Spanish massage technique for the face and beautiful figure. Spanish massage - features, interesting points Spanish massage by Enrique Garcia

Spanish massage is a series of techniques that allow you to relax the entire body. Aimed at deep relaxation and restoration of the skin.

Spanish massage technique

Spanish massage is an eco-complex of special techniques that harmoniously combine a variety of techniques aimed at obtaining deep relaxation and restoring the skin. The founder of this technique is considered to be the Spanish scientist Enrique Garcia. It was he who improved the Chiromassage technique of Dr. Ferrandis.
Enrique Garcia designed new technique at the Institute of Manual Therapy, where it acquired the name “Hemolymphatic Drainage”.

Spanish massage has a specific effect on the venous system and interstitial fluid, which is necessary for the exchange of substances between tissue and blood cells. Even though spanish massage is a fairly young system, its techniques are effective.

Massage techniques

  1. The impossibility of using two various techniques, since many combinations have opposite effects.
  2. A variety of techniques that take into account individual characteristics body. In this regard, the massage technique does not cause addiction to the same techniques, which has a positive effect on their effectiveness.
  3. The inadmissibility of painful sensations, which can be achieved thanks to the skill of the massage therapist and his ability to master plastic techniques.

Basic techniques allow for deep tissue penetration. Spanish massage brings not only a healing effect, but also a feeling of joy and pleasure.

Facial massage

Spanish facial massage is especially valued for muscle relaxation. This can be achieved thanks to the variety of techniques and atmosphere of the session. Lightly stroking movements are replaced by rubbing using the palm and back side brushes These techniques include intensity and painlessness, as well as a relaxing effect on all muscle groups. Massage helps improve blood supply to tissues, outflow of venous blood and lymph drainage. All this has a positive effect on the texture and color of the skin, increases its elasticity, smoothes wrinkles and relieves puffiness around the eyes.

After the Spanish massage sessions, the oval of the face is tightened and the contour is modeled, which includes:

  • lip enlargement;
  • upper eyelid lifting and eyebrow shaping;
  • smoothing the nasolabial fold area;
  • reducing the number of wrinkles.

With obvious signs of sagging and atony, Spanish massage helps rejuvenate the neck and décolleté.

Body massage

Spanish body massage is based on several unique techniques. Myostructural massage technique allows you to work even at the most distant tissue levels - tendons, bones, joints.

The goal of this technique is maximum muscle relaxation and improvement of metabolism in the body. After myostructural massage, muscle function improves, pain symptoms decrease, and the aging process slows down. This massage technique uses relaxing techniques that restore muscle elasticity.

  1. Biovascular massage technique helps eliminate problems associated with vascular insufficiency. In addition, it solves the problems of the venous parts of the drainage system.
  2. Anti-cellulite massage technique corrects subcutaneous tissue and local skin changes.
  3. Somatoemotional massage technique strengthens the nervous system.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage technique is used when it is necessary to remove excess fluid and food from tissues.
  5. Hemolymphatic massage technique is most often used to relieve stress, apathy and irritability. In addition, it is aimed at reducing blood pressure.
  6. Neurosedative massage techniques are also used for high irritability and prolonged stress, which subsequently develop into chronic fatigue. This method is based on stimulation of brain centers that cause deep relaxation. The result of neurosedative massage is a decrease in the activity of the dominant hemisphere and the release of endorphins, which have an anti-stress effect.

In addition to cosmetic effects, Spanish massage also has a therapeutic effect:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • stress relief;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Spanish massage video

Spanish massage is a special massage technique that is very popular in Russia and Europe. About thirty years ago, a Spanish scientist, Professor Enrique García Castells developed unique method massage. The main objective of this was the interweaving of the European approach to massage with human anatomy, its physiological characteristics, in particular Eastern practice, in which qi energy is of great importance.

This method has proven itself only with the best side And for many years is effective and universal. Thanks to a special massage technique, you can get rid of swelling and congestion, completely relax the body, normalize cellular respiration, rejuvenating and tightening the skin of the body.

The Spanish massage technique will perfectly relax you and give you an unforgettable experience.

Features of Spanish massage

This technique is also called “chiromassage”, but still the name “Spanish massage” is used much more often.

According to the creator, in order to get a full healing effect, you need to simultaneously influence the nervous system, joints, muscles, as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

For each patient, a different individual approach is selected: for one, the muscles should be thoroughly worked, for another, it should be worked through the lymphatic system.

The classic Spanish massage technique consists of many different techniques (there are about a hundred of them) - from the impact of the entire palm to the fingertips. During the massage, all muscles are very carefully worked out, stretched, and warmed up.

Another feature of this massage is that during the entire session the massage therapist does not repeat the same movement twice. Thanks to this, each new technique is felt with new emotions and feelings.

One of the main goals of massage is to maximize patient relaxation. There have been cases where people simply fell asleep during a session.

Spanish facial massage

Recently, the technique of Spanish facial massage has gained enormous popularity. And this is not at all surprising. Every woman wants to look fresh, young and beautiful. At correct execution you will achieve the desired effect: the muscular frame of the face will be tightened, the elasticity of the skin will increase, the work of skin cells will be stimulated, it will look young and toned.

The massage includes the décolleté area. The movements are performed very softly, carefully and accurately, since the skin in this area is thin and sensitive. It can be performed on women of different age groups, because its range of effects helps to cope with a number of problems: the appearance of the first wrinkles, puffiness, swelling, dull complexion, lethargy, and so on.

To get the most effective result and maintain it for a longer time, you should undergo a massage course, which includes 2-3 procedures per week. After the first session you will notice an improvement.

Spanish body massage

Today, there are several varieties of this procedure. I would like to highlight three types:

  1. anti-cellulite
  2. myostructuring
  3. lymphatic drainage

The technique is aimed at eliminating the first signs of cellulite, preventing it, reducing weight and correcting problem areas of the body. The procedure copes well with sagging skin and stretch marks.

Myostimulating massage is aimed at restoring and improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as eliminating pain in the joints, muscles and spine.

Massage helps remove toxins, waste, stagnant fluid from the body, and relieves swelling.

I would like to note that any technique of this massage is primarily aimed at the whole body, at providing a calming effect, normalizing the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, thereby increasing immunity.


  • benign and malignant tumors
  • diseases in the acute stage
  • skin diseases
  • bronchial asthma

The Spanish technique of facial massage was developed almost a century ago by chiropractor Enrique Garcia. The technique was called hemolymphatic drainage, and it combined elements of kinesiology and manual therapy.

The first method studies balancing movements and their connection with the energy systems of the human body. The second is healing with your hands.

Spanish facial massage, also called chiromassage, is aimed at healing and restoring the organs and systems of the body using the palms of a professional.

The technique allows without using medicines and dear salon procedures achieve a stunning effect.

The massage therapist’s manipulations do not touch the nerves of the face, but work every muscle, thereby increasing the elasticity of the tissues.

During the procedure, maximum relaxation occurs, tension is relieved, and the tone of muscle fibers increases.

The founder of the Spanish massage technique defined several postulates that cannot be violated:

It is not allowed to use multiple techniques during one session or throughout the course. If you have started a Spanish massage course, do not combine this technique with others.

It is first necessary to evaluate contraindications to the procedure. During the session, the client’s well-being and sensations are necessarily monitored.

Spanish technique includes many movements and techniques. Such a variety of manipulations does not allow the facial muscles to get used to the effects. This ensures maximum effect from the massage course.

The movements are flexible, they do not cause the client any unpleasant or painful sensations, but at the same time they work out all the main muscle threads.

The founder of the technique believed that endorphins are... The hormone of joy heals the body, produces a rejuvenating effect, and restores tissue.

In order for the regeneration processes to start, the patient must experience a strong sense of pleasure during the procedure.


  • violation of the integrity of facial skin;
  • infectious rashes;
  • oncological formations;
  • bronchial asthma in acute form.

During the procedure, the individual reaction of the body is important. If no discomfort or pain occurs, then you can continue the session.

Technique for performing anti-aging facial massage after 45 years. Useful videos lessons.

Learning to massage yourself

To perform Spanish massage yourself, you need to study movement patterns and the basic principles of chiromassage.

The first thing to remember is Before the session, be sure to remove makeup and apply cream or oil as a base.

Movements during chiromassage are performed exclusively along the main massage lines:

  • from the dimple under lower lip to the earlobes;
  • from the center of the chin to the ears;
  • from the middle upper lip to the temporal areas;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes;
  • from the bridge of the nose above the eyebrows to the temporal lobes;
  • along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, but the lower eyelid - vice versa.
If you ignore massage lines, then the effect will be the opposite of what was expected: the skin will stretch, the face will “slip” even more

Options for techniques that need to be performed along the described massage lines:

  • pinching with two fingers (thumb and index);
  • light stroking with a full palm with minimal pressure;
  • kneading and rolling the skin with two fingers;
  • smoothing with the edge of the palm or fingertips.

The pressure force should be constantly alternating. In the eye area, you cannot use intensive techniques with the edge of your palm; only light movements with the pads of your fingers are possible here. In the cheek area the techniques are more active.

Massage technique

Spanish massage is a combination of European and Eastern
school, it is a harmonious symbiosis of several effective techniques. Spanish massage includes five different practices, each of which provides its own result.

Myotensive. Provides strengthening of muscles and joints using special manipulations. Gentle and relaxing movements engage every joint and relieve tension from muscle fibers.

Somatoemotional. It affects the central nervous system by creating a contrast in sensations and emotions. Hard movements alternate with gentle and relaxing manipulations.

The practice involves the use of tools: feathers, threads, rounded stones. The patient's state is close to hypnotic.

Neurosedative. An analogy is drawn with the rebirth of a person, his immersion in the “intrauterine” state. Practice helps relieve stress, reduce aggression and irritability, and normalizes sleep, influencing certain brain areas.

Hemolymphatic. Practice brings blood pressure to an optimal state, normalizes blood flow and improves the condition of the circulatory system.

Aimed at reducing swelling, removing toxic substances, reducing slagging in the body.
For a good effect, you need to conduct Spanish massage sessions at least three times a week.

The full course lasts at least three weeks. The optimal number of procedures is ten to fifteen. You can repeat the course after a month. The duration of one session is 25–30 minutes.

The Spanish massage technique is based on principles that need to be learned before starting the session:

  • The massage begins not with warming up the tissues and muscles, but with relaxation;
  • movements are predominantly circular;
  • techniques are performed with the palm and fingertips;
  • plastic and light movements of the palm turn into intense rubbing, and active pinching into pulling strokes;
  • Most attention is paid to problem areas of the skin.

We invite you to watch a video lesson on the technique of performing Spanish facial massage

Often in beauty salons, during a massage procedure, scented candles are lit and relaxing melodies are played.

Spanish massage is a technique that requires relaxing accompaniment in the form of aromatherapy and slow compositions.

The effectiveness of massage

Spanish massage subjugates time, effectively rejuvenating not only the skin of the face, but also the body as a whole.

Alternating practices allows you to achieve incredible results by the end of the course: swelling subsides, the skin becomes more elastic

The face takes on a fresh look, bumps and skin irregularities disappear. In addition to the face, the neck and décolleté area also changes.

The woman notices other striking changes in her appearance:

  • the double chin disappears;
  • the view opens due to the fact that the upper eyelid rises;
  • the shape of the lips is corrected, an enlargement effect appears (occurs due to increased blood circulation and lifting of the corners of the mouth);
  • nasolabial wrinkles become less pronounced;
  • The “slipped face” is tightened, the contours of the face are visually outlined.

The procedure is approved for use by nursing mothers. This indicates the complete safety of the technique.

The Spanish method is effective for the following problems:

  • weakening of the body's immune forces;
  • deficiency of skin hydration or nutrition, lack of oxygen;
  • lymphedema on the face (permanent or periodically appearing);
  • varicose veins, rosacea.

Spanish massage saturates every skin cell with oxygen and promotes the penetration of nutrients into the tissues. The aging process slows down, the skin stops responding to external negative factors.

Experts advise starting a Spanish massage course at the age of 30–35, when signs of aging have already appeared on the face. However, the principles cannot be ignored healthy eating and regular exercise.

Adequate sleep and the absence of stress factors also play an important role, because no massage can hide the traces of chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.

After the massage procedure, apply a rejuvenating cream to your face. This will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.


Spanish facial massage is not a cheap procedure. If you cannot afford to spend a large sum of money to go to a beauty salon or to call a specialist to your home, learn the technique and use it for self-massage at home.

But no matter what method you use, you are guaranteed pleasure and joy from a Spanish massage session.

It is impossible to maintain youthful skin and a fresh appearance without appropriate procedures. Particularly susceptible to external factors and the internal state of the person. The first wrinkles appear on it, treacherously revealing its age. With constant care, you can admire smooth and velvety skin for decades. Spanish facial massage provides an excellent rejuvenating effect. After just one session, changes are noticeable, but for proper results you need to complete the full course of procedures.

This is a unique technique that has been used for no more than three decades. It was developed by Professor Enrique Castells García and combines techniques from Buddhist spiritual practice, yoga, manual therapy and traditional Indian medicine.

Active and intense movements are carried out with extraordinary care. There are more than a hundred of them in total. There are no repeated manipulations during the session. Feathers and stones are sometimes used. No other school can compare with such a large number of massage movements.

Complete muscle relaxation allows deep massage to be performed absolutely painlessly.

The body does not have time to adapt to a certain impact. With another type of massage, the nervous system gets used to repeated movements, as a result of which the effectiveness decreases with each subsequent session.

The massage is performed with pleasant hypnotic musical accompaniment, aromatic oils and candles are used. Despite the gentle and painless techniques, it is a deep type of massage. There is a complex effect on all layers of the skin, muscles and skeletal system. Used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.

Indications and contraindications

With the help of Spanish massage, you can solve a whole range of problems, both of an aesthetic nature and for health reasons in general. Spanish massage is recommended for the following problems:

  • swelling;
  • rosacea;
  • varicose veins;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • recovery from a stressful situation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy;
  • irritability.

Scented candles, oils and hypnotic music are a necessary attribute of a Spanish massage

In some cases, you should refuse a Spanish massage or wait a little. These include:

  • skin diseases;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • malignant neoplasms.


The session begins with complete cleansing of the face from possible impurities and makeup. Then a special cream or oil is applied, thanks to which the massage therapist’s hands gently glide over the skin without injuring it at all. In addition, through the opened pores during the procedure, the body receives additional vitamins and nutrients.

The first manipulations are relaxing, not warming, as in other types of massage. After this, move into circular movements with your fingertips and inside brushes

The technique is based on the contrast of sensations, when relaxing techniques are replaced by irritation of reflex zones. Watching a Spanish facial massage on video, you can understand that the master’s work resembles a kind of hand dance, in which smooth movements with the fingertips turn into pinching, and then sharply into rubbing with the edge of the palm and pressing with the forearm. All techniques are unusually flexible. The main effect is achieved through complete relaxation of the muscles, resulting in an effect even on the skeletal system.

Spanish facial massage requires a high level of special training. Its uniqueness lies in the correct diagnosis and determination of the individual combination of effects for each patient. This allows you to solve almost any facial skin problem.

The oil for the procedure is selected individually

The master individually selects not only the combination and sequence of techniques, but also the necessary oils used for the procedure. The peculiarities of the location of nerve endings on the human body are taken into account, and a number of tasks are set that must be solved during the procedure.

Facial massage is complemented by effects on the décolleté area, collar area, shoulders. The procedure is absolutely painless and is performed no more than three times a week. The course consists of seven sessions. Repeated application is possible after two months.

The effectiveness of Spanish facial massage

Patients who have completed a course of Spanish facial massage leave extremely positive reviews. Already at the beginning of the session, they completely relaxed, leaving problems far outside the treatment room, and tuned in to receive exclusively positive emotions. According to research, a person experiences the same sensations as before he was born.

The skillful hands of a massage therapist promote deep relaxation, tuning exclusively to positive emotions.

Several techniques are used, each of which is aimed at a specific body system.

  • Spanish massage improves blood supply to tissues, saturates them with oxygen, enhances metabolic processes, and promotes the removal of fat, waste and toxins.
  • Allows you to get rid of excess fluid, as a result of which swelling goes away and bags under the eyes disappear.
  • Lymph flow accelerates, problems of the cardiovascular system are eliminated.
  • Arterial and intracranial pressure is regulated.
  • After the session, wrinkles become less noticeable and the skin tightens. Due to this, the oval of the face acquires clear contours.
  • But what is most important is that your mood improves for a long time, fatigue goes away, the effects of stress disappear, and a feeling of joy and pleasure appears.

Women are attracted to Spanish facial massage due to its strong rejuvenating effect, while men are attracted by the ability to get rid of swelling and relieve stress.

