Transcription dictionary of the English language. The best English translator with transcription and Russian pronunciation

In this section I will collect thematic selections of English words. For each set there will be a file with English cards, transcriptions and a link to the crossword puzzle to test your knowledge. Many sets include a link to interactive illustrated cards. Visually remembering an English word is half the battle, the main thing is to pronounce it correctly! We provide a transcription for each English word.

Flashcards - learn English words effectively!

Cards- these are small pieces of paper, on one side of which English words are written, on the other - their translations.

This ZIP archive, which contains the following files:

  • flashcards_1.doc- front side of cards;
  • flashcards_2.doc - reverse side;
  • Readme_flashcards.txt- text file with instructions.

Open and send the file for printing flashcards_1.doc, then turn the paper over and print flashcards_2.doc. Cut it out. Cards are ready!!! Cards are presented in a format that can be opened in programs MS Word, WordPad.

English words by topic

I would be grateful if you tell your friends about this article:

Online pronunciation words in English with transcription. Audio recording of English words made by a native speaker with a British accent. You can listen and memorize English words. For convenience, all material is divided into categories.

Online pronunciation of letters of the English alphabet. You can also look at the English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation in Russian letters. Alphabet English language based on Latin alphabet and consists of 26 letters. 6 letters represent vowel sounds. 21 letters represent consonants. The letter "Y" represents both consonant and vowel sounds.

Online pronunciation of seasons, names of months, days of the week and parts of the day in English with transcription and translation into Russian. The fragile balance of the warmth of the ocean and the cold of Arctic cyclones, rainy and sunny days is often disrupted by the unpredictability of the climate in all seasons of the year in Britain; sometimes summer can be disappointing with a complete lack of heat, and winter can be extremely warm, with no snow at all.

Russian letters

English words in Russian letters. The pronunciation of English words and phrases is conveyed in Russian letters without introducing special transcription signs. Russian English phrasebook contains the most necessary words and phrases in English with transcription in Russian letters

Daily routine in English

Online pronunciation words and phrases in English on the topic - “Daily routine”. In addition, you can see the page

IN current years no one would even think of sitting with thick paper dictionaries foreign words. It’s more convenient to open a website and use a ready-made translation service.
In some places, handwritten and voice input is already recognized, in others – text from a picture. Voice acting is present almost everywhere. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one. But the main thing, of course, is the quality of the translation itself.

So which one? online translators Is your pronunciation better in 2017? Let's compare.

Please note that the quality of the result also depends on the specific languages ​​for translation and the subject matter. For testing, I took a newspaper excerpt in English and tried to translate it into Russian. The quality turned out to be about the same.

Google translator online with pronunciation

Google translator onlineThe leading company has been maintaining high standards for a long time, and although they began to catch up with it, the translator remains at its best to this day. The interface is intuitive: there is a left field for entering text, and a right field for results. You paste the text into the left field, and the translation instantly appears in the right field. You can select the source and target languages ​​and click the Translate button. However, the original language is detected automatically. Rather than explain, it’s easier to try to translate - no questions will arise about how this is done.

  • The translation quality is high among online translators.
  • The largest number of languages ​​is already over 120. It is unlikely that you will need all of them, but still.
  • Automatic detection of the original language. You can enter the website address in the left field. In this case, the entire site page will be translated. The limit on the text size in the field is 5000 characters.
  • The interface is great.
  • There is a pronunciation of words.
  • There is handwritten input of the original text. There is voice input.

The translation into Russian is duplicated in Latin under the right margin. This is not a transcription, but an automatic translation into Latin (see the word “katastrofa” below)

Note that if you enter one word in the left field, Google works like a dictionary, that is, it can offer you translation options. To do this, you need to click on the word on the right, and at the bottom there will appear sentences-options on the topic of what this word could be.

Yandex online translator with pronunciation of words

Over the past couple of years, Yandex Translator has significantly expanded its range of languages ​​- now there are more than 90 of them. It is clear that it is catching up with Google in all respects.

