Translator from Russian to Spanish online. Free text translation from Russian into Spanish from Yandex.Translator

1. THEORY OF LITERARY TRANSLATION. Literary (or artistic) translation is a problem that goes far beyond the boundaries of pure literary linguistic technique, since every translation is, to one degree or another, an ideological development... ... Literary encyclopedia

TRANSLATION- translation, m. 1. more often units. Action according to verb. translate–translate (1). Transfer of the manager to another position. Transfer to senior group. Changing the clock hand to an hour. Transfer of small-peasant farming in the USSR to collective farms. Translation to... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Translation- TRANSLATION - recreation of the original using the means of another language. The requirement attached to the translation of a non-fiction work, if it is a translation and not an adaptation, is the most accurate conveyance of the meaning of the original. This requirement remains... Dictionary of literary terms

TRANSLATION- Translators postal horses of enlightenment. Alexander Pushkin Russian translators from English are donkeys of enlightenment. Vladimir Nabokov Few things in the world can compare with the boredom that it causes in us good translation. Mark Twain Translator surrenders words... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

translation- forwarding, (bank) transfer; payment; transformation, transformation, recalculation, conversion; switching, assignment, translation, consumption, transaction, gloss, recalculation, transposition, interlinear, rebasing, exchange, sending,... ... Synonym dictionary

TRANSLATION- TRANSLATION. 1. An auxiliary type of speech activity, during which the content of the text is transmitted by means of another language; transformation of a speech work in one language into a speech work in another language while maintaining ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

translation- TRANSLATION, transfer, movement TRANSLATE / TRANSLATE, transfer / transfer, move / move, decomposition. throw/throw, colloquial move/move TRANSLATE/TRANSFER, move/go... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

translation- TRANSLATION, ah, husband. 1. see translate 1 2, сь 1. 2. Text translated from one language to another. P. from German. P. from interlinear. Authorized clause 3. Sending money through a bank, post office, telegraph. Get a point worth 50 thousand rubles. | adj.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Translation- A method of transferring money by enterprises, organizations, institutions, citizens during mutual settlements. It consists in the fact that one of the entities transfers sums of money to another through credit institutions and communications companies. Relevant operations... Financial Dictionary

Free Russian-Spanish translation of texts online All Russian-Spanish online translators The Internet is collected on this page. You can use these online translators while traveling, for study and work, to translate documents, manuals, songs, letters, instructions, blogs and forums. The translation is completed in a few seconds and is completely free.

Free Russian-Spanish translation

The main difficulty of translating from Russian into Spanish lies in the wide variety of dialects of Spanish. When translating into Spanish, it is necessary to know exactly the features of a particular dialect into which the translation is being carried out. Online translators usually complete the translation into traditional (European) Spanish, and less often into Latin American.

Russian-Spanish online translator from Google

Russian-Spanish online translator ImTranslator

ImTranslator is not only the most popular online translator, but also a multifunctional language tool. It supports 35 languages, has a built-in dictionary, transliteration, spell checker, and virtual keyboard. It is no exaggeration to say that ImTranslator is an indispensable language tool for an active Internet user.

This page contains a version of ImTranslator for translating texts from Russian into Spanish. Just paste your Russian text into the translator and click the “Translate” button. In just a few seconds you will receive a completed translation into Spanish. The translation can be printed, sent by e-mail or read out.

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Russian-Spanish online translator

Translator of texts from Russian to Spanish from the site Maximum 500 characters at a time.

Russian-Spanish online translator InterTran

InterTran is another well-known online translator on the foreign Internet. The translator has become popular thanks to its support for 27 languages. The translation quality, however, is not very good - InterTran is designed to translate frequently used phrases and expressions, and does not cope well with large texts.

At Russian-Spanish translation There may be problems with encoding. In this case, enter the text to be translated directly on the official InterTran translator page.

Russian-Spanish online translator WorldLingo

You can also translate text from Russian into Spanish using free online translator WorldLingo. This machine translation system is based on the developments of the company of the same name, and is quite well known on the Internet. On the official translator page you can also translate documents, emails and websites from Russian to Spanish.

