Conditions for successful adaptation presentation to kindergarten. Presentation on the topic “Child’s adaptation to kindergarten”

Municipal budget preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 25"


“Adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions”

Completed by the teacher:

Rubtsova T.G.

Adaptation- the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to its conditions.

Adaptation is an active process leading to:

  • Positive results (adaptability)
  • Negative (stress)

The adaptation period can be divided into several stages:

1. Preparatory– it should start 1-2 months before admission to kindergarten. The role of parents is to form such stereotypes in the child’s behavior that will help him painlessly join new conditions. During the preparatory stage, it is necessary to pay special attention to the baby’s diet, and it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of independence skills.

2.Basic(at this stage the teacher gets involved in the work) because The main task of this stage is to create a positive image of the teacher. During this period, parents should establish a friendly relationship with the teacher and tell the teacher about the characteristics of their child. Having complete information about the child, the teacher will understand him faster and establish contact.

3. Final– the child begins to attend kindergarten for 2-3 hours a day.

degree of adaptation:

Mild degree: by the 20th day of being in kindergarten, sleep returns to normal, the child eats normally, does not refuse contact with peers and adults, and makes contact himself. The incidence is no more than 10 days, without complications and without changes.

Average degree: behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in kindergarten. Neuropsychological development slows down somewhat, and speech activity decreases. The incidence is up to two times for a period of no more than 10 days without complications, the weight has decreased slightly.

Severe degree: Behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in kindergarten. Neuropsychic development lags behind the initial level by 1-2 quarters. Respiratory diseases more than 3 times for a period of more than 10 days. The child does not grow or gain weight within 1-2 quarters.

Interaction between family and kindergarten - important task of the educational system. It is the family and family relationships that are the system-forming core of every educational program. Interaction and continuity between kindergarten and family are necessary. The child often finds himself between these two most important educational institutions, finding himself in a world of conflicting demands, which affects his emotional and psychological development.

A preschool child is most sensitive to parental influence. And if a parent is not competent in matters of education and does not have the necessary knowledge, then all the work on raising a child in a preschool institution will be in vain.

Here are some measures offered in our kindergarten to facilitate adaptation:

1. Conduct the first acquaintance of parents and child with the kindergarten:

Consult with a teacher;

Attend classes;

Take a tour of the kindergarten;

2. When coming to kindergarten, it is advisable to get acquainted with the group where the child will go, with the employees working there.

3. During the adaptation period, it is undesirable to break any habits, including harmful ones (for example, if a child sucks his finger, does not fall asleep without a pacifier or singing, etc.), as this will complicate adaptation to new conditions. At the time of admission to kindergarten, it is necessary to warn the teacher about the child’s “special” habits, if any.

4. It is necessary to train the child’s system of adaptation mechanisms, to accustom him to situations in which it is necessary to change forms of behavior.

5. You need to adhere to a daily routine as close as possible to the routine in kindergarten.

6. It’s better to prepare for visiting the garden together. The child will be more interested in visiting kindergarten if the parents, buying the necessary things, also attract the child.

7. On the eve of the first visit to kindergarten, it is necessary to remind the child that tomorrow he is going to the group.

8. A shorter day is recommended. Adaptation of children mainly begins in the warm period (this stage is the most rational), when children spend most of their time walking, which contributes to easier adaptation, since children have more opportunities to be in a familiar, natural environment: play with sand, water, are excellent psychoprophylactic agents.

9. It is important to avoid discussing exciting issues related to kindergarten in front of your child.

10. It is necessary to emphasize that the child is still dear and loved. 11. A polite and friendly address from parents to kindergarten staff will encourage the child to communicate with them.

How should a child be prepared?

to the adaptation period

The following cultural and hygienic skills must be developed:

  • eat a variety of foods on your own;
  • communicate your needs in a timely manner: ask to go to the toilet or go potty;
  • wash hands with the help of adults, use a towel, handkerchief;
  • Before entering kindergarten, it is advisable to bring the home regime closer to the regime of a child care facility;
  • You need to get to know the group’s staff in advance (talk about their habits, behavioral characteristics).

Tips for parents

During the adaptation period, it is very important to follow the following recommendations:

  • It is better to use the device during your vacation, since at first the child stays for no more than 1-2 hours

(this is adjusted by the teacher as he observes the baby);

  • During the adaptation period, listen to the advice and requests of staff;
  • During the period of adaptation to new conditions, you need to carefully monitor changes in the baby’s health and promptly report them to the kindergarten staff;
  • During the adaptation period, the baby especially needs warm, affectionate treatment. Be attentive to the baby, caring and patient;
  • It is necessary to maintain a calm environment at home, do not overload with impressions, do not receive or visit guests, do not buy new toys;

Factors that interfere with a child’s adaptation to daycare:

  • Too much dependence of the child on the mother;
  • Excessive anxiety of parents;
  • Reluctance of adults to give greater independence to the baby;
  • Raising a child in the spirit of permissiveness;
  • Neurological symptoms in a child: asthenicity, hyperactivity, etc.;
  • Baby's pain;
  • Failure to adhere to daily routine at home

To better take into account all factors, we use several methods:

  • Questionnaire;
  • Individual conversations;
  • Memos for parents;
  • Information for parents;
  • Flexible schedule for children to attend preschool.

What parents should never do:

  • You cannot punish or get angry with your baby because he cries when parting or at home when the need to go to kindergarten is mentioned! Remember, he has the right to such a reaction. A stern reminder that “he promised not to cry” is also absolutely ineffective. Children of this age do not yet know how to “keep their word.” It’s better to remind you again that you will definitely come.
  • You can’t scare with kindergarten (“You’ll behave badly, again in kindergarten you'll go!"). A place that is feared will never be loved or safe.
  • You cannot speak badly about the teachers and the kindergarten in front of your child. This may lead the child to think that the garden is a bad place and he is surrounded by bad people. Then the anxiety will not go away at all.
  • You cannot deceive the child by saying that you will come very soon if the baby, for example, has to stay in kindergarten for half a day or even a full day. Let him know better that his mother will not come soon than to wait for her all day and may lose trust in the person closest to him.

In the process of child adaptation, we use the following forms and methods of work:

elements of bodily therapy, singing lullabies before bed, relaxation games ( Relaxation exercises are based on breathing exercises, muscle and emotional relaxation)

Game methods of interaction with a child ( games are selected taking into account the capabilities of the children and the location).

Developing a child's sense of confidence (cognitive awareness). One of the tasks of the adaptation period is to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, to feel more confident and in control of the situation. And the baby will be confident if he finds out and understands what kind of people surround him; what room does he live in, etc.

Thank you

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16 "Firefly"

Adaptation of a child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

Prepared by: teacher of the highest category Shchukina N.S.

Adaptation - what is it?

Adaptation (from Latin adaptatio - adaptation)- the body’s ability to adapt to various environmental conditions.

Social adaptation is the child’s integration into a group of peers (social group), the adoption of norms, rules of behavior in society, adaptation to living conditions in the process of which self-awareness and role behavior, the ability to self-control, self-service, and adequate connections with others are formed.

Factors influencing the process of adaptation of a child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution:

  • the achieved level of mental and physical development,
  • child's health status,
  • child's age,
  • level of development of self-service skills (KGN),
  • communication skills with adults and peers,
  • skills of subject and game activities;
  • characteristics of the nervous system;
  • number of children and form of upbringing in the family,
  • parents' health.

The main criteria for adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution:

  • behavioral reactions,
  • level of neuropsychic development,
  • morbidity and course of the disease,
  • anthropometric indicators of physical development.

Easy adaptation:

  • temporary sleep disturbance (normalizes within 7-10 days);
  • appetite (norm after 10 days);
  • inappropriate emotional reactions (whims, isolation, aggression, depression, etc.),
  • changes in speech, orientation and play activity return to normal in 20-30 days;
  • the nature of relationships with adults and physical activity practically do not change;
  • functional disorders are practically not expressed, normalize in 2-4 weeks, no diseases occur.

The main symptoms disappear within a month (2-3 weeks is standard).

There are different degrees of severity of adaptation to kindergarten:

Average adaptation: all disorders are more pronounced and last longer:

  • sleep, appetite are restored within 20-40 days,
  • speech activity (30-40 days),
  • emotional state (30 days),
  • motor activity, which undergoes significant changes, returns to normal within 30-35 days,
  • interaction with adults and peers is not disrupted,
  • functional changes are clearly expressed, diseases are recorded (for example, acute respiratory infection).

There are different degrees of severity of adaptation to kindergarten:

Stage I - preparatory.

It should start 1-2 months before the child is admitted to kindergarten. The task of this stage is to form such stereotypes in the child’s behavior that will help him painlessly adapt to new conditions for him. Correction must be carried out at home, and this should be done gradually, slowly, protecting the child’s nervous system from overwork. It is necessary to pay attention to the formation independence skills. A child who knows how to eat, dress and undress independently, in kindergarten will not feel helpless and dependent on adults, which will have a positive impact on well-being. The ability to independently occupy himself with toys will help him take his mind off his worries and smooth out the severity of negative emotions for a while.

The adaptation period can be divided into several stages:

Stage II is the main one.

The main task of this stage is to create a positive image of the teacher. Parents should understand the importance of this stage and try to establish a friendly relationship with the teacher. The teacher, getting to know the child, according to the parents, will be able to find an approach to the child much faster and more accurately, and the child will in due time begin to trust the teacher, while experiencing a sense of physical and mental protection .

The adaptation period can be divided into 3 stages:

Stage III – final

To make getting used to preschool education as painless as possible for the child, you need to make it gradual (each child has it individually);

During the 1st week, the child attends kindergarten for 2 hours, then the time is increased by 1.5-2 hours.

It should be remembered that in the process of habituation, the child’s mood, well-being, appetite are first normalized, and, last of all, sleep.

objective indicators of the end of the adaptation period:

  • deep sleep,
  • good appetite
  • cheerful emotional state,
  • active behavior of the child,
  • age-appropriate normal weight gain.

As observations show, as children get used to new conditions, their appetite is first restored, and sleep becomes more difficult to normalize (from two weeks to two to three months) and disturbances in the emotional state last the longest.

Restoring appetite and sleep does not immediately ensure normal weight gain if the child continues to have reduced emotional tone.

Tips for parents

In case of pronounced negative emotional states of the child, it is advisable to refrain from visiting kindergarten for 2-3 days;

Tell your family and friends in the presence of your child that you are already going to kindergarten. What a great guy he is. After all, he is now an adult, just like mom and dad go to work. In kindergarten you will be interested, you will meet and make friends with other children and adults. In the morning I will take you to kindergarten and pick you up in the evening. You will tell me what was interesting, what you learned new.

Tips for parents

Come up with a tradition - farewells or greetings (shaking hands, kissing the nose, "Bye, see you soon" ) these simple but regularly repeated little things will allow the baby to predict the situation (Mom always comes for me. When she says: “Bye, see you soon!” )

Parting should not be delayed; say goodbye quickly and easily. Don't make your child anxious. Your calmness, confidence, smile tell your baby that everything is fine and you can safely go to the group.

Try to pick up your child from kindergarten early, he is very bored.

The emotional mood of the child largely depends on the parents:

During the adaptation period, be tolerant of the child’s changed behavior.

You are an adult and you understand that he is capricious not because "bad" , but because it is very difficult for him to get used to the new room, children, and teacher’s regime. In the morning, when you are going to kindergarten, try to create a calm, cheerful atmosphere, and discuss the upcoming day with a positive attitude. Then it will definitely be successful for both you and the child.

Thank you for your attention!

ADAPTATION is a complex process of a child getting used to kindergarten. For the first parent meeting, a presentation was prepared in which the stages of adaptation were discussed. Levels of adaptation and also widely covered questions: How to help your child adapt to kindergarten? How should a child be prepared for kindergarten to make it easier for him to adapt? What rules for admission to preschool educational institutions exist? recommendations to parents during the adaptation period and we also looked at the signs of successful adaptation and maladaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution



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Slide captions:

Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution" State preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 12 of a combined type, Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg 1966636, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Performed by teachers: Volosunova O. S. Koshevarova M. A.

Adaptation is the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process leading to: Positive results (adaptability) Negative results (stress) Topic: Adaptation of young children to kindergarten conditions

How should a child be prepared for the adaptation period? The following cultural and hygienic skills must be developed: independently eat a variety of foods; communicate your needs in a timely manner: ask to go to the toilet or go potty; wash your hands with the help of adults, use a towel, handkerchief; Before entering kindergarten, it is advisable to bring the home regime closer to the regime of a child care facility; You need to get to know the group’s staff in advance (talk about their habits, behavioral characteristics).

During the adaptation period, it is very important to follow the following recommendations: It is better to carry out the device during your vacation, since at first the child stays for no more than 1-2 hours (this is regulated by the teacher as he observes the baby); During the adaptation period, listen to the advice and requests of staff; During the period of adaptation to new conditions, you need to carefully monitor changes in the baby’s health and promptly report them to the kindergarten staff; During the adaptation period, the baby especially needs warm, affectionate treatment. Be attentive to the baby, caring and patient; It is necessary to maintain a calm environment at home, do not overload with impressions, do not receive or visit guests, do not buy new toys; Tips for parents

Signs of successful adaptation of the baby to daycare: Normal sleep (falls asleep as usual, does not wake up at night, does not cry, does not talk in sleep; Good appetite; Normal behavior, behaves normally at home - does not cling to mother, does not run, does not act up etc.; Normal mood, wakes up easily in the morning; Desire to go to kindergarten.

Factors that interfere with the baby’s adaptation to childcare: The child’s dependence on the mother is too strong; Excessive anxiety of parents; Reluctance of adults to give greater independence to the baby; Raising a child in the spirit of permissiveness; Neurological symptoms in a child: asthenicity, hyperactivity, etc.; Baby's pain; Failure to adhere to daily routine at home

Signs of maladaptation: Sleep disturbance, difficulty falling asleep, often waking up at night, talking in his sleep, tossing and turning a lot, more often getting up at night to go to the potty or starting to pee in the bed; Loss of appetite, refuses to eat, eats little, complains of abdominal pain; The appearance of lethargy, moodiness; The appearance of aggressiveness, mood changes often; The child began to get sick more often

Always remember: The emotional mood of the child largely depends on the parents. Never say phrases like: “If you behave badly, you will be punished in kindergarten.” In the morning, when you are going to kindergarten, try to create a calm, cheerful atmosphere, and discuss the upcoming day with a positive attitude. Then it will definitely be successful for both you and your baby

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"Children's Adaptation to the conditions kindergarten"

Adaptation- from lat. “adapt” is a complex process of adaptation or adaptation of the body to a new environment, which occurs at different levels: physiological, social, psychological.

Object: the process of adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution system.

Item: using a set of measures to preserve and develop natural adaptation mechanisms.

Main goal: create favorable conditions that facilitate the child’s comfortable adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.


  • Preserving and strengthening the health of children in changed conditions.
  • Providing parents with practical and advisory assistance and convincing them of the need to raise a child, taking into account age-related patterns of development and individual characteristics.
  • Formation of a unified style of education and communication with the child in the family and preschool educational institution.
  • Surrounding the child with warmth, care and affection to establish trusting relationships with preschool employees.

Child's adjustment period divided by three stages:

  • Acute phase, or maladjustment, is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status. The phase lasts on average one month.
  • Subacute phase, or adaptation, is characterized by adequate behavior of the child. The phase lasts 3-5 months.
  • Compensation or adaptation phase, is characterized by an accelerated pace of development.

