Tajik: alphabet, accents, electronic dictionaries. Tajik Alphabet - letters and sounds in Russian

The Tajik alphabet consists of 39 letters:
a, b, c, d, e, f, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, p, s, t, y, f, x, c, h, sh, sch, b, s, b, e, yu, i,
ғ, ӣ, қ, ў, ҳ, ҷ.

Letter e
at the beginning of a word, after a vowel and after ь denotes a combination of sounds е:
elim "glue", oed "come", play "play";
after consonants and after ъ indicates the sound e:
mekhonam “I am reading”, bed “willow”, shamye “(some kind of) candle”.

Letters yo, yu, me written at the beginning of a word, after vowels, as well as after ь*, ъ and й, denoting combinations of sounds: ё - yo, yu - yu, ya - ya, for example:
er “friend”, е “isn’t”, daryo “river”, yunuchka “alfalfa”, afyun “opium”, yagona “single”, takya “support”, rioya “compliance”, tayer “ready”.

Letter uh written at the beginning of a word, for example:
ezoh “clarification”, elak “sieve”, ezor “pants”; in the middle of a word after a vowel: poem "poem", be'tiroz "uncomplaining".
At the beginning of a word, e is written before x and ъ, not e, for example:
eҳtiot “caution”, eҳtimol “probably”, eҳtirom “respect”, etimod “trust”, etirof “recognition”.

Letter And denotes the sound “i”, as well as a combination of sounds “yi”:
after vowels, after ь and ъ, for example:
pir "old", intizom "discipline", didam "I saw", doim (pronounced doyim) "permanent", honai mo "our home", ta'in (pronounced ta'yin) "destination", taghir** (pronounced tagyir) "change "

Letter ъ written in words of Arabic origin in the middle and at the end of the word, for example:
ma'lum "famous", wa'da "promise", sham "candle", mone' "obstacle".
When pronounced carefully, ъ is articulated as a plosive sound produced in the upper part of the larynx.
In normal fluent pronunciation, ъ after a vowel before a consonant lengthens the preceding vowel:
bad is pronounced almost like baad, ma'lum - maalum; after a consonant, in the middle of a word, before a vowel causes a short pause in pronunciation, separating the consonant from the subsequent vowel:
baraks “set”, san’at “art”, kala “strength”.
Words with “ъ” in the middle should be pronounced by emphasizing the sound indicated by the letter “ъ”, either by lengthening the preceding vowel or by a short pause to avoid distorting the meaning of the word, for example:
- bad (pronounced baad) “after” and bad (pronounced bad) “bad”,
- shўаlа (pronounced shuula) “flame” and shўаl (pronounced shўla) “rice porridge”.
In words borrowed from the Russian language, the letter ъ is retained as a separating sign, for example:
congress - "congress", siding - "congress" (on the railway).

Letter b in Tajik words it is used as a dividing sign and is written before the letters ё, yu, ya, and (denoting the combination yi), for example:
bead “many”, afyon “opium”, takya “support”, tagir “change”.
In words borrowed from the Russian language, “ь” is used in the same way as in Russian spelling:
play, artel, Bolshevik, however, the final ь is not written before the subsequent vowel:
car - “car”; avtomobilyo - “cars”, but avmobili - “automobile”, cars mo - “our car”.

Letter ӣ written only at the end of a word and denotes the sound “and” under stress:
bozi - “game”, balandi - “height”.
An exception is the 2nd person singular form of the linking verb – ӣ, which does not take stress: studentӣ - “you are a student”.

Letters ts, sch, s are found only in words borrowed from the Russian language, for example:
revolution, compass, brush, exhibition.

* in writing the sound ь is often omitted.
** now it is written rather as tagyir, which means that all Arabic masdars of the second type of verbs with media ya have й instead of ь.

1.2. Vowel sounds

The Tajik language has 6 vowel sounds: a, e, i, o, u, ў.

And, uh, a: front vowels, since when they are pronounced, the back of the tongue is moved forward and upward;
- u, o: back vowels; when pronouncing them, the back of the tongue, although raised upward, is moved back.
- ў: mixed vowel.
- у, о, ў: rounded vowels, when pronounced, the lips are extended and rounded
- and, uh, a – unrounded, lips do not participate in their pronunciation
- and, y: upper rise and the most closed, or narrow, since when they are pronounced the tongue rises most highly to the palate
- uh, oh, ў: medium rise
- a: the most open sound of the lower rise.
- And: Compared to Russian, the sound is more open, especially in the vicinity of the consonants қ, ғ, ҳ.
The Tajik “i” is closer to the Russian “y”, for example:
khirs “bear”, qishlok “kishlak”, gilof “scabbard”, “case”, Gisht “brick”.
In the vicinity of voiced consonants, the Tajik “i” is close to the Russian “i”, where it is more closed, for example:
eid "holiday", dina "yesterday".

Vowel "uh" in sound it is close to the Russian e in the position between hard consonants (for example, in the words “six”, “tsep”) and more open than the Russian e (in the words “children”, “sat down”).

Vowel "A" the sound is closer to the Russian “a” under stress (for example, in the words “garden”, “booth”) than to the unstressed “a”.

Vowel "y" the sound is close to the Russian “u” in the position between hard consonants, for example: “lub”, “booth”
dur - “distant”, bud - “he was”, quvvat - “strength”.

Vowel "O" in the Tajik language, compared to Russian, “o” is a more open sound, but unlike Russian “o,” Tajik “o” does not change in any phonetic position and is not replaced by the sound “a” in an unstressed syllable, as is the case in Russian . Therefore, one should pronounce bodom (and not badom) - “almond”, hona (and not hana) - “house”, Shona (and not shana) - “comb”.

Vowel "ў" has no equivalent in Russian. When pronouncing the sound “ў”, the back of the tongue rises to the middle palate, as with the Russian “y”, the tip of the tongue approaches the lower tooth, the lips are rounded somewhat more than with the Russian “u”, and somewhat less than with the Russian “o”. The vowel “ў” does not change its sound depending on phonetic conditions: rўz - “day”, duston - “friends”, gўsfand - “ram”, kucha - “street”.
Note: in a closed syllable before ҳ and ъ ў is always written and pronounced:
ўҳda - “obligation”, nўҳ - “nine”, mўҳlat - “term”, mўҳadil - “moderate”, mўҳаbar - “reliable”.

1.3. Consonants

There are 24 consonant sounds in the Tajik language: b, v, g, d, zh, z, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, h, sh, b,
ғ, қ, ҳ, ҷ.

Consonants ҷ, қ, ғ, ҳ have no correspondence in Russian.
Sound ҷ - voiced, pronounced as a fused combination of j sounds:
ҷoi - “place”, ҷon - “soul”.

Sound қ – voiceless stop, formed by closing the very back of the back of the tongue with the soft palate: kator - “row”, qishlok - “kishlak”.
Mixing the sounds “қ” and “k” can lead to a distortion of the meaning of the word, for example:
qand - “sugar” and kand - “he picked”, qadar - “quantity” and qadar - “sadness”.

Sound ғ – voiced fricative, formed by bringing the very back of the tongue closer to the soft palate:
ghair - “other”, bog - “garden”, boghairat - “energetic”.

Sound ҳ - blind slit, formed by bringing together the walls of the pharynx (pharynx) in its lower part. The sound ҳ resembles the sound h in German in the words habe, heute.
Mixing the sound "ҳ" with the Russian "х" can lead to a distortion of the meaning of the word, for example:
ham - “also” and ham - “inclined”, har - “everyone” and har - “donkey”.

Sound X is somewhat different from the corresponding Russian sound “x”, since it is formed deeper (the same as the sound ғ, but without the participation of the voice).

Sound l by ear it is perceived as an average between the Russian hard l and soft l:
Lola - “tulip”, baland - “tall”.
When the Tajik “l” is formed, the front part of the back of the tongue closes with the hard palate, and the edges of the tongue are lowered.

Voiced consonants b, d, d Unlike the corresponding Russian consonants, words are slightly deafened at the end:
bud - “was” (and not but), rag - “lived” (and not cancer).

Other consonants Tajik language do not have significant differences from the corresponding sounds of the Russian language.

1.4. Accent

In Tajik, unlike Russian, the stress is fixed and usually falls on the last syllable of the word:
hona - “house”, odam - “person”, talaba - “student”, honaho - “at home”, korgar - “worker”, davlatmand - “rich”.
In words borrowed from Russian and other languages, the stress may fall on different syllables, for example:
tractor, institute

Accent in Tajik language doesn't fall for the following morphological indicators, service particles and words adjacent to the previous word and written together with it:
1) izafet - connection between the defined and the definition using the unstressed indicator “-i”
guli surkh - “red flower”, maktabi miyona - “high school”;
2) the suffix “-e”, expressing uncertainty: odame - “some person”;
3) postposition "-ro": man in kitobro hondam - “I read this book”;
4) pronominal suffixes “-am”, “-at”, “-ash”, “-amon”, “-aton”, “-ashon”:
kitobam - “my book”, kitobhoyam - “my books”.
In combination with the pronoun khud - “himself”, emphasis falls for pronominal suffixes:
khudam - “I myself”, khudat - “you yourself”;
5) forms of the linking verb “-am”, “-ӣ”, “-ast”, “-em”, “-ed”, “-and”:
man talabaam - “I am a student”, tu talabai - “you are a student”, onho talabagonand - “they are students”;
6) connecting conjunction "-у/-у":
kitobu daftar - “book and notebook”, ochayu bacha - “mother and child”.
Although now after a vowel it is more likely to be written “-vu” than “-yu”, which means “ochavu bacha” instead of “ocha bacha”.

Accent doesn't fall also for unions:
- “ham” - “also”, “too”:
man ham meravam “I will also go”;
- "ki" - "what":
ў guft, ki imruz dars meshavad - “he said that classes will take place today,”
- interrogative particle "-мѣ":
padarat meoyad-mi? - “will your father come?”

In personal verb forms with the prefix "me-", the main stress falls on the last syllable of the form, and the additional stress falls on the prefix:
meravam—“I will come.”

In personal verb forms with the prefix "bi-", the main stress falls on the prefix, and the additional stress falls on the last syllable of the form:
bihonad - “let him read.”

The particle “na-”, expressing negation in verbs, takes on the main stress, the additional stress falls on the last syllable of the verb form:
namegiram - “I won’t take it.”

Simple past tense verbs have parallel pronunciation with either stem or ending stress:
raftam or raftam - “I went.”

In Russian and international words included in the vocabulary of the Tajik language, as well as proper names and geographical names, the stress customary in the Russian language is usually preserved:
party, republic; Lenin, Darwin, Vera, Anna; Volga, Novgorod.

In words borrowed from the Russian language, which have long been included in colloquial speech, the stress falls on the last syllable, for example:
samovar, potatoes;

From R.L. Nemenova, “A brief outline of the grammar of the Tajik language”, Dushanbe, 1988. D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82,+% D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5&cd=4&hl= en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Tajik-Russian Electronic Dictionaries:

- Tajik-Russian / Russian-Tajik on-line dictionary (12,843 words): http://www.termcom.tj/?menu=dictionary&page=index2&lang=rus
- Russian-Tajik / Tajik-Russian dictionary (65,000 words): http://wild.softodrom.ru/ap/p8340.shtml
- Tajik-Russian / Russian-Tajik electronic dictionary (45,000 words): http://www.tjslovar.narod.ru/
- Tajik-Russian electronic dictionary (approx. 13,000? words):

Download: samouchtadjickogo1993.djvu

BBK 81.2 Taj-4
Self-instruction manual of the Tajik language. - Dushanbe: Maorif 1993.

