German vocabulary. How to learn German on your own and quickly: simple, accessible ways

This manual offers two dictionaries. The manual was created using the author's methodology. Based on the differences in the mechanisms of memory during perception and speech reproduction, two types of classification of words are proposed. The first classification contains blocks of consonant words. In this case, the types of consonances can be different. The second type of classification is based on the semantic commonality of words. The manual is designed for a wide range of people studying German.

1.6 What does the phonemic block do?

1) Words arranged in a phonemic block are very easy to learn to read. Indeed, you know the algorithm and change only one sound. In this case, you perceive not individual letters in a word, but the whole word.

2) At the same time, the block reveals the features of spelling words. Sometimes words sound the same but are spelled differently. Phonetically, blocks emphasize this difference by placing such words next to each other.

3) This comparison is also carried out in the phonemic block. In Russian, vowel sounds do not differ in length, but in German, the length of a vowel is a phoneme, i.e., their meaning changes depending on how you pronounce the vowel sound. For example, kann - I can and der Kahn - canoe/boat.

4) The words of the phonemic block are very easy to remember in German. Indeed, you take the block algorithm and create the words yourself. All that remains is to learn the correspondence/translation of these words into your native language.

5) Learning phonemic blocks develops in a student of German the ability to form sound associations in German, and this ability is an integral feature of thinking in a foreign language. German words should recall the remaining words of this block.

Part 1
Combining words into blocks based on consonance.
The problem of learning words when studying
German language.
Two types of classification of minimum words
1 Phonemic classification.
1.1 What is a phoneme?
1.2 Phonemic block of words
1.3 Algorithm for composing a phonemic block of words
1.4 A number of phonemic word blocks
1.5 Three rows of phonemic blocks
1.6.1.One hundred phonemic blocks with words that differ in the first consonant
1.5.2.One hundred phonemic blocks with words that differ in the root vowel sound
1.5.3.One hundred phonemic blocks with words that differ in the last consonant.
1.6 What does the phonemic block do?
2. Human memory and the learning process.
2.1 Long-term and short-term memory
2.2 Associations
2.3 External linking.
2.4 Internal linking
3 Associative series of words - guaranteed access to information in memory.
3.1 Associative series as a support for external linking
3.2 List of associative words
3.3 How is an associative series of words composed?
3.4 Why is number-to-word conversion done?
3.5 Test confirming the advantages of using an associative series.
3.6 Learn an associative series of words
3.7 Using an associative series of words to reproduce associative blocks.
Part 2
Semantic classification of words in the minimum German language
1 Classification of words by parts of speech
2 Dividing verbs into semantic groups
3 Breakdown of semantic groups into blocks
I Stage verbs.
II Verbs of motion
III Verbs of presence/quantity
IV Verbs of position
V Everyday verbs
VI Verbs of feeling
VII Verbs of perception and thinking.
VIII Working operations
IX Verbs of communication.
X Verbs of struggle
4 Semantic macrostructure of the classification
Group I. Stage verbs
Group II. Verbs of motion.
Group III. Verbs of presence
Group IV. Verbs of position.
Group V Everyday verbs
Group VI. Verbs of feeling.
Group VIII. Work operations
Group IX. Verbs of communication.
Group X. Verbs of struggle
5 Minimum block filling
semantic classification
Group I. Stage verbs
Group II. Verbs of motion.
Group III. Verbs of presence/quantity.
Group IV. Position.
Group V. Everyday verbs.
Group VI. Verbs of feeling.
Group VII. Verbs of perception and thinking
Group VIII. Work operations.
Group IX. Verbs of communication.
Group X. Verbs of struggle
6 Verbal minimum of the basic level, classified using semantic macrostructure
Group I. Stage verbs
Group II. Verbs of motion.
Group III. Verbs of presence/quantity
Group IV Regulation.
Group V. Everyday verbs.
Group VI. Verbs of feeling.
Group VII. Verbs of perception and thinking
Group VIII. Work operations
Group IX. Verbs of communication
Group X. Verbs of struggle
7 Methodology for studying minimum verbs using semantic macrostructure
8 Practical advice on learning words in the proposed classification
Part 3
Blocks of cognate words.

To broaden your horizons, you need to learn foreign languages. They will help you better understand a foreign culture, touch the great works of the classics of world literature in the original, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. When choosing a language, you need to be based on your preferences.

People interested in Germany ask the question: is it possible to learn German on their own? Those who have achieved success in this important task confidently say yes. You just need to try a little and spend some of your free time.

What is needed for this?

For a positive result, you need to have motivation and set a deadline for achieving the goal. It is equally important to organize the learning process in an interesting way, otherwise the desire to master is quite complex language may evaporate quickly. Determine why you want to start practicing. Perhaps you will be traveling to Germany, working in a German company, or communicating with native speakers. There can be many reasons. After all, Germany is the leading country of the European Union, and its language is very widespread and popular.

To learn German from scratch on your own, it is important to choose the right teaching material.

  • A good option is audio lessons. It’s convenient to listen to them on public transport, making good use of the time needed on the road and during your lunch break.
  • Along with an audio course, it is often necessary to use diagrams, special cards, textbooks or other didactic material to help you quickly master knowledge.
  • Along with audio lessons, it is useful to study the German language tutorial. Try using “German for Beginners”, compiled by V. Bukharova and T. Kessler. With its help, you will quickly remember basic phrases.
  • Be sure to purchase a comprehensive German-Russian and Russian-German dictionary. Set a goal for yourself to memorize 10 new words every day, and you will not notice how rich you are vocabulary.
  • Visual information is perceived more quickly by many people. Therefore, to learn the language and improve pronunciation, video lessons are needed.

If you can’t remember articles and irregular verbs at home without outside help, sign up for courses and study as part of a group. There you will receive regular tasks to complete on your own, communicate with like-minded people and, perhaps, achieve success faster.

Alphabet and umlaut

You need to start studying from the beginning. The first step for a language learner is to understand the alphabet. For those who attended English classes at school, this will not amount to special labor. The languages ​​belong to the general group - Germanic, and their alphabet is of Latin origin.

  • If you set yourself a serious goal, you can master a language quickly. In it, words are written in the same way as they are pronounced, you just need to know the consonant and vowel sound combinations well and remember when an umlaut is placed above the letters Ä ä, Ö ö and Ü ü - two dots on top.
  • You need to figure this out and learn how to pronounce the umlaut at the very beginning, otherwise your speech will be difficult to understand correctly.
  • Most often, two dots appear in words used in the plural, but sometimes they change phrases completely. It is convenient to learn how to pronounce them by listening to educational audio or video material.

Some people mistakenly compare umlaut with a feature of the Russian alphabet - the letter E. In fact, there is absolutely nothing similar between them. These points have different meanings.

Start of classes

The main difficulty in the German language is articles. With their help, the gender of nouns is determined. German grammar differs from Russian, so at first students have to memorize nouns along with articles in order to speak correctly.

If you don’t give up on learning, articles will gradually cease to be a problem, and language acquisition will begin much faster.

Learn new words systematically. These should be not only nouns, but also other parts of speech. To successfully memorize prepositions and verbs, it is advisable to find educational poems or songs. In this form, they are stored in memory faster.

Remember the study foreign language at school. At first, children learned to describe pictures, memorized basic expressions, names of days of the week, months, and kitchen utensils. Don't neglect this moment. Simple words necessary for communication.

A little later, it is important to understand how Germans construct sentences. They do it differently than the Russians, so it’s difficult for beginning students to understand.

  • The Russian language has its own rules, and it is easy to arrange words in a sentence in a wide variety of orders. In German this is strictly prohibited. There, every word has its place, and their order is strictly fixed.
  • To understand, you need to learn conjunctions and remember that in German grammar the subject always comes first, and the predicate comes second.
  • In addition, it is important to learn the forms of verbs, which can also be difficult. You need to learn how to manage them, decline them by case, use them in the plural and singular.

If you need to know how to learn German on your own and quickly, after mastering the basics, start watching films released in Germany. It is useful to include a film that you have seen many times in Russian dubbing, so you are well familiar with the plot and dialogues of the main characters. A simple way of studying will bring a lot of impressions and significantly increase your vocabulary.

Search the Internet for the series in German “Extra Deutsch”. It is designed specifically for learning. The characters in the film pronounce phrases slowly and clearly, so you can calmly repeat the expressions after them. Each episode comes with German subtitles so you can learn the pronunciation and spelling of the words at the same time.

What to do next?

For quick learning It is useful to use the language in different areas of life. Find a German news site on the Internet and read the notes published there every day. Right away you will need a dictionary and a lot of time for this, but gradually you will notice that you instantly understand what is written.

Read a fiction book in German. It is advisable to choose a familiar work, then you will have to look less into the dictionary, because you will understand some words intuitively.

Change the language in settings mobile phone and try to figure out the controls.

It is useful to study information about the origin of a language. This interesting topic, which is intertwined with the history of countries such as Sweden and Denmark.

Final stage

When learning a language at home brings positive results, think about communicating with the residents of Germany. Thanks to modern technologies, it’s easy to do without leaving your apartment.

  • Communities of like-minded people dedicated to the study of German culture, history and language have been specially created on popular social networks. There it is easy to find friends who are fluent in the foreign language you need, enter into correspondence with them and subsequently start communicating via Skype.
  • This practice is incredibly useful because mastering spoken language is the most important step in learning any language. It will help you perceive words by ear, recognize slang expressions and abbreviations.

At first, certain difficulties may arise. To reduce them to a minimum, arm yourself with the necessary notes during a conversation, open a phrasebook and be sure to turn on the online translator on your computer. It will help you translate unfamiliar phrases of your interlocutor. By talking regularly, you will no longer need helpers and will understand everything on your own.

According to the observations of people who are interested in how long it takes to learn German colloquial speech, this takes about 2 months. During this period, a huge vocabulary is developed and an understanding of how to correctly construct sentences comes.

To learn German from scratch, it is important to immerse yourself in the language environment, read more, listen to songs, and study the culture of Germany. If possible, it is advisable to visit this country, admire the beautiful castles, museums, nature and communicate with people. Having set a goal for yourself, feel free to do everything to achieve it. Of course, at first it will be difficult, but gradually you will get involved and the process will become easier. The main condition for success is regular study, perseverance, and then you will quickly be able to speak German and understand native speakers of this beautiful language.

If you already have basic skills in any language (except German, of course), it will be much easier for you to learn words and expressions from the speech of residents of Germany, Austria or, say, Switzerland. They already understand grammatical structures, there are standards for comparison and analysis, which means that learning will take less time.

Currently, a lot of language centers offer their services for quick learning of the German language. They talk about some incredible techniques that will help you master German in just a couple of months (!). There is truth in this, but only a small part. In fact, their approaches simply focus on spoken language and spend very little time on the grammatical aspects of it.

Start small and learn the German alphabet. He is located.

Of course, it is impossible to talk about total mastery of German in three months. This technique serves to liberate and bring the student to the contact stage. In principle, any spoken language has a similar goal. The problem is that with the standard, “school” approach, the transition to speaking occurs very slowly, or even never at all. So the technology of teaching German in such centers can be considered rational.

Difficulties of the German language

If you do not want to attend specialized language courses, you can learn the basics of German language and speech on your own. To do this, you just have to stock up on some time, patience and the Internet. In the “web” you will find all the necessary audiovisual tools (audio recordings, pictures, visual aids, dictionaries), which will help you master German at the initial stage. Having done necessary supplies, use the following action plan.

  • Listen to real German speech. This starting technique will allow you to feel the melody of German sentences, to grasp the subtleties that distinguish the language from others. But there will be differences - that's obvious.
  • Repeat what you heard after the speaker. At this stage, you immediately begin to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of speaking German. Teachers at language centers monitor this process, and in their absence we recommend using a voice recorder. By recording yourself and then comparing it with the original source, you can evaluate how well you are doing. Intonation and rhythmic errors will be immediately audible, and you will be able to quickly correct them.

It is recommended to practice phrases at least once a day. You can spend about an hour or two on this - it all depends on the number of conversational units you are working with. At first, it is possible that their perception, repetition and involuntary memorization will take more time. But every time you learn German, you will learn German faster and faster. After about two weeks of these active activities You will begin to notice how you involuntarily tend to use a familiar phrase from the German language in everyday situations. If this happens, you are doing everything right.

  • Compare what you hear with what you see. Here we already mean the transition to the stage of mastering letters German alphabet and developing the ability to put them into words. You will have to act in two steps. First, using the help of a speaker, as well as any phrasebook or German-Russian dictionary, practice pronouncing the letters. Then you can move on to mastering the rules of reading. (For this point, the German language should be given a separate Danke, because in comparison with the same English or French languages, most of the letter combinations seen are pronounced the same way as they are written; there are rare exceptions and features that will not be difficult to remember).

Knowing how words are read, you will be able to practice on simple lexical units from the most understandable areas of our lives (daily routine, leisure, being, flora and fauna, weather, etc.). Plus, this will ensure visual memorization of the word and its association with the Russian version. Therefore, the vocabulary will gradually be replenished, which is also quite important.

  • Reinforce vocabulary with grammar, and theory with practice. In parallel with reading, begin to master the grammatical rules of the German language. Start with the simplest ones - those that will be useful at an early stage. For example, read about how to construct sentences or how verbs are conjugated in the present tense. Don’t forget to consolidate the material you’ve learned by completing tasks from reference books, which are also easy to find on the Internet. By completing such tasks, you will write down answers and thereby train written speech, including not only visual, but also muscle memory.

And don’t give up oral speech either! Try to meaningfully “substitute” familiar colloquial constructions in situations of everyday communication. If you are in a store, imagine that you need to find out in German how much an item costs. Or in the morning you need to greet your “home” or neighbors, or work colleagues... You never know what else you can think of! In a word, practice.

As a rule, if you deliberately set out to learn German, your main enemy can only be time and family circumstances. Having “seven people” makes it quite difficult to engage in self-development. If you need to learn German for work, this procedure is equivalent to forced measures. Here you can already turn on the “I don’t want” or “Oh, how lazy” mode. Then you should remember that you are not in school, and you need this for growth, career and, perhaps, even prosperity.

It turns out that you can quickly learn German. It all depends on what goal is being pursued. If you need to communicate in a language, a decent result can be achieved in 2-3 months. A thorough study will require more time, the main thing is that the initial goal is justified by the means invested in the process of achieving it.

Several sites for learning German online:

  1. Deutsch-online(
  2. Lingust(
  3. Yeshko(

Here you can check your level of German-

A little humor: