The most common English words. English words everyone should know

I think many were waiting for this super selection to appear on the site. And so I thought about creating this huge creation. Such collections must exist, despite their primitive vocabulary. Agree, not everyone learns English at school, and starting to learn a language from scratch is not an easy task. This selection of words for Lingvo Tutor was created for those who do not know vocabulary well, or for those who want to test their knowledge. The name speaks for itself: " The 2000 Most Frequently Used Words in the English Language", and all this you can get in the document word. I would like to immediately answer a few questions that may arise:

1. Why do we need 2000 words if there are 1000 most commonly used English words?

Firstly, this is not 2000 (sorry for such a game of numbers), and secondly, there is no thematic classification here. All words are collected in one place, and one dictionary for our program contains about 500 words. Since many words are repeated, I decided to remove them, so some collections may not have 500 words. For example, some dictionaries contain mostly 300-400 words. In fact, the dictionaries for Lingvo Tutor will not have all 2000 words (since I did not want similar words to be repeated), but you will first learn those that are))). If you still insist on 2000, you can download all the words in the document and add them yourself, although I doubt it.

2. Why are the dictionaries divided into 4, and not in one file?

The question is clear, and the answer, I think, will also be logical. Can you imagine a dictionary with 2000 English words? This will be a megabyte like large encyclopedia. It will be almost impossible to learn such a card, and it will be inconvenient to transfer it to your phone, PDA, etc. 500 words in one dictionary is already a lot, but you can live with it. The main task has already been completed - the dictionaries are ready, and you can do whatever you want with them. You can make one file with all the words.

3. Why is this even necessary?

The answer to this question may take me several sheets of paper))). I will try to explain, and I hope you will agree with me. The fact is that when learning a language, the question very often arises about lexical minimum. Most frequently asked question while learning a foreign language - how many words do you need to know to at least feel comfortable in another country?

Comfortable does not mean that the question howtogettothecitycenter, the answer will follow mynameisVova. You need to know and understand the most basic concepts, and then your stay in a foreign environment will be more favorable. Why do I focus on vocabulary on my site?(oops, another unplanned question) - because with the help of your own knowledge of vocabulary you will be able to understand what is being said and will try to say at least something. Of course, there will also be supporters of the theory that, supposedly, without a grammar of language neither here nor there, but it seems to me that this is not entirely correct.

For example, a guy wants to find a store, meets the first passerby and says shop”, a native resident of any English-speaking country will show you the right direction. Everything is simple and elementary, but when you start bend the bar and use grammatical structures that, in principle, cannot exist, then you may not be understood correctly. I write all this from my own experience (although I have not been to England), but I managed to visit a country where they speak a different language. I think my life would be much easier if I knew some essential important words, and going to a restaurant wouldn’t be hard labor.

Lexical minimum- these are the words without which it is impossible to move forward in learning the language, and without which you will not know what to do in another English-speaking country. If you still remember at least a little school grammar English language, then after learning these words you can freely go on vacation to other countries (where they understand English, of course))) and not worry about your future.

Regarding the last sentence, I probably exaggerated a little, but still, if you know 2000 most frequently used words in the English language, it will be much easier for you

Well, now download the 2000 most frequently used English words:

Selection in WORD format with transcription

Collections in format for Lingvo Tutor 12

Dictionary 2000-A-E

Dictionary 2000-F-L

Dictionary 2000-M-P

Dictionary 2000-Q-Z


  • Raznochinets - it was he who first decided to help me with this selection, and then I got to work
  • To the person who came up with the script (unsubscribe, otherwise I can’t find you).
  • To the person who made the selection in the document.

When learning English, we often exclaim: “I want to increase my vocabulary!” Is this a familiar phrase? Maybe even a familiar target?

I wonder what the cherished figure is for everyone: 100, 1,000 or 10,000 words? After reading the entertaining arithmetic given in the article, you will be convinced that knowing even 10 words in English is already a good platform for language practice. Don't believe me? Read on.

What are the most commonly used English words? People contributed to the Oxford English Dictionary huge list of all the words used, which were named the Oxford English Corpus. The work was done to find out which words are the most used.