It is difficult to judge the quality of translation from English into Russian unambiguously; it depends on the specific text. In one excerpt from a newspaper, it showed itself to be almost identical to Google - word for word. In another passage the translation is different, but I would not say that it is worse.

Convenience is excellent, just like Google. There are some small differences.

  • Also high quality translation. In any case, for the en-ru couple, Yandex has caught up with Google in terms of quality.
  • Already more than 90 languages. There are Asian ones.
  • Automatic detection of the original language.
  • You can translate entire website pages.
  • The limit on the text size in the field is 10,000 characters.
  • The interface is also great.
  • There is a pronunciation of words, but only if up to 300 words are entered in the field. If more, the pronunciation button is disabled.
  • There is voice input.
  • A translation of the pictures has appeared. You upload a picture, its text is recognized and translated in the right field.

Bing translator online with word pronunciation

This is also a long-standing translator - the brainchild of Microsoft. There are fewer different “tricks” here, but the interface and quality are also quite acceptable.

  • More than 50 languages.
  • Again good quality.
  • The interface is a little worse, but nothing.
  • Text input field up to 5000 characters.
  • There is a pronunciation.
  • Unfortunately, voice input is missing and handwriting input is missing.
  • But the dictionary opens by clicking on each word - other meanings of the word from the dictionary are given.

So, we looked at three translator options. They all translate at approximately the same quality, apparently thanks to statistical translation algorithms. Their essence is that a huge array of data is accumulated on original-translation pairs, and the translation is taken from this array, if it is in it. So, apparently, the array is already available everywhere – all translators have it. In this case, grammatical rules are of course also used in combination with accumulated statistics.
And remember that a dictionary, unlike a translator, is always a better alternative. And if time is tight, you need to translate with a dictionary. Now among the most complete and convenient dictionaries it can be noted for its quality.


Select English dialect:

Alternative American English dictionaries:

Highlight frequently occurring words:

for online use:

to copy the transcription into other programs:

Transcription of English text:

Submit English text to see transcription

Transcription of English words will help you improve your pronunciation

Development English phonetics it may turn out challenging task for many people starting to study English. As you should know, there are no strict reading rules in English - the same english letter (or a combination of letters) can be pronounced differently in different words. Moreover, the same English word is often pronounced differently by native English speakers from different countries and even from the same country! Because of this pronunciation of English words and listening comprehension of spoken language can be difficult for many beginners learning English.

With this online translator you can get phonetic transcription of English words, written in symbols International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

Homographs(words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently) will be highlighted light green. If you hover over or tap a word on your mobile device, you'll see all the possible pronunciations. Often you will also be able to see what part of speech a given word belongs to.

Pronunciation options(in cases where a word is pronounced differently by different native speakers or when the pronunciation changes in fast speech) are highlighted light blue. You can also hover your mouse over a given word to see all possible options.

To get phonetic transcriptions of words, you can choose one of four dictionaries:

  1. Dictionary of transcriptions of English words (British version), compiled from various sources. Contains over 110,000 words. Homographs (over a thousand words) and pronunciation variants (over four thousand words) are fully supported in this dictionary.
  2. CMU pronouncing dictionary (American English) contains more than 110,000 words. Homographs (more than 200 words) and pronunciation variants (more than 8 thousand words) are also supported in this dictionary.
  3. Moby Pronunciator (American English) contains 117,000 words. Homographs (300 words) are supported, pronunciation variations are not. Please note that the transcriptions of some proper names in this dictionary were generated automatically by computer and were not verified by humans.
  4. Dictionary of Transcriptions of English Words (American Version), compiled from various sources. Contains more than 140,000 word forms. Support for homographs and pronunciations will be added soon.

This translator of words into transcription will save you time, because... you don't have to look up the pronunciation of English words in a dictionary. When used regularly in parallel with educational audio and video materials phonetic transcription will help you improve your pronunciation and listening skills in English.

