English alphabet includes five special letters called vowels. Vowels can make both long and short sounds. Long vowels are often made by putting two vowels together, as in "maid" and "feel". As a rule, these combinations make the sound of the first vowel indicated in the word.

Short vowels occur when a letter in a word is not pronounced the way a letter sounds. Words may include a combination of more than one long vowel sound, for example, with the word "betray"; more than one short vowel sound, for example, with the word "drowning"; or a combination of long and short vowels, like the word "trust".

Lesson equipment: notebooks, textbooks, whiteboard, interactive whiteboard, cards.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

1. The word of the teacher.

2. Oral si ntactic minute.

The task . Listen to p Sentence, name the grammatical basics. Count how many times I tap the table with my pen during I reading a sentence.

A phonogram is a letter or combination of letters representing sound. Here are the main backgrounds. In orthography, each sound in a word is represented by a phonogram. The word "bridge" has four sounds and, therefore, four phonograms. . Thus, you can see that the number of letters in a word does not necessarily correspond to the number of phonograms. Because of the multi-letter phonograms. One sound is represented by one phonogram, but a phonogram may have two or more letters.

Instead, each sound is simply represented by a phonogram. They are a great help in learning to read and write. These cards are the most effective way teach your students basic backing tracks. There is a soundtrack on the front side of the card. This is the side you show your student.

It's snowing outside, and we're studying phonetics.

How many times have I tapped my pen on the table?

How many grammatical bases are in this sentence?(Two.)

Name the grammatical bases.(It is snowing, we are studying.) (We open on the board, one person p emphasizes.)

What is this proposal for the presence of grammatical foundations?(Complicated.)

On reverse side cards have information for you, teacher. It shows the soundtrack along with the keyword. Below are the steps to learn phonograms. If you use or, these steps are included right in your lesson plans. Determine which phonograms your student knows and which ones he needs to practice.

Here is an example of a dialogue: I want to see which of these cards you know and which ones we should work with. We are going to split them into two piles. Hold up the "Can you tell me what this letter says?" card. If the student does not know, they may not understand what you are asking, so tell them the answer to the first few cards. Go through the phonogram cards to find out which ones you need to learn.

What is phonetics?(A section of the Russian language that studies the sounds of speech.)

What are the two groups of sounds?(G sweet and consonant.)

What groups are they divided into? loud sounds? ( On hard and soft, on deaf and sonorous.)

How many vowels are in the alphabet?(10 letters)

How many vowel sounds are there in speech?(6 sounds.)

Learn three or four cards at the same time using the following procedure.

  • Show the phonogram card.
  • Say the sound.
  • Ask your student to repeat the sound.
After a few repetitions, see if the student can produce the sound without your prompting. The goal is for you to flip through the flashcards and your student will be able to say the backing tracks without thinking.

Once your student recognizes the backing tracks, don't let him forget them! Quickly turn over the cards with him at the beginning of each lesson. For review purposes, assemble the phonogram cards behind the three separators, viz. Phonogram cards: an overview of phonogram cards: mastered phonogram cards: future lessons. The cards you are currently working on come after the overview separator. The cards that the disciple knows "inside and out" follow the divided master. Cards that weren't but still follow the divisor of future lessons.

Why? What vowels do not represent sounds?(E, Yo, Yu, Ya.)

Kaku What role do these vowels play when they come after consonants?(soften the preceding consonant.)

We continue to study phonetics. And the topic of today's lesson is "The dual role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya."(In notebooks, the number and topic of the lesson.)

II. New material.

With the help of these phonograms and some basic rules, reading and spelling is much easier! Consonants are letters that stop or restrict the flow of air from the throat in speech. These are sounds or phonemes of single consonants. A vowel is a sound produced by the relatively free movement of air through the mouth, usually forming the root sound of a syllable.

Long sounds like those of the eyes, weeping, rope, tiles and violin. oh, dominoes, ghost, pillow and stethoscope. Short sounds like in elms, elevator, jellyfish, pentagon and dentist. Short sounds like in jump, camouflage, garage, bran, father, paw and binoculars.

  • Long sound like monkey, snail, pain, explanation and deer.
  • A sustained sound, as in food, agony, a needle, a pianist, and electricity.
  • Long sound, like yours, salute, toothbrush, goose, boot and suit.
  • Short sound like in, taxi, anniversary, laboratory and tackle.
As for the other, which has an identical consonance.

1. Observation on d oske.

The words on the board are written in four columns:





Where are the letters E, Yo, Yu, I in the words of the first column?(After consonants.)

After what consonants?(Soft.)

How many and what starsuki do they mean?(We draw sounds on the board.)

For phonetics, a consonant is one that, at the moment of utterance, causes an interruption in the airflow that expires or generates a shrinkage of the vocal canal, due to which the sound is produced with friction. On the other hand, the concept of a consonant is usually used to denote a consonant letter, which is a feature that allows you to depict, graphically, the sound and articulation of a consonant character.

Some specific characteristics allow consonants to be classified from a phonetic point of view, such as phonetic mode, mode of articulation, point of articulation, and length. Thus, we agree that consonants can be classified into two large groups, as well as obstructive ones, in which, when pronouncing, there is an obstacle to the release of air and sonants, that is, those in which there is no obstacle.

So, in what case do these letters represent the same sound?(If they come after soft consonants.)

Where are the letters E, Yo, Yu, I in wordssecond column?(At the beginning of a word.)

(We draw sounds on the board.)

Where are the letters E, Yo, Yu, I in the words of the third column?(After the vowels.)

How many and what sounds do they represent?(We draw sounds on the board.)

In turn, obstructors can be classified into three types basically. Firstly, these are occlusal or explosive consonants, affricates and fricatives. In the case of consonant sounds, we can also determine that they have their own classification. Thus we find three well-defined typologies. They are the consonants known to be the most alphabetically similar to vowels. They have two modalities: lateral, when pronounced, the air comes out on one or both sides of the tongue and is energetic.

They are called in this way because when expressed, air passes through the root as a result of the occlusion of the mouth. Very similar to fricative consonants are those that have as their main difference the fact that they are pronounced without the same obstruction as those. Pulmonary consonants based on air moving the lungs to pronounce them are another of the most common typologies that are used to classify consonants in general.

Where are the letters E, Yo, Yu, I in the words of the fourth column?(After dividing b and b.)

How many and what sounds do they represent?(We draw sounds on the board.)

2. Conclusion.

What conclusion can we draw? Under what conditions do the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds?(If they are at the beginning of a word, after a vowel, after the dividing b and b.)

In the realm of the consonant there is something that creates it. This concept is used to refer to features of sounds that, when played together, produce a pleasing effect. A consonant, finally, is that which has a relationship of similarity or correspondence to something else with correlation and correspondence.

The French alphabet consists of twenty-six letters. The phonetic environment, that is, neighboring letters, greatly affects the pronunciation of each letter. The following is a general guide. On French there are four nasal vowels. The second appears in words with over and om: son, ombre.

3. Compiling a table.

Let's open the textbook - paragraph 60 and read the title of the paragraph.(Student reads the title of the paragraph.)

Now let's make a table together. Let's call it "The role of the letters E, E, Yu, I." Take a couplethose card number 1 with a table blank.

How many columns will we have in the table?(Two.)

Folded consonants have the same meaning as simple consonants. A finer subdivision contrasts semiconsonants with semiconsonants based on vocal position: if they are first used, they are called semiconsonants if they are used after semiconsulphates.

This group of sounds, indeed quite controversial, falls into the joints of the approximate type and can also be denoted by the term "bundle" or with the word "ingle". glide. Terminological issues and typological design. Semiles acting as consonants are very common among the languages ​​of the world. The two half-shows also diverge in terms of variability.

What do we call these columns?(Denoting one sound, denoting two sounds.) Write down the column names.

We fill in the table, we take examples from exercise 304.

Represent 1 sound

High voices that are on the limit between vowel and consonant articulation lose their syllabicity more easily and form the first or second element of ditisto, usually characterized by faster and more closed articulation: in the process of dictation it is cheaper than shorter than relatively short and closed sounds. Moreover, in informal styles Italian synergies can occur that result in new phonetic dottongs in the presence of mid vowels.

