What is the earliest age a child started? Who is the youngest mother in the world? What are the consequences of early childbearing? Ilda Trujillo from Peru

The laws of biology tell us that bearing a fetus, giving birth to a child, and, indeed, conception are possible only after puberty (i.e., the first menarche) and before menopause.

But the genetic characteristics of individual people make it possible to give birth to a child at an earlier or later date.

The world knows of cases where children and old women became mothers. In this article we will tell you about the youngest mothers in history. You might also be interested in the article about the oldest mothers in the world.

The youngest mothers in the world

Extremely early puberty in five-year-old children is a rather unusual case, but it does occur in medical practice. In most cases, child pregnancies are terminated at an early stage in order to avoid social stigma and negative consequences for the development of the child-parent.

Lisa from Kharkov

Gave birth at 6 years old

In 1934, information appeared about another young mother. 6-year-old Lisa from Kharkov became pregnant from her own grandfather. She gave birth to a healthy girl, whose height at birth was 50 centimeters and weight 3 kilograms.

The low financial situation of the family did not allow them to hire a qualified surgeon who would “caesarize” the baby. A six-year-old Ukrainian woman had to give birth naturally practically without pain relief. Unfortunately, this story did not end as happily as Lina Medina's. The baby died during childbirth - Lisa’s umbilical cord fell off prematurely.

Ilda Trujillo from Peru

Gave birth at 9 years old

Another case, and again the scene is Peru. At the end of 1957, 9-year-old Ilda Trujillo gave birth to a girl weighing 2.7 kilograms in a Lima hospital. Ilda’s mother noticed her daughter’s swollen belly back in the summer. The doctor’s diagnosis simply shocked her - the doctor stated that the baby was pregnant. It turned out that the father was the girl’s cousin, a 22-year-old young man who lived with the girl in the same room. He was arrested on the same day, as soon as his parents found out about Ilda’s pregnancy.

The youngest mothers of the 21st century

“Young” motherhood also occurs in the 21st century.

Young mother from the Apurina tribe

Gave birth at 9 years old

In July 2006, a 9-year-old Indian girl from the Apurina tribe became a mother. This happened in the capital of the Brazilian Amazon - Manaus. The pregnant girl was sent to the hospital in April, and only after a group of researchers saw her disproportionately huge belly in her native village.

In the hospital, the expectant mother was diagnosed with a whole bunch of dangerous diseases: pneumonia, malaria and anemia. She did not hear the doctors and did not react in any way to what was happening around her - the baby’s ears had giant wax plugs that had to be removed in the hospital. However, her daughter was born healthy, although not very large: 42 centimeters and 2.2 kilograms.

Pregnant girl from China

In 2008, a one-year-old orphan girl, Kang Mengru, from an orphanage in China was found to have an embryo in her stomach. However, the doctors were not surprised by this fact: it turned out that during pregnancy the girl “absorbed” her twin. At the same time, the trapped fetus did not die, as it retained its connection with its sister and continued to receive nutrients. Such cases (there is even a special term for them - “fetus in embryo”) are quite rare: approximately 1 in 500 thousand “twin” pregnancies.

The youngest mother in the world is Lina Medina from Peru

Gave birth at 5 years, 7 months and 21 days

The earliest pregnancy recorded by doctors was found in a native of Peru, Lina Medina. The girl was born on September 27, 1933, and at almost 6 years old she became the youngest mother in the world. This “record” has still not been broken.

Five-year-old Lina was brought to the hospital by her parents, concerned about their daughter’s enlarged abdominal cavity. At first they believed that the girl had a tumor. After examination, doctors discovered that Lina Medina was seven months pregnant. The girl’s mother confirmed that Lina’s first menstruation began at the age of three. Dr. Gerardo Lozada took expectant mother to the capital Lima so that the pregnancy can be confirmed by other specialists.

A month and a half later, on May 14, 1939, Lina gave birth to a boy by caesarean section. The operation was inevitable because the girl’s pelvis had not yet developed - the baby simply would not have been born naturally, and most likely the young mother would have died. The surgical procedure was supervised by Drs. Lozada and Bussleu, and anesthesia was provided by Dr. Colretta.

