Removing hair extensions. Is it possible to remove tape extensions yourself?

Every girl dreams of her hair being long and thick. Unfortunately, not everyone has been endowed with such by nature. By resorting to hair extensions, you can correct this mistake of nature.

The hair extensions will have to be removed after about 1-3 months. Let's look at ways to do this at home.

The choice of method for removing hair extensions mainly depends on what fixation technology was used for their extensions.

— In the case of Chinese hair extensions, small metal clips are opened with nail clippers.

— If we are talking about removing hair after tape extensions (the hair extensions are attached to your own hair using a special technical polymer), then remove them using a hairdryer.

Under the influence of hot air, the glue heats up, which makes it possible to separate the hair extensions from your hair. And the remaining glue is removed using a special liquid.

— If the capsule method was used for hair extensions, then such hair can be removed at home in several ways.

Use a special liquid to soften the capsules. Afterwards, you can easily remove the hair extensions.

You can use nail polish remover or other alcohol-based liquids. But under no circumstances use a liquid that contains acetone.

Use a curling iron to remove hair extensions. Heated capsules can be removed without much difficulty. And remove the keratin that remains after hair removal using oil.

You can make the capsules soft either by applying a mask for dry hair or oils (olive or burdock).

To avoid harming your hair, maintain a gap of three to six months between removal procedures and subsequent hair extensions.

Anna Sergeeva, cosmetologist

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Recently, it has been considered relevant to frequently change your image in order to change or improve. For this purpose, a variety of methods and techniques are used, but it is the hairstyle that undergoes changes most often. To get beautiful long hair, you don’t have to wait several years, because it’s enough to visit a beauty salon and enjoy the result in a few hours.

The hair extension procedure is becoming more and more popular every day. But in order for the hairstyle to look beautiful and stylish, artificial strands need to be properly cared for and not to forget about the need for timely correction. The most important thing is the procedure for removing hair extensions so as not to harm the natural strands.

Features of caring for hair extensions

Today, hair extensions are a fairly simple and quite affordable procedure, but artificial curls require not only regular, but also careful care.

First of all, you need to purchase a special comb with soft bristles, which makes it possible to thoroughly comb the strands without causing harm to them.

It is necessary to wash artificial hair thoroughly and regularly, following the following recommendations:

  1. First, you need to comb your hair thoroughly, each strand separately.
  2. You should not use any shampoo that has a pleasant scent. It is necessary to approach its choice with special attention, the main thing is that the product is pH neutral.
  3. It would be best to discuss with the specialist who performed the hair extensions which product is best to use for washing your hair. In this case, the extension method used must be taken into account.
  4. Before applying shampoo to the strands, it needs to be diluted with a small amount of water, so that the product can be evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls.
  5. It is recommended to wash your hair while standing in the shower. If you tilt your head, there is a risk of getting your hair very tangled, after which it will be very difficult to comb it, and sometimes even impossible.
  6. After washing, you do not need to wrap your hair with a towel, it is also forbidden to twist it, otherwise this will lead to not the most pleasant consequences. It will be enough to lightly blot the curls with a towel, but do not rub, so as not to tangle.
  7. Do not comb wet strands, as they must first be thoroughly dried with a hairdryer.
You also need to follow a few tips for styling hair extensions:
  • A variety of thermal styling products can be used, but the places where artificial strands are attached should not be touched.
  • All styling products must be pH neutral and gentle, without aggressive chemicals in their composition.
  • If you need to do a complex hairstyle, it is best to trust a hairdresser who knows how to properly handle artificial strands so as not to spoil them or disturb the attachment points.

Hair extension methods

Before proceeding directly to the hair removal procedure, you need to know which extension method was used. The choice of method for removing them will depend on this.

Today, hair can be extended using several methods:

  1. Keratin extensions. The resulting effect will not last long, so this extension option is used in cases where long hair is needed for several days.
  2. French extension. This is one of the most popular options as it is the safest for natural hair.
  3. English extension. This type of extension takes quite a lot of time, since the thermal method will be used. You need to pay special attention to the selection of a specialist who will do extensions, since in the absence of experience, there is a risk of causing serious harm to natural hair.
  4. Ultrasonic extension. This extension method helps to get long hair, and the next correction will be needed no earlier than in 4 months.
  5. Spanish extension. The resulting effect lasts for about six months, however, correction must be carried out every 3 months so that the hairstyle does not lose its attractive appearance.
  6. Chinese build-up. This is one of the very first extension methods.
  7. Tape extension. The resulting effect will last quite a long time, but corrections must be made every two months.
If you need to quickly remove your hair extensions, you don’t have to seek help from a professional, as you can do everything yourself at home. The main thing is to know several subtleties and features of this process.

How to remove hair extensions at home?

Of course, if there is such a possibility, it would be best to seek help from an experienced hairdresser so as not to spoil your natural hair. But with the right approach, you can do it yourself. It is important to remember that the method of removing artificial strands will directly depend on the extension method used.

How to remove artificial hair after tape extensions?

This method of hair extensions is based on attaching individual artificial strands to natural ones using a special sticky side. This process is not the most pleasant; if the procedure is not performed by an experienced master, quite severe pain may be felt. However, this is one of the cheapest methods of hair extensions.

Such strands can be removed quite simply. You need to take a simple hairdryer and alcohol-containing liquid. The procedure itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First, the places where the artificial strands are attached to the natural ones are warmed up well with a hairdryer (the more they are heated, the easier the strands will be removed).
  • Almost all locks will be easy to remove, but some locks may be very difficult to remove.
  • If the strands cannot be removed, you need to use an alcohol-containing product to wipe the roots and carefully remove them.
  • Artificial hair may remain, which can be easily removed simply by carefully combing the curls.

There is one interesting feature: the longer artificial hair extensions using the tape method are worn, the easier it will be to remove them, since over time the glue gradually loses its functions.

How to remove artificial hair after English extensions?

This is one of the modern and most popular hair extension techniques. It is based on attaching artificial strands to natural ones using special hot tongs. The extension strand is held in a special capsule, which, under the influence of high temperatures, begins to melt, and the curls stick to natural hair. It is quite difficult to examine these capsules, which is why this method is the most popular, but has a high cost.

You can remove artificial hair yourself at home, but to do this you need to purchase a special gel or liquid product that will dissolve the keratin capsules. Such a product is sold today in almost every professional cosmetic store, but you will have to pay quite a large sum for it.

If such a procedure is carried out at home, after using a special liquid, you must apply natural oil (for example, castor, burdock or olive) or a greasy mask to your hair. After this, the artificial strands will be separated easily and will not harm your natural hair.

You can also use another method - you need to heat your hair well with a hairdryer or use hot water, but not boiling water, otherwise you can get a serious burn.

When extending or removing artificial strands after the English method, there is virtually no harm to natural hair. It is thanks to this quality that this method of extension is so popular.

How to remove artificial hair after Spanish extensions?

This is one of the safest hair extension methods. The master carefully selects the strands by hand and attaches artificial curls to each one using special glue.

To remove artificial hair after this method, you must use a special solvent. However, in this case, it is not recommended to try to carry out the procedure yourself at home; it is best to entrust the work to an experienced professional so as not to spoil your natural hair.

How to remove artificial hair after Chinese extensions?

The basis of hair extensions using this method is that artificial curls are attached using special metal clips. This method is not very popular, since there is a risk of causing serious harm to natural strands - metal has a negative effect on natural hair:
  • there is a constant mechanical action that disrupts the structure of the hair;
  • As a result of metal contact with hair, the strands begin to wear off and literally break.
To remove artificial hair after this method of extension, you need to use pliers or tweezers that simply open the clamps. This procedure is easy to carry out on your own at home, but it is best to ask someone to help in order to cause the least harm to your natural hair.

How to remove artificial hair after French extensions?

This is one of the most common methods of hair extensions, since absolutely no harm is done to the natural strands. This method is based on weaving braids from natural hair, to which artificial curls are attached.

After this extension, you can visit the pool, sauna, curl and dye your hair. And to remove the artificial locks, you just need to undo the braids.

How to remove artificial hair after ultrasonic extensions?

This is not the easiest method of hair extensions, but it has certain advantages - artificial strands are attached by melting a special keratin capsule with ultrasound, and then using tongs it is made flat.

To remove artificial hair, you must use a special product that liquefies keratin. The drug is applied to the place where the curls are attached and left for a while, after which it is washed off. Artificial strands are removed quite easily, but no harm is done to natural ones.

Of course, removing hair extensions yourself at home is quite simple, but it is worth considering the fact that some experiments can end in failure. That is why, if there is no experience, it is best to entrust the work to an experienced craftsman.

Watch the following video on how to remove hair extensions yourself at home:

With the help of strand extensions, it is very easy to adjust your own strand length, their splendor, and instantly turn into a real diva. However, artificial locks will not please you forever. Their service life is a maximum of five months. Then it is advisable to make a correction in the salon, or completely remove the extensions and give your own hair a rest. Don't be surprised, even if you remove all the existing beauty in the salon, your natural hairs will still become thinner and will require care - many restorative procedures. And if we talk about removing hair extensions at home, you will need much more masks, oils and other cosmetics. Even with the most careful and careful removal of strands that are not your own, some of your own hairs are lost along with them.

How to avoid premature removal of hair extensions

Sometimes, if not properly cared for, hair extensions lose their beauty much earlier than expected. For example, it is recommended to braid your hair in a loose braid before going to bed, but going to bed with a wet head or rubbing your scalp vigorously when washing, using too thick shampoos, and applying conditioner to the hair roots is strictly prohibited. When styling with curling irons, a hot hairdryer or an iron, do not touch hot parts (including directing a hot stream of air) to the places where the hair extensions are attached, so as not to damage the capsules or glue.

Extension material

Do not forget about the quality of work, which depends only on the degree of skill of the stylist. The better the extensions are done, the less likely it is that your hair will curl, accidentally fall off, or require correction ahead of time. And, of course, do not forget about the material that is used for extensions.

For extensions, artificial (the cheapest and least quality strands) and natural hair are used. The latter, in turn, are divided into three types: European (budget option, wear period no more than three months, number of corrections performed - no more than three), South Russian (more practical material that can be dyed and curled) and Slavic hair (the most high-quality, popular and expensive material, wear life up to five months with the ability to change color and style curls).

Types of extensions and how to remove hair extensions at home

Chinese method

In this technology, donor strands are attached to the original ones with small metal rings. Such micro-clamps are fixed using forceps resembling pliers. Chinese hair extensions were banned due to the fact that the metal attachment damages the hair structure, leads to brittleness and loss, and significantly spoils the hairstyle. The wearing period of the strands does not exceed one and a half months.

If, nevertheless, you came across an unscrupulous hairdresser and extended your hair in this way, you can remove the iron rings at home by cutting each one with manicure tweezers. But be prepared for the fact that it is easy to cut off your own hairs along with the rings.

Tape extensions are much safer and more gentle than Chinese ones. The curls are attached to the roots of the natural hair in a cold way, using a thin adhesive or keratin tape. During the work, the stylist divides the hair into horizontal partings and sets strands with a thickness of two to four centimeters. Correction or removal of artificial strands is carried out after two months of use.

It is easy to remove such strands at home using a liquid that dissolves keratin (glue) or ordinary alcohol. Before removing, you just need to warm up the attachment points with a hot stream of air from a hairdryer and treat the entire root zone with an alcohol solution. The remaining adhesive fixative on the hair is additionally treated with alcohol and combed out with a fine-toothed comb.

Another method that is cold and completely safe for natural hair. Donor hair is attached (sewn) in the occipital and temporal zones onto pre-braided thin horizontal braids. The service life reaches two months.

To remove annoying curls at home, you need to untangle all the existing knots, undo the braids and separate the donor hair from the family.

Hot extension methods - English and Italian

Both of these methods are hot, that is, when working, the master heats the adhesive composition with a special tool (portable or stationary tongs, ultrasound). The service life reaches five months. A high-quality and long-term option for attaching donor hair to family members. Such extensions are not cheap; correction in the salon will cost a pretty penny.

With Italian extensions, strands are used that have already been coated with a keratin adhesive capsule. It is melted and soldered at a distance of about one centimeter from the scalp. The capsule can be flat, formed by a machine after sealing, or more voluminous, formed by hand. After this, correction is no longer possible.

The English method of extension is very similar to the Italian one, but the adhesive composition (resin or keratin) is not included with the strands, but is squeezed out directly during operation using a special apparatus.

At home, it is difficult to get rid of strands grown using these methods, but it is possible. Expect to spend four to six hours for the procedure. Before the process of removing donor strands, a large amount of burdock pharmaceutical oil is applied to the hair roots and left under a plastic cap for four hours. The oil can be replaced with any existing cosmetic mask for very dry hair. During this time, the oil or mask will slightly soften the keratin and help get rid of curls. After softening the capsules, it is advisable to heat them with a hot hairdryer, curling iron or flat iron, and then remove the donor hair.

In any case, glue will remain on your natural hair. To eliminate it as safely as possible, you should purchase a remover or replace it with alcohol solutions. The remover will cost about four hundred rubles. After wetting the remaining glue with liquid, you should carefully comb it out with a fine-toothed comb. Having a remover available, you can do without the procedure of applying oil.

Spanish extensions are a way to get a luxurious head of hair in less than two hours after a visit to the stylist. In this case, hot tongs will not be used. Instead, the master will prepare the glue itself and its activator. The strand is first glued to the natural hair, then a small capsule, no larger than a grain of rice, is formed from the glue. With timely correction, you can wear long hair for a whole year.

You can remove your own hair extensions using the Spanish method using a liquid that dissolves nail polish or acrylic. The capsules are moistened and after softening, the donor strands are removed.

Of course, in various life situations, there is not always time or opportunity to visit a specialist to correct strands. When removing hair extensions yourself, be prepared for the possible loss of your natural hair and the need for treatment after the procedure.

Video - all about hair extensions, how to remove hair extensions yourself

It is best to remove them in the place where you built them up, but if this is not possible, you can remove them at home. We must remember that if we remove hair extensions ourselves at home, we will have a huge number of benefits at our disposal. Firstly, you don’t need to pay a lot of money for this procedure in a salon. Secondly, you will save your time and also will not encounter unprofessional specialists. Don't try to save money by doing something cheap. Usually, low prices do not guarantee high-quality results.

So, how to remove hair extensions at home. Before you begin the procedure, make sure you have all the necessary equipment and materials. When removing hair at home, you should have vegetable oil on hand, which acts as a solvent. A mask for oily or oily skin can also remove hair. Let's consider several methods.

First way. Take the oil and apply it to the attachment capsules. The oil should be left for five hours or longer. After this, carefully comb your hair. There is one drawback - with this procedure you also lose your own hair.

The second way to remove hair extensions at home involves using a special gel that removes keratin capsules. You need to do the following: apply the gel to the capsules, rub and leave for half an hour. After this, apply a mask for dry hair and wait another half hour. In order for the capsules to soften, they must be kept in cold water for about 20 minutes. Then, armed with a comb, we remove the hair extensions, helping ourselves with our fingers.

The third method applies to those hairs that have been extended using special glue. Let us say right away that it is not easy to do this procedure on your own. So, how to remove hair extensions at home. After 4 months, the glue loses its properties and is easy to dissolve. To remove, you need to apply it to the hair part and leave it there for 4 hours. After this, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. If the hair is artificial, it will easily lend itself to such an operation.

Fourth way. When applying hair extensions using Japanese technology, special clips are used. Apply burdock oil to your hair and leave for 3 hours. Then, using pliers, you need to carefully break the capsules and remove the hair.

Fifth way. To remove hair that has been extensions done cold or hot, you need to purchase a gel remover at the pharmacy - a product that removes hair extensions. We apply it to the junction of the hair and leave it for 10 minutes. Then we take a comb with wide teeth and comb the hair.

So, you have read the question of how to remove hair extensions at home. All the methods that help remove hair extensions also affect your own, so some of them will also be lost. Before you begin such a responsible operation, you need to find out the extension method that was used in your case. After this procedure, you should definitely pamper your hair with various nourishing masks.

If everyone tries to get hair extensions mainly in salons or from hairdressers, then you can remove such strands at home. The method of removal and the devices used depend on what type of extension was used: capsule, tape, ultrasonic, weaving. While saving significant money, the process will take quite a lot of time. You need to be careful and attentive, the procedure is labor-intensive, and if handled carelessly and in a hurry, there is a risk of damaging living strands. Read on to find out what products and methods to use without harm when removing hair extensions.

Pros and cons of withdrawal

Removing hair extensions at home is a responsible procedure. The fact is that attaching donor strands does not benefit your own hair, and with the slightest mistake you risk damaging them. Despite this, many beauties are in no hurry to turn to professionals, but perform the procedure at home.

What are the advantages of home transformation:

  • price is the main factor that drives fashionistas. It's no secret that removing hair extensions at home will save a considerable amount;
  • no need to wait for the master to have time for you. You are your own boss and can perform the procedure whenever it is convenient for you;
  • broken trust. Unfortunately, not all masters can guarantee the success of the process, either due to low professionalism or the condition of the hair is so deplorable. In any case, the mood is spoiled, the expected effect is not achieved, and there is no desire to go to the master again.

What do you risk when renting a house, its negative aspects:

  • if done incorrectly, you can tangle the strands;
  • the risk of damaging your own curls increases due to the performer’s lack of experience;
  • When removing donor strands, you may inadvertently lose a small amount of your own hair.

Even if the removal of donor locks at home does not go entirely smoothly or is not successful, you can always turn to a professional for help. Plus, you gain a little experience in this matter, which may be useful in the future.

Cost of the procedure in the salon and at home

It’s worth noting right away that the cost between professional and home removal of hair extensions varies significantly. On average, in a beauty salon you will pay from 1 thousand rubles for such a procedure. The final cost is influenced by several factors: the class of the master and beauty salon, the number of donor strands and extension technology.

Please note that in the price list for hairdressing services, hairdressers often indicate the cost of removing one strand. On average this is 30 rubles, plus 25 rubles you will pay for the work. After simple calculations, it turns out 55 rubles per donor strand.

As for independent “creativity,” the procedure can be completely free. The method of extension affects waste. For example, for hair extensions using the German method, you will need a special solvent liquid.

Review of popular tools

There are a lot of special gels and liquids with which you can easily get rid of boring donor strands. They also contain nutritional components, amino acids, vitamins and natural extracts of plants and medicinal herbs. As a result, in addition to the careful removal of extension elements, you will improve the health of your natural hair weakened by the procedure.

The choice of product depends on the technology that was previously used. Let's look at the most popular manufacturers.


The product from the Ukrainian brand Furman is widely used in beauty salons when correcting hair extensions, and is also suitable for carrying out the procedure at home.

It only takes 30 seconds for the product to soften the fastening of the donor capsules. The drug is absolutely safe for native curls.

Features of application: used to remove hair extensions using hot and cold methods.

The cost of the composition is about 120 rubles.

Rio Profi

The universal product Rio Profi H-Remover Lotion is used to remove strands grown using the tape or capsule method. The product contains jojoba oil, it softens the natural hair at the attachment point, fills it with nutritional components and prevents dry hair.

3-5 drops of the composition are applied directly to the capsule or tape of the donor strand. This amount is quite enough. Purchasing such a product will cost approximately 150 rubles.


The drug has a gentle effect on keratin capsules for attaching donor strands. The chemical composition is supplemented with essential oils and extracts of medicinal herbs.

The product bottle has a drip dispenser, which is very convenient to work with. Professionals also use the drug as a liquid for degreasing curls during re-extensions using the cold method.

The advantages of the liquid include the absence of an unpleasant, specific odor, gentle action and harmlessness to natural hair. The affordable price will also surprise the buyer; a 125 ml package of the product will cost 200–230 rubles.

Arcos Solvent

The product for the intended procedure from this brand can be used in a beauty salon and at home. The main active ingredient is isopropyl alcohol. It does not injure natural strands, does not cause an allergic reaction and evaporates quickly. On average, the correction procedure will take 1.5–2 hours, due to the intensity of the drug.

One bottle of product will be enough for 5 or more procedures. Also used for degreasing hair. The cost of the liquid is 2500 rubles per 200 ml.

Peculiarities: used primarily for correction of tape extensions.

Important! The product has been certified in Russia, Germany and a number of countries around the world.

Y.R.E. Professional

The company offers an active product for removing hair extensions with tapes. The drug must be sprayed onto the site where the donor elements are attached, after 30 seconds you can begin to remove them.

The composition has a pleasant aroma, it contains notes of lemon, rose, apple.

Buying one 150 ml package will cost 350–370 rubles.

Hair removal methods at home

During extensions, donor strands are secured in various ways: gluing, hot capsules, weaving, attaching rings, microclips, etc. Depending on this, means, compositions and devices for their removal are selected: heating, dissolving, unbraiding.


After tape (Hollywood) extensions, a special gel or solution is used to remove donor strands, which dissolves the adhesive part of the tape. The strands are then easily separated from the living hair.

It is possible to use alcohol or alcohol lotion, but if you have sensitive skin, severe irritation and even burns may occur.

Advice. You can try using a hair dryer to heat the glue on the tape with a stream of hot air and remove the artificial strands. The remaining glue is removed with a special compound.


  • specialist. composition for removing hair extensions or alcohol lotion;
  • The comb is sparse and thick.


  • divide the hair into several parts;
  • Heat the glue on the tapes using the maximum setting of the hairdryer;
  • carefully remove the strands;
  • remove the remaining special glue. composition or alcohol lotion;
  • comb your hair;
  • apply a caring mask.


Weaving is also called afro extensions, Brazilian extensions, it will be the easiest to remove. You need to carefully and consistently unravel the artificial hair attached to the base of the strands. This can be done with any convenient tool: many use crochet hooks or knitting needles. The freed strands can be pinned in any direction so as not to interfere with working with the rest.


  • a sparse thick comb;
  • crochet hook or knitting needle (any convenient tool for carefully unraveling curls).


  • carefully and thoroughly undo all the braids and knots, separating your own and artificial strands;
  • carefully comb out the remaining artificial hairs, which can bristle under the natural ones and spoil the hairstyle;
  • apply a care product.

Capsule hot

Hot capsule extension (Italian) involves attaching donor strands with a keratin capsule. It melts and securely attaches the artificial hair to the living base. The capsule is afraid of high temperatures and fatty compounds. This means that when removing, you need to lubricate the places where the artificial hair is attached with plenty of greasy lotion or oil.

The capsules soften and the strands can be easily removed without effort. You can warm up the roots with a stream of hot air from a hair dryer or with a styling iron.

Attention! The most effective way is to fill heated capsules with an oil solution using a medical syringe.

Tools, means:

  • comb or comb with sparse teeth;
  • composition for removing hair extensions;
  • nourishing or restorative mask;


  • warm the capsules with hot air using a hairdryer;
  • Apply the remover solution to the capsules and wait for a period of time according to the instructions;
  • apply a nourishing mask or oil to capsules and hair;
  • Carefully remove all artificial strands one by one using a comb or manually.

If your hair is weak or there are doubts that it will not be possible to remove the strands using the method described above, then you can buy a professional product for dissolving capsules. These gels and solvents are sold in specialty stores and pharmacies, with detailed instructions for use. Usually you need to apply the drug and wait until the capsule dissolves on its own.

It is forbidden:

  • tear off the softened capsule if it is heated but cannot be removed (living hair breaks and is torn out);
  • overheat the capsule with an iron for more than 7 seconds. - if it doesn’t immediately soften, then this won’t happen, you need to use another method, otherwise the living hair will burn;
  • try to split the capsule like a nut using pliers or tongs - it will not crack from squeezing.

Capsule cold

It is not recommended to remove hair extensions using the Spanish method - using glue softened with a special activator and hardening on the hair in microcapsules. The glue that is used during the procedure can be dissolved at home with acrylic remover compounds and similar substances. And this is detrimental to living hair.

On the Internet you can find methods of removal using liquids with acetone, but this should not be done - the hair structure and scalp will be damaged, and there may be allergic reactions.

That's why the best option is the work of a professional hairdresser. It will cost money, but will keep your hair healthy.


The keratin capsule, melted by ultrasound and flattened using forceps, is removed using special means. They dissolve keratin and then the strands are easily separated. If you act carefully and take your time, your natural hair will not be damaged.


  • special pliers (do not use pliers!);
  • remover composition;
  • composition for cleaning keratin residues;
  • wide-toothed comb.


  • the remover composition is applied, the time is recorded according to the instructions;
  • strands can be removed without effort;
  • the remaining keratin is removed specially. composition;
  • Remains of artificial strands are removed by careful combing.