A little about Spanish

Spanish belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. Spanish is the native language of 358 million people. It is spoken in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, USA, Brazil, Chile, and many other countries. The language is most widespread in Spain and Latin America.

Exist many dialects of Spanish Languages: Castilian, Asturo-Leonese, American Spanish, Caribbean Spanish, Chilean Spanish, Philippine Spanish, and others. Sometimes the differences between them are so significant that it is impossible to do without a translator. But, in most cases, knowing one dialect, you can understand the general meaning of another.

In addition to dialects, there are also Spanish derivatives. Among them are creoles with a simplified grammatical structure: chabacano (Philippines), papiamentu - a type of papiamento (Aruba, Caribbean) and palenquero (Colombia).

The Spanish language is also called Castilian (Spanish: castellano) in accordance with the name of the region in which it originated. Spaniards usually call their language Spanish if it is mentioned together with foreign languages, and Castilian when mentioned together with other languages ​​of Spain.

Today, Spanish is increasingly fragmented at the dialect level. People who speak one dialect of Spanish are increasingly less able to understand other dialects. Technological progress also simplifies language and makes it exclusively a means of communication, excluding artistic diversity from it.

The most widespread language of the Romance group, the second largest number of speakers after Chinese. Spanish is recognized as an official language of the UN, EU, African Union and Organization of American States.

470 million people consider Spanish as their native language, about 80 million people on the planet know this language or are learning it. The language has official status in Spain and 18 Latin American countries. Mexico has the largest number of Spanish speakers - 120 million; in Spain, where the vast majority of citizens speak Spanish, the population is much smaller - 46 million. The largest Spanish-speaking country is Argentina. Some US states allow the use of this language on a par with official documents; in total, about 35 million Spanish speakers live in the country. They teach Spanish in all schools in Brazil where Spanish is officially recognized as a second language.

History of the Spanish language

The origins of the modern Spanish language are folk Latin, which began to penetrate the lands of present-day Spain in the 3rd century BC. Classical Latin was the high language of documents and literary works, while the simpler vernacular version was used in everyday communication. From High Latin came other representatives of the Romanesque language group: , .

Spain came under Roman protectorate as a result of the Second Punic War, as Carthage lost its influence in the Pyrenees. Rome was at its peak, exploring new territories and creating colonies, not always peacefully. Many tribes lived on the Mediterranean coast, the largest of which were the Celts and Iberians. Greek colonies also remained on the peninsula and they influenced the Romanization of Spain. Having gained dominance in the Iberian Peninsula, the Romans spread to Spain, resettling their citizens there. Naturally, not only Latin penetrated into the Spanish language, but also elements of the languages ​​of neighboring peoples. The consequences of this influence can be seen in modern Spanish, which has absorbed Iberian, Celtic, Greek, Phoenician, Visigothic and Arabic vocabulary.

From the 8th century AD, the Arabs dominated the peninsula, retaining influence until the end of the 15th century. The Spaniards, who converted to Christianity, resisted the dominance of foreigners. On the one hand, new cities grew in the country, agriculture developed, roads were laid, but on the other hand, wars and oppression provoked by confrontation between religions did not stop for seven centuries. Arab influence is evident not only in the architecture of Spain, but also in the Spanish language.

Since during the years of Romanization and the dominance of the Arabs, Spain had not yet formed its own language, Spanish can be considered a mixture of Latin, Arabic, Germanic and many other dialects. Only in the Middle Ages (X-XV centuries) did a separate language emerge in Castile, which later became known as Spanish. In fragmented Spain, folk Latin developed heterogeneously; for example, in Andalusia, the Mozarabic language was formed, combining Arabic, Judaic and Castilian. However, Castile was the most influential land, so Castilian became the predominant language.

In the 12th century, King Alfonso X ordered the translation into Castilian of all important historical and scientific works written in Latin. This event was decisive in the establishment of Spanish as an official language. By order of Alfonso X, the Bible was translated, and this finally reoriented the Christian people towards National language. Very soon the first literary works in Spanish appeared, for example, the works of Gonzalo de Berceo.

The grammar of Antonio de Nebrija was published in 1492. This year was also marked by the discovery of America by Columbus and the capture of the last Arab bastion in Spain - Granada. The Reconquista brought Spain to its modern borders and spread the Spanish language to all territories conquered from the Arabs. Differences in vocabulary and phonetics between different provinces still exist, but the dialects are certainly variants of the Spanish language.

In the 18th century The Royal Academy was established, the main task of which was to consolidate and bring the Spanish language to a general standard. The goals were achieved, and from that time on the language remained stable and approached the norms observed until now.

  • The high birth rate in Spanish-speaking countries suggests that sooner or later the Spanish language will become more widespread than English. According to statistics, in fifty years Spanish will be spoken by one in 10 inhabitants of the Earth, while the majority of speakers of this language will be American citizens.
  • Many Spanish-speaking countries are classified as developing countries. Latin Americans consider it prestigious English language, and in many countries it has the status of a second state one.
  • Despite its widespread use, the Spanish language remains homogeneous - Spaniards and Chileans understand each other without problems.
  • In almost all words of the Spanish language, the spelling coincides with the sound, with the exception of lexemes of English origin. From English came mainly terms from the field of science and technology, about 3,000 of them in total. Simple grammar makes the language easy to learn; the main difficulties are associated with the complex system of verb conjugation.
  • A distinctive feature of the Spanish language is inverted question marks, exclamation marks, and the letter “ñ.”
  • Last but not least, Spanish is easy to learn thanks to its simple pronunciation and mono-component words that make up the majority of the vocabulary. Longest spanish word"electroencefalografista" (electroencephalographist).
  • Problems in the process of language acquisition arise at the acquisition stage colloquial speech, since Spanish is one of the fastest. The abundance of vowel sounds allows you to accelerate.
  • Slightly more than 5% of Internet users communicate in Spanish. The leaders in popularity are English (51.3%), Japanese (8.1%) and German (5.9%).

We guarantee acceptable quality, since texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using technology

I'll translate, you'll translate, please. translated, translated; translated; having translated and translated, owls. (to translate (1)). 1. someone or something. Move from one place to another, place in another place. Transfer the train to another track. Transfer the patient from one... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

translate- TRANSLATE, food, going; ate, ate; leading; eaten (yon, ena); leading; Sovereign 1. whom (what). Leading, move through which n. space. P. children across the street. 2. whom (what). Move from one place to another, from one place to another. P.… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

translate- move, move, throw, throw; switch; reduce, send, ram through, ram, cut to the root, fatten, liquidate, exterminate, expel, destroy, squander to the thread, spend, redirect, kill, ... ... Synonym dictionary

translate- I’m leading, you’re leading; translated, vela, lo; translated; translated; deno, dena, deno; having translated and translated; St. 1. whom. Leading, helping to move from one place to another. P. patient from the window. P. baby in the playroom. // Showing the way, accompanying in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

TRANSLATE- TRANSLATE, see translate. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

translate- Take a breath or breathe (colloquial) 1) stopping, stopping for a while what n. work, movement, breathe more freely (about being out of breath, upset). I ran so fast to pay my respects that I can’t take my breath away. bare. She's hard... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Translate- owls trans. see translate I Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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translate- verb, holy, used often Morphology: I will translate, you will translate, he/she/it will translate, we will translate, you will translate, they will translate, translate, translate, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated see nsv ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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translate- (obsolete and colloquially translated), pr. translated (wrongly translated); gerundish translating and translating outdated ones. In the literary language of the 19th century, the option to translate was widely used. For example, from A. Pushkin: “I still foresee difficulties... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language


  • A completely different conversation! How to turn any discussion into a constructive direction, Benjamin B., Eager E., Simon A.. ...