The newborn, who weighed 2.7 kilograms at birth, was named after Dr. Gerardo. As the boy grew older, he was told that Lina was his sister. Gerardo learned that she was actually his mother at the age of 9.

Exactly how Lina Medina became pregnant was not documented. Of course, the authorities could not ignore such a blatant case, and at first they accused the father of molesting his own daughter. However, the charges were subsequently dropped - an examination showed that the girl was a virgin.

The most plausible version seems to be that the pregnancy occurred due to the low level of hygiene in a poor Peruvian family. Lina herself remained silent all her life about the circumstances of fertilization.

It is known that Medina later married young man named Raule Gerado, with whom she gave birth to her second son in 1972. The family lived in a poor area of ​​Lima known as Chicago Chico ("Little Chicago"). Lina Medina died in November 2015, outliving her eldest son by almost 40 years - he died in 1979 from bone marrow cancer.

You can find out who became the youngest parents in Russia in this article.
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Of course, everything is relative. Regarding our mothers, it was “normal” to give birth at 19-20 years old, and 28-year-old girls were already considered “old-timers”. Relative to my time, it was “normal” to give birth at the age of 25, and 35-year-old women were already considered “old-timers.” Now it’s a completely different time and different numbers. The “norm” is considered to be the first child at 30 years old, and the term “old-timers” has long since sunk into oblivion (and that’s great). And yet, some frameworks when society considers a child to be “early” and a child to be “late” still remain. According to experts, a child born at 18-20 years of age is now considered “early”, and a child born at 43-45 is considered “late”. Sixteen-year-old and sixty-year-old mothers are considered anomalous phenomena and are more suitable for talk shows than for the lives of ordinary people. Therefore, let's consider more adequate options.

1. Early child.

From the point of view of gynecologists and obstetricians, childbirth is at 18-20 summer age are quite welcome. A young and healthy body, which has not yet had time to absorb tons of “useful ecology”, has not yet lost its nerves, and the chance of giving birth to a child with genetic disorders, for example with, is 1 in 1562. After childbirth, the mother’s young body recovers easily and quickly, overweight disappears instantly, stretch marks on elastic young skin are also rare.

From the point of view of psychologists, becoming a mother at 18 is a huge risk. Young mothers, still essentially remaining children themselves, cannot give proper upbringing to their child. On the other hand, young mothers become smart very quickly and by the age of 25-27 they are a charming mother and a smart first-grader child. For some reason, in our society it is customary to measure the mother’s age by the child’s first grade. They often ask “how old will you be when you take him to first grade?” It turns out 25-27 years old, quite an excellent age for yourself, when you already have a head on your shoulders and still have youth in its prime and you can fool around with your child and have fun. Amazing.

From the point of view of social adaptation, this is the most difficult topic. No education, no job, no stable income, no home of my own. And very often young mothers never receive higher education, do not make a career, and in general, in terms of social adaptation in society, everything leaves much to be desired.

If we consider the “early” child from the point of view ordinary life, then young mothers react more simply and easily to all the pleasant and unpleasant moments that happen in their lives. They treat childhood illnesses more easily and, although they can terrify a young mother (since no life experience), but they are also easier and simpler to solve (since there is no sad and depressing life experience). And if the baby is standing on his ears and jumping around the apartment like a monkey, he has the strength and mood to survive all this chaos. On the other hand, a mother is a responsibility, and while unmarried friends can easily party in nightclubs and meet boys, a young mother remains a mother first and foremost. With all the ensuing consequences. You need to put an end to a reckless life, but it is at the age of 18-20 that the most beautiful and unforgettable moments in life happen - student parties, dates, breakups, hiking and self-discovery.

2. Late child.

Today 43 summer woman, who gave birth to her first child, it is no longer possible to surprise anyone. I have several friends who gave birth to their children at the age of about 40 (a little less, a little more) and for me, the mother of a teenage child, this fact looks almost like a heroic act. But let's see what the professionals think about this.

From the point of view of modern medicine, if you have good money, you can survive a pregnancy over 40 years of age and childbirth very well. However, age is age, and the risk of having a child with pathologies increases to frightening numbers. The risk of having a child with Down syndrome at the age of 25-35 years is already 1 in 1000; at the age of 35-39 years the risk increases to 1 in 214; over the age of 45, the risk increases to 1 in 19. The adaptation period after childbirth also leaves much to be desired, and the skin is not young and stretch marks are more difficult to resolve and excess weight remains for a long time.

From the point of view of psychologists, a forty-three-year-old mother is the most great option. This is a wonderful upbringing, boundless love and devotion, and the understanding that a child is a miracle and a gift of fate. Answering the favorite question of our women, “how old will you be when you take your child to first grade?”, they answer: “Fifty.” Many people already have grandchildren at this time. A difficult moment for both the mother and the child himself and quite controversial. Although psychologists always cite the example of Western stars who became mothers for the first time at both 46 and 50 years old and feel great. On the other hand, these are “stars”, these are “western stars” and they are as old as Mars before our life, so there is no point in comparing.

From the point of view of social adaptation, forty-three-year-old mothers are the most best option. And you already have an education, a career, an apartment, cars, money, and everything, everything, in order to raise a child calmly and comfortably.

If we look at it from the point of view of ordinary life, then this is a test. And it's not about the money at all. Mothers of late children react extremely painfully to everything that happens to their only long-awaited child. They love you until they turn blue in the face, pamper you crazy, and are frightened by every sneeze and cough. At the same time, it is extremely difficult at the age of 45 to play with a child all day. There just isn’t enough strength and nerves, and when the child once again climbs the wall, all you want is to fall asleep. Or rest peacefully. You can deceive appearances, but you cannot deceive age.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that a child born at any age is a great happiness. And that says it all, so whether it is early or late, by and large, does not matter at all.

The creation of a child is a strange and wonderful process, and pregnancy proceeds differently for all women, although in some cases, completely incredible things happen. Here are 10 stories about the most amazing births and the most unusual babies.

10. The most premature baby, childbirth survivor

The most amazing case of a child born too early surviving was recorded in 1987 in Canada. The baby was born when he was just 21 weeks and 5 days old and was named James Elgin Gill. The boy was born at approximately 128 days ahead of schedule and weighed only 623 grams! Doctors were sure that the child would not survive due to such a premature birth. In addition, they warned the parents that if James did not die within the next few hours or days after his birth, he would suffer from many serious illnesses and become crippled. However, contrary to all forecasts and expectations, the almost 5-month-old baby not only survived, but also grew up to be a normal, healthy man.

9. The lightest baby in the world

Surprisingly, although James Elgin Gill was the youngest baby, weighing only 623 grams at birth, he was not the lightest. This record belongs to another child - Rumaisa Rahman, born in September 2004 in Illinois, USA. Rumaisa was one of two twins born by caesarean section at just 26 weeks. The premature birth was carried out due to the fact that the girls’ mother suffered from preeclampsia, which threatened both the lives of the children and the woman herself. Twins are often born different sizes and weigh differently. In the case of the girls from the Rahman family, Rumaisa's sister weighed 566 grams, and our record holder weighed only 243 grams! In addition, the baby's height was only 24.13 centimeters. The healthier sister left the hospital in January, but Rumaisa remained there for another month. But upon discharge, the girl already weighed almost 2.5 kilograms.

8. The shortest baby

Remember when we said that Rumaisa was born not only very light, but also very short? However, she did not break the world record, because the shortest newborn was recognized as Nisa Juarez, born in Minnesota in 2002. The girl was born 108 days early after just 24 weeks and 5 days in the womb. She weighed 320 grams, and her height was only 23.9 centimeters. The child was kept in the hospital for a full 5 months before Nisa recovered and grew well enough to finally go home.

7. The largest newborn

In addition to records dedicated to the tiniest children, there are also achievements that will make almost any woman who has either already gone through pregnancy and childbirth, or is just preparing for this important event, shudder. It's time to tell you about the heaviest baby on record. The famous holder of the title of heaviest and tallest newborn was Babe, born back in 1879 in Ohio. The boy appeared in a family of real giants. His mother, Anna Bates, was an impressive 241 centimeters tall, and his father was almost the same. The child lived only 11 hours, so they didn’t even have time to give him a normal name. But even in such a short life, Babe managed to become famous as a real record holder, because at birth he weighed 9.98 kilograms and his height was 71.12 centimeters!