Distinguish three degrees of severity passing through the acute phase of the adaptation period:

  • easy adaptation moderate adaptation difficult adaptation
  • easy adaptation- behavior returns to normal within 10-15 days; the child gains weight according to the norm, behaves adequately in a group, does not get sick during the first month of attending a preschool institution;
  • moderate adaptation- changes normalize within a month, the child loses weight for a short time; a one-time illness lasting 5-7 days may occur, there are signs of mental stress;
  • difficult adaptation lasts from 2 to 6 months; the child often gets sick and loses acquired skills; Both physical and mental exhaustion of the body may occur.

Characteristics of adaptation groups of children




First group

Emotional state

Second group

Tears, cry


Third group

Relationships with adults and children

The child is unbalanced and will cry if there is no adult nearby



Negative (the child does not accept the teacher’s requests, does not play with children)

Imitation of adults

The child's condition is calm and balanced

Subject activity or role-playing game

Positive attitude at the request of the teacher or children

Absent or associated with memories of loved ones

Need for communication

Positive at the initiative of the child

Response (answers questions from children and adults)

The need for communication with close adults, affection, care

Initiative (self-appeals to adults and children)

The need to communicate with adults, to cooperate with them and to receive information from them about the environment

The need for communication with adults and independent actions

The task of modernizing the interaction between family education and preschool educational institutions is the development of relations “Child – teacher – parent.”

Principles of working with children :

  • Partial stay of the child during the initial period of adaptation (2–3 hours, possibility of staying with the mother).
  • Preservation of the baby’s existing habits in the first 2–3 weeks.
  • Daily monitoring of the child’s health, emotional state, appetite, and sleep in the first month.

Forms of work with parents:

  • survey;
  • conversations with parents;
  • consultations;
  • sliding folders;
  • child monitoring;
  • educational games;
  • parent meetings to introduce parents of newly admitted children to other parents.

  • love children and treat them as your own;
  • remember the individual psychological characteristics of the development of each child;
  • introduce the child in an accessible form to social and moral norms;
  • it is necessary to establish contact with the parents of children entering a preschool institution;
  • conduct consultations and conversations with parents, introduce them to the daily routine of the kindergarten and the requirements for the child.

  • The main task of the teacher is to earn the child’s trust.
  • The immutable rule is not to judge the child’s experience and never complain to parents about it.
  • Teachers strive to ensure that the system of raising young children is focused on the personal, individual, age characteristics of the child.
  • From July 2012 to March 2015, 25 children entered my junior group. Of these, 18 people (72%) are aged from 1.5 to 2 years. From 2 to 3 years – 5 people (20%). Over 3 years old – 2 people (8%).
  • Of these, 15 children (60%) with an easy degree of adaptation; 10 children (40%) with moderate severity; with a particularly severe degree is not observed. But according to my observations, children have been identified who still experience enormous difficulties in getting used to kindergarten.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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“KINDERGARTEN FOR CHILDREN” (adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution)

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“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And who led the child by the hand during childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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The adaptation period is a serious test for young children: from a familiar family environment, he finds himself in new conditions, which inevitably entails a change in the child’s behavioral reactions, sleep and appetite disorders. Today, the number of children with behavioral disorders (aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc.) continues to grow. It is more difficult for such children to adapt to new social conditions. Children with different degrees of social readiness when entering kindergarten initially have unequal starting opportunities. Therefore, it is the adaptation period that allows us to eliminate this problem.

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Slide description: Creating conditions for the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. Increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of the emotional development of the child.

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Adaptation is the process of developing adaptive reactions of the body in response to new conditions. Adaptation should be based on knowledge of the mental, age and individual characteristics of the child. The task is to create maximum conditions for the child to painlessly go through all stages of adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

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Three most significant problems have been identified. The first problem is that children entering kindergarten have a rather low level of neuropsychic development. This is due both to the characteristics of upbringing in the family and to biological factors (the course of pregnancy, childbirth). The greatest delay manifests itself in active speech skills and sensory development, which negatively affects the further development of the little person. The second problem is related to various deviations in the behavior of children. It concerns sleep, appetite of children, hyperexcitable or low-emotional, non-communicative children, children with manifestations of fears, enuresis, tics, etc. Therefore, it is important to get to know each child, find out his characteristics of development and behavior.

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Factors that determine the success of children’s adaptation to preschool educational institutions: the state of health and level of development of the child; the age at which the baby enters a child care institution; the degree of development of the child’s communication with others and object-based play activities.

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frequent illnesses of the mother during pregnancy; inconsistency between the home regime and the pre-school regime; low cultural and educational level of the family; parental alcohol abuse; conflictual relationships between parents; child's retardation in neuropsychic development; presence of chronic diseases. Factors that make adaptation difficult

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Organization of conditions for adaptation of young children. 1.Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere for the child at home and in the group. 3.Formation of a sense of confidence in the child. 4. Active interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents. 2. Correct organization of gaming activities during the adaptation period.

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For emotionally stressed children, it is good to use games and exercises aimed at emotional release. They contribute to closer acquaintance between children and adults, the emergence of positive emotions in children and the cohesion of the group.

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The main task of games during this period is the formation of emotional contact and children’s trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, care and attention to each child.

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Five rules for mitigating a child’s stressful state Rule 1. The first, and most important, rule is voluntary participation in the game. Rule 2. An adult must become a direct participant in the game. Rule 3. Repeated games, which is a necessary condition for the developmental effect. Rule 4. Visual material (certain toys, various objects, etc.) must be protected; it cannot be turned into ordinary, always accessible. Rule 5. An adult should not evaluate a child’s actions. Give your child the opportunity to express himself, do not force him into your own framework, even the best.

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Tabletop-printed (“Whose house”, “Who’s hiding”, “Collect a picture”, “From what fairy tale”, etc.) Role-playing (“Hospital”, “Let’s take my daughter to kindergarten”, etc.) Adaptation (“Look at to my window”, “We walked, walked, walked and found something”, etc.) Musical (“Guess what’s ringing”,.) Outdoor games (“Sun and Rain”, “Teddy Bear”, “I’ll Catch Up” you”, etc.) Round dances (“Bubble”, “Loaf”, “Carousel”, etc.) Finger dances (“This finger”, “Magpie - white-sided”, etc.) Verbal (“Who has what kind of mother-pets” , “What we do in the morning, afternoon and evening in kindergarten”, etc.) Play activities: children’s games

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It is very important that during the adaptation period parents treat the child very carefully and attentively, strive to help him survive this difficult moment in life, and do not persist in their educational plans or fight against whims. The most important thing is a positive attitude towards kindergarten; if parents believe that kindergarten is the best place on earth for a child, the child will also think the same, albeit at the level of internal sensations.

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Targeted training of parents and educators produces positive results even with difficult adaptation, making it easier for a child to get used to new conditions. First of all, this is: 1. A positive emotional attitude towards the child (affectionate communication) 2. Satisfaction of his physiological and cognitive needs. 3. Individual approach to the child. 4.Making the conditions of the kindergarten as close as possible to those at home. Objective indicators of the end of the adaptation period are: - deep sleep; - good appetite; - cheerful emotional state; - complete restoration of existing skills; - active behavior and corresponding weight gain according to age.

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During the period of adaptation to preschool, children show anxiety and restlessness. At home they have a pronounced negative, negative attitude towards the teacher and peers. They require constant attention from the teacher, do not notice their peers, the level of gaming skills is not high, and the level of independence is low. During the day, the emotional state practically does not change (inactivity, crying, require consolation, sit indifferently, do not come into contact with children). First level: Heavy (from 2 to 6 months)

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Children of this level are characterized by getting used to kindergarten and adequate behavior: they observe the actions of adults and peers, avoid them, subsequently imitate them, cry in the first days, remember their parents after they leave, and during the day they play with peers and communicate with adults. These children have developed self-service skills, they seek contact with peers, they are calm, and they play actively. Second level: Intermediate (20-40 days)

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When becoming familiar with the environment, he easily becomes involved in objective, independent activities or games. The game can be played both independently and with peers. They quickly establish contact with adults. They can engage themselves in meaningful play without feeling helpless, since they are independent and have developed self-service skills. During the day they laugh, rejoice, sing, joyfully run towards their peers and teachers. Third level: Easy (10-15 days)

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calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of parting and meeting with parents; balanced mood throughout the day; ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict; the desire to eat independently, to finish the prescribed amount to the end; restful daytime sleep in the group before the scheduled time; good appetite, desire to eat food on their own, adequate attitude towards adults, communication with them on their own initiative. Indicators of the end of the adaptation period were

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The process of a child’s transition from a family to a preschool institution is difficult for both the child and the parents. The child will have to adapt to completely different conditions than those to which he is accustomed in the family. And this is not at all easy. There is a need to overcome psychological barriers. Three most significant problems with which children come from home to preschool educational institutions have been identified. They are as follows: The first problem is that children entering kindergarten have a rather low level of neuropsychic development. This is due both to the characteristics of upbringing in the family and to biological factors (the course of pregnancy, childbirth). The greatest delay is manifested in active speech skills and sensory development, which negatively affects the further development of the little person. The second problem is associated with various deviations in the behavior of children. It concerns sleep, appetite of children, hyperexcitable or low-emotional, non-communicative children, children with manifestations of fears, enuresis, tics, etc. Therefore, it is important that the teacher has the opportunity to get to know each child, find out his characteristics of development and behavior.

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If the child happily and talks a lot about kindergarten, if he is in a hurry to get there, if he has friends there and a lot of urgent matters, we can assume that the adaptation period is over. Targeted training of parents and educators produces positive results even with difficult adaptation, making it easier for the child to get used to new conditions.

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Recommendations for parents on how to adapt their child to preschool education. 1. The most important thing is a positive attitude towards kindergarten, if you believe that kindergarten is the best place on earth for your child. If you don’t think so, do auto-training - take a piece of paper and write in response to the question “Why do I need a kindergarten?” everything positive that you know about this (for example, “My child’s social circle will expand, and this is very useful for his development” - yes, even negative experience is useful, since a child develops only by overcoming obstacles, as, indeed, and any person, or “I can calmly go to the store without tearing a screaming child away from bright boxes,” etc. 2. Walk with your child on the playground more often, do not rush to intervene in any conflict, give the child the opportunity to learn to find a way out on his own. from the situation, but for yourself the opportunity to be proud of the child “What a great fellow, how cleverly he took his toy, which means he can stand up for his property.”


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5. If you have decided on the choice of a preschool institution, begin to explore its territory, come for morning and evening walks (which will also help you and your child get used to the kindergarten regime), get to know the teachers, play with the children, remember their names so that you can remind them later their child. Visit a kindergarten psychologist, consult with a nurse or doctor, i.e. get as much varied information as possible about the place where your child will spend most of his time. The most important thing is your trust and belief that everything will be fine. 6. Be sure to follow the adaptation schedule, i.e. regime for a child’s short-term stay in kindergarten, starting from 2 hours. Give the child the opportunity to gradually get used to new conditions, new people, new rules, and the absence of his mother. 7. You can give your child a toy or book with you, or a “piece” of home.

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8. Communicate with the teacher every day to find out how you can adjust your relationship with your child at home so that he gets used to new living conditions more easily and quickly. Let the teacher become your assistant in raising your child. 9. Support your child during the adaptation period, pay less attention to his whims, give him your warmth and love. Try not to change anything in the child’s life during this period. Take care of your child's nervous system! 10. Observe your child, listen to him and he himself will tell you the most optimal educational methods and techniques for him! If all previous recommendations are taken into account, then 90% of the most difficult part is already behind you.

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