Articulation and design features. In terms of articulation, semi-slots belong to the category of approximate phonetics, which can be considered the opposite of occlusal, since they do not produce a closure of the vocal tract, but a constriction. The distinction, traditional in Romanism, between semi-circles and semi-circles will reflect a real phonetic difference. More open than semi-semi, semi-semi is considered to be asilum, and semi-semi is treated as a rough consonant, although the phonetic and phonological classification of the asylum of the dictong element is still highly controversial.

Denoting 2 sounds

After soft consonants (EXAMPLES).

1. At the beginning of a word (EXAMPLES).

2. After vowels (EXAMPLES).

3. After b and b (EXAMPLES).

III. Fixing the material. Training exercises.

1. Do attention exercise.

Take card number 2 on your desk. Within 30 seconds, you must find words among the letter mess. Highlight them.

Card number 2.

Name the words you found.(Banana, apple, pear, cucumber, pineapple.)

Among these words, find one extra.(Cucumber.)

Why did you decide that this word is superfluous?(This is a vegetable, the rest are fruits.)

Now find a word that has a letter denoting 2 sounds.(Apple.)

What sounds does the letter I stand for in this word?([Y'A])

Why does the letter I stand for two sounds in this word?(Stands at the beginning of a word.)

Draw 1 circle for correct answers.

2. Distributive dictation.

The task . Distribute the words in 2 columns: 1) - the letters E, E, Yu, I denote 1 sound, 2) - the letters E, E, Yu, I denote 2 sounds.

Honey, food, anchor, cabin, forest, heat, tree, shadow, people, blizzard, pours, flies, strap, pit, button accordion, river, sauna.

Examination. Work in pairs.

Exchange notebooks with a neighbor and check with each other for the correct distribution and spelling of words.(Words on the board.)

For the correct completion of the task, draw each other in piggy banks 1 mug.

3. Recording words from dictation with a task.

The task . Determine the number of letters and sounds in words. One person to the board.

Train, gives, lighthouse, pours, earth, hatch, forest, five.

Examination. (Words on the board.)

The student who worked at the blackboard draws 2 circles (if he did everything correctly), the rest (who did it correctly) - 1 circle each.

4. Physical Minute.

Guys, now stand up those who agree that the letters E, E, Yu, I denote 2 sounds if they are at the beginning of a word, after a vowel and after b and b. I will name the words: if the word has a letter denoting 2 sounds - raise your hands up, if there is no such letter - stretch your hands forward.

Apple, strand, sculpt, pour, clear, sky, song, measure, place, eat, skirt, hedgehog, forest, meat, cranberry, reality, amber, hare, ribbon, belt, faith.

Thank you. Have a seat.

5. Exercise for attention.

Issue cards are given out.

The task . Take card number 3. Within 1 minute, cross out all the letters F, and you can read a comic poem.

Card number 3.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

After completing the task, one student expressively reads this verse. about creation. Further work continues on the topic of the lesson.

What is this sound? Describe it.(Consonant, deaf, hard.)

Guys, look how beautiful and sonorous our Russian language is. With the help of sounds alone, we can imagine any picture. For example, as in this case, the sound [Ш] helps us imagine the forest, feel its calmness, hear the light rustle of the breeze, rustleherbs. Phonetics helps us with this.

Find the punctuation error in this poem.(Comma in third line.)

Find in this poem a word in which there is a letter denoting 2 sounds.(Hare.)

Write this word in notebooks and determine the number of letters and sounds in it.(4 letters, 5 sounds.)

Why are there more sounds in this word?(The letter I stands for 2 sounds, [Y, A].)

For the correct answers, draw 1 mug in your piggy banks.

6. Tasks of different levels of complexity.

Take card number 4 on the desk. Please note: it is divided into 2 parts. In the first part, the task: write down words in which there are as many sounds as there are letters. In the second part, the task: write down the words in which the spelling diverges from the pronunciation. You can choose the task that you like best. Or you can do both. But it depends on what task you will perform, how many circles you put in your piggy bank, because these tasks are of different levels of complexity: the first is simpler, the second is a little more difficult. Look carefully at these tasks and get to work.

1. Write down words in which there are as many sounds as there are letters:1) rye, 2) entry, 3) apple, 4) salt, 5) flax, 6) family, 7) tree, 8) strap.

2. Write down the words in which the spelling differs from the pronunciation:1) boat, 2) mug, 3) thunder, 4) pointer, 5) cork, 6) port, 7) table, 8) old woman.