Carmelina Fedele did not give birth to such a large child as Miss Anna Bates, but her son was still heavier than the legendary boy from Ohio. The new record holder was born in Italy in 1955, and he weighed an impressive 10.2 kilograms. Unlike Babe, young Fedele lived much longer than 11 hours.

6. Longest labor in history

If there's anything scarier than going into premature labor or having a very large baby, it's going into labor for too long. Some lucky women give birth in an hour, some labor for half a day, and the less fortunate have to suffer for longer than a day, but the longest labor in history was the 75-day labor of Joanna Krzysztonek, a 31-year-old mother from Poland.

Usually women dream of seeing their baby as soon as possible, but in the case of a Polish woman, things were a little different. In 2012, a whole team of doctors did everything possible to protect the child from being born prematurely, despite their patient’s many days of contractions. Joanna was pregnant with triplets and went into labor at just 21 weeks. The first child died immediately after birth because he was still too small and weak to survive outside his mother's womb. The doctors decided that the remaining children must be kept inside the womb for as long as possible, otherwise they too would die. The woman had her umbilical cord tied and placed back into her womb and was given special medications to stop premature contractions. The Polish woman lay in bed for all 75 days, and her bed was tilted at an angle of 30 degrees so that the laboring woman’s legs were higher than her head.

Finally, at 32 weeks, the mother had a Caesarean section and gave birth to two healthy girls, each weighing approximately 1.8 kilograms. For many women, such a story will sound simply incredible, and some will say that it is very difficult to say that it was precisely a birth that lasted 2 and a half months. Although officially the process began just with the birth of the first baby, and if the doctors had not figured out how to save the remaining children, they would all most likely have died at 21 weeks of pregnancy.

5. Longest pregnancy

The average pregnancy lasts about 280 days (approximately 9 months). Ask almost any woman who has given birth, and they will all answer in unison that the last 40th week was one of the hardest, and it felt like it lasted an eternity. Now imagine what it was like for Los Angeles resident Beulah Hunter, who lived with a huge belly for almost a year. A unique case occurred back in 1945, and at first doctors did not believe the woman who said that she had been carrying her child for as long as 375 days.

Bela gave birth to an absolutely healthy girl, and she was named Penny Diana. Typically, babies who sit too long in the womb later suffer from a range of complications. That is why nowadays, at 42 weeks, artificial contractions are usually induced or a caesarean section is performed - in order to avoid problems with the health of the newborn. However, after checking Miss Hunter's history, the entries in her card about the pregnancy test and the woman's menstrual cycle, the doctors came to the conclusion that the mother was not lying. It is likely that the reason her daughter managed to spend so long in the womb without any negative consequences was because of her extremely slow development. In addition, the fetal heartbeat should have been heard back in July, but doctors were not able to do this until September. By the way, if you think that a child who stayed in the stomach for 3 months longer should have been born larger than usual, you are very mistaken. Penny weighed normal - 3.1 kilograms.

Not everyone believed this story. Some contemporaries accused Bela of lying and stated that she had a miscarriage at about 3 months, and then she allegedly became pregnant almost immediately. Although the patient’s attending physician laughed at this version and declared that such a scenario was “simply impossible.” Nowadays, a pregnant woman would hardly be allowed to carry a child for almost a whole year, or at least the development of the fetus would be monitored very closely, which is quite feasible thanks to modern technologies. However, in the mid-20th century, mothers were not given ultrasounds, so this story remains open to debate and doubt.

4. Baby with the most teeth at birth

Children born into the world with teeth are not such a sensation, although this is a rather rare occurrence. In most cases, babies begin teething at around 5-8 months of age. However, in 1990, Sean Keaney from Great Britain was born with 12 teeth in his mouth.

Doctors reported that so many teeth in such a young boy could cause problems with breastfeeding, and it was decided to remove the entire bite. By the age of 18 months, the child has grown a new “set” of teeth. History is silent whether these were already permanent teeth, or still milk teeth, which were later replaced by molars.

3. The largest number of children born in one pregnancy and surviving

Nadya Suleman has repeatedly appeared on the editorial pages of popular publications. Since 2009, they began to write about this woman all over the world, and they nicknamed her nothing more than “Octomom” (with Greek language octo – 8). Surprisingly, this American woman managed to carry and give birth to 8 healthy children at once.

If you haven't heard this scandalous story yet, make yourself comfortable. Before her record pregnancy, Nadya had already given birth to 6 children, whom she conceived through artificial insemination. Test tube babies were nothing new to her, but this time the woman decided to try her luck with 12 more embryos at the same time. Eight of them took root, and as a result, Nadya became a real star and at the same time the center of an ethical scandal. Both in those years and now, if the patient is under 33 years old, doctors usually implant no more than 3 embryos at a time. Too many embryos threaten both the health of the mother and the lives of the future ones themselves. Doctor Suleman, who has many children, insisted that the implantation of 12 embryos occurred completely by accident, but the Medical Council of California still deprived him of his license.

By the way, Nadya is not the first woman to successfully carry and give birth to 8 brothers and sisters, but the previous time (then the babies were also made from test tubes) one of the babies died within a week after birth. But Nadina’s children are still alive to this day, including the first 6 children whom she gave birth to even before her record pregnancy.

2. Largest number of identical twins

It is one thing to carry 8 children from 12 implanted embryos, and quite another to carry 5 embryos that developed from one egg. This is a real miracle! For example, the Dionne quintuplets, born in Ontario in 1934, were not only the first identical twins of their kind to survive their first days of life, but also the first to live longer. for many years right down to the gray hairs (in the case of 3 out of 5 sisters). This sounds incredible, considering that the unique girls were born 2 months prematurely, and in those years a 7-month-old child had almost no chance of survival.

During pregnancy, the mother of quintuplets, Elzire Dionne, suspected that she had twins, but before the advent of ultrasound machines, she simply could not know for sure. No one could have imagined that the woman was pregnant not with a pair of twins, but with 5 girls at once. Modern doctors believe that there were actually 6 embryos, but one of them miscarried. By the way, nowadays at the end of the term multiple pregnancy It is customary to perform a caesarean section, but Elzira gave birth on her own on her own farm.

Ontario authorities announced that the twins' parents were unable to protect the sisters from exploitation, and the government took custody of the famous children. Soon the girls were turned into real museum exhibits, a show was opened especially for them, and tourists could watch the sisters 3 times a day (for a fee). Almost 3 million onlookers managed to visit the quintuplets before the strange exhibition closed. The girls' family lived very nearby - across the street, but they still lived separately until 1943, when the twins were 9 years old. The fate of the sisters was not easy, because they never settled into the Dion family, then they ended up in a boarding school, and when they came of age, they each went their separate ways. As a result, the 3 surviving sisters filed a lawsuit against the local authorities and received huge compensation for their exploitation in childhood.

1. The longest pause between the births of two twins

Geminis constantly joke about who is older, even when the age difference is only a matter of minutes or seconds. However, in the case of Amy and Katie Elliot, it’s no longer a joke, because they were born within 3 months of each other!

Of course, the reason for this difference is that one of the twins, Amy, was born prematurely. At 23 weeks and 5 days to be exact. The baby weighed only 538 grams, and she was immediately taken to the intensive care unit. Surprisingly, the contractions stopped completely. Even after doctors tried to induce labor the next day, new contractions did not occur, and the parents decided that they should allow this process to occur naturally. Maria, the girls' mother, gave birth to Katie at 36 weeks' gestation, which was 87 days after Amy was born. The girls were reunited within 2 hours. The second child weighed 2.5 kilograms and was discharged from the hospital 5 days after birth. Premature girl born spent another 7 whole weeks under the supervision of doctors until she was allowed to go home to her family.

02/21/2016 at 00:40 · Pavlofox · 40 440

The youngest mothers in the world

Early motherhood is a phenomenon that is typical for countries with different standards of living. Teenage pregnancies have already become commonplace, but among girls who began to be sexually active too early, there are real record holders. The youngest mothers in the world– the topic of our article today.

10. Veronika Ivanova from Yakutia | 12 years old

She became one of the youngest mothers in the world at the age of 12. Due to the fact that she was a little overweight, she managed to safely hide her pregnancy until the birth. Teachers, classmates and parents thought that the girl had simply gained a little weight. But when one day Veronica complained of severe pain, her parents called an ambulance. The arriving medical team determined that the girl was about to give birth.

The father of the seven-month-old girl turned out to be Veronica's 19-year-old boyfriend, who had previously been convicted of drug distribution. He is now serving time for child molestation.

Veronica now lives in civil marriage with another man. Her parents help her raise her daughter.

9. Schoolgirl from Great Britain | 12 years old

One of the youngest mothers in the world lives in UK. A twelve-year-old schoolgirl gave birth to a girl weighing 3 kg 175 grams. She became pregnant some time after meeting a boy who lives near her home. Despite the shocking news for them, loved ones of the youngest parents in British history supported them. They explained this by saying that the child's mother and father had been dating for more than a year. They intend to continue to be together and take care of the child. Upon reaching the right age young parents are planning to get married. The names of the child's mother and father are being withheld for ethical and legal reasons. The schoolgirl hopes that she will return to school at the beginning of the school year and continue her studies.

8. Valya Isaeva | 11 years old

At one time she became a real celebrity - her shocking story was written about in newspapers, and the girl was repeatedly invited to participate in various television programs. Having given birth at the age of 11, she became one of the youngest mothers in the world.

While studying in the 5th grade, Valya began dating a lodger from Tajikistan, Khabib Patakhonov. The girl’s grandmother did not notice how her granddaughter started an affair with a 17-year-old guy. When law enforcement agencies found out about the girl’s pregnancy, a criminal case was opened against the Tajik migrant for seducing minors. The public helped save the guy from prison. The authorities managed to convince that the young parents did not have a fleeting relationship, but serious relationship. Valya and Khabib lived together, raised their daughter Amina and waited until they could legalize their relationship. When the young mother turned 17, the long-awaited wedding took place. Soon Valya gave birth to a son, Amir. But this story doesn't have a happy ending. Having gone through difficult trials, Khabib has not changed in better side. He began regularly beating his wife in front of his children out of jealousy. Things got to the point that Valya did not return home one day, staying with a friend and wrote a statement to the police about the beatings. However, she does not intend to divorce her husband yet. There remains a chance that the marriage of one of the youngest mothers will still survive.

7. Nadya Gnatyuk from Khmelnitsky region | 11 years old

She became one of the youngest mothers in the world, giving birth to her daughter Marina at the age of 11. The child's father was her own father. This story is very tragic. Nadya was the third child of Tatyana Baran (her mother) and father Yuri Gnatyuk. The court found that he had sexual relations with his daughter three times and threatened her with violence if she told anyone about what happened. When a fifth-grader began to feel unwell at school, doctors decided it was the result of malnutrition. Only at the 20th week of pregnancy, Nadya’s mother took her to a gynecologist for an examination.

The court sentenced the girl's rapist to 10 years. Nadya gave birth to a healthy girl, but as a result of her early birth, her heart problems worsened. A year later, while in the hospital, she met 24-year-old Valery. Six months after they met, they began to live together. Since it was impossible to register the marriage due to Nadya’s age, the couple got married.

At the age of 14, the girl became a mother again, giving birth to a son, Andrei. She was never able to finish school with two children.

6. Maria from Romania | 11 years old

Romanian Maria Having given birth to a boy at the age of 11 and becoming one of the youngest mothers, she confirmed the fact that daughters almost always follow in the footsteps of their mothers. The fact is that her mother Rifka Stanescu gave birth to Maria at the age of 12. Early marriages are common among gypsies, but Rifka was not at all happy when she learned about her daughter’s pregnancy - she hoped that she would receive an education first. By the way, now she is the youngest grandmother in the world - at the time of the birth of her grandson, Rifka Stanescu was 23 years old.

5. Girl from Colombia | 10 years

In Colombia, a 10-year-old girl from a local Indian tribe became one of the youngest mothers in the world. Having given life to a healthy girl, she herself almost died during childbirth. The Indians of this tribe adhere to the tradition of having children at an early age. The girl was admitted to the hospital in poor condition, bleeding, and doctors had to perform a caesarean section. It was not possible to find out who the father of the child is.

The story caused a great stir in Colombia. Many are indignant early age a girl who has given birth to a child, because she still has to play with dolls, and not take care of the baby. Another part of society says that no one has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the tribe.

4. Ilda Trujillo from Peru | 9 years old

Nine-year-old abused by her 22-year-old cousin. She became one of the youngest mothers, giving birth to a healthy girl.

3. Girl from China | 9 years old

In 2010, a 9-year-old girl gave birth to a full-fledged boy in China. Her name is not disclosed, nor are the reasons for her pregnancy. It is only known that she lives in the northeast of the country.

2. Lisa from Ukraine | 6 years

In 1934, 6-year-old Lisa became the youngest mother in the world in Ukraine. Unsuspecting parents brought the girl in for examination when her belly suddenly began to grow. When it turned out that she was pregnant, Lisa’s relatives, after interviewing the child, established that the culprit of the incident was the girl’s grandfather. She endured healthy child, but he could not be saved during childbirth.

1. Lina Vanessa Medina from Peru | 5 years

Phenomenon Vanessa Medina's lines from Peru is that she youngest mother in the world, who gave birth to a son at the age of 5 years. Unsuspecting doctors initially diagnosed the little girl with an abdominal tumor due to its enlargement. It was soon discovered that Lina was seven months pregnant. A month and a half later, she gave birth to a boy by caesarean section. Until the age of ten, he considered Lina his sister, until he was told the truth.

How the girl became pregnant is now unknown - no documents about this have survived. Lina herself subsequently kept silent about this. The youngest mother in the world died in November 2015.

What else to see:

The most unusual children in the world

1. Lizzy Clark rightfully recognized as the most bad child in the world. It is impossible to list everything that she managed to do in childhood. Her most terrible “misdeeds” date back to 1995:

She used a knife to carve the words “Wash Me” on her parents’ newly purchased Cadillac;

Made a candle out of 5 $100 bills (from my mom's bag);

Conducted 167 long-distance calls with the White House, demanding to call Bill Clinton's daughter on the phone;

I took a hose and poured several hundred liters of water into my parents’ bedroom;

She blew up the toilet by placing a bunch of firecrackers under it;

I destroyed my mother’s favorite orchids with gas from a lighter;

I cut off the dog's tail with scissors;

Blinded two cats;

She put a teddy bear in her pocket and screamed at the journalist who came to visit her that he wanted to steal it from her.

The parents admitted that they could not punish their child just because she was still young (8 years old). They probably didn’t think that it would be practically impossible to do this later.

2. Lu Hao (LuHao) from China the fattest child in the world. When the boy was born, his weight was normal (2.6 kg). But after a few months he began to rapidly gain weight. When Lou was 3 years old, his weight was 60 kg. Interestingly, the boy does not stop screaming and crying until he is given food. The little fat boy’s parents are shocked: they took him to doctors who were unable to explain Hao’s excessive appetite and excess weight.

3. GiulianoStroe from Romania at 8 years old is already the most strong child on the planet. In 2009, he entered the Guinness Book of Records by doing a one-handed push-up with his feet in the air. His father is accused of putting too much pressure on the boy, but he claims that he does not put pressure on him at all. According to his father, Giuliano studies as much as he can stand. Like all children, he loves cartoons, games and everything else.

4. The most small child peace born on September 19, 2004 at 26 weeks of pregnancy. With a height of 24 centimeters, a girl Rumaisa Rahman weighed only 243 grams (less than a drink in an aluminum can). Such an early birth was due to a sharp decline in the health of Rumaisa’s mother. Her blood pressure increased, so she had to give birth to at least save the child. The girl was born not alone, but with her sister. Sister Khiba weighed twice as much - 570 grams.

5. Karan Singh the tallest child in the world for his 2 years. Its height is 130 cm and weighs 42 kilograms. Karan's mom is also the tallest, but only in Asia. Her height is 2 meters 20 cm. This one lives happy family in India.

6. Jerly Lyngdoh has been living in India for 27 years, and has the development of a 2-year-old child, weight 11 kg and height 84 cm, therefore he is the oldest child in the world. The only criterion by which Jaylee's age can be determined is her teeth. The doctors to whom his parents showed him cannot cure the child of this disease. They count. That he has a rare disease called pan-hypopitutarism. It simply does not allow a person to grow.

7. Oscar Wrigley was the most smart child at 2 years old (at the time of writing he is already 5 years old). His IQ (intelligence quotient) was 160, the same as Albert Einstein. He is perfectly erudite, knows hundreds of times more than his peers and has already been accepted into the ranks of the most smart people planets (Oxford Mensa Club).