The book is equipped with simple colloquial texts and a Russian-Tajik dictionary.
Intended for those who want to learn the Tajik language on their own, as well as for teachers of the Tajik language in Russian schools.
BBK 81. 2 Taj-4 Editor A. Abrori
M-- -33-93
M 504(12)-92
ISBN 5-670-00214-8
(Є) Makhadov M., 1993
Present training manual“Tajik Language Self-Teacher” was compiled for those who do not know or have poor command of the Tajik language. It consists of twenty lessons.
Basic data on the phonetics of the Tajik language in comparison with the sounds of the Russian language are given in a condensed form in the first lesson. The remaining nineteen lessons are devoted to the most common grammatical forms of everyday speech.
Each lesson is designed to last four to five hours. Educational material designed to facilitate the assimilation of the peculiarities of the Tajik spoken language. Grammar rules and forms are given freely and in the form of tables.
In order to quickly and effectively master the material, each lesson is equipped with tasks, exercises and a dictionary.
The self-instruction book includes short conversational texts on topics such as “Meeting”, “At the market”, “In a restaurant”, “In a hotel”, as well as scientific, educational and artistic texts. It introduces the most common aphorisms of the Tajik language and their Russian equivalents.
At the end of the manual, samples of some documents are given (application, certificate, power of attorney, deed, autobiography) in Tajik and Russian.
The self-instruction manual is equipped with Tajik-Russian and Russian-Tajik dictionaries.
The modern alphabet of the Tajik language is built on the basis of the Russian (Cyrillic) alphabet and consists of thirty letters (sounds).
Letter style
pechag-1 handwritten I new
Letter style
gtecha - handwritten I poe
ha a: w >, ha I
Letter style
I *
ha *°
print "manuscript- ^
A a ,j4q a
B b %yo bae
in in<%#
G g?s
ve ge
D d
(Her) Єе (Her) Se
K k ^ L l
Al m
H n./V,-. Oo
P and -YGl
Z z 1
C s T t
H h
Sh sh sha
G E e 9
(Yu yu) yu
(I am) ya
F g ge
K to ke
X X heh
The letters e, e, yu, i do not denote independent sounds. These letters denote complex sounds consisting of two sounds: e = й+е, е = й + о, ь = = й+у, я = й + а (in the table these letters are taken in brackets).
The sounds of the Tajik language are divided into vowels and consonants.
There are six vowel sounds in the Tajik language:
a, and, uh, y, oh, y.
The pronunciation of the vowel sounds a, i, e, u, o differs little from the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. There is no vowel sound in Russian. The beginning of its pronunciation coincides with the pronunciation of the sound u, and at the end - with o, i.e. u sounds o-shaped.
Exercise 1. Say the following words out loud:
ruz - day rui - face
gush - ear shur - salty
u - he husha - ear, bunch
buoy - smell Urdu - army
kuh - mountain kuza - jug
mui - hair, hair tour - mesh tufon - typhoon empty - skin
murcha - chicken ant - blind
There are 24 such sounds (letters) in the Tajik language:
b, V, G, D, F, 3, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, h, “i, K, f, X, Ch, b.
The pronunciation of the consonant sounds b, v, g, d, zh, z, y, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, ch, sh differs little from the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. The consonant sounds k, f, x, Ch, ъ are absent in the Russian language. To pronounce them correctly, some practice is required. The sounds k, f are uvular consonants. When pronouncing them, the tongue closes or approaches the very back of the back of the tongue: these sounds are easily formed by the vibration of these organs.
Exercise 2. Say the following words out loud:
FOp - grotto poF - gap 6of - garden gair - alien TaFo - uncle 30F - jackdaw zagir - flax guncha - bud guk - toad Fypy6 - sunset guz - cotton gunda - karakurt agba - pass ogil - barn
kabl az - before ku - swan bright - weapon kabila - clan, tribe kok, - dry koshuk - spoon kosh - eyebrow akl - um bakiya - remainder k, avs - bracket halq - people wakt - time rakam - number sharq - east cue - Part
The consonant sound x has a guttural pronunciation: it is voiceless, fricative (compare the pronunciation of g in the Ukrainian language or remember the pronunciation of g in the Latin expression (homo sapiens).
Exercise 3. Say the following words out loud:
mohtob - moon sohil - shore hack, - share
khukm - order mokhy - fish khezum - firewood
boor - everything
moss - month
bahrr - spring kuh. -¦ mountain rokh, - road subh. - morning sohib - owner of the shirt; - fox ohak - lime muhit - surrounding
shoh - king
Wednesday muhabbat - love
The consonant sound h consists of two sounds d and zh, which are pronounced inseparably, together: j.
Exercise 4. Say the following words out loud:
The consonant sound ъ (ayn) has a guttural pronunciation; it is a voiced, stop sound formed by closing the walls of the pharynx. Its pronunciation resembles the pronunciation of the hard sign in Russian words such as congress, object, announcement, travel. This sound is found only in words borrowed from Arabic. At the end of the day, the words before the izafet always disappear: mavzu - theme, mazui nav - new theme, tulu - sunrise, tului oftob - rising of the sun.

Tajik alphabet (Alifbo- Taj.) - consists of 35 letters containing 6 vowel sounds including “a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”, “ў” and 29 consonant sounds (b, c, g, d, f, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, h, w, ъ, ғ, қ, ҳ, ҷ, f, ё, yu, I).

The current official script of Tajikistan is borrowed from the Cyrillic alphabet and therefore previously contained 39 letters. After the independence of the country, some letters were removed from the alphabet that are not appropriate for the Tajik language, including “ts”, “b”, “shch”, and “y” (4 in total).

Also, the fate of the letters “e”, “e”, “yu” and “ya” is also not known due to existing disputes among scientists. These letters in the Tajik alphabet came from the Russian alphabet in Soviet times and are not very relevant since their sounds can be built from the following combinations “ye”, “yo”, “yu” and “ya”.

Since 2010, the edition of the Tajik alphabet has been authorized by the “Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan”. This Committee carries out the tasks of implementing state policy and regulating legal norms relating to the state language.

Table - Names of Tajik letters (Alifboi toҷiki - Alifboi tojiki) with a description of sounds.
Name Sound Name Sound
1 A a a 2 B b b
3 In in v 4 G g g
5 Ғ ғ gh, ǧ, ɣ 6 D d d
7 Her e 8 Her yo, jɒ
9 F ʒ, ž 10 Z z z
11 And and i 12 Thy i j
13 Ӣ ӣ ī (ee) 14 K k k
15 Қ қ q 16 L l l
17 Mm m 18 N n n
19 Oh oh o 20 P p p
21 R r r 22 With with s
23 T t t 24 U y u
25 Ӯ ӯ ө 26 F f f
27 X x x, kh 28 Ҳ ҳ h
29 H h ʧ 30 Ҷ ҷ J, ʤ
31 Sh sh ʃ 32 Kommersant `, ʔ
33 Uh uh 34 Yu Yu yu
35 I I ya

Today, the use of the Tajik font on computers or other devices is possible in the latest versions of software. Since the beginning of 2014, Tajik texts can already be translated into 75 languages ​​of the world using the website www.translate.google.ru online. It is recommended to use Palatino Linotype as a Tajik font on computers as it is supported on many computers around the world.

Difference: The Tajik alphabet has six specific letters: ғ, ӣ, қ, ӯ, ҳ, ҷ. The consonants ҷ, қ, ғ, ҳ have no correspondence in the Russian language. For example, the sound [ҷ] is voiced, pronounced like the English [J] for example ҷoy; The letter [ғ] is pronounced like the French “R”. The vowels “ӣ”, “ӯ” also have no analogue in Russian. In this case, “ӣ” is a purely spelling sign, indicating that the finite is under stress. As for the letter “ӯ”, it is somewhat similar to English and to some extent similar to Russian “u”. The letter [қ] is pronounced like the Arabic "Q". The remaining letters are identical in sound to Russian letters.

Video of Tajik letters

History of the Tajik alphabet:

Tajik writing throughout its history was written in 4 modified alphabets: Avestan (Before the 7th century), Arabic (VII-X), Persian (X-XX), Latin (1926-1939) and Cyrillic (since 1940). Any of them can be called “Tajik writing”. Thus, the last change to the Tajik alphabet was made in 1998 by removing the 4 above-mentioned letters. And instead of the Russian “C”, the Tajik language now uses the combination of letters “ts”.

Interesting facts: The transition to the Latin alphabet is supported by pan-Turkists, who thus want to make possible the rapprochement of Tajikistan with Uzbekistan and other Turkic-speaking countries in this region.

The Perso-Arabic script is defended by deeply religious Islamists who are trying to bring the Tajik people closer to the Iranian people and their Persian traditions. As a modern de facto standard, the Cyrillic alphabet is defended by those who seek to maintain the status quo of the republic and prevent its alienation from Russia.

Persian, Latin and Cyrillic with example words

Letter... Nanai-Russian dictionary

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Ө (letter)- Cyrillic letter Ө Cyrillic A B C D Ґ D ... Wikipedia

Ғ (letter)- Cyrillic letter Ғ Cyrillic A B C D Ґ D ... Wikipedia

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Letter- LETTER. B. is called a graphic sign for a separate sound in a language. in the so-called phonetic, or letter writing systems (in syllabic, i.e. syllabic systems, for example in ancient Assyrian writing, a graphic sign symbolizes a syllable, in ... ... Literary encyclopedia

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letter- Sign (alphabetic), writing (plural), hieroglyph (hieroglyph), scribble, runes. I made some scribbles and read it. .. Wed. sign... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. letter ... Dictionary of synonyms

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