Highlighting frequently occurring English words

A special option allows you highlight different colors most common words in English. To do this, you can choose one of two lists:

  • frequency word list, obtained based on corpus of modern American English,
  • frequency word list, compiled on the basis subtitles for films.
1-1000 1001-2000 2001-3000 3001-4000 4001-5000

If you want to implement detailed analysis your text and see detailed statistics, you can use

V. F. Shpakovsky, I. V. Shpakovskaya

For free. Full version.

Book information:

Date written: 2011 Total size: 3 MB Total number of pages: 449


V. Shpakovsky, I. Shpakovskaya

The dictionary contains 12,000 of the most common social
but common words and phrases. It is designed for a wide range
Russian-speaking audience, for people learning English, you
traveling abroad on business and tourist trips.
The uniqueness of this publication is that for the first time English
words are simultaneously provided with transcription and transliteration. For
convenience both parts - English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries -
combined in one book.

About the structure of the dictionary

The dictionary uses transliteration in parallel for the first time
based on the Russian alphabet and one of
options English transcription, which is significant
expands the possibilities of its application.
To facilitate search and correct perception
We recommend that you read the information carefully
with a dictionary structure starting from a list
conventional abbreviations adopted in it.
All words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order
ok. To facilitate their search separately in English
Russian and Russian-English parts are represented
indicators of the page arrangement of words beginning
with the same letter. Besides,
at the top of the even-numbered page is the word from which
it begins, and on the odd numbered one there is a word that
it ends.
Each dictionary entry begins with the word highlighted
in bold.
To distinguish and clarify the concepts of one and the same
the same words use the following punctuation marks
and symbols:
a) words that are similar in meaning are separated from each other
each other with a comma, and more distant ones with a semicolon;
b) explanatory words and phrases are written in italics;
c) lexical homonyms (i.e. words that sound the same
and written but having different meanings

located in separate nests under the Roman
numbers, for example:
case I case; case
case II box, casket, box;
d) in the English-Russian part of the Arabic black dictionary
number with a dot - 1. … 2. … etc. - are noted
different parts of speech;
numbers with brackets - 1) … 2) … etc. - separate
different concepts of words;
e) in the Russian-English part of the Black Arabic dictionary
a number with a dot separates different concepts and
shades of word meaning.
Collocations are presented in the dictionary in limited
The pronunciation of words is given in square brackets,
inside which an inclined line […/…] is separated
transcription and transliteration from each other. Two
transcription is separated by slanted lines
and transliteration in cases where before this one
synonymous words were demarcated with a slash
In parentheses when using transliteration
are those letters that carry the auxiliary
load when transmitting English sounds
language or are optional (optional).
However, sometimes it becomes necessary
use double brackets, for example:
at (the) latest
to go (with) go (with)/
go (together with).
To read English words correctly it is important
the condition is knowledge of the place of stress. Main
emphasis in generally accepted international transcription
is indicated by an accent mark on top before
stressed syllable (‘...), and secondary stress
- below before the stressed syllable (...). In transliteration

8 Popular English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary.

tion, the main stress is placed over the vowel
stressed syllable, and the secondary is most often not indicated,
For example:
indirect [.indi’rekt/indirekt] indirect, roundabout.
IN English words accents are presented in full
least in transcription and transliteration. Accents
marked on all Russian words (except
Names of countries, continents and words indicating
on nationality, placed in
the end of each of the two main parts of the dictionary.
The final part of the dictionary contains an application
consisting of explanations about formation and pronunciation
sounds of the English language. Special attention
focused on the most difficult sounds. Presented
lists of basic forms of some "irregular"
» verbs and other most significant lexicogrammatical
The appendix provides the time zones of some
major cities and capitals of the world, as well as
names of basic units of measurement, difference in
standardization of clothing and footwear.

9 Popular English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary.