A la garçon style in clothing. Femininity in garçon style

The word "garçon" translated from beautiful French means "boy". However, the garçon haircut is ideal for women, despite its exclusively male origin.

People first started talking about it about a hundred years ago, but to this day, for many, it remains the true embodiment of the charm and elegance that is so inherent in France.

Advantages of the Garson haircut

Why is the women's garcon haircut so popular lately? What was the main impetus for her to gain such fame today?

Among the main advantages we can especially highlight the following:

Easy installation. In order to style a garçon haircut on short hair, you do not need any special equipment - it is important to purchase only a minimum set of styling products and take care of enough free time, because not every girl manages to style it really well the first time.

Beyond space and time. The peculiarity of the haircut is that it is just as flirty and a little perky as it was about a hundred years ago.

If you want to look truly feminine, but at the same time bold, the garçon haircut, which we see from the back and front, allows you to do this.

To a greater extent, this effect is actively promoted by voluminous playful strands of hair, as well as the fact that there is a slightly graduated structure, there is no clarity.

The opportunity to do incredible experiments. Thanks to a haircut, girls have an excellent opportunity to quickly make sometimes contrasting and even completely unexpected changes to their image. From incredible tousling to smooth styling.

Today there are a variety of types of haircuts, but the main thing is that they all look great on most girls of any age.

Short, at first glance, exclusively masculine haircuts can be afforded not only by teenage girls, but also by older ladies.

Who is Garson suitable for?

Firstly, the haircut is great if the face is narrow or slightly angular, since in this case it can present the natural “pattern” from an advantageous angle.

Secondly, it’s ideal if you look at a photo of a garçon haircut; it looks good on fragile girls of short stature. If you are the lucky owner of a curvier figure, then in this situation it is advisable to choose other options for a new haircut.

Thirdly, it is best to refuse this haircut if you have a pronounced square face type. If you really try to try this particular haircut, then to save the situation you can turn to the right, neat bangs.

Fourthly, if you have an oval face, then in this case you are definitely luckier than anyone else, since in principle there is no model that would not suit you.

Fifthly, the haircut looks really interesting with fairly high cheekbones. Remember that a short haircut always exposes the face, so if you want to emphasize feminine, beautiful lines, then “Garçon” will be an excellent assistant in this.

Sixthly, it is best to refuse a haircut if the hair is too curly, since a garcon haircut at the back looks great only if the hair is either straight or slightly wavy.

And finally, seventhly, speaking about the character and lifestyle of fans of this haircut, one cannot help but notice that the hairstyle is chosen by girls who perfectly maneuver between boyishness and femininity.

How to care for a Garcon haircut?

The main thing you need to understand is that this is the haircut option that needs the stable control of your hairdresser.

It is advisable to adhere to a schedule for visiting the hairdresser. Only in this case, the haircut will always look well-groomed, and you will always look stylish.

Avoid using a lot of styling products, as too much of them will eventually affect the condition of your hair and make it look dirty more often.

If you are used to styling products, then it is better to choose either light wax (gel) or mousse. This way you can maintain a pleasant appearance.

Photo of garcon haircut

Garson style is a fashion trend that involves copying men's style. It originated in the 20s of the last century. The creators of this style were Marlene Dietrich. Garson means “boy”.

Garson style in clothes

This style involves the use of men's clothing items - shirts, ties, jackets, cufflinks and suspenders. The outfits have a masculine cut and are mostly made from dark fabrics. Items should be one size larger than needed - long sleeves, wide shoulders, loose pants.

If you want to dress in the Garçon style, then choose a double-breasted coat or vest in a classic style, but without fur. This style is characterized by high collars and strict lines.

Dresses in the Garcon style have a straight silhouette, the belt is lowered to the hips, are mostly made of black material, and decorated with bugles. The triangular cutout on the back adds sexiness and sophistication to this outfit.

Choose shoes with laces and small heels. Stick to a strict style in accessories: belts, ties, suspenders, top hats or bowlers. You don’t have to choose a plain tie; you can have stripes or polka dots.

Suspenders are an unusual accessory that will add piquancy to your look. They can be worn under a jacket or shirt.

Under no circumstances choose a belt with a huge buckle - it should be inconspicuous, but sophisticated.

Garson style look

As for makeup, feel free to use cosmetics: dark shadows, black pencil and mascara. Choose burgundy or cherry lipstick. The face should be bright and expressive. The haircut is correspondingly short with a shaved nape.

It takes a special talent to wear men's clothing as femininely as ladies did in the 1920s. Garson's clothing style is the choice of a bold and relaxed woman who is ready to experiment.

Ksenia Skvortsova

12.05.2015 | 4050

Garçon style is an unusual combination of feminine details and truly masculine wardrobe items - ties, tuxedos, trousers, shirts and even hairstyles. This is shocking, but at its best.

A woman never has enough when it comes to her wardrobe, and if there is an opportunity to borrow something from a man, she will not refuse. So is the garcon style: it would seem, what kind of tuxedos, what formal trousers with suspenders and shirts of a purely masculine cut, but on a thin girlish figure? But in fact, everything is very attractive and sexy.

An excursion into the fashionable past

Before the advent of this revolutionary trend in fashion, the entire weaker sex wore dresses and only dresses. The 20th century brought with it a lot of new trends, including emancipation - the recognition that a woman is no worse than a man.

And so, in order to visually confirm this new position, in France, which definitely knows a lot about fashion, the garçon clothing style was born. The First World War indirectly served this purpose, after which many women were forced to take on the functions of their dead husbands, fathers, sons and brothers.

Icons of style and those who first tried out the role of a “boy” (and this is exactly how the name of the style is translated into Russian) were such famous personalities as Marlene Dietrich and Coco Chanel.

Those wardrobe items that were still considered purely masculine looked surprisingly organic and attractive on them. Strict shirts and trousers with arrows, ties, suspenders, even bowler hats, previously habitually worn by representatives of the stronger half, were now worn with no less dignity by girls. It became a kind of revolution.

Style development

The style emerged in the second decade of the twentieth century. Initially, everything was limited only to the introduction of male accessories and details into the female image, and the main one was the “garcon” hairstyle. She completely overturned the traditional idea of ​​female beauty. Lush curls were replaced by a short haircut, and a cigarette appeared in her thin fingers - an attribute previously unacceptable for a woman!

But when Marlene Dietrich, who at that time was the ideal of female beauty, completely changed into a men's suit, this became a new milestone in the development of fashion. Coco Chanel was also not far behind. She dressed in shirts and trousers, loved ties and horse riding, and cut her hair very short. Gabrielle used all these elements in her fashion collections.

However, the garçon style in clothing is still sophistication, incredible femininity in strict masculine details. It is characterized not only by things from the guys’ wardrobe, or stylized after them, but also by dark, catchy makeup, as well as a special figure shape. This image suits thin girls with angular shapes, small breasts, in general, those who look like a boy.

Garçon style look

Nowadays you can hardly find the garçon style in its pure form: it has long been transformed into unisex. However, it’s still worth a try, because it’s not only unusual, but also attractive and sexy.

To create the image of a “boy”, you should turn to the men’s wardrobe: strict trouser suits, shoes with flat soles and a minimum of details, shirts, hats – all this must certainly be used. Classic style combinations are:

  • dark tuxedo and white shirt;
  • a shirt tucked into trousers (usually suspenders are also used);
  • straight-cut jackets and matching ties.

The classic colors of the style are black and white, dark, and stripes are popular. But now you can combine the incongruous. Images in which masculine and feminine touches are intertwined are popular. For example, formal trousers are worn with high heels, and three-piece suits are worn with sophisticated bracelets. Indispensable attributes are bright cherry lipstick and a languid look.

Garson is an opportunity to show your individuality, to become more vibrant and extraordinary. And you should definitely try it on yourself.

After the First World War, when women's emancipation was demonstrated in Europe, the Garson style was born and became a recognized favorite. The then ideal of female beauty was teenage forms: small breasts, thin legs, flat hips and a short boyish haircut. Translated from French, "garçon" means "boy".

The constant attributes of this style were shirts, men's coats, jackets, suspenders and, of course, a charming bow tie. Suede pumps or patent leather shoes were popular: in such shoes it was incredibly comfortable to dance the fiery Charleston. Fashionistas wore short hair and bright, bold makeup.

Marlene Dietrich and Coco Chanel took direct part in the origin and formation of the Garson style. Great women were given to understand how feminine and even touching a girl dressed in a man's suit can look. And although both were not beauties, they are still admired to this day, considered recognized standards of style.

One of the first to include a tuxedo as part of a woman's wardrobe in his collections was Yves Saint Laurent.

Over time, Garson's style transformed into “unisex” - a peculiar desire to achieve a compromise between the sexes.

However, a true fashionista will always distinguish the true chic and elegant severity of the style of the era of free women.

Beauty - what does this word mean to us, people of the 21st century? It’s difficult to say, because for everyone it carries a personal and even sacred meaning. What is beauty in fashion is also a controversial question. Some people prefer the classics, straight lines, restrained tones, those principles that were introduced by the great Chanel. Over time, the concept of beauty has changed, as has the consciousness of people. Several centuries ago, women’s bodies were dominated by suffocating corsets and heavy frame skirts, but at the end of the 19th century, women were faced with absolute freedom of choice, including the choice of their own style. What does “a la garçon” entail, and what does it look like in our time?

It originated at the end of the First World War in Europe and remained popular until the early twenties of the 20th century. This time was a real shock for public consciousness: not all the men who went to the front returned, and women had the difficult task of maintaining well-being in the family. Time itself seemed to dictate the rules; from a beautiful, unencumbered muse, the woman turned into a real hard worker - a breadwinner for the whole family. I had to change not only my habits, but also my appearance. The image of a beautiful lady has undergone significant changes - now she is not a naive girl, entertaining herself with romantic dreams and illusions, but a strong, independent person, looking at the world with a degree of cold skepticism. She should have courage, not at all inferior to men’s, but at the same time mystery, femininity.

This is how the blatant garçon style appeared, which translated from French means boyish. Women sought the independence granted to men at birth, so attributes of men's clothing began to appear in their wardrobes. Ties, bow ties, flared trousers, jackets and hats - all this was removed from the image of the opposite sex. The distinctive features of this style were short haircuts and short, knee-length skirts. By our standards, of course, this length looks chaste, but at the turn of the century, it was blatant boldness.

Hats by designer Rebu, decorated with feathers, beads, and ribbons, are becoming especially popular. They emphasized the oval shape of the owner’s face, and in combination with a short boyish haircut, they added chic.

The a la garçon style meant larger-sized clothes, wide shoulders, long sleeves, a straight silhouette, and strict lines. Most often, clothes were made from dark, dense fabrics. The trousers were low-waisted. Shoes with small heels in the shape of a glass became incredibly popular; they were decorated with crocodile skin and small round buttons. It is impossible to imagine the image of a woman of that era without a cigarette holder clutched in her hand and bright makeup. The ladies did not skimp on using bright eye shadow and dark burgundy lipstick. Women who smoked were considered attractive and even sexy. Flesh-colored stockings were especially chic.

Liberated, feeling their freedom, the ladies danced fashionable “shimmy” dances until they dropped, had fun and openly communicated with men “tete-a-tete”.

The first ladies of the time, such as Marlene Dietrich, who became a style icon, dictated the rules of good taste. The standard of beauty and grace, she developed the garçon style. She dressed completely in a man's suit and did not look ridiculous. This caused a real boom, Marlene also used men's accessories such as top hats and belts.

Garson pioneered a style that is still popular today. Unisex - clothing suitable for both sexes, was invented by the magnificent fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, who destroyed the boundary between men's and women's wardrobe. In the early seventies of the 20th century, the style icon was super-model Twiggy, a pretty, thin girl with a short, boyish haircut. It was then that the fashion for thinness and the attributes of “third gender” clothing were revived.

Today, the unisex style has gained particular popularity for its comfort and style. It is worth noting that a woman in men's clothing does not lose her sexuality, but on the contrary, behind overly long sleeves and baggy shapes she looks more fragile and feminine.