What was discovered may surprise you. Instead of considering each individual word, a focus was placed on searching for “basic words” called lemmas (lemma - abstract, topic, gloss). For example, climbing, climbed and climbs are variations of the word climb. When one of these words was discovered, it was recorded as just another form of use of the word climb.

The study found that the 10 most commonly used English words account for 25% of all the words we use! These are function words such as like the, of, be, to. That is, if you take any text of 100 words, about 25 of them will be from the TOP-10 list.

We continue to be surprised: the 100 most frequently used words in the English language actually make up 50% of all the words we speak every day. 1000 words already account for 75% of our vocabulary. Words like girl, win, decide, huge. And with 7000 words you will cover 90% of all the words that will be useful to you in life.

The rest of the words you use either once in your life, or in case of professional need.

The TOP 10 of all English words are just "command" or "function words" but TOP 10 nouns They help a lot with talking about things that are familiar to us. Meet the magnificent ten nouns that keep you company every day:

1. Time
2. Person
3. Year
4. Way
5. Day
6. Thing
7. Man
8. World
9. Life
10. Hand

The results of the study are encouraging, because to learn all the popular English words, you will need much less work than you think! If you learn 100 commonly used words and various options using them, you will be able to form basic sentences (minus just one or two words). Of course, the hardest part is learning all the meanings in which these words can be used. But this is not from the realm of fantasy, the main thing is to start!

1 the
2 be
3 to
4 of
5 and
6 a
7 in
8 that
9 have
10 I
11 it
12 for
13 not
14 on
15 with
16 he
17 as
18 you
19 do
20 at
21 this
22 but
23 his
24 by
25 from
26 they
27 we
28 say
29 her
30 she
31 or
32 an
33 will
34 my
35 one
36 all
37 would
38 there
39 them
40 what
41 so
42 up
43 out
44 if
45 about
46 who
47 get
48 which
49 go
50 me
51 when
52 make
53 can
55 time
56 no
57 just
58 him
59 know
60 take
61 people
62 into
63 years
64 your
65 good
66 some
67 could
68 them
69 see
70 others
71 times
72 then
73 now
74 looks
75 only
76 come
77 its
78 over
79 think
80 also
81 back
82 after
83 use
84 two
85 how
86 our
87 work
88 first
89 well
90 way
91 even
92 new
93 want
94 because
95 any
96 these
97 give
98 days
99 most
100 us

P.S.: But that’s not all we wanted to tell you. The compilers of the Oxford corpus have done a lot of work identifying the most commonly used words. But in fact, the hundred most frequently used ones serve to join other words that carry the main semantic load. The Top 100, as you may have noticed, included a lot of prepositions, pronouns, particles, and adverbs. You can’t go anywhere without them, but only with their help you are unlikely to be able to ask the question “How to get to the library?”

Therefore, we share another plate containing 25 most popular nouns, verbs and prepositions.

1 time
2 person
3 year
4 way
5 days
6 things
7 man
8 world
9 life
10 hands
Part 11
12 child
13 eye
14 woman
15 place
16 work
17 weeks
18 cases
19 point
20 government
21 company
number 22
23 group
24 problem
25 facts
1 be
2 have
3 do
4 say
5 get
6 make
7 go
8 know
9 take
10 see
11 come
12 think
13 look
14 want
15 give
16 use
17 find
18 tell
19 ask
20 work
21 seem
22 feel
23 try
24 leave
25 calls
1 good
2 new
3 first
4 last
5 long
6 great
7 little
8 own
9 others
10 old
11 right
12 big
13 high
14 different
15 small
16 large
17 next
18 early
19 young
20 important
21 few
22 public
23 bad
24 same
25 able

You can add a little imagination and combine words from different columns, connecting them into sentences. For example, we take the noun “government” from the first column, the verb “work” from the second in the Present Simple and the adjective “great” (which has the same form as the adverb) and we get a fantastic sentence The government works great! And this is not election campaigning at all. To make sure that knowing 75 popular words is a very useful burden on your shoulders that does not burden you, you can try experimenting with other words and get sentences like Woman thinks different or Problem seems small.