Preventive measures are the best way maintaining beauty and health

The procedure requires certain funds and time. At home, it is simply impossible to get the effect that a Spanish facial massage gives. Therefore, if you have serious problems, you should not postpone visiting the salon. After all, over time, they can not only require a significantly larger budget, but also become irreversible.

There are many methods for preserving beauty and youth: from unconventional to surgical. Massage is far from the last place on this list. After all, this procedure is not only effective (if performed correctly), but also absolutely safe. Relatively recently, beauty salons began to offer a service called “Spanish facial massage.” Let's figure out what the features and differences of this technique are.

It turns out that the technology of Spanish massage was invented almost 100 years ago. Its author is the Spaniard Enrique Garcia, who practices manual therapy. Taking chiromassage as a basis, he supplemented it with elements of yoga, Ayurveda and Tibetan practices. The resulting technology is called “hemolymphatic drainage”, since its main effect is on the intercellular fluid, lymph. As you know, this liquid plays a key role in metabolic processes. By correcting its movement, you can solve various skin and muscle problems.

Basic principles

Enrique, developing Spanish facial massage, relied on the following principles:

  • The technique contains about 100 massage movements, this guarantees a constant novelty of sensations when exposed.
  • An individual approach to everyone is required. This means that massage movements are selected depending on the tasks, the patient’s skin type, and the characteristics of his body.
  • You cannot use different techniques at the same time, as they can have completely opposite effects.
  • The techniques used in the Spanish technique require highly flexible hands from the specialist. Thanks to this, the massage is highly effective and painless.

It is very important that the client experiences pleasant sensations during the massage. The endorphins released during this process contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of not only the skin, but also the body as a whole.

Techniques used

All movements used in Spanish facial massage can be divided into groups depending on their purpose:

  • Increased elasticity of muscles and joints. These movements affect all muscle groups, joints and joints.
  • Strengthening nervous system. This effect is achieved due to the contrast of sensations: for example, the transition from an intense effect to a relaxing one. To enhance the impact, feathers, special stones and other objects can be used.
  • Removal of accumulated liquid. Movements are carried out along the lymph flow zone, which helps get rid of excess water and toxins.
  • Strengthening the circulatory system, improving complexion.
  • Removing accumulated negative energy. Smooth movements are aimed at completely relaxing the body, getting rid of stress and apathy.

Facial massage is recommended after 30 years(however, as with any other effect aimed at rejuvenation). It is at this age that the first wrinkles appear, the color of the skin on the face may deteriorate, and skin turgor may decrease. Spanish facial massage will help solve problems such as:

  • swelling;
  • double chin;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • dullness and unevenness of the skin;
  • loss of lip volume;
  • rosacea;
  • dry skin.

This technique is aimed at deep modeling not only the face, but also the décolleté, neck, and shoulders.

Features of the event

The procedure is carried out accompanied by pleasant relaxing music and consists of several stages:

  1. Thorough makeup removal and cleansing of the face, neck, and décolleté.
  2. Applying a massage base (usually essential oils, which are selected individually depending on skin type).
  3. Relaxing massage movements allow you to achieve relaxation and prepare the body for the main effect.
  4. Work with muscles, joints, lymph. This is the main stage of the massage, during which all areas that need correction are affected.
  5. The procedure ends with smooth stroking movements.

Spanish massage can be done on both halves of the face, or only on one (if selective correction of some areas is necessary).

You can watch how a specialist performs a Spanish facial massage in this video:

Can I do it myself?

On the Internet you can find various video lessons that tell you how to do Spanish massage correctly. But they are more likely intended for professionals in the field of massage, as additional knowledge.

Carrying out the procedure requires high qualifications and extensive experience, because the effect is quite deep, affecting the muscles and even the skeletal system.

In addition, massage movements are selected for each person individually. A non-professional can only make the problem worse.

How often should it be done?

To achieve best result it is recommended to pass course massage: usually these are 10 procedures, 2-3 times a week. You can take this course 2 times a year. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable after the first week: complexion, skin elasticity and overall well-being will improve.

The Spanish facial massage procedure leaves an extremely pleasant impression. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, it amazingly relaxes not only the face, but the whole body. A course of procedures allows you to get rid of accumulated muscle tension and gain vital energy. Moreover, the session is absolutely painless, provided that you get to a competent specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether the massage therapist has a certificate of training in Spanish facial and body massage.