Examination. (Words on the board.)

Who did the work correctly, draw in your piggy bank 1 circle for 1 task, 2 for the second and 3 for two tasks.

7. Exercise for attention. Group work.

The class is divided into groups of 4 people. For a few seconds, students are shown words. Then 1 minute is given, during which students write down these words (how much they remember). The group that wrote down the most words chooses a captain who goes to the blackboard and says his words, and then answers the questions. The group can prompt the captain. If all questions are answered correctly, the group receives 1 circle in their piggy bank, and the captain - 2.

Snow, Christmas tree, winter, cat, T-shirt, ball, gift, joy, holiday.

Name a word that has a letter denoting two sounds.(Christmas tree.)

Name a word that has more sounds than letters.(Christmas tree.)

Name words that have fewer sounds than letters.(Holiday, joy.)

Name the words that have the sound [Y'].(Christmas tree, T-shirt.)

Name a word that has an unstressed vowel in the root.(Winter.)

Name a word in which all consonants are voiceless.(Cat.)

Name a word in which all consonants are voiced.(Winter.)

Name a word that has an unpronounceable consonant.(Holiday.)

The team draws 1 mug in their piggy bank, the captain - 2.

And now I will tell you why my friends came to visit you with me.

IV. Summarizing. Grading.

1. Summing up.

What did we talk about in class today?(Oh double oh the role of the letters E, Yo, Yu Ya.)

In what cases the letters E, E, Yu, I denote d wa sound?

Name these sounds.

In which case do the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound?

Name these sounds.

2. Grading.

Let's see what results you got. Who has 8 circles and more in the piggy bank get a grade of "5"; who has from 4 to 8 circles in the piggy bank - “4”, well, and who has less than 4 - “3”.

3. Homework : paragraph 60, ex. 308.

Card number 1.

Card number 1. The double role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

Card number 1. The double role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

Card number 1. The double role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

Card number 4.

Card number 4.

1. Write down words in which there are as many sounds as there are letters.

2. Write down the words in which the spelling differs from the pronunciation.

1) rye

2) entry

3) apple

4) salt

5) linen

6) family

7) tree

8) webbing

1) boat

2) mug

3) thunder

4) pointer

5) error

6) city

7) table

8) old lady

1) rye

2) entry

3) apple

4) salt

5) linen

6) family

7) tree

8) webbing

1) boat

2) mug

3) thunder

4) pointer

5) error

6) city

7) table

8) old lady

Card number 4.

Card number 4.

1. Write down words in which there are as many sounds as there are letters.

2. Write down the words in which the spelling differs from the pronunciation.

1. Write down words in which there are as many sounds as there are letters.

2. Write down the words in which the spelling differs from the pronunciation.

1) rye

2) entry

3) apple

4) salt

5) linen

6) family

7) tree

8) webbing

1) boat

2) mug

3) thunder

4) pointer

5) error

6) city

7) table

8) old lady

1) rye

2) entry

3) apple

4) salt

5) linen

6) family

7) tree

8) webbing

1) boat

2) mug

3) thunder

4) pointer

5) error

6) city

7) table

8) old lady

Card number 4.

Card number 4.

1. Write down words in which there are as many sounds as there are letters.

2. Write down the words in which the spelling differs from the pronunciation.

1. Write down words in which there are as many sounds as there are letters.

2. Write down the words in which the spelling differs from the pronunciation.

1) rye

2) entry

3) apple

4) salt

5) linen

6) family

7) tree

8) webbing

1) boat

2) mug

3) thunder

4) pointer

5) error

6) city

7) table

8) old lady

1) rye

2) entry

3) apple

4) salt

5) linen

6) family

7) tree

8) webbing

1) boat

2) mug

3) thunder

4) pointer

5) error

6) city

7) table

8) old lady

Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 2.

mabanandclpr AppleApplePearKloyoCucumberPakkananasvk

Card number 2.


Card number 2.


Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.

Card number 3.

Task: cross out all the letters F to read the poem.

Sflufshalf zafjafz tfishfinffu

In shfofrofhfe flesfnfoy fgfluffshfi.

FShelfestfit Liftva vf lefsu

And vf tifshfinfe kamfyfsh shfurfshitff.