This fact is important, do you agree?

Alina Yesenina, especially for the site

The most popular English words: first thousand words

Why do I need these words?

If you decide learn english words, but for one reason or another you cannot create a dictionary from them yourself, then in this case we have prepared a list of the most common words with translation into English.

On what basis were these obtained? frequently used words?

The list of popular words for learning foreign languages ​​was formed as a result of comparing various dictionaries, phrase books, lists of words compiled by the users themselves, and analysis of books. In this case, the frequency of use of words for different languages and the degree of need to know the translation of these words from Russian into foreign languages.

What does "a thousand words" mean?

We have compiled more than 3000 of the most common english words and divided them according to the frequency of use and requests into the first thousand, second and third.

You can add 1000 popular English words to your personal dictionary: the first thousand contain the most requested and commonly used words; they are usually of an everyday nature and the easiest to learn.

And in the second and third thousand there are, basically, more specific words necessary for understanding various texts and communicating in different areas.

Where did the numbers come from: 1000 words, 3000?

We believe that by studying foreign language can't help but learn words. They themselves will not be remembered at the initial stage, no matter what immersion technique you use.

To be able to expand your vocabulary by reading books, watching films and talking with native speakers, you need to at least know some initial number of words. I wonder how much?

N.A. Bonk (,_Natalya_Alexandrovna) included 1250 words and expressions in her classic textbook. This is for the very entry level. Bonk is a classic of the genre, the entire Soviet Union studied from her textbooks, and she can be considered an authority, this is not some newfangled guru.

We decided to focus on the three thousand words that turned out to be the most popular as a result of our analysis.

And what will happen if I learn all these three thousand English words?

First of all, we do not insist on studying these specific words and in such quantities, but offer them as an option.

If you learn so many words, then it will be quite easy, for example, to read books in the language you are learning and expand your vocabulary from them, as well as speak the language in various situations, at least at the level of a migrant worker from Tajikistan.

And how to learn these words?

Here, whatever one may say, you will have to work at least a little. And our site will do its best to help you brighten up the process of memorizing words.

You can first read and try to remember the entire list of words. Or you can immediately use the testing itself to memorize, because it’s not for nothing that we focus on the fact that on our website you can learn English words online.

Actually, passing a word test is something like working with cards for learning English words: you are prompted to enter the translation of the word, and then after entering your answer you see the correct answer and a picture and sound for this word.

Thus, in the event of an erroneous answer (and in the case of a correct one too), you have the opportunity to once again carefully look at the translation of the word, at the picture illustrating it, and listen to its pronunciation. Well, repetition, as you know, is the mother of learning. And the word will inevitably be remembered.

Although, of course, the practice of memorization is purely individual. Some people have a special penchant for this. Some people use various associations to learn words.

And there is such a technique for memorizing English words. If the word denotes a material object, then use all 5 senses to remember it. Close your eyes. Try to imagine what this object looks like. Smell it. Touch it with your tongue. Touch it in your imagination. And after each presented sensation, say the word you are studying to yourself or out loud. And also just write it.

What words should all English language learners know? How many should there be? The answers to these questions are complex and ambiguous. Linguists, professors, and experts in the field of linguistics do not come to a consensus on this dilemma. It would seem that it would take a lot to select words of various topics and make a list from them... But which specific words to choose? We offer you a selection of 100 English words that everyone should know.

Some of them will seem too simple to you. But let's not forget that there are people who are taking their first steps towards perfect English! Plus - there's nothing wrong with repetition. You know how it happens: a word is on the tip of your tongue, but it’s difficult to remember exactly how it sounds. Therefore, for those for whom the presented words will be easy, try to come up with suitable phrases or synonyms for them, for example, if you find these words new for yourself, be sure to remember them for the future!

Words to communicate in English

You can learn new words using any convenient scheme. Three of them are described in the article? The main thing is to combine expressions into simple groups.

For example, words of greeting. We wrote about them in the article. We discussed phrases of gratitude, which are standard expressions necessary for communication, in the material called. So what English words should everyone know?

The most useful English words

It is generally accepted that only 1000 words are enough to to speak fluently in English on the simplest topics. This list includes prepositions in, at, on, pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, they and others, question words where, why, what, etc., numerals first, second, etc. But with such a set you cannot create a complete proposal. On the other hand, this list does not include words such as transformer, vulnerable, marten. We don’t often use them in Russian either. Conclusion: these words do not help in daily communication. Better to teach simple words, which will be an asset, rather than memorizing unnecessary ones, which will remain “unused”.

We present to you, dear readers, a selection from the NES: 100 English words that everyone should know. Know, remember and use!

Please note that you will not find verbs in this list. They are, without a doubt, a necessary layer of vocabulary, but we mentioned verbs and their forms in the article. There you will also find tips on how to learn them.

So let's get started!

Group 1 - family in English:

  • parents - parents [ˈperənts],
  • child - child,
  • dad - father [ˈfɑːðər],
  • mother - mother [ˈmʌðər],
  • daughter - daughter [ˈdɔːtər],
  • son - son,
  • brother - brother,
  • sister - sister [ˈsɪstər],
  • grandmother - grandmother [ˈɡrænmʌðər],
  • grandfather - grandfather [ˈɡrænfɑːðər].

Group 2 - education in English:

  • school - school,
  • institute - institute [ˈɪnstɪtuːt],
  • school director - principal [ˈprɪnsəpl],
  • dean - dean,
  • student - pupil [ˈpjuːpl],
  • teacher - teacher [ˈtiːtʃər],
  • student - student [ˈstuːdnt],
  • exam - examination [ɪɡˌzæməˈneɪʃən],
  • score - mark,
  • diploma - diploma.

Group 3 - professions in English:

  • actor - actor [ˈæktər],
  • writer - author [ˈɔːθər],
  • driver - driver,
  • cook - cook,
  • doctor - doctor [ˈdɑːktər],
  • nurse, nurse,
  • builder - builder [ˈbɪldər],
  • hairdresser - hairdresser [ˈherdresər],
  • secretary - secretary [ˈsekrəteri],
  • waiter - waiter [ˈweɪtər].

Group 4 - hobby in English:

  • dancing - dancing [ˈdænsɪŋ];
  • singing - singing [ˈsɪŋɪŋ];
  • sport - sports;
  • reading - reading [ˈriːdɪŋ];
  • bowling - bowling [ˈboʊlɪŋ];
  • chess - chess;
  • drawing - drawing [ˈdrɔːɪŋ];
  • collecting - collecting (of something);
  • gardening - gardening [ˈɡɑːrdnɪŋ];
  • hunting - hunting [ˈhʌntɪŋ].

Group 5 - entertainment in English:

  • television - television [ˈtelɪvɪʒn];
  • cinema - cinema [ˈsɪnəmə];
  • movie - movie [ˈmuːvi];
  • theater - theater [ˈθiːətər];
  • concert - concert [ˈkɑːnsərt];
  • music - music [ˈmjuːzɪk];
  • party - party [ˈpɑːrti];
  • museum - museum;
  • exhibition - exhibition;
  • casino - casino.

Group 6 - emotions (emotions) in English:

  • satisfied - pleased;
  • proud - proud;
  • sad - depressed;
  • angry - angry [‘æŋgrɪ];
  • calm - calm;
  • surprised - surprised;
  • frightened - afraid [ə"freıd];
  • joyful - cheerful ["ʧıəful];
  • irritated - annoyed [ə"nɔıd];
  • boring - dull.

Group 7 - food and drink in English:

  • bread - bread;
  • butter - butter [ˈbʌtər];
  • egg - egg;
  • cheese - cheese;
  • bacon - bacon [ˈbeɪkən];
  • coffee - coffee [ˈkɔːfi];
  • tea - tea;
  • milk - milk;
  • water - water [ˈwɔːtər];
  • yogurt - yogurt [ˈjoʊɡərt].

Group 8 - transport (transport) in English:

  • car - car;
  • motorcycle - motorcycle [ˈmoʊtərsaɪkl];
  • bicycle - bicycle [ˈbaɪsɪkl];
  • taxi - cab;
  • bus - bus;
  • tram - tram;
  • metro - underground [ˌʌndərˈɡraʊnd];
  • train - train;
  • airplane - airplane [ˈerpleɪn];
  • boat - boat.

Group 9 - geographical names in English:

  • north - the North;
  • south - the South;
  • west - the West;
  • east - the East;
  • state - state;
  • country - country [ˈkʌntri];
  • city ​​- city [ˈsɪti];
  • capital - capital [ˈkæpɪtl];
  • small town - town;
  • village - village [ˈvɪlɪdʒ].

Group 10 - traveling in English:

  • vacation
  • airport - airport [ˈerpɔːrt];
  • railway station [ˈreɪlweɪ ˈsteɪʃn];
  • ticket - ticket [ˈtɪkɪt];
  • reservation - reservation [ˌrezərˈveɪʃn];
  • luggage - baggage [ˈbæɡɪdʒ];
  • map - map;
  • attractions - attractions [əˈtrækʃənz];
  • hotel - hotel;
  • room (in a hotel) - hotel room.

Compiling this list was not as easy as it seemed at first glance. There was a lot I wanted to write about, and all the words seemed very important. This once again confirms the saying that there is no limit to perfection. We really hope that these words will be useful to you, and you will not only remember them, but also use them. Make your own tables with new words in English, learn and reach new heights with the NES!

NES School makes it easy to enrich your English speech new words, phrases and phrases. If you have the opportunity to study during the day, come visit us. This is a pleasure from communication, new knowledge and saving money. Since we give a good discount for full-time training!

The first question that faces beginners learning English is how many English words do you need to know to start speaking? The fact that you will have to learn several hundred words is clear to everyone, but it is not so easy for a beginner to determine the lexical minimum. Different sites and different training programs give different lexical minimums - on some sites you will find 1000 English words that you need to know, somewhere 800, somewhere 100. In this article we will give you the basic words that you need to know in English . There are only 100 of them, and if you are at the very beginning of your journey, this will be quite enough to compose some basic phrases and word combinations.

One Hundred Basic Words of English

For ease of memorization, we divided the 100 English words into parts of speech and groups. Each word is voiced and a translation is given for it. When learning a word, listen to it several times and repeat it out loud. We recommend that you learn about 10 words per day, starting each subsequent stage by repeating a list of previously learned words. The words you learn will also help you in your further mastery of grammar.

So, let's listen to the pronunciation of English words online that everyone should know


(about inanimate objects)





put, put

Use, use





- Food and drinks

Time periods



Box, box

Thing, subject




How to teach to learn

It's very important to hear correct pronunciation English words, because as you hear the word, you will remember it. In order for words to be remembered well, you must use them in practice. For starters, it would be a good idea to make up phrases from words that match each other in meaning, for example, every day, go home. Sometimes words in English are easier to remember if you come up with some funny or ridiculous phrase with them, for example - We never use money or I often see beautiful green people. The more diverse combinations of available words you can come up with, the better the words will be remembered, since in this case not only visual and auditory memory is involved, but also associative thinking. Another way to make it easier to memorize words is to group them according to a specific characteristic. In the nouns section we have already done this for you. Try this method for other parts of speech. For example, adjectives can be taught in pairs with opposite meanings - good - bad etc. In the existing adverbs, the group also clearly stands out - Today - Tomorrow - Yesterday . After carefully studying the list of English words, you can create groups for yourself that will be convenient for you.

So, you now have at your disposal the necessary vocabulary for beginners, the English language has become one step closer and clearer.

Your task is to learn them, remember the correct pronunciation and practice as often as possible, combining them with each other in various variations. Once you are sure that all the words are firmly settled in your memory, you can move on to the next level - increase your vocabulary with the help of easy texts and stories.

Online exercise using the Lim English method to memorize personal pronouns

Want to know even more English words? Then start learning using the Lim English online method. You will have access to exercises, each of which will expand your vocabulary by 10-20 words.